Ascot Admin Manual
Ascot Admin Manual
Ascot Admin Manual
Commissioner, Commission on Higher Education
President, Aurora State College of Technology
The School shall primarily provide technical and professional training in the sciences, arts,
teacher education, agriculture, engineering and technology as well as short-term vocational
courses. It shall likewise promote research, advanced studies and academic leadership in the
stated areas of specialization (Section 2 of RA 7664). Republic Act 7664 is the law creating
the Aurora State College of Technology.
The school is committed to educate specially the least privileged to have better opportunities in the future
with God as the center of everything.
The effectiveness of the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) as an institution of higher
learning is measured by its contributions to the development of the rural people it serves.
Effective learning can only take place in an environment that nourishes learning. ASCOT is
committed to keep at pace with the changing environment by acquiring the latest technology
and knowledge to retain its edge and to remain one step ahead towards Aurora’s development.
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
CHAPTER 5. COUNCILS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47
Section 1. Brief History Of The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC.
September 15, 1995. The New Life Ministry Foundation, INC. was
established. The foundation whose main objective is to alleviate the way of
living of the poorest among the poor citizens not only in the municipality of
Valencia but throughout the province of Bukidnon.
These members of the foundation will be required to undergo values
formation training and seminar, wherein the value of hardworking and
preservation of our natural resources are great emphasis.
Later, it was discovered that seminars and values oriented training
were not enough. Proper education is greatly needed most especially to the
children to school. So, the NEW LIFE MINISTRY FOUNDATION SCHOOL is
established. The school caters free education to poor but worthy students.
The tuition fee that is being implemented is affordable. Quality education can
be attained regardless of the student social status.
On August 17, 2015, the name of the school is being change to VP-
GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC., is to give a school a separate identity, other
than being under the umbrella of the foundation. And also to comply with the
DepEd program of school separation from any other organization.
The State College shall primarily provide technical and professional training in
the sciences, arts, teachers education, agriculture, engineering and
technology as well as short-term vocational courses. It shall likewise promote
research, advanced studies and academic leadership in the stated areas of
specialization. (Section 2 of RA 7664)
Republic Act 7664, the law creating the Aurora State College of Technology.
Section 3. Vision
The school shall produce good persons, who are God fearing and
globally competitive
Section 4. Mission
The school is committed to educate specially the least privileged to have better opportunities in
the future with God as the center of everything.
Section 6. Thrust
Section 7. Logo
RA 8292, Section 2, stipulates the composition of the BOT and was modified to
(a) achieve a more coordinated and integrated system of department of
education; (b) render it more effective in the formulation and implementation of
policies on higher education; (c) provide for more relevant direction in their
governance; and
(d) ensure the enjoyment of academic freedom as guaranteed by the
2.1. The BOT President, Vice- President and the three (3) ex-officio regular
members representing Congress and NEDA have the right to sit as
President, Vice- President, and members thereof ipso facto upon their
assumption into office (Section 7, RA 8292 IRR).
2.2. The duly elected President of the Faculty Association shall sit as
member of the BOT. The term of office shall be co-terminus with the
term of office in such capacity with the Association’s Constitution and
By-laws (Section3-a-vi and 3-b, RA 8292).
2.4.2 The Search Committee shall submit the names of at least (5)
nominees to the BOT within thirty (30) days from the inception of
its search in accordance with the procedures lay down by the
Search Committee.
2.4.3 The BOT shall select two (2) private sector representatives from
among the five (5) recommended/nominated by the Search
Committee, taking into consideration their respective
qualifications and the weight of their possible contribution
arising from their knowledge, expertise and depth and breadth
of experience to the realization of the mission of the DepEd
2.5. The Board shall appoint a secretary upon the recommendation of the
President who shall serve both the Board and the College and shall
keep all records and minutes of proceedings of the BOT.
2.5.3 On the other hand, if the BOT prefers that the Board Secretary
shall be designated to be coterminous with the President, the
option is within the prerogative of the BOT. (lbid)
Section 3. Board Meetings
3.1. Regular Meetings
3.1.1 The BOT must regularly convene at least once every quarter.
3.1.2 The BOT shall determine the frequency, date and venue of
Regular Meetings.
