MODULE 2 Plane Surveying PDF
MODULE 2 Plane Surveying PDF
MODULE 2 Plane Surveying PDF
1. Topic
• Errors, Mistakes, Types of Error and Most probable value
• Probable Error and Relative Precision
2. Introduction
In real life scenario of surveying, we can’t survey at a 100% precision,
thus, our collected data will not be totally accurate. To aid this, we intercept this
errors and mistakes so we can adjust our collected data to desired accuracy.
3. Learning Outcome
1. Students will visualize how surveying was done in reality.
2.. Students will be able to determine errors on surveying.
3. Students will know how to treat errors to adjust data collected.
4. Learning Content
Chain survey is the simplest method of surveying. It is the exercise of physically
measuring horizontal distances. In this method the lengths of lines marked on the field
are measured, while the details are measured by offsets and ties from these lines. This
field work will continue for 3 field hours. This is most suitable adapted to small plane
areas with very few details.
Errors in Chain survey
1. Instrument errors:
A tape may be faulty due to a defect in its manufacturing or from kinking.
2. Natural errors.
The actual horizontal distance between the ends of the tape can vary due to the
effects of
• temperature,
• elongation due to tension
• sagging.
3. Personal errors.
Errors will arise from carelessness by the survey crew:
a. poor alignment
b. tape not horizontal
c. improper plumbing
d. faulty reading of the tape
Classification of Error: The errors that occur in chaining are classified as (i)
Compensating, (ii) Cumulative. These errors may be due to natural causes such as say
variation in temperature, defects in construction and adjustment of the instrument,
personal defects in vision etc.
Compensating Errors: The compensating errors are those which are liable to
occur in either direction and hence tend to compensate i.e. they are not likely to make
the apparent result too large or too small.
In chaining, these may be caused by the following:
Incorrect holding of the chain.
The follower may not bring his handle of the chain to the arrow, but may hold it
to one or other side of the arrow.
Fractional parts of the chain or tape may not be correct if the total length of the
chain is adjusted by insertion or removal of a few connection rings from one portion of
the chain, or tape is not calibrated uniformly throughout its length.
During stepping operation crude method of plumbing (such as dropping of stone
from the end of chain) is adopted.
When chain angles are set out with a chain which is not uniformly adjusted or
with a combination of chain and tape.
Cumulative Errors: The cumulative errors are those which occur in the same
direction and tend to add up or accumulate i.e. either to make the apparent
measurement always too long or too short.
Positive errors (making the measured lengths more than the actual) are caused
by the following:
The length of the chain or tape is shorter than the standard, because of bending
of links, removal of too many links in adjusting the length, ‘knots’ in the connecting links,
clogging of rings with clay, temperature lower than that at which the tape was calibrated,
shrinkage of tape when becoming wet.
The slope correction is not applied to the length measured along the sloping
The sag correction is not applied when the tape or the chain is suspended in the
Measurements are made along the incorrectly aligned line.
The tape belly’s out during offsetting when working in the windy weather.
Negative errors (making the measured lengths less than the actual) may be
caused because the length of the tape or chain may be greater than the standard
because of the wear or flattening of the connecting rings, opening of ring joints,
temperature higher than the one at which it was calibrated.
Mistakes in Chaining
The mistakes are generally avoidable and cannot be classed under any law of
probability. The following mistakes are commonly made by inexperienced chainmen.
Displacement of arrows: When the arrow is displaced, it may not be replaced
accurately. To guard against this mistake, the end of each chain length should be
marked both by the arrow and by a cross (+) scratched on the ground.
Failure to observe the position of the zero point of the tape: The chainmen should
see whether it is at the end of the ring or on the tape.
Adding or omitting a full chain or tape length (due to wrong counting or loss of
arrows): This is the most serious mistake and should be guarded against. This is not
likely to occur, if the leader has the full number (ten) of arrows at the commencement of
chaining and both the leader and follower count them at each transfer. A whole tape
length may be dropped, if the follower fails to pick up the arrow at the point of beginning.
Reading from the wrong end of the chain: e.g. reading 10 m for 20 m in a
30 m chain, or reading in the wrong direction from a tally, e.g. reading 9.6 m for 10.4 m.
