Middle Passage Experience Handout 5th Grade

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Middle Passage Experience

Describe the experiences of How is this account similar Is this a reliable source to
people in the Middle to or different from the understand the Middle
Passage. other sources? Passage? Why or why not?

Document A: Portuguese the people were slaves and it is talking about the slave Yes, Because they are not
textbook account portugese had a lot of trade and Portugese joining relying on the slaves'
money behind it. When it and the trade growing health, they are getting the
they refused to eat their bigger. The slaves were slaves in trouble just so
food they would get it sold to the Europeans for they can get hurt by them.
shoved down their throat. the slave trade. and they would kill them
over food and them not
eating it like they offered it.
It was like a disrespectful
thing to do in the slave's

Document D: Slave Ship The slaves ship diagram had They needed to do Yes, they had to have ships
Diagram to be made because that something for the leader to be able to trade things to
was the law for them to be and it also came with a other countries or colonies.
able to transfer trade for price. Everything has to they needed to be able to
the slave trade. It also had come with a price. and that ship off slaves to a colony
to show what kind of ship it is how they were able to or a country.
was. trade.

Document E: Epuano was a slave that It is talking about how No, it is a little different
Autobiography of a Former was kidnapped. he was Equano a little kid was than the other documents
born in West Africa and
Slave kidnapped from a African they are talking about how
was sold to the Eropeans
to become a slave for the tribe and sold to the they were punished and
slave trade when Europeans to be sold for how they were shipped off
kidnaped by the African the slave trade for Virginia to the slave trade, and this
tribe and they brought he eventually bought his one is talking about a man
him to Virginia. he was way through freedom and and his experience being a
kidnaped by a African
he eventually did and got slave. He also became a
tribe as a young boy.
Everyone thought he was his freedom after that he writer. He wrote a
born in South carolina. wrote a biography about biography about his
Eventually he purchased how he was a slave in the experience of the slave
his own freedom and was slave trade. trade and how he was a
a regular person. then he slave.
wrote a biography about
him being a slave in the
slave trade.


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