Gunter 2005
Gunter 2005
Gunter 2005
dallisgrass-dominated pasture
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Southwest Research and Extension Center, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Hope 71801
ABSTRACT: To compare the performance of steer hectare peaked at 701 kg when cattle were stocked at
calves managed under different stocking rates (SR; 3.7, 8.9 steers/ha and the pasture was fertilized with 336
6.2, 8.6, and 11.1 steers/ha for 140 d; χI1) and N fertiliza- kg/ha of N. The least cost of production was at a stocking
tion rates (112, 224, and 336 kg of N/ha; χI2) in May rate of 3.7 steers/ha, with 112 kg/ha of fertilizer N ap-
1996, 1997, and 1998, 72 steer calves (BW = 231 ± plied, and the greatest cost of production was at a stock-
2.5 kg) were assigned randomly to one of 12 0.81-ha ing rate of 11.1 steers/ha with 336 kg/ha of fertilizer N
dallisgrass (51%)/common bermudagrass (32%) pas- applied. Fertilization at 336 kg/ha of N produced the
tures. One-third of the fertilizer was applied in the most profitable stocking rate at 7.3 steers/ha and re-
form of ammonium nitrate in May, June, and August turned $355.64. The optimal stocking rate for net re-
to achieve the prescribed totals. Treatments were sepa- turn was 79, 81, and 82% of that for maximum BW
rated using a polynomial regression equation: γi = β0 + gain per hectare for 112, 224, and 336 kg/ha of N, respec-
2 2
β1χI1 + β2χI2 + β11χI1 + β12χI2 + β12χi1χi2 + εI, with years tively. Under the assumptions made in the financial
as replicates. Within the range of the data, ADG and analysis, these data show that the economically optimal
BW gain per steer were greatest at a stocking rate of carrying capacity of similar pastures can be increased
3.7 steers/ha and 336 kg/ha of N. Body weight gain per with N fertilizer up to at least 336 kg/ha annually.
2005 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2005. 83:2235–2242
Materials and Methods the planned 140 d, at which time BW and removal date
were recorded. On the first day of grazing, the steers
Research Site were implanted with Implus-S (Ivy Laboratories, Inc.,
Overland Park, KS) and again on d 105. On a weekly
This experiment was conducted at the Southwest Re- basis, cattle were provided 0.76 kg/steer of a mineral/
search and Extension Center (lat 33°42′N, long salt mixture (Vigortone 32S; PM Ag Products, Inc., Ce-
93°31′W) near Hope, AR, on twelve 0.81-ha pastures dar Rapids, IA; contained [% as-fed basis]: 18.2% salt,
over a 3-yr period (1996 through 1998). The soil type 13.6% Ca, 7.0% P, 10 ppm I, 2.6 ppm Se, trace minerals
of the 12 pastures was Una silty clay loam, which con- [Co, Cu, Fe, and Zn], 662,000 IU of vitamin A/kg, 66,000
sists of deep, poorly drained, level soils (slopes, 0 to 1%) IU of vitamin D3/kg, and 221 IU of vitamin E/kg).
on a flood plain (Hoelscher and Laurent, 1979). This Cost per steer estimates included pasture rent, fertil-
soil type has a seasonally high water table in the winter izer, price slide, interest, minerals, receiving feed, vet-
and spring, and is predicted to produce approximately erinary service and supplies, transportation, and death
18.5 animal-unit-months/ha annually. The swards in loss (Table 1). Pasture rent was based on an annual
the 12 pastures were primarily dallisgrass (50.5%), but cost of $61.73/ha, and it was assumed that the stocker
also contained common bermudagrass (31.5%), tall fes- cattle enterprise used 70% of the lease ($43.21) value
cue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; 5.6%), other grasses in proportion to the available grazing. The remaining
(4.5%), white clover (Trifolium repens L.; 3.3%), and
30% of the pasture lease was assumed to be used by
other forbs (4.6%) as determined by the dry-weight-
backgrounding cattle grazing residue herbage and win-
rank method (Gillen and Smith, 1985). Precipitation at
ter annual grasses. The annual pasture rent charge
the Southwest Research and Extension Center weather
was divided by the stocking rate, resulting in a decrease
station, located approximately 3.1 km southwest of the
in pasture rent per steer as stocking rate increased.
pastures, was 103, 110, and 105 cm from January 1
Price slide from the original purchase weight of the
through September 26, 1996, 1997, and 1998, respec-
steers was assumed to be $0.007/kg of gain based on a
tively (Figure 1). The 21-yr average precipitation from
10-yr (1991 to 2000) summary of livestock market prices
January 1 through September 26 was 97 cm (average
from Arkansas, and also was based on steer calves start-
annual precipitation = 137 cm). Rainfall accumulations
ing at 215 kg in April, gaining approximately 100 kg,
during the three 140-d grazing periods were 74, 40, and
and selling in September (Cheney and Troxel, 2004).
