Dart Client Side Web Programming PDF

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The document discusses the Dart programming language, its features such as optional typing, classes and libraries. It also discusses how Dart can be used to build client-side and server-side web applications.

The document discusses Dart concepts such as optional typing, classes, libraries, abstract classes, interfaces and inheritance. It also provides an example of a 'Hello World' Dart program.

Examples of Dart code provided include a 'Hello World' program, functions with and without type annotations, and a BrowserScript class implementing interfaces.


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Core Dart
❱ About Dart
❱ Optional Typing Explained
❱ Dart Tools The Next-Generation Client-Side Web
❱ Core Types
❱ Functions
Programming Language
❱ Classes and Interfaces... and More! By Chris Buckett

About Dart // identical function calls

print(repeatGreeting1(“Hello”, 3));
print(repeatGreeting2(“Goodbye”, 3));
Dart is a dynamic, optionally typed, object oriented, class based language }
supporting single inheritance, multiple interfaces, and functional
programming. All Dart apps start with a main() function, and Dart code
If these two functions run identically, then why have types at all?
looks like this:
repeatGreeting2() declares that the greeting parameter should be a String
type. What happens if, as follows, we pass an integer value 9999 in place
main() {
var greeting = “Hello”; // dynamically typed of a string?
String audience = “World”; // type annotation
sayGreeting(“$greeting $audience”); // call function main() {
} print(repeatGreeting1(9999, 3));
print(repeatGreeting2(9999, 4)); // type warning
// shorthand (single-line) function syntax }
sayGreeting(message) => print(greeting); // “Hello World”

Dart will not prevent this code from running, because type annotations are
A language for the web ignored at runtime. The Dart tools, however, will report a type warning on
Core Dart: The Next-Generation Client-Side Web Programming Language

Dart is designed as a web language that can be compiled to JavaScript or the call to repeatGreeting2(), as you are trying to pass int when it expects
run in a browser-embedded virtual machine. The JavaScript that is output a String.
is targeted at modern web browsers, which makes Dart a perfect match for
HTML5. Dart can also run on a server-side version of the virtual machine, Checked Mode vs Production Mode
using evented I/O to interact with the host operating system (Windows / Although Dart will not prevent this code from running, when you run this
Mac / Linux). code through the Dart Editor, a special "Checked Mode" is enabled in the
To run the previous script in a Dart-enabled web browser, you can embed Dart VM that attempts to halt execution when it encounters these types of
it in an HTML script tag, with a mime-type of application/dart, as shown warnings. During production mode (when you convert your Dart code to
below: JavaScript, run in the browser without using the editor, or run a server-side
app on the server-side VM), checked mode is switched off.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Hot You can enable checked mode in the stand-alone Dart VM by
passing in the parameter --checked from the command line.
<script type=”application/dart” src=”hello.dart”>
<script src=”packages/browser/dart.js”></script>
</html> Dart Tools
The dart.js script is a JavaScript bootstrapper that detects whether the
Dart VM is embedded in the browser. The “Hello World” message is output The Dart language is made to be toolable, and as such, its tool ecosystem
to the browser’s debug console. uses optional types to validate your application’s source code to trap errors

Optional Typing Explained

Dart’s types are often called type annotations. This is because they have
no effect on the running of the code in production; instead, they provide
information to tools and other developers about the coder’s intention. The
following function is written twice, first with no type annotations, and then
with type annotations added:

// no return type or parameter type annotations defined

repeatGreeting1(greeting,count) {
var result = []; // empty list literal
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return result;

// return type, parameter types and variable types

// declared, and highlighted in bold font
List repeatGreeting2(String greeting, int count) {
List result = new List(); // list constructor
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return result;

main() { ------Snippet cont’d on next column--------->

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2 Core Dart

The Dart tool ecosystem encompasses the Dart Editor and “Dartium”, a
custom build of Chromium with the Dart virtual machine embedded. This Command Description
pair of tools supports features such as integrated debugging, code auto- pub update Updates dependencies, pulling the newest versions allowed
completions, and refactoring. The Dart Editor is also available as an Eclipse by the dependencies configuration (and overwriting those in
plugin from http://www.dartlang.org/eclipse/update. the pubspec.lock) file.
Behind the scenes, the Dart Editor uses the dart_analyzer tool, a static pub publish Publish your package to Google's pub repository at http://
analyzer that will quickly find type errors in your code. You can integrate pub.dartlang.org
the dart_analyzer into your continuous integration system to trap errors
when your code is committed to source control. The Dart2js tool compiles
Dart source code to JavaScript, “treeshaking” to remove dead code as it Core Types
goes, while Dartdoc outputs navigable HTML API documentation from your
code comments. Finally pub, Dart’s package manager tool, pulls in library Dart is an object-oriented language with class-based inheritance similar to
dependencies from the web. These are all available in the Dart Editor Java or C#. All types descend from the base Object class. The var keyword
menus, as stand-alone command-line tools in the dart-sdk/bin folder. declares a variable and is a substitute for a strong type annotation.
Variables must be declared before they are used (unlike JavaScript),
Using Pub and objects created by using the new keyword to invoke the object’s
When you use the Dart Editor to create a new project, you are supplied constructor:
with a pubspec.yaml file, which you use to provide configuration and
dependency information to your project, and a starting-point project layout. var myObject = new Object(); // declare myObject and
By convention, following files and folders are used: // construct the Object
print(myObject); // use the object

