Stories in Attic Greek
Stories in Attic Greek
Stories in Attic Greek
304 . g. 113 .
( 2ONOV83
This book is intended to supply beginners in Greek
with materials for construing, easier than Xenophon,
more interesting than the disconnected sentences of a
Delectus, and better calculated than Aesop to familiar
ise a young reader with the ordinary vocabulary and
idiom of the best Attic prose writers.
Few words or constructions have been introduced
which are not of constant occurrence in the most correct
Attic authors. Thus the beginner who passes from this
book to Xenophon, Thucydides, and Demosthenes, and
to the composition of Attic prose on his own account,
will have little or nothing to unlearn . On the contrary,
he will, it is hoped , find his memory stored with a good
stock of precisely those words and phrases which will
most often stand him in stead. At the same time, care
has been taken not to perplex the beginner with long
sentences or difficult idioms. The syntax of an ordi
nary sentence of simple Attic furnishes sufficient occu
pation for the intelligence of an average schoolboy ;
and it real mastery of this, such as it is hoped this
book will give him , is a better groundwork for his
future studies than a half-knowledge of the mysteries
of Anacoluthon , Brachylogia, and Ellipsis. vii
STORIES , . . . . . . . 1
. . . .
NOTES, 115
Anacharsis visits Solon, . The good-natured King, 18
Solon 's Laws, The young Giants, . . . 19
King John and the Jew , TheGoose and theHorse,
Swans, . .. . . The Apple-tree, . .
. . . .
More haste, worse speed,
The God in Disguise, . The Philosophers puzzled,
Cock -fighting at Athens, The conceited Painter, .
A fair Retort, · · · The ungrateful Son, . .
Egyptian Judges, . . An ingenious excuse, .
The Hare,
. . . .
. . . Generosity of Scipio, . .
The Rival Poets, . The Cat and the Fox, .
How Crassus made his money, The Stolen Horse, . .
The Caricature , . Xerxes and the Oil-jar, . .
The infatuated Physician , . An original Defence, . .
. . . .
Thewonderful Old Men ,
· · ·
Discretion is the better part of The inquisitiveMilesian , ..
Valour, . . . : 56 Attack upon an Athenian Fort, 85
The Fishmonger, . . 57 Recovery of Salamis by the
The foolish King, . . . Athenians, . . . ..
The Philosopher and theMouse, The Battle of Delium , , .
An Adventure of Louis VII., . Athenian Public Funerals, .
The Rhinoceros, . . . Cylon 's Usurpation , . .
The thievish Physician , . . Piracy in early Greece, , .
Serve him right ! . Beginnings of Greek Civilisa
Epaminondas on trial, . . 61 tion, . . . . . 93
Profit and Loss, . . Descent upon Egypt by Athe
The talking Birds, . . nian Adventurers, . .
The lost Purse , . . Quarr els between Athens and
How Meton shirked his duty, . 65 Troher Allies,Cor .
The Punishment of the Slan ubles in cyra,. .. .. 94
derer, . . Failure of the Athenian Expe
A nobl e Reve nge , . . . 66 dition to Sicily, . . . 104
Dionysus and Pentheus, . . 67 |
1 . Stems.
2. Augments, etc.
Obs. 2 . In looking out Verbs take care not to be misled by
Augments and Reduplications. These, of course, will not
appear in the Present. .
For instance : — Themeaning of Ońpevoa will be found by
looking out θηρεύω, not έθηρεύω.
Again :— to find éßn. é being the augment, disregard it for
the moment, and turn in the Vocabulary to ‘ Bn-, perf.
fut. and aor. stem of Balvw ;' then look out Baívw ,
and you will find 62 aor. ¿ßnv, of which ¿ßn is, of
course , the 3d pers. sing.
To assist the beginner in this, syllabic augments and
reduplications, in the first 198 stories of this Book , are
separated from their stems by a hyphen .
Thus : — <-Bn, é-te-t ÝPwTo (from ainpów ), etc.
3. Temporal Augments.
Obs. 3. If a verb-form begins with n or w, this is often
due to the temporal augment. Therefore ,
(a ) To find the present or the stem of a verb -form begin
ning with n , look first under n , then (if you do not
find it) turn at once to a or €.
(6) If the form begin with w , its present or stem will
usually be found under o.
4. Compound Verbs.
Obs. 4. In these the augments, etc., regularly follow the
preposition .
Thus, in apos-é-Baldov, é is the augment ; look out apos
6. Special Irregularities.
Obs. 7. Many irregularly formed , or otherwise puzzling,
tenses of verbs will be found separately noted in the Vocabu
e.g. ηκα, 1 aor. of ίημι ; ωλόμην, 2 aor. mid. of όλλυμι ;
κέκτημαι, perf. of κτάομαι, etc.
(3.) ék.
RULE C .- én before a vowel appears as ėệ, before a con
sonant as ék .
Example — ée-lotnu , ég-é-ornv, but ék-otàs.
(4.) év, oùv.
RULE D . — ev becomes éy- before gutturals (Y, K , x ).
„ éd-, before d.
, - before labials (a , b , d , w ).
Before other letters it remains unaltered.
Examples — él-doxáw , év-e-dóxnoa .
éu -ßáddw , év-é-Bade.
RULE E. - où becomes ovy- before gutturals (Y, K, x).
ovl- before . .
oulu - before labials (T , B , ¢ , u ).
oup - before p.
ov- before Ğ and usually before o .
Before other letters it remains unaltered.
Examples — ovy-xwpéw , ovv-e-xúpnoa.
oup-Baivw , ovv-é-Bn.
ov-otàs, ovv-lotnue.
8. Proper Names.
N . B . - All words beginning with a capital letter should be
looked out in the Vocabulary of Proper Names, where the
English form of each word is given , and (occasionally)
points of history and geography connected with them are
briefly stated.
1. Structure of Sentences.
Obs. 9. Before beginning to look out words, glance over
the sentence, and look for the Verb — the hyphen will often
show it you at once — and its subject. Note also any words
which seem to agree, any prepositions governing one or more
words (all which must of course be taken together with the
preposition), any adverbs (which must go with the verb
usually ), and the like. This will give you an idea of the
general structure of the sentence, and should suggest to you
how to begin upon it.
Take for example this easy sentence
άπρακτον γάρ σε απο-πέμψει ο επί ταϊς θύραις εστηκώς.
Do not begin looking out word by word and construing it
into some such nonsense as this
Without success for you will send yourself he on
the doors having stood .'
But consider — Verb ? áno-teutel: subject ? ó . . . OTNKÚS :
σε and άπρακτον agree, accusatives : επί ταϊς θύραις,
preposition and case , all together, and (as their posi
tion shows) to be taken with ó éotykús.
Then with a rational use of the Vocabulary you will get the
true meaning. [Subject first, then verb, then the
words governed by the verb.]
* For the man standing at the doors (i.e. the porter)
will send you away unsuccessful,'or (to improve
the English ) disappointed.'
2. Conjunctions, etc.
Obs. 10. Attend from the first to little words, conjunctions,
particles, etc. You will find them incessantly reappearing as
you go on, and will save yourself trouble in the end by
noticing them carefully at first.
3. Stops.
Obs. 11. Mind your stops, especially the interrogation -mark ,
which is like an English semicolon ( ;). And remember that
parentheses are often contained between a pair of commas,
but a single comma makes a separate new clause . So (N .B .) —
Words separated by two commasmay sometimesbe taken together,
butwords separated by one comma belong to different clauses.
4 . Pronouns.
Obs. 12. Make yourself as familiar as possible with the
declensions of pronouns in the Grammar, especially with those
of ούτος, όστις, and όδε. This will save you countless tiresome
hunts after such words as ήντινα and τάδε, which Lexicons
and Vocabularies will hardly ever explain to you.
5. The Article .
Obs. 13. Notice the position of the Article, especially if it
be a nominative.
(1.) It marks the subject.
Thus και αγαθός έστι δίκαιος = the good man is just,
But αγαθός έστιν ο δίκαιος = the just man is good.
(2.) All words placed between an article and its noun con
stitute with the article and noun a single clause,
which must be all construed together, just like a
clause in brackets.
Take these two sentences
(a ) oi év tŷ módei ävOpwrol teuwvrai.
(6) oi ävOpwntou év Tŷ Tródel tiuwutai,
In (a ) the words év tớ módel must go closely with oi
äv@pwmoi, “ The-men -in -the-city are honoured ;' in
(0) εν τη πόλει goes not with οι άνθρωποι but with
Tluôvrai, ‘ The men arehonoured -in -the city.'
A little thoughtwill show that these two sentences
convey a totally different meaning.
(3.) Sometimes after an article and its noun the same article
is repeated, followed by an adjective, or some
expression equivalent to an adjective. Thus ,
(a) ó åvñp ó ảyabòs.
(6) oi ävOpwroi oi év Tŷ módel.
Here the word or words introduced by the second
article are treated exactly as if they had been
placed between the first article and its noun, i.e.
they make with these a single clause which must
all be construed together. Thus ,
(a) 6 dựne 6 ipadòs = 6 xyados dvhp = (the
good-man .'
(6) οι άνθρωποι οι εν τη πόλει = οι εν τη πόλει
ävOpwnol = “ the-men-in -the-city.'
2. ο δε Σόλων έ-σπούδαζε τότε περί νομοθεσίας.
ταύτα ούν ακούσας ο ' Ανάχαρσις ψέγει αυτον δια ταύτην
την πραγματείαν, λέγων “ τους νόμους ουδεν δια- φέρειν
των αραχνίων. εκείνα μεν γαρ κατέχει τα σμικρά και
λεπτά των αλισκομένων, δια-σχίζεται δε υπό των ισχυρών
και παχέων. οι δε νόμοι ομοίως τους μέν πένητας
7. πλάσας ο Προμηθεύς εξ ύδατος και γής τους πρώ
τους ανθρώπους ε-βουλεύετο διδάσκειν αυτούς τέχνας τε
παντοίας και επιστήμας. άλλ' ήπόρει το πρώτον, οπόθεν
δοίη αυτούς πύρ: ου γαρ ήν τότε τούτο επί της γης, οι δε
θεοι αυτό παρ' εαυτούς έ- φύλασσον. λάθρα ούν εκείνων
ές τον ουρανόν ανα -βάς, σπέρματά τινα πυρός έ-κλεψε,
και εν νάρθηκι κρύψας έ-δωκε τους ανθρώποις. αισθόμενος
δε ταύτα και των θεών βασιλεύς Ζευς ωργίσθη. προς
ηλώσας ούν τον Προμηθέα πέτρα τινι εν τω Καυκάσω
όρει, αετον έ-πεμψεν, όςπερ ελθών καθ' εκάστην ημέραν
έ-σπάρασσεν αυτού το ήπαρ, το δε σπαρασσόμενον νύκτωρ
αύθις ηυξάνετο.
8 . ή καλουμένη Χίμαιρα θηρίον τι ήν τερατώδες, το δε
του σώματος είδος είχε τοιούτον, ώστε ου ραδιόν έστιν
αυτό δι-ηγείσθαι. ήν γαρ δή τα μεν έμπροσθεν λέων, τα
δε όπισθεν δράκων μέση δε τούτων τρίτη τις κεφαλή
επ -ην κερασφόρος ( ώσει αιγος) και διά του στόματος πυρ
αν- είσα. αύτη ούν η Χίμαιρα δι- έ- φθειρε την χώραν
πάσαν, και τα βοσκήματα πανταχού ε-λυμαίνετο. μία
γαρ ούσα τριών θηρίων δυνάμιν είχε. τέλος δε αν- είλεν
αυτήν ο Βελλεροφόντης ώδε. ίππον τινά πτηνον είχεν,
ονόματι Πήγασον. άνα-βας ούν επί τούτον, και βοήσας,
ήρθη ες τον αέρα , και υπερθεν τοξεύων την Χίμαιραν
απ- έ- κτεινε.
9. συλλέξας ο Ρωμύλος εποίκους πολλούς, και την
πόλιν Ρώμην κτίσας, είτα ές απορίαν τινα κατ-έστη.
των γαρ μεθ' εαυτού ανδρών ολίγοι τινες γυναίκας είχον,
27. εγένετο εν χώρα τινι λιμός μέγιστος, ώστε οι
πένητες σφόδρα έ-ταλαιπωρούντο, πολλοί δε υπό σιτοδείας
και απ- έ-θανον. έπεμψαν ούν αγγέλους ως τον βασιλέα ,
διδάξοντας ολα κακά πάσχουσι, και δεησομένους εκείνου
(ήν δύνηται) πέμπειν αυτοίς ωφέλειαν. ή δε θυγάτηρ του
βασιλέως - έ-τυχε γαρ παρα-καθ-ημένη αυτό - ε-θαύμασε
ταύτα ακούσασα, ευθύς ούν έ- φη, « αλλ', ώ αγαθοί, ει
ούτω δή πιέζεσθε, διά τί ουκ έσθίετε άρτους και τυρον ;
βέλτιον γαρ αν είη τούτο ποιείν, ή λιμώ απο-θανείν !”
ταύτα δε είπεν ου δι' ύβριν, αλλά δι' άγνοιαν της των
πενήτων διαίτης ολομένη την τοιαύτην ευτελή τροφής και
εν λιμούς μέλλειν περισσεύειν.
52. ε-γένετο εν Κελαινώ, ήπερ πόλις έστι της Φρυγίας,
χάσμα τι της γης» είλκυσε δε εις εαυτό οικίας πολλάς,
και τους εν αυταίς έν-οικούντας ανθρώπους. προς ταύτα
ούν ο βασιλεύς Μίδας έχρήσατο θεώ τινι περί του πράγ
ματος. ο δε θεός άν-ειλεν αυτώ, ότι δεϊ έμ - βάλλειν εις
το χάσμα το τιμιώτατον των παρ' εαυτώ κτημάτων,
εαν δε πoιή ταύτα, το χάσμα εύθύς ανα- πληρωθήσεται.
