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4.3.1 Digital Input/Output Module 07 DC 91 16 Digital Inputs, 8 Digital Outputs, 8 Configurable Inputs/outputs, 24 V DC, CS31 System Bus

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1 Digital Input/Output Module 07 DC 91

16 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 8 configurable
inputs/outputs, 24 V DC, CS31 system bus

Fig. 4.3.1-1: Digital input/output module 07 DC 91

Intended purpose .................................................4.3.1-1 The technical data are identical with the normal
Display and operating elements inputs and outputs.
on the front panel .......................................... 4.3.1-1
The operating voltage of the module is 24 V DC.
Electrical connection ........................................... 4.3.1-1
Addressing ..........................................................4.3.1-3 The system bus connection is electrically isolated from
Input/output configuration ..................................... 4.3.1-4 the rest of the unit.
Normal operation .................................................. 4.3.1-4
Diagnosis and display .......................................... 4.3.1-4 The module offers a number of diagnosis functions (see
Technical data ......................................................4.3.1-5 chapter "Diagnosis and displays").
Dimensions for installation ............................ 4.3.1-8

Intended purpose Displays and operating elements on the

front panel
The digital input/output module 07 DC 91 is used as a
remote module on the CS31 system bus. It has 32 chan- 1 16 green LEDs to indicate the signal status at the
nels with the following features: inputs,
16 yellow LEDs to indicate the signal status at the
• 16 inputs, 24 V DC, in two groups. outputs or at the configurable inputs/outputs
• 8 outputs, 24 V DC, in one group. 2 List of diagnosis information related to the LEDs,
The outputs when used for diagnosis display
• work with transistors, 3 Red LED for error message
• have a rated load capacity of 0.5 A and
• are protected against overload and short circuits. 4 Test button

• 8 inputs/outputs, each of which can be addressed

Electrical connection
• as input,
• as output or The module is mounted on a DIN rail (15 mm high) or with
• as re-readable output 4 screws. The following illustration shows the electrical
(combined input/output) connection of the input/output module.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98 4.3.1-1 07 DC 91

CS31 system bus,
electrically isolated

DIN rail

Adressing must be
done with the coding
switch under the
The process voltage
slide cover located
must be included in the
24 V DC loads on the right side of
earthing concept of the
the module housing.
control system (e.g.
earthing of the minus
Fig. 4.3.1-2: Electrical connection of the digital input/output module 07 DC 91.
The example shows 19 channels used as inputs and 13 channels used as outputs.

2 07 DC 91 4.3.1-2 Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98

Central units 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 92/93/94
An address must be set for each module to enable the
central unit to correctly access the inputs and outputs.
When the address DIL switch No. 1 is in the
A detailed description about "Addressing" can be OFF position (factory setting), it means that
found in the chapter "Addressing" for the central pro- 16 inputs and 8 outputs are permanently set.
cessing unit and coupler. The 8 configurable channels can be addressed
individually as inputs or outputs.
The address must be set at the DIL switch, located under
the slide cover on the right side of the module. Address DIL switch No. 8 is not used.
When using the central units 07 KR 91, 07 KT 92 to 07 KT
94 as bus master, the following operating modes (ad- Terminal/Input Terminal/Output Input
dress allocations) apply, depending on the position of the
5 E n,00 28 A n,00
address DIL switch No.1: 6 E n,01 29 A n,01
7 E n,02 30 A n,02
8 E n,03 31 A n,03
Central units 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 92/93/94 9 E n,04 32 A n,04
10 E n,05 33 A n,05
11 E n,06 34 A n,06
When the address DIL switch No. 1 is set to ON, 12 E n,07 35 A n,07
it means that 16 inputs an 16 outputs are per- 13 E n,08 36 A n,08 E n+1,00
manently allocated. In this case all configurable 14 E n,09 37 A n,09 E n+1,01
channels are outputs. 15 E n,10 38 A n,10 E n+1,02
16 E n,11 39 A n,11 E n+1,03
Address DIL switch No. 8 is not used. 17 E n,12 40 A n,12 E n+1,04
18 E n,13 41 A n,13 E n+1,05
19 E n,14 42 A n,14 E n+1,06
Terminal/Input Terminal/Output 20 E n,15 43 A n,15 E n+1,07
5 E n,00 28 A n,00
6 E n,01 29 A n,01 n: The group number can be set at address DIL
7 E n,02 30 A n,02 switch with switches 2...7.
8 E n,03 31 A n,03 Recommended module addresses
9 E n,04 32 A n,04 for 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 92/93/94 as bus master:
10 E n,05 33 A n,05 08, 10, 12...60 (even-numbered addresses)
11 E n,06 34 A n,06
12 E n,07 35 A n,07
13 E n,08 36 A n,08 With this setting, the module uses two group
14 E n,09 37 A n,09 numbers on the CS31 system bus occupying
15 E n,10 38 A n,10 24 binary input channels and 16 binary output
16 E n,11 39 A n,11 channels. 16 inputs, 8 outputs and 8 config-
17 E n,12 40 A n,12 urable inputs/outputs are available.
18 E n,13 41 A n,13 An +1,00...15 and En1,08...15 are not used.
19 E n,14 42 A n,14
They can be used for other modules if needed.
20 E n,15 43 A n,15

n: The group number can be set at address DIL

switch with switches 2...7. Fig. 4.3.1-4: Addresses of channels when
Recommended module addresses DIL switch No. 1 is set to OFF
for 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 92/93/94 as bus master
are 08, 10, 12...60 (even-numbered addresses)

