Power Oscillator
Power Oscillator
Power Oscillator
Invited Paper
Ali Hajimiri
California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
The cut-off wavelengths of integrated silicon transistors have
exceeded the die sizes of the chips being fabricated with them.
Combined with the ability to integrate billions of transistors on
the same die, this size-wavelength cross-over has produced a
unique opportunity for a completely new class of holistic circuit
design combining electromagnetics, device physics, circuits, and
communication system theory in one place. In this paper, we dis-
cuss some of these opportunities and their associated challenges
in greater detail and provide a few of examples of how they can
be used in practice.
A significant milestone went unnoticed a few years ago when
the cut-off wavelengths/ of silicon transistors exceeded the time
dimensions of typical chips implemented in those processes (Fig.
Fig. I Trends in transistorcut-off wavelengths and die sizes.
1). This cross over has important implications in terms ofthe way
high-frequency mm-wave circuits should and will be architec-
tured and designed in the coming decades. This is particularly LYBLYLYHC7L7L70L'7L7L7LY
important considering the remarkable and unparalleled growth Inductor Capacitor
g B
and expansion that the field of integrated circuits has experienced
over the last 60 years [1]-[4]. Today, it is possible to integrate # ~
r' . .n
more than a billion functional transistors capable of operating at £:7 '"
mm-wave frequencies on a single silicon die. This (practically)
&' Wire ---L.
unlimited number of high-speed transistors combined with the
crossing over of the chip-sizes and the cut-off-wavelengths have
produced a truly unique opportunity that cannot be ignored and
must be fully harnessed. D « At
Very complex integrated circuits capable of operating at high Fig. 2 Classical circuit view ofa high frequency integrated circuit.
frequencies have been designed and implemented by applying the
traditional lumped circuit concepts based on Kirchhoff's voltage
and current laws (KVL and KCL). This has been possible
because transistor dimensions are still much smaller than the
wavelength in most of these applications. Full-scale and/or sim-
plified electromagnetic field solvers are often used to account for
the detailed electromagnetic behavior of passive elements, such
as inductors, capacitors, interconnects , and to produce lumped
circuit equivalents that can be used in conjunction with the active
devices. Despite this, the integrated circuit design is mostly done
using traditional lumped design approaches augmented with
selective application of electromagnetic field solvers. This tradi-
tional lumped circuit approach is illustrated in Fig. 2. A tremen-
dous amount of effort has been placed into creating reliable,
scalable computer aided design (CAD) tools to design, verify,
and manage very complex circuits made this way. This level of Fig. 3 The monolithic microwave integratedcircuit (MMIC)
abstraction has enable very sophisticated mixed-mode chips to be approach to high frequency silicon integrated circuits.
made over the last decade.
At higher frequencies, where the chip dimensions become com- the distributed effects at least in the inter-connects. This has been
parable with the wavelength, it becomes necessary to account for the approach adopted by the microwave monolithic integrated
circuit (MMIC) designers coming from a microwave background.
Perhaps the most practical example of this hybrid approach is
where individual building blocks (e.g., amplifiers, mixers, oscil-
lators, etc.) are design as lumped circuits with accurately mod-
1. This work has been supported in part by Lee Center for Advanced Net- eled reactive elements. These blocks are connected to each other
working. Parts of this work appeared in [25] and [26] previously. with transmission lines, as depicted in Fig. 3. These transmission
lines are distributed circuits with dimensions comparable to the
2. The cut-off wavelength is defined as At = c / It ' where It is the unity
current gain of the transistors and c is the speed oflight in the medium. wavelengths of interest and are thus modeled as such. Nonethe-
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New design space
• •' f- ~ .&.7
£.7 ~. \ Z7 frequencies and above created by the dimension-wavelength
L7 : :: {; ~: ~
.a7 : j..- .' ... : ~ LiY
•••• -.1:<: cross-over of Fig. I.
;,... \-"<""'- t+- ,f;: ", L!i7
O ... . ', ~ ~ .' • ., -, .t:7
ff . .~ -j; -j; ......~ §"";Y In this new holistic design approach (Fig. 6), no artificial lines are
drawn between electromagnetics, radiating elements (antennas),
passive and active devices, analog and digital circuit design, and
device physics. This larger design space enables the designer to
consider all the possibilities and to devise truly novel architec-
tures and topologies with better performance and new features
not offered by the conventional approaches discussed earlier.
