Molecular and Morphological Criteria For
Molecular and Morphological Criteria For
Molecular and Morphological Criteria For
Otakar Struneck
Institute of Botany, Centre for Phycology, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dukelska 135, Trebo
n 379 82, Czech
Centre for Polar Ecology, Department of Ecosystem Biology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branisovska 31,
Ceske Budejovice 370 05, Czech Republic
r ı Kom
Ji a rek
Institute of Botany, Centre for Phycology, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dukelska 135, Trebon 379 82, Czech
Institute of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branisovska 31, Ceske Budejovice 370 05, Czech Republic
Jeffrey Johansen
Biology, John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118, USA
Ninety-two strains of Microcoleus vaginatus characters defining Microcoleus are related to the
(=nomenclatural-type species of the genus Microcoleus cytomorphology of trichomes, including: narrowed
Desmazi eres ex Gomont) and Phormidium autumnale trichome ends, calyptra, cells shorter than wide up to
Trevisan ex Gomont from a wide diversity of more or less isodiametric, and facultative presence of
regions and biotopes were examined using a sheaths. The majority of species are 4–10 lm in
combination of morphological and molecular diameter. The possession of multiple trichomes in a
methods. Phylogenies based on the 16S rDNA and common sheath is present facultatively in many but
16S-23S ITS (partial) demonstrated that the 92 not all species.
strains, together with a number of strains in Key index words: Cyanobacteria; Microcoleus; molecu-
GenBank, were members of a highly supported lar evaluation; morphology; Phormidium; phylogeny;
monophyletic clade of strains (Bayesian posterior taxonomy
probability = 1.0) distant from the species-cluster
containing the generitype of Phormidium. Similarity List of Abbreviations: CCALA, Culture Collection of
of the 16S rRNA gene exceeded 95.5% among all Autotrophic Organisms, Trebo n, Czech Republic;
members of the Microcoleus clade, but was less than ISBAL, Culture Collection of Soil Algae at the Insti-
95% between any Microcoleus strains and species
tute of Soil Biology, Cesk e Budejovice, Czech
outside of the clade (e.g., Phormidium sensu stricto). Republic; ITS, internal transcribed spacer; PCC,
These findings, which are in agreement with earlier Pasteur Culture Collection; SAG, Culture Collection
studies on these taxa, necessitate the revision of of Algae at Gottingen University, Germany; UTCC,
Microcoleus to include P. autumnale. Furthermore, the University of Toronto Culture Collection of Algae
cluster of Phormidium species in the P. autumnale and Cyanobacteria
group (known as Group VII) must be moved into
Microcoleus as well, and these nomenclatural transfers
are included in this study. The main diacritical
Both Microcoleus Desmazieres ex Gomont and Pho-
Received 4 October 2012. Accepted 16 July 2013.
rmidium K€utzing ex Gomont are polyphyletic genera
Author for correspondence: e-mail [email protected]. in the Oscillatoriales (phylum Cyanobacteria), as fol-
Editorial Responsibility: A. Post (Associate Editor) lows from recent molecular analyses (Boyer et al.
1168 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
2002, Taton et al. 2006, Palinska and Marquardt filaments in a common sheath. The morphological
2008, Siegesmund et al. 2008, Strunecky et al. 2010, difference between M. vaginatus and P. autumnale is
2011, and others), as well as from detailed cytomor- only in the form of colonies and organization of
phological investigations (Turicchia et al. 2009). filaments, but the morphology of trichomes is dis-
They are both species-rich genera, with about 170 tinctly similar. A molecular synapomorphy has been
validly described species in Phormidium and 30 repeatedly found and reported as diagnostic for
validly described species in Microcoleus up to now M. vaginatus, an 11 nucleotide insert in the H17
(Komarek and Anagnostidis 2005). Both genera helix of the 16S rRNA transcript (Garcia-Pichel
date from the starting point of oscillatorialean gen- et al. 2001, Boyer et al. 2002, Hasler et al. 2012).
era (Gomont 1892). The generitype of Phormidium Microcoleus as currently defined is polyphyletic.
is P. lucidum K€
utzing ex Gomont (Geitler 1942); the The generitype, M. vaginatus has successive cell divi-
generitype of Microcoleus is M. vaginatus (Vaucher) sion and thylakoid structure similar to the family
Gomont (Geitler 1942, Drouet 1968). Oscillatoriaceae as defined in Anagnostidis and
Komarek and Anagnostidis (2005) presented a Komarek (1988), while most of the species in the
revised taxonomy for the nonheterocytous filamen- genus, as presently defined, have cell division and
tous cyanobacteria based on morphological criteria. thylakoid structure typical of the family Phormidia-
As revised, the genus Phormidium contained those ceae (Anagnostidis and Komarek 1988). P. autum-
species with following taxonomic features: trichome nale and other species in Group VII share cell
width ~3–11 lm, sheaths with only one trichome, division and thylakoid characteristics of Microcoleus
cells isodiametric or shorter than wide, apical cells sensu stricto. This problem was noted by Boyer
pointed or rounded with or without calyptra, daugh- et al. (2002) and Komarek and Anagnostidis (2005).