επ -αν- ελθών ουν ο Μίδας εις την εαυτού οικίαν, έ- κέλευσε
τους οικέτας κομίζειν εκ των θησαυρών χρυσόν πολύν και
άργυρον· ταύτα γαρ έ- νόμισεν είναι πάντων, ών είχε,
τιμιώτατα. κατ- έ -βαλε τοίνυν ταύτα εις το χάσμα, το
δε ουκ άν- ε-πληρώθη.
54. νόμος ήν ποτε τοις Αιθίοψι των αδικούντων μηδένα
δημοσία απο- κτείνειν, μηδε ει καταδικασθείς τις φανείη
της τοιαύτης τιμωρίας άξιος ών. άλλ' έ-πεμπεν ο βασι
λευς υπηρέτης προς τον τοιούτον, σημείόν τι θανάτου
έχοντα εν ταις χερσίν. έ - δει δε ουν τον παρανομήσαντα,
ιδόντα τούτο το σημείον, απ -ιέναι ευθύς εις την εαυτού
οικίαν, και εκ του ζήν εαυτόν μεθ-ιστάναι: φεύγειν δε ουκ
εξ- ήν εκ της ιδίας χώρας εις την όμορον, ουδε (καθάπερ
παρά τοις " Ελλησι) τη μεταστάσει της πατρίδος την αιτίαν
κατα-λύειν. φασι δέ τινά ποτε των Αιθιόπων κατα
δικασθέντα επι- νοήσαι ούτως δια - φεύγειν, αισθομένην δε
την μητέρα αυτοχειρία τον υιον απο-κτείναι.
55. βουλομένη η Αταλάντη παρθένος μένειν, μνηστευ
θείσα δε υπό πολλών, ε- μηχανήσατο τοιάδε. στάδιόν τι
δι-ε- μέτρησεν,έπηξε δε μέσον αυτού σκόλοπα τρίπηχυν:
έπειτα δε έ-δει έκαστον των μνηστευόντων θεϊν τον δρόμον
τούτον, η δε ε-δίωκεν. όσους δε καταλάβοι τρέχοντας,
θάνατος τούτοις η ζημία ήν· ει δέ τις μη αλoίη, τούτω
εκείνην γαμείσθαι έ-δει. τους μεν ούν άλλους των μνη
στευόντων ραδίως κατ- έ-λαβε, ταχυτητι γαρ πάντων
θνητών υπερ- είχε και αλόντες αυτίκα έ-θανατώθησαν.
νεανίσκος δέ τις, ονόματι Μειλανίων, ήλθεν επί τον δρόμον
χρυσά τινα μήλα εν ταις χερσιν έχων, και διωκόμενος
ταύτα απ- έ- ρ- ριπτεν, ή δε, επι- σχούσα ένα άν- αιροίτο
αυτά, ούτως έ-νικήθη.
56. οι Χιοί ποτε κακά πολλά έ-πασχον δια τόδε.
νόμος ήν αυτοίς χρήσθαι δούλοις βαρβάροις τούτων δε
μουσικής κακαι
ν σηθέντεσυν-
ι τοηγωνίσαντο ς κιθέμενοι,
θάρας ήδεφ'
εν ω ο νικήσας
δια-χρήσεται τον ήσσηθέντα. κρίσεως ούν γιγνομένης,
ο μεν Απόλλων λαβών την κιθάραν ηδεν, έ- κέλευσε δε
δύνατο, τοίς
τον Μαρσύαν ταυτο ποιείν. επειδή δε ουκ έ -δύνατο, τους
δε αυλούς δι' αμουσίαν ουκ εύ έχρητο, ο Απόλλων ευρέθη
κρείσσων. άνα -κρεμάσας ούν τον Μαρσύαν εκ πίτυός
τινος, και το δέρμα περι-ελών, ούτως εκείνον απ-έ-κτεινεν.
64. φασί τινες ως Επίχαρμος, πάνυ πρεσβύτης ήδη
ών, μετά ηλικιωτών τινων έν λέσχη ποτε έ-κάθ-ητο.
διάλογος δέ τις ε- γένετο εν αυτοίς περί του γήρως. ό μεν
ούν των γερόντων έ- φη, « εμοι μεν άλις έστι πέντε έτη
μετά τόδε βιώναι.” άλλος δε είπεν, « εμοί δε τρία ”
τρίτος δε, " αλλ' εμοί γε τέσσαρα.” υπο-λαβών ουν ο
Επίχαρμος έ-λεξε τοιάδε. « ώ φίλοι, τί στασιάζομεν
ωδε και δια - φερόμεθα υπέρ ολίγων τινών ημερών και ημίν
γαρ πάσιν, όσοι κατά τύχην επι γης συν- εληλύθαμεν, ου
πόρρω απ -εστιν η τελευτή. λυσιτελεί ούν ημίν πασιν
απ- αλλάσσεσθαι ως τάχιστα, ίνα τα κακά του γήρως
δια- φεύγωμεν.”
67. βασιλεύς τις, στρατείαν ποτέ ποιούμενος, όνον είδε
χρυσον πολύν προς το στρατηγιον φέροντα. έ-τυχον γάρ
τινες των υφ' εαυτού φρούριόν τι των πολεμίων δι- αρπά
σαντες, ευρόντες δε εν αυτω χρήματα εγκαταλειφθέντα,
ταύτα έ- πεμπον παρά τον βασιλέα. βαρέος δε του
φορτίου όντος, ο μεν όνος απ-έ-καμεν· ο δε όνηλάτης
έλεήσας εκείνον μεν έ-λυσε, τον δε χρυσόν αυτος άρας
έ- φερεν. ησθείς δε τούτοις ο βασιλεύς προσήλθε το
ανθρώπω. ιδων δε αυτον βαρυνόμενον, " θάρσει,” έ-φη,
« ώ φίλε ! και τι αναπαύσαι έπειτα δε, άνα- λαβών
τον χρυσόν, αυτός κατέχε. ο γαρ τον κακοπαθούντα
ευεργετήσας άξιός έστι και αυτός, όταν κακοπαθή, ευεργε
73. στρατηγός τις άλλως τε ήν φιλόκαλος, και περί
ζωγραφημάτων μάλιστα έ-σπούδαζεν. οπότε ούν πόλιν
τινά των πολεμίων πολιορκήσας έλοι, είς -ήει ου μόνον
εις οικίας ιδιωτών, αλλά και εις άδυτα και ναούς, ζητών
τας καλλίστας των εν-ουσών γραφών. όσας δε εύροι,
ευθύς εις την εαυτού οικίαν απ-έπεμψεν. εστιών δέ ποτε
παρ' εαυτώ ξένον τινά, έ- δειξεν αυτώ την οικίαν πάσαν,
ήν γαρ αξιοθέατος. είς-ελθών ουν ο ξένος εις ανώγεών
τι, είδε γραφάς πολλάς κρεμαμένας. καλαι μεν ούν ήσαν
και αι άλλαι μία δε τις γραφη ήν διαφερόντως λαμπρα,
ώστε ου ράδιόν έστιν αυτην ικανώς επ - αινείν.
82. Κοίρανος ο Μιλήσιος αλιέας τινάς είδε ποτε,
δελφίνα τα δικτύω λαβόντας, και μέλλοντας αυτόν κατα
κόψειν. προς- ελθών ούν τούτοις αργύριον έ- δίδου, και
πριάμενος τον δελφίνα αφήκεν αυτόν πάλιν εις την
θάλασσαν. μετά δε ταύτα πλούν ποιούμενος ο Κοίρανος
ναυαγία έχρήσατο. και οι μεν άλλοι πάντες απ- ε-πνίγη
σαν τον δε Κοίρανoν δελφις απροσδοκήτως παρα- γενό
μενος έ-σωσε. γηράσας δε ύστερον ο άνθρωπος εν τη
εαυτού πατρίδι ε-τελεύτησεν. η δε εκφορά αυτού εν αυτώ
το αιγιαλώ κατά τύχην έ-γένετο. ε- φάνη ούν εν εκείνη
τη ημέρα πλήθος πολύ δελφίνων έν τω λιμένι, συν
ακολουθούντων τοϊς τον νεκρών εκ - φέρουσιν, ώσει συν
εκ-φεροντων αυτών, και συγ-κλαιόντων.
83 . ήν ποτε εν πόλει τινι κώδων έν πύργω ανα
κρεμασθείς. νόμος δε έγένετο εκ παλαιού τους πολίταις
τους άδικόν τι παθόντας προς-ιέναι εκείσε, και το σπάρτον
επι-σπαν, ώστε τον κώδωνα κινούμενον ψοφεϊν. , έπειτα
δε έ-δει τους άρχοντας συν-έρχεσθαι ευθύς εις το δικαστή
ριον, και το πράγμα ακούσαντας δικάζειν.
άνθρωπος δε τις των πολιτών ίππον έχων, τούτον ουκ
ήθελε γηράσαντα τρέφειν, αλλά λύσας αυτόν από της
φάτνης απ-ήλασεν. πλανώμενος ουν ο ίππος περί πάσαν
την πόλιν τέλος εις τον πύργον έφ -ίκετο. προς- ελθών δε
ενταύθα προς την θύραν, και το σπάρτον ιδών, ήρξατο
αυτο τρώγειν δια λιμον, ο δε κώδων ευθυς ε- ψόφησεν.
106. προς -ελθών ούν και οικέτης προς την του Καλλι
κλέους οικίαν έ-λεξε τοιάδε. « ώ κύριε, ήκω σοι δώρον
φέρων παρά του εμού δεσπότου Διοτίμου: το δε δώρόν
έστι λαγώς.” τοσαύτα δε είρηκώς αν-έ- ωξε την κίστην,
η δε αίλουρος εξ αυτής εξ - e- πήδησεν. ιδών δε την
αίλουρον ο μεν οικέτης ές απορίαν πολλήν έπεσε, γελάσας
δε ο Καλλικλής, « ο άνθρωπε,” έ- φη, « δοκείς μοι ή μωρός
τις είναι, ή πανούργος. ούτε γαρ εκείνο το ζωον λαγός
έστιν, ούτε έπεμψεσε ο Διότιμος φέροντά μου το τοιούτον
δώρον, ου γαρ ώδε μαίνεται.” έ-κέλευσεν ούν τον άνθρω
πον, ανα-λαβόντα την αίλουρον, απ-ιέναι ευθύς εκ της
111. ρήτωρ τις, υπεραισχρος ών, υπό των ακουόντων
πολλάκις κατ-e- γελάτο. ταύτα ούν εκείνος βαρέως φέρων
έ- βούλετο τιμωρίαν τινα λαβείν. δημηγορών δε ποτε
κατά τύχην εν τη αγορά, είδεν εκεί άνθρωπον σκώπτοντα
εις αυτόν και τα σχήματα μιμούμενον, ώστε ιδόντες ταύτα
οι περι- εστώτες πάνυ σφόδρα ε- γέλων. ο μεν ουν ρήτωρ
οργισθείς, είς-ήγγειλε τον άνθρωπον προς τους άρχοντας.
δείσας δε εκείνος, μη την δίκην όφλη, συν- ε- βουλεύετο
μετά των φίλων, τί χρή ποιείν. και άλλο μεν ουδεν
έ-μηχανήσατο, πριάμενος δε πίνακα, έ-γραψεν εν αυτώ
εκείνον τον αισχρόν χρώμενος πάση τέχνη, όπως ως οδόν
τε μάλιστα γελοία η γραφή είη.
• 129 . Βρέννος και των Γαλατών βασιλεύς, ελθών ές
Μακεδονίαν μετά πέντε και δέκα μυριάδων στρατιωτών
και ιππέων μυρίων και ετέρου όχλου πολλού , πόλεμον εκεί
έ- ποιείτο. ώς δε ουδεν ήνυτεν, ύστερον ες την Ελλάδα
προ-ήλθε, και ες το μαντείον το εν Δελφούς, διανοούμενος
αυτο συλήσαι. επ- ε- βοήθουν ουν οι Έλληνες πανταχόθεν,
και μάχη ε- γένετο. ο δε Βρέννος, πολλές μυριάδας
στρατιωτών απο- βαλων, έ- πλήγη και αυτός τρισι πληγαίς.
αθυμών ούν προς ταύτα έ-κέλευσε τους Γαλάτας, εαυτόν
μεν απο- κτείναι, και τους άλλους, όσοι τραύματα έχοιεν,
βασιλέα δε καταστήσαντας Κιχώριον οίκαδε αυτούς απ
ιέναι. τους μεν ούν άλλους ούτοι δι-ε- χρήσαντο, ο δε
Βρέννος εαυτόν απ- έ-σφαξεν.
