JunYe 2015 ANovelCompactE PlaneWaveguide

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A Novel Compact $E$-Plane Waveguide Filter With Multiple Transmission


Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques · August 2015

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2462825


23 248

4 authors, including:

Jun Ye Jin Yuan Jiang

City University of Hong Kong University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


Quan Xue
South China University of Technology


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A Novel Compact -Plane Waveguide Filter

With Multiple Transmission Zeroes
Jun Ye Jin, Student Member, IEEE, Xian Qi Lin, Member, IEEE, Yuan Jiang, and Quan Xue, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a novel compact -plane wave- from the relative narrow bandwidth due to the minimum realiz-
guide filter using multiple resonators, which lead to multiple trans- able width of the metallic strip and the narrow second stopband.
mission zeroes. The proposed filter is less than in length of Moreover, for a better filtering performance, the conventional
a waveguide. The key of the proposed method is to design the loca-
tions of transmission zeroes. Four transmission zeroes, of which -plane waveguide filters should cascade more than one half-
two are located in the upper stopband, while the other two are wavelength resonator, which leads to a larger size. Many ef-
in the lower stopband, are produced by four resonators. The cou- forts have been made on the improvement of the above structure,
plings between the resonators and locations of the transmission ze- such as using over-moded cavities [7], S-shaped resonators [8],
roes are carefully analyzed and designed, which enhance the selec- T-shaped resonators [9], and extracted pole sections [10]. Re-
tivity as well as the out-of-band performance. Theoretical studies
and experimental investigations are conducted to demonstrate the cently, some novel compact waveguide -plane filters also have
proposed design. The good agreement between the simulation re- been proposed. For example, by integrating an extra resonator
sults and measurement results is achieved. Moreover, this kind of between two metal septa, a compact -plane waveguide filter
filter can be implanted well in -plane structures. [11] was achieved with a transmission zero at each side of the
Index Terms—Compact size, -plane, multiple resonators, passband, which contributes to the high skirt selectivity. Com-
transmission zero, waveguide bandpass filter. pact pseudo-elliptic inline waveguide bandpass filters using by-
pass coupling were presented in [12]. Moreover, metamaterial-
inspired waveguide filters [13] and the waveguide filter based
on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [14] were
introduced as well.

W AVEGUIED filters are widely used in wireless commu-

nication, radar, and satellite applications [1] resulting
from their benefits of low loss, high power-handling capability,
Most of the above-mentioned filters focus on designing the
resonators with a better passband property and more compact
size. Considering the high-pass property of the waveguide, it
and sharp cutoff skirts. However, it is inevitable that the conven- is feasible to allocate the transmission zeroes in the original
tional waveguide filters were often implemented with large size high-pass frequency band of the standard waveguide to realize
[2]. Emerging applications continue to challenge waveguide fil- bandpass filters with a high rejection level in the stopband. With
ters with ever more stringent requirements such as higher perfor- this consideration, this paper proposed a novel method to design
mance, smaller size, lighter weight, and lower cost. In order to compact waveguide filters by appropriately allocating the trans-
reduce the sizes of waveguide filters, the dual-mode waveguide mission zeroes. Firstly, the designing theory will be presented.
filters [3] were invented and recent examples of such filters have This filter will have four transmission zeroes with two in the
been presented in [4] and [5]. However, these dual-mode filters upper stopband and the other two in the lower stopband, which
are complex in design and expensive in fabrication. are generated by four resonators. These transmission zeroes im-
In order to achieve easy fabrication of waveguide filters, the prove the out-of-band rejection and the selectivity of the pass-
-plane metal septa were firstly proposed by Konishi and Ue- band greatly. Secondly, characteristics and experiments would
nakada [6]. However, the conventional -plane filters suffer be presented to illustrate the design. Moreover, a half-mode
Manuscript received January 21, 2015; revised May 30, 2015; accepted
characteristic of the proposed resonators is also analyzed and in-
July 22, 2015. Date of publication August 14, 2015; date of current version vestigated. Implantation in -plane structures is then discussed.
October 02, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National Basic Finally, some necessary conclusions are drawn in Section IV.
Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2014CB339900, by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61372056,
by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University under Grant
NECT-13-0095, by the Fund for Excellent Young Scholar in UESTC, and
by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant
In this section, the design theory and procedures of the pro-
J. Y. Jin and Q. Xue are with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, posed compact waveguide filter are presented and analyzed.
Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Transmission zeroes are introduced separately and then com-
Kong, and also with the Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hong
bined to form the waveguide filter. The main procedures are as
Kong, Shenzhen 518057, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
X. Q. Lin and Y. Jiang are with the EHF Key Laboratory of Fundamental follows.
Science, School of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Step 1) Design transmission zeroes in the lower frequency
Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Step 2) Design transmission zeroes in the higher frequency
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2462825 band.

