The Existence of Sustainable Settlement in Surabaya As An Attempt To Realize Eco City
The Existence of Sustainable Settlement in Surabaya As An Attempt To Realize Eco City
The Existence of Sustainable Settlement in Surabaya As An Attempt To Realize Eco City
Sustainable development is a conscious effort and it plans to use and manage re-
sources wisely in a planned and sustainable development to improve the quality of
life. In an effort to make it happen, there are several parties that have been made to
reach a mutual agreement, conferences and global agreements have been made, in-
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable devel-
opment and is the result of the UN Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. In the structure and content of the
Agenda 21, there are 40 chapters in Agenda 21, divided into four parts: Part I (So-
cial and Economic Dimensions), Part II (Conservation and Management of Re-
sources for Development), Part III (Strengthening the Role of Major Groups), and
Part IV: (Means of Implementation).
Rio +20
In 1992, the initial implementation of the first Earth Summit, the people realized that
sustainable development cannot be achieved by government alone and will require
the active participation of all sectors and all levels of society. Therefore, a global
meeting was conducted to discuss the measures to be agreed in order to improve the
quality of life and preserving the earth.
Rio +20 in 2012, raised the topic of maintaining political commitment for ex-
tended sustainable development programs (Sustainable Development), which in-
cludes the rights-based approach to basic needs (food and water), access to infor-
mation technology, reformation of harmful subsidies with adequate protection of
vulnerable groups, sustainable energy for all and basic social protection.
Several researches regarding sustainable development concept have been con-
ducted. One of the is conducted by Peter Kellet namely “Sustainable Rural Housing
And The Chalenge Of Climate Change: Experience From Ethiopia”. This study re-
volves around the sustainable development attempt in settlements aspect. The object
of the research is the search for solutions to sustainable design vernacular architec-
ture of Ethiopia relating to the response to climate change that is happening for the
foreseeable future. This study suggests the efforts to implement sustainable devel-
opment in Guraghe traditional settlement to realize environmentally sustainable set-
tlement without leaving their cultural identity. Factors to consider in this effort is the
sensitivity to the cultural context, the testing process that may result in the worst
conditions, the use of local materials and the exploration of alternative construction
materials and related systems, resource efficiency, Independent Energy Generation
as an attempt to give counselling to the residents is so important, John Turner’s idea
on the creation of settlements by residents is more feasible than the creation of
community housing for people (Turner, 1972, 1976).
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
Nowadays, the development of large cities has increased and has exceeded the car-
rying capacity of the surrounding ecosystem environment. The increasing population
will also have an impact on the growing need for adequate and livable housing facil-
ities. Therefore, land is getting over-occupied and inadequate and it causes the rice
paddies and fertile land to decrease in width and quality since it is used for housing
and industrial development, where it has a direct impact on the decrease in the pro-
duction of food and clothing. Higher population growth resulted in higher levels of
population, either in the air, the water and the amount of the greenhouse effect as a
factor contributing in global warming. Hence we need awareness as living beings
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
fect the economic and socio-cultural aspect of the society that will be elaborated fur-
ther in the discussion of case study.
Green Economy
outdoor and indoor construction management, and the use of solar energy technolo-
gy both actively and passively, as well as paying a close attention in the application
of materials and environmentally friendly building components (Bierman-Lytle,
Sustainable Community
Community empowering has been a popular term in society these days. Community
empowerment is one of the movement methods used in running community devel-
opment programs, both in the economic, social, cultural, educational, health, or a
combination of all these aspects. An activity of community-based development is a
form of real development (Silas, 2012). A city development is better be done by
both the community or society and the government. The creation of a sustainable
society is in regards to realizing a responsible economic development, social inclu-
sion and social justice, in response to social segregation, effective environmental
management, successful city, and an integrated spatial development.
The location of the case study is in kelurahan Kertajaya, kecamatan Gubeng, the city
of Surabaya. The focus of the research in kelurahan Kertajaya is RW XIII, which
has various achievements in ecological aspects.
Kampung Kertajaya RW. XIII, which has been the focus of case study is the
winner of Green and Clean Surabaya best IPAL (wastewater treatment plant) group
in developing category. The settlement that had been built there was also a non-
governmental settlement.
Physical Aspect
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
area of this village. The drainage sewer is also functioning well and looks clean.
