Watchtower: Vindication, Book One by J.F. Rutherford, 1931

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses Ezekiel's prophecy and its fulfillment. It aims to vindicate God's name by explaining the prophecy and recent events that reveal its meaning.

The main topic discussed is Ezekiel's prophecy, its meaning and fulfillment in recent events.

According to the document, the purpose of Ezekiel's prophecy is to guide God's obedient followers and warn others of coming judgments. It is meant to vindicate God's name by revealing his purposes will come to pass.


The name and word of the Eternal God
proven and justified by

and revealin~ what must speedily come
to pass upon the nations of the world.

Comments by J. F. Rutherford
Author of
and otber h<wld

First printing 1,000.000 copies


International Bible Students Association

U. S. A.


London, Toronto, Strathfield, Cape Town, Berne,

Magdebnrg, and in other countries





But the Lord is the true

God; he is the living God,
and an everlasting King:
at his wrath the earth shall
tremble, and the nations
shall not be able to abide his
indignation. "-Jer. 10: 10.

"Let thy name be magnified for ever. "-2 Sam.


Copyrighted 1931

Made in U. S. A.


EHOVAH caused to be written, more than 2500

years ago, what in the Bible is called Ezekiel's
Prophecy. During the centuries that prophecy has
been a mystery sealed to all who have sought to unlock it. God's due time has come for the prophecy to
be understood. He has brought to pass events diselosing its meaning, and these events, well known to millions of people, placed beside the prophecy, make it
Thc miniature fulfilment of the prophecy was upon
Jerusalem and the nations there round about. Its
greater and complete fulfilment is upon l< Christendom" and the other nations now of the world. In
this day of great distress and perplexity it opens to
the vision of godly men the things that must speedily
come to pass and guides the obedient into the right
Its testimony now due to be given is notice and
solemn warning to I ' Chri51tendom" and to all the
world. It announces God's judgments already written
against the II man of sin", against II Christendom",
her rulers, and chief men, and against all who have
defamed the name of the Most High. It makes known
the great tribulation just ahead for the world, and
how some may be shielded and protected and carried
through that trouble and blessed.


Its message is that of comfort and encouragement

to the faithful followers of Christ Jesus who are now
on the earth. It tells when and how .Jehovah God will
prove, exonerate and vindicate his word and holy
name, uplift and bless his obedient creation, and make
the world a place of everlasting peace and joy. Every
intelligent creature should know its contents. Read
it and profit thereby.




EH OVAH 'S NAME is of far greater importance
than all things. The time must come when
Jehovah's name will be upon every creature, and
then everything that breathes will extol and honor
his name. Only those who come to a knowledge of
Jehovah and who honor his name will be given life
everlasting. Jesus so stated when he was on earth,
but only a few to this day have believed that his
words are true. The defaming of God's name was
begun by the traitor Satan, and the entire organization which the enemy builded has continued to repreach his holy name. The removing of Satan and
his organization will result in clearing Jehovah's
name, and then all intelligent creatures may learn
without hindrance the way to life.
The truth must be made known to the end that the
name of Jehovah may be vindieated. It is the expressed will of God that all creation shall be brought
to a knowledge of the truth and that then those who
believe and obey and practice the truth shall live.
All others will be destroyed. The origin of man, the
course man has followed, how man may be recovered
and granted life everlasting, is truthfully stated in
the Bible. It is found nowhere else except in publications that base every doctrine upon the Bible testi-




mony. Jehovah is true and his Word is the truth.

Every man that is brought into harmony with God
must learn the truth. Concerning those who will please
God, Jesus said: "Sanctify them through thy truth:
thy word is truth."-John 17: 17.
That which is the very opposite of truth is a lie.
Satan is the author or father of lies. (John 8: 44)
He began his lies by disputing the word of God and
by bringing reproach upon God's name. That first
lie led perfect man into the way of wickedness and
brought upon the entire human race sorrow, sickness,
suffering and death. In the centuries past Satan has
pursued his course of lying and wickedness without
hindrance and has builded a mighty organization in
the earth by which he has brought reproach upon
the name of Jehovah God and has turned the mass
of the people away from God. To accomplish his
wicked purposes Satan has resorted to all manner
of lying, fraud and deception. The chief element of
his organization, by which he has defrauded the people and reproached God's name, is the religious element. This he started with Babylon, and from then
till now the name Babylon has attached to all religions
used by Satan to bring reproach upon the name of
The greater the deception practiced, the greater
the reproach j and so-called "organized Christianity",
or "Christendom", stands at the very head of all
hypocritical religions that have been used to deceive
the people and to defame God '8 holy name. True
Christianity means to truly and faithfully follow
Christ Jesus and to honor God's name. " Organized
Christianity," or "Christendom", has taken the name




of Christ Jesus but has practiced everything but the

truth. Just enough of the Bible has been used to
mislead and deceive the people. "Christendom," or
"organized Christianity", has therefore become the
greatest of all refuges or hiding places of lies. God
has abided his own due time to expose and to destroy
all hypocritical and wicked organizations, Now his
time has come to uncover the lies, and expose the
false religions and every other part of Satan's organization; and this he declares he will do by and
through the truth made known to mankind. The time
is therefore come when lies shall be torn from the
place of power and authority; and truth enthroned
will continue to rule forever i and this will be a vindication of God's word and name.
By his prophet Jehovah says: "Behold, I lay in
Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious
corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth
shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the
line, and righteousness to the plummet; and the hail
[hard truths] shall sweep away the refuge of lies,
and the waters [flood of truth] shall overflow the
hiding place." (Isa, 28: 16, 17) Zion here mentioned
is God's organization, and Christ Jesus the King of
glory is the chief corner Stone mentioned by the
prophecy. Already God has placed Christ Jesus upon
his throne and presented him as King of the world,
and thus the corner Stone has been laid. Now Christ
Jesus the great Judge has come to the temple of God
for judgment and the judgment is in progress; hence
the time is at hand for the hard and plain truths to
be told and, thus continuing, the truth, like a flood
of water, shall arise, exposing the lies by disclosing




their hiding place, and will sweep away all hindrances

to the people in gaining the truth.
The campaign to make known the truth of God's
Word to the people is now in progress. In this work
the Lord is employing the radio and many books
containing the explanation of the Bible, and these
are put in the hands of the people that they may
know the truth. The work of vindicating God's name
has begun, and will go on until every man, from the
least to the greatest, shall know that Jehovah is the
only true God. Then never again will the truth be
bedraggled and hid from the view of God's creatures.

'I'he Israelites were God's covenant people chosen

by him and used chiefly to make pictures which foreshadow his purposes. Such pictures are made under.
standable to men in due time in order that the anointed people of God may have hope and in order that
the rulers and the people in general may be served
with notice of what God is about to do to make a
name for himself.
Jehovah sent his prophet to the king of Israel and
caused him to say: "I will set up thy seed after thee,
which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will
establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for
my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever." (2 Sam. 7: 12, 13) By those words Jehovah stated the importance of the kingdom in connection with the vindication and the honor of his
name. The "seed" there mentioned undoubtedly
means Christ Jesus, the beloved of God who was fore~
shadowed by King David. The King of glory Jehovah




now has placed upon his throne. (Ps. 2: 6) tt An house

for my name" means the organization of Jehovah
of which Christ Jesus is the Head and Chief. That
which will lead to the exaltation of the name of Jehovah in the minds and hearts of all his creatures is
a knowledge of and obedience to the truth. God has
taken out from the world "a people for his name",
which people are the first ones to be favored with a
knowledge of the truth.
It is fitting that God used David, who forehadowed
his beloved King Christ Jesus, to write and say to
the people taken out for his name: "Give unto the
Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord
in the beauty of holiness." (Ps, 29: 2) And thus the
people so taken out for God's name speak to one another. It is the expressed will of Jehovah that 'the
people taken out for his name' shall bear to the world
the message of truth that Jehovah is the only true
God, and thus be the witnesses of Jehovah at this
time. (Isa. 43; 10-12; 42; 6) Jehovah caused his holy
prophets to write concerning the vindication of his
name, and now his due time has come for his" faith.
ful servant" to understand the meaning of the
prophecies, and the "servant" is directed to serve
notice upon the rulers and the people of and concerning God's purposes as the prophets long ago wrote.
Ezekiel was one of the holy prophets of God.
Heretofore his prophecy has not been understood,
manifestly because it was not God's time for it to be
understood. The theme that runs throughout the entire book of Ezekiel is that of the vindication of Je.
hovah 's name. The phrase, "Know that I am the Lord
[Jehovah]," occurs at least forty-six times in the




prophecy. More than any other book in the Bible the

prophecy of Ezekiel mentions this great and all-important truth. The opening chapters give a setting
for the understanding of the book when the due time
arrives for its understanding, and for that reason
these chapters should be carefully considered. Prophecies are not always fulfilled in the order in which
they are set down in the Scriptures, but a proper
setting is necessary for the harmonizing of the entire prophecy.

How may we know when we have a proper inter.
pretation of a prophecy? At the very outset we must
understand that "no prophecy of the scripture is of
any private interpretation". (2 Pet. 1: 20) If man
gives a private interpretation to a prophecy, that interpretation is merely his private opinion and is with.
out value, because no man is authorized by the Word
of God to give such an opinion. Many attempts have
been made to interpret prophecy, and failure has resulted because the rules laid down by the Lord have
been ignored. Since no prophecy is of private interpretation, it follows that the Lord God himself interprets prophecy by causing to eome to pass events in
fulfilment of what he has foretold; hence it is impossible for man to understand prophecy until such events
have come to pass showing at least a partial fulfil.
ment of the prophecy. Until God's due time to understand prophecy it is not understandable. Then it is
first understandable by the covenant people of God
who have his spirit.-l Cor. 2: 10.
To determine whether a prophecy (and the proph-




et speaking it) is false or true Jehovah made these

rules: That the prophet must speak in the name of
Jehovah, thus indicating authority to speak; his words
of prophecy must tend to turn the hearer to Jehovah
and to the honor of his name; and the prophecy must
at some time come to pass. (Deut. 18: 21, 22; 13: 1-5 ;
Jcr. 28: 13-17) The fulfilment of a prophecy would
necessarily be in harmony with these rules. The events
coming to pass must be in harmony with the prophecy
as it is written, must tend to vindicate the name of
Jehovah, and must honor and exalt his name and not
honor and exalt the name of any human creature. If
the interpretation tends to laud and magnify the
name of man, then such is not a true interpretation,
because it is contrary to the Word of God. (Job
32 : 21, 22; Luke 16: 15) In carrying forward his
purposes God uses his duly constituted agencies, but
all honor is due to Jehovah, and not to the agency.
Aside from Jesus Christ no individual is foretold
or foreshadowed in the selection and development of
the members of God's organization. It necessarily follows that in the fulfilment of God's prophecy no individual among God's covenant people is or will be
identified. It would be contrary to the Scriptures to
single out some individual and say that such individual is fulfilling prophecy. It would be like the eye
saying to the hand, I am all-important and you are
nothing-i-J Cor. 12 :12-22.
Jehovah's 'elect servant' is his Christ, and he deals
with the "servant" as one. Members of the body are
therefore considered collectively, and not individually.
Jehovah God is the Master, and the "servant" is his
instrument used for his purpose, and all honor is due




to the great Master. It is Jehovah the Master who says

to his 'elect servant': "Behold, the former things are
come to pass [meaning, some prophecies which I
showed you have been fulfilled], and new things do
I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them. "
(Isa. 42: 9) When a prophecy is partially fulfilled
and is in course of fulfilment Jehovah permits his
covenant and anointed people to see the meaning thereof, and these in turn must declare the meaning to
others who might have an ear to hear. Some prophecies have been fulfilled, and some are in course of
fulfilment; and, by the rules laid down governing the
fulfilment of these, by his grace and his spirit God
makes known to his 'elect servant' some things that
are shortly to come to pass, and thus the "new things"
he now declares to them "before they spring forth".
Prophecy was written aforetime for the specific
benefit of God's covenant and anointed people. (Rom.
15: 4) It follows, therefore, that the fulfilment must
take place and be made known to some of these anointed ones while on the earth, because otherwise the announced purpose would be defeated. The anointed will
not need comfort and hope after they have been received into glory and made in the likeness of the
glorified Christ Jesus. Comfort and encouragement
arc for their benefit while they are on the earth, and
particularly for the remnant on earth "in the last
days". Since the purpose of prophecy's being fulfilled
is to vindicate the name of Jehovah, its fulfilment must
involve the people whom he has taken out of the
world for his name and must also identify the class
that is opposed to God and his purposes.
When events come to pass and are known, we call




these the physical facts. If such events coming to pass

involve God's covenant people and distinguish them
from God's enemies, and the events tend to honor and
vindicate God's name and they fit the things foretold
in the prophecy, then we may know that we have
God '8 interpretation of the prophecy and therefore
the right interpretation. For that reason prophecy
cannot be understood until God '8 due time to understand it and until it is fulfilled or in course of fulfil.
ment. However, prophecy already fulfilled or in course
of fulfilment enables God's anointed people to understand the meaning of other prophecies written in harmony therewith and foretelling what shall come to
pass in the very near future.
Elsewhere'" the Scriptural proof has been submitted
showing that the coming of the Lord Jesus to the
temple of God took place in the spring of 1918. The
early chapters of Ezekiel's prophecy fit and confirm
the work that God's organization has been doing since
that date. That which the prophet sets forth is of the
keenest interest to the anointed of the Lord when
viewed in the light of recent events and the one coincides with the other. This shows why the prophecy
of Ezekiel could not be understood prior to 1918. It
was then that 'the heavenly temple was opened' and
God's faithful covenant people were permitted to have
a vision of heavenly things and to see them in the
light of events coming to pass in the earth before their
eyes. After using his covenant people in connection
with the fulfilling of prophecy, and without their
knowledge and understanding thereof, the Lord gives
them an understanding. To be able to look back and
See PropheCY, pp, 71-76.




see how the faithful ones have been used by the Lord
in having a part in the fulfilling of prophecy is a
real encouragement and comfort to them and brightens
their hope for the greater things set before them.
It seems hardly necessary to set out in full the text
of Ezekiel's prophecy here, because almost everyone
has a Bible, wherein is found the full text of the
prophecy. The student should carefully read the book
of Ezekiel, as set forth in the Bible. Herein the chapters of the Bible record will be indicated, and those
chapters as indicated should be carefully studied in
connection with these comments.

