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Final - Lesson 1 - Showdown Hit Foot

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Task 3: Scaffolded ​Lesson Plan 1

Caleb Barker - Level 2 Field Experience - Jesup

Lesson Plan #1 - 6th Grade
Tent. Lesson Date: Friday, Feb 26th 2021

Lesson Topic • Existing materials in classroom
•Your mentor teacher’s recommendations and curriculum •technology resources
•Prior learning of class •materials you will bring in
•Student needs and interests •what supporting documents or materials will you develop (worksheet, PowerPoint, graphic
organizer, etc.)
- 20-30 hula hoops (for maximum participation)
Hula Hoop Showdown (Rock, Paper, Scissors) - Hopping,
- 20-30 bean bags (for underhand throwing)
reaction time, strategy, teamwork
- One Full Gym for Two Different Activities
Team Hit Foot (Dodgeball w/ bean bags)- Hopping, underhand
- Stereo/Speaker
throwing w/ accuracy, strategy, teamwork, communication

Aligned Standard(s) Learning Goal(s) Assessments

•Are goals meaningfully aligned to •Are goals measurable and observable? •What do students already know about this topic?
standard(s)? •Are goals meaningfully aligned to •How will you find out more about student understanding of your topic before your lesson, during
•Consider content, process, and 21​st​ Century standard(s)? your lesson, and at the end of your lesson?
Skills standards •Do assessments provide clear evidence of student understanding of your learning goal(s) and
Consider strategies: performance observation participation checklists; written product that reflects
student thinking (i.e., graphic organizer, quick write, exit card); analysis of student comments and
questions; rubric evaluation of product or performance; student self-evaluation or peer evaluation;

Creates open space by using I CAN​ hop (jump & land) - Teacher observation of hopping ability
locomotor movements (e.g., correctly to avoid a - Teacher observation of underhand throwing
walking, running, jumping and defender’s bean bag to touch - Teacher observation of strategy & teamwork used
landing) in combination with my feet & get me out (Hit - Teacher observation of rules & safety demonstrated
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movement (e.g., varying Foot), as well as hop
pathways; change of speed, efficiently through hula
direction or pace). (S2.M1.6) hoops (Hula Hoop

I CAN​ recognize when to

Transitions from offense to attempt to underhand throw
defense or defense to offense by a bean bag at an opponent’s
recovering quickly. (S2.M6.6) feet, and when to jump and
be cautious of the opposing
team doing the same.

Cooperates with a small group I CAN ​demonstrate correct

of classmates during adventure teamwork etiquette by
activities, game play or communicating with &
team-building activities. supporting my team during
(S4.M5.6) both activities.

I CAN ​recognize the rules &

Demonstrates correct technique correctly play the game of
for basic skills in 1 self-selected Rock, Paper, Scissors when
individual-performance needed while playing Hula
activity. (S1.M24.6) Hoop Showdown.

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General Standards Used:

Standard 1. ​The physically

literate individual demonstrates
competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement

Standard 2.​ The physically

literate individual applies
knowledge of concepts,
principles,strategies and tactics
related to movement and

Standard 4.​ The physically

literate individual exhibits
responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and

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Academic Language
Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy •What vocabulary is critical?
•Do goals target appropriate depth(s) of knowledge/Bloom’s level(s) of thinking?

- Underhand Throwing Cues (face your body at target, opposite

- Remembering motor skills to be used such as hopping &
foot in front, lead throw with your wrist, follow through upward)
underhand throwing (S2.M1.6).
- Hopping Cues (solid shoulder-width foundation, thrusting
- Understanding rules, safety, and expectations
upward & forward)
- Applying strategy & communication to execute gameplay
- Fairness & Respect
- Analyzing an opponent's decision to determine your next
- Communication & Teamwork
- Decision Making & Strategy
- Evaluating performance & what to change after
- Spacial Awareness & Safety
successful/unsuccessful throws/hops, etc (S1.M24.6).
- Creating a fun atmosphere and small-group team environment
to compete & enjoy (S4.M5.6).

Instructional ​Sequence Cue Words & Assessments Expectations, Transitions

•What activities will you use to model, guide, and support students in reaching your learning goal? •​Align your assessments from •how will you set expectations for
Consider Strategies:​ ​small group/cooperative learning​; ​extended discussion/questioning​; ​hands-on above to your instructional student behavior before and during
activity/project, manipulatives, problem-based learning​;​Other sequence. the lesson? (picking up materials;
Consider: collaborative work time; listening
•​Cue Words are verbal words that
•How will you introduce the lesson in an engaging way (hook, launch, anticipatory set)?
•What are key questions you will ask? direct students’ attention to the behaviors)?
•Approximately how much time do you plan for each learning activity key elements of the skill •how will you transition from one
•How will you conclude the lesson and summarize learning? activity or place to the next?
•Approximately how much time do
you plan for each learning activity

Intro/WarmUp (3 minutes): ​Because the motor skills of hopping & underhand throwing - ​HOPPING Students know that they are
are fairly simple for 6th graders, a shorter warm-up is all they will need. - SLIDING doing some sort of movement
to start the period - the

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- Students will enter the gym and instead of doing their normal 3 laps of running, they will expectation is already set (I
be doing 1 lap of hopping (with the choice of running if physically unable ) just have to clarify the motor
- Student will head to the thick blue line underneath the nearest basketball hoop as they
movement for the day).
normally do for instruction & expectations
Music may be played for the
- I will begin with instruction of Hula Hoop Showdown below warmup laps after I read the
room to determine if they
need it or not.
Stopped music indicates we
head back to the blue line.

