Noemy Mijares 7
Noemy Mijares 7
Noemy Mijares 7
#3 To solve problems ● Wholly fails to ● Cursory ● Minimal levels of ● Demonstrates ● Fully demonstrates
using analytics, demonstrate references / advanced data significant advanced data
critical thinking, advanced data minimal attempts analysis. advanced data analysis.
ethical thinking, and analysis. to include data ● Minimally analysis. ● Highly empirically
conceptualizing and ● Not empirically analysis. empirically based. ● Significantly based.
applying best based. ● Only nominally ● Demonstrates empirically based. ● Demonstrates full
practices (Specifically ● Demonstrates no empirically based. some application of ● Demonstrates application of
regarding PADM application of ● Merely introduces critical and ethical significant critical and ethical
6440 - Research critical and ethical full application of thinking. application of thinking.
Methods & PADM thinking. critical and ethical ● Minimally critical and ethical ● Fully incorporates
6620 - Critical ● Fails to address thinking. addresses best thinking. best practices.
Thinking & Ethics) best practices. ● Merely introduces practices. ● Significantly
best practices. ● Minimally Incorporates best
empirically based. practices.
#5 To communicate ● Disorganized, ● Problems with ● Writing skills are ● Moderately ● Highly effective
orally and in writing, incomplete writing written basically organized effective writing writing skills.
in a way that is skills. organization or and complete. skills. ● Clear, precise
productive and ● Major problems completeness. ● Understandable in ● Moderately clear, language.
effective in a diverse with language. ● Some language terms of language. precise language. ● Fully demonstrates
and changing ● Fails to problems. ● Some ● Partially the development of
workforce and demonstrate ● Mentions but does demonstration of demonstrates understanding and
citizenry (Specifically development of not demonstrate understanding and understanding and skill in engaging
regarding PADM understanding and the development of skill in engaging skill in engaging with diverse
6500 - Public Human skill in engaging understanding and with diverse with diverse workforce and
Resources with diverse skill in engaging workforce and workforce and citizenry.
Management) workforce and with diverse citizenry. citizenry.
citizenry. workforce and
Looking back at my experience a lot of these skills, I have been able to through the work in the public-sector. In some
areas of my work has been directly with the public, with little administration exposure. It makes it challenging to fully
understand and acknowledge the difference between serving the community and administrating the community. When
serving in the public-sector priorities change, In this area it has become challenging to fully understand the concept of
effectively administrating in the public sector. It has become a challenge because of the limitation of opportunities I
have been able to expose myself to. While working at the Department of Human Services, those who are administrators
have moved up with promotions instead of enforcing the public degree, which becomes changeling in overcoming
uncontrollable obstacles. Making is difficult to participate in and contribute to the public, fiscal, and economic policy
process. In this area it becomes challenging not to serve the public but understand that you can not make policy
processes. In this area I would like to eventually familiarize myself with economic policies, writing grants, and observing
more of the financial I need cannot make peace with public administration. With this perspective I need to understand
how to grow and understand financial and economical barriers. With my line of work a lot of my understanding and
perspective is based on serving the public including those vulnerable populations. I have spent a lot of time observing
Administration rules, but unfortunately they are limited due to my job function. In order to overcome this obstacle to
understanding the economical process I would like to explore different areas of public administration, eventually after
graduation I would like to explore different career paths. As we know in public administration there are different roles
that opened into job and title functions.
Well working in the public sector and completing a public administration degree, I began to learn the different and
diverse work responsibilities that an administrator has. During my work in the public administration degree process, I
never knew how many components or the importance it had on the different classes I had to take. As I took different
classes, regarding law, human when resources, and The economics piece of administration. As I began to learn in taking
different courses such as law classes, human resources, and criminal justice policies, I was able to understand the
different components of Public Administration. In some areas, I would suggest the Improvement of teaching students
how Administration would be beneficial in different job fields. When I became the program I knew the basics of public
administration, but it did not have any idea of the different career options public administration had. As an employee
who is integrating myself in the Department of Human Services I was able to personally see how to find the ladder to
become an administrator. I keep thinking to myself if I was not involved in the Department of Human Services what
direction I had for it, and if I would be lost in reference to a career path.