3.1.4 The Board Secretary shall issue the Notice of Regular Meetings
at least seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting and shall
furnish every BOT member the proposed agenda and pertinent
supporting documents authorized by the President.
3.1.5 The Board Secretary shall secure the confirmation of
attendance one (1) day before the BOT meeting.
3.2. Special Meetings
3.2.1 The BOT President or Vice- President may call special meetings
whenever necessary, provided the members of the BOT have
been duly notified in writing at least three (3) days before the
date of the special meeting
3.2.2 BOT members may petition the President or Vice- President for
a special meeting based on legitimate and urgent concerns
requiring Board action and decision.
3.3.1 The President duly designated as BOT President shall preside over
regular and special meetings.
3.3.3 Where the BOT President is not in attendance, the scheduled meeting
shall be deferred and rescheduled to another date as agreed upon by
the BOT members.
3.4. Determining a Quorum
3.4.1 After the BOT President has called the board meeting to order, the
Board Secretary shall call the roll.
3.4.3 A majority of 50% plus one (1) of all members holding office shall
constitute a quorum, provided the BOT President is among those
present in the meeting.
3.4.4 If a quorum cannot be declared for reason that the attendance does
not constitute the majority of the BOT members, the BOT President
may convert the meeting into an executive session i.e. if the agenda is
extremely urgent, provided that the actions taken shall be submitted for
confirmation of the BOT in the subsequent meeting.
3.5. Securing BOT Authority/Approval Through Referendum(s)
3.6.1 The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President shall initiate the
submission of proposed agenda matters by the Vice-Presidents,
Campus Administrators, Directors, and other administrative officials at
least ten (10) days before the scheduled BOT Meetings.
3.6.2 The VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC. President shall call an
administrative meeting with aforestated officials and shall finalize the
proposed agenda of board meetings based on the agreements during
the executive session which VP-GREEN VALE ACADEMY INC.
President organized.
3.8.1 The BOT may organize Ad Hoc committees for purposes of (a)
enhancing in-depth study and analysis of specific concerns
presented to the Board, and (b) ensuring maximum consultation
with concerned stakeholders.
4.1.1 The BOT shall have general powers of administration and the
exercise of all the powers granted to the Board of Directors of a
corporation under Section 36 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 68,
otherwise known as the Corporation Code of the Philippines
(Section 4, 8292).
4.1.2 Basically, the BOT is a policy making body. As, such, its prime
concern on the administration of the College is the promulgation
and implementation of policies in accordance with the declared
state policies and pertinent provisions of the Philippine
Constitution on education, science and technology, arts, culture,
and sports, as well as the policies, standards and thrusts of the
4.2. Specific Powers and Duties
4.2.4 To fix the tuition fees and other necessary school charges,
such as, but not limited to matriculation fees, graduation fees
and laboratory fees, as their respective boards may deem
proper to impose, after due consultations with the involved
If, for reasons beyond its control, the School shall not be able to
pursue any project for which the funds have been appropriated
and allocated under its approved program of expenditures, the
BOT may authorize the use of the said funds for any reasonable
purpose which in its discretion, may be necessary and urgent
for the attainment of the objectives and goals of the School.
4.2.16 To delegate any of its powers and duties, provided for herein
above to the president and/or any other officials of the School
as it may deem appropriate so as to expedite the
administration of the affairs of the School;
4.2.19 To enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the
profitable development and management of the economic
assets of the School, the proceeds from which shall be used for
the development and strengthening of the School;
4.2.20 To develop consortia and other forms of linkages with the local
government units, institutions and agencies, both public and
private, local and foreign, in furtherance of the purposes and
objectives of the institution;
4.2.25 To extend the term of the president of the School beyond the
age of retirement, but not later than the age of seventy (70),
whose performance has been unanimously rated as
outstanding and upon unanimous recommendation by the
search committee for the president of the School concerned. The Budget Officer shall prepare a special budget for the
approval of the BOT to utilize the income deposited with
AGDB. The Budget Officer shall also furnish the DBM and the
Accounting Office, COA copies of the duly approved special
budget within ten (10) days after approval by the BOT. Upon receipt of the duly approved special budget from the
Budget Officer, the Chief Accountant shall draw a Journal
Voucher to set up the appropriations and record allotments. No special budget shall be approved by the BOT unless it is
supported by a certification signed by the Chief Accountant
that available deposits are sufficient to cover its funding
requirements. At the end of the year, the Chief Accountant shall prepare a
Detailed Schedule of Allotments and Obligations Incurred
and Breakdown of Income as supporting schedules of the
Preliminary Trial Balance.