With this setting, the module uses only one

group number on the CS31 system bus.
In this case 16 inputs and outputs are avail-
Fig. 4.3.1-3: Addresses of the channels when Module 07 DC 91 reads the setting of the address switch
DIL switch No. 1 is set to ON only during the initialization, after switching on the power
supply, meaning that changes of the setting during opera-
tion remain ineffective until the next initialization process.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98 4.3.1-3 07 DC 91

Input/output configuration Explanation of LEDs:

Module 07 DC 91 does not store any configuration data. 00 not used

The 8 configurable channels are defined as inputs or out- 01 not used
puts by the user program, e.g. by reading or writing data 02 not used
in the user program. Every configurable input/output chan- 03 not used
nel can be used as input or output (or re-readable output). 04 Overload or
When used as input, the channel must not be assigned a short circuit, only for outputs
1 signal (see Fig. 4.3.1-3 and 4.3.1-4 for setting of the 05 not used
address DIL switch and address assignment). 06 not used
07 not used
Normal operation The explanation for the LEDs 2 is also printed on the
front panel in English.
• The module initializes automatically after power is
switched on. During this time all LEDs are switched With every successive pressing and releasing of the test
on. button, the process is repeated for the other input and
output channels ( I/O channels).
• If the CS31 system bus does not run, the LED 3
flashes After calling up the last channel and pressing the test
button once again, an LED test is performed. All LEDs
• LED 3 goes out again after the bus operation runs must light up. Then the setting of the address switch is
correctly and the module does not detect an error. displayed for about 3 seconds by LEDs 00 to 07 which
the 07 DC 91 module has set during initialization. In this
• The 16 green and the 16 yellow LEDs 1 indicate case LED 0 shows the setting of switch 1 (LEDs 0...7 are
the signal status of the 32 channels. assigned to switches 1...8 ).
The error messages in the I/O module and central unit are
Diagnosis and display deleted, as soon as the errors have been corrected, if no
In case of an overload or a short-circuit, the output switch- further errors exist and when the error correction has been
es off and then performes re-starting attempts. An acknowl- acknowledged.
edgement of the output is therefore not necessary. How-
Acknowledgement of an error after error correction:
ever, the error message is displayed by the LED.
- by pressing the test button for about 5 seconds, or
Diagnosis functions:
- by the PLC program, or
- Short-circuit / overload of outputs (I > 0.7 A)
- Reporting of a short-circuit or overload condition - by the PC.
to the central unit
- Storing and making this information available when Note:
recalled (kind of error and error location) The short-circuit and overload message indicates which
- Error inside of module channel has got the error.
- Error on CS31 system bus
The error message refers to a group of 4 outputs. This
If one of these errors occur, the red LED 3 lights up. The means, a short-circuit on one single channel (channel 0,
error is transmitted to the central unit or the coupler. 1, 2 or 3) is indicated as an error for all 4 channels (the
For additional information see instructions supplied there whole group). The diagnosis message sent to the PLC
under "Diagnosis". always contains the first channel of the channel group, in
this case channel 0.
Using test button 4 and the LED displays 1 a diagnosis
interrogation can be performed directly at the unit. After conclusion of the diagnosis interrogation, the 32 green
and yellow LEDs again show the signal status of the chan-
Pressing the test button for the first time, En,00 is select-
ed: the status LED of the selected input flashes, all other
status displays are switched off during this test. After re-
leasing the test button, the diagnosis information for this
channel is displayed for about 3 seconds by the green
LEDs 00 to 07.

2 07 DC 91 4.3.1-4 Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98

Technical Data for 07 DC 91
In general, the technical system data listed under "System data and system configuration" in chapter 1 of volume 2 of
the "Advant Controller 31" system description are valid. Additional data or data which are different from the system data
are listed as follows.

Technical data of the complete unit

Permissible temperature range during operation 0...55 °C
Rated supply voltage 24 V DC
Rated signal voltage for inputs and outputs 24 V DC
Max. current consumption without load 0.15 A
Max. rated load for supply terminals 4.0 A
Max. power dissipation in module (outputs without load) 5W
Max. power dissipation in module (outputs under load) 10 W
Protection against reversed polarity of power connection yes
Conductor cross section
for removable connectors
power input max. 2.5 mm2
CS31 system bus max. 2.5 mm2
signal terminals max. 1.5 mm2
Number of binary inputs 16
Number of binary transistor outputs 8
Number of configurable inputs and outputs 8
Reference potential for all inputs and outputs Terminals 24/25 (minus pole of supply voltage,
terminal M)
Number of interfaces 1 CS31 system bus interface
Electrical isolation CS31 system bus interface
against the rest of the unit
Address setting Coding switch under the slide cover located on the right
side of the housing
Diagnosis see chapter "Diagnosis and displays"
Operation and error messages a total of 33 LEDs