D > Af
Fig. 5 Interactions between various elements on an integrated While it is apparent how the holistic codesign approach of Fig. 6
circuit above the size wavelength cross-over. is beneficial and can result in more optimum results, it is not at all
obvious how, in general, such a system can be conceptualized,
designed, verified, and tested. As is always the case, new oppor-
less, the individual building blocks are designed separately in a tunities bring new challenges along with them and as such pro-
lumped fashion. Even if an antenna is present, it is usually design vide relevant problems to the theorists and CAD tool developers.
separately and connected to the rest of the circuits either directly Nonetheless, this new holistic design approach has tremendous
or using a transmission line, as shown in Fig. 3. Although this opportunities, as demonstrated by the example of such design
hybrid approach can overcome some of the basic challenges of approach given in subsequent sections.
modeling these circuits at higher frequencies, it is still more of a
patch to make working circuits and does cover a small subset of Many different existing and new applications can benefit from
the design space. While essentially the only way to get working such high-frequency complex circuits implemented in silicon.
circuits up until now, there are several major disadvantages to There are many sensing and ranging applications using mm-wave
such an approach. In addition to resulting in sub-optimal solu- frequencies. For instance, low-cost, highly integrated short-, mid-
tions due to the limited design space (Fig. 4), the major disadvan- and long-range high-resolution radars at 240Hz, 770Hz, and
tage of this methodology is that many new and potentially 940Hz, which can be used in a variety of applications such as
beneficial architectural variations are simply overlooked since automotive radar and have received a great deal of interest in the
they occur in the broader design space. recent years [5][6][9]. Automotive radars can be used in a broad
range of applications, e.g., early warning and brake priming, self-
While this hybrid approach has produced some very interesting parking, global traffic control, low-visibility driving aid, autono-
and useful results in the past [7]-[11], it is far from optimum in mous cruise control, and collision avoidance.
terms of what is achievable considering the remarkable plethora
of new opportunities offered by a true combination of the practi- On the communication side, in addition to the more traditional
cally unlimited number of on-chip active and passive elements multi-gigabit data transmission at 600Hz, it is possible to create
operating at wavelengths comparable to or greater than their col- new direction-dependent modulation schemes such as near-field
lective dimensions (Fig. 5). direct-antenna modulation [24] that make it possible to create
fundamentally secure and power efficient data streams with the
To be able to take full advantage of the numerous opportunities possibility of concurrent full-rate transmission in several direc-
offered by the die-size wavelength cross-over, the designers must tions.
unleash their imagination and retool for a new era of fundamen-
tally different design methodology. This can be done by remov- In addition to the communication and ranging applications, mm-
ing the artificial borders between different levels of abstraction, wave silicon-based circuits can find numerous applications in
such as electromagnetics, antenna, propagation, device physics, security and medical imaging as well as biochemical sensors.
as well as analog and digital circuit and system design. These lev- These applications provide a range of new possibilities, such as
els of abstraction, which were establish to partition the overall low-cost medical imaging, bio-molecular point-of-care diagnos-
system design into tractable tasks, are no longer suitable to take tics, and sequencing.
full advantage of the unparalleled new opportunities at mm-wave
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We will discuss some of the challenges faced by designers in the more prone to error and hence special attention must be paid to
design of such systems with several practical examples in the rest guarantee reliable results, but also the impact of transistor-to-
of this paper. transistor variations is felt more at the smaller dimensions neces-
sary for higher frequency operation.
Silicon Integration Challenges
Despite their numerous benefits, integration of mm-wave syste~s The high frequency chip interface to the outside presents another
on a silicon substrate faces several challenges, some of which challenge, which does not scale well with frequency. External
will be discussed in this section. connections to the chip need to be rethought completely. For
instance, even if we were to connect the mm-wave input (or out-
The conductive substrate of conventional silicon integrated cir- put) of the chip to a perfectly matched transmission line on an
cuits can cause energy loss due to magnetically induced eddy cur- adjacent printed circuit board using a wirebond, it would present
rents or electromagnetic radiation by intended (or unintended) an impedance of 120+j3600 at 60GHz (modeling a 1mm long
on-chip antennas. This is compounded by the additional ener~y wirebond as a 1nH inductor with a Q of 30). This makes it
loss due to the finite conductivity of the metal structures used In extremely difficult to achieve a proper impedance match using
passive devices. Even the ohmic energy loss can be substantially conventional approaches. Additionally, such an element can eas-
larger at mm-waves frequencies because of the small skin depth. ily tum into an unintended radiative element at mm-wave fre-
For instance, copper has a skin depth of roughly 300nm at quencies, creating very serious problems at the system l~v~l.