0018-9480 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Simulation results of waveguide loaded with a compact C-shaped res- Fig. 2. Simulation results of waveguide loaded with two compact C-shaped
onator ( mm, mm, and mm). resonator (fixed mm, mm, and mm).

Step 3) Form a passband between the lower and higher trans-

mission zeroes to construct the filter.
Step 4) Fine tune the filter according to the specifications.
Note that metal strips thickness mm with different
patterns are designed on a Duriod 5880 substrate (thickness
mm and ) and then inserted into the central
-plane of a standard WR-28 waveguide cavity in this paper.

A. Two Lower Transmission Zeroes

It is well known that a waveguide is a high-pass filter, which
could be modeled by a series capacitor. When a compact
C-shaped resonator, which serves as an LC resonant circuit, is
loaded in the -plane of a Ka-band waveguide, a transmission Fig. 3. Coupling coefficient of two compact C-shaped resonators versus
( mm, mm, and mm).
zero is induced in the high-pass passband of the waveguide, as
shown in Fig. 1. This C-shaped resonator has a length slightly
shorter than a half waveguide wavelength at the resonant
frequency. If the width of the strip, mm, is fixed,
the transmission zero at resonant frequency of this C-shaped
resonator is determined by the parameters and . In the
practical design, larger would be preferred [14] to obtain
optimal performance so here mm is chosen for
demonstrating the design theory.
By coupling two compact C-shaped resonators face-to-face,
two transmission zeroes denoted as and are obtained, as
shown in Fig. 2. The coupling coefficient of the two resonators
denoted by can be calculated by (1) [15]

(1) Fig. 4. Simulation results of waveguide loaded with a CFSR ( mm,

mm, mm, and mm).

As the size of the compact C-shaped resonator fixed, is stripline resonator (CFSR) is utilized to bring a transmission
determined only by the gap between the two resonators, i.e., , zero in higher frequencies, as shown in Fig. 4. The CFSR also
as shown in Fig. 3. For , which decreases as increases, the acts as a half-wavelength resonator with a length of slightly less
two transmission zeroes are getting closer. Besides, if is not than , where is the waveguide wavelength neglecting
fixed, it can not only determine the resonant frequency, but also the effect of substrate. Two transmission zeroes are produced by
adjust . two CFSRs, which are arranged face-to-face, as shown in Fig. 5.
The central-folded stripline sections of the CFSRs actually are
B. Two Higher Transmission Zeroes
the key structures to make the two transmission zeroes separated
Now, we use different resonators for another two transmis- and located at different frequencies apparently. There are two
sion zeroes in the higher frequencies. In order to adjust cou- advantages using the central-folded stripline sections. On the
plings flexibly and keep the size unchanged, a central-folded one hand, increasing decreases the resonant frequency of the

Fig. 5. Simulation results of two CFSRs versus and ( mm,

mm, and mm). Fig. 7. Coupling coefficient of two CFSRs against ( mm,
mm, mm, and mm) and ( mm,
mm, mm, and mm).

Fig. 6. Simulation results of two CFSRs versus ( mm, mm,

mm, and mm).
Fig. 8. Proposed filter and its optimized simulation results.