5.3.2 The power of the BOT to appropriate should be in accordance with law
provisions and issuances of higher authorities (e.g. the President of the
Philippines). The BOT does not have absolute power to grant benefits
to faculty and employees if not covered by existing laws and issuances
of higher authority.
The BOT may authorize the allocation of funds for personnel benefits
authorized by the CSC which are incorporated in the institutional
Program on Rewards and Incentives System of Employees (PRAISE)
like staff development, medical benefits, etc.
Manual of Administration Page
5.4.2 All appointments and designations issued by the President are to be
submitted to the BOT for confirmation.
5.4.3 The power to appoint is delegated to the President by the BOT and is
subjected to the following conditions/limitations:
5.4.4 Under any condition and/or limitation, the signatory to all appointments
is the College President in his/her capacity as CEO and the action of
the Board is for confirmation of the appointments.
5.4.7 The BOT reserves the authority to hire, promote, reclassify or fire
personnel as a general condition to the delegated power to the College
President to appoint.
5.5. Power to Construct/Repair (Sec. 4(f), RA 8292)
5.5.1 Most Governing Boards also delegate the authority to construct and/or
repair buildings and other infrastructure to the SUC President provided
certain conditions are observed:
5.6.1 All policies formulated are subject to the approval of the BOT,
i.e. curriculum, admission policy, equivalent teaching load
(ETL), staff development, security matters, etc.
1.1. The School shall be headed by a President, who shall render full-time
service. (Sec. 6, RA 8292).
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1.3. The School President appointed by the Board shall have a term of four
(4) years, the beginning and end of which must be clearly specified in
appointment by the Board.
1.4. The School President shall be eligible for re-appointment for another
term only subject to the review of the performance and such other
requirements set forth by the Board.
2.1. Within six (6) months before the expiration of the term of the office of
the incumbent President, the BOT shall constitute a SCP. (Section 32,
2.2. The composition of the SCP shall be determined by the Board taking
into consideration representatives from the academic community,
private sector representative not in any way connected or associated
with the College, PASUC and CHED representative. (Section 32, IRR).
2.3 The SCP constituted shall recruit and screen applicants and may devise
its own procedure for the search. (Section 32, IRR).
2.4 The SCP shall submit the names of at least three (3) nominees to the
Board citing therein the strengths and weaknesses of the nominees for
guidance and information of the Board, as well as the enumeration and
description of the criteria and procedures employed in the search
(Section 32, IRR)
3.1. Based on the SCP recommendations, the Board shall select and
appoint the new President.
4.1. Pursuant to Section 6, RA 8292, the SUC President shall be eligible for
reappointment for another term of four (4) years, provided this
provision shall not adversely affect the terms of the incumbents.
4.2. In case the incumbent is eligible and qualified per standards set by the
BOT in accordance with R.A. 7722 for re-appointment, search need
not be conducted, at the discretion of the BOT. The BOT shall
prescribe the terms and conditions under which this discretion may be
exercised such as, but not limited to an evaluation of the performance
of the incumbent.
4.3. Depending upon the discretion of the Board in accordance with Sec. 4
(x) of RA 8292, the incumbent SUC President may be reappointed for
another term.
Section 5. Salary of College President
5.1. The salary of the College President shall be in accordance with the
Revised Compensation and Position Classification System and shall
be comparable to that being received by the President of similar higher
educational institutions. (Sec. 9, RA 9746, Sec. 38, IRR).