60GHz. This problem is exacerbated in processes where chemical Even a solder ball in flip-chip technology has a non-trivial
mechanical polishing (CMP) is used since it results in higher sur- impedance to match. Ifwe were to make the interface with wireb-
face roughness, which combined with the small skin depth results ond, every effort should be made to make it into a structure emu-
in substantial energy loss in the system. The current handling lating a transmission line, as in [9]. On the other hand, these
capability of the metal lines is further degraded by the additional interface challenges make the totally-integrated holistic solutions
"fill" and "cheese" rules for wide metal strips [25]. similar to that concept shown in Fig. 6 much more suitable for
The high dielectric constant of most semiconductor materials, these applications by completely eliminating the high frequency
such as silicon (e.g., Er=11.7 for silicon) is another limiting factor. electrical interface to the outside world and replacing it with an
The dielectric waveguide formed by the rectangular silicon sub- electromagnetic radiating interface, where the chip is the radiat-
strate can sustain undesirable propagating modes which depend ing element itself.
on its dimensions. Many of these natural modes are in the mm- As clear from this discussion, the direct application of lumped
wave frequencies. This results in an alternative mechan.ism for (Fig. 2) or monolithic microwave integrated circuits (Fig. 3)
energy loss for on-chip components. The energy leaks Into the approaches to design of silicon-based integrated circuits is not
substrate modes and is dissipated by the substrate ohmic loss, or optimum. The direct generalization of lumped approach would
is radiated in undesirable directions [5][25]. This high-frequency not be particularly successful, as in the absence of proper treat-
electromagnetic energy can also easily couple back to other on- ment of the complex electromagnetics issues involved in such
chip components creating possibly strong parasitic coupling systems, the designers will not be able to come up with an imple-
between unrelated elements on the same die. This necessitates mentation that closely matches the expected results. Also, the
special attention to be paid to the overall d~sign to. av~id s~ch classical microwave integrated circuit techniques are not highly
coupling, utilizing techniques such as fully-differential signaling scalable since they are based on the underlying assumptions of a
to minimize the generation and pick-up of high-frequency sig- small number of well-characterized transistors and highly spe-
nals. cialized interconnects. Thus, it is clear that to take full advantage
An important challenge to an efficient on-chip antenna with a of this significant opportunity, one needs to start at the system
well-defined radiation pattern is the high dielectric constant of architecture level and devise new holistic methodologies and
the substrate which causes a considerable portion of the electro- topologies.
magnetic energy to be absorbed into the substrate instead of being Integrated Radiating Elements
radiated into the air [12][5]. The impact of this effect is exacer-
At the most basic level, on-chip antennas make it possible for the
bated by the conductivity of the substrate in the case of silicon.
input and output signals to be radiated directly into and out of the
As will be discussed further later in this section this is a very
chip with no need for an electrical interface at mm-wave frequen-
important issue whenever we try to integrate radiating elements,
cies. In the more general scheme of Fig. 6, the ability to design
such as antennas, on a silicon die.
radiating elements with desirable characteristics and predictab!e
Power generation presents a very serious challenge in small fea- behavior is of central importance. While we focus on the on-chip
ture size silicon technologies. This is mainly due to the lower antenna design challenges in this section, it should be noted that
transistor breakdown voltages resulting from the scaling process many of the challenges faced in the design of on-chip radiating
and the shrinking of the depletion regions in the transistors, elements are exemplified in the special case of on-chip antennas.
which necessitates the use of a lower power supply voltage.
Successful implementation of an on-chip antenna with acceptable
Unfortunately, this is in direct conflict with the maximum power
gain and efficiency is a non-trivial task due to the high dielectric
that can be generated using conventional power amplifier tech-
constant and conductivity of the substrate. To elucidate these
niques, which makes it almost inevitable to use parallel structures
challenges, consider a dipole antenna placed at the interface of air
and novel power combing approaches, as described in [13][14]
and a semi-infinite region of a dielectric material with a relative
and [28]-[31]. These approaches in turn are more susceptible .to
permittivity of Ep as shown in Fig. 7. The dielectric presents a
different energy loss mechanism in passive devices that were dIS-
lower electromagnetic impedance than the air and as a result
cussed earlier.
