Bourlat Et Al.
Bourlat Et Al.
Bourlat Et Al.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The new animal phylogeny inferred from ribosomal genes some years ago has prompted a number of rad-
Received 14 August 2007 ical rearrangements of the traditional, morphology based metazoan tree. The two main bilaterian clades,
Revised 27 May 2008 Deuterostomia and Protostomia, find strong support, but the protostomes consist of two sister groups,
Accepted 10 July 2008
Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, not seen in morphology based trees. Although widely accepted, not all
Available online 18 July 2008
recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have supported the tripartite structure of the new animal phy-
logeny. Furthermore, even if the small ribosomal subunit (SSU) based phylogeny is correct, there is a frus-
trating lack of resolution of relationships between the phyla that make up the three clades of this tree. To
Metazoan phylogeny
address this issue, we have assembled a dataset including a large number of aligned sequence positions
Lophotrochozoa as well as a broad sampling of metazoan phyla.
Taxon sampling Our dataset consists of sequence data from ribosomal and mitochondrial genes combined with new
data from protein coding genes (5139 amino acid and 3524 nucleotide positions in total) from 37 repre-
sentative taxa sampled across the Metazoa. Our data show strong support for the basic structure of the
new animal phylogeny as well as for the Mandibulata including Myriapoda. We also provide some reso-
lution within the Lophotrochozoa, where we confirm support for a monophyletic clade of Echiura, Sipun-
cula and Annelida and surprising evidence of a close relationship between Brachiopoda and Nemertea.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1055-7903/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
24 S.J. Bourlat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (2008) 23–31
Ecdysozoa/Lophotrochozoa split has been obtained from the 2. Results and discussion
analysis of Hox genes (de Rosa et al., 1999), horseradish peroxi-
dase (HRP) antibody staining (Haase et al., 2001), large subunit The tree obtained with our dataset of concatenated nuclear,
ribosomal RNA (LSU) (Mallatt and Winchell, 2002), myosin heavy ribosomal and mitochondrial genes is in agreement with the basic
chain (Ruiz-Trillo et al., 2002), and sodium/potassium ATPase structure of the ‘new animal phylogeny’ and supports the Ecdyso-
(Anderson et al., 2004). Resolution within the Lophotrochozoa zoa/Lophotrochozoa hypothesis (Fig. 1). We find that the Coelo-
and Ecdysozoa remains limited. mata hypothesis, which groups the animals with a mesodermally
In contrast to the support for the new animal phylogeny, a lined body cavity to the exclusion of the pseudocoelomate nema-
series of studies focussing on large datasets and few taxa todes and the acoelomate flatworms is very strongly rejected using
(reflecting the availability of whole genomes from a small num- the Bayes factor test (2 loge(B10) = 749.56) (Bayes factors represent
ber of model organisms (Blair et al., 2002; Wolf et al., 2004)) re- the ratio of the model likelihoods of the topologies of the two mod-
sulted in support for a monophyletic clade of coelomate els under consideration and values of 2 loge(B10) (two times the dif-
animals—‘Coelomata’: essentially a return to more traditional ference between the harmonic means of the two models) > 10 are
gradist theories. It seems likely, however, that this result is considered strong evidence to support one model over another).
due to phylogenetic errors stemming from the fast evolving Cae- Our tree (Fig. 1) supports a monophyletic clade of protostomes
norhabditis elegans (Copley et al., 2004; Irimia et al., 2007; (Bootstrap Value (BV) 96, Bayesian Posterior Probability (BPP)
Philippe et al., 2005). 1.00), monophyletic deuterostomes (92/1.00) and confirms the
Perhaps the most comprehensive study of metazoan relation- Ecdysozoa/Lophotrochozoa split (70/1.00 and 96/1.00, respec-
ships to date is of Philippe et al., with 146 genes from 35 species tively).
