Ascot Admin Manual

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Commissioner, Commission on Higher Education

President, Aurora State College of Technology



Chairman, Senate Committee on Education, Arts & Culture


Chairman, House Committee on Higher and Technical Education


Director, Region III
National Economic and Development Authority


Regional Executive Director, Region III
Department of Agriculture


Director, Region III
Department of Science and Technology


President, ASCOT Faculty Association


President, ASCOT Alumni Association


President, ASCOT Supreme College Student Council


Board Secretary

Dr. Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes College President

Dr. Oscar C. Barawid Jr. Vice President for Administration/ Planning Officer
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee
Dr. Ma. Luz F. Cabatan Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mr. Joseph T. Gonzales Board Secretary V
Dr. Gerardo S. Rillon Chief Administrative Officer
Mr. Lorieflor C. Fabrigas Accountant III
Ms. Maria Lucia A. Ramos Human Resource Management Officer III
Ms. Melita M. Amatorio Budget Officer III / Director, Finance
Ms. Cynthia D. Macose Administrative Officer V
Mr. June DL. Espinosa Supply Officer / Secretary BAC
Ms. Dolores Salvacion F. Tolentino Records Officer
Mr. Rafaelito A. Miñoza Internal Auditor
Ms. Mardelyn B. Barrogo College Librarian III
Ms. Flordeliza S. Gutierrez College Registrar III
Ms. Rosalinda G. Amon School Nurse II
Ms. Rhia A. Sigua State Auditor III/ Audit Team Leader
Ms. Daphne T. Raiz State Auditing Examiner I
Hon. Loreto H. Barrogo President, Faculty Association
Hon. Danilo S. Enguerra President, Alumni Association
Hon. Jaymar P. Baldonade President, Supreme College Student Council
Dr. Eutiquio L. Rotaquio Jr. Director, Research
Dr. Jonah G. Zante Director for Extension and Training / Coordinator, NSTP
Dr. Shirley N. San Pedro Director, Graduate Studies/ Coordinator, OJT
Engr. Amarlo A. Banania Director, Department of Engineering
Dr. Amelia A. Picart Director, Department of Teacher Education
Dr. Marilyn R. Ora Director, Department of Agriculture and Aquatic Sciences
For. RB J. Gallego Director, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science
Prof. Rufina I Talavera Director, Department of Arts and Sciences
Ms. Mayreen V. Amazona Director, Department of Information Technology
Director, Information and Communication Technology
Center Prof. Antonio D. Bolivar III Director, Department of Industrial Technology
Mr. Roderick I. Zante Director, Physical Plant and Site Development/ Supervisor, Motor
Ms. Alma S. Bayudan Director, Office of Student Affairs/ Guidance Counselor III /
Coordinator, Scholarship Services
Ms. Zenaida A. Exclamado Director, Auxiliary Services
Prof. Annie R. Capin Director, Production
Prof. Eriberto C. Rivera Information and Publication Officer
For. Michelle A. Resueño Accreditation Officer
Ms. Dina DC. Lim Coordinator, Gender and Development
Coordinator, Philippine Science Consortium
Mr. John Ryan I. Abesamis Coordinator, Socio-Cultural Affairs/ Coordinator, DC-SUC CIRPS
Mr. Conrad P. Mendizabal Coordinator, Sports Development
Mr. Mark Joseph R. Rafael Program Coordinator, Casiguran Campus
Ms. Olga V. Abion Special Disbursing Officer
Mr. Conrado E. Navarro Chief, Security Force

*Dr. Rowel Olila Coordinator , Panrehiyong Sentro sa Wikang Filipino

*Engr. Nelson L. Sibayan College Engineer

*Under Contract of Service



The School shall primarily provide technical and professional training in the sciences, arts,
teacher education, agriculture, engineering and technology as well as short-term vocational
courses. It shall likewise promote research, advanced studies and academic leadership in the
stated areas of specialization (Section 2 of RA 7664). Republic Act 7664 is the law creating
the Aurora State College of Technology.


The school shall produce good persons, who are God

fearing and globally competitive


The school is committed to educate specially the least privileged to have better opportunities in the future
with God as the center of everything.


The effectiveness of the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) as an institution of higher
learning is measured by its contributions to the development of the rural people it serves.


Effective learning can only take place in an environment that nourishes learning. ASCOT is
committed to keep at pace with the changing environment by acquiring the latest technology
and knowledge to retain its edge and to remain one step ahead towards Aurora’s development.

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

CHAPTER 2. BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)--------------------------------------------------------------6

THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

CHAPTER 4. OTHER KEY OFFICIALS OF THE SCHOOL-------------------------------------------32

CHAPTER 5. COUNCILS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47


TRANSACTIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47

CHAPTER 7. PROVISIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101

Section 1. Brief History Of The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC.

September 15, 1995. The New Life Ministry Foundation, INC. was
established. The foundation whose main objective is to alleviate the way of
living of the poorest among the poor citizens not only in the municipality of
Valencia but throughout the province of Bukidnon.
These members of the foundation will be required to undergo values
formation training and seminar, wherein the value of hardworking and
preservation of our natural resources are great emphasis.
Later, it was discovered that seminars and values oriented training
were not enough. Proper education is greatly needed most especially to the
children to school. So, the NEW LIFE MINISTRY FOUNDATION SCHOOL is
established. The school caters free education to poor but worthy students.
The tuition fee that is being implemented is affordable. Quality education can
be attained regardless of the student social status.
On August 17, 2015, the name of the school is being change to VP-
GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC., is to give a school a separate identity, other
than being under the umbrella of the foundation. And also to comply with the
DepEd program of school separation from any other organization.

Manual of Administration Page 1

Section 2. Mandate

The State College shall primarily provide technical and professional training in
the sciences, arts, teachers education, agriculture, engineering and
technology as well as short-term vocational courses. It shall likewise promote
research, advanced studies and academic leadership in the stated areas of
specialization. (Section 2 of RA 7664)

Republic Act 7664, the law creating the Aurora State College of Technology.

Section 3. Vision
The school shall produce good persons, who are God fearing and
globally competitive

Section 4. Mission

The school is committed to educate specially the least privileged to have better opportunities in
the future with God as the center of everything.

Manual of Administration Page 2

Section 5. Philosophy

The effectiveness of the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) as an

institution of higher learning is measured by its contributions to the
development of the rural people it serves.

Section 6. Thrust

Effective learning can only take in an environment that nourishes learning.

ASCOT is committed to keep at place with the changing environment by
acquiring the latest technology and knowledge to retain its edge and to
remain one step ahead towards Aurora’s development.

Section 7. Logo

The College color shall be green and white.

The Seal of the College shall be of the design approved by its Board of
It has a torch, symbolizes enlightenment of the avowed vision and mission of
the college for guidance and direction to all its instructional components.
Manual of Administration Page 5

RA 8292, Section 2, stipulates the composition of the BOT and was modified to
(a) achieve a more coordinated and integrated system of department of
education; (b) render it more effective in the formulation and implementation of
policies on higher education; (c) provide for more relevant direction in their
governance; and
(d) ensure the enjoyment of academic freedom as guaranteed by the

Section 1. Composition of the Board of Trustees

1.1. Chairman of the Department of Education (DepEd), Chairman;
1.2. VP- GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC.President, Vice-Chairman;
1.3. Chairman of the Committee on Education, Arts and Culture of the
Senate, member;

1.4. Chairman of the Committee on Higher and Technical Education of

the House of Representatives , member;
1.5. Regional Director of the National Economic Development Authority
(NEDA), member;
1.6. President of the Federated Faculty Association, member;

1.7. President of the School Supreme Student Government or the

Student Representative elected by the Student Government,

1.8. President of the Federated Alumni Association of the School

concerned, member, and;

1.9. Two (2) prominent citizens who have distinguished themselves in

their profession or field of specialization chosen from among a list
of five (5) persons qualified in the city or province where the school
is located, as recommended by the search committee (constituted
by the President in consultation with the Chairman of DepED)
based on the normal standards and qualifications for the position,
as members.

Section 2. Manner of Appointments

2.1. The BOT President, Vice- President and the three (3) ex-officio regular
members representing Congress and NEDA have the right to sit as
President, Vice- President, and members thereof ipso facto upon their
assumption into office (Section 7, RA 8292 IRR).

Manual of Administration Page 6

2.1.1 If the BOT members from Congress cannot attend regular or
special meetings/sessions, they may designate in writing their
representative. The other BOT ex-officio members from the
government shall personally attend the BOT meetings and
sessions (Section 8, RA 8292).

2.2. The duly elected President of the Faculty Association shall sit as
member of the BOT. The term of office shall be co-terminus with the
term of office in such capacity with the Association’s Constitution and
By-laws (Section3-a-vi and 3-b, RA 8292).

2.3. The President of the Supreme Student Government or the Student

Representative elected by the students shall sit as member of the BOT
(Section 3-a-vii, RA 8292).

2.3.1 In the absence of a Student Government President or a Student

Representative elected, the VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY
President shall schedule a one (1) week campaign and an
election of a student representative (Section 3-a-vii, RA 8292
Section 6 Rule IV of CMO No. 3 s. 2001).

2.3.2 The Supreme Student Government shall sit as member of the

BOT. This will be for a term of office which shall be co-terminus
with the term of office as Student Supreme Government
President in such capacity in accordance with the Constitution
and By-Laws of the Supreme Student Government (Section 3-vii
RA 8292, Section II Rule IV of CMO No. 3 s. 2001).

2.3.3 In the event the student loses his/her status by way of

graduation, dismissal, transfer, or other causes, the duly elected
representative shall cease as member of the BOT (Section II,
Rule IV of CMO No. 3 s. 2001).
2.4. Two prominent citizens shall be chosen to sit as members of the BOT,
provided they meet the minimum qualifications and/or standard set by the
BOT (Section 3-a-ix, RA 8292 ).

2.4.1 A Search Committee composed of three (3) members shall be

constituted by the VP- GREEN VALE ACADEMY President and
approved by the Chairman of the DepEd. The Search
Committee shall elect from among themselves their President,
provided that faculty and student sectors are represented.

2.4.2 The Search Committee shall submit the names of at least (5)
nominees to the BOT within thirty (30) days from the inception of
its search in accordance with the procedures lay down by the
Search Committee.

2.4.3 The BOT shall select two (2) private sector representatives from
among the five (5) recommended/nominated by the Search
Committee, taking into consideration their respective
qualifications and the weight of their possible contribution
arising from their knowledge, expertise and depth and breadth
of experience to the realization of the mission of the DepEd

2.4.4 The two (2) private sector representatives selected by the

BOT shall be appointed through a resolution duly adopted by
the BOT.

2.5. The Board shall appoint a secretary upon the recommendation of the
President who shall serve both the Board and the College and shall
keep all records and minutes of proceedings of the BOT.

2.5.1 In the absence of a plantilla position, a Board Secretary may be

designated/appointed/selected by the BOT from among the
academic rank holders and may opt to receive SG 24 or the SG
of the academic rank held, whichever is higher. (DBM-CPCB
Memorandum to DBM RO dated September 30, 1999).
2.5.2 Upon recommendation of the DepEd President, the BOT may
recommend to DBM the conversion of academic position(s) to
Board Secretary with Salary Grade 24. Savings cannot be used
as fund source for the creation of position pursuant to EO No.
292. (lbid.)

2.5.3 On the other hand, if the BOT prefers that the Board Secretary
shall be designated to be coterminous with the President, the
option is within the prerogative of the BOT. (lbid)
Section 3. Board Meetings
3.1. Regular Meetings
3.1.1 The BOT must regularly convene at least once every quarter.

3.1.2 The BOT shall determine the frequency, date and venue of
Regular Meetings.

3.1.3 The President shall be responsible for the needed preparations

to ensure the smooth conduct of BOT Regular meetings
(Section 12.3, RA 8292, IRR).

3.1.4 The Board Secretary shall issue the Notice of Regular Meetings
at least seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting and shall
furnish every BOT member the proposed agenda and pertinent
supporting documents authorized by the President.
3.1.5 The Board Secretary shall secure the confirmation of
attendance one (1) day before the BOT meeting.
3.2. Special Meetings

3.2.1 The BOT President or Vice- President may call special meetings
whenever necessary, provided the members of the BOT have
been duly notified in writing at least three (3) days before the
date of the special meeting

3.2.2 BOT members may petition the President or Vice- President for
a special meeting based on legitimate and urgent concerns
requiring Board action and decision.

3.2.3 The agenda of special meetings shall be limited to specific

matters needing urgent action/resolution of the BOT.
3.2.4 Upon instruction of the BOT President or Vice- President, the
Board Secretary shall issue a Notice of Special Board Meeting
and shall furnish every BOT member the proposed agenda and
pertinent supporting documents .

3.3. Presiding Board Meetings

3.3.1 The President duly designated as BOT President shall preside over
regular and special meetings.

3.3.2 In the absence of a duly designated BOT President, the School

Director shall preside over the scheduled regular or special meeting.

3.3.3 Where the BOT President is not in attendance, the scheduled meeting
shall be deferred and rescheduled to another date as agreed upon by
the BOT members.
3.4. Determining a Quorum

3.4.1 After the BOT President has called the board meeting to order, the
Board Secretary shall call the roll.

3.4.2 Based on the number of BOT members in attendance, the Board

Secretary shall declare whether or not there is a quorum.

3.4.3 A majority of 50% plus one (1) of all members holding office shall
constitute a quorum, provided the BOT President is among those
present in the meeting.

3.4.4 If a quorum cannot be declared for reason that the attendance does
not constitute the majority of the BOT members, the BOT President
may convert the meeting into an executive session i.e. if the agenda is
extremely urgent, provided that the actions taken shall be submitted for
confirmation of the BOT in the subsequent meeting.
3.5. Securing BOT Authority/Approval Through Referendum(s)

3.5.1 In case of urgent matters requiring board action/resolution, the VP-

GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President may secure a BOT decision
through a referendum i.e. if the BOT cannot be convened for valid
3.5.2 Operational board matters during a board meeting may be submitted
through referendum upon instruction of the BOT.

3.5.3 The BOT shall promulgate policies pertaining to referendum(s)

particularly on their scope and limitations.
3.5.4 Generally, the referendum shall be limited to academic and
administrative matters.
3.6. Preparing Agenda of Board Meetings

3.6.1 The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President shall initiate the
submission of proposed agenda matters by the Vice-Presidents,
Campus Administrators, Directors, and other administrative officials at
least ten (10) days before the scheduled BOT Meetings.
3.6.2 The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President shall call an
administrative meeting with aforestated officials and shall finalize the
proposed agenda of board meetings based on the agreements during
the executive session which VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC.
President organized.

3.7 Preparing and Releasing Excerpts of Board Resolutions

3.7.1 The Board Secretary shall prepare and release an excerpt of a

specific Board Resolution upon written request of the party
concerned, stating thereto the purpose of the excerpt requested.
3.7.2 The Board Secretary shall secure the approval of the VP-
GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President for release of
excerpts of Board Resolutions.
3.7.3 The excerpts of a particular Board Resolution shall contain the
following: Text of resolution Action taken by the Board, (e. Approved, Confirmed,

Disapproved or Deferred) and Resolution Number
(i.e. Board Resolution No. _-2015) to be
indicated at the bottom of the text near the right
3.8 Organizing Committees of the BOT

3.8.1 The BOT may organize Ad Hoc committees for purposes of (a)
enhancing in-depth study and analysis of specific concerns
presented to the Board, and (b) ensuring maximum consultation
with concerned stakeholders.

3.8.2 The committees organized include curricular programs,

research, faculty welfare, infrastructure, resource generation,
linkages, etc.
3.9 Inducting/Orienting the new VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President

3.9.1 The outgoing VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President

shall undertake a meaningful turn-over of the institution, its on-
going programs and projects, finance, fixed assets, personnel
profile and other concerns which the Board deems necessary.
Non-compliance thereof shall mean no BOT clearance.

3.9.2 As a matter of progressive practice, the incumbent VP-GREEN

VALE ACADEMY INC. President shall cause the preparation of
legitimate turn-over of documents and term reports, six months
before the end of the term, whether or not the incumbent is
seeking a re-appointment for another term.

Section 4. Powers and Duties of the BOT

4.1. General Powers

4.1.1 The BOT shall have general powers of administration and the
exercise of all the powers granted to the Board of Directors of a
corporation under Section 36 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 68,
otherwise known as the Corporation Code of the Philippines
(Section 4, 8292).

4.1.2 Basically, the BOT is a policy making body. As, such, its prime
concern on the administration of the College is the promulgation
and implementation of policies in accordance with the declared
state policies and pertinent provisions of the Philippine
Constitution on education, science and technology, arts, culture,
and sports, as well as the policies, standards and thrusts of the
4.2. Specific Powers and Duties

The specific powers and duties of the BOT as stipulated in Section 4,

RA 8292 are as follows:
4.2.1 To enact rules and regulations not contrary to law as may
be necessary to carry out the purposes and functions of the
4.2.2 To receive and appropriate all sums as may be provided, for
the support of the School in the manner it may determine, in
its discretion, to carry out the purposes and functions of the
4.2.3 To receive in trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and
personal properties of all kinds, to administer and dispose of
the same when necessary for the benefit of the School,
subject to limitations, directions and instructions of the
donors, if any. Such donations shall be exempt from all
taxes and shall be considered as deductible items from the
income tax of the donor, provided, that the rights, privileges
and exemptions extended by this Act shall likewise be
extended to non-stock, non-profit private universities and
colleges, and provided further that the same privileges shall
also be extended to city colleges and universities with the
approval of the local government unit concerned and in
coordination with the DepEd;

4.2.4 To fix the tuition fees and other necessary school charges,
such as, but not limited to matriculation fees, graduation fees
and laboratory fees, as their respective boards may deem
proper to impose, after due consultations with the involved

4.2.5 Such fees and charges, including government subsidies and

other income generated by the School, shall constitute special
trust funds and shall be deposited in any authorized government
depository bank, and all interests that shall accrue therefore shall
form part of the same fund for the use of the School.

Any provision of existing laws, rules and regulations to the

contrary notwithstanding, any income generated by the School
from tuition fees and other charges, as well as from the
operation of auxiliary services and land grants, shall be retained
by the School, and may be disbursed by the BOT for instruction,
research, extension, or other programs/projects of the School;
provided, that all fiduciary fees shall be disbursed for the
specific purposes for which they are collected.

If, for reasons beyond its control, the School shall not be able to
pursue any project for which the funds have been appropriated
and allocated under its approved program of expenditures, the
BOT may authorize the use of the said funds for any reasonable
purpose which in its discretion, may be necessary and urgent
for the attainment of the objectives and goals of the School.

