A Comparison of Human and Animal Botulism: A Review

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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 May 1991 1

A comparison of human and animal botulism: a review

E M R Critchley Do FRcP Department of Neurology, Royal Preston Hospital, PO Box 66, !Sharoe Green
Lane, Preston PR2 4HT

Keywords: botulism; preformed toxin; toxico-infection

Summary C. botulinum appears to have a role at an early

Botulism can arise from preformed toxin, wound stage in the decomposition of animal, and
infection or intestinal toxico-infection. All three forms occasionally vegetable, matter. In anaerobic
can occur in humans as well as in animals. The conditions of increased alkalinity and temperature,
examination of botulism in veterinary practice can spores will germinate with the release of toxin. The
alert the medical profession to the hazards which can various strains of C. botulinum exhibit considerable
occur with the introduction of dietary alterations and poly- morphism and differ widely in colony
hermetic sealing of foodstuffs. There is also the appearance, spore-forming capacity, ability to form
possibility that the development of pica through lack one or more serologically distinct toxins, and in the
of essential nutrients could lead to the ingestion of state of synthesis of the toxin at the time of cell
contaminated substances rendering the child (or even lysis. Thus some toxins are released as fully
adult) susceptible to botulinum intoxication. A activated dichains whereas others require a further
positive gain has been that research leading to process of proteolytic nicking in vivo by intestinal
the elimination of shaker foal disease has provided enzymes to acquire full toxicity°-4. As other bacteria
a comprehensive analysis of factors which may take over, survival of the spores is ensured but the
underline the risk of toxico-infection in infants' 2. toxin is thermo-labile and more rapidly inactivated
as the pH riaes. Nevertheless the greatest
Introduction concentration of spores is to be found in carrion or
The rarity of human botulism contrasts with the spoiled foodstuffs, in larvae, grubs or other
frequent occurrence of animal botulism, involving invertebrates feeding upon carrion, and in soil
tens of thousands of wild fowl each year, herds of underlying carrion.
wild and domesticated animals, and rare species The differences between the serologically distinct
raised in captivitiy. But there are indicators which toxins were exemplified experimentally by Miyazaki
suggest that and Sakaguchi5. Preformed toxins of different types
unless today’s rapid changes in dietary habits, food were administered to 2-week-old chickens intra-
processing and presentation, are matched by increased venously, perorally, and intraduodenally to determine
vigilance into all aspects of food hygiene, food-borne the minimum lethal dose. Intravenously toxin A was
disease, including botulism, may become a more 1000 times more toxic than toxin C. When given
common scourge. Whereas in the past human intraduodenally, toxins C and A were equipotent
botulism was associated with inadequately cleaned, despite the fact that 100 times more toxin C was
salted, smoked or dried fish or meat, the greatest risk absorbed and entered the systemic circulation. In vivo
nowadays arises from commercial or home-prepared production of toxins (toxico-infection) was also
condiments, vegetables, non-acid fruits and preserved examined. The oral administration of 10 C. botulinum
raw fish. Plastic wrapped foods may warm and spores of types A, C or D was aufFicient to kill normal
ferment in anaerobic conditions with survival of toxin 2-week-old chickens. The spores germinated within
at refrigerator temperatures'. the caecum with the production and absorption of
Human disease does not differ fundamentally in toxin. If, however, the caecum was protected by
clinical features, ease of diagnosis, supportive ligation the chickens survived.
laboratory testing, management or therapeutic
measures from that seen in veterinary practice. For Clinical features
these reasons it is proposed to examine the circum- The clinical features of botulism differ little
stances and risk factors which result in outbreaks of between medical and veterinary practice. There are
botulism among animals. excellent accounts of botulism in horses°, cattle',
Cfosfridiurn botulinum is a Gram-positive, lions , foxhounds and baboons' 0 with similar
anaerobic, rod-shaped bacillus widely distributed observations
throughout the world in soil and marine deposits. in aheep and pigs. Descriptions in wildfowl, chickens
Other telluric bacteria, such as C. sporogeneF, and turkey 11 are also surprisingly similar. Animals
present in the same sediments inhibit germination may appear depressed, dull, reluctant to move and
and destroy any toxin produced. Nevertheless, the reluctant to take food. A few may show evidence of
spores can survive for long periods in most dribbling or dropping food from the mouth, abdominal
environmental circumstances, withstanding dry heat distension, a low grade colic or even vomiting. The 0141-0768/91/
but remaining susceptible to acidity, 8-10' o saline disease is not accompanied by fever but is 050295-04/$02.00/0
solutions or moist heat. In its vegetative form the characterized by a flaccid paralysis often starting in the 0 1991
The Royal
organism is an inhabitant of the alimentary canal of hind- quarters with weakness, muBcle tremors,
Society of
herbivores, thereby permitting its carriage to new stumbling and recumbency. The animal may be Medicine
locations. Such forma pose no threat to most adult reluctant to rise, the lying posture may be abnormal
animals. and, on rising, the gait may be stilted and the hind
limbs splayed and
2 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 May 1991