130. στρατηγός τις τείχισμα πολιορκών ουκ έ-δύνατο
αυτό ελεϊν ήν γάρ τό τε χωρίον φύσει ισχυρόν, και οι
έν- όντες πολέμιοι ου μαλακοί αλλά ανδρείοι τε και των
πολεμικών έμπειροι. προς ταύτα ούν αγανακτήσας και
στρατηγός έφη δώσειν μισθόν μέγαν, ήν της των μεθ'
εαυτού τολμά νύκτωρ ες το χωρίον ανα- βαίνειν, και τους
φύλακας κτείνας τας πύλας δια -ρ-ρηγνύναι. ακούσας δε
ταύτα νεανίσκος τις αυτός καθ' εαυτόν μόνον του έργου
έ- πειράτο, ευ δε αυτώ πάντα έ- χώρει, ώστε δια ταύτα η
μεν πόλις εάλω, ο δε νεανίσκος τον μισθόν έ-λαβε, και
επ -ηνέθη άμα υπό του στρατηγού, ως κάλλιστον έργον
131. μετά δε ταύτα ές άλλην τινά πόλιν ελθών ο
στρατηγός, βουλόμενος δε και ταύτην ελεϊν, υπέ- σχετο
άλλα πολλά δώρα το νεανίσκω, ήν θέλη τω αυτο τρόπο
132. ιχθυοπώλης τις πονηρός εν ταις Αθήναις, ιχθύς
έχων σαπρούς και ξηρούς, έ- βούλετο αυτους καλλωπίζειν,
ένα δοκώσι τα τυχόντι είναι νεαλείς. ου μέντοι έ-τόλμησεν
ύδωρ αυτών κατα- χεϊν, ο γαρ νόμος απ-ηγόρευε τούτο
ποιείν. προς ταύτα ούν ε-μηχανήσατο τάδε. μάχην τινα
ε-ποιείτο εν τω αγοραία όχλο, ώστε λοιδορίαν πολλήν εν
αυτοίς γενέσθαι, τέλος δε και πληγάς. Έπειτα δε, προς
ποιησάμενος τραύματά τινα δεινά ειληφέναι, έ-κειτο εν
μέσοις τοις ιχθύσι, δοκών λιποψυχεϊν. ιδών δε αυτόν τις
των πλησίον έ- βόησεν ευθύς, “ ύδωρ, ύδωρ.” και πρόχουν
άμα λαβων κατ-έ- χει ύδωρ πολύ του τε ανθρώπου και
των ιχθύων, ώστε δοκείν εκείνους νεωστι ε- αλωκέναι.
139. Διόδωρος Σικελιώτης φησίν είναι έν τη Λιβύη
ζωον, ο καλείται ρινόκερως, ρώμη μεν και βία παραπλήσιον
ον ελέφαντι, το δε ύψει ταπεινότερον. τούτο ούν το ζωον
έχει το δέρμα ισχυρότατον, φέρει δε επί άκρων των
μυκτήρων κέρας σιμον, τη δε στερεότητι σιδήρω όμοιον.
δια-μαχόμενον δε άει προς τους ελέφαντας περί της νομής,
πρώτον μεν προς πέτραν τινά το κέρας Θήγει, συμ - πεσον
δε έπειτα το ελέφαντι, και υπο- δυόμενον υπό την κοιλίαν,
σπαράττει την σάρκα το κέρατι καθάπερ ξίφει. όταν δε
φθάσας ο ελέφας προ-κατα- λαμβάνη τον ρινόκερων τη
προβοσκίδι, περι γίγνεται ραδίως, τύπτων τοϊς οδούσι, και
τη βία πλέον ισχύων.
140. ιατρός τις εν τη Ρώμη έ-σχε μεν δόξαν ως έμπει
ρος ών της τέχνης, υπό δε των γνωρίμων ού πάνυ ευ
ήκουεν, ήν γαρ δή λίαν πλεονέκτης. ου μέντοι ράδιον ήν
ελέγχειν αυτόν αδικούντα: έ- φυ γαρ αγχίνους τε και
169 . ότι τοίνυν ο Σκιπίων γενναίος ανήρ ήν, τί αν
μείζον τεκμήριον εύροι τις, ή τόδε ; νικήσας γαρ Συφακα
τον βασιλέα, κακόν μεν ουδέν αυτον έ- ποίησεν. το δε
πρώτον, ιδών τον άνδρα δε-δεμένον μετά την νίκην,
ε-δάκρυσε, λογιζόμενος ότι βασιλείαν υπό πάντων θαυμα
ζομένην αυτός ποτε είχεν. μετά δε βραχύν χρόνον, κρίνας
ανθρώπινα φρονείν εν τοις ευτυχήμασιν, έπ-έ-ταξεν αυτόν
λύσαι. τέλος δε και την εαυτού σκηνήν εκείνω απ- έ-δωκε,
συν-ε-χώρησε δε αυτώ ακολούθους τε έχειν, και τα άλλα
πάντα, όσα βασιλεί πρέπει. τηρών δε αυτόν εν ελευθέρα
φυλακή φιλανθρώπως ωμίλει, και πολλάκις αυτόν εν τω
στρατηγία είστίασεν.
170. αίλουρος αλώπεκι επι-τυχών χαίρειν έ-κέλευσε.
και διαλόγου τινός εν αυτοίς γενομένου ή αλώπηξ επί τη
εαυτής σοφία έ-σεμνύνετο. « εγώ γαρ,” έ-φη, “ ώ δαιμόνιε,
πλέον και μυρίους δόλους έχω, δι' ώνπερ τροφήν τε ευρίσκω,
και τους εχθρούς λανθάνω απατών. αλλ' ειπέ μοι συ,
πόσων τεχνών αυτός έμπειρος εί και εν γαρ οίδ' ότι ταύταις
σου υπερ-έχω, ώσπερ και των άλλων θηρίων πάντων.”
ακούσας δε οία η αλώπηξ λέγει, ο αίλουρος αντ -είπεν
ερυθριάσας, ότι της τοιαύτης σοφίας άμοιρός έστιν, αλλά
μίαν μόνην τέχνην επίσταται. « όταν γάρ ” έ- φη, “ εχθρούς
τινας κατα- νοώ πλησίον όντας, εις δένδρον τι ή τείχος
ανα- βαίνων σώζομαι. ”
171 . η δε αλώπηξ ακούσασα, “ νή Δία ! ” έ- φη, « φορ
τική γε η ση σοφία εστι, και ουδενός αξία. ήν δέ μοι τι
παρα-μένης, ταχέως πάντων αιλούρων σοφώτατος έσει.
διδάξω γάρ σε κλέπτειν τε, και τούτο ποιoύντα μηδέποτε
193. Τίμων, περί ούπερ ήδη είρηται, κατ-ηγόρει ποτέ
παρά τοις άρχουσι στρατηγού τινος, ως τα της πόλεως
Ν Ο Τ Ε.
In the remaining Stories (which are all drawn from Grecian
History), the Augments, etc., of Verbs, and the Prepositional
element in Compound Verbs, are no longer distinguished by
hyphens. It is to be hoped that the learner will be able by this
time to distinguish them for himself.
Boys are strongly recommended at this point to refresh their
memories, and prepare for the work before them , by reading
carefully through the first part of the Hints to Beginners (How to
look out words in the Vocabulary).
uń] Made emphatic by its position at the end of the sentence, after
the word it negatives.
23 . εκάθητο] One would have expected the augment to follow the κατά
(Hints, Obs. 4), but the Greeks seem to have forgotten that the
word was a compound .
ejdùs ápicóuevos] Literally, ‘ Directly . . . arriving,'i.e. ' Directly,
when he arrived.' (Compare 16, second note.)
24. okeyóuevov) Fut. participles often express purpose. Construe to
. . . (i.e. 'in order to . . . ).
trolav ] rolos expresses surprise and some indignation, what, pray.'
tis merely inquires to get information , 'what ?'
ús ådnews] wssimply strengthens åłnows,' in very truth.'
25 . ÈK SÈ TOÚTWv] ‘ Thereupon .'
TEPL- Ápe ] (Trepc-e-alpe-e) from treplacpéw .
Ovid, and one of the Homeric Hymns, give a different and more
pleasing version of this Story. The child is not hurt, but merely
left by the offended goddess to grow up an ordinary mortal.
26. èußádlwv] Construe this Participle as a Gerund, .by . . .'
cibdel] Plupf. in form , impf. in meaning.
śml Soulela] “With a view to . . . ;' we should say, ' for a slave.
Seldives] See, for a picture representing this scene, Smith 's History
of Greece (end of Chap. xxxviii.).
27. oŰTW 87] 8ý suggests disbelief, 'ifyou really . . .'.
SL' Bp v ] ‘ By way of insulting them .'
Médelv ] ‘Was likely.'
28 . TÓTE] Explained by following clause, 8rav, etc .
καιόμενος κατακαύθη] Note the difference between a present and an
aorist stem : καιόμενος, the process going on ; κατακαύθη, the fact
29 , tapóvtwv åv pôv] åvopôr emphatic, men ’ as opposed to thewoman
30 . katà ulkpov ] ‘ Little by little .'
Selva ] A frequentword in querulous scolding protestations, “a fright
ful shame.'
kátwbev åpa.pelo lau] kátwiev, ' from the bottom ,' but tò kátwbev,
simply ' the bottom .'
31. mollậ ] Dat. ofmeasure.
Tollol foav, etc. Hints, Obs. 13 (1).
32-40 ] NOTES. 119
142, katnyópovv] Notice that this verb, though not really a compound
verb, — for it is formed from Katńyopos, and there is no verb
gropew , — yet takes its augment, etc., after the kard, as if it were
a true compound.
Λακωνικήν] Understand γην.
143. Tôv trply evepyeolâv] a piv being inserted between the article and
the noun , must be considered as equivalent to an adjective, ‘his
former . . . See Hints, Obs. 13 (3).
144. ¢¢' x ] ‘ On condition that.'
tpels oßoloús] Because hewould get 4 obols for what originally
cost but I.
145 . KepSalvelv dv] When Oratio Obliqua turns an Indicative or Optative
with dy into an Infinitive, the åv is retained .
* Soovs éxwv å bwpunon ] This idiom must be paraphrased in con
struing. Say, 'than he had when he,' etc.
146 . TOCOÛTov] See 113 (first note).
nglov] (é-açlo-e).
allos áldooe] ' Someone way, some another.'
147. tabev éautóv ] Compare 36 (first note).
149. Toùs pxovtas] The Archons at Athens presided over the law
150 . (Tepov uèv . . . (repov Sè] 'One thing . . . and another.' These
words are the predicates in their respective clauses, ékeivo and
Tbồe being the subjects.
μη φανέντος δε = ει μη φανείη, etc. Asthe participle is equivalent
to a conditional clause, un is used and not oủ.
151. Karádoyov] Hence our word ' catalogue.'
TÒ Suvator] Adjective used as substantive. Literally, ‘his possible,'
i.e. ‘his ability.'
152. Slanv] Adverbialaccusative ; (so 'instar' in Latin ) ; look it out.
154. émi davárą ] See note on 126.
étolnoev ] Note the construction with doubleaccusative.
155 . KATSOKOTOS] Predicate, 'as a spy.'
katà pein ) i.e. ' in pieces.
156 . peldltlov] At this public meal all Spartan citizens, even thekings,
were required to attend daily . Every head of a family had to
provide a certain proportion of the food , and if any, through
poverty, were unable to do so , they lost their rights as citizens
130 EASY GREEK STORIES. (156 -172
Other Greek communities, especially the Cretans, had a similar
custom ; and somenon-Grecian states also, as Carthage.
Súdwv] i.e. wooden benches.'
157. Néyxe.v] This word means, technically, to involve Construe,
an opponent in
a difficulty , and make him contradict himself, ' put
him to confusion .'
158 . î 8' 8s] 8s in this phrase is demonstrative. Look out ħ, and mind
the accent.
159. non Tóte] i.e. 'when I went away.'
Td Teplo geúovra ] ‘ The superfluities,' or 'surplus.'
160. rds et ñuépas] i.e. the days (ofwhich you speak ).
161. Oavpaolav Bonv] Lit. “wonderful how great,' i.e. 'wonderfully
great.' A sort of attraction . Compare Oavmaoiws us (90 ).
érrelta ] This word , following a participle, has little force, and
scarcely needs translation.
162 . roll mpáypatos ] ‘ The fact in question .'
163. 64)] ‘ In fact.'
164. ela ] (é-éa -e) imperf.
165. réos] ‘ Atlast.'
Fúdivóv ti, etc.) T. is contemptuous, 'some- or other,' a sort of.'
166 . tý uoxơj The uuxdsmentioned above (sect. 164) ; ‘ his . . .
&úla ] “ Bits of wood.'
167. αυτός τε] As opposed to τη γυναικι following.
ŠK TOÚTov] ‘ Thenceforward .'
168. áro-de-lúodai ] Note the tense, — not simply “to be acquitted '
(åtolúeo Dai), but to be ‘ held acquitted, ' ' considered as having
been acquitted .'
169. Súbaka ] A Numidian prince who sided with Carthage against
Rome. Scipio sent him to Rome as a captive, and he died
there shortly after.
clotlacev] (é-cotla -ger). For augmentation, see 61.
170 . oblouai] Middle, not passive.
171. Távta moleîv ] ‘ To do anything.'
é-otapáo geto] Imperfect, ' was being . . . .
172. ela ] 164.
8th] Ironical, implying that he lied .
172- 185] NOTES. 131
uth év tý lepø , etc.] Had they died in the temple, it would have
been a great shock to Greek religious feeling, and someterrible
calamity would have been expected to follow as a punishment
to the nation . Åvaothoavtes does not express a removal of the
suppliants by force, but rather by apparently friendly persuasions.
215 . Mivws] Said to have lived two generations before the Trojan war,
i.e. in the 13th century B.C. — when Theseus was king of
Athens. But the early Greek history is so mixed up with fable
that no chronology founded on it can be trusted. (See Smith 's
Hist, of Greece, chap. II. § 11.)
Balácons] Governed by ékpátnoev.
216. Néotwp] King of Pylos, the oldest Grecian leader in the Trojan
a proverb
war, renowned for eloquence. His name passed into
for old age.
Tydépaxos] Son of Odysseus (Lat. Ulysses), the passage here
alluded to occurs in the Odyssey, Book III. 73 –
*Range yelike pirates, whom no perils bar,
Who o'er the wide sea, with their lives in doubt,
Range, and to foreign shipsmischance and harm deal out.'
