Lab Practical (Answer Sheet) - Finite-Element Analysis: Part A - The Basics

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EOSC433: Geotechnical Engineering Practice – Finite Element Lab Exercise

Lab Practical (Answer Sheet) - Finite-Element Analysis

Below, enter the answers you obtain when prompted to do so during the different exercises:

Part A – The Basics

In this example, some of the basic features of a finite element analysis will be demonstrated through the
modelling of a simple excavation using the Rocscience program PHASE2.

1. What is the maximum total displacement experienced around the excavation (as prompted in steps 9 and
10)? Record your answers in mm.

a) Elastic Analysis (E = 20 GPa):

b) Elastic Analysis (E = 40 GPa):

c) Elastic Analysis (E = 10 GPa):

2 What is the approximate relationship between the Young’s Modulus and the maximum total displacement?

3. What is the maximum total displacement experienced around the excavation (as prompted in step 11)?
Record your answers in mm.

a) Elasto-Plastic Analysis (c = 12 MPa):

b) Elasto-Plastic Analysis (c = 1.2 MPa):

c) Elasto-Plastic Analysis (c = 0.12 MPa):

EOSC433: Geotechnical Engineering Practice – Finite Element Lab Exercise

4. What is the approximate relationship between the cohesion and the maximum total displacement?

5. Comment on the maximum displacements calculated in Questions 1 and 3 above (i.e. the difference
between the displacements calculated assuming an elastic and plastic analysis.

Part B – Materials & Staging

This tutorial will demonstrate the use of multiple materials and the effects of excavation sequencing for a
longhole stope in an orebody excavated in the three stages and backfilled.

1. Sketch the distribution of the shear and tensile yield indicators for each of the first three stages (as prompted
in step 14).

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

EOSC433: Geotechnical Engineering Practice – Finite Element Lab Exercise

2. Based on the 1 and 3 stress distributions, the strength factor contours showing the percent of yielding in
the rock mass, and the shear and tensile yield indicators, briefly assess the nature of the stress state and
stability of the hangingwall and footwall, and the back and floor following each stope excavation stage (as
prompted in step 14).

3. What is the maximum total displacement following each excavation/backfill stage (as prompted in step 15)?
Record your answers in mm.

a) Stage 1:

b) Stage 2:

c) Stage 3:

d) Stage 4:

EOSC433: Geotechnical Engineering Practice – Finite Element Lab Exercise

BONUS: What are the displacements for a non-staged and staged backfill operation (as prompted in step

Maximum Total Displacement (mm)

without backfill staging with backfill staging

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

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