ter cells dividing and growing to the size of the Of the 30 species of Microcoleus, only seven species
mother cells before the next division, trichome clearly belong to the M. vaginatus cluster (M. amplus,
disintegration facilitated by necrotic cells, without M. acremannii, M. antarcticus, M. baicalensis, M. rushf-
aerotopes, and principally from aquatic biotopes. orthii, M. subandinus, and M. terrestris). Most remain-
A relatively wide spectrum of different morphospe- ing species have strongly constricted cross walls,
cies previously described in Phormidium, Oscillatoria phormidiacean cell division, no calyptra, and end
and Lyngbya was reorganized into eight distinct mor- cells typically longer than wide, whereas a few spe-
phological groups within Phormidium. The type spe- cies differ from both these major groups (see
cies for Phormidium, P. lucidum, belongs to their Komarek and Anagnostidis 2005). Because M. vagin-
group VIII, and was originally described by K€ utzing atus is the generitype, these other species must be
(1843) from an aerial mat growing on the walls of removed from Microcoleus and placed in existing or
thermal springs in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. new genera. Indeed, some of this revisionary work
The species cluster containing the generitype has already commenced, with Siegesmund et al.
includes taxa, which have the following features: (2008) separating the M. chthonoplastes group into
short cells (usually less than 1/2 cell width), tric- Coleofasciculus. The trichomes of this genus are
homes ((4)-6–12 lm wide), and sheaths that only slightly constricted at the cross walls, not tapering
form facultatively. Some are reported to taper toward ends, with cells with strictly radial or fascicu-
abruptly at the ends and/or possess calyptra. The lated thylakoid arrangement. Cells of Coleofasciculus
genetic and ecological characterization of group are also typically longer than wide, contrary to cells
VIII (based mainly on P. irriguum, related to P. luci- of typical M. vaginatus/P. autumnale clades in which
dum) was presented recently by Sciuto et al. (2012). whole cells are usually isodiametric to shorter than
We have focused our study on the taxonomic wide.
identity of Phormidium group VII (Komarek and After examination of a large number of strains of
Anagnostidis 2005), which is characterized by iso- both M. vaginatus and P. autumnale from many
diametric cells, trichomes shortly attenuated toward regions of the world in various biotopes, it has
the trichome ends, and presence of calyptra. P. au- become very clear that Microcoleus must be revised
tumnale (Agardh) Trevisan ex Gomont belongs to to include several well-known Phormidium species.
the core species of this group. Representatives of The purpose of this study is to report the results of
this morphotype are common worldwide in various this work and make the necessary nomenclatural
biotopes. Due to the high degree of environmen- changes.
tally induced morphological variability in cyanobac-
teria (see Kann and Komarek 1970, Komarek 1972), MATERIAL AND METHODS
sequencing is essential for the proper taxonomic We examined 92 strains (Table S1 in the Supporting Infor-
evaluation of this species. Phylogenetic analysis sug- mation). The geographic origin of strains was worldwide;
gests that P. autumnale is very close to M. vaginatus however, the majority of strains came from the Europe, the
(Boyer et al. 2002, Siegesmund et al. 2008, Stru- Arctic, and Antarctica, a lesser amount of strains came from
necky et al. 2010, 2012a,b, Hasler et al. 2012). North America and Asia, only a few strains were from Africa
M. vaginatus belongs to an easily recognizable clade and South America. Microscopic observation of the morphol-
with specific ecology (soil biotope) and fasciculated ogy of the studied strains (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1 in the Supporting
FIG. 1. Morphological diversity within Microcoleus vaginatus sensu lato (Fig. 2, Clade A). Strains are presented in same order as in
Figure 2 (top to bottom of phylogeny) and strain numbers are embedded in the figure. All figures are to the same magnification; scale
represents 20 lm.