WORSLEY's Translation .
217 . colonposópouv] The habitual carrying of arms is a sign of bar
barism , since it implies that society is not strong enough to
guarantee the lives of its members, unless they can protect
themselves. It was universal in England till the eighteenth
century, and was even revived for a while as late as 1790 .
Swords are still a part of court dress, - an unmeaning survival
of what was once a necessity.
TLOLV] ' Against their neighbours.'
åveluévnv] (Properly perf. pass. of ávinu ), ' loose, easy.'
218 . és tòy Neilov] This expedition occurred about B.C. 460. Its
object was to assist a certain Inaros in an attempt to rescue
Egypt from the Persians.
Soùs tahta ] The money was to be spent probably in private bribes
to influential Spartans, who would in return influence the
policy of the nation in the required direction. An enormous
quantity of Persian gold found its way into Greece, after the
great war between the two nations ended .
219. TELPOS] Predicate, understand éyéveto from the last clause.
Elle riv vîcov] Certain terms of capitulation were agreed upon ,
but not observed , by the Persians, who massacred all the
136 EASY GREEK STORIES. [220-227
Athenians (except a small body, which cut its way through , and
escaped to Cyrene, and thence home).
220 . perállwv] From this source Thasos drew a large revenue.
'Apoltolus] The town was situated at a bend of the river, so that
it faced both up-stream and down . Hence its new name.
221. râv Ellátwy kal Tv Teplolkwv] The Spartans were a nation of
invaders, and never amalgamated with the original inhabitants
of Laconia . These latter were divided into the two classes of
Helots and Perioeci, - the Helots being actual slaves or serfs, the
Perioeci personally free, but destitute of all political rights.
Meoonvlas] This country had been long since conquered by the
Spartans, and was at this time practically part of Laconia.
αλλοτρίαν] Understand γην.
222. dunkúvero aútoîs ] Ethic dative, ‘hung on their hands.'
ÉKEîvou . . . aŭtol ] Note the contrastékelvol, the Athenians,
autoi, the Spartans.
223. Miloketo] Construe as imperf., not asaorist, continued unsubdued .'
VEÁTepov ] veutepov TL TOLEîv = vewTepíšelv. See Vocabulary.
TOÛTO Tradeiv] ' to be treated thus.'
224. åpecoav] 2 aor. indic.(not used in the singular)of ápinue.
του λαβόντος = εκείνου δς αν αυτόν λάβη.
225 . Td pakpd telxn ] The regular name for walls connecting a city with
its harbour, when the latter was at some little distance. As it
was highly important to keep up such communication in case of
a siege, these walls were generally at least as strong as those of
the city itself.
το σφοδρόν μίσος] This enmity of Corinth towards Athens was
one of the chief causes of the great Peloponnesian war.
226 . écraolagov] otáous was the technical term for civil war ' between
oligarchs and democrats in a Greek state. See Story 205 (first
ÉTÉKELTO] Imperfect; not was imposed (on that occasion),' but
' used to be imposed (as a general rule).'
227. évadé(OVTO] Story 214 (first note).
Karà ulkpov] We should say, ' in instalments,' outbonu, 'in a
Tåpyúplov = tó ápyúplov (Crasis).
vûv yap 81 ] or suggesting that their alleged motive was a mere
pretence, so they said .'
228-236 ] NOTES. 137
228 . ék toll Pavepoll = pavepws.
ακροβόλισίς τις ] τις suggests rather a triling matter, some
little . . .'
229 . aŭtoßoel ] To understand the force of this word imagine soldiers
rushing up with a cheer (Bon) to attack a fort. To their surprise
there is no resistance, and their rush carries them right in. They
are said, then, to take the fort, aŭtoßoel, 'by the mere force of
their cheer.'
opas] i.e. the principal subject (the oligarchs).
olkelas] Genit. sing. after peldbuEvol.
&midopos] ‘ Conveying it (i.e. The plóva), to it (aŭtny, i.e. The
230 . áppotépovs] i.e. the two parties (Demos and Oligoi).
åtromeup @wowv ] Asa preliminary to being tried and executed there.
231. oủsèv üyu's] i.e. something detrimental to the State, ‘ some uncon
stitutional scheme.'
Tà nha ] Before attacking them , it was clearly desirable to disarm
them .
232. opas] The Athenians ; kal ékelvous, the Corcyraeans ; aŭtois, the
Súo uév, etc. The ships having been hastily manned, sympathisers
with the oligarchs had been included, and in some crews formed
the majority.
233. Karadúovo ] This verb should mean literally, send to the bottom ,'
but, practically, it is used whenever a ship is so far damaged as
to be put hors de combat.
234 . Tallra trapývel] i.e. ŠALTLev. Notice thebold character of Brasidas,
and contrast it with the timidity and weakness of Alcidas. The
latter seems to have been always a very poor creature.
235 . rois ékétacs] The Oligarchs in the Heraeum .
loQuòv ] Leucas formerly joined themainland, but the inhabitantsat
some period subsequent to this war cutthrough the isthmus,and
converted it into an island, joining it to themainland by a mere
bridge. Afterwards the accumulation of sand choked the
channel, and it became a peninsula as at first. But now it is
once more an island, though the channel is very narrow and
shallow .
236. rà yuyvóueva] Mind the tense ; not what had happened , but
what was going on.'
138 EASY GREEK STORIES. (237-242
237. yevópevou] Aorist, 'having by this time become.'
τα πλοία ενέπρησαν] This act was a kind of solemn declaration of
war to the knife .' It may be illustrated by a curious story in
Herodotus. The people of Phocaea in Asia Minor, rather than
yield to the Persians, left their native city , and sunk a great
lump of iron in the harbour, swearing never to return till it rose
to the surface. However, more than half becamehome-sick,
and returned in spite of their oath . Compare also the stories
of English sea -captains nailing their colours to the mast, that it
might be impossible for them to strike their flag and surrender.
When Darius invaded Scythia, he gave orders for the destruction
of the bridge by which he crossed the Danube, to show his
confidence that he could return home without using it. How
ever, luckily for himself, he was persuaded to countermand the
238. Slayvoin ] i.e. by a vote in the Ecclesia.
Trãou] Masc. 'for all.'
delúoovtal] Observe the force of the Future Perfect, ' shall be in
the state of having been ,' etc., i.e. ' shall be considered as
broken.' Avonoovtal would mean, “ shall be broken .'
239 . Sn ] Ironical. .
8 κράτιστον είη, etc., depends on λέγειν.
ISóvTes] They might have disbelieved a mere story, but the actual
sight of the boat made them think there must be something
in it.
tapedóOnoav ] Theagreement being broken (see end of last section ),
the Athenians had no scruple in handing the Oligarchs over to
their enemies.
240. εχθρόν] A private enemy.' εχθρός and πολέμιος correspond to
‘inimicus' and 'hostis' respectively.
obâs, etc.] i.e. the Athenians might kill them if they liked, provided
only that they did not leave them to the tender mercies of the
241. ékelvou] The enemies on the roof (called ol ávw afterwards).
242. Tû vavuaxlą , etc. The great expedition of the Athenians to Sicily
began with a series of successes, and appeared to be on the point
of complete success, when the tide suddenly turned. A Spartan
general named Gylippus came to the relief of Syracuse (which
wasall butthoroughly blockaded by the Athenians), and wrested
one position after another from the invaders. The Syracusans
242-248] NOTES. 139
down, and not be able to stand,' ' I shall live, and not die,'
• Her time is near to come, and her days shall not be pro
longed .'
261. λιθοτομίας] These λιθοτόμιαι served as a public prison for all Sicily.
They were called also latbulai (Nâas, 'a stone'). The Romans
borrowed the word in the form ' Lautumiae' ; and applied it not
only to this place, but to their own public prison at Rome, the
· Tullianum .'
yoxpôv] Predicate, as is shown by the position of thearticle.
262. tyvwo av] Understand 87ı å mon cotlv .
xenouodoyous] These were a lower branch of the profession than
Mártels, people who made a trade of fortune-telling, like our
263. Meylorn 87] ôn in this emphatic position increases the force of the
superlative, “ the greatest possible.'
ápa učv . . . ápa St] See note on Story 259.
ék Tv ütapxóvtWv] i.e. 'under the existing circumstances.'
w bè . . . kal] These answer to each other, as . . . so .'
N . B . - (1.) In this Vocabulary ' st.' means Stem , or Stem -ending. Nouns
with no stem given belong usually to one of the first two declen
sions. In the third declension Consonant-stemsare given ; but,
with nouns whose Stem -ending is a Vowel, it has seemed more
convenient to give the genitive singular instead.
(2.) To facilitate looking out words, the name Stem , when applied to
Verb Forms, hasbeen used with somewhat more freedom than
strict Philology allows. Thus Bn- is called the ' perf. fut. and
aor. stem of Balvw ,' being, in fact, the common element in the
three stems βεβηκ-, βησ-, and βη-. Το enter these separately
would have greatly increased the bulk of the Vocabulary, and,
in consequence, the difficulty of using it. With this explana
tion , it is hoped that the course adopted will not produce any
practical difficulties.
on either side.
&katov, numeral adj. indecl., a deyelov,
verse. subst. n., elegy, elegiac
hundred . élérxw (fut. éléyfw , i aor. pass.
łk -Balvw , verb, go out, disembark, ñéyxonu), verb, refute, convict,
turn out (i.e. prove to be), prove.
¿deelvos, n , ov, adj., pitiable, piteous. u -duw , verb , implant. Mid . and
Edebw (fut. éleñow ), verb, pity. perf., and 2 aor. act., grow on to .
dheîv, 2 aor. inf. of aipėw . év, prep ., in , at, upon , among,
Eléodai, 2 aor, mid. inf. ofaipėw . amongst.
hevdepla , subst. f., freedom . &v-, stem of els.
élevdéplos, ov, adj. 2 term ., liberal, évavtíos, a , ov, adj., opposite : as
generous. subst., opponent, adversary.
hev epiórns (st. -77-), subst. f., | évavtlws, adv., contrariwise.
liberality . evens, és, adj. 2 term ., deficient,
theúdepos, a, ov, adj., free, liberal, defective, wanting in.
elébas (st. -avt.), subst. m .,elephant. év-Slawut, verb, give in.
elñhuda, perf. of ēpxoual. (vodev, adv., from within .
20-, 2 aor. stem of čpxoual. {vdov, adv., within, inside.
EhKvo ., irreg. fut., and i aor. stem (vdobos, ov, adj. 2 term ., in repute,
of Akw . distinguished .
EkW (1 aor. eiakvoa ), draw . Šv-Sów , ºverb, clothe. Mid. and
el -doxaw (fut. -ñow ), verb, waylay. perf., and 2 aor. act., put on ,
emiew (1 aor. 7 coa), verb , expect, wear, be dressed.
hope. &veyk -, aor. stem of dépw .
Edwv, onga , ov, 2 aor. part. of évéŠpa, subst. f., ambush.
aipów . čv-elui, verb, be in. (Compound of
fuautoi, îs, pron. (reflex. with no eiul, sum .)
nom .), ofmyself, my own. éveka , prep., on account of, as far
ệu-Bállw , verb, throw in, inflict ; as regards, as for.
also attack . évevýkovta, numeral adj. (indecl.),
ču -Biſáfw , verb, puton board. ninety.
éu -Born), subst. f., assault, attack, év-éxw , verb , hold fast, catch.
{vea, adv., where.
que, acc. of eys . évoáøe, adv., here.
@u -pévw , verb , abideby. évLavtos, subst. m ., year.
έμοι, dat. of εγώ. évioi, ai, a , pronom . adj., some.
fuos, , òv, pron . (possessive), my, | évvéa , numeraladj. (indecl.) nine.
mine, év -Olkéw , verb , dwell in , inhabit.
lu -talkoow , verb, entangle together. &V-OLKOdouéw , verb, build in .
u Telpos, ov, adj. 2 term ., skilful, évtauda , adv., there, thereupon .
experienced in . Évreudev, adv., thence, thenceforth .
éu -fimllinanue
(I aor. évétinoa ), verb, £v-rionui, verb, put in.
éu -Tritonui (1 aor. évét pnoa), verb, évtipos, ov, adj. 2 term ., honoured ,
distinguished .
set on fire. &v-tuyxávw (2 aor. ¿VÉTvxov), verb,
êu-TCTT0 (2 aor. :v TeơOP), verb, fall in with, light on .
fall upon , rush in . E = £K .
fu - déw , verb , sail in . ol éumléo | eĒ, numeral adj. (indecl.), six.
OVTES, the crew , or crews. ép-ayyé lw , verb, tell, report.
čutropla, subst. f., trade. E-á yw , verb, lead out.
ču TopLKOS, n, ov, adj., of commerce, &-aipéw , verb, take out.
mercantile. égalovns, adv.on a sudden, suddenly.
čutrópov, subst. n., mart. ég-arrardw, verb, thoroughly deceive,
ép tropos, subst. m ., merchant. cheat.
čuttpoo ev, adv., before, in front. ' &Earrivalws, adv., suddenly.
PE-elut, verb, go out. (Compound
of elu , ibo.)
2. with dat , for, at, on the
strength of, on, besides.
ÉE-Ekw , verb, drag out, draw out. 3. with acc., to, on to, against,
EE-COTI (imp. inv), verb (impers.), up to.
it is permissible, onemay. (Com - éTTL-Balvw , verb, mount, ascend, go
pound of elui, sum .) up on to.
és-etáfw , verb , examine, sift. ÉTTL-Bállw , verb , throw at or upon ,
éf-evplokw , verb, invent, discover. impose.