The drainage system in this area is the source for Wastewater Treatment Plant
that is a form of support from Surabaya City Government. With the existence of
IPAL (wastewater treatment plant) in this area, the waste water could be reused to
water the plants. Domestic waste processing in this area is applied to the unrecycla-
ble items. The residents in RW XIII actively participate in managing their domestic
waste. Organic and non-organic garbage are place in separate bins, the organic gar-
bage that came from the cooking remains are cut into pieces and placed in the com-
poster to be processed as compost (see Figure 1).
Go green movement undertaken by the residents of RW XIII is contributed by
the local residents who are actively participated by planting greenery in front of their
houses. Various types of ornamental plants from pot plants and plants that are plant-
ed directly in the soils decorate their mini-garden in front of their homes. The major-
ity of the residents of RT 09 plant orchids in front of their homes that orchid has be-
come the identity of this RT and thus this RT is known as the “Orchid Village”. In
addition, there is also TOGA mini garden near the RW Hall that is managed by the
local residents.
Figure 1. Composter
Source: field survey, 2013
Social Aspect
Daily life in a township is very close-related to the social aspect. Social aspects of
the community can be very supportive in the efforts to realize ecological city. The
various social aspects in question is including the citizen empowerment routine ac-
tivities such as gathering, teaching, counselling, independent crafts, community ser-
vice, night guards, etc.
Economy Aspect
such as for boarding house, shop, cafe, school, place of sewing, and so forth. Bina
Mandiri is a program that aims to encourage citizens to participate in performing
certain activities that can generate profits to support the economy of the people.
Bina Mandiri activities include the citizen empowerment associations active in
household waste recycling process to be used as decorative items. The results of
these activities are sold in the bazaar events and SMEs in Surabaya. In addition to be
used as decorative handicrafts, dry waste can be collected in the waste bank then
each member will have/make accounting on revenues from the sale of waste that has
been collected (see Figure 2). Management of waste banks cooperate with Bina
Mandiri division of Surabaya City Government, the operational and financial man-
agement of rubbish bank is handled by the committee of the local residents consist
of six people.
One of the implementations of the green economy in this case study village in Ke-
lurahan Kertajaya RW XIII is to empower the garbage to be used again. In this vil-
lage, the organized management system makes this program run smoothly. Dry and
wet garbage can be a commercial aspect. Wet or organic garbage can be turned into
compost. We can do this by chopping the rest of the unused materials and put them
in a composter. The compost produced can be utilized to fertilize crops. This can
increase the amount of greenery in the environment contribute to the reduction of
global warming effects.
The management of dry garbage collection is done by summoning the mem-
bers of the community, which is the resident of RW XIII. They have a member book
that is use to record the litter that is sorted and weighed. The rubbish bank communi-
ty has a total of 6 members that are local residents. The garbagae is sorted by the
members to be sold according to the category determined by Bina Mandiri and the
money earned from this garbage management will be put into saving that belongs to
each member, the amount of the money depends on the weight of the garbage they
gave earlier.
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
Given this reality, the recycle of dry waste such as paper or cardboard made
from wood, can reduce the felling of trees and thus lumberjack. Reusing plastic ma-
terials can also contribute to preserve the environment, because the plastic produc-
tion which process creates carbon emissions. In fact this is learning about waste
management is all about, it induces a follow-up movement of environmentally con-
scious efforts. Thus the implementation of green economy can bring benefits.
The biggest factor affecting people's health and quality of human resources is the
quality of the physical environment. The second factor is related to people's behav-
iour and lifestyle habits. The third is the form of health care such as public utilities,
waste disposal systems, etc.
Kampung Kertajaya RW XIII is located on the edge of the highway so this ar-
ea has a very high pollution. Plants grown at the sideways along the road may play a
role in reducing the spread of emissions, particularly in the form of gas. Various
types of shrubs and trees can reduce the level of nitrogen and sulphur in the air.
Hydroelectric energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity, and hydroelec-
tric power plants do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. To be able to renew the
energy of water in the village Kertajaya, Wastewater Treatment Plant technology is
applied to process residual household waste that comes out through the sewers set-
tlements through the filter, which can then be reused for watering plants. The pres-
ence of wastewater treatment facilities cannot be separated from the role of govern-
ment to encourage citizens to participate in order to support the construction of eco-
logical city.
Organic waste or dry waste, for example, the remains of leaves to feed the animals
can be used for manure or fertilizer. Kampung Kertajaya RW XIII utilizes existing
waste in the form of organic waste to be processed into fertilizer.
Greenery Quality
Greening in a small scale, for example planting greenery in the yard is associated
with greening ecological functions in general, so as to help improve the physical
quality of the urban environment that has a region of high population density.