4.2.6 To adopt and implement a socialized scheme of tuition and

school fees for greater access to poor but deserving
4.2.7 To authorize the construction or repair of its building,
machineries, equipment and other facilities and the purchase
and acquisition of real and personal properties including
necessary supplies, materials and equipment. Purchases and
other transactions entered into by the School through the BOT
shall be exempt from all taxes and duties;

4.2.8 To appoint upon the recommendation of the President of the

School, Vice-President, Dean, Director, School Head, faculty
members and other officials and employees;

4.2.9 To fix and adjust salaries of faculty members and administrative

officials and employees subject to the provisions of the revised
compensation and classification system and other pertinent
budget and compensation laws governing hours of service, and
such other duties and conditions as it may deem proper; to
grant them; as its discretion, leaves of absence, under such
regulation as it may promulgate, any provisions of existing law
to the contrary notwithstanding; and to remove them for cause
in accordance with the requirements of due process of law;

4.2.10 To approve the curricula, institutional programs and rules of

discipline drawn by the administrative and academic councils
as herein provided;

4.2.11 To set policies on admission and graduation of students;

4.2.12 To award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of

outstanding contribution in the field of education, public service,
arts , science and technology or in any other field of
specialization within the academic competence of the College;
and to authorize the award of certificates of completion of non-
degree and non-traditional courses;

4.2.13 To absorb non-chartered tertiary institutions within their

respective provinces in coordination with the DepEd and in
consultation with the DBM and offer therein needed programs
or courses, to promote and carry out equal access to
educational opportunities mandated by the Constitution;

4.2.14 To establish research and extension centers of the School

where such offices will promote the development of the latter;

Manual of Administration Page

4.2.15 To establish Chairs in the School and to provide fellowships for
qualified faculty members and scholarships to deserving

4.2.16 To delegate any of its powers and duties, provided for herein
above to the president and/or any other officials of the School
as it may deem appropriate so as to expedite the
administration of the affairs of the School;

4.2.17 To authorize an external management audit of the institution, to

be financed by the DepEd and to institute reforms, including
academic and structural changes, on the basis of the audit
results and recommendations;

4.2.18 To collaborate with other governing boards of School within the

province or region, under the supervision of the DepEd and in
consultation with the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM), in instituting organizational changes to the School to
become more efficient, relevant, productive, and competitive;

4.2.19 To enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the
profitable development and management of the economic
assets of the School, the proceeds from which shall be used for
the development and strengthening of the School;

4.2.20 To develop consortia and other forms of linkages with the local
government units, institutions and agencies, both public and
private, local and foreign, in furtherance of the purposes and
objectives of the institution;

4.2.21 To establish academic arrangements for institutional capability-

building with appropriate institutions and agencies, both public
and private, local and foreign, and to appoint
experts/specialists as consultants, or visiting or exchange
professors, scholars, researchers, as the case may be;

4.2.22 To set up the adoption of modern and innovative modes of

transmitting knowledge such as the use of information
technology, the dual system, open learning, community
laboratory, etc., for the promotion of greater access to higher

4.2.23 To establish policy guidelines and procedures for participative

decision-making and transparency within the institution;
4.2.24 To privatize, where most advantageous to the institution,
Management of non-academic services such as health, food,
building or grounds or property maintenance and other similar
activities; and

4.2.25 To extend the term of the president of the School beyond the
age of retirement, but not later than the age of seventy (70),
whose performance has been unanimously rated as
outstanding and upon unanimous recommendation by the
search committee for the president of the School concerned.

Section 5. BOT Actions/Resolutions; DBM and COA Clarifications/Guidelines on

Specific Powers and Duties of the BOT
5.1. COA Guidelines and Procedures on the Use of Income

COA Circular No. 2000-02 entitled “Accounting Guidelines and Procedures on

the Use of Income of SUC to RA 8292” was issued/released on April 24,
2000 to provide guidelines and procedures on the utilization of income of
SUCs constituted into Special Trust Fund (STF) pursuant to Section 4 (d) of
RA 8292.

5.1.1 General Guidelines: The following provisions of RA No. 8292 and the

General Appropriations Act are hereby reiterated:
 All income of SUCs from tuition fees and other
necessary charges such as matriculation fees,
graduation fees, laboratory fees, medical and dental
fees, library fees, athletic fees, and other similar fees
shall be deposited in an Authorized Government
Depository Bank (AGDB) and constituted as STF. All
interest that shall accrue there from shall form part of
the same Fund.
 All fiduciary fees shall be disbursed for the specific
purposes upon which they are collected.
 In no case shall the STF be used for the payment of
salaries and the creation of new positions. The STF shall be used to augment the maintenance and

other operating expenses and capital outlays of the
college and to pay authorized and fringe benefits to
personnel and students who render services to the
school. A special budget for the utilization of the STF, supported
by a Certification from the Chief Accountant that
sufficient income has been raised, collected, and
deposited with an Authorized Government Depository
Bank (AGDB), shall be approved by the BOT of the
College. The approved special budget shall be used by the

Budget Officer and Chief Accountant as the basis for
recording appropriations and allotments. A copy of the approved special budget shall be furnished
to the DBM and the Accounting Office, COA within
ten(10) days after approval. Any balance of allotments at the end of the year shall be

reverted to the Cumulative Results of Operations -
Unappropriated (CROU).

5.1.2 Specific Guidelines The College shall open a separate bank account for

the STF wherein all income collections shall be
deposited. All interest that shall accrue wherefrom shall
form part of the same Fund and shall be reported as
interest income. A monthly bank reconciliation statement
shall be prepared and submitted to the Accounting Office,
COA pursuant to COA Circular No. 92-125A. The Chief Accountant shall maintain a separate set of books

of accounts for the STF using Fund Code 164. The Budget Officer shall prepare a special budget for the
approval of the BOT to utilize the income deposited with
AGDB. The Budget Officer shall also furnish the DBM and the
Accounting Office, COA copies of the duly approved special
budget within ten (10) days after approval by the BOT. Upon receipt of the duly approved special budget from the
Budget Officer, the Chief Accountant shall draw a Journal
Voucher to set up the appropriations and record allotments. No special budget shall be approved by the BOT unless it is
supported by a certification signed by the Chief Accountant
that available deposits are sufficient to cover its funding
requirements. The Chief Accountant shall follow the accounting entries

shown as Annex A hereof in recording financial transactions
pertaining to the STF. At the end of the year, the Chief Accountant shall prepare a
Detailed Schedule of Allotments and Obligations Incurred
and Breakdown of Income as supporting schedules of the
Preliminary Trial Balance.

5.2. DBM Clarification on BOT Power to Retain Collections

5.2.1 Pursuant to Section 2-(b) of RA 8292, the BOT is empowered to retain

all fees collected/generated and to deposit the collections as Special
Trust Fund (STF) in authorized government depository banks (AGDB).
5.2.2 The College shall inform the Bureau of Treasury (BT) regarding the
collection deposited for monitoring purposes.

5.3. COA Clarification on BOT Power to Appropriate

5.3.1 Section 4(d) of RA 8292 empowers the BOT to appropriate
the income of the College and allocate funds with flexibility.

5.3.2 The power of the BOT to appropriate should be in accordance with law
provisions and issuances of higher authorities (e.g. the President of the
Philippines). The BOT does not have absolute power to grant benefits
to faculty and employees if not covered by existing laws and issuances
of higher authority.
The BOT may authorize the allocation of funds for personnel benefits
authorized by the CSC which are incorporated in the institutional
Program on Rewards and Incentives System of Employees (PRAISE)
like staff development, medical benefits, etc.

5.3.4 The BOT may allocate funds to implement personnel benefits

authorized by DBM covered by national compensation circulars.

5.4. Power to Delegate Authority

5.4.1 Depending on the discretion of the BOT, certain powers may be

delegated to the College President. (Sec. 4-(o), RA 8292).

Manual of Administration Page
5.4.2 All appointments and designations issued by the President are to be
submitted to the BOT for confirmation.
5.4.3 The power to appoint is delegated to the President by the BOT and is
subjected to the following conditions/limitations: All appointments are duly processed and recommended by

the Selection and Promotion Board; The highest level of positions, which the College President

shall exercise to appoint, is stipulated in the Board
Resolution, and; The level of positions, which the College President is not

delegated to appoint but empowered to recommend to the
BOT, is specified in the BOT Resolution.

5.4.4 Under any condition and/or limitation, the signatory to all appointments
is the College President in his/her capacity as CEO and the action of
the Board is for confirmation of the appointments.

5.4.5 If the College is accredited by the CSC, appointments issued by the

College President and confirmed by the BOT are sent to the CSC for
information, monitoring, and validation and not for approval or
5.4.6 For expeditious action of the BOT, all pertinent documents shall be
available during the Board Meeting.

5.4.7 The BOT reserves the authority to hire, promote, reclassify or fire
personnel as a general condition to the delegated power to the College
President to appoint.
5.5. Power to Construct/Repair (Sec. 4(f), RA 8292)

5.5.1 Most Governing Boards also delegate the authority to construct and/or
repair buildings and other infrastructure to the SUC President provided
certain conditions are observed: Prior authority to undertake the construction/repair project is

secured indicating the available funds for the purpose. Architectural and structural plans and specifications are
presented and approved by the BOT. Prior authority of the BOT to conduct Pre-Qualification of

Bidders and the actual bidding process is obtained.
5.5.2 The proposed contract together with the bidding result transmitted
by the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) is submitted to the COA
Representative for review and to the BOT for confirmation.
5.5.3 The contract becomes executory only after the confirmation by the
5.6. Power to Approve or Confirm

5.6.1 All policies formulated are subject to the approval of the BOT,
i.e. curriculum, admission policy, equivalent teaching load
(ETL), staff development, security matters, etc.

5.6.2 All resolutions pertaining to collection of fees and other charges

are subject to the approval of the BOT, i.e. tuition fees
adjustments, miscellaneous fees, school paper fees, student
government collections, rentals, etc.
5.6.3 All budget proposals involving general funds and special
budgets on use of special trust funds (STF) are subject to the
approval of the BOT, e.g. annual budget, use of income, etc.

5.6.4 All resolutions pertaining to continuing and recurring operational

transactions are subject to confirmation of the BOT, e.g.
appointments, graduates, MOA/MOU, bidding results, etc.

5.6.5 All resolutions pertaining to transactions without prior authority

of the BOT are subject to confirmation of the BOT, e.g.
infrastructure contracts, project implementation, etc.

5.6.6 Other concerns presented to the BOT which do not require

approval or confirmation shall be recorded in the minutes as
noted. E.g. report of the president, board examination results,
miscellaneous success stories, etc.


Section 1. Term of Office

1.1. The School shall be headed by a President, who shall render full-time
service. (Sec. 6, RA 8292).

1.2. He/She shall be appointed by the Board, subject to the guidelines,

qualifications and/or standards set by the Board, upon
recommendation of a duly constituted search committee. (Sec. 6, RA

_ _
Manual of Administration Page
1.3. The School President appointed by the Board shall have a term of four
(4) years, the beginning and end of which must be clearly specified in
appointment by the Board.

1.4. The School President shall be eligible for re-appointment for another
term only subject to the review of the performance and such other
requirements set forth by the Board.

1.5. In case of vacancy in the Office of the president by reason of death,

resignation, removal for cause or incapacity of the School President to
perform the function of his/her Office, the DepEd
Chairperson/Commissioner or Chair of the Board shall have the
authority to designate an Officer-in-charge within (15) days pending the
appointment of a new School President. The successor shall hold
office only for the unexpired term. (Section, RA 8292).
Section 2. Search Committee for the Presidency (SCP)

2.1. Within six (6) months before the expiration of the term of the office of
the incumbent President, the BOT shall constitute a SCP. (Section 32,

2.2. The composition of the SCP shall be determined by the Board taking
into consideration representatives from the academic community,
private sector representative not in any way connected or associated
with the College, PASUC and CHED representative. (Section 32, IRR).

2.3 The SCP constituted shall recruit and screen applicants and may devise
its own procedure for the search. (Section 32, IRR).

2.4 The SCP shall submit the names of at least three (3) nominees to the
Board citing therein the strengths and weaknesses of the nominees for
guidance and information of the Board, as well as the enumeration and
description of the criteria and procedures employed in the search
(Section 32, IRR)

Section 3. Appointment of New VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President

3.1. Based on the SCP recommendations, the Board shall select and
appoint the new President.

3.2. The appointment papers shall be signed by the DepEd Chairperson or

duly designated as Regular Chair of the Board. (Sec. 33, IRR).
Section 4. Reappointment and Tenure of Incumbents

4.1. Pursuant to Section 6, RA 8292, the SUC President shall be eligible for
reappointment for another term of four (4) years, provided this
provision shall not adversely affect the terms of the incumbents.

4.2. In case the incumbent is eligible and qualified per standards set by the
BOT in accordance with R.A. 7722 for re-appointment, search need
not be conducted, at the discretion of the BOT. The BOT shall
prescribe the terms and conditions under which this discretion may be
exercised such as, but not limited to an evaluation of the performance
of the incumbent.

4.3. Depending upon the discretion of the Board in accordance with Sec. 4
(x) of RA 8292, the incumbent SUC President may be reappointed for
another term.
Section 5. Salary of College President

5.1. The salary of the College President shall be in accordance with the
Revised Compensation and Position Classification System and shall
be comparable to that being received by the President of similar higher
educational institutions. (Sec. 9, RA 9746, Sec. 38, IRR).

5.2. Under NCC No. 69, as amended by NBC No. 461 in June 1998, the
SUC Presidents may opt to hold an academic rank and receive
corresponding pay, whichever is higher; provided that the academic
rank is obtained in the same manner and process that the faculty
undergoes for SUC evaluation. (NBC No. 461, s. 1998).
Section 6. Powers and Duties of the President

As Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the School, the School President shall
have general powers of administration and supervision similar to CEOs of
private corporations.

6.1. Duties and Responsibilities:

6.1.1 Carry out the general policies laid down by the Board and shall
have the power to act within the ambit of said general policies,
and shall have general supervision of all academic and
administrative operations of the School. He/She shall direct or
assign the details of executive actions;
6.1.2 Hold all officers, faculty members, and employees to the full
discharge of their duties and if, in his/her sound judgment
Manual of Administration Page
necessity arises, he/she shall after consultation with the Vice-
President/ Director concerned, in proper cases, initiate the
necessary proceedings for the disciplinary sanctions and/or
separation from the service of any of them. Relative thereto, all
officers, members of the teaching staff, and the employees shall
be responsible to and under the direction of the School
6.1.3 Serve as the official medium of communication between the
faculty, employees and students of the School on one hand, and
the Board on the other hand;
6.1.4 Direct the Board Secretary to prepare the agenda of all meetings
of the BOT, Academic Council and Administrative Council;
Provided, however, that any member of the Board shall be
entitled to have any matter included in its agenda; Provided
further, that the Academic Council or Administrative Council by
majority vote in a meeting or upon the written request of one
tenth of its membership may include any other item in the

6.1.5 Temporarily suspend the permit issued to any person, natural or

juridical, who is engaged in any activity in the School found to
pursue any of the following: Inciting disloyalty to the School and/or government; Discouraging students from attending their classes

and other activities of the School; Creating covert act of dissension among students,
faculty and employees; Interfering directly or indirectly with the discipline in
the School; and Creating atmosphere of subversion and rebellion in

If evidence so warrants, the School President may permanently

cancel the said permit after informing the Board of his/her action
and the Board may take any action that it may deem appropriate
in connection therewith.

6.1.6 Preside at commencement exercises and other public programs

and official functions of the School and confer such honors as
granted by the Board. All diplomas and certificates issued by
the School shall be signed by him/her, by the School Registrar
and by the School Principal and the School Director or official
6.1.7 Subject to the authority given to him/her by the VP GREEN
VALE ACADEMY BOT, recommend suitable persons to fill up
vacancies temporarily upon recommendation by the
appropriate Selection Committee; to make such appointments
as permitted by the Board; and to make such other
appointments necessary to meet emergencies occurring
between meetings of the Board so that the work of the School
will not be hampered; Provided, that such arrangements are
reported to the Board for confirmation or appropriate action at
its next meeting.

Whenever vacancies occur, the School President shall make

public announcement of such vacancies for better selection
and recruitment of qualified persons to fill up vacancies or new

No new vacant position and/or item in the School shall be filled

in without prior authorization from the School President and
approval by the BOT.

6.1.8 Submit an annual report to the Board on the work of the past
year and needs for the current year, He/ She shall also present
to the Board the annual budget of the School with estimates of
income and expenditures including the short medium and long-
term development and investment plans following pertinent
provision of DepEd.

6.1.9 Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, to enter into

loan agreements with government banks and other lending
institutions for awarding the various projects of the School;

6.1.10 Upon authority of and subject to confirmation by the BOT,

execute and sign on behalf of the School all contracts, deeds
and other instruments necessary for the proper conduct of the
business of the School.
However, in regularly recurring undertakings and transactions
where his/her action is virtually ministerial, conditions and
terms thereof having been fixed by existing regulations and
general laws, he/she may direct through appropriate written
instructions that approval in specified cases may be made in
his/her behalf by the concerned heads of offices or units,
subject to such safeguards as he/ she may impose.

6.1.11 The School President shall discharge the following specific

duties, authorities and powers in accordance with existing
laws, rules and regulations: Accepts resignation of the official, faculty members and
employees; Grants or denies leaves of absence and/or extend such
leaves; Recommends to the Board of Trustees the retirement of

members of the faculty and employees upon
application of the personnel concerned; Authorizes the transfer of faculty members and

employees from one department or unit in the School to
another in the interest of the service; Provided, that the
personnel concerned is notified before such transfer is
made; Subject to the approval by the BOT, he/she may

approve/disapprove permit for faculty/employees to
attend or undergo training grants, fellowships,
assistantships or conferences sponsored by outside
agencies/organizations; Supervises and controls all academic programs and

activities of the School through the Vice President of
Academic Affairs and School Directors; Grants or denies the extension of faculty/ employees

fellowship/scholarship/ training for a period not beyond
one (1) academic year if the budget permits and for
reasons he/she may deem satisfactory; Subject to the approval of the BOT, authorizes the

promulgation of such rules which in his/her judgment is
necessary for the safekeeping and proper
disbursement of funds or property of all student
organizations officially approved or recognized to
examine and audit the accounts pertaining to such
funds or property; When so authorized by the Board, appoints, without the

necessity of submitting to the Board for approval,
qualified members of the faculty as scholar of the
College (full or partial) in order to enable them to
pursue graduate studies (local or abroad), and to fix
the financial assistance to any such scholar in
accordance with the rules promulgated by the Board,
as provided for in the Faculty and Staff Development
Guidelines and Policy, and within the lump sum
appropriated for fellowships; Issues ad-interim appointments, contract of service or
designations when the interest of the service so
requires; and Subject to the BOT approval, renews appointments of

the faculty/employees concerned for not more than
one (1) year if the budget permits and services are
necessary; and

6.1.12 Perform other powers, duties, responsibilities and

functions as expressly stipulated in the College Code,
in such other relevant laws, rules and regulations or
such other powers as the Board may authorize or
delegate from time to time.

