NOTICE: This PDF file was adapted from an on-line training module of the EPA’s
Watershed Academy Web, found at To the extent possible,
it contains the same material as the on-line version. Some interactive parts of the module
had to be reformatted for this non-interactive text presentation.
This document does not constitute EPA policy. Mention of trade names or commercial
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Links to non-EPA web sites do not imply any official EPA endorsement of or responsibility for
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This module introduces watershed ecological risk assessment and cites examples of its use. By
following the principles described in two EPA guidance documents (USEPA 1992, USEPA
1998) and experiences from several watershed assessments, the module provides information on
how to develop a risk assessment and present results to decision makers and stakeholders. The
module also links to other websites that provide the details about several watershed risk case
studies. The content of this module is appropriate for scientific/technical audiences. Although
some watershed organizations may not have the scientific resources to conduct detailed
watershed risk assessments, they may still benefit from using parts of the risk assessment
processes described in this module.
Throughout the module, underlined terms in bold are in the glossary on page 30.
Assessment (Figure 2) is one of the most critically important parts of watershed management
because it attempts to transform scientific data into policy-relevant information that can support
decision-making and action. Many other definitions and methods of environmental assessment
are in use, but none has been widely adopted for incorporating science into watershed
management. Ecological risk assessment may be particularly useful in watersheds as a scientific
method that includes steps for integration with planning, priority-setting, and decision-making.
Figure 2
Table 1
• watershed management
can benefit from the use
of the formal,
scientifically defensible
methods of risk
assessment (Figure 4); Figure 3
• the ecological risk assessment process helps people to carefully examine what led them to
their conclusions and document their findings; and
• the risk assessment framework can add value to watershed-based management programs,
particularly when addressing problems caused by multiple and non-chemical stressors.
Ecological risk assessment methods can be particularly useful in evaluating whether uses are
threatened when a stressor of concern is not expressed as a numeric criterion in Water Quality
Standards. For instance, is a fish population at risk due to increasing sediment load, although
Standards may not address this? The methods are also very useful for evaluating the relative
importance of multiple potential stressors. This may help determine if it is primarily the sediment
load, increased temperature, degraded channel conditions, or a combination of all three that is
impairing the fishery.
Figure 5
During planning, scientists and managers with input from stakeholders seek agreement on the
focus, scope and complexity of an assessment. Then the formal risk assessment process
commences with problem formulation during which key questions, conceptual models and an
analysis plan are developed. The analysis phase evaluates the exposure of valued ecological
resources to stressors and the relationship between stressor levels and ecological effects. During
risk characterization, the risks are described and if possible estimated quantitatively, forming the
basis for the assessment’s conclusions and a report. Monitoring and new data acquisition may
occur in support of any of these phases, wherever needed. After completion, the risk
assessment’s findings are communicated to the managers, who determine a course of action.
Figure 7
Before beginning the actual
assessment, managers should agree
on management goals for the
watershed (Figure 8). Elements of
existing goal statements from
watershed councils, neighborhood
conservation plans, or local growth
planning strategies should be
incorporated where appropriate.
Significant effort may be needed to
generate clearly worded
management goals for the
watershed. Public meetings,
constituency group meetings and
Figure 8 evaluation of resource management
organization charters, are some
methods to develop shared
management goals. Although this essential step may delay the assessment, reaching agreement
on watershed goals among diverse interests is valuable for interactions far beyond the
The goal should be supported by a set of more tangible management objectives (Figure 9), which
a subgroup of the planning team may develop. The team members assigned to this task should
understand ecological processes and the characteristics of the watershed being studied. Their
important role is to translate the goal -- which may be very general, abstract and impossible to
measure -- into management objectives that relate closely to the goal and can be verified when
met. If site-specific water quality objectives are in place, they should be considered and may
even be used as the management objectives if they are relevant to the valued ecological
resources. The watershed goals and their objectives set the foundation for the risk assessment.
Ecological resources
potentially at risk. In the
planning process, stakeholders
identified (possibly in non-
scientific terms) the watershed’s
valued ecological resources of
concern (Figure 11). These
valued resources are an
important focus of the problem
formulation phase. Describing
the basic characteristics of the
watershed ecosystem is now
necessary, as it provides a
backdrop for evaluating the
stakeholders’ concerns and then
determining which of the valued
watershed resources may be at
Figure 11 risk. Important watershed
properties to consider include
the abiotic environment, biotic community structure, and ecosystem processes. After
characterizing the watershed, assessors can restate the stakeholders’ concerns in scientific terms,
including how and where in the watershed adverse effects might occur. Assessors should also
begin to focus on specific watershed traits that are measurable and might indicate changes in the
condition of valued ecological resources.
