NCP Hiatal Hernia
NCP Hiatal Hernia
NCP Hiatal Hernia
Normal hemoglobin level For men, 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter. For women, 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter.
Subjective Data: Risk for In portal Short Term 1. Determine the patient’s health 1. Early identification of possible risks Short Term Goal:
The patient bleeding hypertension, Goal: history for signs that can be associated for bleeding provides a foundation for Within 2 hours of
complained related to collateral Within 2 hours with a risk for bleeding such as liver implementing appropriate preventive nursing
dizziness, presence of circulation of nursing disease, inflammatory bowel disease, measures. interventions,
weakness and esophageal develops in the interventions, or peptic ulcer disease. 2. Hypotension and tachycardia are the client was able
presence of blood varices. lower the client will 2. Monitor patient’s vital signs, initial compensatory mechanisms to report no
in vomitus. esophagus as not especially BP and HR. usually noted with bleeding. experience in
. venous blood, experience 3. Evaluate the patient’s use of any 3. Drugs that interfere with clotting bleeding as
“Nanghihina po which is bleeding as evidenced by a
medications that can affect hemostasis mechanisms or platelet activity
ako at nahihilo. diverted from evidenced by blood pressure
(e.g, anticoagulants, salicylates, NSAIDs, increase risk for bleeding.
Nagsusuka po ako the GI tract and a blood within the normal
or cancer chemotherapy). 4. These laboratory tests provide
at may konting spleen pressure range, no
4. Review laboratory results for important information about the
dugo po na because of within the presence of blood
kasama sa suka portal normal range, coagulation status as appropriate: patient’s coagulation status and in the vomitus,
ko.” obstruction, no presence platelet count. bleeding potential. stable hematocrit
seeks an of blood in the 5. Monitor hematocrit (Hct) and 5. When bleeding is not visible, and hemoglobin
outline. vomitus, hemoglobin (Hgb). decreased Hgb and Hct levels may be levels.
Because of stable an early indicator of bleeding.
Objective Data: excessive hematocrit and
T: 37 C intraluminal hemoglobin Long Term Goal:
PR: 83 bpm pressure, these levels. DEPENDENT/ COLLABORATIVE: The client reported
RR: 10 cpm collateral veins Educate the at-risk patient about DEPENDENT/ COLLABORATIVE: no bleeding and
BP:90/60 mmHg become Long Term precautionary measures to prevent Information about precautionary have a blood
O2 Sat.: 95% tortuous, Goal: tissue trauma or disruption of the measures lessens the risk for pressure within the
dilated, and The client is normal clotting mechanisms. bleeding. normal range and
Lab work shows fragile. They expected to no presence of
Hemoglobin level are prone to have no When laboratory values are abnormal, Blood product transfusions replace blood in the
@ 7.4 g/dl ulceration and bleeding and administer blood products as blood clotting factors; RBCs increase vomitus.
hemorrhage. have a blood prescribed. oxygen-carrying capacity; FFP replaces The client was
EGDfindings: Rupture of pressure clotting factors and inhibitors; able to fully
presence of esophageal within the Educate the patient and family understand and
platelets and cryoprecipitate provide
esophageal varices is the normal range implement
members about signs of bleeding that proteins for coagulations.
varices. most common and no measures to
need to be reported to a health care
cause of death presence of prevent and
provider. Early evaluation and treatment of
of clients with blood in the recognize signs of
hepatic bleeding by a health care provider
vomitus. bleeding
cirrhosis. Inform the patient to check the color reduce the risk for complications from
The client will interventions.
and consistency of stools. blood loss.
be able to
Educate the patient about over-the- Bright red blood in the stools is an
and counter drugs and avoid products that indicator of lower gastrointestinal
implement contain aspirin or NSAIDs such as bleeding. Stool that has a dark
measures to ibuprofen and naproxen. greenish-black color and a tarry
prevent and consistency is linked with upper
recognize gastrointestinal bleeding.
signs of
bleeding hese drugs not only decrease normal
platelet aggregation but also decrease
the integrity of gastric mucosa
through inhibition of cyclooxygenase
(COX)-1 inhibitor and therefore
increase the risk for gastrointestinal
Drugs that interfere with clotting mechanisms or platelet activity increase risk for bleeding. Salicylates and other NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase 1 (COX)-1, an enzyme that promotes platelet
aggregation. Warfarin, an oral anticoagulant, inhibits the synthesis of vitamin K in the liver, thus reducing levels of several subsequent clotting factors. Heparin, a parenteral anticoagulant,
inhibits the action of thrombin and prevents formation of a fibrin clot. many drugs used to treat cancer suppress bone marrow function and therefore the production of platelets.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) : esophagus varices grade 1-2 portal hypertensive gastropathy, severe.