Section 7. Delegated Authority of the College President

7.1. Appoints faculty members to Academic Ranks with Salary Grade 18

and below subject to confirmation of the Board.

7.2. Appoints non-teaching and Administrative personnel to positions with

salary grade 18 and below subject to confirmation of the Board.

7.3. Appoints Part-time Faculty, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Professional

Lecturers, Special Lecturers for a period of not more than one term;
provided such appointments be submitted for information of the Board;
7.4. Approves contractual and Job Order appointments not exceeding six
(6) months; provided such be submitted for information of the Board;

7.5. Designates Vice-Presidents, Deans/Director or any ranking officers of

the Administration as Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Office of the
President to carry out the day-to-day activities of the Office for a period
not exceeding two (2) weeks, without renewal;

7.6. Designates Officer-in-Charge of Campuses and other Head Units,

Academic and Administrative for a period not exceeding one (1)
month, without renewal;

7.7. Designates Deans/Campus Directors, Department Chairs and other

Heads of Head Units in an Acting Capacity for a period of not less than
one (1) year to be renewed depends on the performance or
discretion/prerogative of the College President as the case maybe
arises ;
7.8. Designates program and Project Directors/Coordinators;

7.9. Approves and signs contracts/agreements with other Institutions, Local

or Foreign, for Joint Academic, Research and/or Training Programs;
provided no additional and/or Special Budgetary Outlay on the part of
the College is involved; Provided further that contracts/agreements be
reviewed by the Legal Counsel and concerned officials of the College
and be submitted to the Board for information;

7.10. Approves changes in nomenclature of subjects, revision of existing

curricula including the addition or exclusion of subject in compliance to
CHED and/or PRC requirement; provided such is reported to the Board
for information;

7.11. Approve faculty scholarships and sign scholarship contracts upon the
recommendation of the Faculty Scholarship Committee and in
accordance with the approved guidelines for Faculty and Staff
Development Program subject to confirmation of the Board of

7.12. Approve application of Leave of Absences (Sick/Vacation) of ASCOT

Faculty and Staff with a duration of one month or more but not
exceeding one year; and
7.13. Approve thesis/dissertation allowances of the faculty members and

Section 8. Officials under the President

8.1. BOT/College Secretary

8.1.1 The BOT shall appoint a Secretary who shall serve both the
Board and the College and shall keep all records and
8.1.2 Duties and Responsibilities
 Collates data and information needed by members of the
Board of Trustees;
 Provides pertinent enclosures for adequate
documentation of items in the agenda and shall send out
the agenda for meetings of the members of the Board;
 Maintains a full and accurate record of all Board
proceedings and shall furnish the different
colleges/campuses of ASCOT resolutions passed and
approved by the Board of Trustees ;

_ _
Manual of Administration Page
 Coordinates with concerned offices in connection with
information required by the BOT and may act as the
secretary of the Administrative Council and Academic
Council at the discretion of the College President.
 Coordinates and collate the reports of all colleges,
divisions, departments, and sections of ASCOT and shall
assist the President in the preparation of the annual and
other required reports of the Board;
 Maintains a systematic filing and safekeeping of records
and documents of the Board of Trustees; and
 Does other related work as may be deemed proper.
8.2. Executive Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Assists the President in the formulation and
implementation of policies, rules, and regulations
pertaining to the management and administration of the
 Supervises/manages the operations of the Office of the
President and shall document, keep, and file records,
BOT Resolutions, directives, issuances, memoranda, and
pertinent documents;

8.3 College Legal Counsel

College Legal Counsel is available only for College business and not
personal matters. Deans, Directors, Administrative Officers should
inform the President or Vice Presidents of any matter they wish to
discuss with Legal Counsel. All others must receive permission
through their Dean or Director from the Appropriate Vice President
before requesting assistance from Legal Counsel.
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Provides legal services to the College represented by its
officials and employees on all legal matters and issues
concerning its programs, activities and operations;
 Renders legal opinion and advice to the College on matter
involving legal concerns and administrative matters;
 Reviews of legal contracts and/or documents;
 Prepares appeals, petition for review, certiorari and other legal
remedies on various civil and administrative cases involving the

Manual of Administration Page
 Hears on administrative cases involving agency officials and
 Represents the College in cases filed before the
Prosecutor’s Office and those filed before the

8.4 Institutional Planning and Development Officer

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Provides support to the College president in the policy-making
and planning processes in the College;
 Assists the College President in identifying priority projects for

 Prepares short and long term development plans of the College;

 Coordinates with the Directors of the different departments

regarding plans/projects for development;
 Initiates and implements College planning policies for operation
and development plans of the College;

 Consolidates Strategic Plans and prepares College Annual


 Conducts and attend affairs relative to College planning

and development;
 Conducts organizational review and studies of the projects and
prepare its analysis and reports;
 Does related work. (Notice of Designation s. 20 )

8.5. External Affairs and Community Relations Director

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Establishes linkages with external institutions, both local and
international, to generate additional support and resources for
the college;
 Pursues an aggressive program for possible financial
assistance and other forms of aids like research
grants,fellowship, and other institutional building assistance
 Initiates programs in resource generation from land,
infrastructure, material and human resources of the college in
coordination with relevant units to support the academic
research and other development programs of ASCOT;
 Establishes linkages with alumni, oversee the organization of
local, national and international chapters, and implement
programs and projects sponsored by the alumni associations;
 Maintains public relations with the community and other
government and non-government agencies;
 Plans and implements programs regarding practicum and job
placement of students and graduates;
 Disseminates information on employment opportunities and
school linkages; and
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper.

8.6 Information, Communication and Technology Center Director

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Formulates plans and policies for the effective and efficient
ICTC utilization in the college;
 Prepares ICTC Proposals for approval by the top management
and schedule its implementation;
 Organizes the unit for the effective implementation of the MIS
programs and projects;
 Coordinates with different colleges/departments/campuses
regarding ICTC concerns;
 Monitors and evaluates the implementation of the ICTC
programs/projects and submit reports to the College President;
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper. (Notice of
Designation s. 20 ).
8.7 Information and Publication Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Organizes data in publishable format;
 Approves announcements of student clubs and organizations
for posting ;
 Disseminates/announces information about school activities
through mass media;
 Publishes the College Bulletin of Information and College
Catalog including information on school curricular offerings,
tuition fee rates, miscellaneous and other school fees;

 Prepares and submit reports that may be required by the


 Publishes articles in the College Website in coordination with

the MIS office; and
Manual of Administration Page 30
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper. (Notice of
Designation s. 20 )

8.8 Gender and Development Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Leads the assessment of the gender-responsiveness of policies,
strategies, programs, activities, and projects of the College
based on the priority needs and concerns , and the formulation
of recommendations and ensure their implementation;
 Leads in setting up appropriate systems and mechanisms to
ensure the generation, processing, review, and updating of sex-
disaggregated data or GAD database to serve as basis in
performance-based gender-responsive planning;
 Spearheads the preparation of the annual performance-based
GAD Plans, Programs, and Budget in response to the women
and gender issues of their faculty, staff and students, following
the format and procedure prescribed by the PCW;
 Leads in monitoring the effective implementation of the GAD
Code and any other GAD-related policies, and the annual GAD
Plans, Programs, and Budget;
 Leads the preparation of the annual College GAD
Accomplishment Report and other GAD reports that may be
required under the Act;
 Promotes and actively pursues participation of women in the
various stages of development planning cycle;
 Ensures that all personnel of the College including the
auditors are capacitated on GAD;
 Strengthens external links with other agencies; and
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper. (Notice
of Designation s. 20 )

8.9 Campus Administrator/s

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Exercises control and general supervision, direction,
coordination, and control of the campus’ four (4) thrusts:
instruction, research, extension, and resource generation;
 Organizes and monitors the scheduling of classes in
coordination with the deans, associate deans and area or
program coordinator;
 Develops and evaluates educational policies, plans, programs,
projects, and activities of the campus in the coordinate with the

Manual of Administration Page

 Provides leadership in the development of curriculum materials
through coordination with the Vice President for Academic
Affairs and in the promotion of research, and extension
programs for the advancement of education;

 Monitors, reviews, and evaluate faculty performance;

 Recommends approval of requests for study leave and transfer ,
for appropriate action;
 Approves, signs vouchers and checks for fiscal transactions;
 Approves procurement of equipment and supplies based on the
approved procurement plan and other financial transactions of
the campus;

Submits annual plans and reports to the President and such
other reports that may be required by other College authorities;

Makes a written report to the President within 10 days after the
end of the academic year on the efficiency of the faculty of your
college or institute in consultation with the area chairpersons of
your department or division if any;
Does other related works as may be deemed proper for the
welfare of the College ( Notice of Designation s. 20__)


Section 1. Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA)

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Coordinates with the President and the Deans/Directors of
Instruction, Research and Extension regarding instructional,
research and extension programs of the College.
 Provides effective liaison between the College and the community,
other educational institutions, organizations and foundations on
academic affairs.
 Initiates and undertakes activities that should keep the College
abreast with recent development in teaching, research and
 Prepares and pursues a program for faculty and staff development.
 Assists the President in seeking donations and grants-in-aid for the
support of scholarship and development of the faculty and staff.

1.1. Officials under the Vice President for Academic Affairs

1.1.1 College Deans /Directors

Manual of Administration Page

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Responsible for the conduct and performance of the
faculty members and students within the college.
 Assumes leadership role in the formulation and execution
of comprehensive plans for the college to effectively
translate the mission, goals, and objectives of the
 Initiates, administers, coordinates, reviews and
monitors all programs and activities of the college;
 In coordination with the faculty, supervises the
preparation, implementation and regular updating of
curricular and extracurricular programs in line with the
goals and objectives of the departments;
 Initiates in the formulation of academic policies for the
college, submits the same to the Vice President for
Academic Affairs for approval, and implementation;
 Serves as the official spokesperson for the College
with other departments and units, the student body, and
the general public on matters pertaining to the college;
 Requests for the acquisition of updated instructional
resources relevant to the program offered;
 Supervises classes and evaluates classroom
performance of both faculty member and students and
design programs for their improvement;
 Recommends the employment, promotion, retention,
termination, resignation, retirement, leaves of absence
and travel grants of faculty to the College President
through the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
 Approves workloads and teaching assignment of faculty;

 Conducts regular evaluation of the performance of the


 Formulates faculty development programs for the

 In coordination with the registrar, keeps records of
students to determine their status;
 In coordination with the Director for Student Affairs,
ensures proper guidance and discipline of students in
his/her department and supervises in the conduct of their
 Develops system of faculty advisor ship to the students to
assist in their curricular requirements and classroom
 Recommends to the College President candidates for
graduation and grants of academic honors to deserving
 Presides regular meetings with faculty and students;
 Sets up a program for student evaluation, grading,
promotion, and retention policies in the college consistent
with school policies and ensures its proper
 Maintains harmonious working relationship with other
colleges and units of the College;
 Establishes tie-ups with alumni;
 Prepares the budget for the departments and ensures its
inclusion in the College overall budget; and
 Shall have supervisory control over all publications of the
department; and
 Performs other functions that may be assigned or
delegated by the College President.

1.1.2 Extension and Training Director

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Supervises the faculty and staff in the College Extension
and Training Office;
 Assigns or designates additional functions and
responsibilities of the faculty and staff;
 Coordinates with the local government unit in any matter
related to tertiary education programs;
 Disciplines erring students;
 Proposes budgetary expenditure every start of the

 Submits targets and accomplishment reports every end

of the semester;

 Facilitates collection of miscellaneous fees, tuition and

other fees and remits the same to the Cashier of the
main campus;
 Does other related administrative and academic jobs.
1.1.3 The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Spearheads in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating
NSTP(CWTS/MTS) activities;
 Consolidates, coordinates, and operationalizes the NSTP-CWTS/MTS
activities of the College in accordance with the approved policies of the
 Exercises academic and administrative supervision over the design,
formulation, adoption and implementation of the different areas of
concerns offered by the institution;
 Leads in the formulation and implementation of ASCOT NSTP policies,
rules and standards and basic procedures;
 Establishes linkages with Government Organizations (GOs) and
National Government Organizations (NGOs) and other outside funding
 Reviews and recommends amendments to the established policies
and guidelines of NSTP;
 Facilitates project development that will encourage the participation of
all students;
 Coordinates, monitors and reviews NSTP (CWTS/MTS) activities of
various campuses to ensure proper implementation;
 Coordinates/works with CWTS/MTS Coordinator/Commandant
Campus coordinators/commandant, faculty and administrative staff;

 Submits consolidated annual report (including other campuses) to

CHED Regional Office, copy furnished the Office of the Students
Affairs and Services; and
 Does other related work. (Notice of Designation s. 20__)

1.1.4 Student Affairs and Services Director

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Manages and develops high quality, responsive and flexible student
support teams;

 Contributes to institutional policy development in relevant areas;

 Supervises plans and coordinates programs and activities related to
student welfare;
 Serves as liaison between the administration/faculty concerning social
and recreational needs of the students;
 Recommends to the President the equipment and facilities needed
from time to time by the students;
 Enforces and implements all policies, rules and regulations of the
College as specified in the College code and Student Handbook;
 Supervises and coordinates all co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities of students;

Manual of Administration Page

 Advises the President on matters pertaining to student welfare;
 Prepares and submits reports that may be required by the president;
 Attends seminars, conferences related to student affairs;
 Performs other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the
president; and
 Does other related works. (Notice of Designation s. 2015)

1.1.5 Accreditation Officer

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Develops, communicates, implements, and maintains accreditation

plans to ensure compliance with the national and international
standards in higher education;

 Conducts quality management reviews in coordination with the Vice-

President, Deans/Director, Area/Program Chairpersons, and
Administrative Office Heads;
 Identifies relevant quality and accreditation-related training needs and
manage the training;
 Coordinates with the different heads of offices, deans/director of
department undergoing accreditation activities;
 Supervises the accreditation activities of accreditation task force and
keep documentations/records in the Accreditation Center;
 Prepares academic, technical, and managerial reports and attend
trainings related to accreditation purposes; and
 Does other related works. (Notice of Designation s. 20 )

1.1.6 College Registrar

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Implements policies on admission, enrollment, accreditation,
graduation, and related matters;
 Sign transcript of records, certifications, and related documents of
 Secures and maintains confidentiality of students’ records and
authenticate these records as needed;
 Assists in graduation activities; and
 Does other related work as may be deemed proper.
1.1.7 College Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Ensures that adequate books, references, magazines, and reading
materials are available and in compliance with standards;
 Ensures that reference materials, publications, and books are updated
and latest editions are procured;
 Establishes linkages/consortia with other institutions;
 Manages, supervises, and controls the operation of the library and
institute safety measures;
 Plans and coordinates with the deans and heads of offices on the
development program of the libraries;
 Classifies library book collections, audio-visual tapes, interactive and
learning module tapes or compact disc and other reference materials
by occupational areas/disciplines; and
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper.

Section 2. Vice President for Administration

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Supervises all administrative offices and support services under
VPAF as reflected in the organizational chart of the College;
 Assists the President in identifying priority thrusts of the College
in administration and related services and initiate, propose,
implement plans, programs and projects for development of the
units under VPA;
 Assists the President in undertaking management studies
relevant to the operation of Administrative and Support Services
and when requested, in developing plans and programs for the
College in coordination with other offices;
 Recommends to the College President the allocation of funds
for the administrative and maintenance operations of the
College after consultation with the Finance Director and/or
Budget Officer;
 Ascertains that actual expenditures are in accordance with
authorized appropriations and accounting and auditing rules and
 Provides effective management of auxiliary enterprises and
other income generating projects;
 Approves, signs vouchers and checks for fiscal transactions not
exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00)
except for personal services which may exceed Three Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00);
 Approves procurement of equipment and supplies based on
approved procurement plan not exceeding Three Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00); and
 Performs such other related duties seemed necessary for the
good of the College. (Notice of Designation s. 20__)
2.1. Officials under the Vice President for Administration and Finance
2.1.1 Administrative Division

The Administrative Services Division shall be the main responsibility of

the Chief Administrative Officer who shall be appointed by the
President and confirmed by the BOT. It shall supervise services
delivered through the Human Resource Management Office, the
Records Office, the Supply Office, the Security Office, and other allied
sections/units in accordance with the organizational structure. Chief Administrative Officer
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Ensure smooth day-to-day operations of
Administrative Department of the College and all other
activities related to the administrative functions;
 Be responsible for the maintenance of important
documents filed in the office for safe keeping;
 Prepares and collates the staff Performance
Evaluation Report and shall forward the result to the
 Implements orders, laws, policies, plans and
programs on general services functions;
 Supervises the preparation of periodic, annual and
other required reports;
 Approves Travel Orders and Trip ticket if the travel is
within the Province;
 Approves Job/Purchase Requests, Disbursement
Vouchers, Checks and supporting documents for
fiscal transaction not exceeding P300,000.00 for
 Recommends approval of request for overtime and
schedule of guards;
 Approves pass slips, requisition and issue slip (RIS),
and petty cash vouchers;
 Does other related works that may be assigned for
the welfare of the College. Human Resource Management Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
 Implements the quality management system
policies and procedures on
Personnel/Recruitment. Selection and Placement.
 Coordinates with VPs, Chief Administrative
Officer, Directors and other officers for manning
needs personnel upgrading/training and personnel
performance evaluation;
 Coordinate with the Chief AO the implementation
of proper disciplinary actions and termination
 Prepares and submits periodical and semestral
accomplishment report which includes updated
personnel profile, budget needs problems
encountered and actions to be taken;
 Participates in General Assembly and
Management Review Meetings;
 Recommends program of recognition of personnel
accomplishments and contributions to
organizational development;
 Does related works. Records Officer

Duties and Responsibilities
 Oversees and coordinates the day-to-day activities
of the College records retention program in
compliance with government guidelines;
 Interprets and informs about College
administrative records retention and disposition
 Develops and implements system covering the
inventory of stored records and maintenance and
updating of records retention schedules;
 Produces and submits inventory reports, surveys
proposals and research projects as needed or
 Supervises the transfer of records to storage or
 Retrieves, allocates space for and stores files and
boxes of records in accordance with policies and
 Maintains and updates a record retention
 Performs data entry and retrieval tasks;
 Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as
assigned. Supply Officer

Duties and Responsibilities
 Directs and supervises the work of staff engaged
in various supply activities such as storekeeping
and property control;
 Accounts for all supplies, materials and
 Directs and supervises the work of staff and
receives all deliveries based on the inspection of
the end-user and inspection committee and
distribute the same;
 Takes charge of issuing and recording of books,
supplies, materials and equipment and preparation
of bills of lading, requisitions and issue slips;
 Keeps records of all shipments made, claims,
covering losses of goods in transit and or property;
 Undertakes annual inventory and prepares report;
 Recommends evaluation of unserviceable
materials and equipment for disposal;
 Does related works. Civil Security Officer/Head Guard

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Provides guidance in the establishment and
administration of security programs in the campus,
ensuring that all operations support the College
mission, strategic plan, goals and objectives;
 Implements and designs College policies
concerning security and safety of the employees,
students and properties of the College;
 Coordinates with local public safety (fire and
police) outlets, ensuring that the College maintains
a strong relationship with them;
 Investigates and evaluates accidents within the
limits of the College;

Manual of Administration Page

 Maintains information on best practices relative to
school security and safety and inform the head of
the Agency/concern of any significant changes
that would have an impact on the College
 Be responsible for assigning and supervising
parking details for day to day activities and special
 Assesses the existing campus safety equipment
such as camera, fire safety, lights and protection
systems, and recommend for acquisition of
necessary equipment, and;
 Does other related work as may deemed proper. Health Services Office

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Prepares and plans budget allocation and
manages health services of the College;
 Handles simple, uncomplicated and stale medical
 Engages in preventive-promotive activities such as
physical, medical and dental examinations;
 Renders diagnostic and treatment services;
 Attends to emergency cases, provide first aid and
make referrals of complicated and unmanageable
cases to the hospital for intensive management;

 Monitors common illnesses, health problems and

epidemics to health authorities for proper

 Gives lecture and provide symposia on health

related issues for information dissemination to the

 Conducts home and hospital visitation and monitor

the condition and progress of healing of patients;

 Performs related tasks on public health.