Stressor (and source) characteristics. Stressors are defined as any physical, chemical, or
biological entity that can cause an adverse effect (Figure 12). Typically a wide range of stressors
affects a watershed, and these may originate from stressor sources including a wide variety of
human activities and natural processes. Here, too, it is important to note stressor characteristics
that are measurable and potentially useful in developing measures of exposure. The stressor
evaluation process should be made through the collective best professional judgement of an
interdisciplinary team. Occasionally, a large number of stressors may be identified; the team may
then focus on the ones most likely responsible for adverse effects on the watershed.
Figure 12
Endpoint selection. Assessment endpoints (Figure 14) are selected which provide a link
between what can be measured (e.g., mussel species richness, used for the Clinch Valley
assessment) and one or more management objectives (e.g., protecting threatened and endangered
mussel species). Assessment endpoints are related to the management objectives and the valued
ecological resources identified during planning, but they are more specific, and focus on a key
characteristic of the valued ecological resource to be assessed. Three criteria for assessment
endpoints are:
Endpoint selection is of particular importance because this step translates abstract management
goals to scientific measurements -- this is often a challenge in watershed management.
Documenting the reasoning behind this linkage is also crucial when explaining scientific results
at the end of the assessment.
Analysis Phase
The risk analysis phase
implements the analysis plan
developed in problem
formulation (Figure 16). This
phase focuses on the most
important stressors, their
exposure pathways, and the
resulting ecological effects.
Analysis provides more details about the relationships between stressors and effects, first
summarized in the problem formulation's conceptual model. As the analysis proceeds, interim
findings should be presented to managers to ensure that the assessment is targeting the
appropriate problems.
A quantitative approach is often not possible for every environmental exposure or effects setting,
but this problem is not fatal to the assessment. Most quantitative risk assessments have targeted
single species or chemicals, which represent simpler scenarios than highly complex watershed
ecosystems affected by multiple stressors and facing a high likelihood of incomplete
information. Best professional judgment and a "weight of scientific evidence" approach may be
called upon to address informational gaps by estimating exposure or effects, but the amount of
uncertainty related to this approach should be noted. A pilot analysis on a subwatershed may be a
useful way to explore analytical approaches (MacDonald 1994).
Ecological Exposure is analyzed by linking stressors with their sources, describing the temporal
and spatial distribution of stressors in the environment, and the degree to which stressors actually
contact or co-occur with ecological resources. These three components analysis can be analyzed
in any order, depending on the availability of information, the importance of different pathways
(as described in the conceptual model developed during problem formulation), and the focus of
potential management alternatives. A combination of monitoring and modeling is usually used
for all three components; for example, fate and transport models can be used to predict
environmental chemical concentrations downstream of a point source. For stressors that act
through the deprivation of a resource, (e.g., reproductive habitat loss), exposure analyses often
focus on documenting that the resource was indeed unavailable when it was needed. Exposure to
biological stressors such as invasive non-native species may be particularly complex to
characterize because of factors such as the species' population dynamics, interactions with other
species, and variable invasion patterns. Important questions when characterizing any stressor and
its exposure include:
What is the timing and location of the stressor's interaction with ecological
resources of concern?
Ecological exposure characterization at its best may be able to produce an exposure profile,
which quantifies the patterns of stressor occurrence in space and time, and the resulting exposure
of ecological resources that leads to adverse effects. Quantitative exposure profiles may be
feasible in narrowly-defined assessments concerning single stressors or effects that are well
documented. In watershed assessments, however, the interactions among multiple stressors and
effects often make individual exposure profiles impractical to quantify. Furthermore, the optimal
suite of data is typically not available and too costly to acquire. Using data from numerous
sources is helpful and consistent with the watershed approach of using partnerships. By
necessity, a watershed assessment usually focuses more on the relationship of a group of
stressors (or their sources) to a group of ecological effects, rather than expending considerable
effort to quantify each stressor's exposure and relationship to each adverse effect individually.