ée-éxw, verb, project from , jut out. étrißárns (gen. -ov), subst. m .,
Enkorta,num . adj. (indecl.), sixty. passenger, marine.
Ew , adv. and prep., outside. Tri-Bondéw , verb , come to the rescue.
čolka (defectiveperfect), verb , seem ,
ÉTTL-Bouleuw, verb, plot against.
befit. ús čolke, as it appears. ÉTTL-ylyvouai, verb , comeon, follow .
éópaka, perf. of opáw . ÉTTL -ypábw, verb , inscribe, write on .
topth), subst. f., festival. ÉTTL-Selkiuui, verb, prove, shew .
étr-ayyéMlw , verb, proclaim . Mid., ÉTTL-Stowui, verb , give besides.
offer, promise. ÉTLOpour , subst. f., inroad, attack,
êt -áyw , verb, apply, bring to bear. I foray.
ÉTT-alvéw (fut. -eow ), verb , approve, ÉTTLELKela , subst. f., equitable conduct,
recommend | moderation .
Etalvos, subst. m ., praise, laudatory éirl-Dapoúvw , verb , cheer on .
speech, commendation . ÉTTL-Dopußew , verb , shout approval.
ér-altéw , verb , ask further. ÉTTL-Ovjew , verb, take a fancy to,
ÉTT -Ako ovdéw , verb, follow after. desire, covet.
ét -auúvw , verb , assist. étriduula, subst. f., desire, longing.
Én -áv-elji, verb, return , come up | ÉTTL-káb-quat, verb, sit on ,bemounted
again . (Compound of elui, ibo.) on .
&T -av-épxouai, verb, return. ÉTTL-kadéw , verb, surname. Mid .,
ér-av-lomnul, verb, set up again ; call to aid, invite, appeal to.
but in Pass. and perf., and 2 aor. &ml-Keluat, verb, press hard upon .
act., stand up. ŠTUKIVŠuvos, ov, adj. 2 term ., hazar.
éttel, conj., since, when . dous, dangerous.
ÉTTElyw , verb ,urge on , hasten. Mid., &mikinous (gen . -EWS), subst. f.,
hasten , dush on . additional name.
ÉTTELSàv, conj., whenever. étlkovpos, subst. m ., auxiliary.
ÉTTELST, conj., when , since,after that. ÉTTL-KÚTTW , verb, stoop down.
-Equi, verb, be upon . (Compound ÉTTL-davdávouai, verb, forget,
of elui, sum .)
ént-elui, verb, follow . (Compound #TAGKTos,
ov, adj. 2 term , chosen,
& Outros, ov, adj. 2 term ., remain
of elus, ibo.)
ÉT-Eîtrov ing.
(2 aor. with no pres.), verb, éttuéela,
said besides, added. subst. f., care.
ÉTTELTA , adv., thereupon , afterwards, ÉTTL-ueléouai, verb, take care of.
then . &TT L-jedrs, és, adj. 2 term ., careful.
-Eltítw , verb, raise one's hopes. ÉTT 1-jévw , verb, wait for, abide.
ÉTT-Épxouai, verb, attack , comeon . él-voéw , verb, intend, devise.
ÉTT-Epwráw , verb, question.. ÉTTL-Opkéw , verb, perjure oneself.
ÉTT-EXw , verb, stop. ÉTTL-TTTTTW , verb , fall upon .
éirl, prep. 1. with gen., upon, to- éTTL-Adéw , verb, sail up, also sail
wards, in the time of. with .
ulo bów (fut. -cow ), verb, let. In vaúrns (gen. -ov), subst. m ., sailor.
mid., hire. VAUTIKÒS, n , ov, adj., naval. As
uvnua (st. -at-), subst. n., monu subst., vautikov, fleet.
ment. vealns, és, adj. 2 term ., fresh .
uvnuelov, subst. n., memorial. veaviokos, subst. m ., youth, young
urnuoveuw , verb, remember, record. тап.
uvnos., I aor. pass. stem of ulurń. | vekpòs, subst. m .,dead body, corpse ;
okw . in plur., the dead .
uvnotevw , verb, court, woo. véuw , verb , 1. allot, 2. feed flocks, in
jovouayéw (fut. -ñow ), verb, fight mid ., graze.
(in single combat), fight a duel.: veoyevns, ès, adj. 2 term ., newborni.
Póvos, n, ov, adj., alone, only. véos, a , ov, adj., young, new .
Móvov, as adv., only . VEOCOÓS, subst.m ., young (of birds).
povów (i aor. pass. &uovớonv), verb , véw (1 aor. švevoa ), verb, szerim .
leave alone. véw (fut. vñow ), verb, heap up, rear.
uopóni, subst.f., shape, form .
uboxos, subst. C., calf.
Vews, subst. m ., = vads.
vEwOTI, adv., recently.
POVOLKT , adj. used as subst. f., vewtepifw , verb ,make revolutionary
music, poetry, etc. movements.
uudolóyos, subst. m ., fabulist, my. | Veútepos, comp. of véos.
* thologist. νη, particle used in oaths. νη τον
uüoos, subst. m ., story. Aía , yes, by Zeus.
Mukthp, subst. m ., snout. vîres, plur. of valls.
uupid's ( st. -ad-), subst. f., myriad , volútns (gen . -ov), subst. m .,
i.e. 10 ,000 . 'islander.
uvplos, a, ov, adj., numberless, in vñpoos, subst. f., island.
finite. In plur., Múploi, ai, a , ten vñow , verb, be sober.
thousand. vikáw (Iaor. évianoa, perf. vevianka),
uupoivn, subst. f., myrtle. verb , conquer, win .
jūs (st. uv-), subst. m .,mouse. víkn, subst. f., victory.
uuxos, subst. m ., corner. vołw (1 aor. évónoa ), verb , notice.
jów (1 aor. uvoa), verb, keep one's vous), subst. f., pasture.
eyes shut. vouifw (1 aor. £vbuloa ), verb, con
uwpòs, à, dv, stupid, foolish. As sider, hold.
subst. m ., uwpos, a fool. vouodecía , subst. f., law -making,
legislation .
val, adv., yes. vouodérns (gen. -ov), law -giver.
vóuos, subst. m . , custom , law .
vads, subst. m ., temple.
vápong (st. vaponk.), subst. m ., vooéw (fut.-ñow ),verb ,be sick, fallill.
fennel-stalk. vócos, subst. f., disease, sickness.
vavayla , subst. f., shipwreck. vava vóros, subst. m ., south wind.
ylę xpñolai, to suffer shipwreck. voveTéw (fut.-ñow ), verb,admonish ,
vaváylov, subst. n ., wreckage,wreck. give a lesson .
vavapxos, subst, m ., admiral. voss (gen. vo ), subst. m., mind .
vavkpatéw (fut. -ñow ), verb, have įv vo éxelv, be minded to , intend .
mastery at sea. vúkTwp, adv., by night,
vavuaxéw , verb, fight (by sea ). vúuon, subst. f., bride.
vaujagia , subst. f., sea- fight. vûv, adv., now .
vaus (gen . vews, dat, vnt), subst. f., vùß (st. VUKT-), subst. f., night.
ship . vuos, subst. f., daughter-in -law .
vậ , dat. of vous. olkifw (1 aor. Økloa), verb, colonise.
VÔTOV, subst. n., back. In Pass , settle (in a place).
oiklokos, subst. m ., room .
(1 aor. égérioa), verb, enter olklor 's (gen . -ov), subst. m ., colo
niser, founder (of a colony).
Févlous (gen. -Ews), subst. f., enter olkodouéw (fut. -ňow ), verb , build .
oľkodev, adv., from home.
gévos, subst. m , stranger, friend, oľkou, adv., at home.
guest, host. Olkos, subst. m ., house. Kati olkov,
śnpalvw (1 aor. éšúpava), verb , dry at home.
up, drain off. olkTelpw (1 aor. ØKTELpa), verb , pity .
fmpos, à, òv, adj., dry. To impov, olpai (imp. Qunu), verb , think (con
dry land. tracted form of olojai).
Elpos (gen . -ovs), subst. n ., sword. olvos, subst. m ., wine.
Fúdivos, n , ov, adj., of wood , wooden . oľoual = oluar.
Fúlov, subst. n.. wood , timber . olos, a, ov, adj., what, what kind
of, (such ) as ; olós Te eiul, I am
ó, ń, To, 1. article, the ; 2. pro the man to, I am able to ; ús olby
noun , he, she, it (with Mèv and Te uálcota, as much as possible,
Se). like Lat. quam maxime.
8, neuter of ds. olotòs, subst. m ., arrow .
ößolos, subst. m ., obol (small coin olxouai (imp. wxóunv), verb, be off,
worth about three half-pence). be gone, make oneself scarce.
88€, 8e, róbe, pron., this here, this. Ókw (1 aor. akela), verb, run
ódovt., stem of ódoùs. ashore .
8SOTTOLéopal, verb , advance, move ölepos, subst. m ., destruction , ruin .
forward, go on . óleo , i aor. stem of 8XXml.
odos, subst. f., way, road. óluyapxikos, , òv, adj., oligarchical.
tusk .
(st. (dovt-), subst. m ., tooth, óliyos, n, ov, adj., few , little. ol
o you, the oligarchs.
ódýpopai, verb , lament, complain. ódcywpia , subst. f., little account,
Blos, subst. m ., branch . scorn . .
87ev, adv., whence. ölloui (1 aor. Olega, mid. fut.
ol, adv., whither. oloûual ; 2 aor. wlbuny, perf.
olsa, olola, olde, etc. (defective) | Olwla ), verb, destroy.
perfect verb , I know . 8los, n, ov, adj., whole.
oſkade, adv., home. ólowuai, see olul.
oikeios, a, ov, adj., one's own ; as óhodupuds, subst. m ., lamentation .
subst. m ., oikeioi, friends, rela ólobúpouat,verb , lament.
tions. ölma, see ollumi.
oikérns (gen . -ov), subst. m ., slave, 8lws, adv., altogether.
(fut. - ñow ), verb, dwell, in öußpos,
oikéw subst. m ., rain , shower,
rain -storm .
habit. Sunpos, subst. m ., hostage.
oiknua (st. -at-), subst. n., house. ouidéw (1 aor, wuíanoa ), verb, asso
oľknols (gen . -Ews), subst. f., dwell ciate with.
ing: Suchos, subst. m .,multitude.
olknTwp (st. OiknTop-), subst. m ., juvúa (fut. duoquat, I aor. buoƠa),
settler, inhabitant. verb , swear.
olkla, subst. f., house. | ouboev, adv., at close quarters.
Suolos, a , ov, adj., like, equal. opéyw, verb, stretch,mid. reach at,
ópolws, adv., in like manner, alike, | reach after.
similarly .
ópoloyéw (ſut. -ñow ), verb, agree.
òs, ri,subst.
dv, adj.,m .,straight, upright.
morning, early
ouodoyla , subst. f., agreement. dawn.
Suopos, ov, adj., 2 term ., neighbour- opows, adv., rightly.
ing, next. 6pkos, subst. m ., oath .
ouoü, adv., atonce , together. opuáw (1 aor. Üpunoa ), verb, urge
ouóbulos, ov, adj., 2 term ., of the on ; but also often intransitive,
same tribe ; as subst. td ómópulov, I rush, start off, and so in mid. and
common nationality. pass.
Suws, conj., nevertheless. ópur), subst. f., impulse, rush, attack.
óveldi(w (i aor. Úveldioa ), verb, re- opuno., fut. and i aor. stem of
proach, revele. ópuáw .
óvndárns (gen . -ov), subst. m ., ópulta , verb, moor, anchor.
driver (of an ass). opuco , fut. and i aor. stem of
ovoua (st. óvouat.), subst. n., name. puiśw .
óvouáqw (1 aor. wbuaoa), verb, | ópvideów , verb, snare birds, fowl.
call, name. öpvis (st. Opvid-), subst. c., bird.
ovos, subst. C., ass. Öpos (gen . -ous), subst. n .,mountain.
Övtws, adv., really . Spos, subst. m ., frontier, boundary.
očùs, cîa, ù, adj., sharp, also opoon, subst. f., roof, ceiling
hasty. os, n, o, pron ., 1. relative, who,
Sin, adv., in whatway. which, what; 2. demonstr., he.
ötlő0€, otrio Dev, adv., behind, rear, | Soos, n, ov, adj., as much as, as
back. many as.
onliw (1 aor. pass. Walloonu). OOSTEP = 600s.
verb , arm , equip. step, tep, STEP, pron., who,
8 . iols (gen . -ews), subst. f., equip- which.
ment. óstis, Kris, 8 ri, pron., who, who
Onlions (gen . -ov), subst. m ., hoplite ever, which , whichever.
(i.e . heavy -armed foot-soldiers). ootoûv, subst. n ., bone.
thov, subst. n., mostly in plur., Stav, conj., when , whenever.
Te, conj., when .
arms, armour.
ótólev, adv., whence. ori, conj., that.
Stot, adv., whither. 6 ti, neuter of ostis ; with superla
onoios, a , ov, adj., whatkind. tives, as much as possible, thus,
ÓTTÓTe, conj.,when , whenever. © tl táxlota , as quickly as possible.
ÓTTÓTepos, a , ov, adj., which (of | ÓTLOûv, adv., at all. oùd' orloûv,
two). not a bit.
trov, adv., where. Stov, 8tą , gen . and dat, ofostis.
órápa , subst. f., autumn. oủ, adv., not, no.
Stws, conj., 1. how ; 2. so that, oi, adv., where.
that. ouSauódev , adv., from no quarter.
OTWOOûv, adv., at all. oúdajoû, adv., no where.
ópáw (imp. éúpwr), verb, see, look. oŮSè, conj., neither, nor, and not ;
ópyr), subst. f., anger, rage, passion . also adv., not even .