Manual of Administration Page Physical Plant and Maintenance Services Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Chairs the Technical Building committee and see
to it that buildings to be constructed are in
accordance with the specifications in the
development plan;
 Sets the policies and guidelines on the utilization of
function rooms, gym, and other school facilities;
 Prioritizes repairs/renovations/maintenance of
buildings and recommend buildings for
demolition/condemnation and shall attend to the
maintenance of all buildings, class/ laboratory
rooms, school furniture, canals, pavements, toilet
and other school facilities;
 Sees to it that buildings, rooms, and offices are
provided with appropriate lightings and ventilation;
 Recommends to the Office of the President
equipment, devices, materials, and supplies to be
procured for the maintenance of facilities; and
 Oversees the maintenance of the cleanliness of
the surroundings of the College; and
 Does other related works as may be deemed

 Provides administrative and technical supervision

on the operation of the Motorpool programs and

 Reviews and recommends improvement and

innovation to improve the quality of service in
Motorpool programs and activities;

 Prepares budgetary requirements to support the

activities of the Motorpool;

 Supervises the Motorpool and maintains the

orderliness and cleanliness of the Motor Shop;

 Custodian of all tools, equipment, supplies and

materials in Motor Shop;

 Conduct semestral inventory of tools, equipment,

supplies and materials of the Motorpool;
 Supervises and maintains all the time the vehicles,
machinery and equipment;

 Monitors the official functions of all personnel in

the Motorpool Section;

 Prepares proper documentation for the renewal of

College’s vehicles;

 Coordinates to the PPSDO all the repairs and

maintenance of vehicles;

 Coordinates to the Supply Officer all the purchase

of supplies, equipment and spareparts of vehicles;

 Performs other related activities as instructed by

immediate supervisor.

2.1.2 Finance Division

The Financial Management Services Division shall be headed by a Financial

Management Director who shall be appointed/ designated by the President
and confirmed by the BOT who shall directly supervise the delivery of the
service by the Budget Services Office, the Accounting Services Office, the
Cashier’s Office and other allied sections that may be created by the
President in accordance with the organizational structure of the institution. Financial Management Services Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Recommends policies for the improvement and direction of
the overall financial service functions of the College;
 Supervises the employees in the Accounting, Budget and
Cash Division of the main campus;
 Coordinates with the college Deans/Directors/Administrators
of external campuses on financial matters;
 Implements budgeting, accounting and auditing rules and
 Reviews financial reports for submission to concerned
government agencies;
 Prepares reports to the deans, heads of offices or concerned
officials on financial matters;
 Assists the VPAF in financial resource generation activities
of the College; and
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper.

Manual of Administration Page Chief Accountant
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Oversees the approval and processing of revenues,
expenditures and position control documents, salary updates,
ledger and account maintenance and data entries, ensuring
compliance with College and government policies and
regulations while maintaining appropriate internal control
 Prepares financial statements at the institutions level and
fiscal and budget reports for internal management and
external agencies;
 Develops projections and analysis with conclusions and
recommendations for management;
 Coordinates and analysis fiscal and budget systems for
controls, policies and procedures, expedite audits;
 Reviews changing laws, procedures and accounting purposes
and makes recommendations for or implements changes in
accordance with College policy;
 Maintains records system in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards;
 Advises units on improvement of current fiscal procedures,
implementation of new fiscal policies and training of
accounting and administrative personnel. Budget Officer
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Assists in the development of budget guidelines, annual
legislative funding requests, and budget documents;
 Reviews availability of funding and recommends budget
revision request for restricted funding, requisition for
faculty recruitment, faculty contracts and new staff
 Reviews and advises the finance division on the financial
viability/cost benefit, and the relative ranking of capital
requests and special project/program proposals for
 Complies schedules and special reports, analyses and
feasibility studies such as annual data summaries and
program status reports;
 Performs research and analysis to evaluate programs
and develop recommendations for more cost-effective
organization or funding mechanisms;
 Does other related works as maybe deemed proper
instructed by immediate supervisor. Cashier
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Supervises the day to day operations of the cashier’s
office which includes the responsibility for cash and credit
receipt and deposit activities of the College;
 Supervises personnel, which includes work allocation,
training and problem resolution, evaluates performance
and makes recommendations for personnel actions,
motivates employees to achieve effective and efficient
productivity and performance;
 Prepares and implements internal policy procedures
recommends policies and ensures compliance with
college policy, contractual requirements and standard
accounting procedures;
 Coordinates unit functions with financial management
departments such as general accounting, taxation and
data control regarding accounting operations;
 Reconciles and balances related financial reports and
 Develops annual operating budgets and provides fiscal
direction to the unit;
 Establishes and implements short and long range unit
goals, objectives, strategic plans, policies, and operating
procedures, monitors and evaluates programmatic and
operational effectiveness and effects changes required
for improvement;
 Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned. Business Office/Auxiliary Services Director
Duties and Responsibilities:

 Monitors and evaluates the implementation of policies

and guidelines concerning the business affairs and
 Assists in the initiation and planning of the
establishment of the income-generating projects and
other business affair activities;
 Assumes the responsibility on financial matters relating
to the operation of the income generating project
subject to pertinent provisions of law, accounting
procedures and that of the college objective;
 Reviews and endorses budget proposals, feasibility
studies and contracts for recommendation and
implementation by the VP for Administration;
 Evaluates and processes the business proposals
based on the College objectives;
 Prepares and submits to the Director for Finance
reports and communications relative to business
 Assists in the marketing operations of the productions
service; and
 Does other related works as maybe deemed proper.

3.0. Officials under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension,
Continuing Education and Training Services
3.1.1 Research and Development Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Coordinates plans and programs in research of different
colleges/departments/units with the College President .
 Coordinate and monitors the implementation of research and
extension plans and programs of the College
 Initiates the publication of department researches’ information
for the use of the College
 Updates the College faculty on recent trends in development of
relevant research commodities through publication and other
means of communication
 Plans and develops marketing strategies for research results for
the approval of the College President, and
 Does other related works as may be deemed proper.

3.1.2 Extension Services Director

Duties and Responsibilities:
 Develops or establishes data bank for Extension Services of the
 Ensures the efficient and adequate operation of the extension
services and shall perform his/her duties in accordance with the
policies issued by the College
 Coordinates with the Director for Research in the publication of
extension activities of the college in any refereed journal;
 Maintains records of non-formal and extension classes and shall
prepare and submit accomplishment and annual reports to the
Vice President for RECETS on the condition/progress of the
extension services

Manual of Administration Page

 Conducts researches relevant to the extension program and in
coordination with the Director for Research
 Facilitates the transfer of matured technologies developed by
the research center through publication and technical bulletins;
 Does other related work as may be deemed proper.

5.1. Administrative Council

The Administrative Council is tasked to review and recommend to

the Board of Trustees policies governing the administration,
management and development planning of the college for
appropriate action.
5.2. Academic Council
 Determines, reviews, and recommends for approval of the
BOT the course/program offerings of the College;
 Devises/drafts, reviews, and recommend for approval of the
BOT academic policies including the rules of discipline of
and for the ASCOT; and
 Fixes the requirements for admission of students in the
ASCOT as well as for their graduation and the conferment of
degrees and submit the same to the BOT for review and/or
approval in accordance with Sec. 4. Par. (j) Of R.A. 8292.


Section 1. Human Resource Management Office

The Human Resource Management Office of the Aurora State College of

Technology has a great role in the implementation of human resource
management and development policies. In the discipline of the public
administration, it has the authority to propose and formulate policies which
are sensible and responsive in the needs of the employees and to the
College as a whole.

In this instance, the Human Resource Management Office is exploring all

necessary means and systems for the judicious management of human
resources creating a tolerable environment towards the enhancement of
productivity, and the efficient administration of its personnel functions.

Manual of Administration Page 47

1.1. Recruitment

The employment in the College is opened to all qualified citizens and earnest
efforts shall be exerted to attract the best qualified to enter the service. As a
rule, the merit and fitness to perform the duties and assume the
responsibilities of the position shall be the basis of the selection of
employees. (See Appendix C “Merit Selection Plan for Employees Merit
System for Faculty of Aurora State College of Technology”).
1.2. Placement and Promotion

Promotion is the advancement of an employee from one position to another

with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and
usually accompanied by an increase in salary.
Promotion may be from one unit to another within the College or from one
organizational unit to another within the College.

The President of the College as the appointing authority may promote an

employee who is not next-in-rank but who possesses superior qualifications
and competence compared to a next-in-rank employee who merely meets the
minimum requirements of the position.(See Appendix C “Merit Selection
Plan for Employees and Merit System for Faculty of Aurora State
College of Technology”).

1.2.1 The following are the procedures in promotion: Identifies vacancies to be filled through promotion of present

employees. Posts list of vacancies together with the qualification

requirements in three conspicuous places within the agency
premises and simultaneous posting of vacancies to the
different agencies. Publishes vacancies in either in the CSC Bulletin of
Vacancies or in a newspaper or general circulation. Identifies employees within the agency who are qualified for
promotion and accepts other interested applicants not from
outside the agency. Evaluates the qualifications of all candidates and submits a

short list of qualified and competent candidates/applicants
for the position to the personnel Selection Board. Schedules interview/written examination/hands-on and
psychological test.
1.2.2 Factors to be considered for Promotion

The comparative degree of competence and qualification of employee shall

be determined by the extent to which they meet the requirements at the time of
the appointment (CSC MC No.12, s.1989).

1.3. Appointments and other Personnel Action

Before assumption to duties, the appointee of the College shall assume duties,
he/she must comply the complete requirements for appointment and such
appointment must have the approval of the President. Unit heads, department,
deans/ directors who hired without approval by the president shall be held
administratively liable for paying the salary of the person being hired.

1.3.1 Contract of Service/Job Order

Employment under Contract of Service/Job Order in the College is described
as follows:

The contract covers lump sum work or services such as janitorial, security or
consultancy services where no employer-employee relationship exists.

The Job Order covers piece of work or intermittent job of short duration not
exceeding six (6) months on a daily basis. They are not allowed to teach
after office hours in the College.

The contract of service or job orders are not covered by Civil Service Law,
rules and regulations but covered by COA rules;

The employees involved in the contracts or job orders do not enjoy the
benefits enjoyed by government employees, such as PERA, ACA, RATA, etc.
Services rendered hereunder are not considered government service.

The compensation rate of Job Order is determined by the president subject to

the relevant factors set by the College but it shall not be lower than the
prescribed minimum wage.

The table below shows the rate of Job Order in consideration of years
rendered in the College and educational advancement.

Position Title Monthly Rate Requirements

1 6,000.00/mo High School Graduate
2 8,000.00/mo BS Degree
3 10,000.00/mo Master’s Degree

1.3.2 Contract of Service/Part-Time Faculty

Employment under Contract of Services of Part-time Faculty in the College
refers and described as follows:

Manual of Administration Page

The appointment of Part-time Faculty shall be on Contract of Services.
The contract covers lump sum work or services such involving part-time
faculty where no employer-employee relationship exists.

The contract of services of Part-time faculty covers piece of work or

intermittent job of short duration not exceeding five (5) months based on
given teaching loads.
The contract of service involving Part-time Faculty are not covered by Civil
Service Law, rules and regulations but covered by COA rules;

The employees involved in the contracts of part-time faculty do not enjoy the
benefits enjoyed by government employees, such as PERA, ACA, RATA, etc.
Services rendered there under are not considered government service.

Rate of Contract of Services

BS P 113.29 Rate per hour
MS/Ph.D/Ed.D Depends on the equivalent rank of
faculty after upon evaluation
1.3.3 Nature of Appointment in the College

The herein operational terms are defined and used in the College as follows: Detail – refers to a temporary movement of an employee from one

agency to another which does not involve a reduction in rank,
status or salary. Contractual – issued to a person who shall undertake a specific

work or job for a limited period not to exceed one (1) year. The
appointing authority shall indicate the inclusive period covered by
the appointment for purposes of crediting services. Initial – refers to all other appointments of persons entering the

government service for the first time whether in the career or non-
career which are not covered by the definition of original
appointment. Job Rotation – a sequential or reciprocal movement of an

employee from one another or from unit to another within the
College for the purpose in developing and enhancing the potentials
of the employees in an organization to the other work function of
the University. Original – refers to the initial entry into the career service or non
career service of the employee in the College who meets all the
requirements of the position (CSCMC No.1, s. 1996.)
The appointee shall undergo a probationary period of six (6)
months during which the employee shall undergo a thorough
assessment of his/her performance and conduct. His/her services
can be terminated anytime during the said period for unsatisfactory
conduct or want of capacity. The order of termination shall be
serving through personal notice or through constructive notice
and shall no longer be appealable. Promotion – is the movement of an employee to a higher position

within the organizational unit to another or within the same agency
with corresponding increase in duties and responsibilities, usually
accompanied by an increase in salary. Reappointment – is the appointment during reorganization,

devolution, or similar events. Reappointment presupposes gap in
the service.

An employee who seeks transfer to another agency/office shall

first secure permission from the head of the agency where he/she
is employed: stating the office he/she is transferring and the date
of the effectivity of his/her transfer.
It shall be deemed approved after the lapse of 30 days from the
date of notice to the head of agency.

If the employee fails to transfer on the specified date, he/she shall

be considered resigned in his/her former office shall be at the
discretion of the head of the agency. Reassignment– movement of an employee from one

organizational unit to another within the College which does not
involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.

If the reassignment is without the consent of the employee being

reassigned it shall be allowed only for a maximum of one (1) year. Reemployment – is the appointment of a person who has been

previously appointed to a position in the government service after
separation there from. Reemployment presupposes gap in the
service. Reinstatement – is the automatic restoration of a person to a

position from which he/she was illegally separated with back
salaries including allowances and benefits except representation
and transportation allowance and uniform allowance.

Manual of Administration Page 51

It is understood that one who has been exonerated or who has
been illegally terminated is deemed not to leave the service. Renewal – refers to the subsequent appointed issued upon the

expiration of the casual/contractual personnel or a temporary
appointment if a qualified eligible is not actually available, as
certified by the Civil Service Commission. Secondment – is the movement of a public officer or employee

from the College to another agency upon mutual concurrence
among the College , by a receiving agency and the employee
concerned which should be covered by a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) in accordance with the guidelines. Transfer – is the movement of an employee from one agency to

another or from one position to another within the same
agency which may involves a benefits position of higher,
equivalent or lower rank, or level of salary, without break in the
service. Transfer requires the issuance of appointment. Upgrading/Reclassification – this refers to the change in

position title with the corresponding increase in salary grade
as a result of a change in the classification of due to material
and substantial changes in duties and responsibilities of the
position without change in status provided, the person meets
the minimum requirements of the position.

1.4. Publication of Vacant Positions

1.4.1 All vacant positions in the College shall be published in accordance

with the provisions of RA 7041 and its implementing guidelines.

1.4.2 Published vacant positions shall not be filled unless and until ten (10)
days has elapsed from the date of publication. To avoid gap in the
services of the holder of the incumbent of temporary appointment and
are subject for renewal, publication should be done every six (6)
months reckoned from its last publication.

1.5. Qualification Standards

1.5.1 The minimum requirements of the positions to be filled up by the

College shall be based on the Civil Service Commission Service Wide
Qualification Standards.

Manual of Administration Page 52

1.5.2 Appointees to non-career positions, including casual employees, must
meet the minimum requirements prescribed by the qualification
standards except eligibility. However, applicants with eligibility shall be
given priority for hiring.

1.5.3 In determining the relevance of education and experience, reference

shall be made to the duties and responsibilities attached to the position
and the occupational groupings where they belong.

1.6. Modes of Separation of Personnel in the College

1.6.1 Resignation The voluntary written notice of the employee informing

his/her immediate supervisor and the President he/she
is relinquishing his/her position and the effectivity date of
said resignation. The acceptance/approval of resignation in writing by the

President which shall indicate the effectivity date of
the resignation. Employees of the College who are under investigation may

be allowed to resign pending decision of his/her case without
prejudice to the continuation of the proceedings until finally
1.6.2 Dropping from the Rolls

An officer or employee of the College who are either habitually absent

or have unsatisfactory or poor performance or have shown to be
physically and mentally unfit to perform their duties maybe dropped
from the rolls subject to the existing procedures.
1.6.3 Abandonment

An officer or employee of the College who does not report for five (5)
consecutive working days without prior notice shall be considered as
having abandoned his/her nature of work. He will be considered
terminated after due process. As a consequence, all benefits and
privileges will be forfeited.
1.6.4 Termination for cause, lay-off, suspension

A staff may be terminated or separated for cause, laid-off or

suspended from work, in accordance with the rules and regulations of
the College and governed by existing laws and implementing rules
and regulations of the Civil Service Commission.

Manual of Administration Page 53

1.6.5 Absence without approved leave
An officer or employee of the College who is continuously absent
without approved leave (AWOL) for at least thirty (30) calendar days
shall be separated from the service or dropped from the rolls without
prior notice. He shall however be informed his/her separation from
the service not later than five (5) days from its effectivity which shall
be sent to the address appearing on his/her 201 files.