1170 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
Information) together with habitat of origin confirmed their and EF667962 and EF654077 (Siegesmund et al. 2008;
classification within M. vaginatus, P. autumnale, P. setchellia- Table S1).
num, or P. favosum. Sequences for phylogenetic comparison were chosen after
Most of the strains were isolated by the authors and repre- extensive evaluation of more than 1,300 sequences of Oscilla-
sent previously unreported material. Samples from polar toriales cyanobacteria available in Genbank (www.ncbi.nlm.
regions were transported frozen to the laboratory. Samples and Ribosomal database project (;
from temperate or tropical localities were placed in petri unpublished). Three outgroups for construction of 16S rRNA
dishes or dried on a piece of paper. Upon returning to the gene phylogenetic tree were used: Escherichia coli ATCC
laboratory, a small quantity of each sample was placed on 11775, two representatives of simple unicellular cyanobacte-
agar solidified (1.5%) BG-11 medium (Bischoff and Bold ria, Prochlorococcus marinus MIT 9303 and Synechococcus elonga-
1963). To obtain unialgal strains, the dilution plate method tus PCC 6301, and Nostocales from various genera. Selected
was used for isolation of cyanobacteria (Elster et al. 1999). sequences were aligned in MAFFT (; Katoh and
The petri dishes with strains from polar and temperate Toh 2010) considering secondary structure. Minor changes
regions were placed in an illuminated refrigerator at a were done manually with BioEdit 7.0.1 (Hall 1999). A frag-
temperature between 5°C and 15°C. Tropical strains were ment of 1,109 nt was used for the phylogenetic analysis of
cultured at room temperature. In addition to these new the 16S rRNA gene; a fragment of 1,455 nt was used for the
isolates, other Phormidium strains from CCALA and ISBAL 16S rRNA gene with the 16S-23S ITS (both starting at E. coli
were used in this study. The strains used in this study will be ATCC 11775 16S rDNA residues 302).
available upon request. Cultured strains were identified For the 16S rDNA analysis, strains of recurrent/identical
according to Komarek and Anagnostidis (2005). sequence belonging to our set of strains were excluded.
For morphological evaluation, the length and width of at Strains Tychonema bourrellyi CCAP 1459/11B (Suda et al.
least 50 cultivated cells were measured for every strain during 2002), T. tenue SAG 4.82, Oscillatoria sp. PCC 7112, M. rushfor-
exponential growth phase under 1,000 9 magnification using thii UTCC296, M. acremanii UTCC 313, and M. antarcticus
an Olympus (Tokyo, Japan) BX 51 microscope equipped with UTCC474 (Casamatta et al. 2005), strains of M. amoenum
DP 71 camera. (BW, Sab) and P. autumnale (CBV, CBV; Lokmer 2007);
Molecular and phylogenetic analysis. DNA from the nonaxe- M. vaginatus (SNM1-KK1, CSU-U-KK1, UBI-KK2, RS1-KK2,
nic unialgal strains was extracted using the modified method CJI-U-KK2, CSI-U-KK1, SEV1-KK3; Siegesmund et al. 2008);
of Yilmaz et al. (2009). A piece of biomass was suspended in M. vaginatus PCC 9802 (Garcia-Pichel et al. 2001) were added
50 lL of TE buffer at pH 7.4 and 750 lL of XS buffer (1% to the phylogenic comparison based on their sequence simi-
potassium ethyl xanthogenate; 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4; larity to the Microcoleus cluster and especially to M. vaginatus
20 mM EDTA, pH 8; 800 mM ammonium acetate and 1% SAG 22.11 (Boyer et al. 2002). To determine placement of
SDS) in an Eppendorf tube with glass beads. The trichomes the Microcoleus cluster among other Oscillatoriales sensu lato
were manually crushed by micropestle. Tubes were incubated the maximum likelihood method based on the Tamura
for 2 h at 70°C. After incubation, the tubes were vortexed for 3-parameter model in MEGA 5 (Tamura et al. 2007) was
30 s and frozen at 70°C for 30 min. The sample was thawed employed; topology was validated by Bayesian analysis in
and shaken for 15 min, centrifuged for 20 min at 15,000 g, MrBayes 3.1.2. (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) and
and the supernatant was transferred to a clean microcentri- unweighted maximum parsimony (MP) was implemented in
fuge tube. The DNA was precipitated overnight in a 2:3 vol- PAUP* (Swofford 2003). For the Bayesian analysis, two runs
ume of 100% ethanol with the addition of 1:20 volume of of four Markov chains over 15,000,000 generations, sampling
sodium acetate (3 M, pH 5.2) followed by centrifugation for every 1,000 generations, were employed. The trees were
30 min at 15,000 g. The supernatant was discarded and the checked to show a standard deviation of split frequencies
pellet was washed with 100 lL of 70% ethanol followed by below 0.05. The initial 25% generations were discarded as
centrifugation for 15 min. After discarding the supernatant, burn-in.
the pellet was dried and dissolved in 100 lL of miliQ water. Phylogenetic analysis of both 16S rRNA gene and associ-
The 16S rRNA gene with the 16S-23S intergenetic segment ated 16S-23S ITS was conducted by MrBayes 3.1 at www.meta-
was amplified using the primers 359F (GGGGAATYTTCCG, the tree topology was validated in Mega 5
CAATGGG) (N€ ubel et al. 1997) and 23S30R (CTTCGCCT (Tamura et al. 2007) using the maximum likelihood method
CTGTGTGCCTAGGT) (Wilmotte et al. 1993) with the follow- based on the Tamura three-parameter model with four cate-
ing settings: a starting denaturalization step (94°C, 5 min); 40 gories of variable sites and gamma 2.7 for 16S rRNA and 1.6
cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 53°C, and 3 min at 72°C; final for 16S-23S ITS obtained in Modeltest (Posada and Crandall
extension for 7 min at 72°C and cooling to 4°C. A successful 1998) and unweighted MP was implemented in PAUP*.
