Mage Knight Quest Variant: (Card Mode)

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Mage Knight Quest Variant

(Card mode)

By Jordan Franklin (Initial concept)

Arne Sven (Content development)
Bernardo A. González (Reformat into cards)

QA Team:
Erek Kalten
Card Example
Left Symbol Right Symbol

Quest Type
Quest Title

Flavor Text


Special Reward
Fulfillment Type

Control Number

Card Content
• Right/Left Symbol: TBD
• Quest Title: Name of the quest
• Quest Type: 4 types: Prevalent, Uncommon, Rare and Uncommon
• Flavor Text: Meant to provide flavor to the quest
• Requirement: Description of what needs to happen to fulfill the quest. By default all quests need to be fulfilled in a village, other than
stated otherwise
• Special Reward: All special rewards are awarded once, other than stated otherwise
• Fulfilment Type: Describes in a few words when and how a quest needs to be fulfilled

o Immediate: Quest needs to be satisfied immediately, if not, quest is failed

o Until completed: Quest could be satisfied in later rounds

o Retry: Quest can be retried if failed

• Control Number: Quest number / Total number of Quests
Mage Knight Quest Cards Rules
Following is the set of rules that will help govern the variant.

• Separate all cards into Prevalent, Uncommon, Rare and Ultra Rare and set them aside
• Players can only find one quest per village, even if the quest is failed the village is considered depleted after one quest is found. (Once
searched, place a shield in the village depicting that it is depleted)
• To search for a quest, as part of an interaction take a Mana die not used in the source, and roll it:
o If the result is not black then use the Prevalent Deck else roll the die again.
o If the result is not black then use the Uncommon Deck else roll the die again.
o If the result is not black then use the Rare Deck else use the Ultra-Rare Deck.
(Basically if you role a black you move to the higher level of cards ending in Ultra-Rare)
• (Variant) if a player pays one Mana of any color they can move to a higher level of Quest.
• (Variant) Every time a player completes a quest do the following:
o The dummy player skips its next turn.
o Pick Y x 2 random cards from your discard pile and reshuffle them back into your deck, where Y is the number of quests
completed by the player in this turn
• (Variant) The player with most quests get the Greatest Quester valued 5 VP.

New Unit Rules

Undead Units
Any enemy token in the game can be considered undead, or rather an undead version of that unit. An undead unit has the same properties as
the regular units with the following modifications:
• Attack power is halved (round up)
• Armor is halved (rounded up)
• All resistances, types of attack, and special abilities (such as swiftness, paralysis etc.) are ignored.
• Fame value is halved (rounded up)
• Units which summon other units are considered to have an attack value of 5
Recruiting Enemy Tokens
Enemy tokens can be recruited as units with the following characteristics:
• Units considered to be level II
• All resistances, types of attack, and special abilities (such as swiftness, paralysis etc.) are ignored
• Units which summon other units are considered to have an attack value of 5
• Units have only one ability, which is an attack or block of the tokens attack value

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