(Philippe et al., 2005), in which the problem of long branch
attraction is addressed by removing fast evolving taxa from the 2.1. Ecdysozoa
analysis, and using a better model of sequence evolution, result-
ing in the placement of nematodes and platyhelminthes in the The clade Ecdysozoa, originally described by Aguinaldo et al. on
Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, respectively. Some authors the basis of SSU DNA, groups the animals that share a cuticle shed
claimed that metazoan relationships cannot be fully resolved be- by moulting (or ecdysis) (Aguinaldo et al., 1997). The ecdysozoan
cause they ‘represent a closely spaced series of cladogenetic clade is recovered in our tree (Fig. 1, 70/1.00) and consists of the
events’, reflecting the Cambrian explosion (Rokas et al., 2005). nematodes + nematomorphs at the base (73/1.00) and then the pri-
However, using strategies to reduce the non-phylogenetic signal, apulids as a sister group to all arthropods (77/1.00).
such as increasing the number of species, replacing fast evolving
species by a slowly evolving one, and using a better model of se- 2.2. Arthropoda: Mandibulata or Paradoxopoda?
quence evolution (Baurain et al., 2007) results in improved reso-
lution in the metazoan tree. In addition, small sets of genes can Within the Arthropoda, our tree (Fig. 1) groups Crustacea
be just as effective given increased attention to taxon sampling with Hexapoda (93/1.00) in the Pancrustacea. This relationship
(Hedtke et al., 2006). had been observed previously and confirms existing molecular
In the present study, we use molecular data from the large phylogenies based on LSU and SSU (Mallatt et al., 2004), and
and small ribosomal subunits (3524 reliably aligned nucleotide studies based on mitochondrial genomes (Boore et al., 1998;
positions), from whole mitochondrial genomes (2048 reliably Hwang et al., 2001). In a more recent study, hexapods have been
aligned amino acids) and from 8 nuclear protein coding genes shown to be, in effect, terrestrial crustaceans (Regier et al.,
(3090 reliably aligned amino acids). To cover the broad range 2005). More controversially, our tree supports the Mandibulata
of divergences in our tree (deep splits at the level of the Precam- (88/1.00), the Pancrustacea + Myriapoda grouping together, with
brian) as well as more recent divergences (towards the tips of Chelicerata as an outgroup, rather than the Paradoxopoda (Myr-
the tree), we have used genes with different levels of conserva- iapoda with Chelicerata). Mandibulata, the monophyletic group-
tion across the metazoan phyla, and which overlap in their res- ing of all arthropods with mandibles (insects, crustaceans and
olution (see Section 4). myriapods) to the exclusion of the chelicerates has been sup-
We have sampled 168 species across the Metazoa and com- ported in molecular and morphological studies (Snodgrass,
bined them into 37 higher order taxa, each representing a phy- 1938; Giribet et al., 2001, 2005; Edgecombe et al., 2003). How-
lum or a class of the animal kingdom. Within the Ecdysozoa we ever, the Paradoxopoda grouping has been recovered in numer-
include priapulids, nematomorphs, nematodes, pycnogonids, ous molecular studies based on SSU and LSU (Mallatt et al.,
arachnids, chilopods, diplopods, xiphosurans, crustaceans and in- 2004; Mallatt and Giribet, 2006), mitochondrial genes (Hwang
sects. Within the Lophotrochozoa, we have sampled polychaete et al., 2001; Negrisolo et al., 2004) and protein coding genes
and clitellate annelids, sipunculids, echiurans, bivalve, gastropod, (Pisani et al., 2004). There are as yet no derived morphological
polyplacophoran, and cephalopod molluscs, nemerteans, phoro- features that unite the Paradoxopoda (Hwang et al., 2001; Mall-
nids and brachiopods as well as several deuterostomes. Our att et al., 2004; Pisani et al., 2004).
aim was first, to test the Lophotrochozoa/Ecdysozoa hypothesis The relative support for the Mandibulata versus Paradoxopoda
and second, to provide more resolution within these groups. To hypothesis was tested using Bayes factors. Bayes factor tests on
address the problem of long branch attraction, we use the slow- the dataset reject the Paradoxopoda tree topology
est evolving taxa from our dataset and we root the tree using (2 loge(B10) = 60.64).