52 cm (average rainfall during the grazing period = 50
When interest was calculated, we assumed that the
cm) in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively. Average daily
cattle would be owned for 5 mo and an annual rate
temperatures during the grazing period were 25, 25,
of 10.00%. Veterinary services and supplies included
and 27°C in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively (21-yr
treating sick cattle, implants, and vaccines. Death loss
average daily temperature during grazing period =
was assumed to be 1.0% of the value of the steers. The
selling price of the cattle was assumed to be $1.66/kg
based on a 10-yr (1991 to 2000) average (Cheney and
Experimental Procedures
Troxel, 2004). Fertilizer was assumed to cost $220.06/
Each year, 72 steer calves (Bos taurus × Bos indicus; t for ammonium nitrate based on a 10-yr (1991 to 2000)
maximum 1/8 B. indicus; average BW = 231 ± 2.5 kg) average calculated with data from NASS (1995, 1999,
were obtained through a local cattle buyer (F & F Cattle 2004).
Co., Hope, AR). After a 21-d receiving period, starting
at 0630, the steers were stratified by BW and divided Statistical Analyses
randomly into 12 groups. The groups of cattle were
assigned to one of the following 12 treatments in a 4 × First, the effects of stocking rate (steers per hectare)
3 factorial arrangement: 3.7, 6.2, 8.6, or 11.1 steers/ha and N fertilization (kg/ha of N) on grazing days, ADG,
and 112, 224, or 336 kg/ha of N (i. e., 336, 672, or 1,008 total BW gain per steer, and BW gain per hectare were
kg of ammonium nitrate was applied; 12 treatments; analyzed by ANOVA using the PROC GLM procedures
one replication per treatment annually). Fertilizer was of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC) to more fully describe
applied three times (in equal amounts) during the graz- the data before analysis by regression. Pasture was
ing season at 52-d intervals beginning on May 6 to total used as the random experimental unit with replication
the amounts prescribed. During the first fertilization in time. Least squares means were separated using
event of each year, pastures also were fertilized with linear and quadratic contrasts.
soil-test recommendations of P and K (Chapman, 1998). Second, the effects of stocking rate and N fertilization
The planned grazing season was 140 d, starting on May rate on grazing days, ADG, total BW gain per steer,
6, 1996, May 7, 1997, and May 7, 1998. At 35-d intervals BW gain per hectare, total cost per hectare, gross return
thereafter, cattle were then weighed unshrunk at 0630. per hectare, and net return per hectare were separated
Because of insufficient standing herbage mass (<5.1 cm by using polynomial regression as described by Bransby
tall) in pastures as a result of increasing stocking rate, et al. (1988). These data were fitted to the following
cattle were removed from some pastures earlier than model for two independent variables: γi = β0 + β1χI1 +
Figure 1. Accumulated rainfall (bold lines) and average daily temperature (fine lines) from May 6 through September
27 by year at the Southwest Research and Extension Center in Hope, AR.
β2χI2 + β11χI1 2
+ β12χI2 + β12χi1χi2 + εI, for which χI1 able was estimated by setting the first derivatives equal
equals stocking rate and χi2 equals N fertilization rate to zero for the constructed equations, after which the
using year as replicates (random effect) with the PROC maximum value of the dependent variable was used to
REG procedure of SAS. The maximum dependent vari- solve for the optimal stocking rates.
Table 1. Assumed cost required to graze stocker steers stocked at different rates on
dallisgrass pasture fertilized at three different rates during the summer
Stocking rate, steers/ha
Results and Discussion ing stocking rate quadratically decreased (P < 0.01) the
BW gain per hectare, and increasing N fertilization rate
Cattle Performance linearly increased (P < 0.01) the BW gain per hectare.