File / Folder Description

All objects inherit the Object.hashCode() and Object.toString()
<project_root>/ Main folder containing the project. methods. The toString() method is called automatically whenever you
Add this to source control.
try and convert an object into a string representation, such as when using
pubspec.yaml Dependency information and project the print() function:
// equivalent
README.md Markdown formatted readme file
LICENSE License information print(123.toString());

lib/ The lib folder contains your library

awesome.dart files, and any other source files (in
Stylistically using the var keyword for variable declaration should
a src subfolder) that make up your
library. Hot be preferred within code bodies. Only use explicit type annotations
classes.dart Tip (such as String, int) at the “surface area” of your code, for example,
in function parameter lists, return types, and class properties.
web/ (Web projects only) The web folder
index.html contains files that will be published
index.css to the web. Dart has special support for a number of core, “primitive” types that are
index.dart baked into the language. Although these types are objects, extending
test/ Executable test scripts to test your from the Object base class, you create instances of these objects literally,
awesome_test.dart application. without using the new keyword.

In addition, the following files and folders may exist in your project folder: num, int, double
num is the base numeric type, and has two implementations: int and
double. num declares the basic operators of +-/* and functions such as
File / Folder Description
abs(), ceil(), floor(), and round(), amongst others.
pubspec.lock Contains version numbers of your project's
dependencies. Useful when you want your entire team to num
be using the same version of dependencies (otherwise, Use num to declare that you want a numeric value, whether an integer or
don't commit to source control) floating-point.
/packages/ Packages subfolders are symlinked throughout your
num myNum = 123.45;
project by the pub tool to enable relative access to all the num myRounded = myNum.round();
library dependencies.
doc/ Include hand-authored documentation about your
project here. int
The int type accepts integer values of arbitrary precision:
bin/ If your app is designed to be run from the command line,
include the dart script to execute your app here. int myInt = 123;
// or
example/ If examples are useful to users, place them here
var myInt = 456;
tool/ Any helper scripts for internal use within the package go
var myIntAsHex = 0xABCDEF12345;
in the tool folder.
var myBigInt = 65498763215487654321654987654321354987;
The pubspec.yaml file provides configuration information about your
project, and has a GUI built into the Dart Editor. The following Pub double
commands are available: The double type accepts 64-bit floating point numbers as specified in the
IEEE 754 standard:
Summary of pub commands
double myDouble = 123.45;
Command Description // or
pub install Install new dependencies (runs automatically in the editor var myDouble = 123.45;
when you edit the pubspec file). Stores dependency var myDoubleWithExponent = 1.23e4;
versions in the pubspec.lock file.

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3 Core Dart

bool // using list literal syntax

In Dart, only the literal boolean true is considered true. All other values are List myList = []; // empty list
false. An extra restriction in checked mode only allows boolean operations // or
on true and false literal values. var myList = []; // empty list

var myList = [1,2,3,4]; // all int values

bool myTrue = true; var myList = [“Item 1”, “Item 2”, 3, 4]; // mixed values
// or // using List object constructor
var myTrue = true; List myList = new List(); // empty list
// or
var myFalse = false; var myList = new List(); // empty list
var myList = new List(10); // list containing 10 nulls
print(myTrue == myFalse); // equals: false var myList = new List.filled(10,”AA”); // contains 10
print(myTrue != myFalse); // not equals: true // “AA” strings
print(myTrue == myFalse || myTrue == myTrue); // or: true
print(myTrue && myTrue); // and: true You can add items to these lists by using the add() method, and access
values using zero-based indexer syntax [ ]. Use the length property to
You can us the is and is! syntax to check a type’s instance: discover how many items are in the list:

print(“I am a string” is String); // prints “true” var myList = [];