5.2. Under NCC No. 69, as amended by NBC No. 461 in June 1998, the
SUC Presidents may opt to hold an academic rank and receive
corresponding pay, whichever is higher; provided that the academic
rank is obtained in the same manner and process that the faculty
undergoes for SUC evaluation. (NBC No. 461, s. 1998).
Section 6. Powers and Duties of the President
As Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the School, the School President shall
have general powers of administration and supervision similar to CEOs of
private corporations.
6.1.1 Carry out the general policies laid down by the Board and shall
have the power to act within the ambit of said general policies,
and shall have general supervision of all academic and
administrative operations of the School. He/She shall direct or
assign the details of executive actions;
6.1.2 Hold all officers, faculty members, and employees to the full
discharge of their duties and if, in his/her sound judgment
Manual of Administration Page
necessity arises, he/she shall after consultation with the Vice-
President/ Director concerned, in proper cases, initiate the
necessary proceedings for the disciplinary sanctions and/or
separation from the service of any of them. Relative thereto, all
officers, members of the teaching staff, and the employees shall
be responsible to and under the direction of the School
6.1.3 Serve as the official medium of communication between the
faculty, employees and students of the School on one hand, and
the Board on the other hand;
6.1.4 Direct the Board Secretary to prepare the agenda of all meetings
of the BOT, Academic Council and Administrative Council;
Provided, however, that any member of the Board shall be
entitled to have any matter included in its agenda; Provided
further, that the Academic Council or Administrative Council by
majority vote in a meeting or upon the written request of one
tenth of its membership may include any other item in the
6.1.8 Submit an annual report to the Board on the work of the past
year and needs for the current year, He/ She shall also present
to the Board the annual budget of the School with estimates of
income and expenditures including the short medium and long-
term development and investment plans following pertinent
provision of DepEd.
7.11. Approve faculty scholarships and sign scholarship contracts upon the
recommendation of the Faculty Scholarship Committee and in
accordance with the approved guidelines for Faculty and Staff
Development Program subject to confirmation of the Board of
8.1.1 The BOT shall appoint a Secretary who shall serve both the
Board and the College and shall keep all records and
8.1.2 Duties and Responsibilities
Collates data and information needed by members of the
Board of Trustees;
Provides pertinent enclosures for adequate
documentation of items in the agenda and shall send out
the agenda for meetings of the members of the Board;
Maintains a full and accurate record of all Board
proceedings and shall furnish the different
colleges/campuses of ASCOT resolutions passed and
approved by the Board of Trustees ;
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Manual of Administration Page
Coordinates with concerned offices in connection with
information required by the BOT and may act as the
secretary of the Administrative Council and Academic
Council at the discretion of the College President.
Coordinates and collate the reports of all colleges,
divisions, departments, and sections of ASCOT and shall
assist the President in the preparation of the annual and
other required reports of the Board;
Maintains a systematic filing and safekeeping of records
and documents of the Board of Trustees; and
Does other related work as may be deemed proper.
8.2. Executive Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Assists the President in the formulation and
implementation of policies, rules, and regulations
pertaining to the management and administration of the
Supervises/manages the operations of the Office of the
President and shall document, keep, and file records,
BOT Resolutions, directives, issuances, memoranda, and
pertinent documents;
College Legal Counsel is available only for College business and not
personal matters. Deans, Directors, Administrative Officers should
inform the President or Vice Presidents of any matter they wish to
discuss with Legal Counsel. All others must receive permission
through their Dean or Director from the Appropriate Vice President
before requesting assistance from Legal Counsel.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provides legal services to the College represented by its
officials and employees on all legal matters and issues
concerning its programs, activities and operations;
Renders legal opinion and advice to the College on matter
involving legal concerns and administrative matters;
Reviews of legal contracts and/or documents;
Prepares appeals, petition for review, certiorari and other legal
remedies on various civil and administrative cases involving the
Manual of Administration Page
Hears on administrative cases involving agency officials and
Represents the College in cases filed before the
Prosecutor’s Office and those filed before the
3.0. Officials under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension,
Continuing Education and Training Services
3.1.1 Research and Development Director
Duties and Responsibilities:
Coordinates plans and programs in research of different
colleges/departments/units with the College President .