CFSRs, while increasing coupling coefficient , thus, the ad-

the two lower transmission zeroes are introduced and located at
justments of resonant frequency and can simply be changed
26.34 and 31.59 GHz, respectively.
by , and are not constrained by the height of the waveguide. On
Then, the CFSRs are used to realize two higher transmis-
the other hand, by changing , the resonant frequency remains
sion zeroes by designing . In order to reduce the size, the two
almost the same since the electrical length of the resonator is
C-shaped resonators are inserted between the two CFSRs, which
not varied, whereas the transmission zeroes can be adjusted as
inevitably influence . The interaction between the C-shaped
shown in Fig. 5. So the coupling of the two CFSRs denoted by
resonators and CFSRs mainly draws the resonant frequencies
can be designed flexibly without changing the length of the
of CFSRs towards lower frequencies, while slightly reducing
and increasing . Thus, the designed waveguide filter needs
Moreover, the parameter plays a more important role
tuning, especially the parameters determining coupling coeffi-
in determining the locations of the two transmission zeroes.
cient . For easy designing, in Fig. 8 we only adjust with
Fig. 6 shows the simulation results of transmission zeroes
and fixed to determine and to get the required coupling of
versus .
the CFSRs. So the G should be larger.
Using (1), can be calculated as depicted in Fig. 7, which
Finally, the designed filter and its simulation results are il-
shows that gets slightly larger as increases and decreases
lustrated in Fig. 8 and the dimensional parameters are given in
as increases. When the sizes of the CFSRs are fixed, is
Table I. The total length of the filter is . It can
determined only by . Larger results in a lower coupling
be seen that four transmission zeroes have been introduced at
coefficient and the two transmission zeroes are getting closer.
26.19, 29.14, 34.58, and 36.08 GHz, respectively. Two of them
are in the lower stopband, while the other two are located in the
C. Proposed Filter
upper stopband. The transmission zeroes significantly improve
In this section, a Ka-band waveguide bandpass filter with out-of-band rejection and selectivity. As can been seen, the orig-
multiple transmission zeroes will be designed and analyzed. The inal two lower transmission zeroes are shifted from 26.34 to
C-shaped resonators with mm, mm, 26.19 GHz and from 31.59 to 29.14 GHz, respectively. The
and mm, as shown in Fig. 1, are used to generate lower transmission zeroes, caused by the two CFSRs, are also shifted
transmission zeroes. According to the coupling performance in towards the lower frequencies of 34.58 and 36.08 GHz with
Figs. 2 and 3, is set to be 0.3 mm with so that ( mm in the proposed filter configuration).


Fig. 10. Simulation and measurement results of the broadband -plane wave-
guide filter.


Fig. 9. Photograph of a proposed filter.

transmission zeroes with two located at 33.5 and 36.6 GHz in
Besides, because of insertion of C-shaped resonators between the upper stopband and one at 26 GHz in the lower stopband,
the two CFSRs, the flexibility of adjustment of is reduced. which greatly improve the out-of-band rejection level. Because
the nominated experimental frequency of the Ka-band standard
waveguide system is from 26.5 to 40 GHz, the transmission ze-
roes in lower stopband cannot be measured to show. Two trans-
As illustrated in Section II, the proposed design method fo- mission zeroes at 33.66 and 37.1 GHz are clearly presented in
cuses on the design of the locations of the transmission zeroes. the measurement results. The measured minimum insertion loss
In this section, some important characteristics and experiments is only 0.2 dB and the 0.5-dB bandwidth is from 28.4 to 30.9
are presented. GHz with an absolute bandwidth of 2.5 GHz or a relative band-
width of 8.4%. Slight frequency shift can be seen between the
A. Adjustment of Operating Frequencies simulation and measurement results. This is because of the fab-
The key of the proposed method is to design the locations of rication tolerance, resembling, and the material errors.
the four transmission zeroes, which determine the operating fre- When the initial is designed to have a large value because
quencies and bandwidth. Two points must be considered. First, is set to be 0.1 mm, which is the minimum feature that could
adjust the electrical length of the resonators to change their res- be reliably fabricated, only one of the two lower transmission
onant frequencies. Second, adjust and to allocate the lo- zeroes (the second one) can be displayed, as shown in Fig. 11.
cations of transmission zeroes. Thus, the proposed filter can op- As illustrated in Fig. 5, changing does not change the elec-
erate at different central frequencies with different bandwidths. trical length of the CFSR, but adjust the locations of the two
Here, an -plane waveguide filter operating from 27.5 to upper transmission zeroes. The upper two transmission zeroes
31 GHz for a wideband application is designed and fabricated. are more separated under larger coupling of the CFSRs by
The structure is fabricated on the Duriod 5880 substrate with a increasing . Since larger leads to smaller due to the in-
thickness of 0.254 mm and relative permittivity of . The teraction among the resonators, the second lower transmission
substrate is then inserted into the central -plane of the standard zero move towards the first one, which is not shown in Fig. 11.
waveguide WR-28. Although the filter is only 1.6 mm in length As a result, the operating frequencies of the filter shift without
of a waveguide, the substrate has a length of 20 mm for easy re- changing its bandwidth and size.
sembling and measurement. The photograph of the substrate and
its associated waveguide structure are shown in Fig. 9. Compar- B. Tunable Bandwidth
isons of the simulation and measurement results are presented Controlling the locations of transmission zeroes can also
in Fig. 10. The parameters of the filter (except lengths of the adjust the operating band. As shown in Fig. 12, the simulation
input and output waveguide) are given in Table II and its length results show that three filters with different sizes are designed
in transmission direction is only . with the same center frequencies (about 30 GHz) and different
From the simulation results in Fig. 10, for slightly expanding bandwidths. Two of them (denoted by WGF1 and WGF2 in
the simulation frequency band, it can be seen that there are three the figure) are fabricated. Measurement results are shown in