Ezekiel was twenty-five years of age when carried

away with other Israelites as captive to Babylon.
His name means ' I God will strengthen" or ' I the
strength of God". True to his name, he was strengthened of the Lord and hence well pictures the company
of God's covenant people who are devoted to Jehovah
and who are I I strong in the Lord and in the power of
his might". These are "strengthened with might by
his spirit in the inner man". (Eph. 6; 10; 3; 16) It
was in the fifth year of the captivity that the word
of the Lord eame to Ezekiel and he had his first vision.
(I; 2) He was then thirty years of age, that being the
age required to be attained to do the work of the
It seems quite probable that Ezekiel and Daniel
were in the same company of captives, for it seems
that they were carried away captive at the same time,
to wit, in the year 617 B.C. The divine record shows




that they were both pleasing to Jehovah; hence they

were not carried away as captives because of their
own wrongdoing, but to serve the purpose of God and
to foreshadow things that must come to pass in "the
last days". This was the. first captivity from -Ierusalem to Babylon. ".And he carried away Jehoiachin to
Babylon, and the king's mother, and the king's wives,
and his officers, and the mighty of the land, those
carried he into captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon.
And all the men of might, ... all that were strong
and apt for war, even them the king of Babylon
brought captive to Babylon. "-2 Ki. 24: 15, 16.
It is interesting to here note and compare with this
scripture some facts that came to pass in 1918 and
1919 as heretofore written in The TVatch Tower.
"From 1918 to 1919 was a period of great travail
and suffering. At that time the church was practically
in captivity to Babylon, which is one of the names for
Satan's organization." (See Watch Tower, Dec. 15,
1928, page 373.)
The year 617 B. C., when Ezekiel was carried away
captive, very well corresponds with the year 1914
(A.D.), the beginning of the World War. There was
an effort made by Satan '8 organization to commandeer
all religious organizations for the purpose of winning
the war, and those of God '8 covenant people were not
only threatened but many of them were forced into
the war and the work of proclaiming the truth was
hindered everywhere. Not until 1919, or five years
after the beginning of the war, was the way again
open to freely witness to the truth. The year 1919,
therefore, corresponds with the year 612 B.C., which
was the time that Ezekiel received the vision and was



EnE. 1

commissioned by the Lord to act as a priest and to

represent God as a prophetic witness.
This apparent correspondency in dates would tend
to prove that the 'Elisha work' of God's covenant
people was due to begin, and did begin, in the year
1919 with the assembling of that people in convention
at Cedar Point, Ohio. That was the time The Golden
Age magazine was launched and the work of giving
witness of the truth to the people was revived. It was
then and there that ,God made his covenant people
aware of the fact that he had commissioned them to
'preach this gospel of the kingdom to all the nations
as a witness', and it was there called sharply to their
attention that God had begun his reign through Christ
Jesus, earth's rightful King. On the fifth day of September, 1919, that covenant people of God was given
a vision or understanding of the distinction between
the 'Elijah work' and the 'Elisha work' of the church;
that is to say, that the experiences of Elijah had foreshadowed a certain work to be done, which was now
completed, and the experiences of Elisha foreshadowed
another work to be done by the same people, which
work had to begin at that date. (See Watch Tower,
1919, page 292.) .AB 'the hand of the Lord was upon
Ezekiel', so was the spirit and the power of the Lord
upon his people when they saw for the first time the
work marked out for them to do and which had been
foreshadowed by the experiences of the Prophet Elisha. The work of God's "servant", broken up during the war, now began to take on new life, the first
of which was to begin the organization and then go
forward with the work.
The year 606 B.C. marks the date of the desolation




of Jerusalem. The year 606 B.C. would correspond

with 1925, when "organized religions" were plainly
seen to be in bondage to Satan, and a part of Satan's
organization, and to have been for ever cast away from
the Lord. Shortly thereafter the book Deliverance appeared, exposing Satan's organization and particularly the hypocritical religion thereof. Also about that
time God revealed to his people the delusion of
.. character development" as a necessary qualification
for the kingdom, and also the "prisoners" in Babylon were identified. (See Watch Tower, May 1, 1926,
and November 15, 1926.)
" Chebar ' was the name of the river by the side
of which Ezekiel got his first vision. It means "length ",
that is, "extent of time," and seems to indicate that
the fullness of God's time had now come and his kingdom must now be established and that the work of
announcing that kingdom, as foreshadowed by Elisha,
must begin. Daniel had a vision at the river, and probably the very same river, at which the dates 1914, 1918
and 1926 were foreshadowed, and confirms Ezekiel's
EzekicI's first vision was had five years after he
was taken captive. That vision represented and foreshadowed the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the
temple of Jehovah for judgment upon the true house
of God and upon the professed house of God, which
judgment results in the destruction of the latter, or
"organized religion". The Israelites had misused and
abused God's temple, and Jehovah eaused Ezekiel to
prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem. Nominal
spiritual Israel, or "organized Christianity", so called,
has misused and abused God '8 temple, and God's judg-




ment of destruction is pronounced against it. The first

chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy is a description of Jehovah '8 organization as it appeared to the prophet.
The description thereof, and its meaning, has been
published elsewhere, and hence is not here repeated.
(See Prophecy, pages 116-123.)
The vision of Ezekiel shows the Lord God Almighty
sitting upon his throne over and above all the forces
of his organization and coming out of the north and
moving forward to the destruction of the city. Concerning this Ezekiel says; "And above the firmament
that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne,
as the appearance of a sapphire stone; and upon the
likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. And I saw as the colour
of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within
it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and
from the appearance of his loins even downward, I
saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had
brightness round about. As the appearance of the bow
that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the
appearance of the brightness round about. This was
the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the
Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I
heard a voice of one that spake. "-1; 26-28.
The duty of pronouncing God's judgment and of
the execution thereof is laid upon Christ Jesus, who
is God's chief executive Officer. That this refers to
the time of the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple
of Jehovah for judgment is further supported by
what the prophet later saw and about which he wrote,
to wit: I ' Afterward he brought me to the gate, even
the gate that looketh toward the east j and, behold, the

EzEK, 1



glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the

east, and his voice was like a noise of many waters;
and the earth shined with his glory. And it was aecording to the appearance of the vision which I saw,
even according to the vision that I saw when I came
to destroy the city [prophesy that the city should be
destroyed, margin]; and the visions were like the
vision that I saw by the river Chebar , and I fell upon
my face. And the glory of the Lord came into the
house, by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east. So the spirit took me up, and brought
me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the
Lord filled the house. "-43: 1-5.
At the time of this, his first vision, Ezekiel pictured
and foreshadowed those in the covenant with God and
in line for the kingdom and whom the Lord Jesus
Christ found faithful upon coming to his temple and
to whom he committed his kingdom interests on the
earth, and to which class he refers as the "faithful and
wise servant". (Matt. 24: 45, 46) This "faithful servant" class had its vision made clear concerning the
Elijah and Elisha works of the church in the autumn
of 1919. This was five years after Jehovah had placed
his anointed King upon his holy hill in Zion and the
"man child", the new government, had been born.
That new government was a part of God's universal
organization, and it was then, through the functioning of that government, that Jehovah began his reign
over the earth. This was particularly shown by J ehovah's being seated upon his throne above all his
organization, as described by Ezekiel. Therefore, five
years after the beginning of the kingdom the "servant" class of the Lord on earth began to clearly see



EuB:. 1

that God had another work for the" faithful servant"

to do before the end. The kingdom had begun, and the
tirst great work would be the clearing out of Satan's
organization, and before the Lord would do that he
would cause the members of the Ilfaithful servant"
class on earth to give notice by a world-wide campaign
of testifying to the Lord's purposes. It is thus seen
that the physical facts exactly fit the prophecy and
show that Ezekiel had his first vision five years after
his captivity and that the "faithful and wise servant ", whom Ezekiel foreshadowed, had his vision of
the kingdom-Elisha-work five years after the King
was enthroned.
For a number of years God's people had waited for
the vision to speak. Since about 1889, when Volume
II of Studies in. the Scriptures was issued and it was
seen that there was a typical significance attached to
Elijah and his work, the faithful had waited, expecting the year 1914 to mark the complete fulfilment of
the prophecy. They had expected Armageddon to follow immediately after 1914 and the church to be glorified. Of course it was not due time until after 1918
to have a clearer vision of the prophecy. Like the
Prophet Habakkuk, God's covenant people had waited,
and, while waiting, there were some curious speculations indulged in by them, which were mere guesses,
of course, and therefore not true, because it was not
God's time for them to understand. It was after 1914
that "the vision spoke and did not lie', to wit, after
the coming of the Lord to his temple in 1918. Habakkuk, referring to the IIservant" class, wrote: "I will
stand upon .my watch, and set me upon the tower, and
will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what



Page 22





I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it
plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at
the end it shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry,
wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not
tarry. "-Hab. 2: 1-3.
It was in 1919 that the vision spoke to the "faithful servant" class and that class began to see the
significance of the Elisha work. The "servant" more
fully saw in 1922 the meaning thereof. It was in
that year that God's covenant people came to a realization that they had been negligent in giving the testimony to the Lord's name and that 'the Lord was
angry with them', but that the time had come to 'turn
away his anger'. (Isa, 12: 1) In that year the faithful saw the Lord had come to his temple, and with
joy and zeal peculiar to the house of the Lord they
went forward to do the Elisha work in advertising the
King and the kingdom. The vision was so marvelous
and awesome to Ezekiel that he 'fell down upon his
face, and heard a voice of one speaking to him'.Ezek. 1: 28.
When the Lord, through the columns of The Watch
Tawer, disclosed the vision of the Lord's coming to
the temple, and its meaning, the faithful appreciative
ones, designated as God's "young men", like Ezekiel,
fell down and worshiped in devotion to Jehovah. To
these faithful ones the vision continued to increase in
beauty and grandeur, and they have seen and now
see that the great work of God's anointed people on
earth is to make a proclamation of the truth looking
to the vindication of Jehovah's name. The "faithful




servant" has since continued to hear the voice of the

Lord and to joyfully respond thereto in going forward with the work committed into their hands.

While the young man Ezekiel was prostrated before

the Lord he heard a voice of one saying to him: I I Son
of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto
thee." (2: 1) "And the spirit entered into me when
he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I
heard him that spake unto me. And he said unto me,
Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to
a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they
and their fathers have transgressed against me, even
unto this very day." (2: 2, 3) Then and there Ezekiel
was given a commission to bear a message to the people of Israel. Since anointing is symbolic of a commission granted and bestowed upon the anointed ones,
this would represent the anointing of the faithful ones
who were approved and taken into God's organization. Those whom the Lord found faithful at the examination upon coming to the temple, as pictured by
the parable of the talents, would here be pictured as
receiving the anointing or eommission.c-Matt, 25: 2l.
When the Lord came to his temple in 1918 he found
two classes of servants: one that was moved by a selfish
desire to be honored in the kingdom, and another unselfishly devoted to the Lord in doing his will. The
first he later designates as the "evil servant", and the
other as the "faithful and wise servant". It is after
the divison and separation takes place that the "faithful and wise servant" is known and designated as




"the remnant". The "faithful and wise servant" is

anointed and commissioned to care for the interests of
the kingdom, and this is designated by the words of
Jesus that 'he would make him ruler over all his
goods'. (Matt. 24: 47) This prophecy would indicate
that such anointing took place in 1919; and that the
general pouring out of the holy spirit, according to
the prophecy of Joel, occurred in 1922, when all in
the earthly division of the organization of the Lord
were commissioned to go forth with the message of
truth.-Joel 2: 28, 29.
Ezekiel saw the Lord approaching to destroy Satan's organization, and the "faithful servant" class
saw in 1919 that the church, pictured by Elisha, must
now do a vigorous slaying work in connecti.on with the
Lord's destruction of "organized Christianity". Shortly thereafter The Golden Age magazine was issued,
and No. 27 of that magazine laid bare the wicked
deeds of "organized Christianity". Several million
copies of this number of the magazine were placed
in the hands of the people. The "faithful servant"
class then got on its feet and went to work. The
anointing was a commission to speak God's vengeance
against those who had reproached his name. In the
commission given to Ezekiel "there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe". Likewise
God '8 anointed and commissioned people were now
commissioned to speak the vengeanee of Jehovah
against those who had reproached his name. (2: 10)
The anointed people of the Lord were therefore commissioned to publish these truths so that they could
be heard and read and understood.
Time was required for the organizing of the work,




and it seems certain that the "servant" class might

have been more energetic than they were. Doubtless
many were held back because of fear and something
was required for such that they might have their
eyes fully opened to the responsibility of the work
they were commissioned to do. It is well known that
some of the classes of Bible Students at that time
hesitated to distribute No. 27 of The Golden Age
magazine, manifestly because of fear. It exposes the
duplicity of the clergy, and some feared to incur their
displeasure. In the latter part of 1919 the Watch
Tower Bible and Tract Society began the distribution
of the message contained in No. 27 of The Golden
Classes that failed or refused to distribute that message lost the privilege, and others were sent into their
territory to make the distribution. By 1922 God's
people had eome to a clearer understanding of their
duties and the work took on a greater impetus, and
those who were privileged to do it went at it zealously
and fearlessly.

