Mindmap OSPF

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1- router-id command

1- Determines Router ID 2- highest loopback IP

3- highest interface IP

2- Adds interfaces to LSDB

3- Sends Hello messages (Down State)

(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link remote-RID
1 here is the transit area where the link passes 4- Receives Hellos (Init State) checking the requirements
through and it cannot be a stub area
Steps Reset dead timer
The two ABRs will use unicast packets, and
they will mark the Do Not Age (DNA) bit check if it is listed in the Hello coming from the
5- Sends Reply Hello (2-Way State)
neighbor as a neighbor
No Add as a new neighbor
Virtual Links
(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
authentication message-digest message-digest-
using Priority and Router ID (higher better)
key 1 md5 fred
6- Master-Slave determined (ExStart state)
exchange DBDs
optionally, can configure Hello and Dead
intervals the same way
7- DBDs Acknowledged and reviewed (Loading exchanging the details using LSRs and LSUs
State) starting with the slave requesting
Can use (area range) and (summary-address)
8- Neighbors are Synchronised (Full State)
(config-router)# default-information originate
[always] [metric value] [metric-type type] [router- same hello and dead timers
map name]
will create Type 5 LSA (Metric = 1, MetricType =
2) for a default route ( and flood it if a same network mask
default route exists in the routing table.
[always] : advertise even if there is no default
same area
route in the routing table
same MTU
Type 3 LSAs

Unique Router IDs

No redistribution of external LSAs Stub

(config-router)# area 34 stub

highest priority (default = 1) then highest router-

No Type 3

No redistribution of external LSAs DR, BDR election

Totally Stubby (config-if)# ip ospf priority value

(config-router)# area 34 stub no-summary not in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint links

only the ABR requires the no-summary keyword
Types Default Routes
enabled using:
Type 3 LSAs
area 1
Allows redistribution of external LSAs NSSA or
OSPF interfaces (config-if)#ip ospf area 1
(config-router)# area 34 nssa Stub Areas
no been passive using:
(config-router)# passive-interface serial 0/0
No Type 3

(config-if)# ip ospf hello-interval 9

Allows redistribution of external LSAs
Totally NSSA
When configured, the dead interval will be
(config-router)# area 34 nssa no-summary changed automatically to (4 X hello interval)
only the ABR requires the no-summary keyword

(config-if)# ip ospf dead-interval 36

No flood for Type 5 LSAs in all types Timers

(config-if)# ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-

ABRs create a default route as Type 3 LSA with
Dead multiplier 4
subnet ( and mask ( and floods

it, the default cost = 1 but can be configured
will make the dead-intrval = 1 and hello-interval
= 1/4
(config-router)# area number default-cost cost
MTU (config-if)# ip mtu value
all routers must be configured as stubby or no
neighbor relationships will be formed
0 : no auth (default)
(config-router)# area number range ip-address
mask [cost cost] [not-advertise] 1: clear text
area: where the subnets exists
default cost: best cost among all subordinate
subnets 2: MD5
not-advertise: will filter the subordinate subnets at ABR
without advertising the summary 0: no config required
Route Summarization
If no subordinate subnets, it will not advertise 1: (config-router)# area 0 authentication
the summary For all interfaces in one Area OR
2: (config-router)# area 0 authentication
(config-router)# summary-address {ip-address
mask | prefix mask} [not-advertise] at ASBR
OSPF Authentication 0: (config-if)# ip ospf authentication null
(config-router)# area number filter-list prefix
name in|out Type 3 LSAs 1: (config-if)# ip ospf authentication
OR for a specific interface OR
2: (config-if)# ip ospf authentication message-
Type 5 LSAs digest
Route Filtering
(config-router)# distribute-list prefix name in if both, the interface setting take precedence
Between SPF and Routing table
Can use Prefix list, ACL or route map 1: (config-if)# ip ospf authentication-key key-
2: (config-if)# ip ospf message-digest-key key-
number md5 key-value
for each interface without DR lists : subnet
number/mask and cost (stub network),
neighbor's RID with local IP to those neighbors Dynamic Discovery More than 2
Broadcast DR/BDR 10/40
By each router Router 1
for each interface with DR lists : DR's IP and No
point-to-point No 10/40 Dynamic Discovery
notation for a transit network

# show ip ospf database router Nonbroadcast (NBMA) More than 2

[default on frame relay physical and multipoint DR/BDR 30/120 NO
Network types
LSID = DR's interface IP address

Dynamic Discovery More than 2

Create a pseudonode (Transit Network) and Point-to-multipoint No 30/120
each router in the subnet list a connection to it
By each DR Network 2 No More than 2
Point-to-multipoint nonbroadcast No 30/120
Lists: the RIDs of the attached routers on the Types
No hellos received for more than the dead
Down interval
# show ip ospf database network LSAs

When the neighbor is defined with neighbor

LSID = subnet number being advertised
Attempt command, after sending hello but before
receiving a hello from it
By ABRs for each subnet on an area Summary 3
Lists: network mask, metric, and as others the
advertising RID hello received, and it did not have the local RID
Init in it, or it lists mismatched parameters
ASBR Summary 4
hello received with the local RID in it and
2-Way parameter's verification checked
AS External 5
Neighbor States
negotiating the DD (or DBD) Seq. numbers and
for external routes in stubby areas NSSA External ExStart Master/Slave logic

can be limited using: Finished above negotiation and now exchanging

Exchange DD packets

(config-router)# max-lsa number
All DD are exchanged and now sending LSR,
Loading LSU and LSAck packets
Default: every 30 minutes Periodic flooding

fully adjacent and their LSDBs are identical for

IP protocol type: 89 that Area, so routing table calculations can
begin all OSPF routers DR and BDR multicast addresses: Router ID

(config-router)# maximum-paths 6 Stub area flag

equal cost load balancing
default = 4
Hello and Dead intervals

Reference-Bandwidth / Interface-Bandwidth
(Mbps) Subnet mask

Miscellaneous List of neighbors

always round down Hello Contains:

Default Reference-Bandwidth = 100 Cost Area ID

can be configured using:
(config-router)# auto-cost reference-bandwidth Priority

Packet Types DR and BDR IP addresses

intra-area route always preferred over inter-area
route regardless of cost
Authentication digest

can be configured directly using :

(config-if)# ip ospf cost value Brief version of each LSA (LSID and sequence
Database Description (DD or DBD) number)

Link-State Request (LSR) list of LSIDs of LSAs wanted

Link-State Advertisement (LSA)

Link-State Update (LSU) contains one or more LSAs Sami Alsubhi V 1.0

Link-State Acknowledgement (LSACK) confirm LSU's receipt

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