ópyliw (i aor. pass. wpríconv), verb, | oubels, oủseula , oủsèv, adj., none,
enrage, provoke. no, no one, nothing ; in neuter
Öpyuta, subst. f., fathom . sometimes adverbial, not at all.
ouSétrote, adv., never.
OÚSETTÁTTOTE, adv., never yet.
malwvltw, verb, sing the Paean
(battle-hymn ).
oudétepos, a , ov, adj., neither (of málai, adv., of old, long since.
two). malacós, à, òv,subst.
adj., old. wrestli
oŮK = 0ů. madalotpa, f., ng
oủkéri, adv., no longer. school.
oủkoûv, conj., accordingly, so, there máliv, adv., back, again .
fore . Tallppola, subst. f., ebb-tide.
oûv, conj., then, therefore, accord mavenuel, adv., en masse (i.e. with
ingly. the whole body of citizens).
oŰw, adv., not yet. Travdokelov, subst. n., inn, public
oủpà, subst. f., tail. house.
oúpavos, subst. m ., sky, heaven . tavnyupus (gen. •ews), subst. f.,
oura, fem .ofäv (part of elul, sum ). festival.
ovola , subst. f., properly, substance. travórtins, adj. i term ., all-seeing.
OUTE, conj., neither, nor. Travoûpyos, subst. m ., rascal, rogue.
Obtos, aúrn, TOÛTO, pron ., this, also mavr., stem ofmâs.
he, she, it. W oŮTOS (contemp Travtaxódev, adv., from all sides.
tuous form of address), my good Tavtayoû, adv., everywhere.
creature ! Tavtoios, a, ov, adj., of all sorts.
OUTW , Octws, adv., so, thus. Trávtws, adv., by all nieans.
oux = 0ů. trávu, adv., very, at all.
obecw (2 aor. Delov), verb, owe. TÁTTOs, subst. m ., grandfather.
obaluós, subst. m ., eye. Trapà , prep ., 1. with gen., from .
o $ 0., i aor. and fut. pass. stem of 2. with dat., beside, with , by .
ópáw . 3. with acc., along, to , beyond,
Bous, (gen. -Ews), subst. m ., serpent, over .
snake. Tapa-Balvw , verb, transgress.
óbilo kávw (2 aor. wplov, inf. 60 Trapa-Bémw, verb, take a side look,
eiv), verb , lose (a lawsuit). peep.
öxlos, subst. m ., mob, crowd. Tapa-Bondéw , verb, come to the
ofè, adv., late. rescue.
őjscos, a, ov, adj., late. trapa-ylyvomat, verb, arrive, present
bis (gen. -ews), subst. f., face, look. oneself, appear.
Blouai, fut, of opáw . mapádeloos, subst. m ., park, garden .
byov, subst. n., cooked meat, delicate mapa -818wji, verb, hand over, sur
fare. render.
Trapádogos, ov, adj. 2 term ., un
máyn, subst. f., snare. expected, startling.
Ta0-, 2 aor, stem of táoxw . trap -auvéw , verb, advise.
Trálos (gen. -ous), subst. n., suffer Trapalpnua (st.-at-), subst. n., strip.
ing, misfortune. map -aitéopal, verb , beg off,deprecate.
Taideów , verb , bring up, train . Tapa-kao-quat, verb, sit beside.
traidlov, subst. n., child . Tapa -kadéw , verb , invite.
nadotrouéouai, verb , beget children . trapá-ketuai, verb, lie beside, lie by.
malfw , verb , play, sport. mapa -Keleuw , verb ,exhort, encourage.
traîschild.(st. maiô-), subst. m ., boy, Tapa
to .
-napßávw , verb , receive, succeed
Talwsmite,(1 hit.
aor. &tala), verb, strike, || mapalla,
Trapa -deltw, verb , omit, pass over.
subst. f., sea-coast, beach.
, verb, stay with, stay | Tarpợos, ,a, ov, adj., paternal.
Tapa -uvdéouai, verb , address with
Trauw , verb, stop, end , close. Mid .
and pass., leave off.
cheering words, comfort. Traxùs, eia, ù, adj., stout.
Tapa -vouéw , verb, transgress the Tedlov, subst. n., plain .
law . TTELOS, ņ, òv, adj., foot, infantry.
tapávouos, ov, adj. 2 term ., illegal. TES , as adv., by land .
trapátrav, adv., at all . TTELOapxéw , verb, obey.
mapa -Théw , verb , sail past. Trelow (i aor. &TeLOa, perf. mid.
Trapani holos, ov, adj. 2 term ., TETOL@a ), verb, persuade, con
much about the same. vince. Mid. and pass., obey,
Trapacáyyns (gen. -ov), subst. m ., agree, comply.
purasang (measure of distance = TTELVáw (inf.telvñv, 1 aor. ételunoa ),
thirty stadia). verb , be hungry.
tapa -outéw , verb, dine with (esp . | telpa, subst. f., attempt, experiment.
at the board ofone's superior). TELUGoual (fut. - ơ qua ), verb, at
Tapa-okeválw , verb, prepare. tempt, try.
Tapao Keun , verb , arrangement, pre TTELO O-, i aor. and fut. pass. stem
paration , pomp. of relow .
trapa -tárow, verb , draw up in line. Trelow , fut. ofmelow .
Tapa-ribnul, verb, place beside. teloojai, fut. of adoxw , also fut.
Trapa -TPéttw , verb, turn aside, divert . mid. of relow.
Táp-6tut, verb, be present, TapeỢT: Tredáylos, a , ov, adj., marine, from
(impersonal), onemay (compound the sea.
of eiui, sum ). Trélas, adv., near. ol mélas, one's
Táp -equit, verb, go by, pass by, come neighbours.
forward (compound of elui, ibo). Thw, verb, be.
Tap-ek-klivw , verb , turn a little TÉUTTOS, n, ov, adj., fifth.
aside. TrÉUTTW (iaor. pass. &Tréuponv), verb ,
Trap - épxouai, verb, come forward. send.
map -exw , verb, furnish, offer, cause . TEMY-, fut. and i aor. stem of
tapdévos, subst. f., maiden . TÉUTW .
Tap-LITTEÚW , verb, ride alongside Trévns (st. -nt.), adj. i term .,
trapopía, subst. f., proverb. poor.
trap -očúvw , verb, urge on . trevia , subst. f., poverty .
Tapwv, owoa, òv (part. of pápelji), TTEVTAKÓOlot, ai, a , adj., five hun
present. dred .
mãs, nâoa, trâv (st. Tavt-), adj., Trévte, numeral adj. (indecl.), five.
all, whole, every TTEVTÝKovta , numeral adj. (indecl.),
tráoxw (fut. zelo ouai, 2 aor. ěmalov, fifty .
perf. métrova), verb, suffer, be TrÉTrovoa, perf. of táoxw .
treated (ill, well, etc.), experience. TTÉTTWKA, perf. of mittw .
matábow (1 aor. étáraça ), verb , Trepalów , verb, convey across, pass.,
beat, strike. pass over, cross.
Tratpòs, acc. matépa), Tepi,
Tatip (gen.,. father. prep., 1. with gen., about,
concerning. 2. with dat., about.
subst. m
a, ov, adj., national, an 3. with acc. about, round about.
Trepi-áyw, verb , bring round, twist
natpis (st.Tarpio-), subst. f., father round.
land, TTEPL-aipéw , verb, take away, stripoff.
TEPL-Bállw , verb, encompass, sur. | Tnt , fut. and i aor. stem of
round ; mid., put on (a dress, Tyrul.
etc.). añxus (gen : -Ews), subst. m ., cubit.
Trepißpaxlóvlov, subst. n., armlet. TTLËTW (i aor. émlega), verb, crush,
TEPL-yiyvopai, verb, prevail, sur press, oppress, press hard upon ,
pipe. mlavos, , ov, adj., persuasive,
Trepleths, és, adj. 2 term ., greatly plausible.
frightened, insurround,
Trepi-elji,verb, great fear.encompass. mínkos, subst. m ., monkey.
COos, subst. m . . wine- jar.
(Compound of elul, sum .) Tilos, subst. m ., felt, felt-cap, feit
Trepl- elut, verb , go round. (Com cuirass.
pound of elul, ibo.) Triuntimui
(1 aor. čalnoa), verb,
TEPL-Épxouai, verb, comeround .
TTEPL-EXw, verb, encompass. Trip to Me (fut. apñow ), verb, burn,
Tepl-cornu , verb , place round ; but set on fire.
in mid . and pass., and in 2 aor. Tivat (st. hivak-), subst. m ., tablet.
and perfect act., it is intransi. Trivw (fut.alomai, 2 aor. &r lov), verb,
tive, stand round, encircle . drink.
TEPL-daußávw , verb, encompass, mlitw (fut. Teooûuai, 2 aor. ČTEGOV,
catch. perf. TÉTTTWka ), verb, fall.
TTEPL-jévw , verb , wait. TTLOTEÚw , verb, believe.
TTEPL-opáw (fut. Tepuby ouai), verb , TOTÒS, , òv, adj., faithful, trusty.
disregard , put up with , overlook. Titus (st. TTITU -), subst. f., pine-tree.
TTEPL-TATéw , verb, walk about. nday , 2 aor. stem of the com
TTEPL-TTÉUTTW , verb, send round. pounds of πλήσσω.
TEPL-Thyvumil or -Úw , verb, fix plaváw (fut. -ñow ), verb , mislead ;
round ; in mid ., harden round. mid. and pass., stray, wander.
TEPL- TTÍTTW , verb , fall in with. alácow (i aor. čulava ), verb,
Trepl-tdéw , verb, sail round. mould, makeup.
TEPL-P -péw , verb , flow round . alátos (gen . -ous), subst. n., breadth.
TEPL-OKOTÉW , verb , look round . Thelotos, n , ov, superl. of molus,
TEPLO CEÚw , verb , abound, most. TÒ TeLotdv, for the most
Teploròs, n , ov, adj., more than part.
enough, excessive. K TEPLOgoû, TheovéKTIS, adj. i term ., covetous,
superfluously, unnecessarily. greedy .
Teplotepà , subst. f., pigeon . Téw (fut. Tlevoquai, i aor ērtlevoa ,
TEPL-dépw , verb, carry about. perf. réalevka ), verb , sail.
Tepidóſos, ov, adj. 2 term ., exceed . adéwv, ov, comparative of Tolus,
ingly terrified. more.
TEPLXapns, és, adj. 2 term ., exceed Telny-, 2 aor. pass. stem ofanoow .
ingly glad . Tinyi , subst. f., blow .
TEO ., 2 aor. stem ofmatw . anos (gen -ous), subst. n., crowd,
Tétoual, verb, fly. number, quantity, amount.
TTÉTpa, subst. f., rock. Tidnv, adv., except.
treuropoi, fut. oftuvēávoual. Timis-, fut. and i aor. stem of
mébaouai, perf. pass. of paivw . Toow .
ērnša), inverbanyway.
, fix. I Tlnons,
full of.
es, adj. 2 term ., full,
πηδάω (fut. ήσω and -ήσομαι), verb, nánpów (fut. wow ), verb, fill ; also,
spring, leap. man (a ship ).
mino ., fut. and i aor, stem of Trollandolos, a, ov, adj., many
Triutinue. times more.
anotáco (fut. -áow ),verb , approach. | modudámavos, ov, adj. 2 term .,
Tenolos, subst. m ., neighbour. extravagant.
trinolov, adv., near ; as subst. ol Tolveldis, és, adj. 2 term ., various.
Tinolov, one's neighbours.
añoow (fut. ahngw , 2 aor. pass. meddle.
Troduitpaypovéw (fut. ñow ), verb,
einynv), verb, strike, wound . Trolùs, molli), molù, adj., many,
locov, subst. n ., vessel, boat. much . oi trolli, most people, the
alous (gen ,iloû), subst. m ., voyage. most part. πολλά and πολύ ( with
motolos, a , ov, adj., rich . comparatives and superlatives),
Trolltos, subst. m ., wealth . as adv., by a great deal, far.
TTVEÛua (st. -at-), subst. n., wind, Toluteltis, ès, adj. 2 term ., costly.
breath . Trovnpòs, à, òv, adj., wicked , evil.
TTVÉw (1 aor. ČTVEVoa), verb, breathe. trovnpôs, adv., ill. hovmpôs &Xelv ,
Tviyos (gen. -ovs), subst. n ., heat. be ill off, be in a wretched state.
Trylyw (i aor. &Triga), verb, stifle, móvos, subst. m ., toil, labour.
choke. Tropela, subst. f., journey.
TTOS-, stem of trolls. Tropeuw , verb, convey ; in mid. and
Tródev, adv., whence ? Toev, from pass., go, travel.
somewhere. Tropdéw (fut. -now ), verb, ravage.
troi, adv., whither ? TOL, some Trop (w (1 aor. énbpioa), verb,
whither . furnish ; mid., procure, provide.
TTOLÉW (fut. -how ), verb , do, make ; ) Trópos, subst. m ., ford , passage.
mid., make for oneself, hold , con troppw , adv., far.
sider . Troppupolls, â, oộv, adj., purple,
tolmua (st. -at-), subst. n., poem . red.
troinois (gen . -Ews), subst. f., poetry . TOOLS (gen.- Ews),subst. f.,drinking :
Tointis (gen . -oû), subst. m ., poet. | Tócos, n , ov, adj., how much ?
trouunny (st. TTOLJEV -), subst. m ., Totajos, subst. m ., river .
shepherd . TTÓTE, adv., when ? TOTE, once,
Troluvlov, subst. n., flock. ever.
toios, a , ov, adj., what kind ? TTÓTepos, a , ov, adj.,which (oftwo).