Jehovah sent his prophet Ezekiel to the nation of

Israel, a rebellious people that were impudent and
stiffhcarted. (2: 3, 4) He warned Ezekiel not to be
afraid to speak to them nor to be afraid of their
words. "And they, whether they will hear, or whether
they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house.)
yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among
them. And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them,
neither be afraid of their words, though briers and
thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among
scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dis-




mayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.

And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether
they will hear, or whether they will forbear; for they
are most rebellious. But thou, son of man, hear what
I say unto thee: Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house; open thy mouth, and eat that I give
thee. "-2: 5-8.
This well corresponds to the truth that the Lord
permitted his people to understand in 1919, that they
were to go forward to "organized Christianity" with
the message of truth and to deliver it fearlessly,
'whether they were heard or whether they were not
heard.' It was also a warning to the "servant" elass
to be not rebellious before the Lord as Christendom
was and as some who were then in the truth were,
but that those who would please the Lord must be
bold and fearless in the proclamation of his message
of truth. The Watch Tower warned the leaders in the
ecclcsias against a rebellious course and pointed out
the necessity of fearlessly engaging in the Lord's service, and where some showed fear and refused to do
the work the opportunity to do it was given to others.
About the autumn of 1922 the organization of God's
people on earth was more fully completed, and it was
then, at a general assembly of his people at a convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, that they got a better
vision and appreciation of God's purposes concerning
them and their commission, and then they went to
the work with a real zeal. Isaiah's vision seems clearly to have foreshadowed this particular time. Isaiah
had a vision of the Lord at his temple and came to a
realization that he as a servant of the Lord was a man
of unclean lips, and he cried unto the Lord, and the




Lord sent to him his invisible messenger with a coal

of fire from off the altar with which Isaiah's lips were
made clean. Concerning this it is written: "And he
laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched
thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy
sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us T Then
said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell
this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and
see ye indeed, but perceive not. "-Isa. 6: 7-9.
From 1919 to 1922 others had come to a knowledge
of the truth and had responded to the call for the
kingdom. It was on the occasion of the assembly above
mentioned that all the faithful who were present saw
the opportunity and necessity of carrying the message
of the kingdom to the people, and there was a tremendous response such as never to be forgotten by
those who witnessed the demonstration. The spirit and
zeal of the Lord were upon that people. It was doubt.
less about that time that 'the holy spirit was poured
out on all flesh', meaning that all who had responded
to the call for the kingdom, and who were brought
into the temple, were commissioned and commanded
to carry the message of truth to the people, regardless
of sex or previous position in the church. (Joel
2: 28, 29) The cleansing received by Isaiah foreshadowed the fact that God's "faithful servant" class
would come to a realization that the proper zeal had
not been shown in proclaiming the truth and thus the
sin was upon their lips. The cleansing of Isaiah's lips
by a coal of fire pictured the fact that God cleansed
the lips of his people and sent them forth to do his
work of witnessing to the truth, and that all then who

EZEB:. 2



were faithful were anointed of the Lord, and that

these constituted thereafter God's "faithful servant",
otherwise called "the remnant".
Prior to the Lord's coming to his temple for judg.
ment there were a number who had received the truth
and responded to the call for the kingdom but who
because of selfishness had rebelled against the light
and began to fall away. The "rebellious" ones mentioned in the prophecy therefore would include all
such who began to fall away about 1917 and who were
gathered out and formed the "evil servant" class.
Such claimed to be Jews (that is to say, devoted to
God's praise and service of his King), and, says the
Lord, 'They are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.' (Rev. 2: 9; 3: 9) 'They are those that rebelled
against the light.' (Job 24: 13) It was the duty of
'l'ke Watck Tower to speak with plainness to such,
and by the Lord's grace this was done. Those who
failed to heed the Lord '8 warning found themselves
in the "evil servant" class and the "man of sin".
The commission to Ezekiel, and therefore to the
"faithful servant" class, was also to warn those of
the "great multitude" (Rev. 7: 9-14), "such as sit
in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound
in affliction and iron; because they rebelled against
the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the
Most High." (Ps. 107: 10-16) As Ezekiel was commanded by the Lord to warn the rebellious Israelites,
so God's "faithful servant" class is commissioned to
warn those who profess to be the children of the Lord
and who are rebellious. When the warning to such
rebellious ones was published in The Watch Tower
the prophecy of Ezekiel was not then understood.




(See Watch Tower, 1926, pages 323328, 339, 340;

1929, pages 134,147.) This is mentioned here as

further evidence that the Lord uses his people to fulfil

prophecy and afterwards advises them thereof by revealing the meaning of the prophecy. It is an evidence
that the Lord feeds his people upon food convenient
for them and directs the way they shall go, and to the
Lord is due all glory. God commissions his people to
do his work and sends the obedient ones forth upon
that mission; and he directs their way, using them as
his instruments, and all in the temple give him glory
therefor and sing forth his praises.-Prov. 3; 5, G;
Ps. 29; 9.
As further proof that the truth is not the product
of the "servant" class or of any man, but that all
truth proceeds from the Lord, it is written, by the
Prophet Ezekiel; And when I looked, behold, an
hand was sent unto me; and, 10, a roll of a book was
therein; and he spread it before me; and it was written within and without; and there was written therein
lamentations, and mourning, and woe."(2; 9, 10)
God's due time had come to send forth his message :
and l a roll of a book in a hand' shows that this truth
comes by the spirit and power of God, and not by
any creature, and that it is God's product. The roll
or book spread out before Ezekiel shows that the time
had arrived for God to send forth his "servant" to
deliver a message to his people. This time especially
dates from and after 1922, when the Lord had provided his people with a means for witnessing to the truth.
When the prophecies are understood it will be found
that they are all in exact harmony; which is another
proof that they all proceed from God.





The statement of Ezekiel is in exact harmony with

Revelation 10: 1, 2, which says: "And I saw another
mighty angel come down from heaven, . . . and he
had in his hand a little book open." Thus is shown
that God's time had come to make known his purposes
and he sent forth his message of truth to his people.
(See Light, Book I, page 174.) God's judgment written must be declared before the execution thereof.
"Organized Christianity," or Christendom, pictured
by Jerusalem, must be told the truth and be warned
of God's impending judgment against her. Also those
who had been in line for the kingdom and had fallen
away must be warned. "Organized Christianity," or
Christendom, is pictured by Jerusalem and is more
reprehensible than the heathen nations j hence God's
judgment is written against her.
The roll of the book exhibited to Ezekiel contained
the message of 'the day of the vengeance of God'
against Israel j and likewise now that which the Lord
reveals to his people contains the truth concerning the
day of the vengeance of our God, which must be declared to Christendom. (Isa. 61: 2) Let the fearful
and rebellious refuse to declare God's righteous indignation against Satan's organization, if they will; but
all who are of the "faithful servant" class without
hesitation will declare God's truth and expose to view
the enemy and the hideous agencies of his organization. Those who were once in line for the kingdom and
who fail and refuse thus to do put themselves in the
class with God's enemies. (2: 3) It is comforting and
gratifying to see how Jehovah uses his people to do
his work and then later shows them what he has done,
and this is further proof that prophecy was written




to make brighter the hope of those who are in the

covenant for the kingdom and who obey the terms of
that covenant. (Rom. 15: 4) For several years God's
faithful people on earth have been doing, and are now
doing, a work which was foretold by the prophet and
the meaning of which the Lord is now pleased to reveal to his faithful ones.
It is observed that almost a hundred times the Lord
addresses Ezekiel as "son of man". That is one of the
titles given to Jesus Christ; hence the class whom
Ezekiel pictured and foreshadowed must of necessity
be those who are of the body of the anointed One. The
title does not apply to any individual, but applies to
the body members of Christ and takes in all the faithful anointed ones of the earth. It is this class that the
Lord uses in proclaiming his Word and also in connection with the fulfilment of his prophecy.

The third chapter opens with the statement: "Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of
Israel." (3: 1) In harmony with this God first causes
his own people to feed upon his truth and to grow
strong thereby, and then their strength must be used
in obedience to his commandment to the glory of the
Lord by speaking these truths to others. This is in
harmony with Revelation 10: 8, 9: "And the voice
which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and
said, Go and take the little book which is open in
the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea
and upon the earth. And he said unto me, Take




it, and eat it Up." These prophecies of Ezekiel and

Revelation concerning the eating of the roll or book
symbolically represent God's anointed servant receiving the truth to be used to the glory of the Lord.
This is further corroborated by Jehovah's words to
the Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah also pictures the "faithful
servant" class to whom the Lord Jehovah says: "I
have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered
thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant
the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth,
and say unto Zion, Thou art my people." (Isa. 51 : 16)
The message of the Lord he puts in the mouth of his
"servant" not merely to feed upon for his own benefit, but that it might be used in accordance with God's
commandments by proclaiming it to others. "So I
opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.
And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to
eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee.
Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey
for sweetness." -3 : 2, 3.
These words last quoted from Ezekiel picture the
faithful people of the Lord who were hungry for a
further revelation of his Word, whom the Lord Jesus
began to feed when he came to the temple of God.
It took some time to fill them up and for them to digest
the food before they were ready for the fight, and
when the time came they were made strong in the
Lord and went forth in obedience to his commandments. This is in exact accord with Revelation
10 : 10, 11, which says: "And I took the little book out
of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my
mouth sweet as honey; and as soon as I had eaten it,
my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou must




prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and

tongues, and kings." Thus is shown God's provision
and his preparation of his people for a campaign that
shortly thereafter began, and is now in progress, the
purpose of which is to proclaim the King and his
kingdom and to announce the day of God's vengeance.
When Ezekiel had eaten, then the Lord gave command to him: "And he said unto me, Son of man, go,
get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my
words unto them. For thou art not sent to a people
of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to
the house of Israel." (3: 4, 5) The Prophet Ezekiel
thus pictures God's "servant" class of today who
arc sent to deliver a message to Christendom, because this people have professed to be acquainted with
the Scriptures and the language thereof. So today the
., servant" class carries th-e message of truth to soealled "organized Christianity", or Christendom, not
to a people of an unknown tongue; nor is it spoken in
the terms of a heathen religion; but they inform
Christendom in their own language as to what God's
Word has to say. If the anointed "servant" class does
not now diligently engage in proclaiming the truth of
God '8 purposes, those so doing would quickly cease to
be of the Lord's servants and he would raise up others,
because his time is here when his message must be
The purpose of delivering the message of truth is
not to convert the world, as many have foolishly
thought; and this is proven by the words the Lord
spoke to Ezekiel: "But the house of Israel will not
hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me;
for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-




hearted. Behold, I have made thy face strong against

their faces, and thy forehead strong against their
foreheads. As an adamant, harder than flint, have I
made thy forehead; fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious
house." (3: 7-9) Likewise the Lord tells the faithful
"servant" class that he has made their heads harder
than those of the rebellious ones and therefore they
are not to fear those who are rebellious; hence they
must go and speak the truth with plainness and the
Lord himself will take care of the result.
J ehovah then tens Ezekiel, and therefore the" faithful servant" class, to receive his words in the heart
and in the ears and then go and tell them to the people whether they hear or not. (3: 10, 11) God's people
could not today be faithful unless they respond gladly
and eagerly in carrying the message of truth to
Christendom. This is being done vigorously and zealously by those who love the Lord.
Ezekiel then states that the spirit took him up and
he heard behind him a voice of great rushing, saying:
"Blessed be the glory of the Lord from his place."
(3: 12) On the day of Pentecost, when the spirit was
poured out upon the followers of Christ Jesus, there
was the sound like the rushing of a mighty wind; and
in like manner the spirit came upon Ezekiel, foreshadowing that the spirit of the Lord would come upon
his people after the coming of Christ Jesus to the
temple of Jehovah. "I heard also the noise of the
wings of the living creatures that touched one another,
and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a
noise of a great rushing. So the spirit lifted me up,
and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the




heat of my spirit; but the hand of the Lord was

strong upon me. "-3: 13, 14.
This foreshadowed that the Lord puts his spirit
upon his people and reveals to them a sufficient
amount of the truth to enable them to discern God's
organization, and the wicked organization of Satan
in opposition to the Lord, and the great privilege that
they have of being in Jehovah's organization and
going into action against the enemy and his agencies.
When they see the hideousness and wickedness of Satan's organization these go in the heat of the spirit
and with bitterness against the enemy, because the
enemy is God's enemy. Such is not a malicious hatred,
of course, but a sincere and earnest desire to see the
enemy and his organization destroyed that God's name
might be exalted.
It required some time after 1919 for the "servant."