Coordinate and monitors the implementation of research and
extension plans and programs of the College
Initiates the publication of department researches’ information
for the use of the College
Updates the College faculty on recent trends in development of
relevant research commodities through publication and other
means of communication
Plans and develops marketing strategies for research results for
the approval of the College President, and
Does other related works as may be deemed proper.
5.1. Administrative Council
The employment in the College is opened to all qualified citizens and earnest
efforts shall be exerted to attract the best qualified to enter the service. As a
rule, the merit and fitness to perform the duties and assume the
responsibilities of the position shall be the basis of the selection of
employees. (See Appendix C “Merit Selection Plan for Employees Merit
System for Faculty of Aurora State College of Technology”).
1.2. Placement and Promotion Identifies employees within the agency who are qualified for
promotion and accepts other interested applicants not from
outside the agency.
The contract covers lump sum work or services such as janitorial, security or
consultancy services where no employer-employee relationship exists.
The Job Order covers piece of work or intermittent job of short duration not
exceeding six (6) months on a daily basis. They are not allowed to teach
after office hours in the College.
The contract of service or job orders are not covered by Civil Service Law,
rules and regulations but covered by COA rules;
The employees involved in the contracts or job orders do not enjoy the
benefits enjoyed by government employees, such as PERA, ACA, RATA, etc.
Services rendered hereunder are not considered government service.
The table below shows the rate of Job Order in consideration of years
rendered in the College and educational advancement.
The employees involved in the contracts of part-time faculty do not enjoy the
benefits enjoyed by government employees, such as PERA, ACA, RATA, etc.
Services rendered there under are not considered government service.
The herein operational terms are defined and used in the College as follows: Original – refers to the initial entry into the career service or non
career service of the employee in the College who meets all the
requirements of the position (CSCMC No.1, s. 1996.)
The appointee shall undergo a probationary period of six (6)
months during which the employee shall undergo a thorough
assessment of his/her performance and conduct. His/her services
can be terminated anytime during the said period for unsatisfactory
conduct or want of capacity. The order of termination shall be
serving through personal notice or through constructive notice
and shall no longer be appealable.
1.4.2 Published vacant positions shall not be filled unless and until ten (10)
days has elapsed from the date of publication. To avoid gap in the
services of the holder of the incumbent of temporary appointment and
are subject for renewal, publication should be done every six (6)
months reckoned from its last publication.
An officer or employee of the College who does not report for five (5)
consecutive working days without prior notice shall be considered as
having abandoned his/her nature of work. He will be considered
terminated after due process. As a consequence, all benefits and
privileges will be forfeited.
1.6.4 Termination for cause, lay-off, suspension
Notice shall be given not later than thirty (30) days from the end of
the rating period and shall contain sufficient information which shall
enable the employee to prepare an explanation.
In any case, an official or employee of the College who for one (1)
rating period is rated poor in his/her performance, may be dropped
from the rolls after due notice. The said official or employee must be
informed in writing of the status of his performance not later than the
4th month of that rating period with sufficient warning that failure to
improve his performance within the remaining period of the rating
period shall warrant his/her separation from the service. Such notice
shall also contain sufficient information which shall enable the
employee to prepare an explanation.
1.6.7 Physically and Mentally Unfit
1.7. Prohibitions
1.7.1 No appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the
College unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of
his position.
1.7.4 A person who lost in an election (Except barangay election) shall not
be eligible for appointment or reemployment in the College within one
(1) year following such election.
1.7.6 No employee of the College who resigned during the three (3) month
period before any election to promote the candidacy of another shall
not be reemployed by the College during the six (6) month period
following such election.
1.7.9 The following are exempted from the operation of the rule on nepotism:
capacity teachers
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
health personnel
1.8.1 The College has given the authority by the Civil Service Commission to
take final action on appointments issued to positions in the first,
second and third levels in the career service, regardless of
appointment status per CSC Res. No. 98-2115 dated August 14,1998.
1.8.2 The College as an accredited agency has satisfactorily satisfied the
following prerequisites requirements:
1.10.2 Policies
Definition of Terms
1.11.11 Terminal Leave- refers to money value of the total accumulated leave of
an employee based on the highest salary received.