ataxic. Weakness then progresses to the Most outbreaks among animals are ascribed to
forequarters, head and neck. An abnormal posture infected foods, contaminated foods and unhygienic
of the head may be evident. Apparent lethargy,
conditions' 0""' 8. Modern farming practices may
depression and dullness of expression may be the
also introduce botulism into carcass-free fodder.
result of loss of tone around the eyes and mouth.
Grass harvested for silage is inevitably
The eyes may appear closed, the pupils dilated and
contaminated with soil’. Properly dried big bale
pupillary reflexes sluggish. A diagnostic feature
silage is safe, but if damp, heavily moulded samples
may be the ease with which the tongue can be
are hermetically sealed the pH can be as high as 8.5.
grasped and pulled out of the mouth. Inability to
In an alkaline pH with increasing temperature
swallow may be followed by paralysis of the
spores may germinate with the production of
thoracic muscles and laboured, diaphragmatic
(abdominal) breathing. When an outbreak occurs
acutely with a very brief incubation period the first Toxieo-infection
evidence may be that a number of horses™'' 3 or Wound infection
baboons' 0 have died for no apparent reason. In Wound botulism, like tetanus, may result from
avian outbreaks of botulism affecting ducks, deep contamination of wounds with the anaerobic
chickens, turkeys, etc. the birds initially appear dull germination of spores within the tissues of the host.
and reluctant to move. The eyes may be closed and Young males with compound fractures are
the necks and wings stretched out with the legs particularly at risk. A comparable example from
tucked beneath them. veterinary practice is provided by Bernard et al.*
who describe botulism as a sequel to open
Preformed toxins castration performed in a barn at a local racetrack.
Death of wildfowl from preformed toxin in shallow Two weeks after surgery, the horse seemed stiff
stagnant water usually occurs in conditions of after galloping and was seen dropping food from its
drought and hot weather. Seepage of water from mouth. It became tremulous, the tone in the eyelids,
alkaline soils and thermal effluence as from power tail, and tongue was markedly diminished, and the
stations' 4 enhance bacterial proliferation where eyelids and tail could be lifted with minimal
there is oxygen depletion. Anaerobic conditions resistance. The tongue could be pulled out of the
develop as the result of an overgrowth of pond side of the mouth and the horse was unable to
weed and the presence of rotting vegetable and swallow. Under anaesthetic the scrotal incisions
organic matter. A subsequent fall in temperature were reopened exposing a neurotic foul-smelling
may allow the toxin to remain stable through the remnant of the spermatic cord. Debridement was
winter months causing further deaths among wild performed and C. t›otufinttm B isolated. Antitoxin
fowl in the following spring' 5. Decomposing and penicillin were given. The horse was fed gruel
carcasses in water are a potent source of via a nasogastric tube. Hydration was monitored
intoxication and many deaths result from pecking at and oral toilet performed. The horse gradually
infected carrion. improved over 10 days’ hospitalization. Drainage
Resistance to the effects of botulinum toxin, either from the surgical site ceased on day 4, muscle tone
innate or acquired, has been demonstrated in some in the tongue and tail improved by day 5, and
carrion-eating mammals and birds. This is not swallowing returned on day 8.
invariably so: foxhounds’ and lions' fed infected meat
may develop botulism. Repeated infections may occur Intestinal infection
in susceptible animals'6; and Greenwood' is convinced Adult toxico-infection ia unusual but has occasionally
that unrecognized mild botulism may occur quite been reported in association with achlorhydria, gastro-
frequently in non-domestic carnivores, particularly if intestinal operations and stagnant loops of bowel.
food hygiene is bad. Because of the extreme potency Infant botulism is well recognized and in many cases
of associated with ingestion of honey which may provide
C. botulinum toxin, it is likely that sub-lethal doaes both the vehicle for the ingress of spores and a non-
are acid environment for their proliferation. Study of the
