ACT1205 - Module 4 - Audit of Fixed Assets
ACT1205 - Module 4 - Audit of Fixed Assets
ACT1205 - Module 4 - Audit of Fixed Assets
1. Additions and dispositions of fixed assets should be properly authorized and approved by the board of directors or
executive committee or person to whom authority has been delegated.
2. A clearly defined and sound policy for differentiation of capital and revenue expenditures should be established.
Existence: Recorded property, plant and equipment exist Rights and obligations: Property, plant and equipment are
owned by the entity
1. Physically inspect the assets for a sample of property,
plant and equipment recorded in the plant ledger. 7. Determine whether liens or mortgages have been
placed on property, plant and equipment by examining
2. Physically inspect the assets and examine supporting bank confirmations and reading minutes of the board
documentation for additions to property, plant and of directors’ meetings.
Valuation and allocation: Property, plant and equipment
3. Verify that existing retirements and disposals are are valued in accordance with GAAP
recorded and properly valued.
8. Verify accuracy of recorded property, plant and
Completeness: All property, plant and equipment are
recorded 9. Verify depreciation.
6. Examine lease and loan agreements to identify any 10. Review financial statements and perform analytical
liabilities that should be recorded. procedures to determine whether accounts are
classified and disclosed in the financial statements in
accordance with GAAP.
- end -
You were engaged in making your second annual examination of Indigo Company. The Machinery and Accumulated
Depreciation accounts are shown below:
01/01 Balance P 500,000 09/01 Sale of machine
No. 3 P 10,000
06/01 Machine No. 23 150,000 12/31 Balance 644,000
09/01 Dismantling of
Machine No. 3 4,000 .
P 654,000 P 654,000
Accumulated Depreciation
12/31 Balance P 344,400 01/01 Balance P 280,000
. 12/31 Depreciation 64,400
P 344,400 P 344,400
Your examination disclosed the following information: d. Machine No. 3, which was purchased on March 1,
2016, at a cost of P80,000, was sold on September 1,
a. The following adjusted balances appeared on
2020 for P10,000 cash.
December 31, 2019 working papers:
Machinery – P500,000; Accumulated Depreciation – e. Included in charges to Repairs and Maintenance
P 280,000. account was an invoice for installation of Machine No.
23, in the amount of P35,000.
b. The company has depreciated all items of machinery at
10% per annum. The oldest item owned is seven
years old as of December 31, 2020.
Based on the information presented above and the result
c. It is the company’s policy to take full year’s
of your audit, answer the following:
depreciation in the year of acquisition and none in the
year of disposition. 1. How much is the loss on the sale of Machine no. 3?
a. P38,000 c. P42,000
b. P37,333 d. P 0
9. Additions to equipment are sometimes understated. 3. The adjusting entry to correct the entry made on
Which of the following accounts would be reviewed by trade-in of Machine 3 will include a
the auditor to gain reasonable assurance that additions a. Debit to Accumulated Depreciation P67,500
are not understated? b. Debit to Loss on Exchange P58,500
a. Accounts payable c. Credit to Production Machine P67,500
b. Depreciation expense d. Credit to Cash P192,000
c. Gain on disposal of equipment 4. The total depreciation for the year ended December
d. Repairs and maintenance expense 31, 2020 is
10. In violation of policy, Coat Company erroneously a. P237,000 c. P233,250
capitalized the cost of painting its warehouse. An b. P232,500 d. P236,250
auditor would most likely detect this when 5. The carrying amount of production machine as of
a. Discussing capitalization policies with controller. December 31, 2020 is
b. Examining maintenance expense accounts. a. P1,024,500 c. P1,069,500
c. Observing that the warehouse had been painted. b. P1,029,000 d. P 990,750
d. Examining construction work orders that support
items capitalized during the year.
SOLUTION GUIDE (Questions 4 and 5): 8. In testing for unrecorded retirements of equipment, an
auditor is most likely to
12/31/20 a. Select items of equipment from the accounting
No Remarks Cost Acc. Dep. 2020 Dep. records and then locate them during the plant tour.
1 b. Compare depreciation journal entries with similar
2 prior-year entries in search of fully depreciated
3 equipment.
4 c. Inspect items of equipment observed during the
5 plant tour and then trace them to the equipment
6 subsidiary ledger.