Using regression analysis, the equation developed for
As analyzed by ANOVA, the effects of stocking rate grazing days explained 61% of the variation (P < 0.01;
did not interact (P > 0.15) with N fertilization rate for Table 3). In addition, stocking rate interacted (P = 0.03)
days of grazing, ADG, total BW gain, or BW gain per with N fertilization rate. It was noted that increasing
hectare (Table 2). Increasing stocking rate linearly de- the stocking rate from 3.7 to 11.1 steers/ha decreased
creased (P < 0.01) the number of grazing days; however, the predicted number of days that cattle could be grazed
increasing N fertilization rate linearly increased (P < from 138 to 86, or by 38.2%, when 112 kg of N/ha was
0.02) the number of grazing days. Average daily gain applied (Table 4). Conversely, at the N fertilizer rate
was decreased (P < 0.01) by increasing the stocking of 224 kg/ha, increasing the stocking rate from 3.7 to
rate, but increasing N fertilization rate did not increase 11.1 steers/ha only decreased the predicted number of
(P = 0.08) ADG. Increasing stocking rate resulted in days that cattle could be grazed from 144 to 111, or by
quadratic decreases (P < 0.01) in the total BW gain per 22.9%. At the N fertilizer rate of 336 kg/ha, increasing
steer, whereas increasing N fertilization rate linearly the stocking rate from 3.7 to 11.1 steers/ha decreased
increased (P < 0.01) the total BW gain per steer. Increas- the predicted number of days from 137 to 121, or by
Table 2. Least squares means of grazing days and performance by stocker steers stocked
at different rates grazing dallisgrass pasture fertilized with different rates of nitrogen
during the summer
Stocking rate, steers/ha
Item/N fertilizer
rate, kg/ha 3.7 6.2 8.6 11.1 SEa
Days of grazingbd
112 140 126 119 79 8.3
224 140 140 128 117
336 140 140 128 121
ADG, kgb
112 0.63 0.63 0.46 0.37 0.076
224 0.59 0.65 0.52 0.33
336 0.70 0.67 0.62 0.49
Total BW gain, kgcd
112 88 79 55 26 8.8
224 82 91 65 39
336 98 94 79 59
Gain/ha, kgcd
112 327 490 472 284 57.6
224 304 561 566 432
336 365 584 683 650
n = 3 pasture/year replications.
Linear effect of stocking rate, P < 0.01.
Quadratic effect of stocking rate, P < 0.01.
Linear effect of N fertilization rate, P < 0.02.
Days of grazing 128.419 −0.418 0.159 −0.610 −0.000554 0.0218 14.182 0.61 <0.01
ADG, kg 0.665 0.0443 −0.00162 −0.00603 0.00000384 0.0000461 0.120 0.51 <0.01
Total BW gain, kg 88.010 4.607 −0.120 −0.982 0.000239 0.0141 14.109 0.74 <0.01
Gain/ha, kg −75.573 172.562 −1.273 −13.566 0.00131 0.199 91.072 0.71 <0.01
Cost/ha, $ 42.488 68.237 0.636 −0.107 −0.000131 0.00145 0.148 0.99 <0.01
Gross return/ha, $ −118.568 284.497 −2.118 −22.438 0.00217 0.332 1.272 1.00 <0.01
Net return/ha, $ −161.048 216.254 −2.755 −22.331 0.00215 0.331 1.198 0.99 <0.01
a 2 2
These data were fitted to the following model for two independent variables: γi = β0 + β1χI1 + β2χI2 + β11χI1 + β12χI2 + β12χi1χi2 + εI, for
which χI1 equals stocking rate, and χi2 equals N fertilization rate.
only 11.7%. The application of N fertilizer increased the Average daily gain was increased as more N fertilizer
number of grazing days on a pasture and decreased the was applied (Table 4). Each unit increase in the N fertil-
probability that cattle might need to be removed early izer rate increased the ADG by 0.0004 kg (r2 = 0.75);
during the grazing season. Analysis of research from however, the ANOVA procedure did not (P = 0.08) detect
northwest Oklahoma with steers grazing old-world an interaction between N fertilization and stocking
bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum [L.] Keng.) has rates (Table 2). We are currently unaware of any studies
shown an increase in the number of grazing days by examining the effects of N fertilizer rate at a set stock-
0.66 for each kg of N applied as fertilizer (r2 = 0.71; ing rate; however, one study examined the effects of N
Berg and Sims, 1995). fertilizer rate with a variable stocking rate that was
The equation developed for ADG explained 51% of designed to equalize forage allowance across treat-
the variation noted in animal performance (P < 0.01; ments on old-world bluestem (Berg and Sims, 1995).
