IrcamLab TS Manual
IrcamLab TS Manual
IrcamLab TS Manual
1- Installation
2- Autorization
1. Open the Disk Image 1. Open the Disk Image “IRCAMLab TS.dmg” by double clicking on the icon
3. You’re Done !
2. Inside the Disk Image, slide the IrcamLab in the Applications folder
3. Double click or Open the IrcamLab located in your Applications folder
Section 2
2. Audio Configuration
Chapitre 2
1- Import Audio
2- Screen fonctions
4- Remix
5- Transport
Section 1
MENU You have 3 different ways to open an audio file in T.S. Files must be in either .wav
1. Load a file or .aiff formats.
a- Select the audio entry in the menu “preference”
b- Select “record” in the menu “file”
c- Click on “Click to start recording”
Section 2
2- Project files
IRCAM Lab TS can also save a project file (file extension .tsproj) wich
will contain the engine parameters (preset) and also the audio file
absolute path for a later reuse.
Once you open the project, TS will reload the file and the parameters
If Ircam Lab TS cannot find the audio file it will ask you for a possible location.
Section 3
MENU T.S lets you display frequency and spectral contents in one window.
1. Spectra and Waveform
2. Bottom bar functions 3. Other view settings
Chan. Select: Lets you see the channels selected Fonction On/Off :
Mix View: Enables a visual mix between the spectrum and the
a- Follow playback
wave form
Color Select: 6 different color maps to visualize the spectrum b- Logarithmic view (sonogram)
Spectral Adjustment: Ajust the energy and sensitivity of the c- Show Keyboard overlay
4. Zoom and Scrolling
On/off Music Datas: Lets you know the cursur’s note, frequency,
energy and MIDI information Click and drag your mouse in the time ruler view to perform a
On/off Analyser View: Opens the analyzer window, includes a zoom in/out and an horizontal scrolling. The vertical mouse
resizing option moves will zoom in when you pull down the mouse and zoom out
when you push it up. Accordingly you can slide left or right the
mouse to navigate horizontally through the waveform.
Section 4
MENU These modules are the main transposition functions for time-stretching and
1. Fonctions customizable user modes.
2. Transpose
3. Stretch
Transpose : +/- 24 half tones
4. x100 Fx
Formant : +/- 2400 Cts
Strech : x 0.50 to x 10
1/2 Tone: Transpose by ½ or 1/100 tone
Tape Mode: Just like an analogue tape deck
Formant: On/Off for the Formant function, the default value is 0000
30% - x100: Lets you choose from 3 stretching presets +/- 30% - Normal - X100
Link: Lets you synchronize the Transpose and Formant parameters
MIDI Remote: cmd m Provides you with external MIDI controls of each of the
parameters Transpose, Formant, and Stretch.
Section 5
REMIX Fonctions
a- Transient
b- Sinusoïdal
c- Noise
The Error parameter knob controls the desired noise missclassification probability
(from 0 to 1). For the default value (0.1) about 10% of the noise peaks are
classified as sinusoids.
Section 6
MENU The Transport module includes the following functions (from left to right):
1. Transport fonctions
Return Rewind
Record (Real-Time) (this mode allows you to record an audio file real-time while
you modify the different parameters)
Chapitre 3
1- Create a Loop
3- MIDI Remote
Section 1
- click inside the grey border and drag the entire region.
2. Activate the loop mode
Clicking the Loop button in the toolbar will activate the loop
Section 2
2. Bounce Audio
2. Bounce Audio
The Bounce audio button, In the toolbar will bounce directly the source
transformations offline statically. This is the faster way to export your work if
only intend to apply a constant transformation. The start and end
of the region to export can be set using the loop region.
Just press the button when you want to record, play, change the
sliders and when you’re finished with it then a dialog will ask you
where to put the file and how to name it. This is as simple as
that !
Section 3
Ensure that your midi interface appears correctly in the MIDI Input a «red overlay» should appear once it is being edited and move
Ports list. If not, reconnect your interface, relaunch IrcamLab TS one of your controls in your midi remote interface. The «midi
and open the MIDI preferences panel again. controller» number should appear on top of the overlay and
indicate you that it is has been received correctly. Switch and
Once it is visible, do not forget to activate it by click on the «off»
click to the other sliders to configure them.
button. It should after change to a blue «on» button once it is
connected to the software One a slider has been correctly mapped to a midi control then
you can see a clear «green overlay» on the slider.
