International Relations.

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RolL NO 182.

46--0023 no-1/12




CU RoLL_NO : 8214--002.3
RE NO : 4-(2n-0290-18
eoNTNCT NO : 76058139
MHL D : farwansabs I®1@gmail-com
ToTL No OF PAEr /2
ROLL N0 - 182146-1t-0022 P7ho-2//2

A Choase t Covaect answe i

1a Classical eaism

2 a. Renlsm


mmanued Welexstein

5 1962


7 Cynthia Enlo e


CKennett Waltz

o) d 1954
RDLL N : 1R2146 -

|1- 0023 Pa ne /2


heerieg it a analytical too/ fr unalestonoling,exploining

omd making reictiins akeut a given ukjet mate. Tt it necesiaT

|becaufe it octs a a2uidivI prini pal to yst ematitaly ttucture

C 0bsrvntion Pepro aches in
Ldernational Relations atesmpt to

4nwede aConcebtnal framwek that uld hel to

anayse probe
Uffertnt aspet saplint i efote, the main stre am Jatoma tiáe
Relatio lis towise, henever, une/ Te
luen ce a three main
thes tiol pective! th Wemd Pob'ties -LIBERALSM, PoLI TICAL
dscuss ion 'tn
|Wortd y t 1ury i given hasusi


Neb Systen hosy itbtt a
pelitical and intelletnal tnd aavewr
This deelofsAenut debote tn the dtudy Zhterno tisna
Pte tint tusry it hghy hlueneedy Maist theory Wovd

ystem hesy i matyo Souip logi co/ Pexspettrne that deekt to

eloln tte o n ie h. "Copitahst Worted tConom as a to

al deial 4ysten. Jt emphasieso eayualate potuni tieg across
hatiem, lt hot bren enbrocni olweloprment tleovs(s and

RoLL NO I82148-11-002.3
he bot8 o the wotd Systam theory Can be traced to the wrting
Leninh his seminol Nek
"Impertalt-he H'gest Staje kitati
Le'n Contenaded tiat impennlism Creattel a two- trer &tru etwre u'tw'n
Catabst wetd enemy. He identip/ed te dominant tru ctus aAs

te'Coreand te less developes Jtruetwre AS paipkay' (he hotew-|

Yty pponën ti This

tkeoy were Aden qundre Frank (1967) , Ti|
zallag her aARonaled Kobindsm Among then, m anuel Wellerste
fwr the dveles esl s
tkeey ana prourded powepuf hst2h &'nto
tie herkig t WeMd apitabst etnemy .


Lmmonutl Wellexstein's name is AssoLatesd i t tws afbbmaCk

mast insrtont weTk he Medern Wrld System : Caßitabit Agr cultw

d the Ongnt te tunejeas Werid-kconemy in te Stxteen th Cen-
ny 1944) hu landmark Contriba tion to souslegrtal ao kie
vi tteught ancd Spohed dekate hsting thyee olecaol the
bost wey
wey! interpret hi tovy, 4e uety and etonom/e in
tn 2le bonl
2le kal
enpet tva

Keere lhe rrteent tenl ny, when wegten kwohe

embaaked dn a
Ca4tort Jvnlepmen!, "enlalitm oominateod wtt
kunopean Peuety.
Re tween 1o-"30 het Pepula tlbn vell a tomm erce
panoded w'tk»'n
e 'ntt f the feuclnl yiten (ewever, from e t 450 7 thss expanrdA|

CeASed t Cren trng A Severe ethemic t o r i s J Tesponse to the feuda

C s ' , by te late f 4 ten th and tan/y S*teenth Centae the wol et

KEG7 MO :4-1211-0290-18 /RoLL NO : 18246-t-0023
omic 9ystem emexged. t wo1d-System what ellen tain

the narket
cerm as a werld Ftonbmy integrated reugh
hm6re Rq0nS aMe
rather than a
bolt Cal Centre , in w' ch

tntedehenol ent wr Spect to hetesi'te ike

foodfue and pet
ectra and twe or mbre
politre Combete for demina ti'o w thsu t tke
mtg ne One ingle ecte forven Jn thy's dwn first dejwtton