class to get clearly in mind the meaning of the Elisha

work. At first it would appear that the work must go
on as it had gone in the past, and that efforts should
be made to bring as many as possible into the truth
and get them ready for the kingdom; but in time the
"servant" class saw that such is not the chief purpose of the Elisha work. Ezekiel was then at Tel-abib
by the river Chebar ("extent of time"), which would
indicate that the fullness of God's time had come for
a new era in his field of service. "Tel-abib" means
"hill of green growth" or "hill of Abib". The first
month of the Jewish year was Abib, the same as Nisan,
that being the springtime, when the earth was covered
with green growth. Even so it was 'the springtime of




the kingdom', the "hill of green growth" marking the

time of a new era. Many who had made a covenant to
do God's will and had been brought forth as his sons
had turned away into Babylonish captivity. God '8
covenant people must now have a watchman, and this
was foreshadowed by what the Lord said to Ezekiel:
H And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that
the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of
man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of
Israeli therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give
them warning from me."-3: 16,17.
The "watchman" is not one man, but is the entire
company of anointed ones on earth making up the
"faithful and wise servant" class. Some have advanced the thought that the "watchman" is an individual; but this is entirely wrong and contrary to
the Scriptures. The anointed class constitute the
"watchman", and each member thereof watches for
the other and watches out for the interests of the
kingdom, all of which are now committed into the
hand'! of the "servant" class. Concerning this same
H watchman" Isaiah wrote: "Thy watchmen shall lift
up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing:
for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring
again Zion." The faithful watchmen must give warning to all who claim to be the people of God. Therefore they say to each other: "Thy God reigneth!"Isa. 52: 7, 8.
The Lord has laid great responsibility upon the
watchmen, to wit, his "faithful servant" class. He
makes it obligatory that such shall warn those who
start in the way of wickedness. The wicked are not
those who never knew of the truth, but are those who,




having once been enlightened, to some degree at least,

concerning the truth of God '8 purposes, have then
turned away therefrom and render service to the
enemy. As Jehovah commanded Ezekiel, so he commands now the one whom Ezekiel foreshadowed, his
watchmen, his" servant" class, saying: "When I say
unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die j and thou
givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the
wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the
same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his
blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn
the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor
from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but
thou hast delivered thy soul." (3: 18-20) The" watch.
man" class could not perform its proper duty unless
it sounded the warning to those who have once been
connected with the Society; and this has been done,
even though it has brought down upon the Society
many harsh criticisms. (See Watch Tower, 1928, pages
196, 323, 339, 355; 1929, pages 163, 179.)
It is not the prerogative of The Watch Tower, nor
of any forming a part of the" scrvant" class, to announce its judgment; but it is the duty of such to
call attention to God's judgments as they are written,
and this must be done as a warning. Also, it is the
duty of such to call attention to God's judgments as
they are written against the" evil servant", and this
must be done as a warning. Also, it is the duty of the
"servant" class, by any other means the Lord has
provided, to give warning to all Christendom by calling attention to the judgments of the Lord as they are
written. This was foreshadowed by the words of the
Lord to Ezekiel: "Nevertheless, if thou warn the



righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth

not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned;
also thou hast delivered thy soul." (3: 21) In harmony
with this commandment given to Ezekiel God's judg.
ment is: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still;
and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he
that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that
is holy, let him be holy still. "-Rev. 22: 11.
Those of the temple class who bear the message of
the Lord must be clean, and to this end must separate
themselves from all who are out of harmony with
God's organization. (2 Cor. 6: 15-17) In harmony
with this plain statement of the Scriptures the Lord
commanded Ezekiel to separate himself and go into
the plain, that the Lord might talk with him there.
,And the hand o.f the Lord was there upon me; and
he said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain, and
I will there talk with thee. Then I arose, and went
forth into the plain j and, behold, the glory of the
Lord stood there, as the glory which I saw by the
river of Ohebar j and I fell on my face." (3: 22, 23)
The "faithful servant" class must be separate from
Christendom, from the "evil servant" class, from the
"wicked", and from the "prisoner" class, and, in
fact, from all not in complete harmony with God's
organization. The "faithful servant" must stand out
separate and alone as the target of the enemy and as
the witness for the Lord. These faithful ones gather
themselves together unto the Lord in a condition of
separateness, and the Lord's glory appears unto them.
The facts show that since 1922 the Lord has illuminated his "servant" elass and laden their table with
an abundance of spiritual food and has illuminated




their minds as never it came to pass before. The vision

of God's organization is there before them, because the
spirit of the Lord is upon them even as it was upon
"Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon
my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go,
shut thyself within thine house." (3: 24) The "house"
mentioned in this scripture is God's place of security
provided by him for the "faithful servant" class. It
is "the secret place of the Most High" where the
"servant" is pictured as being invulnerable to the
assaults of the enemy. Jehovah, by his prophet Isaiah,
refers to the same house, saying: "Come, my people,
enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors
about thee; hide thyself as it were for a little moment,
until the indignation be ovcrpast, For, behold, the
Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants
of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. " Isa. 26: 20, 21.
The "faithful servant", being separate from the
enemy and under the hand of the Lord Jehovah, is in
the place of security; but in this place of security the
"servant" is not to be idle. He beholds the enemy and
his activities and the enemy's desire to slay the "servant" ; yet he lmows that he is secure, because the Lord
has so promised him, and in this security the "serv
ant" goes forth with a zeal to the work which the
Lord has provided and put in his hands. (Ps. 91: 1-11)
., For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his
pavilion i in the- secret of his tabernacle shall he hide
me i he shall set me up upon a rock." (Ps. 27: 5) Since
the beginning of the campaign from and after 1922




until now God's "servant" class has gone steadfastly

on in his service, while the enemy has warred against
the" servant" of the Lord and sought his destruction.
The activities of the enemy, however, have not disturbed the "servant". Jehovah is the strength and
song of his "servant" class and the power of their
salvation, and therefore the "servant", in obedience
to God's commandment, continues to sing forth the
praises of the Most High, while telling of his wondrous
works and his loving provision for the children of men.
If the rebellious ones, meaning the professed Christians of Christendom, and the "evil servant" class,
the "man of sin", had their way they would stop the
work of God's "faithful servant" and completely
silence all who speak the truth of and concerning the
Devil's organization. But as God said to Ezekiel, so
now he says to the "faithful servant" whom Ezekiel
foreshadowed: "But thou, 0 son of man, behold, they
shall put bands upon thee, and shall bind thee with
them, and thou shalt not go out among them. And I
will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth,
that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a
reprover; for they are a rebellious house. But when
I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou
shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God, He that
heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him
forbear; for they are a rebellious house." -3 : 25-27.
The "servant" is not to tell his own message. Jehovah has made his "faithful servant" the "watch.
man", and only as the Lord God directs the "servant"
to speak he does speak, having always a I( Thus saith
the Lord" for every part of the message that is delivered. The work of the "servant" is not to make




converts to get them to join an organization, but to

give a witness to the truth. The hearers must either
accept or reject the message, and take the responsibility. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the
spirit saith." (Rev. 3: 22) Jehovah brings his "serv
ant" into action and uses him for his purposes while
he moves forward to the vindication of his name. The
opposition by the rebellious house of Christendom or
by the "evil servant" will in no wise prevent the truth
from being told as God purposes it shall be told.

Jehovah continues to instruct Ezekiel what he shall

do. In chapter four God took Ezekiel and made him
a sign-man to the professed people of God, first to
Israel after the flesh, and thereafter to Christendom .
.. Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it
before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jeru.
salem: and lay siege against it, and build a fort
against it, and east a mount against it; set the camp
also against it, and set battering rams against it round
about." (4: 1, 2) Ezekiel is here instructed to lay a
siege against Jerusalem. In this he performs a mimic
siege against the city. This performance was in the
presence of those in the city and was a sign to them
and a warning. It was a prophecy against Christendom. Originally Jerusalem was the capital city of
'both houses of Israel', and Jehovah let the iniquity
of both houses be visited upon that city. To Ezekiel
Jehovah said: "Moreover, take thou unto thee an iron
pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and
the city; and set thy face against it, and it shall be




besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This

shall be a sign to the house of Israel."-4: 3.
Ezekiel was commanded first to lie on his left side
for three hundred and ninety days, thus picturing
the iniquity of the house of Israel; and then at the
end of that period he was to lie on the right side forty
days, picturing the iniquity laid against Judah.
"Moreover lie thou upon thy left side, and lay the
iniquity of the house of Israel upon it; according to
the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it,
thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have appointed
the years of their iniquity to be unto thee a number
of days, even three hundred and ninety days; so shalt
thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And
again, when thou hast accomplished these, thou shalt
lie on thy right side, and shalt bear the iniquity of
the house of Judah; forty days, each day for a year,
have I appointed it unto thee." (4: 4-6, R. V.) This
did not mean that Jerusalem was besieged that length
of time when the actual siege came to take place.
(2 Ki, 25: 1-8) This represents the long-suffering of
God toward the two houses of Israel. The number of
days that Ezekiel lay on his left side and then on
his right side represented the number of literal years
that God forbore with the two houses of Israel, suffering them to perform their iniquitous work. Both the
390-year and the 40-year period must have terminated
at the same time, to wit, in the year 606 B.C., when
the long-suffering of God ceased and the city of J erusalem was broken up, marking the beginning of 'the
gentile times'.
The three-hundred-and-ninety-year period above
mentioned applies to the ten tribes of Israel, and the





forty-year period applies to the house of Judah and

Benjamin. In the year 999 B.C. the ten tribes revolted
against Judah. This was 393 years before the destruction of Jerusalem. God had foretold through his
prophet that he would rend the ten tribes away from
Solomon's SOD Rehoboam and give them to Jeroboam,
and, if the latter would remain faithful to God,
through the ten tribes the Lord would build him a sure
house. (1 Ki. 11: 29-40) But J ereboam did not remain:
faithful to God, but, on the contrary, instituted a
base and false worship and set up two golden calves,
one at Bethel and the other at Dan, and caused the
people to worship there instead of going up to J erusalem. (1 Ki. 12: 26-33) God sent his prophet up to
warn Jeroboam; but Jeroboam refused to heed the
warning and to turn aside from his false worship, and
continued his iniquity. The iniquity of the ten tribes
would therefore begin to count from that time, which
was 996 B.C., or three years after the revolt of 999
B.C. It follows, then, that 390 years from that date
would end 606 B.C. Israel's iniquity dates from the
beginning of the religious revolt and the substitution
of the false worship.
Since the Israelites in general foreshadowed "Christendom ", the application of the above is this: "Christianity, " so called, was organized shortly after the
demise of the apostles; and the Roman Catholics, acting through their clergy and the principal of their
flocks, monopolized the field, that is to say, the entire
world, from the religious viewpoint, until the year
1531 (A.D.), when the rulers of England and Germany
broke away from the pope and the League of Schmal.
kald was formed for the protection of the Protestant





religion. This date is definitely fixed as a historical

fact. (See Watch Tower, 1920, page 174.) It was
therefore in A.D. 1531 that Jehovah began to bear
with the iniquity of "organized Christianity", as
represented by the Roman wing of i i Christianity" so
called. God's bearing with this iniquity begins to eount
at that time, and counting three hundred and ninety
years from then brings the period of time down to the
year 1921.
Now as to the house of Judah: Jehovah begins to
count her iniquity, with which he had to bear, from
the year 646 B.C., that being the thirteenth year of the
reign of Josiah. The proof is this: The ten tribes went
into captivity to Assyria in 740 B.C. Judah should
have learned a lesson from this and should have been
faithful to God, but, on the contrary, Judah departed
from the worship of Jehovah. When God gave warning to Jeroboam concerning the false worship established, he caused his prophet then to foretell the coming of Josiah the king of Judah. (1 Ki. 13: 1, 2)
Manasseh and Amon, who preceded Josiah, had desecrated the temple of Jehovah God and established the
Devil worship amongst Judah. After Josiah came to
the throne he did right in the sight of the Lord. (2 Ki.
23 : 26, 27) It was in the thirteenth year of the reign
of this king Josiah that God raised up Jeremiah and
caused him to prophesy to Judah, and Judah refused
to hearken to the words of the Lord spoken by the
prophet. "The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah,
of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of
Benjamin: to whom the word of the Lord came in the
days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in tho
thirteenth year of his reign." (Jer. 1: I, 2) Therefore




it was from that year, to wit, 646 B.C., that Jehovah

began to count the forty years' iniquity of Judah
which terminated in 606 B.C. Jeremiah began to
prophesy forty years before the fall of Jerusalem, and
his first prophecy was one of warning to Jerusalem
of the impending destruction of the city, to which
warning the people declined to give heed. This corresponds exactly with the forty days (symbolic of forty
years) that Ezekiel lay on his right side to bear the
iniquity of the house of Judah.-Jer. 1: 14-17.
There must of necessity be a proper application of
this mimic siege on Jerusalem to that which Jerusalem represented, to wit, "organized Christianity," or
Christendom. As hereinbefore stated, it was in A.D.
1531 when God began to recognize her iniquity and
to bear with the iniquity of the Roman branch of
"organized Christianity". That day is marked by the
fact that it was then that the two main pillars of tho
Protestant wing of "organized Christianity" were set
up. Germany, Britain and the United States, and the
colonies belonging thereto, are the chief countries of
Protestantism, or "organized Christianity" according
to the Protestants. It has been chiefly in these countries where God has caused the truth to be proclaimed
concerning his kingdom. A comparatively small amount
of the witness work of "present truth" has been
carried on in Italy, Spain and such like Catholic
countries. The beginning of this public witness work
in these Protestant countries would specifically mark
the beginning of God's forbearing with Protestantism.
Mark now that it was in 1881 that this public witness
work began and is especially indicated by the publication and wide distribution of the booklet Food for