more of the radiated electromagnetic power goes into the dielec-
The modeling ofthe transistors themselves (as well as the passive tric. The percentage of the power going in each direction as a
devices) becomes more challenging at these higher frequencies. function of the Er is shown in Fig. 8 [12][5]. As can be seen, for
Not only the smaller parasitic components within the models are
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Air £,.= 1 Antenna Pattern in E-Plane
Fig. 7 Dipole antenna at the air-silicon boundary
P dlelecl ri c
...eu 80
60 I .....................•~
.~ Angle (deg)
40 \
E "\ Fig. 10 Measured patterns of two adjacent antennas on a silicon
chip with a backside lens.
z <, P air
0 Placing the ground plane directly underneath the substrate does
1 4 7 10 13 16 not improve this. Although the spacing may be high enough for
Dielectric Constant the radiation resistance to become acceptably large, the entire
substrate will act as a waveguide with multiple propagation
Fig. 8 Percentage of the radiated power into the air and dielectric modes, some of which will typically fall very close to the fre-
vs. relative permittivity ofthc dielectric for a dipole antenna at the quency of interest. The energy does get coupled into these modes,
boundary [5].
where part of it is lost to heat in the conductive substrate and the
102 remainder is radiated in undesirable directions.
One approach to solve this problem is to take advantage of the
energy coupling into the substrate and radiating it from the back-
side of the chip. To do this, we must suppress the substrate modes
and direct the energy into the desired radiative mode. This can be
achieved by changing the "shape" of the substrate electromagnet-
ically. One way to do this is to use a dielectric lens [12] on the
backside of the chip which couples the EM energy into a domi-
nant radiative mode [15]. In one example implementation, to
reduce the antenna metal loss, three bottom layers are connected
in parallel with vias to form the dipole antennas as close to the
substrate as possible. To reduce the substrate loss, the fabricated
chip is thinned down to 100/-lm. Due to the layout constraints,
antennas are placed at the chip edge and to maintain a uniform
Distance from Ground (11m) dielectric constant substrate underneath the antennas, an undoped
silicon slab with the same thickness of silicon chip is abutted to
Fig. 9 The efficiency, radiation and loss resistance of a dipole vs. the chip. For mechanical stability, a 500/-lm silicon wafer is used
spacing from the ground plane. to hold the chip and the silicon lens is attached to the backside of
the undoped wafer. A 2-axis spherical far field measurement
silicon with an E r of approximately 11.7, more than 95% of the technique is utilized to measure the radiation pattern while a W-
power will end up going into the silicon, as opposed to 5% for the band horn antenna is used to irradiate the integrated dipoles . The
air. 3-D measured patterns of two middle antennas are shown in Fig.
To avoid this problem, one may decide to use a ground plane in 10. A maximum peak gain of about +8dBi is achieved in this
the lowest metal layer (e.g., Ml) while placing the antenna in the measurement. As seen in Fig. 10, the peaks oftwo antennas occur
top-most layer. While this may sound appealing initially, it is not at the two different directions. The chip requires no high fre-
very practical due to the typical spacing between the top and bot- quency electrical connection to the outside world .
tom metal layers (e.g., in the 10-1511m range in today 's technolo- Near-Field Digital Antenna Modulation
gies). If one were to attempt this approach, the resulting antenna Conventional radio transmitters modulate the desired information
would have such a small radiation resistance due to the close at the baseband and then up-convert and amplify that information
proximity of the ground plane that its efficiency would be by modulating the desired signal to create the desired phase and
extremely low (e.g., <1%). The trade-off between these different amplitude for the symbols transmitted. This requires upconver-
parameters is shown in Fig. 9 [5]. sion mixers and perhaps more importantly a linear (or linearized)
PA for non-constant-envelope modulations. The modulated signal
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!1I". ""'1+IA" ~'li~ !Ao. "",)+!A,. ..,) ~
(II". ""')
Main Signal ~
i ~,I
Reflected Signal
(Ao. ""')
Main Signa' ~
i~ ~ i ~,I
~ Reflecled Signal
y~ ~-~.y
Ant enna Renector Antenna Re fleclor
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Reflectors: M1+M2+M3 t---
......R - - 1500Il m
Switch A"h~tn
PA 00 ( ( ( ( (
/ /I
Desired Direction
,--- -.,- -- .."..... - _.-/ Undesired Direction
Measulod Constellation Points Mcuurod Con5tcltation Points
... , Fig. 17 A generalization ofthe ncar-field direct antenna modulation
.: 1 ._,. 1~1t~~ .... ••
.. where the ports arc connected to variable impedance where the near-
I 3. 8
-a -
~ [- 4
. 13.,(.
