Year7 Football SoW 2014
Year7 Football SoW 2014
Year7 Football SoW 2014
It is helpful if the pupils have: Through the activities in this unit pupils will be Footballs
Learnt the basic principles of attack and able to understand, use and recall terminology Bibs
defence. relating to football. Cones
Worked in small teams to plan how to play Ladders
Taken different roles in some games, E.g. Attack, Defence, pressing, formation, finding
including attacker and defender and using space, changing speed, being direct,
Used and kept rules and conventions for marking, covering, delaying, moving feet,
games watching the ball & following through.
Key Concepts and Processes:
Outwitting an opponent: Developing Physical & Mental Capacity Development & Replication of Skills
Pupils will develop the ability to outwit opponents and Develop ability to perform sustained physical Pupils will learn to use basic principles of play when
teams using strategies and tactics. Pupils will learn to movements as part of a warm up and games activities. selecting and applying tactics for defending and
choose, combine and perform basic football skills Use football concepts to develop observation skills on attacking. Pupils will develop the skills necessary to
applying fluency and accuracy in replication. Adaptation peer performances, skills and techniques. To develop outwit opponents. Passing, shooting, control and
and refinement of core skills will contribute to producing an understanding of the basic rules and roles during a heading will be developed through small sided games
an improved performance and outwit opposition more game situation. and conditional situations Demonstrating high quality
frequently. performances and accurate replication will be assessed
against expected learning outcomes.
Problem Solving, Challenges & Making Decisions Making Informed Choices About Healthy, Active Evaluating and Improving
Pupils will learn to identify and recognise principles of Lifestyle Be able to understand the concept of football and make
attack and defence and begin to work out how to adapt. Highlight the possible health benefits gained from taking effective evaluations of strengths and weaknesses of
Pupils will implement strategic and tactical decisions part in Football based activities and discuss the need to performance. Suggest area for improvement. (Peer
based on movement of the ball into space and choice of stay healthy and active. Suggest any Football clubs coaching, ‘what makes good’ questioning/demos &
skill execution. Opportunities to play a variety of roles within the school timetable and promote community targeted differentiated questioning). Appropriate
within small groups will develop communication and links. To understand the type of fitness components that questioning on teaching points of the skills and
decision making skills (defender, attacker, and referee). football players need to perform at a high level. processes developed. Observation and peer
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Progress & Assessment by Outcomes – Expected Learning Outcomes of the unit
1.Movement with and without the ball. 2.Execution of core skills (Dribbling, Passing, Shooting)
All pupils will: Demonstrate basic movement techniques (dribbling) applied All pupils will: Use basic techniques in a small sided game and will pass and
with some coordination and control to gain an advance over an opponent. shoot with reasonable accuracy. Identify the differences between their
Confidence, accuracy and consistent replication is evident in low pressure performances and others.
Most pupils will: Pass using different variations covering longer and shorter
Most pupils will: Perform the necessary dribbling skills to suit the situation. distances. Accurately replicate core skills consistently and as a result plays a
Use different parts of the foot to maneuver/manipulate the ball into open main role in small sided games.
Some pupils will: Identify the type of core skill needed and perform these
Some pupils will: Control the ball and subsequently move/travel with the ball fluently and quickly even under pressure. More advanced variations of these
fluently. Skills are consistent and performed much quicker in response to skills are attempted and occasionally successful.
opposition pressure and make a significant impact on the game played.
3.Outwitting Opponents in a competitive game situation 4. Developing Physical Literacy. (run, jump, kicking, control)
All pupils will: Show a basic tactical awareness and react to opponent’s All pupils will: Demonstrate basic movements including running, jumping and
pressure in a small sided game. kicking techniques applied with some coordination and control.
Most pupils will: Use a sound understanding of the principles of attack when Most pupils will: Perform the necessary fundamental movement & football
planning their approaches to competitive games. Work effectively in a small skills that allow them to read their environment and make appropriate
team to choose and put into practice tactics for attacking and defending; decisions. The manipulation of this techniques are performed at a greater
Some pupils will: Demonstrate a sound level of tactical awareness and
respond to changing situations by adapting and refining their skills and Some pupils will: Control the ball and move with speed and agility. Core
techniques. Identify the main aspects of a good performance, recognise football skills are consistently performed quicker in response to opposition
weaknesses and suggest how a performance could be improved. pressure in a game.
