Name: Adrian Setera Bertudazo

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Activity the Selfie: A Window into Identity

1. Look at the picture below of a woman taking a ‘selfie’ picture.
2. Answer the following questions:
 Describe what is happening in the image?
Answer: Obviously, the woman is taking a selfie.
 What do you see that makes you say that?
Answer: The phone she’s holding while smiling widely like she’s looking at the camera.
 Why is she standing in the pathway of the city?
Answer: To capture the city’s view with her beautiful smile that she’s kind of telling everyone she’s
having her great day.
 What do you think the woman’s ‘selfie’ will look like?
Answer: She’ll look different. As we can see, the woman take a selfie by her arm’s length that
causes a distortion of the face owing to projection, creating a kind of bizarre funhouse mirror
effect that makes her look— well. Indeed, with a beautiful face and an amazing place, it makes
everything perfect.
 Do you think she knows she is being photographed?
Answer: I don’t think so. Well, maybe, the angle’s perfect for a shot of something documentary or
whatever, still, I don’t think she knows it. She’s just enjoying the moment and being herself.
Nothing more, nothing less.
 In what ways are ‘selfie’ accurate/inaccurate representations of one’s identity?
Answer: The selfie is a fundamental part of the structure of the online identity for young people in
today’s digital world. “Selfie” can be accurate if you, are being you. It can be inaccurate if you’re
being a catfish— someone who uses false information to cultivate a persona online that does not
represent their true identity and it usually involves using stolen or edited photos, usually taken
from an unwitting third party.

Reflective Thinking
1. What does the word ‘identity’ mean to you?
Answer: It’s like I tell everyone a story about myself inside my head. And that story makes me of
who I am. I build myself out of that story. It is the manner in which I consider myself, the manner
in which how I am seen by the world and the attributes that characterize me.

2. Have you ever taken a ‘selfie’? If yes, reflect on your most recent “selfie” experience:
- Where were you?
– To whom did you send the image?
– In what ways did the ‘selfie’ reflect who you are as an individual? If no, assume that you will be
taking a selfie in the near future:
- Where would you take it?
– In what ways may the ‘selfie’ reflect who you are as an individual?
Answer: A minute ago, before doing this task, I took some selfies and sent it to my friends and
family, saying “Look at me, this is who I am”. My selfies has something to do with my mood, my
confidence, and how I live my life. But what do my selfie actually say about me in front of the
camera? Well, to tell you honestly, when taking selfie, I feel like I am myself more, that I am the
lead character of a story, that I am the agent of my own selfie.


Where are you now? Exploring your identity

Your identity is made up of many different parts, and so too will your students’ identities be
comprised of many different dimensions. By completing this checklist, you should gain a
better sense of your own identity and the different aspects of your future students’ identities.
For each component, check your identity status as diffused, foreclosed, in a moratorium, or

Identity Status

Identity Foreclosed Diffused Moratorium Achieved

Vocational Identity /
Religious Identity /

Achievement/ /
Intellectual identity /

Political Identity /
Sexual Identity /
Gender Identity /
Relationship Identity /
Lifestyle Identity /
Ethnic and Cultural /
Personality /
Interests /

If you checked “Diffused” or “Foreclosed” for any areas, take some time to think about what
you need to do move into a moratorium identity status and write about this below.
As you can see, neither of the two was marked check, for I have already
established my identity (not totally though).


1. Classify the statements according to Marcia’s identity status by writing each

statement in the box where they best fit.
o “I made a choice without thinking about it.”
o “I thought about it and I know what I’m going to do about it.” o
“I’m thinking about what I should do.”
o “I don’t know and I don’t care what I’m supposed to do with my life.”

Foreclosed Achievement
“I thought about it and I know what I’m going
I made a choice without thinking about it. to do about.

Diffused Moratorium
“I don’t know and I don’t care what I’m
supposed to do with my life. “I’m thinking about what I should do now”
2. Reflect on what are the challenges that an adolescent may encounter in
knowing their identity and how could they cope with these challenges.

- Adolescent nowadays are lacking in congruent behaviors and values in

different areas and always putting their self down which leads to their low
self esteem. In order for them to cope up with these challenges, they need
their parents. Parents need to encourage healthier patterns, so that those
teens can get the support he/she needs.