the closest possible outgroups (Porifera, Hydrozoa and
2.3. Arthropoda: Chelicerata
Data were analyzed using Bayesian analysis of concatenated
translated protein sequences and the rRNA DNA sequences. To
In our analysis, we find that the horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura)
make the datasets more complete, we have, where necessary,
cluster with the arachnids (95/1.00), in agreement with other
pooled data from several species into a composite concatenated se-
molecular and morphological studies (Regier et al., 2005; Wheeler
quence representative of a given monophyletic group (see Table 1);
and Hayashi, 1998; Giribet et al., 2001), and that there is weak sup-
since we aim to obtain resolution at the level of the ‘phyla’ we con-
port for placing pycnogonids as basal chelicerates (57/0.97).
sider this to be acceptable for this type of analysis.
S.J. Bourlat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (2008) 23–31 25
the Mollusca in our analysis. The tree constructed using mitochon- contradicted by molecular studies which show that all the loph-
drial genomes only (Appendix 3c) shows that the bivalves and gas- ophorate groups are protostomes (de Rosa et al., 1999; Halanych
tropods have long branches, which might have an effect on the et al., 1995). In other studies, based on SSU and morphology, bra-
accuracy of tree reconstruction in the combined dataset. In addition, chiopods and phoronids are found to be sister groups within the
the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis is known to have an unusual protostomes (Halanych et al., 1995; Peterson and Eernisse, 2001),
doubly uniparental mode of mitochondrial inheritance (Mizi et al., or the phoronids an ingroup of the brachiopods (Cohen, 2000; Co-
2005), which may result in mitochondrial recombination in that spe- hen et al., 1998). A recent study based on SSU and LSU combined
cies. Ribosomal data alone also do not resolve the Mollusca as mono- suggests that the Lophophorata are polyphyletic, and that the bra-
phyletic (Appendix 3b), a result which can be attributed to rate chiopods themselves are polyphyletic (Halanych et al., 1995;
heterogeneity in molluscan SSU and LSU, especially among the ceph- Passamaneck and Halanych, 2006).
alopods (Passamaneck et al., 2004). In our tree based on nuclear data Our tree positions the phoronids as a sister group to the poly-
only, we find monophyletic Mollusca. The polyplacophorans are ba- placophorans (70/1.00). We find that the brachiopods, nemerteans
sal to the bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods (Appendix 3a), in and bryozoans form a monophyletic clade.
support of the Conchifera hypothesis, an assemblage which groups We tested the hypothesis that the phoronids and brachiopods
the gastropods, cephalopods, bivalves, scaphopods and monopla- belong within the deuterostomes using Bayes factor tests, and find
cophorans based on the presence of a shell with a periostracum, (to- that this tree topology is very strongly rejected using the standard
gether secreted by a complex shell gland), to the exclusion of the criterion (2 loge(B10) = 1274.8).
polyplacophorans, which have eight shells (Nielsen, 2001).
