Irizar Group Electric Bus

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Irizar Group electric bus

Zero emissions
Irizar Group Technology
Irizar, leader
in innovation

Irizar, worldwide referential group of companies The Irizar Group, formed by more than 2,500
in the passenger transport sector for more than people in their production plants in five countries
125 years, takes a new step along the route of and with commercial presence in more than 90
technological innovation and becomes a countries of the five continents, is positioned as
referential company in the electrical bus sector. leader in urban mobility and aimed towards the
future. A firm commitment for contributing to
A project fruit of the strategic commitment sustainability and the environment, improving
for long term innovation of the Irizar Group the life quality of citizens thanks to innovation in
companies like Jema, manufacturer of high technology, electronics and telecommunications.
range power electronics, Datik, technological Something that is only possible thanks to the
company developing intelligent solutions, commitment of all its persons, clients and
Hispacold, dedicated to acclimatisation systems, collaborators in the business project.
Masats, dedicated to accessibility systems, Alcon-
za, manufacturer of electric rotary machines and
Creatio, Group Research and Development Centre.

Sustainable urban

Innovation in sustainability and the positioning Electricity has been identified as one of the
as technological leaders in the European market most promising alternatives for transport and its
has resulted in the first Irizar electrical vehicle for application in urban buses is gaining terrain. This
future urban environments. is the context where the commitment of the Irizar
Group is framed.
60% of the population in the European
Union live in cities and sustainable mobility is
one of the great challenges facing urban centres.
Circulation of vehicles is the cause of 40% of
CO2 emissions and 70% of other contaminants.
Acoustic contamination is worse; now more than
ever we need efficient, ecologic and silent means
of transport. Friendly and respectful with the
environment. That contributes to improving the
life quality of cities and of the people living in

Irizar Group

The Irizar i2e is the first urban bus developed manufacturer of electric rotary machines and
with our own technology. The project is the the R&D Centre Creatio, have joined forces to
result of the continuous work of the Irizar Group of impulse the Irizar i2e.
companies together with the Creatio
Research Centre and Development centre, from The new Irizar electric bus offers tested first line
which the latest advances in complete and technology developed in Europe, with cutting
electrical buses have been born. Irizar, edge design including pioneer technologies in
manufacturer of buses, Hispacold producer of the sector. It also contemplates the incorporation
acclimatisation equipment, Jema specialised of another type of charging, like induction and
in high range power electronics, pantographic.
Datik, technological company developing
intelligent solutions for transport, Masats,
dedicated to accessibility systems, Alconza,

The bus of the future

The Irizar i2e is positioned in the market as the It should be pointed out that the Eco-As- Sustainable and eco-efficient
bus of the future for cities, incorporating pioneer sist system assists the driver in real time
technology which converts it into a reference for with the objective of reducing energy
Thanks to its zero emissions, as well as its silence,
sustainability and eco efficiency aimed at urban consumption and that way increasing its
the Irizar i2e is the ideal transport for cities and
mobility, responding to the current and future city autonomy. It allows centralising the information
their inhabitants. In addition to contributing to the
transport needs. about consumption, the route, and the driver.
reduction of 88 tons of CO2 of yearly emission, it
allows saving 33,000 litres of fuel and provides
Full autonomy independence from the high prices of fossil fuels.

The Irizar i2e has been designed to offer Its recyclability is another of its characteristics.
autonomy between 200 and 250 km with only The Ecodesign principles have been taken into
one charge at the end of the day. Only five hours account, applying environmental criteria in the
of charge guarantees between 14 and 16 hours design of the bus. The batteries are 99%
of dense urban and interurban working conditions, recyclable and the bus is designed applying a high
with an average speed of 17 km/h. percentage of recyclability parameters. This way
durability and profitability improve the operational
It includes market pioneering technologies in order costs.
to optimise consumption.