Greening the yard has hydro ecological function because it helps slowing the fall
speed of rain water so that the soil surface is not easily broken. Yard also has the
function of micro-climatology ie plants around the home can reduce the hot sun and
can reduce solar radiation.
In RW XIII, Kampung Kertajaya almost every citizen has a green lawn at the
front of the houses which are clean and decorated by flowers so it looks neat, beauti-
ful, clean and refreshing. Greening is done by utilizing a relatively narrow area
around the house, planting vegetation, closing the gutter that is then designated to
place potted plants.
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
begins with the concept of sustainable development that has a sense of development
that can meet the human needs of the present without compromising the potential of
future generations to meet their own needs. The related aspects of natural and artifi-
cial sustainable development include economic, social, cultural and institutional en-
ergy use. One embodiment of sustainable development can be achieved through the
application of green architecture. Embodiment of green architecture principles in a
better environment by Brenda and Robert Vale (Green Architecture Design for Sus-
tainable Future: 1991), there are several principles of green architecture: Conserving
Energy (energy conservation in buildings to maximize natural energy), Working
with Climate (buildings designed in harmony with climate and energy sourced in
nature), Minimizing New Resources (buildings designed to minimize resource use
and maximize the potential of new recycling), Respect for Users (buildings designed
according to the interests and needs of its consumer), Respect for Site (the building
is designed in accordance with capacity of the land and does not damage the existing
environment), Holism (the building is designed in an integrated manner to the prin-
ciples of green architecture development other).
Broadly speaking, the principles of green architecture is divided into three;
energy efficiency, green construction, and green materials (lighting systems, electri-
cal, mechanical, water, etc.), as well as the anticipation of global warming (waste
management, provision of green space, etc.).
Sustainable construction and materials create a healthy building is manifested
in the application of the concept of air treatment (either indoors or outdoors), water
treatment, sewage treatment (reduce, reuse, recycle implementation), as well as the
utilization of the energy contained in the natural environment. Explanation of case
studies related to the Kampung Kertajaya Surabaya construction system and the ap-
plication of sustainable material can be seen in the physical aspects of the village.
Air Treatment
The effort in creating a healthy environment is supported by the presence of fresh air
and a healthy environment free of pollution. Go green movement undertaken by the
residents of RW XIII is contributed by the local residents who are actively partici-
pated by planting greenery in front of their houses. Various types of ornamental
plants from pot plants and plants that are planted directly in the soils decorate their
mini-garden in front of their homes. The majority of the residents of RT 09 plant
orchids in front of their homes that orchid has become the identity of this RT and
thus this RT is known as the “Orchid Village”. In addition, there is also TOGA
(herbal plants) mini garden near the RW Hall that is managed by the local residents.
Most houses in Kampung Kertajaya have applied ecological principles with
the green movement that they perform in their surrounding. However, beside the
greening or greenery, they also need sufficient openings to produce fresh and
healthy air in each house. The majority of houses have already made or had suffi-
cient openings, yet several of them have not been applying good openings due to the
limited area or insufficient land and the population density in the neighborhood.
Water Treatment
One of the essential sources of human life is water, thus healthy clean water can
cause healthy life. Source of clean water in RW XIII Kelurahan Kertajaya came
from taps, which are used for drinking and cooking. Distribution of water taps in the
area of the study has been even and distributed to homes well. The drainage con-
dition is well, it is also functioning well. The drainage is closed with pavement that
the water flows in the drainage. The drainage system in this area is the source for
Wastewater Treatment Plant that is a form of support from Surabaya City Govern-
ment (Figure 3). With the existence of wastewater treatment plant in this area, the
water waste can be reused to water the plants.
Waste Management
Human daily life inevitably produces waste in the form of solid or liquid. Waste if
not treated properly will turn out to be a source of disease for human life. Waste is
residual from human’s daily life’s disposal that can potentially pose dangers in hu-
man’s life.
Organic waste or dry waste, for example, the remains of leaves to feed the an-
imals can be used for manure or fertilizer (Thohir in Anggraini, et al, 2012). Kam-
pung Kertajaya RW XIII utilizes existing waste in the form of organic waste to be
processed into fertilizer while the non-organic waste is sold to be reprocessed again.
Community empowerment has become a popular term in the community these days.
Community empowerment is one method of movement used in running community
development programs, in the economic, social, cultural, educational, health, or a
combination of all these aspects.