Thinking Christians, which set forth the doctrine of

the second coming of Christ, and the kingdom of the
Lord, and the fundamental truths that had long been
obscured by the unfaithfulness of "organized Christianity". That work, begun in 1881, was exactly three
hundred and fifty years after Jehovah began to bear
with the iniquities of the Catholic wing of "organized
Christianity", and forty years thereafter exactly corresponds with the three hundred and ninety days that
Ezekiel lay on his left side in the mimic siege. At the
end of the three hundred and ninety days of the mimic
siege Ezekiel lay on his right side for a period of forty
days, symbolic of forty years, as stated by the scripture. This foreshadows that God would bear with the
iniquity of Protestantism for a period of forty years
from and after the beginning of that period, to wit,
the year 1881, as above stated. Forty years added to
1881 marks the year 1921, at which time the fortyyear period of forbearance of Jehovah with Protestantism would end.
Now be it noted that both the three-hundred-andninety-year period, applying to Catholicism, and the
forty-year period, applying to Protestantism, end exactly at the same time, showing that the application
is correct and applies to all "organized Christianity".
It was in that year, 1921, that The Watch Tower, by
the Lord's grace, was permitted to identify and did
identify and publish the truth concerning "the beast",
"the image of the beast," and "the abomination that
maketh desolate". (Revelation 13) (See Watch Tower,
1921, page 11.) In that same year, 1921, the nations
of Christendom, by their duly constituted representatives, held a national assembly at Washington, D. C.,




known as the International Arms Conference. The

announced purpose of that Conference was to establish lasting peace on the earth. The clergy of "organized Christianity" ably supported this movement.
God's covenant people, the Bible Students, presented to
that International Arms Conference a resolution that
had been duly passed by the Bible Students Convention, which, among other things, stated: 'That no
nation can be truly Christian which fails to obey the
teachings of Jesus and the apostles; that the ruling
powers of Christendom are made up of the commercial and political leaders, supported by the clergy of
both Catholic and Protestant church organizations
who, contrary to the Word of God, had allied themselves with such leaders and become a part of the
world organization; that the kingdom of heaven is at
hand and that it is the divine and only remedy for
lasting peace on earth.'
The resolution memorializing this international conference called upon these nations to recognize and
adopt God's remedy, and then added: 'If the divine
Scriptural remedy be ignored, God's wrath will be
visited upon their governments and the system of
Christendom.' (See copy of Resolution, Golden Age
magazine, December 7, 1921, page 138.) At the time
of the presentation of this resolution it was not known
that the matter was in any wise foreshadowed by the
prophecy of Ezekiel or any other prophecy. In the
light of .. present truth" we must conclude that the
angel of the Lord directed God's covenant people to
thus serve notice upon "organized Christianity".
With the close of the year 1921 the three hundred
ninety years and forty years of Jehovah's forbearing


Page 56





with the two houses of "organized Christianity" had

expired. The year 1922 was manifestly God's due
time to begin to make known his judgments against
the nations of Christendom and to pronounce his judgment by and through his anointed people. It was in
that same year, to wit, 1922, that the commandment
carne from the temple of God to his angels to begin
the pouring out of the bowls of the wrath of God on
the earth, and God's covenant people in convention
assembled at Cedar Point participated in that work.
(See Revelation, Chapter 16, Light, Book II, page 19
and pages following.) When at least two of God's
holy prophets prophesy against "organized Christianity" and the events coming to pass fit both prophecies,
then it must be that such events constitute the fulfilment thereof, and this should be a great encouragement to every one who loves Jehovah.
To show in living pantomime that Jerusalem would
be surely besieged and destroyed, God commanded
Ezekiel to take a brick or tile and an iron pan and
to use these in his mimic siege of Jerusalem. He was
to portray this city upon the brick. The pan would
represent the coverlet or shields behind which the besiegers would operate. Ezekiel lay upon his side during the mimic siege and the Lord laid bands upon him
to keep him from turning. Also, Ezekiel was required
to live on a restricted diet of bread and water during
those days and to eat and drink under much adversity.
(4: 9-15) This foreshadows the fulfilment of God's
Word spoken to the prophet: "Moreover he said unto
me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread
in Jerusalem; and they shall eat bread by weight, and
with care; and they shall drink water by measure, and




with astonishment; that they may want bread and

water, and be astonied one with another, and consume away for their iniquity." (4: 16, 17) Such conditions actually existed in the city of Jerusalem at
the time of the siege.
This would seem to picture that just as surely as
God's covenant people would be put in bonds and on
a restricted diet, spiritually and materially, for a season to bear the iniquitous practices of "organized
Christianity", just so surely would "organized Christianity" by the Lord's judgment be made hungry for
food and thirsty for drink, both spiritually and materially, and suffer and be destroyed. In the years
1918 and 1919 God's covenant people were under restraint of bonds, bearing "organized Christianity's"
iniquity, being "hated of all nations", and many of
them were imprisoned and compelled to exist upon
scant food rations, while the church everywhere was
being fed with meager spiritual rations because Christendom had restricted the work and communication of
God's people one with another. Those trying experiences awakened God's covenant people to the real
situation and set them wholly against "organized religion" and all other parts of Satan's organization.
Particularly from and after 1922 God's covenant people have assaulted "organized Christianity" with the
weapons of truth provided by the Lord, and have continued so to do with zeal and vigor.
The cruel handling of God's covenant people by
"organized Christianity" during the World War has
'turned for a testimony against them [' I organized
Christianity"]', even as Jesus foretold. (Mark 13: 9)
Ezekiel made a picture of the siege of Jerusalem, and




the siege actually began some time thereafter. Up to

1922 J"ehovah's organization was drawing up the machinery for operations before the walls of hypocritical
" J erusalem " or "organized Christianity" and was
preparing for the siege. There was then much to the
discredit of "organized Christianity" in the eyes of
the Lord, among which was the persecution of God's
covenant people during the World War; the Interchurch World Movement, launched by Big Business,
with the clergy playing second fiddle, in the year
1919; also the approval by "organized Christianity"
of the League of Nations, which is an "abomination"
in the sight of the Lord; and the approval of the program of the International Arms Conference in 1921,
and other things. In March, 1922, the "ammunition"
factory of God's covenant people was greatly enlarged,
being established in more commodious quarters, in
order that many books containing the message of truth
might be made ready for the assault. Then quickly
followed the world-wide witness by many public lectures' being delivered on "Millions Now Living Will
Never Die", and also the introduction of the radio,
which the Lord put forward to tell the truth to the
people. Now the campaign has been in progress for
several years and is growing more intensive and interesting each year.
During the mimic siege of Jerusalem God laid bands
upon Ezekiel. During the siege of "organized Christianity" God has laid bands upon his people, which
are the obligations of being his witnesses to give his
testimony which he committed to Jesus Christ, and
these bands prevent his people from turning to the
right or to the left in their work. God's "faithful



Ezu:. ,

servant" class now have their faces firmly set against

Satan's organization, and they have assaulted and
continue the assault with God's Word which he has
put in their mouths and in their hands. They are in
a real fight now, and no longer on short rations, spiritually or otherwise, even as it is written: "Therefore
thus saith the Lord God, Behold, my servants shall
eat, but ye shall be hungry; behold, my servants shall
drink, but ye shall be thirsty; behold, my servants
shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed!' (Isa. 65: 13)
Jehovah is making ample provision for his people,
spiritually and temporally, even while all Christendom is suffering. As these comments are being written
a well known newspaper, of February 10, 1931, representing the sentiments of "organized Christianity",
"Our world presents a strange and sorry spectacle.
In the cities millions of people haven't enough to eat.
In the country millions of farmers, facing ruin, are
feeding dirt-cheap wheat and corn to the hogs, be.
cause they haven't a market. Around the world there
are hundreds of millions going almost naked, while
cotton planters are on the verge of starvation because
they can't get rid of their cotton. There is too much
bread, too much sugar, too much coffee, too much
cotton, too much silver, too much copper, too much
oil, too much, almost, of everything. Yet 1,500,000 people-three-quarters of the population of the globehalf-naked and half-starved, are yearning for the
barest necessities of life, but can't afford them. What
a sickening indictment of our system! . . The remedy is only to be found in a new order of things
founded upon world peace. The principal nations of




the earth are going to have to get together on a plan

to put an end to war, then turn their attention to
policies, national and international, which will improve the living conditions of peoples everywhere."
The peoples of Jerusalem, especially the clergy,
scoffed at Ezekiel and prophesied man's ability to
bring peace and plenty. The conditions are exactly
the same today. After repeated proclamations of the
truth; the distribution in Christendom of more
than ninety million books in many languages; the
proclamation of the message of God's kingdom by
resolution, by radio and by other means, Christendom
is absolutely blind to the cause of the trouble and what
is the remedy. This blindness will continue until there
falls upon "organized Christianity", or Christendom,
exactly what fell upon the city of Jerusalem, except
on a far wider and greater scale. The Lord is causing
his people now to proclaim the day of his vengeance
upon "organized Christianity". Christ Jesus, Jehovah's great executive Officer in the temple, is leading
the fight to the glory and the vindication of Jehovah's
name, and when it is done the people shall know that
Jehovah is God. His name shall be vindicated I

Among all the nations that are on the earth or ever

have been on the earth those nations composing Christendom, or "organized Christianity", are the most
reprehensible. The Protestant countries of "organized
Christianity" are even more reprehensible than the
Catholic. It was because of enlightenment coming to
view by the favor of the Lord that certain Christians




organized Protestantism as a protest against the

practice of Catholicism. The light, therefore, that has
come upon Protestantism has been greater than that
upon Catholics; and greater light brings greater responsibility. The Protestants have had free access to
the Bible, while many Catholics have been denied this
privilege. The Protestant countries have had the testimony of the truth given to them in their own languages, and their own Bibles have been used to cite
the truth to them even more than any other peoples
ever upon the earth. In addition to the prophecies
with which the nation of Israel was favored, the
nations calling themselves "Christian" have had the
words of Jesus and of the apostles, and later millions
of copies of Bibles have been published and placed in
their hands. There appears to be no excuse for any
one of these lands called Christendom, and especially
amongst those of the clergy and the principal of their
flocks, to say that they never had an opportunity to
know about the Lord.
The nations of Christendom have held themselves
out before all other peoples of earth as models and
have sent their missionaries into heathen lands to induce the heathen people to follow the Christians as a
model people. They have put forth much effort to
convert the heathen nations to the so-called "Christian's way of thinking" concerning religion. They
have claimed to be God's favorites, and without hesitation have taken his name upon their lips and called
themselves by the name of his beloved Son, and at
the same time their hearts have been far removed
from him.




Jehovah God has sent his witnesses throughout

Christendom, and particularly into the lands known
as Protestant, to give a wide witness for the truth.
Among all the men in these nations collectively called
"Christendom" the most reprehensible are the clergy.
men. These men claim to be the children and covenantpeople of God and to be followers of Christ Jesus.
They pose before the people as the only ones qualified
and commissioned to interpret and teach the Bible.
They have builded great church edifices and called
these after the name of Christ and the apostles. They
have put themselves forward as leaders of the people
and have induced millions to follow after them; they
have builded great schools of learning, which they
call "theological seminaries", or places for the education of young men to preach the gospel, and these
they have sent forth labeled with the title of "Reverend ", "Doctor of Divinity," or "Minister of God's
Word". They are therefore without excuse for the
course they have taken and for their failure to know
about God's purposes. Regardless of all the favor that
Jehovah has bestowed upon them, today the clergymen of Christendom, as a whole, are against the, king.
dom of God, and among all those who oppose the
preaching of the message of the truth of and concerning the kingdom the clergymen are the most violent
opposers. They are the ones who persecute and seek
the arrest and imprisonment of humble men and women who carry the message of truth to the people.
They are the ones who busy themselves in attempts
to prevent the radio stations from broadcasting the
message of God's kingdom. God will not permit these
things to go unnoticed.