print(“I am not an int” is! int); // prints “true” myList.add(“item 1”);
myList.add(“item 2”);
myList[0] = “ITEM 1”; // replaces “item 1”;
print(myList[1]); // “item 2”;
String print(myList.length); // 2
Dart strings are declared with either single or double quotes, and you can
mix strings containing either:
Lists can also be fixed size by using the List.fixedLength()
constructor. Lists created in this way cannot have items added to them.
String myString = “double quoted”;
var myString = ‘single quoted’;
var myString = “contains ‘single’ quote”; var myList = new List.fixedLength(10); // fixed length
var myString=’contains “double” quote’; myList.add(“item11”); // throws UnsupportedError
// create a fixed length list where each element
// is filled with the string “AA”
Multi-line strings are declared with three double-quotes: var myList = new List.fixedLength(10,fill=”AA”;);

var myString = “””This is Using Generics

a multi-line Lists allow use of generic types. This means that you can use type
string and can contain “double” and ‘single’ quotes”””; annotations to tell Dart and fellow developers that you are expecting your
list to contain only certain types. For example, the following list should
Strings can also contain escape codes, such as \n for new line: contain only Strings. Adding an integer would raise a type warning.

var myString = “Line 1\nLine 2”; var myList = new List<String>();

myList.add(123); // warning: 123 is not a String
var myList = <String>[“a”,”b”];
myList.add(123); // warning: 123 is not a String
But you can also declare a raw string that will ignore escape codes by using
the prefix r.
Iterating Lists
var myString = r”Line1\nStill line 1”; You can iterate a list with a for loop, for-in, or forEach:

var myList = [‘hello’,’world’]; // create a list

String interpolation
// for loop similar to C# / Java
Dart strings cannot be concatenated using the + operator. The following // accessing elements by index
code is not valid: for (var index=0; index < myList.length; index++) {
var value = myList[index];
myList[index] = value * value; // store the new value
var myString = “hello” + “ world”; // invalid syntax!

// for-in loop iterates each item

Instead, you must use string interpolation, which converts variables or for (var item in myList) {
expressions embedded within a string into a string. The following embeds print(item);
two variables into a string by prefixing the variable name with $: }

// using a lists forEach function, passing

var greeting = “Hello”; // in an anonymous function callback
var audience = “World”; myList.forEach( (item) { //
var message = “$greeting $audience”; print(item); // anonymous function callback
print(message); // Hello World } );

Other collections
An expression enclosed within ${…} is evaluated before it is inserted into the Other collection classes include HashSet, Queue and Set, which offer more
string, for example: specialized functionality.
var answer = “result=${1+2}”;
print(answer); // result=3 Map
Like Lists, you can create maps (comma-separated list of key:value pairs)
The expression contained within curly braces can be any valid Dart using either a map literal or a class constructor:
expression, including function calls, for example:
// Map Literal syntax
Map myMap = {“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”};
var answer = “result=${1.23.round()}”; // or
print(answer); // result=1.0 var myMap = {“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”};
var myMap = {}; // empty map

List // Map constructor syntax

Dart doesn't have an explicit array type. Instead, it has a List type, which Map myMap = new Map(); // empty map
you can declare using either literal syntax, or as a List object. Internally, the // or
var myMap = new Map(); // empty map
object is the same.

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4 Core Dart

Using Generics
void sayHello(String name) {
Any type can be used as a map’s key or a value, and you can mix key and print(“Hello $name”); // no return value
value types within a map. To restrict the key or value types, you can create }
maps using Generic typing (as with Lists) num sum(num val1, num val2) {
return val1 + val2;
// key is String, value is any Object
var myMap = <String,Object>{}; // empty map
var myMap = new Map<String,Object>(); Function Parameters
Functions can have both mandatory and optional parameters. Mandatory
You access and insert items into a map by using a key as an indexer. If the parameters are declared first and are always positional. Optional
key does not already exist, it will be replaced. parameters are named or positional, but not both.

