English, Science, Mathematics and Health Electromagnetic Radiation

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English, Science, Mathematics and Health

Electromagnetic Radiation

Every day, the electromagnetic radiation is all around us, serving a variety of
helpful and life-saving functions. It's impossible to avoid it because so much of the
range is invisible. We can tell it's happened when we acquire a tan or sunburn, or when
our plants and flowers flourish and bloom. X-rays, gamma rays, visible, ultraviolet,
infrared light, radio waves, and microwaves are all examples of this. While it serves a
variety of objectives, overexposure can have a variety of negative consequences, some
of which are potentially deadly. Let us take a closer look at what electromagnetic
radiation is, how it is produced and detected, as well as the practical applications and
what we can do to avoid overexposure.

Electromagnetic radiation is energy that is propagated in the form of

electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays, across
open space or a material medium. The term also encompasses the emission and
transmission of this type of radiant energy. When an atomic particle, such as an
electron, is accelerated by an electric field and moves, electromagnetic radiation is
produced. The movement causes oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which travel in
a bundle of light energy called a photon at right angles to each other. The energy of
electromagnetic radiation now defines its diagnostic imaging use. Gamma and x-rays
are capable of penetrating huge bodily portions due to their incredibly short
wavelengths. In radionuclide imaging, gamma rays are used. Plain film and computed
tomography imaging both use X-rays. Reduced radial growth of pine trees, lowered
density of bird species and mammals such as storks, sparrows, and bats, effects on
bees, effects on magnetic-based homing mechanisms of birds, and many other effects
of electromagnetic radiation on plants and animal life are among the effects of
electromagnetic radiation on plants and animal life. However, some types of
electromagnetic radiation, such as ultraviolet light and X-rays, can harm DNA in live
cells. This results in hair loss, blood cell destruction, and vomiting, and is often fatal.

We are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation, even though we cannot see it.

They are produced to varied degrees by our computers, microwaves, cell phones,
power lines, cell phone towers, fitness monitoring gadgets, smart meters, televisions,
routers, X-ray equipment, and radios. The good news is that lowering your exposure to
it is extremely simple. Both the exposure dose and duration are reduced in these
methods. As we can see, nothing is definite on this planet. There are no objects that
have solely positive impacts and none that have negative consequences. Let us all do
our part as responsible individuals to safeguard each other from it.
My Reflection

After accomplishing all the activities, what is the most important thing that you learned?

I learned a lot, actually. And my favorite part is understanding electromagnetic

radiation, its relevance, its negative and good consequences, and how to mitigate its
negative effects. As someone who enjoys interacting with gadgets and other
technology, I feel much more informed and conscious of what I can do to aid my fellow
man and the environment.

What were the challenges you encountered in accomplishing the different activities?

The challenges I encountered were numerous, but the most difficult was creating
my poster slogan. As someone who is not particularly gifted at sketching, I have done
my best to generate a high-quality result. I have struggled with deciding what to include
in my poster slogan and have even gone through brainstorming. It’s the only way I will
be able to collect all of my thoughts.

How did you overcome the challenges you encountered?

I overcame the challenges I encountered by first considering the objective of my

studies. I think about my family and come to the conclusion that no obstacles can ever
stop me from dreaming, especially when it comes to my objective of producing high-
quality work.

What activity/ies did you enjoy doing the most?

The activity that I enjoyed the most was the poster slogan. At first, I wondered
how I would be able to achieve this considering my lack of skill. Instead of being overly
concerned, I began my activities by thinking positively and simply enjoying the
experience. And, based on the outcomes I have achieved, I believe it's all been

PE, Arts and Music

 How well did you perform your physical activity?
- I guess I enjoyed the activity I was doing since I enjoy viewing and making
videos on tiktok. Also, I am aware of the advantages of dancing or engaging
in physical activity. As a result, doing it is worthwhile.
 What did you notice about your heart rate? Do you think it’s necessary to check
your heart rate after doing your physical activity?
- I have noticed that my pulse rate is too high while I am undertaking this
activity. And I believe that checking heart rate is absolutely crucial since
monitoring heart rate during exercise is critical to achieving fitness goals,
particularly if those goals are to improve cardiovascular health and lose
weight. In addition, the time it takes for ones heart rate to return to normal
after activity can reflect both physical cardiac condition and the likelihood of
developing certain conditions.
 Is zumba exercise beneficial to your fitness improvement? Will you use them as
part of your daily exercise? Why?
- Yes, it is advantageous. Zumba is well-known for its ability to improve
physical fitness. I have seen a number of folks engage in this type of activity.
Furthermore, I can include them into my everyday routine without hesitation. I
used to think that doing tiktok videos was beneficial, but the zumba exercise
is far more successful in terms of achieving body goals.
 Did monitoring your exercise help you keep track your progress? Why?
- The importance of tracking exercise progress is that it allows us to see how
we are progressing toward our previously defined goals. It increases our
chances of achieving and exceeding our objective. It also enables us to be
more productive with our time and workouts. It also makes us and our
objectives more accountable. Finally, it makes it easy to make adjustments
and shows when and where they should be changed.

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