If the number of unauthorized absences incurred is less than thirty

(30) calendar days, a written Return-to Work Order shall be served
on the official or employee at his/her last known address on record.
Failure on the part of the employee to report for work within the
period stated in the order shall be valid to drop him from the rolls.
1.6.6 Unsatisfactory or Poor Performance

The two (2) consecutive unsatisfactory ratings of an official or

employee of the college may be considered a ground for the
dropping from the rolls of employee after prior notice. To effect this,
there must be a notice in writing given to the employee concerning
his/her unsatisfactory performance for a semester and a warning
that succeeding unsatisfactory performance shall warrant his/her
separation from service.

Notice shall be given not later than thirty (30) days from the end of
the rating period and shall contain sufficient information which shall
enable the employee to prepare an explanation.

In any case, an official or employee of the College who for one (1)
rating period is rated poor in his/her performance, may be dropped
from the rolls after due notice. The said official or employee must be
informed in writing of the status of his performance not later than the
4th month of that rating period with sufficient warning that failure to
improve his performance within the remaining period of the rating
period shall warrant his/her separation from the service. Such notice
shall also contain sufficient information which shall enable the
employee to prepare an explanation.
1.6.7 Physically and Mentally Unfit

The President of the College, in the exercise of his/her sound

judgment, may declare the employee physically unfit to perform
duties and consequently drop him/her from the rolls of employees
on the following grounds: continuous absence of an employee for more than one
(1) year by reason of illness

Manual of Administration Page 54 intermittent absent of an employee of the college on the
reason of illness for at least 260 working days during a
24-month period abnormal behavior of an employee for an extended

period which manifests continuing mental disorder and
incapacity to work

For the purpose of the three (3) preceding paragraphs,

notice shall be given to the employee containing a brief
statement of the nature of his incapacity to work.

The employee who is separated from the service through

any of the above modes may appeal his case to Civil
Service Commission or its Regional office within fifteen
(15) days from receipt of such order or notice of

The order of separation is immediately executed pending

appeal, unless the Civil Service Commission on
meritorious grounds directs otherwise.

The manner of separation of employees on the

aforementioned grounds is considered non-disciplinary in
nature. It shall result in the forfeiture of any benefits on
the part of the official employee nor in disqualifying him
from reemployment in the government.

The written notice mentioned in the preceding

paragraphs may be signed by the person exercising
immediate supervision over the employee. However the
notice of separation shall be signed by the President.

In cases of Dismissal/Forced Resignation, a certified true

copy of the decision rendered shall be submitted to the
CSC Office concerned for record purposes.

* For other modes of separation such as termination of

temporary appointment, retirement and death, a notice
stating the date of such separation shall be submitted to
the CSC Office concerned for record purposes.

1.7. Prohibitions

1.7.1 No appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the
College unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of
his position.

Manual of Administration Page 55

1.7.2 No employee of the College shall receive additional double or direct
compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor accept
without the consent of congress, any present, emolument, office or title
of any foreign government.
1.7.3 Pensions and gratuities shall not be considered as additional, double
and indirect compensation.

1.7.4 A person who lost in an election (Except barangay election) shall not
be eligible for appointment or reemployment in the College within one
(1) year following such election.

1.7.5 An officer or employee of the College, who files a certificate of

candidacy, even later on disqualified or has withdrawn, is still
considered resigned and shall not be considered for employment in the

1.7.6 No employee of the College who resigned during the three (3) month
period before any election to promote the candidacy of another shall
not be reemployed by the College during the six (6) month period
following such election.

1.7.7 No detail or assignment of employees of the College shall be made

within three (3) months before any election unless with the permission
of the COMELEC.

1.7.8 No appointment shall be made in favor of a relative of the appointing or

recommending authority or of the chief or head of unit or of the person
exercising immediate supervision over the appointee.

* Unless otherwise provided by law, the word “relative” and the

members of the family referred to are those related within the third
degree either of consanguinity or affinity.

1.7.9 The following are exempted from the operation of the rule on nepotism:

 person employed in a confidential

capacity teachers
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines

 health personnel

Manual of Administration Page 56

1.7.10 The Nepotism rule covers all kind of appointments whether original,
promotional, transfer and reemployment regardless or status including
casuals and contractual except consultants.

1.7.11 No person who has been dismissed or perpetually

excluded/disqualified from the government service shall be appointed
or reemployed by the College unless he has been granted executor

1.7.12 No person who has reached the compulsory retirement age of 65

years shall be hired by the College to any position unless on
consultancy in nature.

1.7.13 No officer or employee of the College shall engage directly or

indirectly in any private business or profession without a written
permission from the President. Provided that this prohibition will be
absolute in the case of those officers and employees whose duties and
responsibilities required that their entire time is at the disposal of the
College. Provided further, that the employee of the College is granted
permission to engage in outside activities and the time devoted outside
of office hours should be fixed by the College President so that it will
not impair in any way the efficiency of the officer or employee nor pose
a conflict with the official functions (MC 15, s. 1999).
1.7.14 No officer or employee of the College who is on study leave or on
secondment shall be considered for promotion during the period of his
study leave or secondment (MC 15, s. 1999).

1.8. Accreditation Program

1.8.1 The College has given the authority by the Civil Service Commission to
take final action on appointments issued to positions in the first,
second and third levels in the career service, regardless of
appointment status per CSC Res. No. 98-2115 dated August 14,1998.
1.8.2 The College as an accredited agency has satisfactorily satisfied the
following prerequisites requirements: Appointments and personnel actions conform with Rule V of

the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of the
Administrative Code of 1987 amended by MV No. 38 s,
1993, MC No. 40, s.1998 and other pertinent issuances on
appointments and personnel actions. Complied the basic personnel mechanisms that seek to
promote merit and fitness in the civil service.

Manual of Administration Page 57 Has a sound personnel records management which include
completeness, up-to-datedness, authenticity and
organization of 201 files, plantilla of personnel and service
records and compliance with MC No. 6, s. 1985 as amended
by MC No. 38, s. 1993 and MC No. 38, s. 1993 and MC No.
40, s. 1998 regarding supporting papers for specific types of
appointment. The Human Resource Management Officer has attended

Training on Appointment Preparation and Leave
Administration (TAPLACE). The Civil Service Commission Region No. III conducted a

Level II Revalidation Assessment on May 2012 and
Reassessment done in February 2013, results show that
ASCOT has continued to be compliant to the requirements
for Level II-Accredited Status per CSC Resolution Number
1301313 promulgated on July 2, 2013.

The Commission resolves to validate the Level II Accredited

status of the College subject to the following terms and
conditions of the PRIME-HRM.

1. That all requirements under PRIME-HRM shall be fully

complied with within one (1) year from the date of
revalidation to maintain accreditation;

2. The the exercise of the authority to take final action on

appointments shall be subject to Civil Service Law, rules and
regulations in accordance with the guidelines provided in
PRIME-HRM per CSC Resolution No. 1200241 dated
February 1, 2012;

3. That the authority shall cover all appointments issued by

the appointing authority;

4. That no appointment shall take effect retroactively;

5. That those whose appointments are temporary may be

appointed on a permanent status in accordance with the
revised policies on the change of status of appointments
from temporary to permanent per CSC MC No. 6 s. 2007;

6. That appointments issued under this authority shall be

subject to monthly monitoring by the CSCFO concerned;

Manual of Administration Page 58

7. That for immediate monitoring and records keeping, the
agency shall submit to the CSCFO an electronic copy and
three (3) printed copies of its monthly Report on
Appointment Issued (RAI) and certified true copies of
appointments issued with supporting documents on or
before the 30th day of the succeeding month;

8. That appointments found in the course of monthly

monitoring to have been issued and acted upon in violation
of pertinent rules, standards, and regulations shall be
invalidated by the CSCRO/CSCFO subject to Civil Service
Law and rules;

9. That evaluation of the extent of observance of the terms

and conditions of accreditation shall be done by the CSCFO
concerned every two (2) years subject to revocation of the
accreditation if the agency is found to have committed
violation within the period of accreditation; and

10. That the agency shall be extended continuous technical

assistance by the CSCRO and CSC Field Office concerned
to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the

1.9. Personnel Relations

The College shall be responsible for the creation of an atmosphere

conductive to good supervisor-employee relations and the improvement of
employee morale. The President shall establish a policy guideline for the
maintenance of employees’ health, welfare, counseling, recreation or similar
activities (Rule XI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292).
1.9.1 Handling of Complaints and Grievances

The College shall establish a policy guidelines intended to help

promote employee management relationship thereby fostering
organizational harmony and productivity.

The policy guideline shall establish an orderly method of handling

disputes, settle disputes at the lowest level of the organization, prevent
discontentment and dis enchantment among and between employees
and officials, enable the organization to participate in solving the
complaints as well as grievances of the employees and allow the
aggrieved party to appeal from the results of the grievance negotiation
until a final, binding and executor decision is reached.

Manual of Administration Page 59

1.9.2 Definition of Terms Complaint – it is an employee expressed either written or
spoken feelings of dissatisfaction with some aspects of his
working conditions, relationships or status which are outside
his control Grievance – refers to a complaint in writing which is the first

instance and in the employee’s opinion, has been ignored,
overridden or dropped without due consideration. Grievance Procedure – this refers to the methods of

determining and finding the best way to remedy the specific
cause or causes of the complaint or grievance.

1.9.3 Personnel Discipline A complaint against any employee of the College shall not

be given due course unless it is in writing and subscribed
and sworn to by the complainant. However, in cases initiated
by the proper disciplining authority, the complaint need not
be under oath. (MC No. 19, s.1999). No anonymous complaint shall be entertained unless there

is obvious truth or merit to the allegations therein or
supported by documentary or directed evidence, in which
case the person complained or maybe required to comment. The complaint should be written in a clear, simple and

concise language and in a systematic manner as to appraise
the civil servant concerned of the nature and cause of the
accusation against him and to enable him to intelligently
prepare has defense or answer (MC 19,s. 1999).
1.9.4 Jurisdiction of the President Disciplinary
 If complaints involving personnel, the decisions shall
be final in case the penalty imposed is suspension for
not more than thirty (30) days or fine in an amount not
exceeding thirty days salary. Non-Disciplinary
 Protests against the appointments of personnel, they
shall have original concurrent jurisdiction with the Civil
Service Commission, Regional Office.

Manual of Administration Page 60

 If complaints on personnel action and other non-
disciplinary actions of the personnel.
1.10. Personnel Benefits, Welfare, Awards and Incentives
1.10.1 Objectives: The College has formulated a policy guidelines to

encourage, recognize and reward employees, individually
and in groups, for their suggestions, innovative ideas,
inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, heroic
deeds, exemplary behavior, extraordinary acts or services in
the public interest and other personal efforts which contribute
to the efficiency, economy and improvement in the
government operations, which lead to organizational

1.10.2 Policies

The College shall implement a continuing award and

incentives program to its faculty and staff who have
outstanding and significant contribution to the pursuit of its
goals. The system shall be designed to encourage creativity,

innovative, efficiency, integrity and productivity in the public
service by recognizing and rewarding officials and
employees, individually or in groups, for their suggestions,
inventions, superior accomplishments, and other personnel
efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy or other
improvement in government operations, or for other
extraordinary acts or services in the public interest.
1.10.3 Rights of the Staff

In cognizance and in consonance with the College vision-mission, the

staff are entitled to the following rights: Participation

As the deliverers of the support service provided by the

College, the staff are entitled to effective participation in the
process of decision making. They shall be represented to the
fullest extent possible in the various bodies that formulate
policies, subject to the existing by-laws and policies of such
bodies. Their participation shall be secured and shall include
their right to be consulted and be heard in matters that affect

Manual of Administration Page 61

the staff as individuals or as a collective entity. Being heard
includes assent or dissent. After a decision is reached,
pertinent information shall be disseminated to the staff
before polices are fully implemented. Information

The staff has the right to information that affects them,

individually or collectively. Except in emergency situations,
the College must ensure that prior to making any decision;
information shall have been effectively disseminated to
members of the staff in order to ascertain their intelligent
involvement in such decision-making.

1.11. Leave Administration

In general, officers and employees of the College whether permanent or

temporary shall be entitled to 15 days vacation and 15 sick leave with full pay
provided that he/she rendered during the prescribed office hours after six
(6) months of continuous, faithful and satisfactory service.

Definition of Terms

1.11.1 Commutation of leave credits – refers to incremental acquisition

of Unused leave credits by an official or employee.

1.11.2 Commutation of leave credits – refers to the conversion of unused leave

credits to their corresponding money value credits value of the applied for
commutation of all or a portion of the vacation and or sick leave credits of
an officer or employee.

1.11.3 Immediate family – refers to the spouse, children parents, unmarried

brothers and sisters and any relative living together under same roof and
dependent upon the employee for support.

1.11.4 Leave of Absence – officers and employees in the University shall be

entitled to leave of absence, with or without pay, as may be provided by
law and the rules and regulations.

1.11.5 Maternity Leave – refers to leave of absence granted to female government

employees legally entitled thereto in addition to vacation and sick leave.
The primary intent or purpose of granting maternity leave is to extend
working mothers some measures of financial help and to provide her a
period of rest and recuperation in connection with her pregnancy.

Manual of Administration Page

1.11.6 Monetization – refers to the payment in advance under prescribed limits
and subjects to specified terms and conditions of the money value of leave
credits of an employee upon his request without actually going on leave.

1.11.7 Paternity Leave – refers to the privilege granted to married male

employee of the University allowing him not to report to work for seven (7)
working days while continuing to earn he compensation thereof on the
condition that his legitimate spouse has delivered a child or suffered
miscarriage, for purpose of enabling him to effectively lend care and
support to his wife before, during and after childbirth as the case may be
and assist in caring for his new born child.

1.11.8 Pregnancy – refers to the period between conception and delivery or

birth of a child. For the purposes of maternity leave miscarriage is within
the period of pregnancy.

1.11.9 Sick leave – refers to leave of absence granted only on account of

sickness or disability on the part of the employee concerned or any
member of his immediate family.

1.11.10 Vacation leave – refers to leave of absence granted to officials and

employees for personal reasons, the approval of which is contingent upon
the necessities of the service.

1.11.11 Terminal Leave- refers to money value of the total accumulated leave of
an employee based on the highest salary received. Entitlement of Leave Privileges – officers and employees of the

College whether permanent, temporary or casual, who render work
during the prescribed office hours, shall be entitled to 15 days
vacation and 15 days sick leave annually with full pay exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays. Employees Entitled to vacation/Sick Leave – leave of absence

of officers and employees of the College rendering services on a
contractual basis (“Rule XVI, Sec. 4 of Omnibus Civil Service
Rules and Regulations)) are entitled to vacation and sick leave
benefits proportionate to the number of hours rendered. Maternity Leave – every woman in the College who has

rendered an aggregate of two (2) or more years of service, shall, in
addition to the vacation and sick leave granted to her, be entitled
to maternity leave of sixty (60)calendar days with full pay. Those
who have rendered one(1) year or more but less than two (2)
years of service shall be computed in proportion to their length of
service, provided that those who have served for less than one (1)

Manual of Administration Page

year shall be entitled to 60-days maternity leave with half pay.
Maternity leave cannot be deferred but it should be availed of
either before or after the actual period of delivery in a continuous
and uninterrupted manner, not exceeding 60 calendar days.

Every married and unmarried women of the College may go on

maternity leave for less than sixty (60) days. However, if she wants
to report back to duty before the expiration of her maternity leave,
she may be allowed to do so provided she presents a medical
certificate that she is physically fit to assume the duties of her

She is also entitled to receive both the benefits the benefits

granted under the maternity leave law and the salary for actual
services rendered effective the day she reports to work. Paternity – every married male employee of the College is

entitled to paternity leave of seven (7) working days for the first
four (4) deliveries of his legitimate spouse with whom he is
cohabiting. The same may be enjoyed by the employees on the
days immediately before or after the childbirth or miscarriage of his
legitimate spouse.
The Paternity leave shall be non-commutative. Adoption Leave – officers and employees of the College

who legally adopt a child below seven (7) years of age as of the
date the child is placed with hem shall be entitled to adoption
leave in the manner herein provided.

Married individuals who are both are working in the College shall
be entitled to thirty (30) calendar days for the adoptive mother
and seven(7) calendar days for the adoptive father.

Solo parents of whatever gender or civil status shall be entitled to

thirty (30) calendar days.

The availment of adoption leave shall commence from the date

the child is placed with the adoptive parents, which shall not be
earlier than the date of the decree of adoption. Adoption leave is
non-cumulative and non-commutative. Special Leave Privileges – in addition to vacation, sick,

maternity and paternity leave, officers and employees of the
College with or without existing or approved Collective
Negotiation Agreement (CNA), except for faculty on teachers
leave and those covered by special laws, and granted the
following special leave privileges. Faculty with administrative
designation and whose status is converted under vacation/sick
leave are entitles to special leave privilege. and faculty under Vacation/Sick Leave are granted

the following leave privileges subject to the condition hereunder

 Personal Milestone – such as birthdays, wedding, wedding

anniversary, celebrations and other similar milestones, including
death anniversaries;

 Parental Obligation – such as attendance in school programs, PTA

meetings, graduations, first communion, medical needs, among
others where a child of the government employee is involved;

 Filial Obligations – covers the employee’s moral obligation towards

his parents and siblings for their medical and social needs.

 Domestic Emergencies – such as sudden urgent repairs needed at

home, sudden absence of yaya or maid, and the like.

 Personal transactions – cover the entire range of transactions and

individual does with government and private offices such as paying
taxes, court appearances, arranging a housing loan, etc.

 Calamity, accident, hospitalization leave – these pertains to force

majeure events that effect his life, limb and property of the
employee or his immediate family. Special Emergency Leave to Government

Employees affected by Natural Calamities/Disasters (CSC-
MC 2 s. 2012)

 5-day special emergency leave granted to government

employees directly affected by natural calamity/disaster;
 Can be applied for 5 straight working days or on
staggered basis and not deducted from the employee’s
leave credits;
 Purpose of Leave: urgent repair and clean-up of
damaged house, being stranded in affected areas,
disease/illness of employees brought by natural
calamity/disaster, caring of immediate family members
affected by natural calamity/disaster;
 Maybe availed of by affected government employees
within 30 days from the first day of calamity declaration
by proper government agencies/authorities;
 Commonly declared natural calamity/disaster may
include, but not limited to, earthquakes, flooding, volcanic
eruption and landslide that have profound environmental
effect and/or human loss and
 Head of office shall take full responsibility for the grant of
special emergency leave and verification of the
employees eligibility to be granted; validation of place of
residence based on latest available records of the
affected employee, verification that the place of
residence is covered in the declaration of calamity area
by the proper government agency and such other proofs
as may be necessary;
 Affected employees whose leave credits were previously
deducted may request for restoration thereof, subject to
the approval of the head of office. An employee of the College can still avail of his/her

birthday or wedding anniversary leave. If such occasion
falls on either a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, either
before or after the occasion. Employees applying for special leaves shall no longer be

required to present proof that they are entitled to avail of
such leaves. The three-day limit for a given year shall be strictly

observed: an employee can avail of one special privilege
leave for three (3) days in a combination of any of the
leaves for maximum of three days in a given year.