Married individuals who are both are working in the College shall
be entitled to thirty (30) calendar days for the adoptive mother
and seven(7) calendar days for the adoptive father. Application for Sick Leave - all applications for sick leave
of absence for one full day or more shall be made on the
prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon employee
return from such leave.
Application for sick leave in excess for five (5) successive days
shall be accompanied with proper medical certificate.
On official travel;
on authorized overtime;
on detail order;
on special assignment orders Application for rehabilitation leave should be made within
one (1) week from the time of the accident.
The College shall encourage its faculty, administrative and other non-
academic staff to pursue relevant local and foreign-assisted trainings
and scholarship grants; and attend seminars, workshops, convention,
conferences, institutes and related human resource development
(HRD) courses.
If you meet only the service requirement of 15 years, however, you are
also entitled to pension payable at age 60 on top of the 18 times of
your BMP payable upon separation.
Payment) Eligibility
2. Cash Payment – If you are at least 60 years old and had at least 3
years but less than 15 years of government service, you are
ineligible for retirement benefit under PD 1146. You may be
entitled, however, to Cash Payment equivalent to 100% of your
AMC multiplied by your PPP.
Under this law, your age when you retired (from age 52 to 57) and
YOS should be equal to 87, hence, the “Magic *&” formula
Age + Service = 87
R = Monthly pension at age 57
M = Number of years after June 16, 1951
P = Number of years before June 16, 1951
A = Average monthly salary for the last 3 years
Age 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Factor 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.16 1.20 1.24
RA 7699 is another retirement law that you can apply for only if:
1. You are not entitled for pension benefit from either or both the
GSIS or Social Security System (SSS) because you are unable to
meet the required periods of service or number of contributions;
2. You have less than 120 months of SSS contributions or less than
180 months of creditable government service (GSIS) at the time of
retirement. (In computing, there should be no overlapping of
periods of service or contributions under the GSIS and SSS.)
The Portability Law provides for totalization, the process of adding
up the period of creditable services or contributions under both SSS
and GSIS for purposes of eligibility and computation of benefits.
Biometric Machine shall be used in recording the Time In and Time OUT
of faculty and employee’s. As a backup, the same time shall be
registered in the log book.
When the interest of public service so requires, the daily hours of work for
personnel may be extended by the immediate supervisor or by the
President concerned, which extension shall be fixed in accordance with
the nature of work. Provided, that the work in excess of forty (40) hours a
week must be properly compensated by payment of overtime whenever
funds are available for the purpose or through the grant of compensatory
time off or day off.
The grant of compensatory time or day/s off shall be allowed for overtime
services rendered subject to the guidelines set by the College.
Faculty of the College who will accept part-time teaching job outside the
College after his/her official time must secure permission/approval from
the Office of the President (Sec. 110 & III, Article I, Chapter VIII of
College Code)
Officials and employees of the College who wish to enroll in any course
within or outside the College must secure permit to Study from the Office
of the President (Article 77, Sec. 2 of the College Code; Handbook of
Information on the Phil. Civil Service)
1.14.9 Request for Service Credits
The immediate supervisor must fill up the prescribed form and he/she
must justify the need for overtime services and must specify the number of
days/hours needed for the job to be completed.
The Human Resource Management Officer should check and correct all
request to render overtime services for proper regulations.
The immediate supervisor shall determine the staff who will render
overtime services based on the demand of services.
After approval, the request shall be turned over to the Human Resource
Management Office for communication to the requesting office concerned;
All officials and employee of the College have an obligation to accomplish and
submit declarations under oath of, and the public has the right to know their
assets, liabilities, net worth and financial and business interests including
those of their spouses and unmarried children less than eighteen (18) years
of age living in their households.
These documents must be filed:
The Supply Office of the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT), shall
establish a system based on economy, efficiency and effectiveness in all
aspect of procurement of supplies/ materials, equipment, infrastructure and
disposal of unserviceable materials and equipment regardless of source of
funds based on RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act).