PCR was confirmed by running a subsample on a 1.5% aga- Because direct sequencing was employed, and because Microc-
rose gel stained with ethidium bromide. PCR products were oleus contains multiple, different ribosomal operons, only the
purified using a QIAquick PCR Purification Kit. Sequencing conserved beginning of the ITS was used (beginning to the
of the 16S rRNA gene fragment was performed on an ABI end of the D3 region). The final graphic refinement of all
3100 sequencer, using BD3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster trees was made in Adobe illustrator CS5.
City, CA, USA) chemistry, with six primers (27F, 23S30R, Ultrastructure. For the ultrastructural studies, cultivated
CYA-810R- GTTATGGTCCAGCAAAGCGCCTTCGCCA, CYA7 biological material of strains was fixed with 6% glutaralde-
83F-TGGGATTAGATACCCCAGTAGTC (Strunecky et al. hyde and kept in this solution for more than 4 h at room
2010), S17*-GGCTACCTTGTTACGAC, and ILE23F- ATTA temperature. After that samples were washed with 0.05 M
GCTCAGGTGGTTAG (Wilmotte and Herdman 2001) to phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) and postfixed with 2% osmium
obtain complementary sequences. The sequences that were tetrioxide in the same buffer for 2 h at room temperature.
not used previously were deposited into GenBank under After washing with 0.05 M phosphate buffer, the cells were
accession numbers KC633953–KC634001 (Table S1). Seque- dehydrated with a graded isopropanol series and embedded
nces used previously in other studies were deposited into in Spurr’s resin using propylene oxide as an intermediate
GenBank under accession numbers GQ504019–GQ504037 stage (Spurr 1969). Thin sections were stained with uracyl
(Strunecky et al. 2010); JN230326–JN230347 (Strunecky acetate and lead citrate and observed in a Jeol (Tokyo,
et al. 2012a); JQ769113–JQ769139 (Strunecky et al. 2012b); Japan) JEN 1010 transmission electron microscope at 80 kV.
FIG. 2. Phylogenetic relationships of Microcoleus strains used in this study, with expanded taxon sampling and longer character set.
Analysis based on a concatenated sequence of the partial 16S rRNA gene and beginning region of 16S-23S ITS conducted with MrBayes
3.1 and validated by maximum likelihood (ML) and unweighted maximum parsimony (MP). Thicker node lines represent nodes with
Bayesian posterior probabilities of 0.80–0.89, thickest node lines represent nodes with Bayesian posterior probabilities of 0.90–0.99. The
bootstrap values for ML/MP are indicated. Thickest node lines with an asterisk (//*) indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.00 as
same as values 100 for ML and MP. A fragment of 1455 nt was used for this phylogenetic analysis.
P. autumnale. Given the cold stenothermal condi- (Fig. S1, D–G). Meristematic zones are a common
tions of these arctic and alpine strains, we have feature of strains from this cluster. The strains
placed them provisionally into M. favosus. belonging to cluster C were generally greenish gray
Clade C generally contains strains of intermediate and mostly polar and alpine, living on wet mud,
width from streams and wet soils with a small calyptra below snowfields, and in alpine streams. None of
FIG. 3. Phylogenetic relationships within Microcoleus sensu stricto (from analysis shown in Fig. S2, same analyses and parameters). Conti-
nent of origin is shown by continent map codes in front of each taxon. This tree contained forms with highly similar 16S rRNA sequences,
and consequently was poorly supported along the entire backbone of the phylogeny.