Characterizing effects.
Ecological Effects are analyzed
by describing stressor-response
relationships, evaluating evidence
for causality, and, when
necessary, linking the effects that
can be measured back to the
effects of greatest interest
(identified in problem
formulation) (Figure 20). These
three components can be
developed in any order, and the
emphasis may be different
depending on whether the
objective of the assessment is to
predict the effects associated with
future change, or retrospectively
analyze the causal factors
Figure 20 influencing current state of
ecological resources.
Evaluating relevant effects data is more reliant upon professional judgement than other
analysis steps, because of the need for choices among many data sources or decisions concerning
data gaps. Relevance of available data is determined by its connection to the indicators selected
in problem formulation, as well as data quality. Relevant data may be used in a number of ways.
Literature synthesis may play an important role. Statistical techniques or mathematical models
may be used to quantify and summarize the relationship of the stressor to the measured
ecological resource. Extrapolations may be required such as between taxa (e.g., bluegill sunfish
mortality to largemouth bass mortality); from laboratory to field (e.g., mortality of bluegills in
laboratory tests to mortality of bluegills exposed to the same stressor under field conditions); and
from field to field (e.g., from the results of a pond mesocosm test to a lake in a different area).
Stressor-response profile
development should try to
relate the magnitude of the
effect to the magnitude,
duration, frequency, and
timing of exposure. For
narrowly defined
assessments of a single
stressor and effect, the
calculated relationship may
be expressed as a stressor-
response curve (Figure
21), or summarized as a
single reference value (a
point on the curve),
depending on the scenario
being described and the
best approach for its
Figure 21
presentation to others. A
typical watershed
assessment, however, encounters much more complex interrelationships than the simplified
example shown. As in other steps, documentation of uncertainty and assumptions made should
be part of the analysis.
An analysis of the cause and effect relationship can be an important component of a watershed
risk assessment when it is uncertain whether a stressor can cause the effects of concern (e.g., can
more extreme flow events cause reductions in mussel abundance?). More often, causal
evaluation is used to identify factors that are responsible for observed effects and can be
manipulated to improve environmental conditions (e.g., did the increased flow conditions at
point A cause the observed decline in mussel abundance at point B?). The development of
methods useful for evaluating causality is an area of active research, but most methods build
upon criteria similar to those developed by Hill in 1965 (Figure 22).
Response analysis should also evaluate the strength of the association between the stressors and
the assessment endpoints and indicators; in the best case there is evidence of a cause-and-effect
relationship, but the complexity of watersheds and limited data often preclude this. Ideally, the
stressor-response relationship will relate the magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing of
exposure in the watershed to the biological effects, but documenting just the general associations
between sources or stressors and their effects may be more realistically achievable in multiple
stressor assessments of watersheds.
Figure 23
Also during this step, uncertainties originating in all three assessment phases and in external data
should be summarized in an uncertainty analysis. Sources of uncertainty may include
measurement data (inappropriate, imprecise or too few measurements), conditions of observation
(such as extrapolating from laboratory tests to field predictions), or limitations of models (e.g.,
Interpreting ecological significance (Figure 26) translates possible risk estimates into a
discussion of their consequences for the watershed. This step may address the nature and
magnitude of effects, spatial and temporal patterns of effects, and the potential for ecosystem
recovery. The significance of predicted effects may vary considerably in their consequences for
different types of ecological
systems. For example, the effect
of a herbicide may be quite
different in a stream that derives
most of its organic carbon
energy from plants as compared
to a stream that utilizes
predominantly detrital-based
organic carbon. The loss of a
small wetland area may be
highly significant if it represents
the only habitat available in an
area for migratory waterfowl,
but negligible if it occurs among
thousands of other pothole-type
Figure 26
In the Clinch Valley assessment, frequent discussions with the decision makers and the public
kept them informed, enhanced their understanding of the nature of the problem and involved
them in developing remediation or work plans. Preliminary findings from the Big Darby
assessment provided through graphs, maps, and discussion have stimulated some stakeholders to
The risk assessment report may be repackaged into less technical forms for different audiences,
such as a shorter and more general version for the general public. While all the relevant technical
detail is required and needs to be scientifically peer reviewed to make the risk assessment report
scientifically credible, its key information may be reformatted to help any target audience to
focus on the results and consider alternate risk management options while avoiding the use of
technical terms.