Fig. 11. Simulation results of the proposed filter versus (with mm, Fig. 13. Measurement results of two waveguide filters.
mm, mm, mm, mm,
and mm). TABLE III

Fig. 12. Simulation results of tunable bandwidth -plane filters.

Fig. 13 and summarized in Table III. The measured insertion

losses of WGF1 and WGF2 are 0.83 and 0.43 dB, respec-
tively. Center frequencies are shifted from 30 to 29.94 GHz
and 29.8 GHz with 7.2% and 9.4% bandwidths, respectively.
The two filters are both less than in length. The third
proposed filter (denoted by WGF3) is used to determine the
minimum bandwidth of this kind of filter. When the simula-
Fig. 14. Simulation results of half-mode filters and compared with the simula-
tion result of at the center frequency is slightly less than tion and measurement results of relative full-mode filter.
10 dB, the 3-dB bandwidth is supposed to be the minimum
bandwidth, which is about 3.3%. Considering the locations of difficulties. However, the measured of the relative full-mode
transmission zeroes can be designed outside of the Ka-band, configuration is presented for comparison in Fig. 14 as well.
the maximum bandwidth is not constrained here. Finally, the The measured central frequency is 30.88 GHz with a 3-dB rela-
reason why only three transmission zeroes measured is the tive bandwidth of 12.1% and the minimum insertion loss in the
strong coupling of the two C-shaped resonators as well. passband is 0.6 dB. Parameters of the full designed filter cor-
responding to the half-mode structure in Fig. 14 are given in
C. Half-Mode Waveguide Filter for Dual-Band Designing Table IV. This kind of half-mode filter does reduce resonator
With regard to the proposed filter, the -plane of the wave- sizes to half of the original one, which can be used to design
guide is equivalent to an electrical wall considering the direc- more compact waveguide filters or design dual-band waveguide
tion of the electric current of the resonators so the proposed filters without enlarging the size.
filter can be cut into two and the cut-plane is replaced by a Here, a compact dual-band waveguide filter is further investi-
metal wall to construct the half-mode filter. The configuration gated as shown in Fig. 15, where two different half-mode filters
of the half-mode filter is illustrated in Fig. 14, which is a half of (denoted by HMF1 and HMF2) are separated by a metal wall
the original designed configuration. It can be observed that the whose thickness is 0.1 mm, in the central -plane of the wave-
half-mode configuration has the same filtering characteristics, guide. The HMF1 with shorter and (in full-mode config-
but with a half of the original one. This half-mode filter was not uration, mm and mm) can operate
tested because of the limitation of fabrication and measurement at the second passband. Whereas the HMF2 with larger and


Fig. 15. Simulation results of dual-band waveguide filter.