Wellexs tein Sar'd That a Wold Sys tem a i

multteus twral territoma/ twisiom latowr t ww

the p uetion ans exchan basie geodt and

a mattta(s isneaess anY or

s in habi tants.
evey detge
Jmmannel Welers tein
Wellestein papt se ree dyerent Catego Wes- CORE, SEM -

PERA PHERY nd PERI PHERY , hti all wlie

be plaeo.
9eg rons e te werd Can


ecolurces CoeCore Goa

Geds Knehoree

Flow 4 resoures rom a feupheny or Semi-peniphorf toa Core, enrietLing

tte loten at te expente of the -6vme

ROLLANO - 8214t- tl-00233
CORE he CoTe 9 / n s benerteat the mest from te caßitatrt wind econ

rer te Petool under desu sslo n muth

of hartt wes tem kuope ngland,
rons h'tically, tL Sta
ne and telland) dveleped as the ft tore

t thin t part o kuope developed tng cen tral 2erernentt

extersrw beureaucrauiet and (aHge mercen ary am'el

O t e 0the end t t e Scale lay the patphernl zeaef. (hese
|Stný 9evermentr o uere Con te le by 6tter State, rxpor tes

tenal to tto Core and veljed on Coercine lakor practrèes. (he Core
pro patel muel te Caital Suphu erera ted by te peph
rugk unearnal trade relatrons. (no area Eastem Ercope

Cespecalty oland) and at#n Anevta hilited daracteuttfce Pe-

ipkesal Zhe. Lekor ystemt in 69. peuiphera/ 2emes afperel f90

enier ferms in melena! Eurrope in tat hey we es taklrsked to

rodue 9ses for a

apita ost nend eoho my an het mere r he

internal Censumptrien
etw een the two eatvem e lre the
Sem/-peri pher* (hose oreas
res entess esther core
eq/ons in lecline
to mrone theiv elntrw
periphevres atembt/bug
pbertfon in he wold eone mve
ten buffers ke tneen the Cove and e pephenieshey
alst Serve at

G77 00
ood exambles a
declinng Coves that became
tugal and Seniheip
mipep her'es
hevves ate
are Pr
Spai Jtaly, South aun
9emany and
Sou tton ane. f-
Mimitnlly, thase regims retained imittel but aletln'ng aues to ihterra
tional bonking and paodiuetàn ok tost z+sd interra -

18214t- I-0023 P no /n
he r a centoy factor n the pos/'tioni'ng a eg/0n In the

th CsTe
C epepheny Aolvanceod or developes Countres are

his Weltegs tes Calted

nde less edevelsped i the
Fiphey- s hat
Chearual Exchange', tte 8yste matie transer 4 fplus from
Pepheny t Cer
he themy has bee Coitcixeel in Severa
Wellearsteins historeal analysis has been r'tiuzed as lon tro veasia 1|

to role of ony Stru ctua/ elem en t 6ther Aa

here 's no ref erente
A S i n the analy str olPtical patU*s, a med fores etnit aun rel'z/a

p e beraucdy aud 6ther factsrs have bee toto(y 'gnoreo

A rene wned Jndina ualar e IR, Prpesser Jayan tanufa
3 podhyay rit eirer tat tte defen den ty 0 n tke Noted ysem
tenes are St Simp lisbe ahd fal bo
e r ies are
prowde SatrsLattery explana ti

te Telationshp betwen te omes tL StTuet wres e a State

.Aleerding to kolert Cosrtis theery fails o t e preuse fhnatro

eut t Straut tural tans4Tmatrbu h a d System.

A Cont lusion, H relevan t to motke that Wo/d Sy! tem-
thesry t vet wi'ttput va lus. Ih additr'on, i't 'r apr0aeh widely

uged t hatk tolk abut doyolopment eynam/ta

and totnderstand
the Telabinship betwets tt fiut wert aned
hird ws td As an
ter coisp linavy theory, it has abe drown (le oftentron ot Scho/ars fo