 Special leave privileges are non cumulative and strictly

non-convertible to cash. Mandatory Five-Day Vacation Leave - Officers and

employees of the College with 10-days or more vacation
leave credits shall be to on vacation leave whether
continuous or intermittent for a maximum of five (5) days
annually under the conditions:
 Head of units upon consultation with his/her staff prepare a
staggered schedule of the mandatory five-day vacation leave of
his/her staff, provided that he/she may, in the exigency of the
service, cancel any previously scheduled leave;

 The mandatory annual five-day vacation leave shall be forfeited

if not taken during the year. However, in cases where the
scheduled leave has been cancelled in the exigency of the
service, cancel any previously scheduled leave;

 Retirement and resignation from the service in a particular year

without completing the calendar year do not warrant forfeiture of
the corresponding leave credits if the employee opted not to
avail of the required five (5) days mandatory vacation leave;

 Employees with accumulated vacation leave of less than ten

(10) days shall have the option to go on forced leave or not.
However, officers and employees with accumulated vacation
leave of fifteen (15) days who availed of monetization of ten (10)
days, shall still be required to go on forced leave. Application for Leave - application for leave of absence

for on (1) full day or more, all officers and employees of the
College are required to submit on the prescribed form for action
by the proper authority five (5) days in advance, whenever
possible, of the effective date of such leave. Application for Vacation Leave – all application for

vacation leave of absence for one (1) full day or more shall be
submitted to the4 Human Resource Management Office on a
prescribed form for action by the President or his/her authorized
representative five (5) days in advance, whenever possible, of
the effective date of such leave;

 Approval of vacation leave - Application for vacation leave shall

be properly cleared with the immediate supervisor, who shall
determine the contingency of the employee’s service. Before
going on such leave officer or employee concerned shall see to
it that his/her application for leave was approved by the proper

The grant of vacation leave is discretionary on the part of the

President or authority concerned. Thus, the mere filing of such
application for leave does not entitle an officer or employee of
this College to go on leave outright.
An application for leave of absence for thirty (30) days or more
shall be accompanied by a clearance. Application for Sick Leave - all applications for sick leave
of absence for one full day or more shall be made on the
prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon employee
return from such leave.

Application for sick leave in excess for five (5) successive days
shall be accompanied with proper medical certificate.

Notice of absence should be sent to the immediate supervisor.

Sick leave applied for in advance in cases where the employees

will undergo medical examination or operation or advised to rest
due to ill health must be supported by a medical certificate.

 Approval for Sick Leave – sick leave shall be granted only to

employees of the College on account of sickness or disability
on the part of the employees or of any member of his
immediate family.

 Approval of sick leaves, whether with or without pay, is

mandatory provided proof of sickness or disability is attached
to the application in accordance with the requirements
prescribed under the preceding section. Rehabilitation leave for job-related injuries – officials

and employees of the College can avail of rehabilitation leave
for leave of absence on account of wounds or injuries incurred
while in the performance of official duties which refers to the
 Government official and employee is already at work;

 Being on official business outside of work station;

 On official travel;
 on authorized overtime;
 on detail order;
 on special assignment orders Application for rehabilitation leave should be made within
one (1) week from the time of the accident.

Manual of Administration Page Rehabilitation leave maybe availed of the employees of
the College for a maximum period of six (6) months
(perm.; temporary, casual, or contractual appointment) RATA shall no longer be extended to officials and
employees on rehabilitation. Officials and employees on rehabilitation leave do not

earn and accumulate vacation and sick leave credits;
absences from work during the period shall not be
deducted from their leave credits. Procedure and Requirements in applying for
Rehabilitation Leave:
 Write a letter of application for Rehabilitation leave and
must be supported by relevant reports such as police
 Medical certificate that specifies the nature of injuries; in
case the attending physician is a private practitioner, a
written concurrence of a government physician on the
recommendation for rehabilitation must be obtained. Parental Leave for Solo Parent – in addition to leave

privileges under existing laws, employees of the College
are also entitled to parental leave of not more than
seven (7) days every year until the child reaches the age
of eighteen (18) years for those employees who have
rendered service of at least one (1) year. Terminal Leave – is applied for by an employee who

intends to severe his connections with the College.
Accordingly, the filing for terminal leave requires as a
condition, sine qua non, the employees resignation,
retirement or separation from the service.

Payment of terminal leave for purposes of retirement or

voluntary resignation shall be based on the highest
monthly salary received at any time during his period of
employment in the College and not on his latest salary,
unless the latter is the highest received by the retiree.

An official or employee of the College who is on terminal

leave does not earn leave credits as he/she is already
out of the service.

Manual of Administration Page

 Payment of Terminal Leave - employees of the College
who retires, voluntary resigns, or is separated from the
service through no faults of his own, and who is not
otherwise covered by special law, shall be entitled to the
commutation of his leave credits exclusive of Saturdays,
Sundays and Holidays without limitation and regardless
of the period when the credits were earned. Tardiness and Undertime – officers and employees of

the College who have incurred tardiness and undertime
regardless the number of minute per day exceeding ten
(10) times a month for two (2) months in a semester shall
be subject to disciplinary action.

 Tardiness and undertime are deducted from vacation

leave credits and shall not be charged against sick leave
credits, unless the undertime is for health reasons
supported by medical certificate and application for leave. Compensatory Time Off (CTO) - refers to the

hours/days an employee is excused from reporting to
work with full pay to offset unpaid overtime services
rendered. Leave Without Pay - shall not be granted whenever as

employee of the College has leave with pay to his/her
credit, except in the case of secondment.

 Limit of Leave Without Pay - leave without pay not exceeding

one (1) year may be granted, in addition to the vacation and/or
sick earned. Leave without pay in excess of one (1) month
shall require proper clearance from the College.
 Effect of failure to report for duty after expiration of one
year leave – if an official or an employee of the College failed
to report for work at the expiration of one (1) year from the date
of such leave, he/she shall be considered automatically
separated from the service. (CSC MC No. 41, 1998)
 Effect of absences without approved leave -an official or an
employee of the College who is continuously absent without
approve leave for at least thirty (30) working days shall be
considered on absence without official leave (AWOL) shall be
separated from the service or dropped from the rolls without
prior notice. He shall be informed, at his address appearing on
his 201 files or at his last known written address, of his
separation from the service, not later five(5) days from its
 However, if the number of unauthorized absences incurred is
less than thirty (30) working days, a written Return-to-work
shall be served to him at his last known address on record.
Failure on his part to report for work within the period stated in
the Order shall be valid ground to drop him from rolls. Status of the position of an official or employee on vacation

leave or sick leave – while the incumbent of the position is on
vacation or sick leave with or without pay, his position is not
vacant during the period of such leave therefore, only a
substitute appointment can be made to such position. Seconded Employee (status of seconded employee) – shall be

on leave without pay from the College for the duration of his
secondment, and during such period he may earn leave credits
which commutable immediately thereafter at and payable by
the receiving agency. Effect of Vacation Leave Without Pay on the Grant of length

of Service Step Increment – for purposes of computing the
length of service of employees of the College for the grant of
step increment, approved vacation leave without pay for an
aggregate of fifteen (15)days shall not interrupt the continuity
of the three year service requirement for the grant of step
increment. However, if the total number of authorized vacation
leave without pay included within the three (3) year period
exceeds fifteen (15) days, the grant of one- step increment will
only delayed for the same number of days
that an official or employee was absent without pay. (CSC MC
No. 41, s. 1998). Effect of pending Administrative Case Against an Official

or employee – an official and employee of the College with
pending administrative case is not barred from enjoying leave
privileges. Effect of Decision in Administrative Case – an official or

employee of the College who has been penalized with
dismissal from the service is likewise not barred from
entitlement to his terminal leave benefits. Transfer of Leave Credits – When an official or employee of

the College transferred to another government agency he/she
can either have his/her accumulated vacation and/or sick
leave credits commuted or transferred to his new agency.

Manual of Administration Page

(Ref. Omnibus Rules on Leave as Amended by CSC MC Nos.
41, s. 1998;6 and 14, s. 1999; Omnibus Rules Implementing
Book V of EO No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Services
Laws.) Other leave benefits which are not stated in the

aforementioned provision may also be availed in consonance
to the CSC rules and regulations.

1.12. Personnel Career Development

Every official and employee of the College is an asset or resource to be

valued, developed and utilized in the delivery of basic services to its clientele.
Hence, the development and retention of a highly competent and professional
workplace in the public service shall be the main concern of the College
.(See: Appendix A “Guidelines on Faculty and Staff Development of
1.12.1 Policy

Every Department/Unit of the College prepares a career and personnel

development plan which shall be integrated into a College
Development Plan under the Human Resource Development Program
of the College which shall serve as the basis for all career and
personnel development program activities of the College.

1.12.2 Study Privileges – permanent official and employee of the College

who have rendered service at least one (1) year shall have the
privilege to enroll at the College for not more than six (6) units a
semester without exemption from payment of tuition and laboratory

1.12.3 Employees Career Development Program

The College shall develop and implement a continuing program of

training and development for the faculty and administrative staff and
other non-academic staff.

The College shall encourage its faculty, administrative and other non-
academic staff to pursue relevant local and foreign-assisted trainings
and scholarship grants; and attend seminars, workshops, convention,
conferences, institutes and related human resource development
(HRD) courses.

Selection of participants in training programs shall be conducted by the

Human Resource Development and the College Career Development
Committee based on the College needs and priorities (as
recommended by the heads of the offices, Departments/Units)
1.12.4 Job Rotation/Reassignment

The College shall provide opportunity to its employees to exchange

posts or job station within the College. Provided such reassignment
shall not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.
Objectives: To help employees develop and enhance their potentials in

an organization by exposing them to the other work functions
of the College. To tap employees who have demonstrated professional

qualities and leadership or managerial potential in order to
enrich or enlarge their repertoire of skills and knowledge.
1.13. Retirement
1.13.1 Retirement Modes

RA 8291 – (GSIS Act of 1997)

1. You must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must be
at 60 years old upon retirement; and
2. You must not be a permanent total disability pensioner.

Retirement Benefit – there are two choices under this law

Option 1: Lump sum and old age (basic monthly) pension

This consists of the following:

 Lump sum- equivalent to your 60 month (or 5-year)

basic monthly pension (BMP) payable at the time of
retirement; and
 BMP – payable for life after the 5-year guaranteed

Option 2: Cash payment and old-age (basic monthly) pension

This consists of the following:
 Cash Payment – equivalent to 18-month BMP
payable upon retirement ; and
 Immediate BMP – payable for life from the date
of retirement
Separation Benefit – If you are ineligible for retirement benefit under
RA 8291 because you did not meet the required age (at least 60 years
old) or service (at least 15 years) you may be entitled to separation
benefit in the form of Cash Payment payable at age 60.

If you meet only the service requirement of 15 years, however, you are
also entitled to pension payable at age 60 on top of the 18 times of
your BMP payable upon separation.

1.13.2 Presidential Decree 1146 (Pension or Cash

Payment) Eligibility

1. You must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must

at least be 60 years old upon retirement; and
2. Your date of retirement or separation is prior to June 24, 1997.

Benefits – You are entitled to any of the two benefits discussed

below depending on your age and length of service.

1. Pension – For pension payment, you can choose from two

Option 1: Annuity – the monthly pension paid annually for
5 years, after which, your BMP for life shall commence.
Option 2: Five-year lump sum - the amount to be received
within the 5-year guaranteed period.

2. Cash Payment – If you are at least 60 years old and had at least 3
years but less than 15 years of government service, you are
ineligible for retirement benefit under PD 1146. You may be
entitled, however, to Cash Payment equivalent to 100% of your
AMC multiplied by your PPP.

1.13.3 Republic Act 1616 (Gratuity Benefit)


1. You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977;

2. You must have rendered at least 20 years of service regardless of

age and employment status; and

3. Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous,

except in cases of death, disability, abolition or phase-out of
position due to reorganization.

Benefits – If qualified, you are entitled to receive the following:

1. Gratuity pay or benefit. This is payable by your last employer.
Its computation is based on your total length of service (converted
into gratuity months)

Gratuity Months Factor

First 20 years of service X 1 month
21-30 years of service X 1.5 month
In excess of 30 years of X 2 months

The total gratuity months shall be multiplied then by the highest

compensation received.

2. Refund of retirement premiums. Theses consist of your

personal share with interest and government share (without
interest), both of which are payable by the GSIS.

1.13.4 Republic Act 660 (Magic 87)


1. You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977

2. Your appointment status must be permanent;

3. Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous,

except in cases of death, disability, abolition, or phase-out of
position due to reorganization; and

4. You must be at least 52 years old and meet the corresponding

years of service (YOS) required eligibility.

Under this law, your age when you retired (from age 52 to 57) and
YOS should be equal to 87, hence, the “Magic *&” formula

Age + Service = 87

Benefits – Your annuity under this law depends on your retirement

age. It is detailed in the table below.
Retirement Age Benefit
63 and below 5-year lump sum
Below 63 but at least 60  Initial 3-year lump sum
payable upon retirement

 Subsequent 2-year balance

payable at age 30
Below 60 Monthly pension paid annually-
with discount
Note that after the 5-year guaranteed period, within which you obtained
any of the above benefit, you shall be entitled to a monthly pension for
life. Your monthly pension under RA 660 is computed as follows:

R = P30.00 +⦋(2% x M) + (1.2% x P)⦋ (A)

R = Monthly pension at age 57
M = Number of years after June 16, 1951
P = Number of years before June 16, 1951
A = Average monthly salary for the last 3 years

An actuarial adjustment factor, which varies with age, is used in

computing annuity. The factors are shown in the table below.

Table of Actuarial Adjustment Factors

Age 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Factor 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.16 1.20 1.24

1.13.5 Republic Act 7699 (The Portability Law)

RA 7699 is another retirement law that you can apply for only if:

1. You are not entitled for pension benefit from either or both the
GSIS or Social Security System (SSS) because you are unable to
meet the required periods of service or number of contributions;
2. You have less than 120 months of SSS contributions or less than
180 months of creditable government service (GSIS) at the time of
retirement. (In computing, there should be no overlapping of
periods of service or contributions under the GSIS and SSS.)
The Portability Law provides for totalization, the process of adding
up the period of creditable services or contributions under both SSS
and GSIS for purposes of eligibility and computation of benefits.

The amount of benefit to be paid by the GSIS or SSS shall be

proportionate to the services rendered or periods of contributions
made to each of them.

Hence, all services you rendered or contributions you personally

paid as a GSIS member, as well as those that were paid by your
agency-employer, shall be considered in the computation and
payment of GSIS benefits. The SSS, on the other hand shall
shoulder the portion corresponding to your services or contributions
to that system.

Your benefit under this law is in the form of monthly pension

payable at age 60.

1.14. Operational Guidelines

1.14.1 Proper Dress Code

Officials and employees of the College are encouraged to wear

business clothes. They are, however, prohibited to use party attire,
picnic clothes, neither sandals nor t-shirts unless otherwise specified
by nature of their works;

Likewise, female employees are prohibited to use of tight fitting,

seductive, micro-mini and gauzy/transparent dresses;

While in the premises of the College, officials and employees should

observe the wearing of proper prescribed uniform with school
Identification Card and/or ARTA I.D. during regular working days.
Walking shorts, pedal pushers, leggings, jogging and jeans are
prohibited. Only pantaloons/skirts pants for formal occasions are
Penalties for non compliance: 1st offense - verbal reprimand by the immediate supervisor 2nd offense – written warning by the HRMO upon
recommendation of the immediate supervisor 3rd offense – suspension by the President as determined

by the grievance committee and approved by the BOT 4th offense – termination recommended by the President
subject for approval of the BOT

1.14.2 Submission of Daily Time Records

Duly accomplished Daily Time Records must be submitted to the Human

Resource Management office within five (5) working days after the end of
the month. Supporting documents should be attached to the Daily Time
Record, if any. Non-submission of DTR within the prescribed period, after
due notice, would mean non-computation of salary for the succeeding
1.14.3 Use of Biometric Machine

Biometric Machine shall be used in recording the Time In and Time OUT
of faculty and employee’s. As a backup, the same time shall be
registered in the log book.

Falsification of official/public documents such as daily official records or

irregularities in the keeping of time records is severely punishable by law.
A guilty employee may be summarily removed from service after due
process and/or to other appropriate disciplinary action. (Uniform Rules
on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service – Resolution No. 99-
1936, as amended)

1.14.4 Flexible Working Hours

Flexible working hours may be granted to the College for non-teaching

staff subject to the discretion of the President. In the adoption of flexi-
time, core working hours shall be prescribed taking into consideration the
needs of the services.
1.14.5 Compensation for Authorized Work Beyond Forty Hours

When the interest of public service so requires, the daily hours of work for
personnel may be extended by the immediate supervisor or by the
President concerned, which extension shall be fixed in accordance with
the nature of work. Provided, that the work in excess of forty (40) hours a
week must be properly compensated by payment of overtime whenever
funds are available for the purpose or through the grant of compensatory
time off or day off.

1.14.6 Compensatory Time or days Off

The grant of compensatory time or day/s off shall be allowed for overtime
services rendered subject to the guidelines set by the College.

Manual of Administration Page 78

1.14.7 Private Employment/Permit to Teach

No official and employees of the College shall accept private

employment, even on a part-time basis in any capacity in any private
agency, office or institution without prior authority from the College

Faculty of the College who will accept part-time teaching job outside the
College after his/her official time must secure permission/approval from
the Office of the President (Sec. 110 & III, Article I, Chapter VIII of
College Code)

Administrative offense committed/penalty: Engaging in private practice

of his profession unless authorized by the Constitution, law or regulation,
provided that such practice will not conflict with his /her official functions: 1st Offense – Reprimand 2nd offense – Suspension 1-30 days 3rd offense– dismissal

1.14.8 Permit to study

Officials and employees of the College who wish to enroll in any course
within or outside the College must secure permit to Study from the Office
of the President (Article 77, Sec. 2 of the College Code; Handbook of
Information on the Phil. Civil Service)
1.14.9 Request for Service Credits

Request for service credits during Christmas vacation and Summer

vacation should be endorsed by the Dean/Director, recommended by the
VPAA and approved by the President, provided that all requirements for
the immediately preceding semester have been complied with. Specific
tasks to be done should be attached on the request and accomplishment
report should be submitted after the rendition of service.

1.14.10 Request for Overtime

Overtime services shall be granted only to perform certain tasks and

activities which have to be completed and accomplished within specific
time frames so as to meet deadlines fixed by law and regulations, and
which cannot be undertaken during regular working days and hours.
Request for overtime shall follow and certification should be prepared by
the immediate supervisor who will identify overtime and what job to be
done. Procedural Policy for Overtime Services:

Request for authority to render overtime services must be prepared by the

immediate supervisor to identify who will go for overtime services and
must specify the number of days/hours needed for the job to be

The immediate supervisor must fill up the prescribed form and he/she
must justify the need for overtime services and must specify the number of
days/hours needed for the job to be completed.