The large majority of the clergy repudiate the blood

of Christ J esus, which is God's provision for the redemption of man, and they deny that his kingdom is
God's remedy for the uplift and blessing of the human race. They deny the inspiration of the Seriptures
and freely tell the people that the Bible account of
the creation, the fall of man, and redemption through
the blood of Jesus Christ is merely folklore. They
have openly joined hands with the Devil '8 makeshift
and fraudulent scheme, the League of Nations, and
claim it as the substitute for God's announced kingdom on earth. They have builded the greatest structure of hypocrisy ever known. Hypocritically claiming
to be the followers of Christ, they have made themselves a part of Satan's organization, and therefore
the avowed enemies of Jehovah God and his kingdom.
They have led the people away from God and into
darkness, have acted as Satan's chief agents, and have
desecrated and defamed God's holy name; and now
God's day has come when he will have announcement
made of his judgment and will cause to be executed
his judgments against Christendom as written. Christendom, therefore, is in the stocks and is marked for
the most severe drubbing any people or nation has
ever received. It is upon Christendom that the Lord
Jesus Christ declares shall be visited the greatest
tribulation that was ever known since the world began,
and it shall mark the last.
In the fifth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy, now here
considered, the prophet by his shaved hair and beard
predicts and portrays the distressing conditions of the
siege and of the execution of Jehovah's judgment
against Christendom. (Here carefully read Ezekiel




5: 1-5, as the same appears in the Seriptnres.) Then

Jehovah by his prophet tells professed "organized
Christianity", or Christendom, that they not only have
failed to walk in his statutes but have been guilty of
greater wickedness than any other nation. "And she
hath changed my judgments into wickedness more
than the nations, and my statutes more than the eountries that are round about her; for they have refused
my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked
in them." (5: 6) The nations calling themselves Christian, having had the opportunity to know and to walk
in the laws and statutes of the Lord, have failed to do
so. Not only have they failed, but their clergymen and
the principal of their flocks have deliberately led the
people against the Lord. "Therefore thus saith the
Lord God, Because yo multiplied more than the nations that are round about you, and have not walked
in my statutes, neither have kept my judgments,
neither have done according to the judgments of the
nations that are round about you." (5: 7) Because of
their disregard of God's Word, the persecution of his
faithful witnesses, and the desecration and defamation
of his holy name, Jehovah says to "organized Christianity": "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee, in the sight of the nations.
And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and
whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of
all thine abominations. "-5: 8, 9.
As famine, pestilence, pests that destroy the crops,
and other like things now begin to befall the people,
the clergy in their pulpits (which they claim to be in
the house of God) and by means of the radio proclaim




to the people that all their sufferings and calamities

Jehovah God has brought upon them and therefore he
is responsible; and this is added to all other acts of
wickedness that they have committed. "Wherefore, as
I live, saith the Lord God, Surely, because thou hast
defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things,
and with all thine abominations, therefore will I also
diminish thee; neither shall mine eye spare, neither
will I have any pity." (5: 11) The Lord declares that
he will show no pity upon these deliberate defamers
of his holy name. The people shall know and will know
that Jehovah is the Lord God Almighty.
Jehovah's judgment written against Christendom includes all who have claimed to be his people
but who have been and are hypocrites: "A third part
of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine
shall they be consumed in the midst of thee; and a
third part shall fall by the sword round about thee;
and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and
I will draw out a sword after them." (5: 12) God declares three methods or judgment acts to be executed
against Christendom. The "third part" in the foregoing text does not mean an actual one-third of the
inhabitants, but has reference to the victims of one of
the three judgment acts of God executed upon, or of
one of his three methods of executing judgment upon,
the nations of Christendom. These judgments of Jehovah, as written, will be executed because of the traducing of his name and for the vindication thereof.
The great defamer of God's name is Satan the Devil,
and Christendom not only has fallen away to the Devil, but has become his chief instrument among the
nations of the earth to practice fraud and hypocrisy




and to bring reproach upon Jehovah's name. The visible manifestation of Jehovah's judgments and the vindication of his name will be a thorough lesson to all
who remain on the earth, and all shall know that Jehovah is the Almighty God. The name of Jehovah God,
and its vindication, is of paramount importance. "So
it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and
an astonishment unto the nations that are round about
thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee, in anger
and in fury, and in furious rebukes. I the Lord have
spoken it. "-5: 15.
During the execution of these judgments God's
"faithful servant" class will abide in "the secret place
of the Most High" and be delivered from" the arrow
that flieth by day", and from "the pestilence that
walkcth in darkness". (Ps. 91: 5-13) The "faithful
servant" will be singing praises to the name of Jehovah, and he will hold them in the hollow of his hand.
While these faithful ones are kept under the protection of Jehovah and are proclaiming his praises, he
will execute his judgment upon Christendom. "When
I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine,
which shall be for their destruction, and which I will
send to destroy you; and I will increase the famine
upon you, and will break your staff of bread; so will
I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they
shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass
through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee.
I the Lord have spoken it." (5: 16, 17) 'l'he complete
execution of his judgment will be in the battle of
Armageddon, in which Satan and his entire orgauization shall completely fall.






Rulers of Christendom have lived wantonly and for

their own pleasure. The clergy element have boldly
proclaimed that the rulers of Christendom rule by
divine right and therefore are God's favored ones on
the earth. These call themselves by the name of the
Lord and have used his name to cover up their selfish
and wanton schemes. This applies to every clement of
the government power of Christendom. There has been
and is a large number of people who support the unholy alliance of the rulers, both mentally and actually
with their hands, and deceive themselves into believing that by this means they will have and do have
special favor with the rulers.
Both the rulers and their supporters make believe
that they are on the Lord's side, when they should
know that they are not. They call themselves Christians, when they have no love for God or for Christ.
The rulers have builded up a system of religion which
dishonors the name of Jehovah God, and continue to
heap reproach upon him; and their schemes or organizations they use to ensnare many. "As a cage is full
of birds, so are their houses full of deceit; [and] they
are become great, and waxen rich," and claim to be
God's favored people on the earth. While this applies
specifically to the clergy and the principal of their
flock, it also has an application to all of the peoples
in Christendom who either mentally or actually lend
support to the unholy alliance. The Prophet Jeremiah
prophesied against the same people, and God caused
him to write concerning the clergy, the principal of
their flocks, and those who support them, these words:




"They are waxen rat, they shine; yea, they overpass

the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the
cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right
of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for
these things? saith the Lord; shall not my soul be
avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and
horrible thing is committed in the land; the prophets
prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their
means; and my people love to have it so; and what
will ye do in the end thereoH"-Jer. 5: 27-31.
The sixth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy, now here
considered, is a statement of God's judgment against
the rulers, symbolically represented by the "mountains" and the "hills"; ani! those people who support
such rulers are symbolized or represented by the
"rivers" and the "valleys". This judgment God will
execute in his own due time and after due notice is
"And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Son of man, set thy face toward the mountains of
Israel, and prophesy against them, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God j Thus
saith the Lord God to the mountains, and to the hills,
to the rivers, and to the valleys, Behold, I, even I,
will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your
high places. And your altars shall be desolate, and
your images shall be broken; and I will cast down
your slain men before your idols. "-6: 1-4.
In the execution of God's judgments the prophet
makes it appear that the nations of hypocritical Christendom, their chief men and leaders and their supporters, shall find no way of escape. There shall be no
way of escape, whether these of Christendom be in



far-away lands doing missionary work or are manipulating the machines at the base of operations. Jehovah
God through his duly appointed executive officer will
search them out in every part of the earth: "He that
is far off shall die of the pestilence; and he that is
near shall fall by the sword; and he that rcmaineth
and is besieged shall die by the famine; thus will I
accomplish my fury upon them."-6: 12.
This terrible work the Lord declares he will do that
his name may be vindicated. , And they shall know
that I am the Lord, and that I have not said in vain
that I wonld do this evil unto them. So will I stretch
out my hand upon them, and make the land desolate,
yea, more desolate than the wilderness toward Diblath,
in all their habitations; and they shall know that I
am the Lord." (6: 10, 14) Four times in this chapter
the statement is made: "They shall lmow that I am
the Lord." Had Christendom heeded the repeated
warning'S that Jehovah has given her, this might have
been avvided.-Jer. 23: 22.
There is a class, however, that will give heed and
are giving heed to God's message of truth that he is
causing to be proclaimed, and this prophecy of Ezekid
is another strong proof that "millions now living will
never die" but will be brought through the terrible
trouble: "Yet will I leave a remnant that ye may
have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. And they that escape of you shall remember IDJ
among the nations whither they shall be carried."
(6: 8, 9) The Lord will spare some creatures upon the
earth, and this shall furnish the nucleus for the beginning of reconstruction before the resurrection or

EZEll:. 7



the dead. All the living shall know that Jehovah is

God, and all those who are brought forth from the
grave shall know it also.

Other prophecies of the Bible prove that 1914 marks

the end of Satan's rule without interference, and from
that time forward war is made by the Lord against
Satan and against his organization until the wicked
thing is entirely cleaned out. (Psalm 110) The seventh
chapter of Ezekiel, now here considered, is corroborative proof of this fact.
The World War came to an end and the League of
Nations was brought forward, and the religious leaders of the world have put forth their program of forming the complete union with the other wings of Satan's
organization, and this they have done in order to insure their control of the world. Various peace agreements are promulgated by Satan's organization, but
none of these things shall stop the forward march of
Jehovah and his Christ to crush out every vestige of
Satan's wicked organization. 'I'he end is inevitable,
because 'God's wrath is come'. (Rev. 11; 18) The
period of Jehovah's long-suffering with hypocritical
religion and systems of the world has ended. The Lord
therefore said to his prophet Ezekiel; "And thou,
son of man, thus saith the Lord Jehovah unto the
land of Israel, An end: the end is come upon the four
corners of the land. Now is the end upon thee, and I
will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee
according to thy ways; and I will bring upon thee all
thine abominations. And mine eye shall not spare thee,




neither will I have pity; but I will bring thy ways

upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst
of thee; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: An evil, an only evil;
behold, it cometh. An end is come, the end is come,
it awaketh against thee; behold, it cometh. Thy doom
is come unto thee, 0 inhabitant of the land: the time
is come, the day is near; a day of tumult, and not of
joyful shouting, upon the mountains. "-7: 1-7, A..R.V.
The physical facts show that from and after 1914
this prophecy has been in course of fulfilment and is
progressing forward to a final end. Now the world
has reached the point when the prophecy uttered by
J csus is being Iulfilled, to wit: "Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; .. men's hearts
failing them for fear, and for looking after those
things which are coming on the earth. " (Luke
21 : 25, 26) Doubtless Jesus had Ezekiel's prophecy in
mind when he thus spoke, and the words of Jesus
confirm what Jehovah caused Ezekiel to prophesy.
Christendom is now doomed. God's judgment has
been written against her. That judgment has been
announced and, as Ezekiel prophesied, soon God will
pour out his anger upon Christendom. "Now will I
shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish
mine anger upon thee; and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all
thine abominations, And mine eye shall not spare,
neither will I have pity: I will recompense thee according to thy ways and thine abominations that are in
the midst of thee; and ye shall Imow that I am the
Lord that smiteth, "-7: 8, 9.