too small to stimulate an immune response. intestinal micro-flora has suggested that there may
However, with repeated mild infections it is be a delay in the establishment of normal flora, colon-
possible that immunity does develop as is suggested ization by organisms that promote C. botulinum, the
by the presence of antitoxin in carrion-eating birds,
absence of organisms that inhibit C. botulinum, and a
such as the turkey vulture, fish-eating gulls and
crows". Vaccination with C. botulinum toxoid has
been used successfully within herds of botulinum- Table 1. Optimum temperatures for germination and
affected cattle, and to protect racehorses and rare aynthesiz o[toxins. !State o[actiuit y of toxins in uilro
zoological specimens. before absorption and [urther in uiuo activation by
Destruction of livestock is usually associated with
unnatural necrophagia, eg from the presence of rodent
carcases in fodder' 3. Trout have been infected in fish-
farms after feeding with spoiled marine fish
T'ozins Temperatures State of actiuotion Those aI risk
scraps'6. Lamsieke among cattle in South Africa
develops in times of drought when the parched
A 38-40°C Fully synthesized humans,
grass is deficient in phosphorus. They develop a
craving seeking to replenish the phosphorus from B Nearly fully humans,
the shells of dead tortoises". A similar condition, synthesized animals
called Dry Bible, E 33-35°C Activated by humans,
occurs among sheep and cattle in Western
Australia. Malnourished and undernourished
animals develop
pica and are susceptible to botulism from carrion ' 7. Cannabalism can occur among factory-farmed poultry
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 May 1991 3
trypsin animals only
C 1+2 40-42°C Partly activated by trypsin
associated with overcrowding, inadequate trough D Partly activated animals only
space and an unbalanced diet. Failure to remove dead by trypsin
birds may lead to an outbreak of botulism' ®.
change in diet that results in constipation and stasis, toxin is blocked by antitoxin administration. Difficulty in maintaining
allowing the germination and out-growth of spores'". intravenous catheters when affected lions became at all active
Toxico-infection is relatively rare among adult
animals but in one outbreak of type C. botulism in
cattle-fed ensiled poultry litter 20 the outbreak was
biphasic. Preformed toxin accounted for the acute
onset of clinical signs within 72-96 h and the deaths
occurring within 10 days. However, some animals
only became affected about 2 weeks after having had
access to the feed for 24 h. It was concluded that the
ingestion of sublethal amounts of preformed toxin
could serve to debilitate cattle transiently and
possibly act as a prerequisite for in vivo toxin
production from ingested spores.
The prime example of toxico-infection in animals
is provided by shaker foal disease - a neuromuscular
paralytic disease in foals prevalent in Central
Kentucky. In 1967, McQuillen and Cantor confirmed
the presynaptic nature of the neiiro-muscula r block
(unpublished observation) but only later was the
diagnosis of botulism established". The disease most
frequently developed in fast growing foals between
2 and 4 weeks old. At autopsy, neurotic areas were
found in the skin, umbilicus, liver and especially in
the gastric mucosa. It was thought that C. botulinum
spores were ingested from contaminated soil and
faecal material. Whereas in normal circumstances
they are harmless, they are able to proliferate in
necrotic gastric ulcers simulating wound botulism.
Other factors appeared necessary for the disease to
occur. The mares were usually fed on an excessively
nutritious diet and produced an above average
yield of milk with a high fat content. The disease
commonly involved foals after periods of stress to
lactating mares as a result of which the fat content
of the milk contained an excessive amount of
corticosteroids, thereby producing steroid ulcers. This
sequence of events was reproduced and confirmed
Toxico-infection usually develops subacutely but
Arnon et al.2’ have questioned whether botulism
may occasionally be responsible for cases of
sudden infant death. The likelihood of thia
possibility is increased by the fact that both
experimentally and in humans cardiac
dysrhythmias and congestive
failure can occur with botulism 22'° .