1174 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
these strains had the 11 bp insert. The clade repre- Clade F contains strains of morphology similar to
sents one or three species, but further genetic work Clade C, with evident meristematic zones present.
is required to name the taxon/taxa to which they The former clade contains strains of freshwater and
belong. soil origin, the strains forming the latter clade are
Two strains were in a paraphyletic position to aerial. What is more interesting is that all three
Clades A–C (from Luznice and Kralovice). Although strains grow associated with high nitrogen and phos-
adjacent in the phylogeny, the two strains are not phorus enrichment. Microcoleus KG29 was isolated
that similar. Microcoleus strain Kralovice had wider from whale bone in Antarctica, whereas the other
trichomes and lacked the 11 bp insert (Fig. S1I). two strains were from populations associated with
Microcoleus strain Luznice had intermediate width bird rookeries. This distinctive ecology has been asso-
and contained the 11 bp insert, and corresponded ciated with P. attenuatum, and given the morphologi-
exactly to modern concepts of P. autumnale cal similarity of these strains with that species
(Fig. 1H, see Komarek and Anagnostidis 2005). (Fig. S1R), we are fairly confident that members of
These strains were both from periphyton of sluices this clade belong to M. attenuatus nov. comb.
of flowing rivers. We have chosen the Luznice strain Morphology and cytology. The thallus of all natu-
to represent M. autumnalis. ral populations, which belong to the Microcoleus/
Clade D contains strains of intermediate-to-wide P. autumnale clade, is gelatinous, forming thin and
width from streams and lakes (with one soil form: usually compact mats on the substrate or rope/band-
Microcoleus Kamenice). A distinctive calyptra could like structures. Mats from aerophytic habitats like just
be found only exceptionally (Fig. S1J), the majority above the water line of the rivers wetted by waves, in
of strains lack a calyptra (Fig. S1, K–M). The mor- periodically raised water lines or in seasonally flooded
phology and ecology of strains from this clade water-sides, form distinguishable macroscopical mats
are similar to the traditionally defined species of with twisted filament-like colonies similar to popula-
P. aerugineo-caeruleum with greenish through dark tions living in wet soil. Cultured mats form two
blue-green to blackish color of trichomes. Slight general patterns, rope-like structures growing in lines
constriction at the cross walls, vacuolization, and from the point of inoculation, or whirl-like structures.
pigmentation of Svalbard strain CCALA 846, as well Trichomes are motile and isopolar. Sheaths are thin,
as its association with strains E6 and E8 from colorless, firm, or diffluent, containing one, two, or
northern Germany suggests some similarity with many parallely arranged trichomes within one fila-
P. griseo-violaceum (Skuja) (Anagnostidis 2001) from ment. Color of the cells is usually bright, dark. or
Swedish lakes. However, the morphological proper- grayish green, occasionally brownish or yellowish,
ties of the cells can considerably vary within one exceptionally reddish. Old cultures in cultivation
strain or even within one trichome. Olive green turn brown regularly, and the color of the cells is
cells have no constrictions, whereas between grayish sometimes dependent on position in the mats with
cells of higher diameter with apparently thickened grayish/blackish green in the upper part and bright
cell walls the constrictions can be found. Given that green in the bottom, even within one trichome, sug-
these Phormidium species are not in group VII, we gesting the availability of photoprotecting substances
are only referring to members of this cluster as or a change in the phycoerythrin–phycocyanin ratio.
Microcoleus sp. Given the tightness of the clade, it The dark green keritomy (distribution of thylakoids)
may be that with further study this clade will be is usually visible in an optical microscope (Figs. 1 and
given a species epithet. All strains in the clade lack S1). Trichomes are attenuated toward the ends, and
the 11 bp insert. generally possess calyptra if mature. Usually numer-
In Clade E, the cell widths and lengths vary con- ous granules of different types are visible in cells. Ca-
siderably even between strains in which combined lyptrae are usually present in only a few trichomes
16S rRNA + 16S-23S ITS sequence was 100% identi- within the population, particularly if the filaments
cal. Microcoleus ISBAL-M26 was thinner and had a grow rapidly and disperse. Trichomes disintegrate
calyptra similar to that of P. autumnale, whereas the with the aid of necrotic cells.