Never bas the commerce of the world been so affected as in this present day. Particularly the small
dealers are sorely oppressed, and their business is being wiped out; and the day of the larger ones is
rapidly drawing on. It is the time when violence has
risen up into a rod of wickedness that controls the
peoples of the nations. Therefore Ezekiel prophesied:
"Violence is risen np into a rod of wickedness; none
of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor of
any of theirs; neither shall there be wailing for them.
The time is come, the day draweth near; let not the
buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn; for wrath is upon
all the multitude thereof."-7: 11, 12.
The existing conditions in Christendom today are
perplexing beyond measure to those who know not and
who refuse to hear the Word of the Lord. These try
to make themselves believe that their business will
get better; but it will not. "For the seller shall not
return to that which is sold, although they were yet
alive; for the vision is touching the whole multitude
thereof, which shall not return; neither shall any
strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life. " (7: 13)
There is no advantage to the seller in again possessing
that which is sold, in order that he might sell it again,
because the people have nothing with which to buy.
The commercial situation continues to grow worse, the
suffering of the people increases, and the clergy falsely
tell the people that God is sending these calamities
upon them because of their unfaithfulness to "organized Christianity". Satan is the one chiefly responsible for the terrible conditions now existing, and he
is causing his agents, the clergy, to falsely charge




Cod therewith, in order that the people may be turned

away from Jehuvah. The commercial situation continues to grow worse and the people continue to suffer,
and their suffering will increase.
"The principal of the flock," meaning the rich and
the mighty and the favored ones, have relied upon
their wealth and power to protect and sustain them
and to carry them through any trouble that might
come, but they are doomed to complete disappointment. They have "heaped treasure together for the
last days" and think thereby that they have a great
advantage and are safe. Heretofore the mighty and
the rich have been able to buy their way through.
When they get into a difficult situation money is freely used. It was Satan who invented the slogan,
"Money talks"; and his agents use this slogan and
prove its effectiveness. They have freely resorted to
briberies and have been able to buy their way through
times of distress, but the wrath of Jehovah God will
not be placated nor his hand be held back by their
filthy lucre.
Now the ultrarich control the money and the food
supply, and they control the governments. The cries
of the starving ones, who have really produced the
wealth of the world, are heard throughout the land,
and many are begging for bread. Big Business, working behind the throne of visible power, commands that
the starving shall not be fed from the exchequer of
the government. The political rulers support Big
Business in this contention, their argument being that
if the government feeds the starving such shows that
the government is paternalistic and not democratic.
That is a plausible argument on the face of it for thoro




who want to stand by the original declarations of the

American government when it was founded. Democracy has ceased to exist, and governments are in fact
paternalistic so far as they oppress and rob the children thereof; but when the American government is
called upon to feed the starving ones its chief political
officers balk at the effort.
Just at this time there are millions of people in
America, the land of plenty, who arc starving for
food and who will continue to starve unless charitably
inclined people will relieve them. The cries of the
suffering, laboring ones, however, have reached the
ears of the God of war, and he is not unmindful of
these cries; and now he bares his arm for battle and,
when it comes to the money of Big Business, that will
avail them nothing. The oppressors of the people God
will wipe out. "All hands shall be feeble, and all
knees shall be weak as water. 'l'hey shall also gird
themselves with sackcloth, and horror shall cover
them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness
upon all their heads. They shall cast their silver in
the streets, and their gold shall be removed; their
silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them
in the day of the wrath of the Lord; they shall not
satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because
it is the stumblingbloek of their iniquity." (7: 17-19)
"The love of money is the root of all evil" and is a
stumblingblock to all who have set their affections
thereon. Thc terrible day is advancing to a climax,
and there is no escape therefrom.
The statesmen, otherwise called "political rulers",
are even now at their wits' end. They cast about for
some means of saving the ship of state, but their ac-




tions are those of a drowning man. Says Jehovah by

his prophet: "The king [the chief ones among the
rulers] shall mourn, and the prince [the lesser ones
among the ruling powers J shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people [that support these
ruling powers] shall be troubled: I will do unto them
after their way, and according to their deserts will
I judge them; and they shall know that I am the
Lord." (7: 27) Armageddon is Jehovah's fight, and
he will give no quarter to the enemy and his support.
Those who have been the favored ones amongst the
governments of Christendom will seek in vain for
shelter and protection. "In that day a man shall cast
his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they
made each one for himself to worship, to the moles,
and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and
into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord,
and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to
shake terribly the earth. "-Isa. 2: 20, 21.
Even at the present time, and before the preachers
completely disappear, some still rely upon them and
seek a word of consolation from them, but find none,
because the clergy have nothing for the perplexed,
and no consolation to give them. The preachers know
not God and his Word; and if they ever knew his
Word, they have gone too far now in their course of
wickedness, and they will not seek to understand and
cannot understand it. ,Then shall they seek a vision
of the [preachers] : hut the law [Word of God] shall
perish from the priest, and counsel from the [elders]."
(7: 26) That means that those who now hypocritically




claim to represent the Lord will find no words of consolation for any of the suffering humankind.

God's law he caused to be written by Moses. Christendom boastfully claims to have fashioned her laws
after the law of Moses, and she points with pride to
her "splendid" laws. The everlasting covenant of
God, made with Noah (Gen. 9: 1-6), declares the
sacredness of human life and is embodied in the law
of God written by Moses. This covenant all Christendom has broken and trampled under foot, and has
spit upon it with contempt. Says God's prophet:
"Make a chain [that is to say, bind yourselves together in leagues and compacts, chain stores, chain
banks, and other organizations by which the people
are oppressed and exploited] : for the land is full of
bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. " (7: 23)
The "chain" or combines between the ecclesiastics,
Big Business and bootleggers, will avail them nothing.
Their combined effort to enforce the Prohibition law
has failed in the land of America and has filled the
land with all manner of crime and violence. Millions
of money are spent in the abortive attempt to enforce
this unholy law, while the political powers that mao
nipulate the machinery refuse to appropriate one dollar for feeding the starving people. Such a course of
action drives men to desperation and increases crime
and violence in the land, and it is ever on the increase.
In 1928 the clergy of America, by and through the
public press, cried out: 'Give the world the Kellogg
Peace Pact for Christmas.' They continue to cry,
"Peace, peace; when there is no peace. " Says Jehovah:




41 Though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet

will I not hear them." (8: 18) Jehovah will declare
no truce with the Devil's organization. He is march.
ing to war and will not back down. "Destruction
cometh; and they shall seck peace, and there shall be
none. "-7: 2;;.
Jesus prophesied that Armageddon will be the worst
tribulation that ever came upon the world, and that
it shall completely wreck the hypocritical organization that Satan has builded up. The prophecy of
Ezekiel reads: "Wherefore I will bring the worst of
the heathen [nations], and they shall possess their
houses; I will also make the pomp of the strong to
eease ; and their holy places shall be defiled." (7: 2,1:)
This cannot refer to the nations called "heathen",
such as the Hindus, and Chinese, and Mohammedans.
These are not the worst of the nations, because God
declares that hypocritical Christendom is the worst of
The word here translated "heathen" means nations. God's organization is his chosen nation. When
Armageddon is over, it will be recognized that the organization of Jehovah is the "worst" thing that ever
came against Satan's organization, and therefore they
will realize that God has sent against them that which
is the very worst for them. The Lord by his organization will make a clean sweep of hypocritical Christendom, and the frightfulness of the military forces of
Satan's organization will be nothing compared to the
fright that Jehovah's organization will give the DeviI's crowd. "They shall know that I am the Lord."
Jehovah will mal:e his name to be feared in all the
earth, and all shall come to know that Jehovah is the




God eternal, the God almighty, whose pOW3r is irresistible.


Jehovah has favored his covenant people with a

knowledge of his purposes and has laid upon the
elders of each eeclesia the obligation of feeding and
instructing the flock of God in his Word. (1 Pet. 5: 2)
The Lord is using and has used The TVaicli Tower
from its foundation as his channel of communication
to and between his people; and during the past few
years The Watch Tower has repeatedly called attention to Satan's wicked organization. In the face of
all this, however, there have been in the eeclesias certain elders, wise in their own minds, who have not
been persuaded that the Devil has an organization at
all. At least,' say they, we should go easy and say
nothing about the preachers and their allies in the
organization that controls the world.' The policy of
these elders is to speak softly, 'that even the elerrry
might be won over to the Lord's side.' Some of the
weaker ones in the eeelesias who desire to hear nothing
against the clergy say in substance: Our oldest elders,
who are most fully developed in the Lord, say
nothing about the Devil's organization; then why
should these younger ones, who have recently been
brought to a knowledge of the truth, say anything
against them and others of the organization of this
world ?'
The Society has been severely criticized because of
the plain statements made in The IVaicli Tower and
in its other publications concerning Satan's org.inization. These publications, however, must tell the truth,




or else they will cease to be used by the Lord. Now

let those who have objected to any speech or publication about Satan's organization and the various elements thereof give consideration to the eighth chapter
of Ezekiel's prophecy. If they believe what the Scriptures say, and if they understand the commission God
has given to his covenant people, then let them take
the proper attitude toward Satan's organization.
Ezekiel began to prophesy in the fifth year of King
Jehoiaehin's captivity, which corresponded with A.D.
1919. It was one year and two months later that the
events in the eighth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy
came to pass. This marks the beginning of a new
vision and series of prophecies by Ezekiel. At the time
when this prophecy began to have its fulfilment, the
Lord Jesus Christ was in the temple of Jehovah. He
inspects the defiled "organized Christianity ", so
called, and points out to the" faithful servant" class,
pictured by Ezekiel, the conditions there found, and
the "servant" class is enabled to understand and
appreciate the same as never before. As the vision
appeared to Ezekiel, so the "faithful servant" class
in every instance has seen that there is and has been
the worship of the creature rather than the Creator.
Such is Devil worship, the Devil's method of fraudulently claiming to worship God, the purpose being to
turn man away from Jehovah.
An officer of Jehovah appeared in the name and by
the power of Jehovah God and lifted Ezekiel up and
showed him how the temple had been defiled. The
fulfilment of this is that God through his duly constituted officers lifted up the "faithful servant" class,
and showed that class how Satan had reproached and




defamed God's name. "And he put forth the form of

an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the
spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven,
and brought me in the visions 01 God to Jerusalem, to
the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the
north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy,
which provoketh to jealousy. And, behold, the glory
of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision
that I saw in the plain. Then said he unto me, Son
of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the
north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the
north, and behold, northward at the gate of the altar,
this image of jealousy in the entry." (8: 3-5) Thus
the Lord lifted up the faithful anointed "servant"
class between earth and heaven and brought them in
vision to Jerusalem, the heavenly organization, to the
door of the inner gate of the temple that looks toward
the north, from which divine authority and judgment
proceed; and there appeared the image of jealousy.

The Devil is the very image or personification of

jealousy and envy. He was jealous and envious of the
worship given by man to Jehovah and coveted tho
same. 'l'herefore Satan said: "I will be like the Most
High." Everything that God has done for human salvation the Devil has tried to imitate, out of jealousy
and for the purpose of deceit, to draw men away from
Jehovah God. The Devil is the mimic god and vigorously endeavors to turn all creatures away from Jehovah and from the truth. This mimic, or "image",
provokes to jealousy. In giving his law to Israel God
said: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou



shalt not make unto thee any graven image. . . . I

the Lord thy God am a jealous God." (Ex. 20: 3-5)
That law was not given for Jehovah's benefit, but was
declared for the benefit of Israel and all who thereafter should come to a knowledge of God.
All life proceeds from Jehovah; whereas Satan is
the one who has unrighteously taken life. Envying
the honor awl glory that is properly bestowed upon
Jehovah by his creatures, and coveting that honor and
glory for himself, Satan has resorted to all manner
of crime to turn creatures away from God. For the
benefit of creation and for his own honor and glory,
and that his creatures might know him and live. Jehovah God must in his own due time vindicate his
name against this jealous one. All the images that
have been reared up for the purpose of being worshiped were reared up by the Devil, and therefore the
Devil is "the image of jealousy". The truth discloses
the true situation that man may have the opportunity
to know God and to know the way to life.
As the image of jealousy seen by Ezekiel depicted
the Devil, so the organization of the Devil on the
earth is the true image of the Devil, morally, mentally,
and in practice. Today God's" faithful servant" class
sees "the abomination that maketh desolate", spoken
of by Daniel the prophet and by the Lord Jesus Christ,
standing in the holy place. (Matt. 24: 15) It is the
Devil '5 product, his organization, and it is "the image
of the beast ", the League of Nations. It has its seat
in the holy place of "org:.1nized religion" which calls
itself by the holy name of God and which claims to be
the favored one of Jehovah God; and thus the name
of Jehovah is reproached and desecrated. Its prime




promoters and chief supporters are the nations which

call themselves "Christian nations". "The image of
jealousy" and the League of Nations, the product and
offspring of the Devil, is anti-kingdom-of-God. All
who support it, either actively or passively, put themselves in a position antagonistic to the kingdom of
Those who profess to be consecrated to God and
who hold that "the higher powers" means the ruling
powers of this world deceive themselves and deceive
others. Many of the elders of the eeelesias or Bible
classes insist that "the higher powers", described by
the apostle in Romans thirteen, means the ruling powers of this world. Being selfish, they have become blind
to the revelation of God's truth. "God shall send
them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
(2 Thess. 2: 11) These also fail to see the organization
of Jehovah, and therefore fail to appreciate the fact
that the kingdom is at hand. They do not see the kingdom of God, and therefore refuse to take a stand for
it. They insist on treading softly so far as the Devil
and his organization are concerned, and are led in the
way of outer darkness; and, as the Scriptures declare,
the same fate awaits them that God has provided for
the Devil. They are anti-kingdom-of-God.
The elders, leaders, or clergymen of Christendom,
practically as a unit support the League of Nations
and falsely claim that the abominable thing is 'the
political expression of God's kingdom on earth', and
these likewise insist that "the powers that bc" are
the kingdoms of this world, which the Lord plainly
declares constitute the visible organization of the
Devil. Anyone who is devoted to the Lord and who




receives the Lord's approval must take his stand unequivocally on Jehovah's side and speak the truth
concerning Satan's organization and Jehovah's organization, to the end that he might have some part
in the vindication of Jehovah's name.

