Mage Knight Quest Variant: (Card Mode)
Mage Knight Quest Variant: (Card Mode)
Mage Knight Quest Variant: (Card Mode)
(Card mode)
QA Team:
Erek Kalten
Card Example
Left Symbol Right Symbol
Quest Type
Quest Title
Flavor Text
Special Reward
Fulfillment Type
Control Number
Card Content
• Right/Left Symbol: TBD
• Quest Title: Name of the quest
• Quest Type: 4 types: Prevalent, Uncommon, Rare and Uncommon
• Flavor Text: Meant to provide flavor to the quest
• Requirement: Description of what needs to happen to fulfill the quest. By default all quests need to be fulfilled in a village, other than
stated otherwise
• Special Reward: All special rewards are awarded once, other than stated otherwise
• Fulfilment Type: Describes in a few words when and how a quest needs to be fulfilled
• Separate all cards into Prevalent, Uncommon, Rare and Ultra Rare and set them aside
• Players can only find one quest per village, even if the quest is failed the village is considered depleted after one quest is found. (Once
searched, place a shield in the village depicting that it is depleted)
• To search for a quest, as part of an interaction take a Mana die not used in the source, and roll it:
o If the result is not black then use the Prevalent Deck else roll the die again.
o If the result is not black then use the Uncommon Deck else roll the die again.
o If the result is not black then use the Rare Deck else use the Ultra-Rare Deck.
(Basically if you role a black you move to the higher level of cards ending in Ultra-Rare)
• (Variant) if a player pays one Mana of any color they can move to a higher level of Quest.
• (Variant) Every time a player completes a quest do the following:
o The dummy player skips its next turn.
o Pick Y x 2 random cards from your discard pile and reshuffle them back into your deck, where Y is the number of quests
completed by the player in this turn
• (Variant) The player with most quests get the Greatest Quester valued 5 VP.