16 Acceptable Usage Policy-Updated

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Acceptable Usage

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Revision & Version History:

Versio Effective Author Reviewe Approved Remark

n Date d By s
Manager- • New Policy Structure
3.0 14th Apr 2018 Information Security Head-IT ITSC • Incorporated RBI
& Directives for NBFC
• "Following points were
added in section 2:-
• If a personnel device
requires access to
corporate data then it shall
be duly approved by
Business Head and IT
• Users are encouraged to
properly log out or power
off their systems when not
in use or when they leave
for the day.
Manager- • Users with company’s
4.0 12th April 2019 Information Security Head-IT ITSC laptop should keep the
& laptop
Governance securely.
• In case documents
containing sensitive
information are no
longer required, they
should be shredded (or torn
into small pieces), before
• If end user wants access
to specific internet
website/ proxy, user needs
to log a request on service
desk and get it approved
from IT Head.
• For firewall rule opening
and whitelisting of IPs,
end user has to raise a
ticket in service desk and
post approval from IT
head the rule will be

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Table of Contents
1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Policy Statements ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3 Reference Documents ...................................................................................................................................... 5

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To define the rules for the acceptable usage of IT & IS assets within HDBFS.
To identify and establish appropriate usage mechanism for HDBFS IT & IS assets with suitable security controls.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, part-time and temporary workers, and those who are employed
by third- party to perform work on HDBFS premises, or who owns and have been granted access to HBDFS
information systems and must comply with associated policies and procedures.

• Where personal use of HDBFS IT and information assets is permitted by the organisation, such use
should be reasonable and should not breach any HDBFS policy.
o Reasonable use is defined as under
o Use of internet banking
o Reading online articles / news
o Store identity documents such as address proofs, photo, PAN card, education certificates etc.
However, user should ensure that personnel use shall not
o Consume excessive resources ( this includes the long term storage of personal data on HDBFS
o Interfere with individual productivity
• If end user wants access to specific internet website/ proxy, user needs to log a request on service desk
and get it approved from IT IS Head.


Name Signature

Mr. Bhavesh Zaveri

Mr. Ramesh G.

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