(in full-mode configuration, mm, mm,

and mm) operates at the first passband of the dual-band
waveguide filter. After combining the HMF1 and HMF2, a com-
pact dual-mode waveguide filter is implemented and the simu-
lation results are also given in Fig. 15.

D. Implantation in -Plane Structures

Fig. 16. Simulation results of filtering transitions. (a) Waveguide to microstrip
Due to the miniature size of the proposed filter, it can be im- transition. (b) Waveguide to slotline transition.
planted in the -plane structures, for example, finline, flexibly.
Here, two typical transitions using a sinusoidal function are used kind of filtering transition and its simulation results are shown
to implement filtering transitions by implanting the proposed in Fig. 16(b). The implanted filter is the one in Fig. 14 as well.
filter between the two fins at the ports of the transitions. The Thus, it can be concluded that by implanting the proposed filter
outer edge aligns with the start of the fins, which would not en- the transitions can realize filtering performance and keep the
large the size of the transitions. The filtering transitions are then formal transformation without enlarging size.
inserted into the central -plane of the rectangular waveguide
as the conventional configuration.
With the finline to microstrip transition, the proposed filter
can be implanted into a finline environment, or via a sinu- This paper has presented a novel compact waveguide band-
soidal taper, connected to the microstrip. Such a verification pass filter with a length of less than . This design in-
is given in Fig. 16(a). The finline to microstrip transition with troduced four transmission zeroes by four coupled resonators
mm and mm can realize reflection loss to improve the out-of-band rejection and the selectivity of the
more 20 dB within almost an entire Ka-band, as shown in the passband. A wideband filter is fabricated and tested and the
subgraph of Fig. 16(a). It can be seen that by implanting the insertion loss is only 0.2 dB. The proposed filter is very flex-
proposed filter the transition implements filtering performance ible in adjusting its bandwidth and center frequency. Further,
while rotating the dominant mode mode of the wave- the half-mode characteristic of this kind of filter is also investi-
guide 90 and forming the electric field of the microstrip line. gated. It can be used to reduce the sizes of the resonators to half
This filtering transition has the bandpass performance of the of the original ones and can be used to design dual-band wave-
implanted filter whose simulation and measurement results are guide filters without changing the total size. This new category
given in Fig. 14. of -plane waveguide filters has advantages of compactness
Another typical transition is the waveguide to slotline tran- and flexibility in design, making it a good candidate for many
sition whose configuration and simulation results are shown in applications. The proposed filters can be implanted in -plane
the subgraph of Fig. 16(b). The waveguide to slotline transition structures well. Besides, this kind of filter can be further minia-
with mm and mm can realize reflec- turized by arranging the two C-shaped resonators and the two
tion loss more 20 dB within the entire band of interest. This CFSRs on the opposite side of the substrate.

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Jun Ye Jin (S’11) was born in Inner Mongolia, of microwave engineering. He is also the Director of Information and Commu-
China. She received the B.S. and M.S. degree in nication Technology Center (ICTC Center), the Deputy Director of the CityU
electromagnetics and microwave technology from Shenzhen Research Institute, and the Deputy Director of the State Key Labo-
the University of Electronic Science and Technology ratory of Millimeter Waves, Hong Kong. From June 2011 to January 2015, he
of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2011 and was the Associate Vice President (Innovation Advancement and China Office).
2014, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. He has authored or coauthored over 260 internationally referred journal papers
degree at the City University of Hong Kong, Hong and over 100 international conference papers. His research interests include mi-
Kong and Shenzhen Research Institute, City Univer- crowave passive components, active components, antennas, microwave mono-
sity of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China. lithic integrated circuits (MMICs), and RF integrated circuits (RFICs).
She is currently with the State Key Laboratory of Prof. Xue has served the IEEE as an IEEE Microwave Theory and Tech-
Millimeter Waves, Department of Electronic Engi- niques Society (IEEE MTT-S) Administrative Committee (AdCom) member
neering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen Research (2011–2013) and as an associate editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Institute, City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China. Her research inter- MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES (2010–2013) and as an associate editor
ests include microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems. for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (2010–present).

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