Severn dsuptis in h Setual Suen ces J t afo

ana/yre» Calus of s
6TdinAtren and marg/nalizatra p develot Hate by heyem
RoL No: S2.1t-t1-002.3

heores irit an
Theorres aa analytren/l Eoo fov tunelevstanodmg , txsloin/ng and ma-
in detibns a6aut v e n Sukject matter I t mecessary
e acts As agwdin pvneipal to Syst ematically Obterve 6w OLter-
Apdaches in Tnternat ional Relotions aten6t to prouwde a
Cettna/ famevo»k that waulol help to analyse
ppe ijserent aspec
adsup lintlru date, the main tream ntema t/o nal Relatio ns olis
aurie heweve, wnde the
ing luente tvee main eort cal per-
spectrives d vovtd politics- LIBERALISM, POLITICAL REAUSM onsd NORLO
SYSTEM THEORY Of these, olr'tr Realm decm to have Pres ondvanne
bUe t e dte Predsnderante


Kealttm has been the most olomlnaht schosf af theught
and Contrinuet to have relevan te
ld War I internatiomal Teatins S ti
n te preSent intanational relatibns Scenaub (he priheu'pal i e ot thinking

reaist JeLeo it 'h (m pwed and its exevcire by Jtatee. stke-

werd, it ciy tonteynte witt realpoltik

he batic asfumpt/bnd of reallsm dre:

The international System ir anarchic

Jovereign Stnteg ave tue prinupal atto tnhe 'nter natron u a y stem

Stater are ratrenal Unstay attods eack tnde the Consideratio

eitsdwA nat fb nal in ttr ert.

Natibnal Secuwity and Survival ae the pimay 'nat/ona/ ntey e t ' o
eath State.

punsut / hatrona/ Seeurty States Srie to inseate hatioual power.

ROLLL No : 8246 I1-00 23
- P no- 9/12

he main feabures of realitm aHe as llows
in ConalE/0h
ca TLasts were a/ the asinon that people h'veel a

to ta inSec wu and (as lessh ert. h s sithaton hnas altened

Yover h stat wit a

stron9 96vethment
The rder heels to be poweru to resolve Canylie& in poli'tre. Clat ca-

E mshas'zed the primary volus bower in tate Crayt

?ortiet wched
Ate tte
nng e wwI, nternat'ana/ was

þewar pelitrts. l tur Contert ponwer mas
agai pleeted and reinorte
in t wrtingt e hea Jome a/aisical ealis ts a t e twente th Centuy

| Sueh at were E:H Car an Hans J Morgonthau

Polrttcl Realitm'in Lnternattopal Relations reaehed rtZeai th ard assumed

g r e tetarns Stature in he handr o Hans T. Marg an thau in his dimi'nal

ver Pliver Amoug Natiot: lhe Struggle for ower aned kace (a4) H .

tury restt upon the asfumptions hat people ae

ha tue del-tnt
eted oud power hung (he eemnt c pwe Can Se twne an
als fn t
Souety and Con placs hum a n Adyan tage0-s postttd n tn
CbmbumJtn o otter s. Mrg nttau believed hat
pelitics ia
stuggie Power
Mor9en thau
(6understond hs vexso realhtm , {t u e
hecestony to how u
Pr nuple Pelititnl vealit a de velapeod Polr'ties Ame Watren
hose Prneples
Roll No- 182144-1-6023 Pg o /o/12

Six PRINCIPLES (aws tha

Drtrcs ,like godiety in genenal, it 94verhe by oljeetiue
Thorepr t
hwe tLeir nets iu humon uatw whi'th 'g nthanging
peible t develop a ational theory that these oLjettius laws.

realitm i the Conceßt of- interert cy|

ke man
/gapott of Politrtal

ined tetm
in pawe rhu'th infuses rationa odey in to tte Sus
ma tlt polities and thus mak te thepvi tcol understanding f Pslitief
procoss n whwth
ssebleMorgenthau'k ews intrna tronal
enpolite as a

hattdnal ihtea4t aHe acco do ms alate o r e ofved dh tte bass o diplomay

HHe ushel d tat

at'sal intuest presuppaser
(e Con
tebt ef
hoturall hampnubus pacefud wsrtel r tte inevitabib
waH aS G Conseas uence he perswt by mean