When you call a function, you must always provide values for the first set of
var myMap = new Map(); mandatory parameters, but not the optional parameters.
myMap[“key1”] = “value1”;
myMap[“key2”] = “value2”; Optional positional parameters must be provided in the order in which they
print(myMap[“key2”]); // value2 are defined. Optional named parameters can be provided arbitrarily as
{key1:value1,key2:value2} pairs.
Accessing a key that has not been added will return null, but you can also Here are some examples – the function bodies are omitted:
explicitly check if the key exists using the containsKey() method.
/** definition with mandatory
var myMap = {“key1”:”value1”}; * all params are mandatory
print(myMap[“key2”]); // null */
print(myMap,containsKey[“key2”]); // false void mandatoryParams(String name, int version, url) {
// snip function body
You can easily access a map’s keys and values properties: /** definition with mandatory and
* optional positional parameters.
* [name] is mandatory, [version] and [url] are optional.
var myMap = {“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”};
* [version] defaults to 1 if not supplied.
* [url] defaults to null if not supplied.
// access the keys
for (var key in myMap.keys) {
void optionalParameters(String name,
[int version=1, url]) {
// snip function body
// access the values
/** definition with mandatory and
for (var value in myMap.values) {
* optional named parameters
* [name] is mandatory, [version] and [url] can be
* passed independently of each other
You can also iterate the key:value pairs using a forEach function callback: void optionalNamed(String name, {int version:1, url}) {
// snip function body
var myMap = {“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”};
// calling, elsewhere in code:
myMap.forEach( (key, value) { // // mandatory parameters passed in the correct order
print(“$key = $value”); // anonymous callback mandatoryParams(“Dart”,1,”http://www.dartlang.org”);
} );
Functions // optional named parameters in any order as
// key:value pairs, within braces { }
Functions live in top-level scope, inside function scope, or within a class
declaration (where they are known as methods). optionalNamed(“Dart”,
{version: 1, url:”http://www.dartlang.org”});
Dart has both longhand and shorthand functions. Shorthand functions optionalNamed(“Dart”,
consist of a single expression, and always return the value of that {url:”http://www.dartlang.org”, version: 1});
expression, for example:
Within a function body, you can discover whether an optional parameter
sayHello(name) => print(“Hello $name”); // returns null was supplied by using using the ?paramName syntax, for example:
sum(num val1,num val2) => val1+val2; // returns result

void optionalNamed(String name [int version=1]) {

Shorthand functions can never be declared to return void. if (?version) {
// the caller explicitly supplied a version
The long-hand equivalent of the functions declared above is shown below. }
They need to explicitly use the return keyword to return a value.

sayHello(name) { Function Variables

return print(“Hello $name”); // returns null You can store a function in a variable just like any other type.

sum(num val1, num val2) { main() {

return val1 + val2; // returns result of val1+val2 // shorthand function stored in sayHello variable
} var sayHello = (name) => print(“Hello $name”);

// longhand function in sayGoodbye variable

Longhand functions may or may not return a value. You can provide var sayGoodbye = (name) {
print(“Goodbye $name”);
explicit return types on the function definition. The return type void };
declares that a function has no return type.
// calling sayHello and sayGoodbye functions
It is also good practice to declare type annotations on function parameter sayHello(“Dart”);
lists. This lets the Dart tools and other developers discover your intent. sayGoodbye(“Dart”);

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5 Core Dart

Because you can store a function in a variable, you can also pass a
function into another function as a parameter. The following example Classes and Interfaces
passes a function as the third parameter to the getResult function, calling
the returning the calcFunction’s result. Note the use of Function as type
Dart’s class system is very similar to Java and C#. It is single-inheritance
information for the third parameter.
with multiple interfaces.
* Applies the function contained within calcFunction to
Defining Classes
* the values stored in val1 and val2 An example class with a constructor, methods, fields and getters and
*/ setters is shown below. All constructors, methods, getters and setters can
num getResult(num val1, num val2, Function calcFunction) { use either longhand or shorthand function syntax, and optional parameters.
return calcFunction(val1, val2);
class Language {
main() { String name; // public field
// declare two functions int _version; // private field: _ underscore prefix denotes
var add = (a,b) => a+b; // add a + b // private within the same library
var subtract = (c,d) => c-d; // subtract d from c static url = “http://www.dartlang.org”; // same value
// exists across
var result1 = getResult(1,2,add); // all instances
print(result1); // 3 final awesomeness = 11; // immutable after
// constructor initialization
var result2 = getResult(100,10,subtract);
print(result2); // 90 // default constructor
} Dart() {
name = “Dart”;
_version = 1;
Using Typedef }
It is good practice to provide type annotations to your function’s
parameters, as we did with the Function type. You can be even more // named constructor with initializer to initialize
specific, though, and make the getResult() function’s third parameter only // final variables before class construction.
Dart.withExtraAwe(aweValue) : awesomeness=aweValue {
accept a function with a defined function signature. You use the typedef name = “Dart”;
keyword to define a custom function type: _verison = 1;

// define a function signature: // Getter and setter pair. Getters and setters are
typedef CalcType(num value1, num value2); // function type // independent of each other, so you can have one
// without the other
// Third parameter accepts a CalcType of function int get version => _version; // shorthand syntax
num getResult(num val1, num val2, CalcType calcFunction) { // returns _version
return calcFunction(val1, val2); set version(int val) { // longhand syntax
} _version = val; // sets the _version
main() {
// function signature matches CalcType // private method, shorthand syntax
var add = (num a,num b) => a+b; bool _isAwesome() => this.awesomeness > 10;