Other Links: Physical Literacy Skills (Agility, Balance, Coordination, Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS):
Motivation, Movement competence and confidence), Numeracy Skills Creative thinkers
(Counting and Scoring), Citizenship (sportsmanship), Computing (Video Reflective learners
Recording and Analysing, use of ICT) Team workers
Effective participants
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Week Learning objectives Suggested lesson tasks/activity ideas Differentiation/ Personalised
Learning/Assessment Tools
Movement with the ball – Dribbling, Pulse raiser – football movements in a small 10m grid. Dynamic Adapt the number of touches/size of
Receiving & Turning stretches (i.e. lunge, touch instep of foot) 1 ball each or 1 between 2. practice area or size of target in
To be able to perform the basic dribbling Dribbling relays. Progress to in and out of cones. Move into small 5m SSG. Mid-lesson plenaries check –
movements with control. To be able to outwit grids – Pairs with 1 ball - Teaching points: Take weight out of ball. technical points to movement with
opponents with the use of these techniques. To Use side of foot, get ball out of feet. Always turn into space (Scan and the ball? Why is check shoulder
be able to perform skills in a small sided game check shoulder). Conditioned competitive games (See Small Sided important? Why is decision making in
making decisions about how best to advance on Games QR Code) – 2 goals at each end to encourage decision SSG vital to attacking?
opposition territory. making based on defenders position.
Passing and movement off the ball. Pairs warm up - Count to 3. Replace 1, 2 & 3 with jump, side step and Decrease speed of movement or
To be able to replicate passes in a space with jog backward and then forwards. In 25 x 25m grid, pupils to pass and increase size of working grid for
2 changing environment. To understand the move as a pair. Move as a ‘unit’ to the empty corners or space. those needing help. Mid-lesson
importance of width and playing into space in Introduce cone gates in the working area. Pass must go through it. plenaries check – How might the
order to attack and outwit opponents. To identify Highlight communication skills (use prior learning shoulder checks) player without the ball assist the ball
the type of information you might provide team Conditioned Game – 3 passes before you can score. Teaching points: carrier? Which role is more
mates when off the ball. Use of space to keep possession. Show movement to support player important? Identify information can
with the ball (not always forward!). they provide?
Passing Variations Split group into 2. One with ball + other without (10 x 20m grid) Provide warm up movement
To be able to accurately replicate the core skills Dribbling and move with ball or jog around in area. Add football variations for those finding them
3 of passing and receiving. To understand and movements both with and without ball. 3’s – Pass and move around difficult. Decrease/increase pace of
develop the knowledge of the type of pass 30mx30m grid. Avoid other 3’s (Spatial awareness) – use side Foot, passing in grids. Mid-lesson
needed and when. To be able to outwit outside, dominant, non-dominant. – TP’s – balance, coordination, plenaries check – How might spatial
opponents with a variety of passes in a weight of pass dependant on distance. 4 v 4 Competitive Game - awareness be used in a game?
competitive small sided game. Condition - 4 Passes then can shoot on goal. Identify variations in passes–Discuss
use throughout.
Shooting 20m x 20m grid – warm up movements in outlined space. Intro 1 ball Make defender passive to allow
To demonstrate a controlled shooting motion on per 3’s (recap prior learning) 3’s Shoot at a goal – roles – GK, feeder, success, build up level of pressure
a goal. To develop an understanding of how to shooter. T.Ps’ - Strike through ball, lock ankle, balanced body, applied. Increase/decrease size of
create space to shoot. To understand how to concentrate on accuracy not power. Low and into the corners = target. Mid-lesson plenaries check –
adjust shot selection based on opponents harder for opponents to stop. Progression – feeder becomes defender Demo successful & unsuccessful
positioning & environment. to create 1 vs 1. Conditioned game – coned area in the corner of shot – identify reasoning. Teaching
goals = 2 points. points checklist.
Attack/outwitting an opponents Pairs warm up – leader performs movements, follower copies. 3 vs 1 Pair individuals up according to
To develop a knowledge of how to outwit an in a grid passing to corners only (see passing and angles QR code) ability/fitness level. Limit touches of
opponent using the core football skills. To Progress to 4v2 attack end line of a channel. Change roles after 4 successful 4’s. Mid-lesson plenaries
understand and appreciate the need to make attempts. Encourage overload of attacks to encourage success. check – highlight why possession is
decisions about skill choice. To begin to refine Teaching points; Always at pace, with support, Use width, Move the key. Discuss how knowledge has
ideas as a team when unsuccessful. ball quickly. 4 vs 4 conditioned game. Shot must come from within a improved and what pupils know now
specific area. that they didn’t appreciate before.
Attack/outwitting an opponents Select 4/5 individuals to lead a small 2 min warm up. Pulse raise and Slow 1 vs 1 drill down or
To demonstrate the ability to outwit an opponent dynamic stretches. Set up 1 v 1 channel – pairs to beat opposition. open/reduce the space. Mid-lesson
in a game situation using the appropriate skills Move onto ‘dribbling QR Code’ outline above. Conditioned 5 vs 5 plenaries check – discuss ways to
and techniques. To be able to perform basic competitive game – Mark only 1 player (man to man) track ball and beat a defender, which ones were
defensive skills to stop opponents from man is a multi-functional skill. Why is it important? successful? Reinforce defending
advancing. To identify strengths and Teaching points – Scan and ‘read’ the flow of the game. Defending stance and why scanning is vital?
weaknesses when playing small sided games position sideways on, low, keep at arm’s length without committing How many times should players
and adapt strategies where necessary. until time is right. scan? (3 minimum)
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