Subjective Data: Risk for In portal Short Term 6. Determine the patient’s health 6. Early identification of possible risks Short Term Goal:
The patient bleeding hypertension, Goal: history for signs that can be associated for bleeding provides a foundation for Within 2 hours of
complained related to collateral Within 2 hours with a risk for bleeding such as liver implementing appropriate preventive nursing
dizziness, presence of circulation of nursing disease, inflammatory bowel disease, measures. interventions,
weakness and esophageal develops in the interventions, or peptic ulcer disease. 7. Hypotension and tachycardia are the client was able
presence of blood varices. lower the client will 7. Monitor patient’s vital signs, initial compensatory mechanisms to report no
in vomitus. esophagus as not especially BP and HR. usually noted with bleeding. experience in
. venous blood, experience 8. Evaluate the patient’s use of any 8. Drugs that interfere with clotting bleeding as
“Nanghihina po which is bleeding as evidenced by a
medications that can affect hemostasis mechanisms or platelet activity
ako at nahihilo. diverted from evidenced by blood pressure
(e.g, anticoagulants, salicylates, NSAIDs, increase risk for bleeding.
Nagsusuka po ako the GI tract and a blood within the normal
or cancer chemotherapy). 9. These laboratory tests provide
at may konting spleen pressure range, no
9. Review laboratory results for important information about the
dugo po na because of within the presence of blood
kasama sa suka portal normal range, coagulation status as appropriate: patient’s coagulation status and in the vomitus,
ko.” obstruction, no presence platelet count. bleeding potential. stable hematocrit
seeks an of blood in the 10. Monitor hematocrit (Hct) and 10. When bleeding is not visible, and hemoglobin
outline. vomitus, hemoglobin (Hgb). decreased Hgb and Hct levels may be levels.
Because of stable an early indicator of bleeding.
Objective Data: excessive hematocrit and
T: 37 C intraluminal hemoglobin Long Term Goal:
PR: 83 bpm pressure, these levels. DEPENDENT/ COLLABORATIVE: The client reported
RR: 10 cpm collateral veins Educate the at-risk patient about DEPENDENT/ COLLABORATIVE: no bleeding and
BP:90/60 mmHg become Long Term precautionary measures to prevent Information about precautionary have a blood
O2 Sat.: 95% tortuous, Goal: tissue trauma or disruption of the measures lessens the risk for pressure within the
dilated, and The client is normal clotting mechanisms. bleeding. normal range and
Lab work shows fragile. They expected to no presence of
Hemoglobin level are prone to have no When laboratory values are abnormal, Blood product transfusions replace blood in the
@ 7.4 g/dl ulceration and bleeding and administer blood products as blood clotting factors; RBCs increase vomitus.
hemorrhage. have a blood prescribed. oxygen-carrying capacity; FFP replaces The client was
EGDfindings: Rupture of pressure clotting factors and inhibitors; able to fully
presence of esophageal within the Educate the patient and family understand and
platelets and cryoprecipitate provide
esophageal varices is the normal range implement
members about signs of bleeding that proteins for coagulations.
varices. most common and no measures to
need to be reported to a health care
cause of death presence of prevent and
provider. Early evaluation and treatment of
of clients with blood in the recognize signs of
hepatic bleeding by a health care provider
vomitus. bleeding
cirrhosis. Inform the patient to check the color reduce the risk for complications from
The client will interventions.
and consistency of stools. blood loss.
be able to
Educate the patient about over-the- Bright red blood in the stools is an
and counter drugs and avoid products that indicator of lower gastrointestinal
contain aspirin or NSAIDs such as bleeding. Stool that has a dark
implement ibuprofen and naproxen. greenish-black color and a tarry
measures to consistency is linked with upper
prevent and gastrointestinal bleeding.
signs of hese drugs not only decrease normal
bleeding platelet aggregation but also decrease
interventions. the integrity of gastric mucosa
through inhibition of cyclooxygenase
(COX)-1 inhibitor and therefore
increase the risk for gastrointestinal