other two strains had the tapering and rounded The detailed measurements for 38 strains indicate
calyptra characteristic of P. setchellianum (Fig. S1, that the mean width of cells is usually between 3
N–P). CCALA 149 resembles P. fonticolum K€ utzing and 8 lm (Table S3). Maximal and minimal widths
ex Gomont 1892, however, with respective ecology of the cells, where the measure of terminal attenua-
of P. autumnale (moist soils and rivers, respectively), tion was excluded, were within the range of 2 and
whereas CCALA 144 should be classified according 10 lm, respectively. The strains with thin trichomes
to the reddish-brown thin thallus and alpine origin with mean cell width under 4 lm are distributed
as proper P. setchellianum sensu stricto. All strains in throughout the phylogenetic tree and do not form
the clade lack the 11 bp insert. This clade is unu- any cohesive groups. The mean length of the cells
sual because the morphological diversity among the ranges from 2 to 6 lm (Table S3). Maximal and
three strains appears greater than the genetic diver- minimal cell lengths do not surpass 10 and 1 lm,
sity. The species names should be considered to be respectively. Cell width-to-length ratio ranges from
provisional. 0.9 to 2.8 with the mean value for all measured
strains being 1.7. However, cells can be shorter than radial arrangement of thylakoids may be present
wide, isodiametric, or exceptionally up to two times (Fig. 4E), however, in the same strain thylakoids
longer than wide, depending on the phase of can form the fasciculated packets of thylakoids
growth. On the basis of work with cultures, we (Fig. 4B). Bundles of thylakoids form a pattern
conclude that the traditional morphological charac- that can be often recognized in optical microscope
ter delimiting Microcoleus (multiple trichomes in a with areas of different color of uneven shape and
common wide sheath) is environmentally induced amount within the cells. (Fig. 4, D and F). The cell
and consequently has only limited value for defining wall envelope consists of a cytoplasmatic membrane
the genus and species within the genus. The diacrit- bounded by relatively thin wall layers of peptidogly-
ical autapomorphic markers defining the genus are can, similar to other cyanobacteria in the Oscilla-
the type of cell division, tapering trichomes and toriales. The junctional pore organelles responsible
calyptrate end cells. for slime secretion can be commonly found next
Ultrastructure as observed thus far is highly simi- to the forming septa. Carboxysomes can be
lar within the genus Microcoleus (Fig. 4). Cyanophy- grouped or solitary. Cell division is successive with
cin granules are located mainly near the cross wall formation proceeding before completion of
walls, but can be found also dispersed in the cyto- the last perpendicular binary fission is complete
plasm. Lipid droplets appear to be restricted to (Fig. 4A).
proximity with the cross walls. Thylakoids usually Taxonomic revision. Our results confirm the previ-
form fascicle-like aggregations arranged irregularly ous conclusion of Boyer et al. (2002) and Sieges-
in the cells (Fig. 4, A–D, F). In some strains a mund et al. (2008) that Microcoleus must be revised.
FIG. 4. Ultrastructure of strains of Microcoleus vaginatus. (A) Microcoleus CCALA726. (B and F) Microcoleus JR5. (C and E) M. vaginatus
CCALA861. (D) M. autumnalis Luznice. Note the agglomeration of cyanophycin and polyphosphate granules near the cross walls (A, B,
and D).
1176 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
Phormidium group VII sensu Komarek and Anagnos- There are likely many species within Microcoleus
tidis (2005) is based on P. autumnale, and given the and Phormidium “group VII” that will be described
genetic and morphological closeness of P. autum- when the diversity of strains are more intensively sam-
nale with M. vaginatus, we conclude that this cluster pled and more fully characterized morphologically
of Phormidium species must be transferred into and ecologically. The transfer of P. autumnale group
Microcoleus, even though they do not produce the VII to the genus Microcoleus affects the following taxa:
multiple trichomes in a sheath which has been diag-
nostic for Microcoleus in the past. As Phormidium • Microcoleus amoenus (K€ utzing ex Gomont) Stru-
necky, Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basi-
group VII does not belong to the same clade as the
onym: P. amoenum [K€ utzing, Phycol. Gener.,
generitype species of Phormidium (P. lucidum) and is
p. 192, 1843] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot.
morphologically distinct from Phormidium group
16: 225, 1892. [Ecology: submerse, stagnant,
VIII to which P. lucidum belongs, it would be
unpolluted waters, often on water plants.]
nomenclaturally invalid to move M. vaginatus into
Phormidium. The taxonomic transfers into the genus • Microcoleus autumnalis (Trevisan ex Gomont) Stru-
necky, Komarek et Johansen, comb. nov. – Basionym:
Microcoleus are proposed in agreement with pre-
P. autumnale [Trevisan, Alghe Tenere Udinese, p. 20,
scriptions about later starting point for oscillatoria-
1844] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. 16: 187,
cean cyanobacteria, i.e., Gomont (1892). We here
1892; non–M. autumnalis [Rabenhorst, Deuts. Kryp-
transfer only those traditional species in group VII
tog.-Fl. 2(2):76, 1847], prestarting point name. [Ecol-
of which we are fairly confident that they belong in
ogy: streaming, mesotrophic to eutrophic waters.]
