Starship Troopers Emergency Situation
Starship Troopers Emergency Situation
Starship Troopers Emergency Situation
t is a situation every Games Master has faced
at least once. For some reason, be it pressures
from work, from school or something else
entirely, he has not had the time he needs to
prepare for the roleplaying session. Fortunately for
him, Signs & Portents Roleplayer has done the work
for him. The six Starship Troopers missions detailed
below offer the busy Games Master a perfect
solution for the night when he needs an adventure
and does not have the time to create his own.
Mission Type: Clearance, take and hold Mission Briefing: ‘Remember how your History
and Moral Philosophy teacher told you the
Mission Duration: One hour best things in life aren’t free? That’s a lesson
I hope you recall, apes. We finally got some
Terrain: Arctic desert, low gravity relief coming to us on this rock, but Fleet’s
targeted landing zone looks like a damn
Special Equipment: Two GK-12 Geckos, two plasma bug convention. If we’re gonna have
FedCom SW-404 Javelin missile launchers loaded any hope of not getting ground to nothing, we
with M-666C5 HEAT missiles, four FedCom SW- need those reinforcements, and we need ‘em
403 ‘Thud Gun’ Rocket Launchers loaded with now! Fleet’s gonna hammer them from orbit,
M-711A1 ‘Scatterjack’ rockets, 17 M-901HE High but I think we all know that never gets the job
Explosive grenades. done. I’ve given you the best gear we got left
to us, now I need you to get in there and kill
everything that crawls. Clear?’
It will take the Player Characters 45 minutes to Five minutes after the Player Characters arrive in the
reach the valley in the Gecko, as there is only one valley, a group of eight hopper bugs will swoop in
path the vehicle can take to get there. They will be to attack, continuing to harass the troopers until they
unmolested along the way – the M.I. has done its have all been killed. Five minutes later, a group of
job well on this world and cleared out most of the six warrior bugs will sweep in from the mouth of the
Arachnids (except for those within the mountains). valley. Five minutes later, another group of warriors
(10) will attack from the same direction.
As the Gecko arrives, it will be greeted by a group of
eight warriors and one tanker bug. Once this threat Once all five warheads are set in place, the troopers
is dealt with (a task made simpler by the Gecko’s can climb back into the Gecko for the short trip
weapons), the troopers must set about the business to the extraction point. However, they are not
of emplacing the five modified Pee-Wees – warheads out of danger yet. While they were busy fighting
that have been altered to function as placement bugs and setting warheads, a group of five cliff
charges. The charges should be set at the spots on mites climbed inside the Gecko. Unless the Player
the map marked with an ‘X’. Placing a Pee-Wee and Characters posted a sentry at the Gecko, the Games
setting it with a detonator requires five minutes and a Master should assume the cliff mites slipped aboard
DC 15 Demolitions check for each device. undetected. As soon as the Gecko is underway, the
jail break (Leader) (1). Consult the core Starship Troopers
Roleplaying Game rulebook for exact statistics and
Mission Breakdown: Fortunately for the Player
Characters, the Skinnies have nothing resembling a
Character Levels: 2nd or 3rd
equipment. permanent base on this world, and therefore do not
Experience Points: 200 experience points have much in the way of layered defences to prevent
Mission Briefing: ‘Well, apes, you get the an enemy from doing exactly what the Player
Mission Type: Assault, rescue chance to play hero today. The Skinnies Characters are about to attempt. The first part of the
that have been raiding this rock have got mission is very simple – a three-mile walk from the
Mission Duration: Three hours themselves some prisoners. Seems they got troopers’ current position to the mouth of the Skinny
the drop on Charles’ Commandos and managed cave.
Terrain: Caves to take five of their troopers captive. We
don’t know what the Skinnies do to prisoners, The Player Characters have an approximate GPS
Special Equipment: Lockpick set, mechnical toolkit and we don’t want the Commandos to find position for the opening of the Skinny cave, but it
(basic), TOAD charges (2) out. They’re being kept in a cave just a few is still difficult to notice from the outside, requiring
clicks from your current position. Hotfoot a Perception check (DC 15) to find. Just inside the
Available Support: Viking Landing Boat for EVAC it in there, get the prisoners and I’ll drop cave are two Skinny Raiders (1st level) acting as
a Skyhook on you for evac. One more thing guards. This mission is an excellent way of teaching
Enemies: Skinny 1st level Raider (10), Skinny 2nd – make sure you do this right – I don’t want to the Player Characters the difference between
level Raider (Gunner) (2), Skinny 2nd level Raider have to come after you.’ Arachnids and Skinnies, particularly regarding
enemy teamwork. The Games Master should
carefully consider each move the Player Characters
make – so long as they do not reveal themselves,
they have at least some chance of moving through
the Skinny caves without facing all the enemies
at once. Of course, it is far more likely they will
reveal their presence (probably through the sound of
gunfire) and end up fighting all the Skinnies in the