3. How will commitment and exploration affect in developing the identity status of an

- Exploration affects in the development of their identity status because it refers

to the degree to which adolescents search for different alternatives in respect of
their personal aspiration, values and beliefs before making commitments. They
need an alternative dimension of in-depth exploration before commitments are
made. More exploration, more option of commitment to be make. More
commitment, the higher risk they’ll find their identity.
Erik Erikson’s Stage Theory of Development Questionnaire

This contains selected items from Rhona Ochse and Cornelis Plug’s self-report questionnaire
assessing the personality dimensions associated with Erikson’s first five psychosexual development. It
can serve to make the stages personally relevant to you.

Indicate how often each of these statements applies to you by using the following scale:

0- never applies to you

1- occasionally or seldom applies to you
2- fairly often applies to you
3-very often applies to you

Stage 1: Trust Versus Mistrust Score

(Infancy and Early Childhood)
3 1. I feel pessimistic about the future of humankind, 0
3 2. I feel the world’s major problems can be solved. 3
2_ 3. I am with admiration for humankind. 2
2_ 4. People can be trusted 2
3 5. I feel optimistic about my future. 3
Total Score Stage 1 10

Stage 2. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt Score

(Infancy and Childhood)
O _6. When people try to persuade me to do something I 0
don’t want to, I refuse.
3 7. After I have made a decision, I feel I have made a
mistake. 0
2_ 8. I am unnecessarily apologetic. 1
3 9. I worry that my friends will find fault with me. 0
3 10. When I disagree with someone, I tell them. 3
Total Score Stage 2 4
Stage 3. Initiative vs Guilt Score
(Infancy and Childhood)
3 11. I am prepared to take a risk to get what I want. 3
3 _12. I feel hesitant to try out a new way of doing 0
2 13. I am confident in carrying out my plans to a 2
successful conclusion.
3 14. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I 3
have done.
0 10. When I have difficulty in getting something right, I 3
give up.
Total Score Stage 3 11

1St Sem 2020-2021 [email protected] 12

Stage 4. Industry Versus Inferiority Score
(Infancy and Childhood)
0_ 16. When people look at something I have done. I feel 3
0_ 17. I get a great deal of pleasure from working. 0
0_ 18.I feel too incompetent to do what I would really like 3
to do in life.
0 19. I avoid doing something difficult because I feel I 3
would fail.
3 20. I feel competent. 3
Total Score Stage 4 12

Stage 5. Identity Versus Identity Diffusion Score

3 21. I wonder what sort person I really am. 0
3 _22. I feel certain about what I should do with my life. 3
2_ 23. My worth is recognized by others. 2
2_ 24. I feel proud to be the sort of person I am. 2
3 25. I am unsure as to how people feel about me. 0
Total Score Stage 5 7

Stage 6. Intimacy Versus Isolation Score

(Early Childhood)
3 26. I feel that no one has ever known the real me. 0
2_ 27. I have a feeling of complete “togetherness” with 2
3 28. I feel it is better to remain free than to become 0
committed to marriage for life.
3 29. I share my private thoughts with someone. 3
0 30. I feel as though I am alone in the world. 3
Total Score Stage 6 8
Score for each subscale range from 0 to 15, with high scores reflecting greater strength
on a particular personality dimension.

1. The response to item 1 SHOULD be reversed (0=3, 1=2, 2=1, 3= 0) and then added to the
number given in response to items 2, 3, 4, and 5 to obtain a trust score.

2. Responses to items 7, 8, and 9 should be reversed and added to items 6 and 10 to assess autonomy.

3. Answers to 12 and 15 should be reversed and added to items 11, 13, and 14 to measure initiative.

4. Answers to 16, 18, and 19 should be reversed and then added to 17 and 20 to calculate industry.

5.Responses to 21 and 25 must be reversed and added to 22, 23, and 24 to obtain a measure
of identity.
6. Answers to 26, 28, and 30 are reversed and added to 27 and 29 to give intimacy.


Plot your score for each stage. Encircle your score for each stage.

What did you discover about yourself in this questionnaire?

I feel that, I have something to do with my personal life and to became
better and have big success soon. Also the questionnaire want to evaluate the personal
characteristics and behavior of my self. And I answer this question honestly. I believe, this
questioner will help me to evaluate more about my self to become positive and all aspects.

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