// function signature does not match CalcType // public method

var sayHello = (name) => print(“Hello”); void checkAwesomeness() {
var result1 = getResult(1,2,add); // works fine if (_isAwesome) {
var result2 = getResult(1,2,sayHello); // type error print(“$name $version is $awesomeness out of 10”);
} // prints: “Dart 1 is 11 out of 10”
A closure is a construct that "closes-over" variables that are in its scope.
This is best explained with an example:
Using your class
getClosure() { You use the various features of your class as shown below:
var myVariable = “Hello”; // a variable in the scope
// of getClosure function main() {
var lang = new Language(); // using default constructor
var myFunction = () { // a function, also declared in // using named constructor
print(myVariable); // the scope of getClosure var langPlus = new Language.withExtraAwe(12);
} // function, that uses myVariable
// (declared above) // the syntax for accessing getters and setters or field
// variables is identical. This means you can use them
return myFunction; // myFunction is returned by // interchangeably
// getClosure lang.version = 1.1; // calling the setter
} lang.name = “#dartlang”; // setting a field

print(lang.version); // calling a getter

When getClosure() returns myFunction, the variable called print(lang.name); // reading a field value
myVariable is no longer in getClosure’s scope. The function defined
lang.checkAwesomeness(); // calling a method
by myFunction, however makes use of myVariable, so myVariable
still exists within the scope of myFunction. You can use getClosure as // updating a static field happens on the object itself
follows: Language.url = “http://api.dartlang.org”;
print(Language.url); //
main() {
var aFunction = getClosure(); // myFunction is now
// stored in variable Class inheritance
// aFunction Classes use the extends keyword to inherit another class. Dart uses the
// call aFunction same object-oriented principals Java and C#. To access the parent object,
aFunction(); // prints “Hello”; use the super keyword. Constructors are not inherited, and super
} constructors must be called in the constructor initialization block.

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6 Core Dart

A class is said to implement the interface of another class, using the

class LanguageBinary extends Language {
// calling the Language’s withExtraAwe named constructor implements keyword. This means that it makes the same public members
// in the LangaugeImplementation’s constructor available as defined on the classes that are being implemented. Because
// initialization block the calling syntax for getter / setter pairs, and fields are interchangeable,
LanguageImplementation(awe) : super.withExtraAwe(awe) { either can be used.
name = “DartVM”; // defined on Language
version = 1; // defined on Language
_executable = “dart.exe” // introduced in this Both abstract classes and regular classes can be used as interfaces, as
// child class shown below:
String _executable;
get String executable => _executable; class BrowserScript implements Language, Environment {
} // implementing public interface of Language
int version;
// final fields cannot be updated String name;
lang.awesomeness = 12; // error void checkAwesomeness() => print(“Totally awesome”);
// implementing public interface of Environment
bool isWebBrowser() => true;
String getOpSystem() => print(“ChromeOS”);
Abstract Classes }
If you want to provide a class without any implementation, or with a partial
implementation, use the abstract keyword. Classes that inherit the abstract
class must provide the missing implementation. When a class implements an interface, it must provide all the members.
From Dart’s point of view, the new class is now an instance of whatever it is
abstract class Environment { implementing.
String getOpSystem(); // no method body

bool isWebBrowser() { // method body provided main() {

// snip some implementation var script = new BrowserScript();
} print(script is BrowserScript); // true
} print(script is Language); // true
print(script is Environment); // true

Class interfaces // valid function calls:

In Dart, every class is also an interface – there are no explicit interface checkLanguage(script);
definitions. A class's interface is the public representation of the class's

A B O U T th e A uthors R e comm e n d e d B oo k

Chris Buckett is a Technical Manager at Entity Group in Dart in Action introduces Google's Dart language and
the UK. He builds enterprise scale line of business web provides techniques and examples showing how to
apps with GWT, Java and .Net, and provides solutions to use it as a viable replacement for Java and JavaScript
in browser-based desktop and mobile applications. It
enterprise data problems. Chris is a Google Developer
begins with a rapid overview of Dart language and tools,
Expert in Dart, author of Dart in Action, runs http://blog.
including features like interacting with the browser,
dartwatch.com, and curates the http://DartWeekly.com optional typing, classes, libraries, and concurrency with
newsletter. He believes in using the best tool for the job, isolates. After you master the core concepts, you'll
and Dart is a great tool for building modern browser web move on to running Dart on the server and creating
applications. single page HTML5 web applications.

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