Risk Management
Risk management fills the crucial role of integrating the science-based assessment with the
economic, social, legal, and political factors affecting management decisions and actions in the
watershed. Since risk management can vary so much from case to case and is considered outside
the immediate process of risk assessment, it is not discussed in detail here. Generally, watershed
ecological risk assessment provides tools and information that may be used in managing risks
within, for example, the following common water resources program actions:
In all assessment phases, new information is also obtained through iterative loops that may
repeatedly access literature review, field data, peer review, or new analyses. This process is
intended to incorporate new scientific information and changing risk management needs into the
developing risk assessment.
Monitoring can play a major role in all phases. Verification monitoring can include validation of
the ecological risk assessment process at any phase, as well as confirming predictions made
during an assessment. The need for additional data acquisition also can occur at any phase in
support of the assessment. Monitoring may provide data needed to develop exposure profiles or
stressor-response profiles, track patterns and changes in stressors, and determine whether
predicted effects in fact do occur over time. Continued monitoring also provides a key feedback
loop with risk management, in that detection of continued adverse effects after risk management
actions are in place indicates the need for more effective action.
2) id-Snake River, ID
4) Waquoit Bay, MA
Figure 31 reviews the steps by which ecorisk enables something of abstract value about the
watershed to be translated into scientifically measurable quantities, assessed, and translated back
into the information needed to support management decisions.
Figure 31
Using ecorisk is not an all-or-none proposition; parts of the process can be extremely useful in
watershed management. Complexity, controversy, or pressure to proceed too quickly can
sometimes leave watershed management efforts with a lack of clear goals and substantial
uncertainty about the problems faced. At these times, problem formulation may be useful even
without continuing into the other phases because it is such an effective process for organizing the
key information needed for science-based decisions. Other aspects of risk assessment that are
useful on their own include:
Cook, R.B., G.W Suter II, and E.R. Sain. 1999. Ecological risk assessment in a large river-
reservoir: 1. Introduction and background. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 18,
No 4, pp. 581-588, 1999.
DeFur, P.L. 1997. The Chesapeake Bay program: An example of ecological risk assessment.
American Zoologist; Chicago; December 1997.
Diamond, J. and B. Jessup. 1998. Sustaining Threatened and Endangered Species Using a
Watershed Ecological risk assessment framework in Watershed Management: Moving from
Theory to implementation. Proceedings of the 1998 Watershed Management Specialty
Conference, May 3-6 1998, Denver, CO. Water Environment Federation report #CP3804,
Alexandria, VA.
Eastern Research Group (ERG). 1998. Problem Formulation Synthesis Report: Lessons Learned
from Five Watershed Case Studies. Work Assignment # 97-09 under contract #68-D5-0028.
Lexington, MA.
Foran, J.A. and S. A. Ferenc. 1999. Multiple stressors in ecological risk and impact assessment.
SETAC Pellston workshop on multiple stressors in ecological risk and impact assessment; 13-18
September 1997; Pellston, Michigan. Published by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry (SETAC), Pensacola, Florida, USA. 100p.
Harris, H.J., R.B. Wegner, V.A. Harris and D.S. Devault. 1994. A method for assessing
environmental risk: A case study of Green Bay, Lake Michigan, USA. Environmental
Management, Vol. 18, No.2, pp. 295-306. Springer-Verlag, New York Inc.
Karr, J.R and E.W. Chu. 1997. Biological monitoring: Essential foundation for ecological risk
assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 993-1004.
National Research Council. 1993. Issues in Risk Assessment. National Academy Press.
Washington, DC.
Perhac, R.M. Jr. 1998. Comparative risk assessment: Where does the public fit in? Science
Technology and Human Values; Cambridge; Spring 1998.
Reckhow, K.H. 1994. A decision analytic framework for environmental analysis and simulation
modeling. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 13, No 12, pp. 1901-1906, 1994.
Stout, D.J. and R.A. Streeter. 1992. Ecological risk assessment: Its role in risk management. The
Environmental Professional, Vol. 14, pp. 197-203.
Suter, G.W. II. 1990. Endpoints for regional ecological risk assessments. Environmental
Management. Vol. 14, pp. 19-23.