2.1. Preparation of PPMP, APP, Purchase Request / Job Request
All heads of offices of the College prepares their PPMP and submit to
the Supply office for consolidation in preparation of Annual
Procurement Plan (APP). The PPMP shall include:
The Purchase Request must bear the item name and its
corresponding quantity. It should also contain the complete
specifications of the item to be requested and price estimate.
It is important to state for what purpose the item/s will be used.
2.3.3 The Supply Office shall be responsible in the issuance of the Request
for Quotation. For alternative methods of procurement, advertisement
and posting as prescribed in Section 21.2.1 of this IRR may be
dispensed with: Provided, however, That the BAC, through its
Secretariat, shall post the invitation or request for submission of price
quotations for Shopping under Sections 52.1 (b) and Negotiated
Procurement under Sections 53.1 (two-failed biddings), 53.9 (small
value procurement); and 53.11 (NGO Participation) of this IRR in the
PhilGEPS website, the website of the procuring entity concerned, if
available, and at any conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in
the premises of the procuring entity for a period of seven (7) calendar
2.4. Bid Evaluation /Abstract of Canvass
The Purchase Order or Job Order shall clearly indicate the name and
address of the supplier, place of delivery, complete description,
specifications and quantity of the items to be delivered, provision for
penalty in case of late or non-delivery, period of delivery, unit price and
date of receipt of the winning bidder.
The Supply Office informs the end-user and the TWG upon delivery of
items for purpose of determining compliance of the winning bidder of
the specifications required as basis for acceptance and payment.
The End-User and TWG affix their signature in the Inspection and
Acceptance Report.
2.7. Issuance to End-User
The Supply Office records the entries in the Stock Card and issues
delivered items to the end-users through the RIS and ARE.
2.8. Payment
The Supply Office prepares the supporting documents for payment and
forwards it to the accounting unit for the preparation of the
disbursement voucher. The Cashier’ Office issue checks for payment.
In this phase, active growth, keeping and using records occurs. It deals with
the recording, handling, routing, classifying cross-referencing, sorting and
servicing records. This involves the use of maintenance facilities, control
systems and operating procedures.
All official correspondence intended for the College whether addressed to the
President or any other official s, shall be coursed through the Records
Section for recording and routing to proper action units.
In any case, direct deliveries of incoming communications to action units by
individual are not allowed. All communications delivered directly will first be
made to pass through the Records Section for proper recording. As much as
possible , there shall be no hand carrying of correspondence within the
university by outside parties. All officials and employees shall inform the
transacting public of this regulation and shall adhere to it.
The Records Section adopts the following standard operating procedures:
Delivery to action units.
3.3. Classifying and Filing Records
3.3.4 Normally, the file copy is marked "Filed" or "Released" and signed or
initialed by the appropriate official to show that the paper has been
officially released and is ready for filing.
3.3.5 Categorize appropriately the file based from the file classification guide
as primary, secondary and may be extended to tertiary classification.
Write the complete filing designation on the upper right hand corner of
the materials in clear legible writing.
Sort the material to be filed. Materials are sorted first according to
major subject categories, then by secondary categories.
After the papers have been classified, sorted and assembled, file the
Not all records are preserved for permanent use of the agency, as doing so
would mean a need for more space and equipment. To keep space and
equipment needs at minimum inactive or non-current, words should be kept in
temporary storage until their retention period expires.
The College shall prepare an inventory of its records holding in the prescribed
form as an initial step in developing the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS)
and for whatever purpose it may deem necessary.
The College first secures authority from the Director of the Records
Management and Archives Office before destroying or selling any record.
Upon receipt of request for authority to dispose of records, the Chief of the
Current Records Division, acting for the director, shall assign a Records
Management Analyst to appraise and examine the disposable records of the
College and recommend the manner or method of disposal, such as by
burning or direct sale or shredding before sale in the prescribed form.
The College shall open a bank account for this purpose and shall
revert any interest earned and unused cash balance at year end, to the
National Treasury.
The cashier shall also record in the cash book all collection received.
The cash in treasury account shall be debited with the collections
received, and credited with the collections received, and credited
with the collections deposited with the authorized depository bank.