3. Monitoring MIDI messages
Press Command-M again to finish the midi mapping and start
You can monitor the incoming midi channel messages from your
moving your controls : the corresponding sliders should move
interface and ensure the communication is properly working in
accordingl in IrcamLab TS.
the Midi Input Monitor black screen. If you wish to see the raw
midi messages, just press the «Show raw data» button, usefull to
verify the MIDI protocol information really passed in.
4. MIDI Learn
Chapitre 4
IrcamLab TS Settings
2. Quality
3. Source
4. Transient Preservation
The Transformation settings are available through the engine wheel icon in the
IrcamLab TS document’s panel. It will configure internally the IRCAM SuperVP
(super phase vocoder) engine to process the current document. SuperVP is a well
known engine in the professional audio world to be one of the most precise and
accurate engine when it comes to transpose, stretch an audio source or process
vocal identities. Several parameters can be changed that will dramatically change
the result of the transformation
2. Quality
You have the option to choose between 3 different quality options 8 different source options are available in IRCAM Lab TS wich
: Low, Medium or High, the last being the default. should give an hint to the engine and apply automatically different
configurations to suit your transformation.
- «Low» : apply the default quality transformation.
a) «Polyphonic» and «Polyphonic dense» options are best suited
- «Medium» : will activate a «source position preservation» wich
for rich sources with multiple instruments or a polyphonic
will preserve the stereo or the multichannel configuration of the
content (ex: a single track in your music library). For the expert,
source signal during the transformation.
the «polyphonic» option will apply a window size of ~0.088
- «High» : activate the «source position preservation» and the seconds and the «dense» one a window size of ~0.12 seconds.
«complete sinusoidal models» for sinusoidal remixing option
b) The «Monophonic» options are best suited for monophonic
(see noise/sinus/transient remix panel) wich is an enhanced
model compared the «Medium» and the «Low» option
c) The «Single Voice» options will activate a special «waveform
3. Source
preservation» option especially suited for voice allows to process
the separate voiced and unvoiced parts of the signal separately
and so, focus on the relevant voiced part.
slider will be set to 450 Hertz. A window of ~0.033 seconds will
be used for the transformation.
4. Transient Preservation The «Transients Preservation» option allows to manage the way
transients are rendered when processing a signal.
Transients can be attack or decay transients. Signals can have
IRCAM Lab TS provides an rather simple way to transform your
transients, and noise. These are two different components, which
audio source. For the definitive approach to transform the sound
can be confused at the analysis. In order to evaluate the
and a fully configurable tool on your transformation, IRCAM
respective noise and transient rate in the signal, a statistic model
suggest you to look at the AudioSculpt software package or for
is used.
top and precise vocal gender / transposition transformations to
look at the Flux IrcamTools TraX.
Section 2
2. Analysis types
3. Window Size
4. Window Step
6. Settings
a) Representations of the temporal evolution, (FFT, Reassigned
Spectrum) of the frequency and amplitude of the energy of all
components – sinusoids and noise – of the signal.
b) Reassigned Spectrum
The energy distribution in the spectrum is also calculated with an analysis but it is well know that it is well suited only for analysis of
FFT, but the energy of the individual sinusoidal components, as unvoiced or noise signals. For these kind of signals, the LPC
well as that of the transients is reassigned to increase the analysis reveals the correct filter whenever the filter order is
frequency and time resolution. The reassigned spectrogram is sufficiently high (LPC Order). If applied to voiced signals and even
especially suited for precise analysis of sinusoidal components if the correct filter order is specified the LPC analysis generally
and transients. suffers from systematic errors and the True Envelope method
discussed below should be prefered.
d) True Envelope
c) LPC (Linear Predictive Coding)
e) Discrete Cepstrum
On the left, the Window Size zone displays three text prompts :
sampling frequency. rWith an oversampling factor of 1, AS will
use the closest to the window size power of 2 as an FFT size.
With a 2 oversampling factor, the number of bins is multiplied by
2, etc.
The Window Step parameters allow to determine the interval 6. Extends across sounds limits options
between each successive window. Indeed, for a precise analysis,
This option allows to locate the center of the window on the first
it is necessary to overlap windows.
sound sample, so that the sonogram is displayed from T0 to the
This interval is a factor which can be calculated either with the end of the signal.
ratio between the window size (adaptive) or an integer adaptative
As the left part of the first window and right part of the last
oversampling with a percentage of the window size (manual)
window are located before the beginning and after the end of the
signal, these parts will be replaced by 0s in the analysis.
5. FFT size and oversampling • If the option is selected, and if the signal shows a
steep beginning or ending, transients and clicks may appear, and
will be preserved when processing treatments.