their nattanal tntauett. Owte t te Contrary , it

assum Contineus
uCoryh'et and tkreat Y wa tbe
ww'n'ed ttnug h the Centinaus aljustment toytiutj
nteyert by liplsma tit natfond n
assumef thata State's in turest ave net fiked : Key ave

clongeokte depa ding On tIme and plau a a nsr ld in wheh Sareuins

State Compete fer powen, Sur vla Constrtutes the mnimum g8al

aud tt COTe nati tnal in terest keer, tke bas'e mwmum

nationa l ihtoest dytiale in hat/ohal Surwva and othey i'nteeste a

detenmined ly tLe rea uwr ementftime plae Cl twte andSeu aLonom

xhd Political tbhoditr'sni o t State.
Ro1 No 82144I-002.3 Pa-u//2
ClasSic rom hiery
Spport thus agument Morg enthau ives

One Such is te porey G r a t i t ain ~ 1a3s-4o to waarok Fnlanod

nt ba-
h e Says n hot baree o eals tr'e mera /stre founol trbns a

d y mass?ve militany ald 6h the face a Souvet n9gre $Ston a t might

howe backhed onBoi t a i ' urvival Only. Mor9 ethay renatks ath

"When the hotisna intuyet rela ted to hatid na uwv

hat been a uaTde, a h hations purshe lessen tnfer sts ?

must be
Univerta/ meralprinu'pals annot be aspleel to Snte attbn. lkey
fttereel ttT
tkTo Con crette Crtum tantes tme and pbe. 6 Coyuse ih
Sta tes in Pursw
dval mTnlits uth State s msrali ty s to Court oftas ter,
Ar q6verned by a a ity
that s pfeHent
hattbhal tn terest
the mral individuals ih ther pedson a re/atohs hip£.

rrcal ealitn ryusa to den t y the mora ospima tonA f a

i t te meral (aw a t querh te umvebse J t k tte ConeesE
t&e moral ex ceSs
in temt
oF pwey ttat Roaves u frDm
|intast defined
and pelrt/cal F

the oubo te pol'ercal tphre ta th

prliticol reolist malntaln nomy of
etosmitt, the lauwyr, and the mtralt tr oe .

hug ntellectnally
Sam woy s h
mashtaihs the auto nom othe palitronl #pkere bnt hever- te
the politiol rehst ds neqaddthr err'sten ce uno msovtance f s Candat

9 Sober d
otker os political Dhef Stntecraft a
tninayPing act

e tnght
a pround vaenrs
human tirtatrdn tuman ha
that involvo
It Sheu /d be tontr'dored n intenatibnal Polr'tr tte
than el

Sheud 6e. It nphet hat #otk

thoug ht ih Poltr
hum aA hatwme

he develePment of Standa.
astigned peper unCEres.
Jhould be
RLL NO - (82/4t- ll-0023 Pg n-12/12

in- &e
heevelpmBut of Standarok of thaugátt frel of peieoe, as
eto nimrcs anal 04 olisuplihe, o the main
punpese 0f Pob'tvial

The Kerlist asprtack ig er'ticsed by the Lilernls ana he kem/nrtt

mor wa
Thos tte expressed that pove eem? to be t e only tmportant|
elkment Interha tional Refation Te redu ce a&er aspect po'ts
Juu (aperat n pieples freedm nature Ke 9vanment, values and

y pople. t only talk asout "hwer Montim

Augrding to Stanley Hettman r thi ry ull of onemalier
On ngwtiet and gnret he dscusrron
o enols.
here has also bee a
feminitt citiaue of renlitt
int ortlusien t wome
theory frtm tke
troug hout the whale astourte. n he
yrasol Hors J Mergen lau, fr instance rekner
(1t6) cw'tieizes
tn aþar ti'ol deescplubn o n texnatronal
Crbuted Morgen thau ' *ealn¥m s
nartew otus

|Honevev, desprte te vole o the rt/tmt, yealism cont/ hues to
o luasle intghtf and remain
he an
fms rtant
Ahaly tical too/ ew-
y Student 1R. It depineI
Intena tronal Polrteg'a
power Thonetore it wi dtrggle Fo
ont fnve to rem ain relev an tas
States Pursue power an d rem a'n the long
tal actor
wwr4 polr'tes.

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