TOLÒS, à, òv, somekind. Tótepov . . . ), whether . . . or.
Troleukos; , ov, adj., warlike.
tà moleulkd, military matters.
Tothplov, subst. n., cup.
TTÓTOS, subst. m ., drinking.
modéplos, a, ov, adj., hostile ; as troll, adv., where ? mov, anywhere,
subst. m ., an enemy. somewhere, perhaps .
módepos, subst. m ., war. Trouhútovs (st. Touloto8-), subst.
Trollopkéw (fut. -ñow), verb , besiege. m ., cuttle-fish, polypus.
Trollopkla subst. f., siege. Trolls (st. TOO-), subst, m ., foot.
móduse (gen. -Ews), subst. f., city, īpâyua (st. -at-), subst. n ., deed ,
stat . thing, affair . apáyuara, affairs,
Tolutela , subst. f., constitution (of but also, trouble.
a city or state ). paypatela, subst. f., occupation,
Tollins (gen . -ov), subst. m ., business.
citizen , fellow -citizen .
TOLLTIKOS, 1, dv, adj., public, civic. | πραγματεύομαι,
about. verb, busy oneself
tà moltikà , state affairs. apãos, mpâov (or apaðs, cîa , j),
Tollákus, adv., often, many times. I adj., gentle.
πράσσω (I aor. έπραξα, pass. I aor. προ-λείπω, verb, fall short, fail.
έπραχθην, perf. πέπραγμαι), verb, προ- πηδάω, verb, spring forward.
do, also , fare. προ-πηλακίζω, verb, abuse, treat
apétw, verb , be fitting, be suitable, with indignity.
become, be proper. πρός, prep., Ι. with gen., from,
πρέσβεις. εων, plur. subst. m., by ; 2. with dat., at, to , besides ;
'ambassadors. 3. with acc., to, towards, in
πρεσβύτερος, πρεσβύτατος, compar. regard to, upon , with.
and superl. adj., older, eldest. προς-άπτω, verb, fasten to.
πρεσβύτης (gen. -ου), subst. m., προς-βάλλω, verb, attack.
old man . προσβολή, subst. f., attack, assault.
πρησ -, fut. and I aor. stem of προς-δέομαι, verb, τυαnt.
πίμπρημι. προς-δέχομαι, verb, accept, expect.
πριάμενος, πρίασθαι, 2 aor. part. προς- δοκάω, verb, expect.
and inf. of ωνέομαι. προσεδρεία, subst. f., besieging,
πρίν, adν., before. το πρίν,the past. siege.
πρό, prep., before, for. πρός-ειμι, verb, approach, advance.
προάστειον, subst. n., suburb. (Compound of είμι, ibo.)
προ- βαίνω, verb, go on, advance. προς-είπον (2 aor. with no present),
προβοσκίς (st. προβοσκιδ-), subst. f., verb, address, accost.
trunk (of an elephant). προς-ελαύνω, verb, ride up.
προ- βουλεύω, verb, concert measures προς-έρχομαι, verb, approach.
in advance. προς-ήκω, verb, belong to, concern ;
προ-γίγνομαι, verb, happen before, το προς-ήκον, one's due ; οι προς
be born first. ήκοντες, those of one's family.
προ- διδάσκω, verb, teach before. | προς-ηλόω, verb, nail to.
hand. πρόσθεν, adν., before, forwards, the
προ-δίδωμι, verb, betray. front.
προδο , subst. f., treason. προς- καθ-έζομαι, verb, sit down
προ-ειδώς, perf. part. of προ-οίδα, before (a stronghold ).
forewarned of. " προς- καλέω, verb, summon, cali.
πρό-ειμι, verb, advance. (Com- | προς-κείμαι , verb, devote oneself to,
pound of elui, ibo.) ' be fond of.
προ-εξ-αν-άγω, verb, Mid., put out προσκεφάλαιον , subst. n., cushion,
to sea before. pillow .
προ-εξ-έρχομαι, verb, go out before. προς -κολλάω, verb, stick to.
προ-έρχομαι, verb, advance. προς-κομίζω, verb, bring:
προ-έχω, verb, be superior. προς-κυνέω, verb, prostrate onesel
προ-θυμέομαι, verb, be eager. before, do obeisance to.
προθυμία, subst. f., zeal. προς-μίσγω, verb, come in contact
πρόθυμος, ον, adj. 2 term., eager. with .
προθύμως, adν., readily. προς-νέω, verb, στυλ τουards.
προ-ίστημι, verb, set before ; but in πρόσοδος, subst. f., revenue.
mid . pass. and 2 aor. and perf. προς-ορμίζομαι, verb, come to anchor
act., be at the head of. near.
προ-καλέομαι, verb, challenge. | προς- πελάζω, verb, approach.
προ - καταλαμβάνω, verb, seise | προς- πίπτω, verb, attack, fall down
"beforehand, anticipate, preclude. before . .
προ- κατα- φεύγω, verb, escape before. προς-πλέω, verb, sail up.
προ-λαμβάνω, verb, get on ahead. I προς- ποιούμαι, verb, claim, pretend.
verb, enjoin, order, papavis
(st. Papavið-), subst. f.,
Tpoo tátns (gen . •ov), subst. m ., payasos, subst. m .. minstrel, bard.
champion , leader. éąwv, ov, comparative of pódios.
Tipos-tpexw, verb , run up. pelopov, subst. n., stream .
Tpos-dépw , verb , bring to. ộéw (fut. peúoouai), verb , flow .
atpos-xwpéw , verb , go over to. önyvuur (fut. øņšw , i aor. éppnša, 2
Tipoo WTOV, subst. n., face. aor. pass. éppáyny, fut. pass.
Trpótepos, n, ov, comparat. adj., I. paynoquai), verb, break, burst,
before, beforehand . cleave asunder.
apo-rionui, verb, expose, propose. øñua (st. Pnuat-), subst. n., saying.
Tpo-tiuaw, verb, prefer. ºne-, fut. and i aor. stem of øñve
Tipo-tpétrw , verb, persuade. vumi.
Trpótolta, adv., three days before. onous (gen . -Ews), subst. f., expres
pobaoljouai, verb , set up as excuse. sion , passage (in an author).
apo-dépw , verb,bring forward. I ontwp (st. pntop-), subst. m ., orator.
arpoxolls (gen . -oû), subst.f., pitcher . PLVÓKepws (gen. -w ), subst. c., rhino
Trpo -xwpéw , verb, go forward, go on, ceros.
succeed . Plattu ( 1 aor. špplya , pass. perf.
apúuva , subst. f., stern (of a ship). éppenmai, 2 aor. épplpanu), verb,
aputavelov, subst. n ., town-hall. I throw .
apwt, adv., early, at morn . i pis (st. Pivo), subst. f., nose.
Topôros, n , ov, superlat. adj., first, i pola , subst. f., pomegranate.
in the first place, noblest. Pótalov, subst. n ., club.
Trepòv, subst. n ., wing. púun , subst. f., onset.
Trnvòs, r , òv, adj., winged. poun, subst. f., strength .
TTTWxos, subst. m . , beggar. pávvuji (1 aor. _ppwoa, perf. pass.
True-, 2 aor. stem of tuvoávoual. éppwmai, i aor. pass. éppúronv),
mún, subst. f., gate. verb , strengthen. Pass., bestrong,
truvávoual (fut. neúo ouai, 2 aor. be well.
επυθόμην, perf. πέπυσμαι), verb,
ascertain , hear, learn . calvw (1 aor. fonva), verb, wag the
Tüp (st. nup-), subst. n., fire. tail, fawn upon .
Trupà (gen . - ), plur. subst. n., cály (st. palmiyv-), subst. f.
watch - fires. trumpet.
Trupà (gen.
-âs), subst. f., funeral campos, d , dv, adj., musty.
cándelpos, subst. f., sapphire.
Trúpyos, subst. m ., tower . cápioa, subst. f., pike (a Mace
Twéw (fut. -ñow ), verb , sell. donian word ).
Trád nois (gen. -Ews), subst. f., sale. | odpě (st. capk-), subst. f., flesh.
Tr@ ua (st. -at-), subst. n ., potion . oatpanela , subst. f., satrapy.
Tr @ s, adv., how ? Tws, somehow , ratpárns, subst. m ., satrap, viceroy.
anyhow . ofévvupe ( I aor. _oßeoa, 2 aor. (in
transitive) čoßnv), verb , quench ,
gay-, 2 aor. pass. stem oføńyvoulo put out. Pass., and 2 aor. act.
èądos, a, ov, adj., easy. go out (of fire).
eqdiws, adv., easily ; jadiws dépelv, celouds, subst. m ., earthquake.
*make light of. oeuvúvoual, verb, be proud, give one
paritw (fut. Þaulow ), verb, thrash, | oeuvãs,
beat, cudgel.
self airs.adv., solemnly.
onua -at.),m .,subst.
n., signchapel.
. còs,thine.
on, gòv, possessive pron., thy,
onualvw (i aor. conunva ), verb , give copla , subst. f., cleverness, skill,
a sign , signal. wisdom .
ońuavtpov, subst. n ., seal. ooplotns (gen . où), subst. m ., pro
onueiov, subst. n., sign, signal. fessor of science, sage.
obévos (gen. -ous), subst. n., strength. COPLOTLKÒS, M, òv, adj., contentious,
oîya, adv., silently. argumentative.
olyáw (fut. -now ), verb, be silent,
hold one's peace.
o, òv, adj., clever, skilled,
olyn , subst. f., silence. ottaview verb, be in want of.
oldnpos, subst. m ., iron . Otrap-, 2 aor. pass. stem of otelpw .
oldnpopopew , verb , habitually carry σπαράσσω (fut. σπαράξω), verb,
arms. tear, mangle.
oluós, n, ov, adj., blunt. otáptov, subst. n ., rope, cord.
outéw , verb, feed . Pass., eat, feed Otrao -, fut, and I aor. stem of otáw .
on , dine. otáw , verb, draw , pull.
oirnois(gen.•ews),subst.f.,feeding, oteipw (fut. Otrépw , I aor. &Ottelpa ,
maintenance. pass. 2 aor. čo trápny, perf. č0
outlov (mostly in plur.), subst. n.,
Trapuar), verb, sow .
otév&w (fut. otelow ), verb, pour.
outodela , subst. f., scarcity of food. In mid. , make a treaty, make a
oîtos, subst. m ., food . (Plur. oîta.) truce, agree.
olwTáw (i aor. eocúrnoa), verb , omrépua (st. -ar-), subst. n ., seed .
keep silence. OTTEÚ w (fut. otevow ), verb , beeager,
O TT, subst. f., silence ; oluri, in be anxious to.
okáblov, subst. n., trough.
truce, treaty.
f., libation. In plur.,
okedávvuul (1 aor. pass. ČokedáoOnv), otropàs (st. Otopad-), adj. i term .,
verb , scatter. scattered.
okéos (gen. -ous), subst. n., leg: otrovdáfw (1 aor. éotroudaga ), verb
skevá w (fut. okeváow , perf.pass. ¿o be busy, be zealous, pursue zea
Keúaoual), verb , prepare, dress up. | lously .
TKEY -, fut. and I aor. stem of otrovdalos, a , ov, adj., good.
σκοπέω. OTOUST), subst. f., zeal, haste.
oknun, subst. f., tent, booth. otáblov (plur. otádol or otádia )
okoloy (st. Okolor -), subst. m ., subst. n ., race-course ; also stade
stake. (a measure of distance, about 606
OKOTÓW (fut. Okéyouar, i aor. feet).
eokey áunv), look, see, look at, or otaQuòs, subst. m ., stall, resting
after. station , stage (of a journey ).
OKOTÓS, subst. m ., mark . otàs, orâoa, otàv, 2 aor. part of
OKÓtos, subst. m ., dark, darkness. Cornul.
okúlag (st. okular -), subst. m ., otao láyw , verb, quarrel, dispute, be
puppy . at variance.
oküla, subst. n . plur., spoils. otaThp (st. -mp-), subst. m ., stater
OKUTOTÓMos, subst. m ., cobbler . (gold coin worth about i guinea).
OKÓTTW (i aor. čokwya), verb, oravpos, subst. m ., palisade.
scoffat, mock ,make fun of. OTEVÓTropa, subst. n. plur., narrow
cuerpos, à , òv = ulkpos. passes.
OTEVÓS, 1 , òv, adj., narrow . ovyyvóun, subst. f., forgiveness ;
otépyw (1 aor. čo tepča), verb, bel Ovryvaunu éxelv, to excuse.
fond of
otepeórns (st. -97-), subst. f., stiff ovy- ypádw , verb, compose, compile,
ness, hardness. ovy-kabeúdw, verb, sleep with.
oteplokw or otepéw (1 aor. coté. ovy-kakéw , verb, call together.
pnoa), verb, rob, deprive. ovy-kalúttw , verb, wrap up.
otéDavos, subst. m ., wreath. ouj-kata-kalw, verb, burn with.
otepavów (1 aor. pass. ¿otepavớonu, ovy-klaiw , verb, join in lamenting.
perf. pass. ¿otedávwuai), verb , ovy-xwpéw , verb, agree to , allow .
crown. ouław (fut. -now ), verb, despoil.
oran, subst. f., grave- stone, pillar. | oud-dapßávw , verb , seize,also assist,
orno -, fut. and i aor. stem . of join in (any undertaking).
lotnul. oud -Néyw , verb, collect.
orod , subst. f., colonnade. oulinßenv, adv., all at once.
oroixos, subst. m ., row , file. oúlloyos, subst. m ., gathering.
oton, subst. f., dress. ovu -Baivw , verb , come to an agree
otóua (st. otouat-), subst. n ., ment, also happen , befall.
mouth . cúußaois (gen. -Ews),subst. f.,agree
Otopévvuul, verb , strew , lay out. ment.
otoxágoual (f. -soojai), verb, aim ovußod ), subst. f., encounter.
at, take aim . Governs gen . ouu -Bouleuw , verb, advise, recom
otpatela, subst. f., expedition . mend. In mid., take counselwith .
otpáteua (st. -07-), subst. n ., ouupaxla, subst. f., alliance.
armament. oum -páxouai,verb fight on thesideof.
otpateuw, verb, march. Mid. and oújuaxos, subst. m ., ally.
pass., serve as a soldier.
otparnyéw , verb , be general, lead.
ovp -jévw , verb
oújpietpos, ov,, adj.
keep together.
