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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3160608
Semester VI
Subject Name: Urban Transportation Planning

Type of course: Professional Elective courses-II

Prerequisite: Nil

In Urban area there are opportunities for education and employment with social, economic and cultural
development. Industries, medical facilities, tourism, business models attract population from surrounding.
Increase in population expanding boundaries of urban areas. Rapid urbanization leads to planning demand
of households and land use activities. Vehicle ownership i.e. number of private vehicles increasing at faster
pace which demands for traffic management. Sprawl in urban area necessitates efficient road/railway
network and reliable mass transportation systems to cater the increased need of the passengers and goods
trips within urban as well as suburban area. Safe, economic, timely and comfortable urban mass
transportation systems reduce private vehicle trips, which ultimately reduce traffic congestion, accidents
and environmental pollution. Study of this subject imparts knowledge of urbanization process, urban
transportation system planning, land use planning, and travel demand modeling procedure, different urban
mass transportation systems and urban goods movement.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150


Sr. No. Content Total


1 Urbanization, urban class groups, transportation problems and identification, impacts of 5

transportation on urban development, urban transport system planning process. Introduction
to Preparation of comprehensive plan and transportation system management planning.
Urban forms and structures: point, linear, radial, poly-nuclear
2 Urban mass transportation systems: urban transit problems, travel demand, types of transit 6
systems, public, private, para-transit transport, mass and rapid transit systems, BRTS
and Metro rails, capacity, merits and comparison of systems, coordination, types of
3 Survey and data collection for urban landuse and transportation planning models, Study area 9
definition; division into traffic analysis zones; network identification and coding; types of
trips, socio economic and trip characteristics of urban area; home interview survey/
Household Information Survey; roadside interview survey; goods transportation information
survey, mass transit survey, Intermediate public transport/IPT surveys; methods of sampling
and expansion factors; accuracy checks, screen line checks, consistency checks.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3160608
4 Travel demand modeling: Four stage modeling: Factors affecting trip generation, methods of 15
trip generation -zonal regression and cross category /classification analysis, Trip
distribution-growth factor methods, gravity model, Desire line diagram. Trip Assignment
models, Factors affecting mode choice and route choice. Captive rider and choice rider.
5 Mass transit systems: Introduction to routing and scheduling, parameters to measure 6
performance of transit system. Corridor identification and corridor screen line analysis. As
per developments suitability of transit system.
6 Introduction to goods movement study for urban area. Problems and issues of urban goods 1
movement. Factors affecting goods movement, components of urban goods traffic.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, Student will be able to

Sr. Marks %
CO statement
No. weightage
CO-1 Explain basics of urban, town, transportation planning and existing system. 20

CO-2 Collect the data and analyze for travel demand forecasting for horizon year by four 25
stage modeling.

CO-3 Classified types and Suggest mass transportation system in urban area with 25
performance measurement.
CO-4 Development of trip generation and trip distribution models for study area. 20
CO-5 Describe goods/freight movement in urban area and identify the factors affecting. 10

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory): (For BE only)

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

10% 20% 20% 25% 15% 10%

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:

Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

1. Kadiyali L.R., Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Khanna Publishers

2. Khisty, C J., Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, NJ
3. S.C. Saxena, Traffic Planning and Design, Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi.
4. Partho Chakraborty and Animesh Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering, PHI
5. C. S. Papacostas, Fundamentals of Transportation System Analysis, PHI.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3160608
6. Pradip Kumar Sarkar, Vinay Maitri, G.J.Joshi, Transportation Planning :Principles, Practices and
Policies, PHI

List of Experiments: Assignments based on syllabus including numerical, survey and analysis and visit

Major Equipment: N.A.

List of Open Source Software:

 TransCAD/Cube/VISUM

Field Visit:

1. A visit to Public Transportation System and office of operator for urban area.
2. A visit to authority office-Town planning section, urban planning section, urban development
3. A visit to depot, terminal, bus stops.

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