Technical data of the digital inputs

Number of channels per unit 16
Distribution of channels in groups 2 groups of 8 channels each,
channels En,00...En,07, and En,08...En,15
Reference potential for all inputs Terminals 24/25 (minus pole of supply voltage,
terminal M)
Electrical isolation from CS31 system bus
Input delay typ. 7 ms
Signalization of input signals one green LED per channel,
LED activated according to the input signal
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
0 signal - 30 V...+ 5 V
1 signal + 13 V...+ 30 V
residual ripple at 0 signal within - 30 V...+ 5 V
at 1 signal within + 13 V...+ 30 V

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98 4.3.1-5 07 DC 91

Input current per channel
Input voltage = + 24 V typ. 7.0 mA
Input voltage = + 5 V > 1.0 mA
Input voltage = + 13 V > 2.0 mA
Input voltage = + 30 V < 9.0 mA
Conductor cross section
for removable connectors max. 1.5 mm2 (grid space 3.81 mm)

Technical data of digital outputs

Number of channels per unit 8 transistor outputs
Distribution of channels in groups 1 group of 8 channels
channels An,00...An,07
Reference potential for all inputs Terminals 24/25 (minus pole of supply voltage,
terminal M)
Common voltage supply terminals
for all outputs Terminals 22/23 (plus pole of supply voltage,
terminal L+)
Electrical isolation from CS31 system bus
Signalization of output signals one yellow LED for each channel,
LED activated according to output signal
Output current
nominal value 500 mA at L+ = 24 V
maximum value 4 A total current per group
leakage current at 0 signal < 0.5 mA
De-magnitization during inductive load via internal varistor
Switching frequency at inductive load max. 0.5 Hz
Switching frequency with lamps max. 11 Hz at max. 5 W
Protection against short-circuit/overload yes
overload message (I > 0.7 A) yes, after approx. 100 ms
limiting of output current yes
reactivation after short-circuit/overload automatically
Resistance to feedback against 24V signals yes
Total load current (including output current of configured
inputs and outputs) max. 8 A
Conductor cross section
for removable connectors max. 1.5 mm2 (grid space 3.81 mm)

Technical data of configurable inputs and outputs

The configuarable channels are defined individually by the user program as either inputs or outputs. This is done by
reading or writing data to/from the respective channel.
Number of channels per unit 8 inputs / transistor outputs
Distribution of channels in groups 1 group of 8 channels
when using channels as inputs channels En+1,00...En+1,07
when using channels as outputs channels An,08...An,15
Signalization of input and output signals one yellow LED per channel,
LED activated according to binary signal
Technical data when used as outputs refer to digital outputs

2 07 DC 91 4.3.1-6 Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98

Technical data when used as inputs
Input current per channel refer to digital inputs
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
0 signal - 6 V...+ 5 V *
1 signal + 13 V...+ 30 V
residual ripple at 0 signal within - 6 V...+ 5 V *
at 1 signal within + 13 V...+ 30 V
* Due to the direct connection to the output, the demagnetizing varistor is also effective at the input when disconnect-
ing inductive loads (see figure). This is why the difference between UPx and the input signal may not exceed the
clamp voltage of the varistor. The varistor limits the voltage to approx. 36 V. Following this, the input voltage must
range from - 12 V to + 30 V when UPx = 24 V and from - 6 V to + 30 V when UPx = 30 V.
The following figure shows the circuit arrangement of a digital input/output.

UPx (+24 V)

Digital input/output

ZPx (0 V)

For demagnetization when switching off

inductive loads

Connection to the CS31 system bus

Interface standard EIA RS-485
Electrical isolation against voltage supply, input and output
Conductor cross section for
removable 3-pole connector max. 2.5 mm2

Mechanical data
Mounting to DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022-35, 15 mm deep.
The DIN rail is centrally positioned between upper and
lower edges of the module.
Mounting with screws by 4 screws M4
Width x height x depth 120 x 140 x 85 mm
Connector removable connectors with screw-type terminals
conductor cross section max. 2.5 mm2 (grid space 5.08 mm)
max. 1.5 mm2 (grid space 3.81 mm)
Weight 450 g
Dimensions for installation refer to figure on next page

Installation instructions
Installation position vertical with connectors pointing up and down
Cooling The natural convection cooling must not be hindered by
cable ducts or other additional components installed in
the cabinet.

Ordering data
Module 07 DC 91 Order No. GJR5 2514 00 R0202
Scope of delivery Digital input/output module 07 DC 91
1 5-pin connector (grid space 5.08 mm)
1 3-pin connector (grid space 5.08 mm)
4 9-pin connectors (grid space 3.81 mm)

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98 4.3.1-7 07 DC 91

All dimensions in mm.

The depth of the module is 85 mm. If a DIN rail is used, the installation depth must be increased by the
dimension of the rail.

Fig. 4.3.1-5: 07 DC 91, Front panel foil and outside dimension

Dimensions for installation holes are shown in bold print

2 07 DC 91 4.3.1-8 Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 10.98

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