CASE #103 Joselito Bustos vs. Millians Shoe, Inc., Sps. Fernando and Amelia Cruz G.R. No. 185024, April 4, 2017 Facts

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CASE #103

G.R. No. 185024, April 4, 2017

For nonpayment of real estate taxes, the City Treasurer of Marikina auctioned off the property
of Spouses Fernando and Amelia Cruz, with petitioner Joselito Hernand M. Bustos emerging 'as the
winning bidder on 14 October 2004. On 13 July 2006, the RTC-Marikina City rendered a final and
executory decision ordering the cancellation of the previous title and the issuance of a new one under
the name of petitioner.
Meanwhile, notices of lis pendens were annotated on the said property on 9 February
2005. These markings indicated that SEC Corp. Case No. 036-04, which was filed before the RTC
and involved the rehabilitation proceedings for Millians Shoe, Inc. (MSI), covered the subject property
and included it in the Stay Order issued by the RTC dated 25 October 2004. On 26 September 2006,
petitioner moved for the exclusion of the subject property from the Stay Order. He claimed that the lot
belonged to Spouses Cruz who were mere stockholders and officers of MSI. He further argued that
since he had won the bidding of the property on 14 October 2004, or before the annotation of the title
on 9 February 2005, the auctioned property could no longer be part of the Stay Order. Petitioner’s
motion for exclusion was denied by RTC, and later by appellate court.

Whether the properties of Spouses Cruz should be made answerable for the obligations of
MSI, upon which the Spouses were stockholders.

No. Section 97 of the Corporation Code only specifies that the stockholders of the corporation
shall be subject to all liabilities of directors. Nowhere in that provision provides any inference that
stockholders of a close corporation are automatically liable for corporate debts and obligations.

1. In finding the subject property answerable for the obligations of MSI, the CA characterized
respondent spouses as stockholders of a close corporation who, as such, are liable for its debts.
This conclusion is baseless. To be considered a close corporation, an entity must abide by the
requirements laid out in Section 96 of the Corporation Code. Narrow distribution of ownership
does not, by itself, make a close corporation. Courts must look into the articles of incorporation to
find provisions expressly stating that (1) the number of stockholders shall not exceed 20; or (2) a
preemption of shares is restricted in favor of any stockholder or of the corporation; or (3) the listing
of the corporate stocks in any stock exchange or making a public offering of those stocks is
prohibited. Neither the CA nor the RTC showed its basis for finding that MSI is a close
2. In rehabilitation proceedings, claims of creditors are limited to demands of whatever nature or
character against a debtor or its property, whether for money or otherwise. Properties merely
owned by stockholders cannot be included in the inventory of assets of a corporation under
3. By virtue of the general doctrine of separate juridical personality, stockholders of a corporation
enjoy the principle of limited liability, the corporate debt is not the debt of the stockholder.  Thus,
being an officer or a stockholder of a corporation does not make one's property the property also
of the corporation.

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