The Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Probe
The Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Probe
The Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Probe
Example – UHF Probe
Cartesian plotting
Field Overlays:
3D Far Field Plots
Getting Started
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > Modeler Options.
dX: 0.31, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 5.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
dX: 0.37, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 5.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
To subtract:
1. Select the menu item Modeler > Boolean > Subtract
2. Subtract Window
4. Using the mouse, double click the left mouse button on the CreateCylinder
command for the ring_inner1
5. Properties dialog
1. Change the radius to: 0.435 in
Create Arm_1
To create Arm_1
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
Group Conductors
To group the conductors:
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select All Visible. Or press the CTRL+A key
dX: 0.1, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 5.1, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
Create Arm_2
To create Arm_2
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 0.0625, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 5.1, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
Group Conductors
To group the conductors:
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
dX: 0.31, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
Create Air
To create Air
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
2. While holding the CTRL key, select all of the faces of the Air vacuum
object except the face on the XY plane. Use the rotate button in between
selections to access the back side faces.
3. Once the 5 faces are selected, go to the menu item HFSS > Boundaries
>Assign> Radiation
4. Radiation Boundary window
1. Name: Rad1
3. Select the menu item HFSS > Boundaries > Assign> Finite Conductivity
1. Name: gnd_plane
1. Name: ff_2d
Analysis Setup
Start: 0.35GHz
Stop: 0.75GHz
Count: 401
Save Fields: ; Checked
3. Click the OK button
Save Project
To save the project:
1. In an Ansoft HFSS window, select the menu item File > Save As.
Model Validation
To validate the model:
1. Select the menu item HFSS > Validation Check
To start the solution process:
1. Select the menu item HFSS > Analyze All
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data:
1. Select the menu item HFSS > Results > Solution Data
Create Reports
2. Domain: Sweep
4. Quantity: St(T1,T1)
5. Function: dB
2. Geometry: ff_2d
1. Category: Gain
2. Quantity: GainTotal
3. Function: dB