Students will sit with their

voices off where they normally
do to start the class, the thick
blue line.

Fitness Activity (10-15 minutes) (Hula Hoop Showdown) Students will continue to sit quietly
on the thick blue line for instruction
Who here knows how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors? Who can tell me what beats what? Remember Rock, Papers, Scissors, and demonstration.
Also, when playing, we will end with ​Shoot. SHOOT!
Students may ask to move closer to
Now with the basics of Rock, Paper, Scissors, we can modify that into Hula Hoop the game space if they cannot
Showdown! As you can see, there are 4 teams with 3 bean bags each. The goal of the visualize fully.

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game is to end up with all of the beanbags from every team, 12 total. Each team will start
at the end of their lane, and hop & hop until they meet an opposing team’s player.

*Ask for two volunteers to demonstrate gameplay. I will have one student stand in their
“home” hula hoop and I will stand in front of them, visually challenging their forward Thrust up & forward when
progress movement. Hopping!

As you can see, two players from opposing teams have met in their hula hoops after Try to Hop QUICKLY &
hopping through several. When this happens, you must play Rock, Paper, Scissors until EFFICIENTLY!
someone wins. The winner immediately continues hopping until met with another
opposing player, and the same theme occurs. If you are the team whose player loses the Respect the Opponent’s Space in
battle, the next player in line may start hopping once they step out of their hula hoop. front of you.

If you hop to the “home hoop” of the opposing team's lane, you will gently retrieve one Be GENTLE & RESPECT the
of their bean bags and head to the back of your line of your home lane and wait until your opposing team when retrieving a
turn is up again. bean bag.

Your team will face the team on your side of the “X” until all of the opposing bags are Stay in Your Lane!
taken. Once this happens, you may try to cross the “X” and go for another team's bags in
their lanes. If you meet two players battling already, patiently wait and then take on the
winner. When given the choice of two lanes to hop down, you may quickly pick either
one, using strategy to get a losing team out of the game quicker.
Students may raise their hand from
OR using our simple modified version, two teams will simply face off with one another in the thick blue line when answering
a single lane rather than an “X” to provide shorter, faster overall games. prompted questions.

Who can tell me how we are moving through each hula hoop?

What do you do when you get to the end of an opposing team’s lane?

Which team do you face until one loses from your side?

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What should you do if you meet two other opposing players currently battling? Students may head to their
designated team location when told.
Let’s get started! I am going to quickly # you off 1-4, please hold up your number for me
and do not change it after it is given. Remember to HOP, be GENTLE, and be RESPECTFUL
around the Hula Hoops. When gameplay begins, music will be
played until a team wins!

Lesson Focus: ​The Learning Focus for today is Hopping, Underhand throwing/sliding, and
teamwork. Below I will introduce their second game of the day, pulling all of these ideas
together. As we can see, we progressed from simply hopping during the Hula Hoop
Showdown, to hopping, throwing, dodging, communicating, and using spacial awareness
for Team Hit Foot.

Culminating Activity: (15-20 Minutes) (Team Hit Foot) I will ask the students to head
to the other side of the gym
- After the gist of hopping and strategy is under control by most students from my
observational assessments, we will combine that motor skill with underhand throwing and
after their previous game is
offensive/defensive movements as well. completed. There, we will
meet on the 3 point line for
Everyone please form a semicircle around and facing me on the 3-Point Line! instruction.

*Ask for 1 Volunteer to help demonstrate understanding throwing with a bean bag with Students are expected to not
accuracy touch the equipment of the
new activity, only at the end to
Our second activity today is going to combine both hopping and now underhand
throwing is called Team Hit Foot! We actually played this game at UNI, so if us college
help clean up.
students can enjoy it, I know you all can too! Now, who here has ever played a game of

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Dodgeball, inside or outside of school? Well, because we are not allowed to play an Remember the main idea, HIT
actual g​ ame of dodgeball, we are going to play with bean bags, while underhand THEIR FOOT!
throwing them at each other's feet. The idea is to HIT THE OPPOSING TEAM’S FEET.
SLIDE the Bean Bag, don’t
Just like in normal dodgeball, we want to get everyone on the opposing team “out.” We Overhand THROW it.
do this by sliding the bean bag at their feet. You can do this with force, with a side arm or
using normal underhand throwing technique, ​as long as it stays on the ground and only
hits the feet for the safety of the other player.
THRUST UP when Hopping to
IF an opposing player slides a bean bag at your foot and you fail to hop over it or dodge it AVOID an opponent’s bean bag.
and it hits you, you will head to the opposing team’s ​jail (the baseline on opposite side of
gym) F​ rom jail, you can pick up stray bean bags and slide them at the opposing player’s
feet as well. If you manage to hit them, you are back in. You can also get back in if the
player that got you out, gets out. Be Spatially AWARE.