2 term ., close
otpatnyla , subst. f., command (of fitting, suitable.
an army). oýuntas, aoa , av (st. ovuravt-),
otpathyrov, subst. n., general's 1 adj., all together, the whole at
otpatnyos, subst. m ., general. ovu - TTÉUTTW , verb, send with .
otpatid , subst. f., army. oud - TriTTW , verb, encounter.
otpatiúrns (gen . -ov), subst. m ., ovuttóo LOV, subst. n., drinking
soldier .
otpaTotedetopal, verb, encamp. party
ovudopà, , subst. f., misfortune.
otpatórredov, subst. n ., camp. où , prep ., with , together with, by
otpatos, subst. m ., army. the help of.
otpad-, 2 aor.pass. stem of otpépw . ouv-áyw , verb , collect.
otpepłów , verb, screw up, distort, ouv-abw , verb, accord with .
dislocate. Ouv -a @polyw , verb , gather together.
otpébw (fut. otpływ , I aor. pass. OUV-akodovéw , verb, follow along
otpéponv, 2 aor. pass. értpádnu, with .
perf. pass. ?otpapual), verb, turn , ouvaubótepoi, ai, a, adj. plur.,
twist. both together.
où (gen , coll, acc. od), pron., thou. ouv-áttw , verb, join . . .
ovßúrys (gen . -ou), subst. m ., swine. Ovv-elows, perf. part. of ouvoida,
herd . conscious of, feeling guilty of.
ouyyevns, és, adj. 2 term ., akin. ouy-ek pépw , verb, join a funeral.
OUV-ET1daußávoual, verb,take part oxfiv, 2 aor. inf. of éxw .
oféodai, 2 aor. inf. mid. of éxw ,
with .
OUV-épxoual, verb , come together. also 2 aor, inf. of compounds
OUVETòs, , ov, adj., sagacious, in -Loxvéouai.
telligent. oxîua (st. -at-), subst. n ., figure,
ovver@ s, adv., cleverly. in plur., gestures.
ouv-éxw , verb, hold together , seize. oxolájw (fut. -aow ), verb, be at
ouvexws,adv.,continually,constantly . leisure.
ouvnyopéw , verb, advocate, be one's oxolaíos, a, ov, adj., slow .
advocate . oxolaltepos, comp. of oxolaios.
oxolalws, adv., leisurely , slowly .
ournons, es,adj. 2 term ., acquainted ,
habitual. As subst., an acquaint oxols), subst. f., leisure, spare time.
ance. Coxolŷ, as adv., leisurely.
ouvonky, subst. f., agreement, cove- oxóuevos, 2 aor. part. mid. of &xw ,
nant. also 2 aor. part. of compounds of
oúvonua (st. -at-), signal, anything -LOxvéoual.
agreed upon . oxwv, 2 aor. part. of éxw .
ouv-Ovhokw , verb, die with . ców (1 aor. £owoa, perf. ołowka,
OUV-lotnui, verb, put together. But pass. i aor. ¢owon , perf. oéowo
in mid . pass, and perf. and 2 aor. Mai), verb, preserve, keep. In
act. it is intransitive, come toge pass., escape.
ther. cua (st. -at-), subst. n., body.
gúv-olda (defective perfect), verb, owinpía , subst. f., safety.
be conscious of. owopoviyw , verb, control.
OUV-tlonul, verb, compose, agree có pwv, ov, adj. 2 term ., discreet,
upon , make an agreement. temperate.
ouv-tpißw, verb, knock together. tay , 2 aor. stem of tárow .
oúvtpobos, ov, adj. 2 term . ,native. tal-, I aor. stem of telvw .
Ov-okevágw , verb , pack up. Talalttwpéopat, verb, be distressed .
OV-Okoráfw , verb. grow dark. | Tálavtov, subst. n., talent (weight
gúotao ls, subst. f., conflict. of silver = about£250 ).
ouxvà , adv., often . Tap -, 2 aor, stem of Téuvw .
obay , 2 aor. pass. stem of opásu . Taţiapxos, subst. m ., commander
odayn , subst. f., throat. (of a brigade).
obájw (1 aor. dopača, 2 aor. pass. TATTELVòs, iħ, òv, adj., low .
éo páyny), verb, slaughter. tapácow (fut. Tapáğw, i aor. pass.
opeis, acc. opâs, pron., they, them tapáxonu), verb , trouble, disturb,
o selves.
ev óvŋ, subst. f., sling, also hoop disquiet.
tapaxů, subst. f., confusion .
(of a ring). Tágow (fut. Tátw , I aor. pass.
o bétepos, a , ov, adj., their own. étaxonu), verb , arrange, draw up.
opó pa, adv., very, exceedingly, TajTò = Tò aỦTò, the same.
vigorously. Tad -, 2 aor. and fut. pass. stem of
o @opos, a, ov, adj., violent, exces Oáttu .
sive. Taon), subst. f., funeral.
oʻpayisw (perf. pass. cospáriomai), Tábos, subst. m ., burial, tomb.
verb , seal, seal up. Taxews, adv., quickly, superl. tá
o payîs (st. oppayid-), subst. f., Xlora, most quickly.
signet, ring. tax0., I aor. stem of táoow .
oxedov, adv., nearly . | ráxos (gen . -ous), subst. n., specd .
õià táxous, with all speed.
Taxus, eia, ù, adj., quick , hasty. Tetpaloyla , subst. f., tetralogy (i.e.
Taxutils (st. -97-), subst. f., speed. series of four plays making to
Te, conj., both, and. gether one connected story).
Téyos (gen. -ous), subst. n., roof. Tetpámpai, perf. pass. of Tpértw .
TÉOvyka, perf. of Ovnokw . TETPÁTous, ovv (st. TetpaTo8-), adj.
téopappai, perf. pass. of Tpédw . 2 term . , four-footed.
Telvw (1 aor. Štelva , pass. I aor. Tétoumai, perf. pass. of TplBw.
étáony, perf. Tétamai), verb, Tétpopa, perf. of Tpépw.
stretch. TEÚtojai, fut. of Tuyxávw .
TEIX15W (1 aor. éteixưa), verb, Téxvn, subst. f., art, craft.
fortify. Téxvnua (st. -at-), subst. n., work
Telyloua (st. -at-), subst. n., fort. of art.
TELXquaxéw , verb, conduct sieges. Téws, adv., for a time, awhile.
Teixos (gen. -ous), subst. n., wall, | rñon, subst. f., grandmother.
fort. TÝKw , verb, melt.
Tekuńplov, subst. n., token , proof. TULKOÛTOS, aúrn , oûto, adj., so old.
TEK , 2 aor. stem . of TikTW . tnpéw (fut. -ňow ), verb, keep.
TÉKVOV, subst. n., child. rýpnois (gen . -ews), subst. f., guard
TEKTOVLKÒS, n, ov, adj., skilled in ing.
building. TEKTOVLKÝ, as subst, f., Tl, adv.,why ? also neut. of tls,what?
masonry, carpentry, etc . Trápa , subst. f., tiara (sort of tall
Televtáw (fut. -now ), verb, finish , peaked cap ).
end, also (often ) die. riênue (fut. Ońow , I aor. tonka, 2
TELEUTT), subst. f., end, death . aor. part. Oels), verb, place, lay
Teléw (1 aor. Theoa, perf. TETÉ down.
Neka ), verb , accomplish . TIKTW (1 aor. &teta ), verb, beget,
Téos (gen. -ous), subst. n ., end, bear (children ).
also as adv., at last. riuáw (fut. -ñow ), verb, honour,
Téuevos (gen . -ous), subst. n., pre value, esteem .
cincts. Tyur), subst. f., honour.
réuvo (perf. TéTunka, I aor, pass. Tiulos, a , ov, adj., precious, honour.
étuńony), verb , cut. able.
Tépas, subst. n., portent, monster . Tuuwpéw (fut. -ñow), verb, help.
Tepatálns, es, adj. 2 term ., mar- | Mid. punish , take revenge on , be
vellous, punished .
TVÒS, ), ov, adj., agreeable, pleas- Tluwpla , subst. f., vengeance, re
TEPant. venge, also punishment.
(gen. -ews), subst. f., enjoy- ris,
Tivw ri,(fut.prontlów), verb, pay, render.
., who ? which ? what ?
Tecoapákovta ,numeral adj. indecl., Tus, a certain one, some one, any
forty . one ; tl, some, any, something,
Técrapes, a, numeral adj., four. anything.
Tétayuai, perf. pass. of tárow . TiTpáo kw (1 aor. &tpwoa ), verb),
Tétapai, perf. pass. of relvw . hurt, wound.
TÉTaptos, n , ov, adj., fourth . TOL, particle, so, yet.
TÉTunka , perf, of réuvw . Tolyapoûv, conj., well then, accord
Tetpalvw (1 aor. &tpnoa ), verb, ingly.
pierct. Toivuv, conj., so.
TETPAKÓglol, at, a , num . adi., four | TOLÓSSE, roláde, TOLÓVSE, pronom .
hundred . adj., such, such as foliows.
TOLOÛTOS , Tolaúrn , TOLOÛTO or -ov, ! Tpls, adv., three times.
pronom . adj., such . Tpiros, n, ov, adj., third. Tpítov,
Topáw (fut. now ), verb , dare, as adv., thirdly.
venture to . TPLX , stem . of Opię.
Tolunpòs, à, òv, adj., daring . Tpómalov, subst. n ., trophy (pile of
rolunpôs, adv., boldly. spoils set up to mark the spot
tóvos, subst. m ., tone. where the enemy have turned to
Togetw , verb, shoot. flee, see tpotn).
Tótov, subst. n., bow . TPott), subst. f., rout, flight.
TOEÓTms (gen . -ov ), subst. m ., archer. Tpótos, subst. m .,manner, fashion.
TÓTTOS, subst. m ., place. Tpobri, subst. f., food, rearing .
Togósde, toonde, TOOÓV8€, pronom . Tpodos, subst. C., nurse.
adj., so great, so much. Tpúbllov, subst. n., bowl.
TOCOÛTOS, Togaúty, TOCOÛTO or -ov, tpuyaw (fut. -now ), verb , gather the
pronom . adj., so great, as great, vintage.
so much , as much Tpu epos, à, òv , adj., luxurious.
TÓTE, adv., then , at that time. Tpubep @ s, luxuriously.
TpayaSottolòs, subst. m ., tragedian , Tpubepótepos, Tatos, comparat.and
tragic poet. superl. of Tpuoepòs.
Tpat ., 2 aor. stem of tpétw . Tpúon, subst. f., luxury.
tpátrega , subst. f., table. rpúxw , verb , wear away, tire.
TpaTrečitys (gen. -ov), subst. m ., Tpóyw (fut. Tpúšouai), verb, gnaw .
* banker. Tpwktà, plur. subst. n ., dessert, or
Tpaūpa (st. tpavuar.), subst. n., sweetmeats.
wound , hurt. towo-, fut. and i aor. stem of
Tpavuarlfw , (fut. tpavuarlow ),verb, τιτρώσκω.
wound. Tuyxávw (fut. Teutouai, 2 aor. &TV
tpad ., 2 aor. pass. stem of Tpépw . xov, perf.TETÚXnka), verb, happen ,
tpaxnlos, subst. m ., neck. constructed with participles, also
Tpaxùs, eîa, , adj., rough, ruggea. hit (a mark ).
tpeis, tpia, num . adj., three. Túußos, subst. m ., tomb.
Tpéuw, verb , tremble. TÚTTTW , verb , strike.
TPÉTW (1 aor. &tpeya, pass . I aor. Tupos, subst. m ., cheese.
ετρέφθην, perf. τετραμμαι), verb, Tubids, oh, dv, adj., blind.
turn , put to flight. Mid. and rox., 2 aör, stem . of Tuyxávw .
pass., betake oneself. Túxn, subst. f., chance, fortune.
Tpébw (I aor. čOpeya,perf. Tétpoga, KATà túxnv, by chance.
pass. 2 aor. étpáønv, perf. TéOpal
mal), verb , breed , rear. ußplew (1 aor. Ößploa, perf. pass.
Tpéxw, (2 aor. čOpajov, fut. Spajuoù üßplouai), verb, outrage, insuit ,
Cual or Opéčouai), verb , run. behave outrageously.
Tplákovta, num .adj. indecl., thirty. ßpus (gen. -Ews), subst. f., violence,
Tplakóolo , num . adj., three hun insult, insolence.
tpißw (fut. Tplyw), verb, rub,pound , sound.és, adj., 2 term
üylns, ., healthy,
bruise. usat., stem of ődwp.
tpinons (gen . -ovs), subst. f., trireme ú8áriov, subst. n., streamlet, rivulet.
(ship with three banks of oars). | úspla , subst. f., water-bucket.
tpinnxus, v, adj. 2 term ., of three Uswp (st, üdar- ), subst. n ., water,
cubits' height or length. UETÒs, subst. m ., rain, storm .