Clinical considerations
The differential diagnosis includes cerebrovascular
accidents, myasthenia gravis and polyradiculopathy,
with the added possibilities of tick paralysis, organo-
phosphate poisoning and adulteration of foods7'°'.
Inter- and intra-species variations in susceptibility to
botulism remain largely unexplained: types C and D
do not cause human disease, and in one outbreak of
type C botulism only male turkeys were affected". A
shared carton of yoghurt caused botulism in two
teen- agers but not their cat°5 and contaminated
chickens fed to lions, jaguars and coatis only
affected the lions .
The principles of treatment are the same in
medical and veterinary practice. With the possible
exception of antitoxin E°°, the efficacy of antitoxins
have not been established. Drugs which enhance
neurotrans- mitter release, eg guanidines and
aminopyridines are short acting and should not be
used in the early stages unless further uptake of
4 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 May 1991

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Department of Neurology, University 11 Smart JL, Laing PW, Winkler CE. Type C botulism in
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botulinum toxin at the
20 Neill SD, McLoughlin MF, McIlroy SG. Type C Funthen details com: M P Steams, 97 Harley Street,
botulism in cattle being fed ensiled poultry litter. Vet London WIN IDF (Tel: 071-487 4695a
Rec 1989;l24:558-60
First North Sea Meeting on Venous Diseases Fourth Anglo-French
21 Arnon SS, Midura TF, Damus K, Wood RM, Chin J.
Intestinal infection and toxin production by Meeting on Phlebology 30 May-1 June 1991, Amsterdam, The
Clostridium botulinum as one cause of sudden infant Netherlands
death syndrome. L.ancet 1978;i:1273-7 Further details com: Symposium Office, PO Box 39 5720 AA Asten, The
22 Vernant P. Formes cardiaques du botulisme. Ann Netherlands
Microbiol (Inst Pasteur) 1979;130A:141-2 Strengthening Community Capacity to Prevent and Control Disease:
23 Smith GR. Individual variation in botulism. Br I Exp Implementing Treatment and Pre- vention Programs for Children
Pathol 1986;67:617-21 12-14 June 1991, Carter Presidential Centre, Atlanta, Georgia Further details from:
24 Name LA. Selected neurotoxins. Vet Clin North Am INMED, 103 Loudoun Street, SW, PO Box 4200, Leesburg, VA 22075, USA
Small Anim Pract 1988;18:593-604 (Tel: 703 771 0011)
25 Critchley EMR, Hayes PJ, Isaacs PET. Outbreak of
Advanced Training Program in Biomedical Research
16-17 June 1991, Elsinore, Denmark
F'urther details from: Prof. T Agersnap, Institution of Organization, Copenhagen
School of Economics, Blâglrdegade 23 B, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
(Tel: 45 31 37 05 55; Fax: 45 42 80 ñ7 50)
Thyroid ’81
Forthcoming events 4-5 July 1991, Newcastle upon Tyne
Further details from: Dr Petros Perros, Department of Medicine, The Medical
School, University of Newcastle, Newcastle NE2 4HH
Seventh Oswestry Spine Symposium Institute of Medical Ethics Conference on The Ethics
20-22 May 1991, Institute of Orthopaedics, Oswestry of Using Animals in Biomedical Research
Further details from: Erica Wilkinson, Symposium 9-11 July 1991, Birmingham University, UK
Secretary, The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic and Further details ;from: The Conference Secretary, Department of Biomedical
District Hospital, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 7AG fTel: Science and Biomedical Ethics, The Medical School, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
0691 655311 ext. 3392)
Techniques and Applications of Molecular Biology: A Courae for Medical
Joint Meeting of The European Academy of Facial Practitioners
Surgery and The Swedish Society of Eathetic Surgery 23- 15-18 July 1991, University of Warwick
24 May 1991, Goteborg, Sweden (Closing date: 27 May 1991)
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 May 1991 5
Further details from: Dr Rachel Strachan (Short Courses),
botulism in North West England and Wales. June 1989.
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick,
Lantet 1989;ii:849-53
Coventry CV4 7AL (Tel: 0203 523523 ext. 3540;
Pax: 0203 523701a 26 Larson HE. Botulism. In: Weatherall DJ, Ledingham
JGG, Farrell DA, eds. Oxford textbook o[ medicine,
vol 1. Oxford University Press, 1984:230
27 Smith LDS. Botulism, the organisms, its toxins, the
disease. Springfield, Illinois: CC Thomas, 1979
28 Sonnabend WF, Sonnabend OA, Grundler P, Katz E.
Intestinal toxicoinfection by Clostridium botulinum
type F in an adult. Lancet 1987;i:357-60
29 van Ness •IJ. Botulism and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Lancet 1987;i:1033

