Lss Nt.:ffiffi Fart: (Faper

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Ité¡:¿iir:l*: 3

The world around us

Lss**nt.:ffiffi {Faper 3 Fart 2}

Read the instructions and gapped sentences in Exercise 2b. What

do you think Jay Carter's experience of being in the Amazon
rainforest was like?

2 a Decide what type of word is missing in each gap in Exercise 2b

Question 1: a pluralnoun
b ., .:, ':r Read the strategy and do the task.

You will hear a man called Jay Carter talking about his time in the
Amazon rainforest. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a
word or short phrase.

Experiences in the rainforest

The purpose of Jay's trp to the Amazon was to write an article about
the (l) which live in the rainforest.

lay was r'lnprepared for the lack of (2) in the rainforest

Jay makes a comparison between the huge no sy insects n the

rainforest and(3) with wings.

.lay uses the word (4) to describe hls leelings,"vhen he first saw
a Jaguar.
" Read the senlerces end clec:rlE Jay says that the average maLe.laguar has a terrltory of (5)
r¡¡hat kinei cl infrrrylation is ln size.
" Li¡ien anC c*rnplete the s*ntences When he met the loca forest people Jay remembers being offered a

lryith a wcr¡-i, n¡"¡mber *r sh*¡'i very large (6) to eat

ph;"ase frcm the reelrding. The
Jay says that the forest people have a feeling of (7) for the
s€ntrnc€s are in the same nrder as
the infcr"matisn on the r'*ccrCing"
. Write n0 m0ra than ihree Jay explaLns that in some areas (8) regard Jaguars as a threat
wordr. Oniy use words frorn the to their property.
' C:l 'r k i,oür ai:s\\'e :-. Curinq tnl Jay has heard that being n contact with anima s such as (9) _ ls

scccnd !iste ning. ürn't leave any ¿ poténti¿ tealrh'i.L .o ¿g-¿ s.

bian !<s.
fhe (10) that Jay ls now rnvolved ln are intended to ralse
Ch:ck your spclNlng ancl gran-lmar
awareness of the threats to the survlvaL of jaguars

a{.j Compare and discuss your answers. If they were wrong, what
was the reason?

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