7 d. Scan the general journal for unusual equipment
additions and excessive debits to repairs and
maintenance expense.
6. Determining that proper amounts of depreciation are 9. A weakness in internal control over recording of
expensed provides assurance about management’s acquisitions of equipment may cause an auditor to
assertions of valuation and a. Select certain items of equipment from the
a. Presentation and disclosure. c. Completeness. accounting records and locate them in the plant.
b. Rights and obligations. d. Existence. b. Inspect certain items of equipment in the plant
and trace those items to the accounting records.
c. Review the subsidiary ledger to ascertain whether
7. The auditor may conclude that depreciation charges depreciation was taken on each item of
are insufficient by noting equipment during the year.
a. Insured values greatly in excess of book values. d. Trace additions to the “other assets” account to
b. Large numbers of fully depreciated assets. search for equipment that is still on hand but no
c. Continuous trade-in of relatively new assets. longer being used.
d. Excessive recurring losses on assets retired.
10. The auditor is least likely to learn of retirements of
equipment through which of the following?
a. Review of the purchase return and allowance
b. Review of depreciation.
c. Analysis of the debits to the accumulated
depreciation account.
d. Review of insurance policy.
Survive, Inc.’s property, plant and equipment at December 31, 2019:
Original cost P175,000 P255,000 P400,000 P400,000
Year Purchased 2014 2015 2016 2018
Useful life 10 years 75,000 hours 15 years 10 years
Salvage value P15,500 P15,000 P25,000 P25,000
Depreciation method SYD Activity Straight-line Double-declining
Note: In the year an asset is purchased, Survive, Inc. does not record any depreciation expense on the asset.
In the year an asset is retired or traded in, Survive, Inc. takes full year depreciation on the asset.
The following transactions occurred during 2020: 1. How much is the gain or loss on sale of Asset P?
1. On May 5, Asset P was sold for P65,000 cash. a. P20,500 gain c. P32,100 gain
2. Asset R was used for 10,500 hours during 2020. b. P20,500 loss d. P32,100 loss
Accumulated usage as of December 31, 2019 is 40,800
2. How much is the depreciation of Asset T for 2020?
a. P32,500 c. P30,000
3. On December 31, before computing depreciation
b. P42,858 d. P46,428
expense on Asset T, the management of Survive, Inc.
determined that the useful life remaining from January 3. How much is the total depreciation expense for 2020?
1, 2020 is only 10 years. a. P166,600 c. P161,200
4. On December 31, it was discovered that a plant asset b. P177,498 d. P164,100
purchased in 2019 had been expensed completely in
that year. This asset costs P110,000 and has useful 4. How much is the adjusted cost of property, plant and
life of 10 years and no salvage value. Management equipment as of December 31, 2020?
has decided to use the double-declining balance for a. P1,340,000 c. P1,230,000
this asset, which can be referred to as “Asset I.” b. P1,055,000 d. P1,165,000
5. How much is the carrying amount of property, plant
QUESTIONS: and equipment as of December 31, 2020?
Based on the above and the result of your audit, answer a. P435,160 c. P763,440
the following: (Disregard tax implications) b. P729,840 d. P860,400
(d) At the beginning of the current year, the company had 1. The depletion for 2019 is
an open market basis valuation of its properties a. P125,000 c. P107,200
(excluding the newly constructed warehouse). Land b. P134,000 d. P 80,000
was valued at P1.2 million and the property at P4.8 2. The depletion for 2020 is
million. The directors wish these values to be a. P175,000 c. P145,600
incorporated into the financial statements. The b. P114,800 d. P187,600
properties had an estimated remaining life of 20 years
at the date of the valuation (straight-line depreciation 3. The carrying amount of the natural resources as of
is used). The company makes a transfer to retained December 31, 2020 is
earnings in respect of the excess depreciation on a. P290,200 c. P317,400
revalued assets. b. P259,400 d. P217,400
4. The depletion included in cost of sales for the year
(e) Depreciation for the year 2020 has not yet been
ended December 31, 2020 is
accounted for the in the draft financial statements.
a. P173,300 c. P168,350
b. P137,300 d. P110,900
5. Which method might an auditor utilize in testing
Based on the above and the result of your audit, answer
depletion expense?
the following:
a. Estimating the useful life of the natural resource.
b. Observation of the physical count.
c. Obtaining management representation.
d. Using analytical procedures.