18e --r-
e - M - ,s. - 2Oe -----+-
10 . ,ee
a . .. -l-- :iI-
-2lI ~
' ~
-2t1 . ~_. ~:~1t es.
~ ( -' ''• -
1~"2 - .' ~
and by extension the far field patterns can be changed continuously.
pha~e of the signal driving the antenna has not been changed to
"i -;- +
...I'", ... I achieve the modulation. In addition , on the right side of Fig. 15,
-n l . 1S . -1!1t. . -1S 2 the received signal constellation at a different angle (about 90°
oft) for the same set of switch combinations is plotted. It is obvi-
Fig. 15 The direct antenna modulation chip with a dielectric lens; a ous that these points are completely scrambled, making it practi-
sample of the measured constellation points in the intended and cally impossible for a receiver at the undesirable angle to recover
unintended directions. this signal, no matter how sensitive it may be. This is in contrast
with a traditional transmitter that sends essentially the same mod-
and digital circuitry. In practice, designing such system pose ulated signal, albeit with different amplitude scales and phase
challenges not only at the architecture and circuit levels, but also epochs , in all directions. This measurement demonstrates the fea-
with respect to the simulation tools and methodology. sibility of the idea for security of communication links. The
antenna is driven by a three stage fully-differential PA with an
Making a high quality and fast integrated switch for use in mm- output power of at least +7dBm. The die photo is shown in Fig.
wave frequencies is challenging. Achieving a small on-imped- 16.
ance requires a relatively large transistor size, which itself limits
the maximum achievable off-impedance due to its large parasitic This concept can be generalized to the case, where instead of
capacitance. This can be alleviated by resonating the transistor switches we use variable impedances at the ports using lumped
parasitic capacitance using a transmission line connected circuit, as shown in Fig. 17. In this case, it is possible to change
between its drain and its source. the near field electromagnetic profile in a continuous fashion,
making it possible to produce any desired far-field pattern.
A transmitter at 60GHz using the direct antenna modulation
scheme with an on-chip dipole antenna and reflectors is imple- Integrated Phased Arrays
me!1ted in silicon. The antenna, the ten reflectors, the ninety Integration of a complete phased array system in silicon results in
sWI!ches, and the digital control circuitry for the switches occupy substantial improvements in cost, size, and reliability. It also
a die area of roughly 1.5mm x 1.5mm. The power is radiated offers various opportunities to perform on-chip signal processing
from the backside of the chip with the aid of a hemispherical and conditioning without having to go off-chip , leading to addi-
dielectric lens [5], as shown in Fig. 15. ti~nal. savings in cost and power. The multiple signal paths, oper-
ating III harmony, provide benefits at the system and circuit level.
An experimental demonstration of this technique is also shown in
Fig. 15, where we show 20 points generated purely by switching Multiple antenna phased-arrays imitate a directional antenna
the reflectors using 20 different switch combinations on the left whose bearing can be controlled electronically [16]-[22]. This
hand side of Fig. 15. It should be noted that the input power and electronic steering makes it possible to emulate antenna proper-
Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 14,2010 at 20:55:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ties such as gain and directionality, while eliminating the need for
continuous mechanical reorientation of the actual antennas. Addi-
tionally, the parallel nature of a phased array antenna transceiver
alleviates the power handling and noise requirements for individ-
ual active devices used in the array. This makes the system more
robust to the failure of individual components. In the past, such
systems have been implemented using a large number of micro-
wave modules, adding to their cost and manufacturing complex-
ity [20][21].
A phased-array transmitter or receiver consists of several signal
paths each connected to a separate antenna. The antenna elements
of the array can be arranged in different spatial configurations
[18]. The array can be formed in one, two, or even three dimen-
sions, with one or a two dimensional array being more common. Fig. 18 The architecture of the fully-integrated 4x2 77Gl-lz phased
array transceiver with integrated antennas.