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
This village is able to attract visitors from different regions, so it can be used
to make business profit pursued by the village community to establish entrepreneur-
ship in Kampung Kertajaya RW XIII. Armed with a willingness to progress and de-
velop, accompanied by the ability to form knowledge, they are able to run their
business on a small scale. Indirectly it is an entrepreneurial activity. It is essential to
keep developing the small-scaled business. For example, many residents of RW XIII
conduct economic activities in their home, so the house also functioned as a place to
look for additional income, such as for boarding house, shop, cafe, school, place of
sewing, and so forth. With the increasing numbers of visitors who come to the vil-
lage can also increase their incomes on home-made effort.
The important thing is how the residents or community in RW XIII are re-
sponsible of their role in managing the potential available in this area. Through envi-
ronmental management activities, residents have the opportunity to process waste
into marketable products assisted by Bina Mandiri. Bina Mandiri is a program that
aims to encourage citizens to participate in and perform certain activities that can
generate profits to support the economy of the people. In this case Bina Mandiri
provides an opportunity for communities to manage their own business in the region
so as to explore the potential of natural resources properly and being responsible of
it. The management of the business based on the kinship between members of the
community in RWXIII.
The activities include the household waste recycling process to be used as
decorative items. The results of these activities are sold in the bazaar events and
SMEs in Surabaya. In addition to be used as decorative handicrafts, dry waste can be
collected in the waste bank then each member will make accounting on revenues
from the sale of waste that has been collected. Management of waste banks cooper-
ate with Bina Mandiri division of Surabaya City Government, the operational and
financial management of rubbish bank is handled by the committee of the local resi-
dents consist of six people. Almost every citizen participates in this activity. It is a
noble thing to do, because through this activity, the community can help improve the
economy sector by utilizing the unused products.
Kampung Kertajaya RWXIII had done well in preserving the environment, however
there is still lack in the implementation of programs or sustainable development that
was carried out by this village, there is not enough follow up from the innovation
and the lack og maximization of renewable energy. The renewed energy shall be
developed further in order to give more benefit. The number of composters is too
few compared to the number of homes in this village. They should have added the
quantity of the composters. I.E. each home must have one composter that the prod-
uct can give maximum benefit to the owner and the rest can be resold. This can help
improve the economic condition of the residents. In addition, the existence of the
wastewater treatment plant in this neighbourhood can help the residents to process
their water waste to be reused to water the plants. The so called innovation should be
studied and developed further, so that the people can learn the waste-water treatment
system from wastewater treatment plant so that the system could accommodate each
architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol. 12, No. 2, Oct 2013: 167-182
house in the neighbourhood to be used again at least for watering plants or flushing
the toilet.
The village road is relatively narrow, and the drainage sewer is too small so
they need a solution to prevent flooding and water logging. One of the solutions to
these problems is to implement a biopori system. This may reduce the possibility of
flooding and water logging. Moreover, since this village is located in the heart of the
city, the village is dense-populated and lack of green open space. There should be a
green open space which can be used for a public facility owned by the village to ac-
commodate social events and community gathering outdoor. In addition to its pur-
pose to accommodate social activities, green open space can also serve as an absorb-
er of carbon dioxide and able to absorb rainwater into the ground.
The concept of Ecological City is now starting to be applied to reduce the global
warning. In this report, the discussion of ecological city (ecocity) concept and the
analysis of case study can be summarized as follows: first, application of the concept
of ecological city (eco-city) starts from the smallest scope of a city that is home;
second, a support program of the local government to invite the public awareness of
the environment (eg Surabaya Green and Clean program); third, in terms of physical
aspects, supporting facilities can create a healthy environment (trash, wastewater
processing, Greening, etc.); fourth, in social aspects, public awareness in creating a
healthy environment can establish a sustainable society; lastly in economic aspects,
the implementation of ecological city concept can improve residents’ economic
condition, for instance, the rubbish bank that is owned by each family.
From various studies on ecological system that has been done in the settle-
ments in Kampung Kertajaya RW XIII Surabaya, we can conclude that in the
attempt of realizing an eco city, this settlements have made contributions as the
following: supporting the improvement of human’s health, the activity of the resi-
dents that is integrated into sustainable development, can be a cadre of settlements
that have high environmental awareness, it is also expected to continue up to the
next generation.
In order to make Kampung Kertajaya a sustainable settlement, the village can
make a good use of technology application so that the village can be advance. The
maximization of the current innovation is also required in order to support the ad-