Microcoleus based on cellular and trichome morphol-
ogy: • Microcoleus attenuatus (Fritsch) Strunecky,
Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym: Lyn-
Microcoleaceae Strunecky, Johansen et Komarek,
gbya attenuata Fritsch, Scot. Nat. Antarct. Exped.
fam. nov. [syn. (p.p. sine typo): subfam. Microc-
1902–04, p. 328, 1912, P. attenuatum (Fritsch) An-
oleoideae Hansgirg, Prodromus 2: 56, 1892]. Diag-
agnostidis et Komarek, Algol. Stud. 50–53: 407,
nosis: Familia Cyanophycearum filamentosum, sine sporis
1988. [Ecology: ornithogenic soils in Antarctica.]
heterocytisque. Filamenta solitaria, intricata vel in fascicu-
lis irregularis. Trichoma monoseriata, isopolares, plus • Microcoleus beggiatoiformis (Rabenhorst ex Gomont)
Strunecky, Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basi-
minusve cylindrica, sine vaginis vel cum vaginis simplic-
onym: O. beggiatoiformis [Rabenhorst, Fl. Eur. Alg. 2:
ior vel cum trichomatibus multis, fasciculatis, in vagina
99, 1865] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. 16:
una, apice attenuata vel cylindrica; cellulae apicales
235, 1892. [Ecology: mineral, alkaline springs.]
rotundate-attenuatae vel calyptratae. Cellulae plus minus-
ve isodiametricae, vel paucim longior vel brevior quam • Microcoleus calidus (Gomont ex Gomont) Stru-
necky, Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basi-
latae, thylakoides irregulares vel plus minusve radialiter in
onym: P. calidum [Gomont, J. Bot. 4(20): 355,
cellulis dispositae. Reproductio fragmentatione trichomati-
1890] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. 16:
bus cum cellulis necridiis.
182, 1892. [Ecology: thermal, sulfur springs.]
Description: Family of filamentous cyanophytes
without branching, heterocytes and akinetes. Fila- • Microcoleus caucasicus (Elenkin et Kosinskaja) Stru-
necky, Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basi-
ments are solitary or aggregated in irregular fasci-
onym: O. terebriformis f. caucasica Elenkin
cles and forming mats. Trichomes uniseriate,
et Kosinskaja in Elenkin, Monogr. Alg. Cyanoph.,
isopolar, more or less cylindrical without sheaths or
Pars Spec. 2: 1345, 1949. [Ecology: mineral
with simple sheaths, sometimes more trichomes
springs, high mountains.]
enveloped by one common sheath, fasciculated with
attenuate or cylindrical ends; apical cells are attenu- • Microcoleus crustaceus (Voronichin) Strunecky,
Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym:
ated and rounded, often developing distinct calyp-
P. crustaceum, Voronichin, J. Bot. URSS 17(3):
tra. Cells isodiametrical or slightly shorter or
314, 1932. [Ecology: subaerophytic, epilithic in
longer as wide, with thylakoids located irregularly or
limestone regions.]
radially. Reproduction by fragmentation of tric-
homes by help of necridic cells. • Microcoleus favosus (Gomont) Strunecky, Komarek
et Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym: P. favosum
Type genus = Microcoleus Desmazi eres ex Gomont,
Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. 16: 180, 1892.
Ann. Sci. Nat. VII Bot. 16: 249, 1892; Generitype =
[Ecology: oligotrophic springs and water habitats
M. vaginatus Gomont ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII
in mountains.]
Bot. 15: 355-356, 1892. This family comprises more
or less genera from the previous family Phormidia- • Microcoleus fonticola (K€ utzing ex Gomont) Stru-
necky, Komarek et Johansen, comb. nov. – Basi-
ceae sensu Komarek and Anagnostidis 2005 (pp.
onym: P. fonticola [K€ utzing, Phycol. Gener.,
340–544, subfamilies Phormidioideae and Microc-
p. 192, 1843] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot.
oleoideae), but without the nomenclatoric-type spe-
16: 191, 1892; non–M. fonticola [Rabenhorst,
cies of the genus Phormidium and without taxa,
Deuts. Kryptog.-Fl., 2(2):78, 1847], prestarting
which have been transferred to other families
point name. [Ecology: cold and clear mountain
according to recent taxonomic studies (Coleofascicu-
streams and ditches.]
lus, Wilmottia, Phormidesmis, etc.).
• Microcoleus hiemalis (Jaag) Strunecky, Komarek et strains belonging to M. vaginatus had a very
different phylogenetic placement than the clade
Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym: O. hiemalis Jaag,
Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Schaffhausen 14, 1: 117, 1938, containing the “constricted” species M. steenstrupii,
P. hiemale (Jaag) Anagnostidis, Preslia (Praha) 73: M. paludosus, and M. chthonoplastes. Siegesmund
370, 2001. [Ecology: cold, but polluted streaming et al. (2008) confirmed the polyphyly of Microcoleus,
waters, mountains.] and suggested a relationship between P. autumnale
• Microcoleus setchellianus (Gomont) Strunecky, and M. vaginatus. Their phylogeny clearly showed
that the clade they called Oscillatoriaceae contained
Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym:
P. setchellianum Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. M. vaginatus and P. autumnale (fig. 2 in Siegesmund
16: 190, 1892. [Ecology: mountain oligotrophic to et al. 2008), whereas other Microcoleus species fell
mesotrophic springs and streams.] distant from that clade. They used this placement to
• Microcoleus subsalsus (Gomont) Strunecky, justify the creation of Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes,
but did not resolve the confusion of Microcoleus with
Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basionym:
P. subsalsum Gomont, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 46: P. autumnale. A number of researchers indepen-
38, 1899. [Ecology: brackish waters.] dently showed a close relationship between M. vag-
• Microcoleus wallrothii (Wallorth ex Gomont) Stru- inatus and P. autumnale (Willame et al. 2006, Comte
et al. 2007, Marquardt and Palinska 2007, Palinska
necky, Komarek et Johansen nomen nov. – Synonym:
O. violacea Wallroth ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. and Marquardt 2008). Most recently, Hasler et al.