Tennessee Valley Authority. 1999. Report on the watershed ecological risk characterization
workshop. Prepared for the Office of Research and Development through interagency agreement
with EPA no. DW64866901, Washington, DC.
US EPA. 1992. A Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment. Office of Research and
Development, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC. EPA/630/R-92/001. February 1992.
US EPA. 1996a. Middle Snake River Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and
Problem Formulation. Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment Forum,
Washington, DC 20460. EPA/630-R-96-008a (draft). June 1996.
US EPA. 1996b. Big Darby Creek Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem
Formulation. Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC
20460. EPA/630-R-96-006a (draft). June 1996.
US EPA. 1996c. Waquoit Bay Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem
Formulation. Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC
20460. EPA/630-R-96-004a (draft). June 1996.
US EPA. 1996d. Clinch Valley Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem
Formulation. Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC
20460. EPA/630-R-96-005a (draft). June 1996.
US EPA. 1996e. Middle Platte River Floodplain Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment
Planning and Problem Formulation. Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment
Forum, Washington, DC 20460. EPA/630-R-96-007a (draft). June 1996.
US EPA. 1997c. An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region. Office of
Research and Development. Washington, DC 20460. EPA 600-R-97-130. November 1997.
US EPA. 1998. Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. Office of Research and
Development, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC. EPA/630/R-95/002f. May 1998.
US EPA. 2000. Workshop Report on Characterization Ecological Risk at the Watershed Scale.
Office of Research and Development. Washington, DC 20460. EPA 600-R-99-111. February
Barry Tonning, James Andreasen, Jerry Diamond, Neal Shapiro, Bruce Duncan, Charlie Gregg,
John Butcher, Clayton Craeger and Anne Sergeant provided very helpful comments and
technical review.
adverse ecological effects: Changes that are considered undesirable because they alter valued
structural or functional characteristics of ecosystems or their components. An evaluation of
adversity may consider the type, intensity, and scale of the effect as well as the potential for
characterization of exposure: A portion of the analysis phase of ecological risk assessment that
evaluates the interaction of the stressor with one or more ecological entities. Exposure can be
expressed as co-occurrence or contact, depending on the stressor and ecological component
ecological risk assessment: An ecological risk assessment evaluates the potential adverse
effects that human activities have on the plants and animals that make up ecosystems. The risk
assessment process provides a way to develop, organize and present scientific information so that
it is relevant to environmental decisions. When conducted for a particular place such as a
watershed, the ecological risk assessment process can be used to identify vulnerable and valued
resources, prioritize data collection activity, and link human activities with their potential effects.
exposure scenario: A set of assumptions concerning how an exposure may take place, including
assumptions about the exposure setting, stressor characteristics, and activities that may lead to
exposure profile: The product of characterization of exposure in the analysis phase of ecological
risk assessment. The exposure profile summarizes the magnitude and spatial and temporal
patterns of exposure for the scenarios described in the conceptual model.
measure of exposure: A measure of stressor existence and movement in the environment and its
contact or co-occurrence with the assessment endpoint.
problem formulation: The first phase of ecological risk assessment, which includes a
preliminary description of exposure and ecological effects, scientific data and data needs, key
factors to be considered, and the scope and objectives of the assessment. This phase produces the
risk hypotheses, conceptual model and analysis plan, around which the rest of the assessment
risk analysis phase: A phase of ecological risk assessment consisting of two main parts: 1)
characterization of ecological effects— evaluating the ability of a stressor(s) to cause adverse
effects under a particular set of circumstances, and 2) characterization of exposure— evaluating
the interaction of the stressor with one or more ecological entities.
risk characterization phase: A phase of ecological risk assessment that integrates the exposure
and stressor response profiles to evaluate the likelihood of adverse ecological effects associated
with exposure to a stressor. Lines of evidence and the adversity of effects are discussed.
risk estimation: Ideally, the conclusions of the risk characterization phase expressed as some
type of quantitative statement (e.g., there is a 20% chance of 50% mortality under the
circumstances assessed), but often expressed as a qualitative statement (e.g., there is a high
likelihood of mortality occurring).
risk management: The process of evaluating and selecting action alternatives in response to risk
assessment findings.
stressor: Any physical, chemical, or biological entity that can induce an adverse response
(synonymous with agent).
uncertainty analysis: Part of the risk assessment process that describes, either quantitatively or
qualitatively, the relative magnitude of uncertainties and their implications for the assessment.