The common mistake in reading a chain is to confuse 10 m tag with 20 m tag. It should
be avoided by noticing the 15 m tag.
Reading numbers incorrectly: Transposing figures e.g.37.24 for 37.42 or reading tape
upside down, e.g. 6 for 9, or 36 for 98.
Calling number wrongly: e.g. calling 40.2 as “fortytwo”.
Reading wrong meter marks: e.g. 58.29 for 57.29.
Wrong booking: e.g. 345 for 354.
To guard against this mistake, the chainmen should call out the measurements
loudly and distinctly, and the surveyor should repeat them as he books them.
Most Probable Value
From the theory of probability, a basic assumption is that the most probable
value (MPV) of a group of repeated measurements made under similar conditions is the
arithmetic mean or the average. Most probable value refers to a quantity which, based
on available data, has more chances of being correct than has any other.
Since the true values of measured quantities must remain forever unknown, it is
possible to obtain by measurements only approximations of true values.
mpv= x̅ = ∑X/n = (X1+X2+…Xn)/n
mpv or x̅ is the most probable value of the quantity measured
∑X is the sum of the individual measurements
EXAMPLE. A surveying instructor sent out six groups of students to measure a distance
between two points marked on the ground. The students came up with the following six
different values: 250.25, 250.15, 249.90, 251.04, 250.50 and 251.22 meters. Assuming
these values are equally reliable and that variations result from accidental errors,
determine the most probable value of the distance measured.
mpv= x̅ = ∑X/n = (250.25+250.15+249.90+251.04+250.50+251.22)/6
x̅ = 250.51 meters (the most probable value of the line measured)
Probable Error
The probable error is a quantity which, when added to and subtracted from the
most probable value, defines a range within which there is a 50 percent chance that the
true value of the measured quantity lies inside (or outside) the limits thus set.
The value of the probable error is calculated with the use of the following
formulae which are derived from the method of least squares.
∑𝑣 2
PEs = ± 0.6745√𝑛−1
∑𝑣 2
PEm = ± 0.6745√𝑛(𝑛−1)
PEs is the probable error of any single measurement of a series
PEm is the probable error of the mean
∑v2 is the summation of the squares of the residual
n is the number of observations
Relative Precision
The total amount of error in a given measurement should relate to the magnitude
of the measured quantity in order to indicate the accuracy of the measurement. In
surveying measurements, ratio of the error to the measured quantity is used to
determine the degree of refinement obtained.
EXAMPLE. The following values were determined in a series of tape measurements of
a line: 1000.58, 1000.40, 1000.38, 1000.48, 1000.40 and 1000.46 meters. Determine
the following:
a) most probable value
b) probable error of a single measurement
c) probable error of the mean
d) final expression for the most probable length
e) relative precision
a) n=6
∑x = 1000.58+1000.40+1000.38+1000.48+1000.40+1000.46
∑x = 6002.70
x̅ = ∑x/n = 6002.70/6
= 1000.45 (most probable value)
b) v1 = (x1- x̅) = 1000.58-1000.45 = +0.13
v2 = (x2- x̅) = 1000.40-1000.45 = -0.05
v3 = (x3- x̅) = 1000.58-1000.45 = -0.07
v4 = (x4- x̅) = 1000.48-1000.45 = +0.03
v5 = (x5- x̅) = 1000.40-1000.45 = -0.05
v6 = (x6- x̅) = 1000.46-1000.45 = +0.01
∑v = 0.00
v12 = (+0.13)2 = 0.0169 v42 = (+0.03)2 = 0.0009
v22 = (-0.05)2 = 0.0025 v52 = (-0.05)2 = 0.0025
v32 = (-0.07)2 = 0.0049 v62 = (+0.01)2 = 0.0001
∑v2 = 0.0169+0.0025+0.0049+0.0009+0.0025+0.0001
∑v2 = 0.0278
∑𝑣 2 0.0278
PEs = ±0.6745√𝑛−1 = ±0.6745√ 6−1
∑𝑣 2 0.0278
c) PEm = ± 0.6745√𝑛(𝑛−1) = ± 0.6745√6(6−1)