Student Booklet - Close The Gap
Student Booklet - Close The Gap
Student Booklet - Close The Gap
Activity 1. Watch on Youtube “Our Generation - Full Length Version”
Just first 25minutes, Break down how different or similar your life is to
that shown in the video.
Activity 2.
a) Lets refresh….What does the term “Health” mean?
Health: Defined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?
• There is no one term that translates health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander languages – generally it is seen as ‘Life’. (Gatjil Djerrkura, NT).
• ‘Not just the physical well-being of the individual but the social, emotional, and
cultural well-being of the whole community. This is the whole-of-life view
and it also includes the cyclical concept of life-death-life.’ (National Aboriginal
Health Strategy Report, 1989).
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples view health as a collective
asset whereas many non-indigenous western cultures see health as an
individual asset.
c) Watch Youtube video on “Closing the Gap 2015”
d) Use 2-3 sentences to explore the similarities and differences between the
World Health Organisations definition of health to that of the ATSI peoples?
Activity 3 Health Facts
i) Research with the help of your teacher the Life Expectancy ranking of Australia
compared to the rest of the world… use Wikipedia even. AUST RANK: ______
ii) Which Gender, state and peoples has the highest Life Expectancy?
iii) Which Gender, state and peoples has the lowest Life Expectancy?
iv) Which state and gender has the greatest difference between Life
v) Where does Queensland Males and Females rank compared to the
other states listed in Life Expectancy? QLD Males rank: ______ QLD
Females Rank: _______
vii) Use the list of “Life expectancy by country” from wikipeadia to now
estimate what ranking Indigenous Australians would be if they were the
only peoples that lived in Australia. Indigenous Aust Country
RANKING: ___________
viii) Discuss where Australian Indigenous Australians are ranked compared
to the countries around them on the list, what are some similarities
Indigenous Australians face in regards to health that these countries
may also face.
Activity 4. The highest Authority on accurate information is the Australian Government websites.
The following is a report that we will use to answer the following questions and discuss
iv) Click on Adolescent and youth health Domain, What are the goals for Adolescent and
youth Health and are they on track?
Goal On track
v) Based on the goals, what is the primary focus of the study on Indigenous health?
vii) Click on Health checks – people aged 15-24 and scroll down to “Why is it important?”,
Skim the paragraph and what are some key phrases that are repeated Scroll further…
which state is performing the best at getting health checks done.
viii) What is one statistic every state has in common with each other when comparing males
to females ____________________________________, why might this be the case?
Social Determinates of Health
Activity 5 a) Look carefully at the 8 Social Determinates of Health and select 3 which you believe
have the greatest impact on your health, and give 2 examples of each.
EG Housing needs to be 1) free of pests, and 2) provides protection from the weather.
b) From the list of those you didn’t select, state what lead you to not including it in your list.
Consider using one of the following phrases in your answer…
“which is why” “which makes it” “different from” “for example”
What are the top 3 social Determinates to ATSI Peoples Health, and
give 2 examples of each
d) From the list of those you didn’t select, state what lead you to not including it in your list.
Consider using one of the following phrases in your answer…
“which is why” “which makes it” “different from” “for example”
Aboriginal Connection to, and respect for, Country Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do
not view the land like many western societies. They didn’t own the land, and do not now own the
land, but rather see themselves almost like guardians of their Country. Connection to Country is,
and still remains, a complex relationship.
Their lands and waters extended 30km up the Murray from Lake Alexandrina, the length of
the Coorong and the coastal area to Encounter Bay. Today this Aboriginal group is still very
strong, with a large community of people based in the Lower Murray and Coorong area.
Point McLeay Mission was founded on the shores of Lake Alexandrina in 1859 by the
Aborigines' Friends Association for the Aboriginal people of the Lower Lakes. George Taplin,
the Congregational minister, was its first administrator. Following Government administration from
1916, Point McLeay was returned to the Ngarrindjeri people in 1974 and renamed Raukkan in
Demonstrating where or what country one is from is critical to any Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander person for their self-identity, and when introducing themselves to other
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
However, there are many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who do not know their
country or mob due to forced removals from country or family (Stolen Generation). Since
identity is core to social and emotional health, not knowing Culture and Country can have a
negative impact on health.
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Activity 7: Racism and Mental Health
i) In three sentences, what do you think racism is?
ii) What five words best describe how you think racism makes people feel?
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
d. _____________________
e. _____________________
iv) In groups, discuss: What did your group think racism was before you watched the clips?
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vi) If your thoughts have changed, how have they? If they haven’t, what did you see in the
clips that confirmed your points of view?
viii) What you can do, as a group and as individuals, to address racist comments or actions?
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Activity 8
Watch the acceptance speech from when Adam Goodes was named Australian of the
Year in 2014.
i) What do you think he wins the award for?
ii) Is being a sports star easier or harder for him to be a “Poster Boy” for Anti-racism
message? Why?
Watch the 7min video called AFL 360 discuss Adam Goodes' dance Indigenous
Round 9 2015
iii) From 0:36 to 1:36 List some of the statements made by high profile media on the
iv) Watch again and tally the support or opposition of the war dance, then do a tally
of the class.
v) Are the result different…if so what could be some of the reasons for the
differences, use dot points if you like:
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