Assessment Task: Notification
Assessment Task: Notification
Assessment Task: Notification
In Term 4, you have been studying Australian Voices in Poetry, focussing on how Peter
Skrzynecki communicates his family’s experiences as migrants in a certain historical, political,
social and cultural context of Australia.
In the Yearly Examination, you will respond to a series of short answer questions under
examination conditions. The questions will require you to demonstrate your knowledge and
understanding of the suite of poems you have studied in class. The short answer questions will
increase in length and difficulty throughout the Examination Paper.
TWO extracts from any of the following poems will be included in the Yearly Examination:
Migrant Hostel
Feliks Skrzynecki
10 Mary Street
My Mother Disliked the Sea
The Examination will be 40 minutes in length and there will be no reading time.