The Human Resource Management Officer should check and correct all
request to render overtime services for proper regulations.

The immediate supervisor shall determine the staff who will render
overtime services based on the demand of services.

The immediate supervisor should only recommend approval of overtime

services to be rendered in line with the general guidelines provided herein.
He/she shall be responsible for the actual work to be done by his/her

This should be noted and signed by Budget Officer/Accountant as the

availability of funds and recommended by the Chief Administrative Officer;
After noting the request, it must be submitted to the office of the Vice
President for Administration and for recommending approval.

In case of overtime request of academic units for their administrative staff,

to include Department, Office of the Registrar, Admission of Records,
Student Services, Library and Laboratory , the Office of the Vice President
for Academic Affairs shall recommend on the request.

Overtime rendered by the research and extension personnel, shall be

recommended by the Director for Research, Extension, and Training
Services, respectively.

The President of the College shall approve overtime request of all


After approval, the request shall be turned over to the Human Resource
Management Office for communication to the requesting office concerned;

After rendition of overtime, the personnel concerned shall submit

accomplishment Report accompanied with the DTR to his/her immediate
supervisor for approval and submission to the HRMO;

Manual of Administration Page 80

The HRMO shall compute the overtime pay of the employee and shall
submit to the Accounting Office monthly, Five (5) days after the end of the
All overtime requests shall only be implemented upon approval of the
Overtime services shall be computed in accordance with Budget Circular
No. 10, dated March 29, 1996.

Payment of overtime services shall be made for services rendered not

more than 20 hours in a month, and or depending on the availability of
funds in which case, compensatory day off shall be adopted. Overtime
services rendered beyond 20 hours shall be subject to the provision of
DBM-CSC Joint Circular No. 2, s, 2004. Non-monetary Remuneration for
Overtime Service Rendered.

For overtime services rendered beyond eight hours of a regular working

day, one (1) hour is deducted after overtime work of 3 hours straight. This
is to provide time for dinner.

For overtime services rendered on the rest days, holidays or non-working

holidays, the following working hours would be deducted to provide for
break time (morning and afternoon) lunch and dinner.

All provisions provided herein shall be governed and consistent with

DBM, CSC and COA rules and regulations.

1.14.11 Request for Service Records, Certificate of Employment and Other


In view of the accumulated unclaimed requests for Service Records and

Certificates of Employment filed in the HRMO, only personal requests shall be
entertained. In his/her absence, proper authorization is required.
1.14.12 Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth

All officials and employee of the College have an obligation to accomplish and
submit declarations under oath of, and the public has the right to know their
assets, liabilities, net worth and financial and business interests including
those of their spouses and unmarried children less than eighteen (18) years
of age living in their households.
These documents must be filed: Within thirty (30) days after assumption of office; On or before April of every year thereafter; and

Manual of Administration Page Within thirty (30) days after separation from the service.
Liabilities and Penalties
 Administrative Liability
Failure of an official or employee to submit his/her SALN is
punishable under Rule X Section 46 (D.8) of the Revised Rules on
Administrative Cases in the Civil Service, with the following
 1st Offense – Suspension for one (1) month and one (1) day
to six (6) months
 2nd Offense – Dismissal from the service
 Criminal Liability under RA 6713
 Imprisonment of 5 years or less
 Fine of Ᵽ5,000.00 or less
 Dismissal from the service
 Disqualification from holding public office at the discretion of
the court
1.14.13 ASCOT Employee/Faculty and Staff Clearance As part of internal regulation, clearance is required. It is a document

showing that the involved personnel is already free from any
existing and recurring liabilities in relation to duties, resources and
other accounts. It is the duty of the faculty members to be cleared of all

responsibilities before they go on summer vacation. They are
required to accomplish clearance within the prescribed period of 30
calendar days after the end of the second (2 nd) semester of every
Academic Year. A College clearance is required to all personnel on vacation leave
exceeding 30 calendar days, will transfer to another agency or, will
retire from the service.
1.14.14 Annual Health and Physical Examination

An annual physical examination of all official and employees shall be

conducted under the direction of the Human Resource Management Officer.
Employees who failed the medical examination shall be required to undergo
medical treatment and submit certification from the physician that he/she is fit
to work.

The Supply Office of the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT), shall
establish a system based on economy, efficiency and effectiveness in all
aspect of procurement of supplies/ materials, equipment, infrastructure and
disposal of unserviceable materials and equipment regardless of source of
funds based on RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act).
2.1. Preparation of PPMP, APP, Purchase Request / Job Request

All heads of offices of the College prepares their PPMP and submit to
the Supply office for consolidation in preparation of Annual
Procurement Plan (APP). The PPMP shall include:

2.1.1 Information on whether PAPs will be contracted out,

implemented by administration in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the GPPB, or consigned;
2.1.2 The type and objective of contract to be employed;
2.1.3 The extent/size of contract scopes/packages;

2.1.4 The procurement methods to be adopted, and indicating if the

procurement tasks are to be outsourced as provided in Section
53.6 of RA 9184 IRR;
2.1.5 The time schedule for each procurement activity and for the
contract implementation; and
2.1.6 The estimated budget for the general components of the

The End-User accomplishes the Purchase Request or Job

Request together with the Technical Working Group. The list in
the request must show the actual need of the office and must be
included in the Annual Procurement Plan within the budgetary
allocation of each unit.

The Purchase Request must bear the item name and its
corresponding quantity. It should also contain the complete
specifications of the item to be requested and price estimate.
It is important to state for what purpose the item/s will be used.

The President or its duly authorized representative approves the

2.2. Mode of Procurement

2.2.1 As a general rule, all procurement shall be done through

competitive bidding, except as provided in Rule XVI of the
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184.

2.2.2 The Bids and Awards Committee conducts weekly meeting to

discuss what mode of procurement will be used for various
Purchase Requests or Job Requests.
2.3. Request for Quotation

2.3.1 The following prospective bidders or suppliers shall be eligible

to participate in public bidding or be provided with the Request
for Quotation: Duly licensed Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships; Partnerships duly organized under the laws of the
Philippines and of which at least sixty percent
(60%) of the interest belongs to citizens of the
Philippines; Corporations duly organized under the laws of the

Philippines, and of which at least sixty (60) of the
outstanding capital stock belongs to citizens of the
Philippines; Cooperatives duly organized under the laws of the
Philippines, and of which at least sixty percent
(60%) belongs to citizens of the Philippines; or Persons/entities forming themselves into a joint
venture, i.e. , a group of two (2) or more
persons/entities that intend to be jointly and
severally responsible or liable for a particular
contract: Provided, however, That Filipino
ownership or interest of the joint venture
concerned shall be at least sixty percent (60%).
For this purpose, Filipino ownership or interest
shall be based on the contributions of each of the
members of the joint venture as specified in their
2.3.2 Request for Quotations shall be prepared and signed by the Supply
Officer and BAC Chairman or its duly authorized representative.

2.3.3 The Supply Office shall be responsible in the issuance of the Request
for Quotation. For alternative methods of procurement, advertisement
and posting as prescribed in Section 21.2.1 of this IRR may be
dispensed with: Provided, however, That the BAC, through its
Secretariat, shall post the invitation or request for submission of price
quotations for Shopping under Sections 52.1 (b) and Negotiated
Procurement under Sections 53.1 (two-failed biddings), 53.9 (small
value procurement); and 53.11 (NGO Participation) of this IRR in the
PhilGEPS website, the website of the procuring entity concerned, if
available, and at any conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in
the premises of the procuring entity for a period of seven (7) calendar
2.4. Bid Evaluation /Abstract of Canvass

The Abstract of Canvass contains the quotation of bidders and shall be

signed by the members of the Bids and Awards Committee indicating its
recommendation to the president.
2.5. Issuance of the Notice of Award and Purchase Order or Job Order

Notice of Award and Purchase Order shall be signed by the president

or its duly authorized representative. It shall be served by the Supply
Officer who shall see to it that the winning bidder affixes his signature
and date of receipt on the spaces provided for the purpose. The
signature signifies acceptance of the award, and the date shall be the
basis in computing the number of days within which delivery must be
affected. In case of delay, 1/10 of 1% for every days of delay will be
charged to the winning bidder for liquidated damages.

The Purchase Order or Job Order shall clearly indicate the name and
address of the supplier, place of delivery, complete description,
specifications and quantity of the items to be delivered, provision for
penalty in case of late or non-delivery, period of delivery, unit price and
date of receipt of the winning bidder.

In all instances of alternative methods of procurement, the BAC,

through the Secretariat, shall post, for information purposes, the notice
of award in the PhilGEPS website, the website of the procuring entity
concerned, if available, and at any conspicuous place reserved for this
purpose in the premises of the procuring entity.

Except for Limited Source Bidding under Section 49 of this IRR,

submission of bid securities may be dispensed with.

Performance and warranty securities, as prescribed in Sections 39 and

62 of this IRR, shall be submitted for contracts acquired through the
alternative methods of procurement, except for Shopping under
Section 52 and Negotiated Procurement under Sections 53.2
(emergency cases), 53.9 (small value procurement), 53.10 (lease of
real property), and 53.13 (UN agencies).
2.6. Delivery of Items, Inspection and Acceptance Report

The Supply Office informs the end-user and the TWG upon delivery of
items for purpose of determining compliance of the winning bidder of
the specifications required as basis for acceptance and payment.
The End-User and TWG affix their signature in the Inspection and
Acceptance Report.
2.7. Issuance to End-User

The Supply Office records the entries in the Stock Card and issues
delivered items to the end-users through the RIS and ARE.
2.8. Payment

The Supply Office prepares the supporting documents for payment and
forwards it to the accounting unit for the preparation of the
disbursement voucher. The Cashier’ Office issue checks for payment.


It is the policy of the College to strictly adhere to the efficient, effective

and economical implementation of the records management program.
It is a vital tool for the provision of accurate and timely information
whenever and wherever it is needed.

3.1. Records Creation

The life cycle of the record starts when exchange of written
communications between two sources occurs. This may be in the form
of either : 1) incoming communications coming from outside the office,
or 2) outgoing and/or intra-department communications originating
from the office.

Records are generally grouped into six (6) kinds:

3.1.1 Correspondence (plain letters, Endorsements)
3.1.2 Administrative Issuances (Executive Orders, Administrative
Orders, Proclamations, Intra-Office Circulars like Office
Circulars, General Circulars, Memorandum Circulars, Office
Memorandum, Office Orders, Bulletins, manuals, handbooks,
Special Orders, Travel Orders and others)
3.1.3 Reports (Special, narrative, inspection, investigation, statistical,

Manual of Administration Page 85

3.1.4 Forms (Information sheets, service record, employment
application, etc.)
3.1.5 Academic Records (Transcript of Records, Student Records
and other related documents)
3.1.6 Other kinds of records such as legal opinions, research studies,
minutes, etc. may be created.

3.2. Records Maintenance

In this phase, active growth, keeping and using records occurs. It deals with
the recording, handling, routing, classifying cross-referencing, sorting and
servicing records. This involves the use of maintenance facilities, control
systems and operating procedures.

All official correspondence intended for the College whether addressed to the
President or any other official s, shall be coursed through the Records
Section for recording and routing to proper action units.
In any case, direct deliveries of incoming communications to action units by
individual are not allowed. All communications delivered directly will first be
made to pass through the Records Section for proper recording. As much as
possible , there shall be no hand carrying of correspondence within the
university by outside parties. All officials and employees shall inform the
transacting public of this regulation and shall adhere to it.
The Records Section adopts the following standard operating procedures:

 Assigning of correspondence numbers

Delivery to action units.
3.3. Classifying and Filing Records

Records are filed according to its subject classification. The following

procedure is suggested:

Manual of Administration Page

Determine whether the records are ready for filing. This involves:
3.3.1 Seeing that the action necessary to the communication has been
completed ;
3.3.2 Examining whether enclosures, attachments, etc., mentioned in the
communication are complete ;

3.3.3 Checking up on signatures and initials on the communication; and

inspecting the page sequence when the material to be filed involves
more than one page.

3.3.4 Normally, the file copy is marked "Filed" or "Released" and signed or
initialed by the appropriate official to show that the paper has been
officially released and is ready for filing.

3.3.5 Categorize appropriately the file based from the file classification guide
as primary, secondary and may be extended to tertiary classification.
Write the complete filing designation on the upper right hand corner of
the materials in clear legible writing.
Sort the material to be filed. Materials are sorted first according to
major subject categories, then by secondary categories.

After the papers have been classified, sorted and assembled, file the

3.4. Records Disposition

In this phase of records management which deals with the systematic
removal from office to storage of records that are needed for everyday
operation, identification and preservation of permanently valuable records
and the destruction of valueless ones.

Not all records are preserved for permanent use of the agency, as doing so
would mean a need for more space and equipment. To keep space and
equipment needs at minimum inactive or non-current, words should be kept in
temporary storage until their retention period expires.

Permanent records which are worthy of preservation usually reflect those of

the administrative history of the agency , the policies they follow , the reasons
for their adoption , the working methods , specific individual transactions ,
including personnel service and the general , social , economic , or other
conditions which the agency is dealing with .

Non-current records have varying periods of usefulness to the agency that

maintain them. Because of this, it is necessary to determine how long they
should be retained in retirement to satisfy their administrative and legal
requirements. Non-current records awaiting the termination of their
prescription period may be transferred to less expensive storage areas. Non-
current records which are of no record value to the agency, or temporary
records whose retention periods have expired, should be disposed of.

All requests for storage of non-current records submitted by units of the

agency shall reflect information containing a brief description of the record
series turned over, and inclusive dates covered by the record and volume.
The College observes standard procedure in disposing of records:

The College shall prepare an inventory of its records holding in the prescribed
form as an initial step in developing the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS)
and for whatever purpose it may deem necessary.

The College shall observe the General Disposition Records Schedules in

determining the disposal of its valueless records.

The College first secures authority from the Director of the Records
Management and Archives Office before destroying or selling any record.

Upon receipt of request for authority to dispose of records, the Chief of the
Current Records Division, acting for the director, shall assign a Records
Management Analyst to appraise and examine the disposable records of the
College and recommend the manner or method of disposal, such as by
burning or direct sale or shredding before sale in the prescribed form.

The Records Officer who is in custody of the records holding shall be

responsible for the safekeeping of the valueless records until their disposal is

The Records Management and Archives Office together with representatives

of CHED and COA may reappraise and reexamine records for disposal as the
need arises.

To safeguard the sanctity of the records and to check that records to be

disposed of are of the same records which were appraised and examined and
that no insertions had been done, the actual disposal of records shall be
witnessed by a representative of the College, the RMAO and COA.

A Certificate of Disposal shall be prepared in triplicate by the University and

witnessed by the representatives of the Commission on Audit, Records
Management and Archives Office and the owning agency upon the delivery of
the disposable records to the paper mills or warehouse of the winning bidder.
 The Certificate shall indicate the nature of the records, the
manner, place and date of disposal and their approximate
volume in cubic meters and weight.
 The original copy will be filed at the College, a copy for the
Records Management and Archives Office and a copy for
the Commission on Audit.
 The College shall submit a report on the disposal of
valueless records to the Records Management and
Archives Office.
 All proceeds realized from the sale of disposed valueless
records shall be remitted to College Funds.
 The University shall determine when to have its file breaks.
File breaks are generally set during the slack periods of
filing and servicing. A file break may be set at the end of the
fiscal year or calendar year.

Records shall be disposed of periodically, usually once a year soon

after a file break.

3.4.1 Reference Service

Reference service is a process by which non-current records stored in

the record storage center are made available to office personnel
government agencies and the public in general. While non-current
records which are in temporary storage in the records center, can be
referred to as needed.

Reference service in the record storage center should be made in

accordance with the approved procedures to avoid loss or
misplacement of records. Significant aspects to consider which may
serve as guide are as follows:
 The office should designate personnel for all contacts with the
record storage center. This pinpoints responsibility and clarifies
 Priority in the request for non-current records should be given to
those coming from government agencies.
 Other requests should be attended to on a "first come, first
served" basis, and

 Ample allowances for time to service records needed should be


Manual of Administration Page


The Financial Management Services (FMS) , headed by its Director, is

responsible for the three units, the Budget, Accounting and Cash. These units
are responsible for financial management, planning and control, financial
accountability, establishment and maintenance of quality financial systems of
the College

4.1. Definition of Terms

 Financial Planning and Control includes the preparation of the

budget, monitoring and control of allotment and expenditures, long
range financial planning and forecasting.
 Financial Accountability involves the preparation of financial and
management reports to account for financial transactions of the
 Establishment and Maintenance of Quality Financial Systems
requires the development, operation and maintenance of accounts and
internal control systems to control spending, safeguard assets comply
with government rules and regulations provide management
information while ensuring compliance with generally accepted
accounting principles and government financial laws.
4.2. Functions of the Director of Finance
 Recommends policies for the improvement and direction of the overall
management and financial service functions of the institution;
 Monitors input and information on the supervision and coordination of
program project development, human resource development, fiscal
matters, innovations and inventions to ease administrative and
financial problems;
 Develops policies and procedural guidelines for uniform application of
the institute towards the attainment of effective, efficient, economical
and work- simplified targets;
 Develops and establishes networking system for the internal and
external environment of the institute in such management aspects as
financial organizing, planning, forecasting and control for
implementation and dissemination;
 Evaluates the outcomes and makes adjustments in the Finance and
Management system;
 Represents the head of the division( as directed in administrative and
financial concerns in their inter- agency conferences) in government
and non- government bodies involving faculty and staff development,
budgeting and control, property and supply management, institutional
and fiscal planning and other related matter;
 Supervises the work of the accounting, cashier and budget including
the coordination with the other department/sections;
 Exercises professional leadership and undertakes other functions and
responsibilities as may be assigned by superior authorities.

4.3. Functions of the Budget Office

 Develops and improves budgetary methods and procedures, and
 Provides budget subject to budgetary ceiling fund estimate in support
of the College operations, plans and programs.
 Prepares annual financial work plans.
 Allocates available funds to programs on the basis of approved
guidelines and priorities.

 Reviews performance report to determine conformity with set


 Prepares financial report for management guidance as required by

higher authorities.
 Prepares and submits financial reports to management and
government departments and agencies authorized to receive such

4.4. Functions of the Accounting Office

 Gives advice on financial matters;

 Prepares and submits financial reports to management and other
government departments and agencies authorized to receive such
 Maintains basic subsidiary accounting records and books of accounts
to reflect accurate and current financial information required by existing
auditing rules and regulations and by management;
 Prepares billing to debtors of the national government.
4.5. Functions of the Cashier’s Office

 Advises Management on the collections and disbursement of funds;

 Prepares and submits financial reports to management and other
government agencies;
 Coordinates with the depository banks on the status of funds;
 Deposits all collections and income to the authorized bank.