2.9. Nemerteans
2.7. Annelida includes echiurans and sipunculids
Our results surprisingly show the nemerteans as the sister
Our data (Fig. 1) support a monophyletic clade of annelids, with group of the articulate brachiopods (88/1.00) (inarticulates were
high support values (BV 100, BPP 1.00). This clade includes the seg- not included in this study). The nemertean + brachiopod associ-
mented polychaetes and clitellates (oligochaetes + leeches) as well ation is an unexpected result, but our analyses lack platyhel-
as the echiurans (spoon worms) and the sipunculids (peanut minth sequences, and this may have had some influence on
worms), unsegmented marine worms which have probably second- this topology. The nemerteans have traditionally been associ-
arily lost their segmentation. The branching order of these phyla is ated with the flatworms, with which they share some morpho-
not well resolved in our tree (Fig. 1), and our taxon sampling does logical and embryological similarities. The strongest nemertean/
not permit us to see if the polychaetes are the paraphyletic stem- flatworm synapomorphy was long thought to be the lack of a
group of the other three lineages. Previous molecular studies have body cavity, but there is a debate as to whether the nemerteans
already suggested that the echiurans and sipunculids are derived are really acoelomate (Jenner, 2004; Turbeville, 2002). Similari-
annelids (Halanych et al., 2002; McHugh, 1997; Struck et al., 2007; ties in the larval ciliary bands of the pilidium larva of some
Bleidorn et al., 2006), and that Clitellata may also be included within nemertines and the Müller’s larva of some flatworms have been
the polychaete annelids (Struck et al., 2007; McHugh, 2005). Tradi- pointed out by Nielsen (2001). SSU data support the position of
tionally, the polychaetes (mainly marine worms) and the clitellates nemertines within a protostome coelomate clade (Turbeville
(the terrestrial oligochaetes and leeches) have been regarded as sep- et al., 1992). Recent LSU data also suggested an association of
arate monophyletic groups. In agreement with these results, the the nemertines with the brachiopods and phoronids, the nemer-
mitochondrial gene order of the sipunculid Phascolopsis gouldii is tean Tubulanus branching with the Brachiopoda in the LSU tree
very similar to that of the oligochaete Lumbricus terrestris (Boore of Passamaneck and Halanych (Passamaneck and Halanych,
and Staton, 2002). According to ribosomal data, the echiurans are re- 2006). However, the brachiopods are polyphyletic in this tree,
lated to capitellid polychaetes, and should be regarded as secondar- some grouping with the annelids and others as basal to other
ily unsegmented polychaetes (Bleidorn et al., 2003). The observation lophotrochozoan phyla (Passamaneck and Halanych, 2006).
of a segmented ventral nervous system in juvenile echiurans simi- There is also some evidence for a brachiopod-nemertean associ-
larly supports the inclusion of the echiurans in the annelids ation from their mitochondrial gene orders. The ND2-CO1 gene
(Hessling and Westheide, 2002). Embryology of the sipunculids, par- boundary seems to be shared between nemerteans, brachiopods
ticularly the existence of a so-called molluscan cross, has been inter- and spiralian taxa (Turbeville, 2002). However, it is difficult to
preted as indicative of molluscan affinities, but this has now been point out any morphological synapomorphy between brachio-
shown to be a poor character, which has been based on subjective pods and spiralian taxa including nemerteans.
interpretations of blastomere patterns (Jenner, 2003; Maslakova et
al., 2004). Our data clearly support the monophyletic origin of poly- 2.10. Deuterostomes
chaete annelids, clitellates, echiurans and sipunculids, suggesting
that the former morphological analyses of these groups may have The deuterostomes have traditionally been distinguished from
underestimated their morphological diversity, and implies that seg- the protostomes based on a number of morphological features
mentation is likely to have been lost in the lineages leading to the such as the fate of the blastopore, the origin of the mesoderm
echiurans and sipunculids. and the radial cleavage pattern of the embryo. The deuterostome
grouping has remained largely unchanged in molecular studies,
2.8. Lophophorates comprising echinoderms, hemichordates, urochordates, cephalo-
chordates, vertebrates, and the new phylum Xenoturbellida (Bour-
The lophophorates (brachiopods, phoronids and bryozoans) lat et al., 2003). We find high support for the deuterostome
have traditionally been classified together based on similarities grouping in our dataset (92/1.00), with the exception of the uro-
of the ciliated tentacles, called the lophophore, and the putative chordates (see below).
