The document discusses various attributes and features of the R programming language, noting that while R has some outdated base functions, it offers powerful packages for data manipulation, visualization, and interfaces to databases. Both its package system and community support are highlighted as major strengths, facilitating development of packages across many domains. However, some limitations are noted around 3D graphics capabilities and lack of high-dimensional sparse arrays.
The document discusses various attributes and features of the R programming language, noting that while R has some outdated base functions, it offers powerful packages for data manipulation, visualization, and interfaces to databases. Both its package system and community support are highlighted as major strengths, facilitating development of packages across many domains. However, some limitations are noted around 3D graphics capabilities and lack of high-dimensional sparse arrays.
The document discusses various attributes and features of the R programming language, noting that while R has some outdated base functions, it offers powerful packages for data manipulation, visualization, and interfaces to databases. Both its package system and community support are highlighted as major strengths, facilitating development of packages across many domains. However, some limitations are noted around 3D graphics capabilities and lack of high-dimensional sparse arrays.
The document discusses various attributes and features of the R programming language, noting that while R has some outdated base functions, it offers powerful packages for data manipulation, visualization, and interfaces to databases. Both its package system and community support are highlighted as major strengths, facilitating development of packages across many domains. However, some limitations are noted around 3D graphics capabilities and lack of high-dimensional sparse arrays.
Similar The base functions are old school (in a bad way). attributes of symbols Graphics No 3D graphics promisses Lazy evaluation very good! Different Language design universal ggplot2 Lots of new packages are proposed Named arguments (many a niche domain) lattice based on Trellis S3 Objects Personal impressions S4 niche vcd Factors beanplot similar to Map, Fold, Select Map, Reduce, Filter The best feature of R! (Functional) programming Package system added to R relatively recently Packages Installation and updating is both interactive and programmable the others are too hard use plyr Using functions similar to Map to alply produce different result types from Many packages Curated dlply different argument types sapply Mathematica vs R etc. base Facilitation of development tapply lapplly Package writing facilitation books mapply blogs the finest granularity — there are no scalars RStudio support vectors can behave like Associations can have named elements Language data structures Data manipulations plyr
can have named elements sqldf
convenient if it was not slow for large lists. lists data.table can behave like Associations the most similar to Mathematica’s lists dplyr list of columns data frames Data base access DBI named rows and columns RMySQL no high-dimensional sparse arrays sparse matrices r-projects RPostgress named rows and columns R implementations R-RevolutionAnalytics definitely an advantage over The ability to name elements, rows, Mathematica and columns is a nice feature! H2O High performance computing fairly good and straightforward for SIMD SparkR Parallel programming
base package Automatic report generation data analysis reports
Writing and reporting R-GUI tests additional packages foreach Environments LaTeX Sweave My favorite RStudio Reproducible research PDF I tried ESS since I am a big Emacs ESS Emacs LyX LaTeX fan/user — RStudio is much better Markdown PDF HTML / Javascript based Numerical algorithms ODE solving knitr Shiny PDF Interactive interfaces Numerical integrations Really great! HTML Linear algebra leverages the code reflexion capabilities of R R-Markdown absolutely great! Optimization RStudio support