4.6. The Internal Operating Budget

Within the context of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTDP),

Manual of Administration Page

Millennium Development Plan and the College Strategic Plans, the College
established its internal operating budget annually, as authorized under the
General Appropriations Act (GAA) for the year under the General Fund (Fund
101), and Republic Act 8292 under Special Trust Fund (Fund 164).
4.7.1 Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability on the preparation of
 A Budget Committee shall be created to oversee the financial
planning and coordination of units’ budget and be able to
determine funding priorities of the College, in line with the
College mandate and strategic plan. It shall advise the President
on budget policy and financial planning for the campus.
 Marks recommendations to the President on incremental
funding requests for the College Fund.
 Reviews Services/departments strategic plans and recommends
final approval of plans to the President.
 Reviews periodically the performance of service units.
 Regularly updates the institutional financial plan, consistent with
strategic academic plan updates.
 Finalizes the institutional budget.

4.7.2 The budget committee shall be composed of the following:

 College President, Chairman

 Vice Presidents for Administration and Finance
 Vice President for Academic Affairs
 Finance Division
 Chief, Administrative Officer
 Planning & Development Officer
 Deans /Director
 President of the Faculty Association
Each department/sections/units shall develop its own strategic and
financial plan that is consistent with the College overall plan.
They will be responsible for its own financial decisions and will
manage both revenues and expenditures to a bottom line. This would
make units accountable for performance of each program, project and
activities identified.
4.7.3 Budgetary allocation scheme

The College adopts a ASCOT Committee on Finance which attempts

to identify the revenues associated with each services/departments
and return those revenues to that unit while charging , as nearly as
possible, with the expenses (including indirect expenses) associated
with its activities. Instead of disappearing into the central pool,
revenue actions are seen as having a measurable effect on unit
budgets. Instead of the perception that centrally budgeted support is
“free”, each expenditures decision is made in light of alternative uses
of the resources.
The following shall be used as allocation formula:

 50% of Tuition Fees for Instruction and to be distributed as

Faculty and Staff Development (12.5%)
Curriculum Development (12.5%)
Student Development (12.5%)
Facilities Development (12.5%)

 10% of Tuition fees for Research

 10% of Tuition fees for Extension
 10% of Tuition fees for Production
 10% of Tuition fees for Administrative Services
 10% of Tuition fees for Mandatory Reserve

Collections for fiduciary fees (athletics, cultural, guidance, medical/

dental, library and QMS fees) shall be used exclusively for their
purpose provided that 10% will be used for Administrative Services
and 10 % as Mandatory Reserve.

4.7.4 Budget Preparation

The Finance Division shall make a three- year projection of income

including the subsidy income from the national government (Fund
101). It shall provide the budgetary ceilings to each
Services/department for preparation of its budget proposals and
procurement plan for the year based on the budgetary allocation
Proposals shall be prepared by each unit/ department head based on
budgetary ceiling on strategic priorities and thrusts set forth by the
respective Vice Presidents, Budget hearings shall be initiated by the
Executive Budget Committee prior to recommendation to the Board of
*On-line submission of Budget Proposals to DBM
4.8. Budgetary Policies

For the purpose of clarity and uniformity, operating services/department/units

of the College as used in this manual.
4.8.1 Release of funds

Funds authorized under the General Appropriations Acts (GAA) are

centrally managed by the College Budget Office. The Budget Office
shall inform the services/departments/units the allotment under the
General Fund.

For internally generated funds, authorized for utilization by the Board of

Trustees, each services/departments/units manage its own funds
based on approved Programmed Receipts and Expenditures (PRE) for
the year, and an approved Special Budgetary Request (SBR) for actual
collection of revenues.
4.8.2 Release of Cash Allocation from the National Government

Cash allocation from the national government shall be released to the

College through a funding check scheme.

The College shall open a bank account for this purpose and shall
revert any interest earned and unused cash balance at year end, to the
National Treasury.

A report of Summary List of Checks Issued and Cancelled (SLCIC)

shall be submitted before the 10thday after the end of each month to
the Finance Division, for submission to the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) Commission on Audit (COA) and Bureau of
Treasury (BTr).
4.8.3 Use of Savings
Savings, as defined under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) is the
portion or balance of any programmed appropriations which is free
from any obligation on encumbrance which are (i) still available after
the completion or final discontinuance or abandonment of the work,
activity or purpose from which the appropriations is authorized; (ii) from

Manual of Administration Page

appropriations balances arising from unpaid compensation and related
costs pertaining to vacant positions and leaves of absence without pay;
and (iii) from appropriations balances realized from the implementation
of collective negotiation agreements which resulted in improved
systems and efficiencies that enabled an agency to meet and deliver
the required or planned targets, programs and services approved at a
lesser cost.

Priority in the use of savings as provided in the GAA shall be observed.

Savings used to fund Personnel benefits shall be limited to those

already authorized by law or by the President of the Philippines,
subject to the pertinent accounting rules and regulations.

4.9. Budget Monitoring and Control

4.9.1 Procedures in the Monitoring and Recording of Allotments

Received from DBM

The procedures stipulated in recording the allotments received from

DBM a provided in the National Government Accounting Manual shall
be observed.
4.9.2 Accounting for Obligation Obligations shall be taken up in the registries through the

ObR prepared/ processed by the Budget Unit. The Budget Officer/ Head of the Budget Unit/ designated

Budget Officer shall certify to the availability of allotment and
such is duly obligated by signing in the appropriate box of
the ObR. On the other hand, the Accountant / Head of the Accounting

Unit shall certify to the correctness and validity of
obligations, and availability of funds. Both Budget and Accounting Units shall coordinate in the

filling up of the Status of the Obligation in their respective
copies of the ObR.
4.10. Disbursement of Funds

4.10.1 Fundamental Principle on Expenditures and Disbursement

Section 4 of PD 1445 provides for the following fundamental principles

which govern the financial transactions and operations of any
government agency:
 No money shall be paid out of any public treasury or depository
except in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific
statutory authority.
 Government Funds or property shall be spent or used solely for
public purposes.
 Trust funds shall be available and may be spent only for the
specific purpose for which the trust was created or the funds
 Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest extent, be shared by
all those exercising authority over the financial affairs,
transactions, and operations of the government agency.
 Disbursement or disposition of government funds or property
shall invariably bear the approval of the proper officials.
 All laws and regulations applicable to financial transactions shall
be faithfully adhered to.
 Generally accepted principles and practices of accounting as
well as of the sound management and fiscal administration shall
be observed, provided that they do not contravene existing laws
and regulations.
4.10.2 Cash Granted to Accountable Officers

Ideally, cash should be handled under the general principles of the

petty cash imprest system, to wit:

 Daily receipts on collections must be deposited intact with the

proper bank.
 All payments must be made by check.
 Only payments in small amounts may be made through the
petty cash fund (PCF). Replacements of the PCF shall be equal
to the total amount of expenditures made there from.
4.10.3 Granting and Utilization of cash advances

The guidelines on cash advances as stipulated in COA Circular No. 97-

002 and COA Circular 2009-002 shall be observed.

4.11. Other Accounting Principles

 Controlling accounts should be used as extensively as possible.
Controlling accounts serve as proof of accuracy between account
balances and between duly segregated employees.
 All necessary sets of books should be maintained and reports should
be regularly prepared and tied- up with the respective controlling
 Accounting and disbursement functions should not be vested on one
individual. An employee should not have control of the operations
giving rise to entries in the records i.e. , the general ledger bookkeeper
should not have access to the cash or to the records of cash sales.
 Payments should be properly approved and be made by check
whenever necessary and issued to the name of the payee.
 No payment of any nature shall be received by collecting officer without
immediately issuing an official receipt in acknowledgement thereof.
 The cashier shall deposit all intact collections as well as collections
turned over to him/ her by designated collectors with the authorized
depository and daily or as the need arises.

4.12. Financial Reports

4.12.1 Internal Reports
The cashier should prepare a report of collections and deposits and
a copy of the report shall be submitted to accountant.

The cashier shall also record in the cash book all collection received.
The cash in treasury account shall be debited with the collections
received, and credited with the collections received, and credited
with the collections deposited with the authorized depository bank.
The Cash Section shall submit the following to the Accounting
Reports of checks issued and cancelled –RCIC- All funds-101,161,
and 164, not later than the last working day of the month.
RDDO- Report of disbursement by deputized disbursing officer
101,161, and 164, not later than the last working day of the month.

Reports of collection and deposit- RCD 101,161,164, not later than

the last working day of the month.

4.12.2 Reports to Different Government Agencies

The reports shall submit the required reports to the different

government agencies in accordance with existing guideline set forth
as follows:

 Department of Budget and Management (DBM) NBC No. 555

dated October 28, 2014
Manual of Administration Page 98
Annual Budget Execution Documents (BED)
Financial Plan FP (BED 1) On or before the

10th day of the

Physical Plan (PP) (BED 2)
following month

Monthly Disbursement Program (BED 3)

Annual Procurement Plan for CSE (APP.CSE)

(BED 4)

Budget Accountability Reports (BAR) Joint

Circular No. 2014-1 July 2, 2014
COA Circular No. 2015-002 dated Mar 09,
2015/COA Circular # 2015-005

Commission on Audit (COA)
The Chief Accountant/ Head of Accounting Unit shall submit
directly to Government Accountancy and Financial
Management Information System (GAFMIS) Sector, this
Commission and Audit Team Leader (ATL)/ Auditor
concerned, the following year end financial statements and
reports/ schedules in printed and digital copies on or before
February 14 of each year pursuant to GAFMIS Circular Letter
No. 2003-007 dated December 19, 2003:

 Pre- Closing Trial Balance

 Post- Closing Trial Balance
 Detailed and Condensed Statements of Income and
 Detailed and Condensed Balance Sheets
 Statement of Changes in Government Equity
 Statement of Cash Flows (Direct Method)
 Detailed Breakdown of Disbursements
 Notes to Financial Statements
 Statement of Management and Responsibility
 Detailed of Breakdown of Obligations
 Report of Income National Government Books
 Report of Income Regular Agency Books
 Regional Breakdown of Income
Manual of Administration
Page 99
 Regional Breakdown of Expenses
 Schedule/ Aging of Accounts Payable
 Schedule/ Aging of Accounts
 Schedule of Public Infrastructures/ Reforestation Projects


The College shall formulate both long-term and short-term plans to

establish major directions towards the achievement of its vision, mission,
goals and objectives and to ensure that the budget follows the plan.
The planning function of the College shall be guided by the following policies:

5.1. Strategic Planning

 The Strategic Plan shall be formulated by an Ad Hoc Committee
created by the College President, chaired by the Planning Officer and
co-chaired by the Finance Director, be endorsed to the BOT for
 The formulated Strategic Plan shall be revisited and possibly
revised annually during the annual management review to be done
during the first quarter of the fiscal year.
5.2. Annual Planning
 Annual Planning shall be done a year before its implementation
during the first quarter of the preceding fiscal year.
 Each department/unit shall prepare an Annual Plan (AP) in
consonance to the strategic priorities of the college. The details of AP
must be supported by Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP)
following the guidelines provide by the Budget Committee (BC).
 The Budget Committee shall deliberate, prioritize and approve
the consolidated plans for presentation and approval in the
Administrative Council (AdCo) Meeting and Board of Trustees(BOT).
 Further revisions of the plans may be deemed appropriate as the
Administrative Council may have agreed or approved.
 The approved plans shall be the bases of the annual operations
of the college after receiving the approved plans shall see to it the
timely and efficient implementation of such plans. They shall submit
quarterly reports on the Planning and Development Office (PaD).
 The PaD, FMS and PPMS shall spearhead on the monitoring on
the progress of implementation.
 The Administrative Council shall conduct a Management Review
to see success and best practices, failures and challenges, and other
factors that affects the implementation of plans.
Manual of Administration Page 100

 Consolidated reports, financial and statistical data from each unit will
serve as the basis on formulating course of actions for the next fiscal

5.3. Midterm Review and Assessment

 Every three (3) years, or as an urgent need arises, the College
shall conduct a Midterm Review and Assessment to assess the
status of the College strategic directions.

5.4. College Planning Framework

to BOT

7.1. Special Provisions
 A fiduciary position serves at the discretion of the appointing
authority or the latter’s authorized representative.
 Personnel, whose appointments are not explicitly provided,
shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the
 Personnel shall be directly responsible to the heads of
services concerned, unless otherwise provided.
 Heads of Offices under the Office of the President must first
obtain the conformity of the President before the
implementation of any project or plan, unless otherwise

Manual of Administration Page 101

 The President may create new offices, with the approval of
the Board of Trustees, as the need arises, and may appoint
functionaries in consultation with the Council. Prior to the
consultation the person appointed shall be in an acting
capacity. The President may override the resolution of the
Council regarding appointments.
 The President has the power to abolish an existing position,
with the approval of the Board of Trustees, when the need
arises or when the position has become unnecessary or
when the purpose for which the position was created has
already been accomplished. The terms of the employees of
the abolished positions are considered expired.

 The President may transfer an official or employee from an

office or position to another, provided there is no decrease in
 In case of incapacity, or absence of any or all of the Heads
of Services, or vacancy in said offices, the President may
temporarily discharge their functions, until the incumbent
officer has fully recovered or a new officer has been
appointed to discharge the said functions.
 Provisions herein set forth which do not affect the tenure of
office of an officer or employee shall immediately take effect
upon the approval of this Manual, unless otherwise provided.

7.2. Transitory Provisions

 This Administration Manual shall apply to all officials and
employees of the College, unless they hold office by virtue of
a written contract different from the provisions of the Manual;
in such cases, they shall be governed by the said contract
until the expiration of the same. Appointments made after
the effectivity of this Administration Manual shall be
governed by its provisions.
 Personnel performing functions presently defined in this
Manual shall transfer to the newly appointed officials and
employees the pertinent papers, documents, instruments,
equipments, tools and premises.
7.3. Final Provisions
 This Manual shall take effect upon approval by the Board of
Trustees and may be amended anytime as the need arises.
Amendments shall be approved by the BOT.

Manual of Administration Page



The general policies of the Civil Service System declare “that the state shall
provide an enabling environment that will promote its integrity, independence,
productivity and excellence.”

In response to this call for responsibility and efficiency in serving the people, the
following policies and procedures on working days and hours for Aurora State
College of Technology are hereby framed:
A. Working Hours
A.1. Regular Employees

The College President shall require all officials and

employees of the College to strictly observe the prescribed
office hours.

All employees are required to render not less than eight (8)
hours of work a day for five (5) days a week or a total of forty
(40) hours a week exclusive of time for lunch.

Work hours in College shall be from eight (8) o’clock in the

morning to twelve (12) o’clock noon and from one (1) o’clock
to five (5) in the afternoon on all days except Saturday,
Sundays and Holidays.

A.2. Full Time / Part-Time Faculty

Part-time faculty members may not observe the 8-hour/day

requirement and shall report for teaching only during their specified
schedule except on exigency of the service.

For those who are regularly employed in other private/government

agencies, the faculty members are allowed to teach during their
official off hours. Their official time should start at 7:30, the 30
minutes of which shall be the time allowance for the preparation
Employees of Aurora State College of Technology who render part-
time teaching job are only allowed to teach after their official time.
B. Exceptions

Farm workers and security guards are required to report from Monday to Sunday but
not more than forty (40) hours in a week.
C. Daily Record of Attendance

The Human Resource Management Office shall require a daily record of attendance
of all personnel and faculty, to be kept on the proper form, and whenever possible,
registered on the Bundy clock or any mechanical, electrical, or electronic device.

For attendance tracking, employees shall log in and log out at the computer
terminals and record their time of arrival to and departure from office, morning and
afternoon, in the attendance logbook.
D. Flexi-time

Sec. 175 of the Policies on Civil Service System provides that “flexible working hours
shall be enforced subject to the discretion of the head of agency. In no case shall the
weekly working hours be reduced in the event the agency adopts the flexi-time

E. Limitations of Flexi-time

E.1. Employees may opt to report earlier than their fixed time of arrival,
provided that only up to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes of service rendered
before the fixed time of arrival will be credited as part of the hours worked for
that day. The period of work served before the said time shall not be credited
as part of the working hours rendered for the day.

E.2. Employees shall submit to the Human Resource Office their flexi-time
using the request for Flexi-time schedule form with the recommendation of
the Head of office and for approval of the President.

E.3. The employees shall be responsible for the proper observance of their
flexi-time schedule. They shall also be responsible for the timely submission
of their DTR’s and requests for change in flexi-time schedule, if desired.

E.4. Hours worked beyond an employee’s fixed time of departure cannot

offset the tardiness incurred for the particular day. However, the number of
extended working hours maybe credited for the purpose of meeting the 40-
hour work-week requirement when rendering overtime services. Services
rendered after 6:00 pm will not be credited as number of hours worked for the
E.5. Time of arrival for flexi-time should not exceed beyond 9:00 a.m.

Manual of Administration Page 104

E.6. Employees who report later than their fixed time of arrival are considered
E.7. Leaving the office before 4:00 p.m. shall be considered an undertime;
E.8.The actual number of hours incurred from undertime and tardiness shall
be deducted from the employee’s vacation leave credits;

E.9.The driver and other employees performing similar functions are not
covered by the flexi-time schedule.

F. Locator Slip

F.1. Employees shall accomplish the locator slip when going out of the office
for official business or personal reasons. Time used for official business and
personal reason shall not be deducted from the vacation leave credits of the

F.2. Employees who go out on personal reason and never return to office for
the remaining hours of the day shall be considered undertime. The
corresponding number of minutes/hour shall be deducted from their vacation
leave credits, and shall not be counted for rating the attendance to office for
purposes of performance evaluation.
F.3. In the case of faculty member undertime incurred, it shall be deducted
from their service credits.

F.4. Before leaving the office, official/employee should submit his/her

approved locator slip (either official or personal) to the Security guard on duty
who shall record the time of departure from and return to the office of the
employee. The employee will provide the HRMO of approved locator.
F.5.The security guard on duty shall submit to the HRD Office immediately
the name of the employee who goes out of the office without approved locator
G. Official Travel

Officials and employees who will be on official travel shall secure an office
order/travel order before travelling. The official or employee who goes on
travel without the approved office/travel order shall be considered absent.
H. Compensation for Authorized Work beyond Forty Hours

The daily hours of work for personnel may be extended when the interest of the
public service so requires. The extension shall be fixed in accordance with the nature
of the work. In excess of forty (40) hours a week, the work must be properly
compensated in the form of overtime pay whenever funds are available; or through
the grant of compensatory time or day-off, or through service credit.

Manual of Administration Page 105

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