*Demonstrates gliding at volunteer’s foot, getting them out. Be HONEST. Students should know the
boundaries of a normal
The team with players standing while the other has all their players in jail, wins.
basketball court, staying
We will have two teams on both sides of the half-court line. Teams will start the game on DODGE when playing “DEFENSE.” within the lines for this game.
their given sides baseline, without touching any bean bags. (avoiding)

How do we get an opposing player out? Try for ACCURACY when playing
“OFFENSE.” (sliding)
What do we do if we get out?

How can we get back in?

How can a team win?

Let’s get going! Pick a partner you want to be with. *I will then split the class up evenly
based on the pairs, sending different skill levels to each side.

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Closure: (5 Minutes) Students will be on the
original thick blue line, with
Everyone please grab a bean bag and hula hoop, put them on the stage, and meet me at
the thick blue line!
the expectation of having their
voices off except to answer
You all had GREAT effort and energy today, did you all enjoy today’s lesson? questions/make comments of
the lesson.
Which game did we like more?

What motor movements did we work on today?

What makes a teammate a good one? Why is teamwork important for any activity?

Thank you so much for your attention & participation today!

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Plan for Differentiation
Consider strategies:​ ​the specific needs of a target student in the class (student A)​; ​differentiated questioning (planned extensions/scaffolds)​; ​student choice​; ​scaffolded task (e.g., skeleton notes, word banks,
essay template, graphic organizer, think alouds, physical fitness adaptation)​; ​additional equipment (assistive technology, manipulatives)​; ​pacing or length of assignment​; ​strategic grouping

- When it comes to underhand throwing during (Team Hit Foot), perhaps, if available, different sized bean bags will be available for
students with different arm strength & accuracy awareness.
- Students who may not be able to hop, or students who would rather not hop for their own safety, running through the hula hoops
may be an option for them. (Hula Hoop Showdown). There is one student for a younger section that has a Para that may not be able
to efficiently jump, that is why there is this option. But, for the 6th grade section (this lesson focus), everyone should be able to hop.
- Varying rules mid-game to keep the more competitive students engaged will be essential. (throwing with non-dominant hand, only
hopping with one foot, creating a jailbreak for more gameplay, etc)
- Gameplay & rules will be efficient and modified if needed to cater to 6th grade attention-span/focus.
- Game space & organization (hula hoops) will be modified if time calls for shorter gameplay. Modifications are shown below on the
classroom organization image I made. Instruction will vary based on which style of hula hoop placement Mr. Zuck and I agree on.

Task 3 Scaffolded Lesson Plan 1​: ​Rubric for Planning Lesson Plan Assessment– (Draft 2)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
not met partially met met exceeded
Learning Goals Learning goals are ​not Learning goals​ ​are ​superficially Learning goals are ​aligned L​earning goals ​clearly and consistently
alignment aligned​ to standards aligned​ to standards to standards aligned to standards sd
Learning goal/s are
consistently not
Learning Goals Learning goal/s are Learning goal/s are ​partially Learning goal/s are Learning goal/s are ​clearly and
observable and consistently not measureable consistently measureable consistently measureable
measurable measurable
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Depth of thinking Learning goals ​focus Learning goals focus ​primarily Learning goals​ ​focus on Learning goals focus​ primarily on higher
solely on lower order on lower order thinking skills lower​ AND h​ igher order order thinking skills with some
thinking skills​ (i.e., with some attention to thinking skills attention to lower order thinking
procedures, recall, higher order thinking skills
Alignment of Learning goals are ​not L​earning goals ​are loosely L​earning goals ​are aligned L​earning goals ​are clearly and
learning goals to aligned​ to aligned to assessment/s to assessment/s consistently aligned​ to assessment/s
assessment/s assessment/s
Learning The sequence of and The sequence of and The sequence of and The sequence of and instructional
progressions and instructional activities instructional activities planned instructional activities activities planned ​are clearly connected
instructional plan planned ​are not are loosely connected and will planned ​are connected and and will provide strategic support​ to
connected and will provide limited​ support to will provide support​ to help students meet learning goals
provide little to no help students meet learning help students meet learning
support​ to help goals goals
students meet learning
 Planned supports There are ​no planned The planned supports for The planned supports for The planned supports​ clearly address a
addressing supports for students students ​are generic with students ​clearly address at variety of student learning needs
student needs little to no relation to student least one student learning
learning needs need

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