The Cash Section shall submit the following to the Accounting
Reports of checks issued and cancelled –RCIC- All funds-101,161,
and 164, not later than the last working day of the month.
RDDO- Report of disbursement by deputized disbursing officer
101,161, and 164, not later than the last working day of the month.
Commission on Audit (COA)
The Chief Accountant/ Head of Accounting Unit shall submit
directly to Government Accountancy and Financial
Management Information System (GAFMIS) Sector, this
Commission and Audit Team Leader (ATL)/ Auditor
concerned, the following year end financial statements and
reports/ schedules in printed and digital copies on or before
February 14 of each year pursuant to GAFMIS Circular Letter
No. 2003-007 dated December 19, 2003:
Consolidated reports, financial and statistical data from each unit will
serve as the basis on formulating course of actions for the next fiscal
to BOT
7.1. Special Provisions
A fiduciary position serves at the discretion of the appointing
authority or the latter’s authorized representative.
Personnel, whose appointments are not explicitly provided,
shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the
Personnel shall be directly responsible to the heads of
services concerned, unless otherwise provided.
Heads of Offices under the Office of the President must first
obtain the conformity of the President before the
implementation of any project or plan, unless otherwise
The general policies of the Civil Service System declare “that the state shall
provide an enabling environment that will promote its integrity, independence,
productivity and excellence.”
In response to this call for responsibility and efficiency in serving the people, the
following policies and procedures on working days and hours for Aurora State
College of Technology are hereby framed:
A. Working Hours
A.1. Regular Employees
All employees are required to render not less than eight (8)
hours of work a day for five (5) days a week or a total of forty
(40) hours a week exclusive of time for lunch.
Farm workers and security guards are required to report from Monday to Sunday but
not more than forty (40) hours in a week.
C. Daily Record of Attendance
The Human Resource Management Office shall require a daily record of attendance
of all personnel and faculty, to be kept on the proper form, and whenever possible,
registered on the Bundy clock or any mechanical, electrical, or electronic device.
For attendance tracking, employees shall log in and log out at the computer
terminals and record their time of arrival to and departure from office, morning and
afternoon, in the attendance logbook.
D. Flexi-time
Sec. 175 of the Policies on Civil Service System provides that “flexible working hours
shall be enforced subject to the discretion of the head of agency. In no case shall the
weekly working hours be reduced in the event the agency adopts the flexi-time
E. Limitations of Flexi-time
E.1. Employees may opt to report earlier than their fixed time of arrival,
provided that only up to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes of service rendered
before the fixed time of arrival will be credited as part of the hours worked for
that day. The period of work served before the said time shall not be credited
as part of the working hours rendered for the day.
E.2. Employees shall submit to the Human Resource Office their flexi-time
using the request for Flexi-time schedule form with the recommendation of
the Head of office and for approval of the President.
E.3. The employees shall be responsible for the proper observance of their
flexi-time schedule. They shall also be responsible for the timely submission
of their DTR’s and requests for change in flexi-time schedule, if desired.
E.9.The driver and other employees performing similar functions are not
covered by the flexi-time schedule.
F. Locator Slip
F.1. Employees shall accomplish the locator slip when going out of the office
for official business or personal reasons. Time used for official business and
personal reason shall not be deducted from the vacation leave credits of the
F.2. Employees who go out on personal reason and never return to office for
the remaining hours of the day shall be considered undertime. The
corresponding number of minutes/hour shall be deducted from their vacation
leave credits, and shall not be counted for rating the attendance to office for
purposes of performance evaluation.
F.3. In the case of faculty member undertime incurred, it shall be deducted
from their service credits.
Officials and employees who will be on official travel shall secure an office
order/travel order before travelling. The official or employee who goes on
travel without the approved office/travel order shall be considered absent.
H. Compensation for Authorized Work beyond Forty Hours
The daily hours of work for personnel may be extended when the interest of the
public service so requires. The extension shall be fixed in accordance with the nature
of the work. In excess of forty (40) hours a week, the work must be properly
compensated in the form of overtime pay whenever funds are available; or through
the grant of compensatory time or day-off, or through service credit.