archimery of the body, i.e. the possession of a prosome, a meso- Within the deuterostomes, our tree supports the Ambulacraria
some with the lophophore, and a metasome, each with one or a (echinoderms + hemichordates) (75/1.00). The Ambulacraria
pair of coelomic sacs (Hyman, 1959). Some authors have regarded grouping has been recovered in other molecular studies based on
the phoronids and brachiopods as basal deuterostomes, based on SSU (Halanych, 1995) and on LSU and SSU combined (Furlong and
embryological characters (Nielsen, 2001), but this idea has been Holland, 2002; Winchell et al., 2002). In terms of synapomorphies,
28 S.J. Bourlat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (2008) 23–31
Fig. 1. Bayesian inference protein tree of the animal kingdom based on concatenated nuclear, ribosomal and mitochondrial genes (support values: BI posterior probability/
the echinoderms and hemichordates share a dipleurula larva (Niel- possibly be explained by their fast rate of evolutionary change
sen, 2001). attracting them to the base of the tree. This result has also been
Our data confirm the phylogenetic position of Xenoturbella as a seen in previous studies (Telford et al., 2003). We tested the alter-
sister group to the Ambulacraria (52/0.82), and the Ambulacraria/ native hypothesis that the urochordates belong to the deuterosto-
Xenoturbella clade as a sister group to the vertebrates, as previously mes using Bayes factors, and we find that this topology is rejected
shown in studies based on SSU, CO1 and CO2 genes (Bourlat et al., as significantly less well supported using the standard criterion
2003), whole mitochondrial genome and phylogenomic data (2 loge(B10) = 56.39).
(Bourlat et al., 2006).
3. Conclusions
2.11. Urochordates
To address the problems of both stochastic and systematic
Our tree shows the urochordates at the base of the Bilateria. errors in reconstructing the phylogeny of the Metazoa, we have
This is presumably an artefact of long branch attraction, and can assembled a dataset from 22 nuclear and mitochondrial genes.
S.J. Bourlat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (2008) 23–31 29
We have used the traditional PCR approach to generate novel data the EST analysis of Dunn et al. clearly supports Pycnogon-
from 3 nuclear loci to add to the previously available datasets to ida + Chelicerata, Cycloneuralia, as well as the more plausible
which we have added new sequences from several taxa. To maxi- monophyletic Mollusca and Urochordata as the sister group to
mise the completeness of each operational taxonomic unit (OTU), Chordata. These discrepancies highlight the strength of the EST
we merged the data from a total of 168 species into 37 composite approach and demonstrate that better resolution can be achieved
sequences representing almost all major animal lineages biasing with larger datasets and better gene selection strategies that
the selection towards the more slowly evolving exemplars. The avoid paralogy (Dunn et al., 2008). There are a number of other
structure of our tree is in general agreement with previous efforts ways in which resolution in the Metazoan tree can be improved,
and, while obviously not entirely independent, gives further sup- the most important of which are the inclusion of data from addi-
port to the tripartite structure of the new animal phylogeny con- tional taxa in order to reveal homoplasy, and the development of
sisting of deuterostomes, lophotrochozoans and ecdysozoans. We methods to deal with systematic error such as unequal or un-
also draw attention to a number of relationships that, being con- even rates of evolution and compositional bias (Phillipe and
troversial, are of particular note, (i) the monophyly of the Mandib- Telford, 2006).
ulata (i.e. Myriapoda grouping with Crustacea and Hexapoda
rather than with Chelicerata), (ii) the monophyletic group of anne-
lids, echiurans and sipunculids, (iii) the basal position of Nemato- 4. Materials and methods
ida within Ecdysozoa and the sistergroup relationship between
Priapulida and Euarthropoda, (iv) the relationship between Bra- 4.1. Degenerate primer design
chiopoda and Nemertea.
Most of these clades, although not all found in previous molec- To find orthologs across the metazoan taxa, protein coding
ular phylogenies based on smaller data sets do make sense of the genes from Saccharomyces cervisiae, Caenorrhabditis elegans,
morphological features of the animals in question. The Mandibula- Drosophila melanogaster and Human were searched using the Basic
ta share a common head morphology which includes but is not re- Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
stricted to the common presence of a mandible (Edgecombe et al., gov/BLAST/) against each other and in all possible combinations.