Bot. 16: 240, 1892; P. violaceum (Wallroth ex Gomont) (2012) studied an extensive number of P. autumnale
Anagnostidis, Preslia (Praha) 73: 37 2001; non–M. vio- from epipelic environments and found that they
laceus [Fremy, Arch. Bot. M emoires 3(2):81, 1930]. had the 11 bp insert associated with M. vaginatus.
[Ecology: subaerophytic on various substrates, partly They did find differences between 16S-23S ITS
submersed, in temperate zones.] structures of soil and aquatic representatives, but
• Microcoleus vulgaris (K€ utzing ex Gomont) Stru- were unsure whether or not soil forms and aquatic
forms deserved to be recognized as one cosmopoli-
necky, Komarek et Johansen comb. nov. – Basi-
onym: P. vulgare [K€ utzing, Phycol. Gener., p. 193, tan species or multiple species within a single
1843] ex Gomont, Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. Bot. 16: genus.
188, 1892. [Ecology: soils] This study intensively sampled the P. autumnale
group and definitively demonstrated that P. autum-
To this group belong possibly also other nale and M. vaginatus (together with several other
morphologically and ecologically distinct species, Phormidium and Microcoleus) fall in a highly supported
e.g., P. paludosum, P. penicillatum, P. pseudopriestleyi, clade separate from the type forms of Phormidium
P. schroeteri, P. yellowstonense, and others. (e.g., P. lucidum, P. irriguum in Phormidium group VIII
This transfer, based on molecular analyses, is compat- sensu Komarek and Anagnostidis 2005). Our results
ible with morphology of trichomes and ultrastructural were congruent with all past studies, and with the
patterns. The common cytomorphological characters taxon sampling now available and the high similarity
are the structure of trichomes (with variable, but typical of morphology and ultrastructure among this now
morphology and size of cells in certain limits, nar- well-defined group, the taxonomic resolution we have
rowed ends of trichomes, and calyptras in well-devel- recommended is certainly justified.
oped trichome ends), and life strategy in mats. On the However, further revision of traditional genera
other hand, the character of one or more trichomes Microcoleus and Phormidium is still required. The
arranged in a single sheath, which was considered to be genus now likely contains the species that constitute a
the diagnostic generic feature of the genus Microcoleus clade with a shared common ancestor with the gener-
as formerly defined, is found to be no longer a neces- itype, but it also includes many species that do not
sary character. It is only a specific marker. share that common ancestor. The Microcoleus species
Also the ultrastructure patterns are characteristic with constricted cross walls and pseudanabaenacean
and unique for all representatives so far studied cell division (Anagnostidis and Komarek 1988) must
ultrastructurally within the revised genus Microcoleus. be removed from the genus and placed in other gen-
The irregularly fasciculated thylakoids within the era. This work has commenced with the establish-
cells are characteristic for this clade. Successive cell ment of the Pseudanabaenacean genus Trichocoleus
division is also a feature that appears to be consis- (Anagnostidis 2001) and the Phormidiacean genus
tent in the genus. The 11 bp insert in the 16S rRNA Coleofasciculus (Siegesmund et al. 2008). However,
gene is a sufficient but unnecessary character for the majority of freshwater Phormidiacean Microcoleus
definition of Microcoleus. have still to be revised. This group includes M. glacei,
M. paludosus, M. sociatus, M. steenstrupii, M. subtorulo-
DISCUSSION sus, and M. lacustris. We suspect these species eventu-
ally will be transferred into multiple genera.
Boyer et al. (2002) suggested that Microcoleus in The redefined family Microcoleaceae comprises a
the traditional concept (cf. Geitler 1932, Geitler large cluster of both marine and freshwater benthic,
1942) was in need of revision. They found that the periphytic, pelagic, and terrestrial cyanobacteria
1178 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
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1180 O T A K A R S T R U N E C K Y E T A L .
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sp. CCALA138 and P. pseudopristleyi ACEV53: putative species (Fig. 5).
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