Types of Microscope
Types of Microscope
Types of Microscope
There are a number of different types of microscopes and each of them solves
unique problems. Below you will find information on the five different types of
microscopes along with the applications for each microscope and just who
might use each instrument. Below each description of the microscope and its
use is an image that was captured using that particular microscope.
1. Stereo Microscope
2. Compound Microscope
3. Inverted Microscope
4. Metallurgical Microscope
5. Polarizing Microscope
Stereo Microscopes
The following are samples often viewed under a stereo microscope: coins,
flowers, insects, plastic or metal parts, printed circuit boards, fabric weaves,
frog anatomy, and wires.
This image of a penny was captured under the a coin collecting stereo zoom
microscope at 20x magnification.
Compound Microscopes
All polarizing microscopes have both a polarizer and an analyzer. The polarizer
will only allow certain light waves to pass through it. The analyzer determines
the amount of light and direction of light that will illuminate the sample. The
polarizer basically focuses different wavelengths of light onto a single plane.
This function makes the microscope perfect for viewing birefringent materials.
This is Vitamin C captured under a polarizing microscope at 200x
Light Microscope- definition, principle,
types, parts, magnification
Table of Contents
History of Microscopy: Overview