2003). The Pycnogonida and Chelicerata share chelate first append- Genes were chosen according to percentage similarity, alignable length
ages which have been confirmed as positionally homologous by re- and the availability of conserved regions for primer design. Primers
cent studies of Hox gene expression (Jager et al., 2006). The Echiura were designed using codehop (
and Sipuncula have been shown to have a very similar mitochon- codehop.html). The chosen genes were dyskerin (a centromere/
drial gene order to the Annelida and even to have an annelid-like microtubule binding protein of 60–70% similarity across the yeast,
metameric nervous system in the larvae (Hessling and Westheide, fly, worm and human genomes), vacuolar ATP synthase subunit
2002; Wanninger et al., 2005). (with 70–80% percentage similarity) and carnitine palmytoyltrans-
We have compared the support for each of these relationships ferase (30–40% similarity). In addition, other genes were chosen
with alternative topologies using Bayes factors and in almost all according to their prior use in other studies and availability in
cases (apart from the position of the pycnogonids as chelicerates GenBank, such as enolase, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydroge-
rather than basal arthropods, 2 loge(B10) = 6.84) we have been nase, elongation factor 1-a, sodium/potassium ATPase and RNA
able to reject the alternative topology as significantly well sup- polymerase II. Others such as myosin were avoided deliberately
ported. While this may seem encouraging, we believe that the because they have a large number of paralogs. Mitochondrial gen-
current criterion for the use of Bayes factors is not stringent omes and SSU and LSU ribosomal DNA sequences were downloaded
enough. from GenBank through NCBI (
We do not put great faith in the relative positions of Priapulida
and Nematoida on our tree as the reverse pattern has also been de- 4.2. Specimen collection
scribed but highlight it in order to emphasise the lack of resolution
here. The most surprising of the clades we highlight is the nemer- Marine invertebrates were collected from Millport Marine Sta-
tean plus brachiopod clade. While highly supported and seemingly tion, UK, Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden or Friday
robust, it seems problematic to accept the sistergroup relationship Harbour Laboratories, Washington, USA, and identified to species
between these two very different clades. The nemerteans are clas- level by Claus Nielsen. Arthropod specimens were kindly donated
sic spiralians with a trochophore larva apparently homologous to by colleagues.
that of annelids and molluscs (Maslakova et al., 2004) while bra-
chiopods are radially cleaving and there has been no suggestion 4.3. RT-PCR, cloning, sequencing
that their larva could be a derived trochophore (Nielsen, 2005).
Another concern is that we do not find the Brachiopoda and Pho- Total RNA was prepared using the RNeasy minikit (Qiagen).
ronida as sistergroups suggesting the phylogenetic signal might cDNA for RT-PCR was prepared using Expand Reverse Transcrip-
not be as reliable as one might hope. This said, it is uncontentious tase (Roche) and random hexanucleotide primers (Roche). Poly-
that the non-spiralian brachiopods are relatively close to a number merase chain reaction was carried out using degenerate primers
of spiralian groups and so, unless shown to be outside of a spiralian (see Appendix 1) and Taq polymerase (Roche) at the following tem-
clade, an explanation of their different pattern of embryogenesis peratures: 1 cycle: 94 °C, 2 min; 30 cycles 94 °C, 30 s; 50 °C, 60 s;
will always be required. We note additionally, that the phyloge- 72 °C 90 s; 1 cycle 72 °C, 10 min. These non-stringent annealing
nomic analysis of Dunn et al. based on 150 genes from 77 taxa conditions fit all primer pairs in most species, but meant that mul-
(Dunn et al., 2008) published during the reviewing process of our tiple bands were obtained on the gel.
manuscript also supports a sister group relationship of nemerteans The right sized PCR products were gel purified using QIAquick
and brachiopods, referred to as ‘Clade A’, giving further support for gel extraction kit (Qiagen) and cloned using pGEM-T vector (Pro-
this association. mega). Clones were sequenced using T7 (50 -TAATACGACTCACTA
The problems that remain in our analysis include portions of TAGGG-30 ) and SP6 (50 -GATTTAGGTGACACTATAG-30 ) primers and
the tree that are plausible yet weakly supported (Pycnogon- BigDye Terminator v3.1 (Applied Biosystems). Sequences were
ida + Chelicerata, Priapulida + Euarthropoda) or implausible analyzed and contigs made using Sequencher (Gene Codes Corpo-
(non-monophyletic Mollusca and basal Urochordata). In contrast, ration) and Lasergene (DNASTAR).
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