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The bus of the future

Safe, reliable and comfortable

The Irizar Group electrical bus has been designed functional safety. It also has anti-skid control and acclimatisation equipment has not been forsaken
to comply with the highest demands regarding with the memory system it is capable of efficiently in order to achieve more autonomy.
active and passive safety. It is the first urban identifying and managing the energy flows and
electrical bus of the market that complies with the peaks. In addition to introducing the most advanced
R.66 anti-roll regulation. technologies in design, materials, components,
Like the other coach and buses in the Irizar range, and production processes, the bus has maximum
The screwed aluminium structure of the bus is the Irizar i2e is conceived following the most quality finishes, making the Irizar i2e a completely
another of its innovations. In addition to demanding parameters resulting in an especially safe and reliable bus.
thinking of its optimum modularity, it contributes strong and reliable bus. It has been subject to hard
to an important weight reduction and fatigue tests and reliability tests in one of the
provides lower gravity centre. The rigid and most prestigious institutes of research applied
strong structure is conceived to reliably to automation on a worldwide level, the IDIADA
support side and frontal crash situations, as well as Automotive Technology, with excellent results.
avoiding side roll.
The Irizar i2e is capable of maintaining the same
The software has been designed following degree of thermal comfort as the other buses
the ISO 26262 recommendations regarding in the Irizar range, because the heating and

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The bus of the future

Maximum profitability

The Irizar i2e offers maximum profitability maintain the charge condition of the components
based on reducing electrical consumption, for in an optimal range and, that way extending the
which it incorporates the most innovative energy life cycles of the components, redounding in
technologies. With a nominal power of 230 kW, improvement of the operational costs.
the onboard energy in the vehicle is 376 kWh,
thanks to which its autonomy is between 200 The Irizar i2e batteries have been working for
and 250 km depending on the driving cycle and 10 years as power supply systems and they
weather conditions. are 99% recyclable. This is a tested and reliable
technology. The battery charger is of the cable 2
In addition to the aerodynamic concept in the type and allows charging in five hours.
design of the bus, weight distribution and
maximum accessibility to the components for In addition, the Irizar i2e has the coverage of the
easy maintenance have been taken into account. Irizar guarantee.

The management system of energy storage,

developed by Jema Energy, manages the relation
between battery and supercapacitators to

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Technical data

Technical features of the bus

Length (axles): 11,980mm (2 axles) Step height, doors 2 & 3: 270mm (340mm Possibility of assembling cantilever seats at
without kneeling) the front area
Maximum height: 3,220mm
Low-Floor LED interior and exterior illumination
Width: 2,550mm
24 seated passengers Frontal divided in five sections for easy and
Wheel base: 5,770mm economic interchange of external bodywork
Two or one wheelchair bays
Overhang front / rear: 2,805mm / 3,405mm
Double glazing
Four seats for PRM
Internal height: 2,400mm
Insulation of ceiling and sides
Anti-graffiti materials
Height from ground: 340mm Creepage function (maintains the bus
VDV dashboard stooped on slopes a few second before going
Lead angle: 6.5 backwards)
Three double doors
Compliance with magnetic compatibility
Trailing angle: 7
according to 95/54
Aluminium lateral and roof structure
Step height, door 1: 250mm (320mm without
kneeling) Grating / floor: high quality steels

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Technical data


Compliance with fire resistance according to Manufacturer: Siemens

Type: Synchronous
Access height (2nd door): 340mm (270mm
with kneeling) Nominal power: 180Kw

Door width (Door I) 1,200mm Nominal torque: 1,400Nm

Door width (Door II) 1,200mm Traction capacity even on 18% maximum
Door width (Door III) 1,050mm

Turning diameter 23,680mm

Maximum weight front axle: 7,500 kg

Maximum weight rear axle: 12,500 kg

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Technical data

Energy storage system Acclimatisation system

Batteries specification Hispacold acclimatisation system

For driver: 3.5Kw

Type: So-Nick

For passengers: 35Kw

Nominal voltage: 600V/650V

Total capacity: 376kWh

Supercapacitators: 125V

Recharging Heating

Plug (Standard combo): 125A For passengers: 25-28Kw

Charging time: 5h For driver: 13Kw

Customised energy storage management

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Distribution of Seats
Please enquire for other distribution possibilities.
Zumarraga Bidea, 8
20216 Ormaiztegi (Gipuzkoa) | Spain
T +34 943 80 91 00 | F +34 943 88 91 01
[email protected] |

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