Table 3). Stocking rate did not interact (P = 0.56) with These researchers reported no average differences in
N fertilization rate. Average daily gain decreased as ADG over a 3-yr period, but stocking was doubled as
stocking rate increased (Table 4). For each unit increase N fertilization rate was increased from 0 to 170 kg/ha
in the stocking rate, ADG decreased by 0.034 kg (r2 = of N annually. This increased grazing pressure applied
0.86). Research trials with similar experimental de- in the Berg and Sims (1995) study would lessen the
signs have shown responses between ADG and stocking expected increase in ADG that would be noted with
rate that are comparable to that noted in the present increased N fertilization rate.
study (Adjei et al., 1980; Guerrero et al., 1984; Bransby The equation developed for total BW gain explained
et al., 1988). Adjei et al. (1980) reported that with cattle 74% of the variation (P < 0.01), and stocking rate did
grazing at three different stocking rates averaged over not (P = 0.14) interact with N fertilization rate (Figure
three stargrass (Cynodon spp.) varieties, ADG de- 2). Total BW gain decreased as stocking rate increased
creased 0.04 kg/d (r2 = 0.94) for each unit increase in (Table 4). For each unit increase in the stocking rate,
stocking rate. A study examining five varieties of ber- total BW gain decreased by 6.8 kg (r2 = 0.91). Research
mudagrass (Guerrero et al., 1984) showed a similar trials with similar experimental designs have shown
decrease in ADG as stocking rate increased (R2 = 0.67). responses between total BW gain and stocking rate
similar to ours (Riewe, 1961; Riewe et al., 1962; Pe-
tersen et al., 1964). Riewe et al. (1961) reported in a
Table 4. Predicted grazing days and performance by review of 12 studies that cattle grazing at different
stocker steers stocked at different rates grazing dallisgrass stocking rates, total BW gain per steer decreased (r
pasture fertilized with different rates of nitrogen during < −0.96) for each unit increase in stocking rate. In a
the summer following study with steers grazing annual ryegrass
(Lolium multiflorum Lam.) or tall fescue, Riewe et al.
Stocking rate, steers/ha
Item/N fertilizer (1962) reported a 68 or 41% decrease in total BW gain
rate, kg/ha 3.7 6.2 8.6 11.1 per steer with a 1 steer/ha increased stocking rate, re-
Days of grazing spectively. These percent reductions that were noted
112 138 129 111 86 by Riewe et al. (1962) were considerably greater than
224 144 141 129 111 observed in the present study (7.4%). Petersen et al.
336 137 139 134 121 (1964) reported a similar trend to Riewe et al. (1962)
ADG, kg for increased stocking rate on total BW gain per steer
112 0.63 0.61 0.51 0.34 with cattle on pasture. Total BW gain per steer was
224 0.61 0.60 0.52 0.36 increased as more N fertilizer was applied (Table 4);
336 0.69 0.69 0.62 0.47
each unit increase (kg/ha) in the N fertilizer rate in-
112 kg/ha
Total cost/ha 366.03 532.44 697.54 861.34
Gross return/ha 555.42 803.31 775.20 474.08
224 kg/ha
Total cost/ha 438.45 605.26 770.76 934.96
Gross return/ha 537.68 876.51 942.47 732.12
336 kg/ha
Total cost/ha 511.19 678.40 844.31 1,008.91
Gross return/ha 574.45 1,005.20 1,161.86 1,044.66
Economic Performance
The total cost per hectare increased (P < 0.01) with
increasing stocking rate and the amount of N fertilizer
(Table 3). Stocking rate interacted (P < 0.01) with N
fertilization rate. The treatment with the least cost of
production was a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha, with
112 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied, and the treatment
with the greatest cost of production was a stocking rate
of 11.1 steers/ha, with 336 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied
(Table 5). The increases in the cost of production with
increased N fertilization rate resulted mostly from in-
creased fertilizer cost. Increases in production cost with
increased stocking rate were a result of increased inter-
est, minerals, receiving feed, veterinary supplies, trans-
portation, and death loss expenses (Table 1).
The gross return of stocker cattle grazing the dallis-
grass-dominated pastures was simply a function of BW
gain per hectare multiplied by the market price. The
Figure 3. Predicted BW gain per hectare by steers graz- gross return increased quadratically (P < 0.01) in re-
ing dallisgrass-dominated pastures stocked at four rates sponse to stocking and N fertilization rate (Table 3).
and fertilized at three N rates during the summer. The optimal stocking rate for gross return per hectare