(Accepted 6 November 1990)

Pre-Congress Course for Physiotherapiete

23-26 July 1991, Institute of Orthopaedics, Oswestry
Further details from: (see entry for 20-22 May 1991)
3rd Annual Meeting of the British Sleep Society
l -3 September 1991, Worcester College, Oxford
Further details com: Dr I Stradling, Osler Chest Unit,
Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LJ (Tel:
0865 225236; Fax 0865 225221)
7th IUVDT Regional Conference on Sexually Trans-
mitted Diseases
5-7 September 1991, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Further details com: Conference Secretariat, Department
of Medical Microbiology, f'•aculty of Medicine, University
of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Tel: 03
Fax: 603 7557740)
Dynamic Axial Fixation Course
18-20 September 1991, Institute of Orthopaedics, Oswestry
Further details -om: (see entry for 20-22 May 1991)
Look After Your Heart International Conference:
Collaboration, Co-Operation and Community Parti-
t9-20 September 199t, London
Further details ;from: Judy Berry, Health Education
Authority, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London
WCIH 9TX (Tel: 071-383 3833; Fax 071 387 0550)
Monitoring of Orthopaedic Implant Biomaterials:
Microelectronics Challenge
25-28 September 1991, Brussels
Further details from: F Burny, Service Orthopedie-
Traumatologie, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Route de
Lennik 808, B 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium (Tel: 2-526 36
Fax: 2-520 35 56)
Autumn Meeting of the British Association of Oral and
Maxillofaeial Surgeons
27-29 September 1991, Harrogate Conference Centre
Further details com: John C Lowry, Honorary Secretary,
British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,
Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35/43 Lincoln's Inn
Fields, London WC2A 3PN
3rd International Conference on SLE
13-15 April 1992, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre,
Further details from: Dr Graham Hughes or Mrs Denzil
Fletcher, Rheumatology Department, St Thomaa’ Hospital,
London SEl 7EH (Tel and Fax: 071-633 9422)
Principles of Colon and Rectal Surgery 9-
12 October 1991, University of Minnesota,
Further details from: Continuing Medical Education, Uni-
versity of Minnesota Medical School, Box 202 UMHC,
420 Delaware Street Southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota
55455, USA (Tel: 612 626 7600)

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