The principle of operation of a phased-array is similar for both
receivers and transmitters. In a phased-array receiver, the radiated This approximation leads to some signal dispersion, due to the
signal arrives at different times at each of the spatially separated non-constant group delay, which increases as the bandwidth of
antennas. The difference in the time of arrival of the signal at dif- the signal increases. This dispersion translates to a higher BER in
ferent antennas depends upon the angle of incidence and the communication systems and lower resolution in radar systems
spacing between the antennas. An ideal phased-array receiver [8].
compensates for the time delay difference between the signals The phase shift necessary in each element of a phased-array can
from different antennas and combines the signals coherently to be achieved at RF, at baseband/IF or in the LO path. In integrated
enhance the reception from the desired direction(s) , while reject- implementations, there are several advantages to using LO path
ing emissions from other directions. Similarly, in a phased-array phase shifting, as the gain in each element of the transmitter or
transmitter, the signals in different elements are delayed by dif- receiver is less sensitive to the amplitude variations at the LO
ferent amounts so that the outgoing signals add up coherently ports of the mixers [8][9].
only in the desired direction(s). Incoherent addition of the signals
in other directions results in lower radiated power in those direc- The various phases of the LO necessary in the LO-phase shifting
tions. Thus in a phased-array based system, the transmitter gener- approach can be generated in a central fashion by generating all
ates less interference in receivers that are not targeted . the necessary phases at one place (e.g, a multi-phase oscillator),
Furthermore, the receiver is also capable of nulling out some as in [8][9], or in a decentralized fashion by distributing only one
interferers as long as they do not originate from the same direc- phase of the LO signal and generating the remaining phases
tion as the signal. Additionally, for a given power level at the locally using a phase rotator for each LO path, similar to [5][6].
receiver, the power that has to be generated is lower in a phased- A fully integrated transceiver 4-element phased array transceiver
array transmitter than in an isotropic transmitter. with on-chip antennas has been designed and fabricated in a
In a transmitter with n elements if each element radiates P Watts, O.13!lm SiGe BiCMOS process [5][6]. The receiver consists of
the total power that will be seen at the receiver in the desired the complete down-conversion path with low-noise amplifier
direction is n2p Watts. The n2 improvement comes from the (LNA), frequency synthesizer, phase rotators, combining amplifi-
coherent addition of the signals in amplitude in the desired direc- ers, and on-chip dipole antennas, as shown in As shown in Fig.
tion. For example, in a four element transmitter, the total power 18, A distributed active combining amplifier at an IF of 26 GHz
radiated in the beam direction is 12dB higher than the power radi- is used to perform the signal combining. A 52-GHz first LO is
ated by each element. generated on chip and is routed to different elements, where it can
be phase shifted locally by the phase rotators. The local LO-path
In receivers, the advantages of a phased array include better sen- phase-shifting scheme enables a robust distribution network that
sitivity and higher interference rejection capabilities. For a given scales well with increasing frequency and number of elements
receiver sensitivity, the output SNR sets an upper limit on the while providing high-resolution phase shifts. Measurements indi-
noise figure ofthe receiver. The noise figure, NF, is defined as the cate a single-element LNA gain of23 dB and a noise figure of6.0
ratio of the total output noise power to the output noise power dB. Each of the four receive paths has a gain of37 dB and a sin-
caused only by the source [23]. In an actual phased array receiver gle-path overall noise figure of 8.0 dB. Each on-chip antenna has
implementation, compared to the output SNR of a single-path a gain of +8 dBL Each element of the 2-step upconversion trans-
receiver, the output SNR of the array is improved by a factor as mitter generates + 12.5 dBm of output power at 77 GHz with a
high as n, depending on the noise and gain contribution of differ- bandwidth of 2.5 GHz leading to a 4-element effective isotropic
ent stages [8][9]. For instance, if the noise from the antennas is radiated power (E1RP) of24.5 dBm. Each on-chip PA has a max-
uncorrelated , an 8-path phased-array can improve the receiver imum saturated power of + 17.5 dBm at 77 GHz. The entire
sensitivity by 9dB. phased array transceiver occupies an area of 3.8mm x 6.8mm, as
Thus, in a system based on phased arrays at the transmitter and shown in the die photo of Fig. 19
receiver, the higher SNR and lower interference increases chan- Conclusions
nel capacity. Furthermore, the directivity of the transmit-receive For the first time, it is possible to have a very large number of
pairs can result in higher frequency reuse ratios, leading to higher extremely fast and reliable transistors capable of operating at
network capacity. mrn-wave frequencies in close proximity of structures compara-
For narrowband systems, the true-time delay necessary in each ble to the wavelengths of interest on the same silicon substrate,
element of a phased-array can be approximated by a phase-shift. where electromagnetics, analog, and digital circuits can be inter-
twined deeply. This unique combination makes is possible to con-
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