Then the officer of the Lord in charge of Ezekiel

continues the inspection, and Ezekiel sees more abominations. And he brought me to the door of the court
[of the temple] ; and when I looked, behold a hole in
the wall. Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now
in the wall; and when I had digged in the wall, behold
a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the
wicked abominations that they do here. So I went
in and saw; and behold, every form of creeping things,
and abominable beasts, and all the iuols of the house
of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about. And
there stood before them seventy men of the ancients
[elders] of the house of Israel, and in the midst of
them stood -Iaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every
man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up." (8: 7-11) 'I'he abominable beasts and
idols portrayed upon the wall of the house or temple
of the Israelites foreshadowed the abominable things
that have been brought into professed" Christianity"
which claims to be the temple of the Lord.
The modernist clergy, while claiming to be ministers
or God, are the leaders and teachers of evolution and
are guilty of ancestor worship, in this, that they claim
that every form of creeping things" or abominable
beasts" preceded man on the earth and that these
are man's ancestors or blood relatives. These clergy-


n rs



men hold on to their jobs and draw their pay from

the people on the pretext of being interpreters of the
Word of God, and they occupy so-called "Christian
pulpits". In their discourses they take a Bible text
as a pretext to teach evolution. They read their text
and get away from it immediately. These elders or
leaders, otherwise called "elel'gympn" of "organized
Christianity", burn incense in the house which they
call the house of the Lord, their church, while they
busy themselves in turning the people away from God
and from the Bible. Therefore in the picture each one
is shown with a censer in his hand with incense round
about. They deny the existence of the supreme. all-wise
God, the Creator of heaven and earth. They are so
wise in their own conceits that they believe they can
teach what they will, and that the people win not
understand them and that 'no one will see them ',
Therefore says the Lord to Ezekiel = "Then said he
unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients
[elders] of the house of Israel do in the dark, every
man in the chambers of his imagery 1 for they say,
The Lord seeth us not i the Lord hath forsaken the
earth. "-8: 12.
These distinguished clergymen, wise in their own
conceits, are, in the language of God 's Word, fools.
They say, 'There is nothing to show that God made
the earth and its creatures,' and they tell the people
that the Bible account thereof is mere nonsense and
imaginations of unlearned men. They laugh at the
statement: 'Your Father in heaven seeth in secret.'
They are hypocrites of the worst kind, because they
claim to represent God and yet they deny God, and in




fact represent the Devil and defame and desecrate

God's name.
Anyone who is a child of the Lord and in the covenant for the kingdom, and who would put on the
"soft pedal" concerning such men and fail to point
out that they are the Devil's servants, would be unfaithful to God and to his covenant. The "faithful
servant" class, each one of which will do his duty,
will tell the truth, that God's truth may sweep away
these hiding places of lies, that the glory of the Lord
may be seen by those who love righteousness.

The inspection continued and more abominations

were seen by the Prophet Ezekiel, and what Ezekiel
saw foreshadowed what the "faithful servant" or
remnant would see shortly preceding Armageddon, or
the destruction of Christendom. "He said also unto
me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater
abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the
door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping
for Tammuz." (8: 13, 14) "Tammuz" was the name
of a Phcenician god, which the Devil had provided,
of course, with which to deceive the people. Whatever
the 'I'ammuz represented, it is certain that women
adored and idolized it and worshiped the creature and
ignored the Creator, and that death overtook it, and
they wept bitterly. This fits the fundamentalists, who
worship their church organizations and give no heed
to the kingdom of God under Christ. They profess
to be defenders of the Word of God and the followers
of Christ Jesus, but their devotion is entirely to their




organization, which 'I'ammuz fitly represents. These

church organizations are patronized chiefly by women.
Their men look upon religion as taught in the orthodox churches as being fit only for women and children
and weak-minded persons.
The women well pictured the Epworth League
workers, the managers of church affairs, and like organizations within the church, which they idolize and
worship because they are attached to the church.
Those represented by the women have for some time
seen the steady decline of their church organization,
and they weep because the church is dying or practically dead, and they know that soon it must die.
They believe that with the passing away of these
churches Prohibition, and morality and human refermntion, will die also, and the entire world will be
lost. They pretend to make much over Jesus, who died,
but they have no time for nor interest in the kingdom
of the Lord Jesus Christ as the means of vindicating
and honoring Jehovah God's name and for the blessing and uplift of the human race. The second coming
of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom does
not interest them. Their interest is centered in doing
the work of their organization. They think that, be~
cause some self-constituted "wise" men have said that
'the church must clothe the earth in the moral achievements of man, so that Christ can come', the work of
the church therefore is to carry out this announced
slogan and clean up the world. And now seeing that
the church is in a dying condition, and is practically
dead, they weep and wail. They look to the clergy of
their church to clean up and save the world, and the
clergy go to the political rulers and ask for instruc-




tion as to what they shall do to accomplish this purpose. Hence the members of their church look upon
their organization as dying and almost dead.
The fundamentalists, while claiming to support the
Bible, ignore every part of it with reference to God '8
kingdom, and ally themselves with this world and are
led by the god of these world powers, the Devil. They
are deceived, to be sure; and this statement is made
here because it is a fact, and in order that those of
good will may gct their eyes open to a realization of
the facts. The preachers themselves have 'become as
women'. They sense the end of their organization, and
they weep. All of them have great cause to weep,
because they have drawn near the Lord with their
mouths while their hearts are far removed from him
and now no more is the blessing of the Lord with them.
They have allied themselves with Satan's organization and looked to the League of Nations, the Epworth
League, and other leagues and peace pacts, to accomplish the desired end of reformation and upbuilding of the human race. They are therefore an abomination in the sight of the Lord.

The inspection continues and more abominations

are exhibited to Ezekiel, and hence more abominations
are revealed to the temple class. "Then said he unto
me, Hast thou seen this, 0 son of man! Turn thee
yet again, and thou shalt See greater abominations
than these." (8: 15) It is a well known fact that in
modern times human intellectuality, or "the wisdom
of this world", is placed before and above the worship
of Jehovah God. The clergy, acting as Satan's instru-




ments and hypocritically claiming to be God's representatives, are chiefly responsible for this condition in
the nations called "Ohristendom" or "organized
Christianity". From the pulpits discourses are regularly delivered, not in explanation of the Bible, but
upon what is called "scientific matrers ", and the
Word of the Lord is ignored. "And he brought me into
the inner court of the Lords house [the temple] ; and,
behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between
the porch and the altar [the place of sacrifice. and
near the location of the laver, which symbolizes the
Word of God by which one is made clean, and which
is by these ignored], were about five and twenty men,
with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and
their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the
sun toward the east. "-8: 16.
In this modern day, called by the self-wise "the
brain age", young men are required to take a course
in the secular colleges and there have all faith in God
and his Word destroyed, before they are admitted to
the theological seminary. By the time they have
finished their education in the theological seminary
and arc turned out for preachers, and labeled as such,
although they occupy a place in a church called the
house of the Lord, their worship is of the creature and
to the utter disregard of the Creator. Modern colleges
and theological seminaries are therefore mere hatcheries of infidelity. It is these worshipers of so-called
intellectual power and great men and their institutions that are put forward as the saviors and
deliverers of the world. These modern "brain-age"
men, together with their institutions, are held forth
to the people as the "sunlight of the world' ', .AiJ




Ezekiel was shown this condition in the temple, even

so the class whom he represented, God's faithful
anointed ones, had a vision thereof in fact and so declared themselves. On August 29, 1925, in convention
assembled at Indianapolis, the consecrated passed
a resolution known as the "Message of Hope", and
sent it forth to all peoples of good will of Christendom. Amongst other things that resolution said:
"World powers, science and philosophy, commerce
and religion, have each in turn offered their respective
remedies for man's relief. In the name and under the
guise of democracy, these combine in offering their
joint and several powers to meet the requirements of
man. Together they claim to be the sunlight of the
world, holding forth all the light that shines to enlighten and guide the human race.
"Intrigue, duplicity, and trickery are freely resorted to by the political and commercial powers; science
and philosophy are marked by vanity and self-sufficiency; while the religionists, both Catholic and Protestant, are conspicuous by their arrogance, self-conceit,
impiety and ungodliness. Therefore, it is apparent that
the remedies offered by any and all of these aforementioned elements arc vain, impotent, and powerless
to satisfy man's desire." (See Light, Book One, page
'I'he twenty-five men that Ezekiel saw at the door of
the temple of the Lord represent the modern clergymen and the principal of their flocks, who are the
chief ones in the organization of the religion of Christendom and hence claim to be in the house of the
Lord. While they claim to be the representatives of
God, they are in fact the servants of Satan the Devil,


Page 87




and hence are constantly practicing hypocrisy before

men. These self-wise "sun worshipers", meaning those
who worship intellect, science and power, greatly defame and reproach the name of Jehovah God. They
are an integral part of Satan's organization. It is the
solemn duty and obligation laid upon every member
of the "servant" class to tell the truth concerning
such hypocrites, that by the grace of the Lord the
truth might sweep away the lies and expose the hiding
place thereof, that the people might know that Jehovah is the only true God and that their hope rests
entirely with him. For any of the Lord's anointed ones
to slack his hand in declaring the truth concerning
Satan's organization and the visible representatives
therein would be to show unfaithfulness to God and
to his covenant.

It is a fact well known to all that since the ending

of the World War a great crime wave has swept over
the land called "Christendom". Who is responsible
among men for this great crime wave? The prophecy
of Ezekiel lays the responsibility for the crime wave
at the door of "organized Christianity" by reason of
its perversion of the true worship of God and the
forsaking of his Word. This was pictured in the false
religious practices that Ezekiel saw going on in God's
holy temple. The clergy and the principal of the flock
of Christendom claim to represent God and Christ
and to rule by divine right, and yet they pursue a
course of unrighteousness and have brought great reproach upon God's name and upon the name of his
Christ. They have attempted to induce the people to




believe that Jehovah approves of them. The people

know that they are hypocrites, because they claim to
be for God and righteousness and at the same time
practice unrighteousness. They claim to be advocates
of the law, while they themselves break the law. By
reason thereof the people have lost respect for law
and order and have no regard for God and the Bible.
The sanctity of human life is no longer held by the
great mass of mankind, and hence "the everlasting
covenant" is transgressed and frequently broken.
This was shown to Ezekiel, and foreshadowed the
condition existing today in Christendom: "Then he
said unto me, Hast thou seen this, 0 son of man 1 Is
it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit
the abominations which they commit here 1 for they
have filled the land with violence, and have returned
to provoke me to anger; and, 10, they put the branch
to their nose." (8: 17) "The land is full of bloody
crimes, and the city [Christendom, Satan's organization on earth] is full of violence." (7: 23) "The earth
also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof, because
they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant." -Isa. 2,1: 5.
Jehovah has laid the responsibility for this crime
wave at the door of the hypocritical religionists, and
any attempt on the part of the "servant" class to
hold back the truth of and concerning that part of
Satan's organization would be a mark of disloyalty
to God. Anyone who now professes to be in the truth
and a follower of Christ Jesus, and who fails or refuses to deelare the vengeance of our God against Satan and his organization, thereby gives evidence that
he is not anointed by the spirit of Jehovah but, in




fact, is Cod's enemy. All who are anointed of the Lord

are specifically authorized and commanded to declare
the day of the vengeance of our God. (Isa. 61: 2)
Such must declare the vengeance of God against Satan's organization, and since Satan's visible organization is composed of false religious leaders and the
principal of their flocks, the anointed of God cannot
prove faithful except by speaking the truth concerning them. It is not a question as to whether some might
become offended and refuse to hear the truth.
The sole question for determination by the "serv.
ant" is: 'What has my Lord commanded, and am I
obeying his commandments?' The" servant" must declare the truth regardless of whether anyone is offended and refuses to hear or whether many hear and turn
to the Lord. Let the remnant or anointed "servant"
class, therefore, keep always in mind that obedience
to the commandments of God is what is required. Saul
did not lose his anointing by reason of disobedience
but he was cast away from the fjord and joined the
Devil'g crowd. (1 Sam. 15: 16-29) Those who are
anointed will not lose their anointing and fall back
into the" tribulation" class, but, if unfaithful to that
anointing, such will be cast away from Jehovah and
destroyed with the Devil and his other followers.
"Organized Christianity," under the influence of
the Devil and practicing the Devil religion, is responsible for the groat crime wave, particularly in America,
where crime has increased most rapidly in recent
years. Within a short time fifteen hundred have been
shot to death, many of whom were entirely innocent,
upon the pretext that they had in possession or were
using intoxicating liquor. This practice must be a




stench in the nostrils even of many supporters of

"organized Ohristianity". The ancient Persians are
said to have held an incense to the nose while worshiping the Devil or practicing Devil religion; and now
likewise those who indulge in such Devil practice in
the name of God and approve bloody crime and induce other crime, says the prophet, 'put a branch to
their nose,' and this evil practice they do in the
name of Jehovah and 'have provoked God to anger',
and he declares that he will visit his anger upon them.
"Therefore will I also deal in fury; mine eye shall
not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they
cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not
hear them." (8: 18) The breaking of the everlasting
covenant by the shedding of innocent blood at the
instance of the leaders in Christendom is bad enough,
but the worst of all is for them to do so, claiming that
God approves their action and that it is done in his
name. This defamation of God's name he declares shall
not go unpunished.
That which is disclosed by the prophecy of the
eighth chapter of Ezekiel seems to prepare the "faithful servant" class for the work and obligation laid
upon that class, as set forth in the following chapter
of the prophecy.
(EZJj;KU:L, Ca:..!PTER 9)

Jehovah, by and through his chief executive officer

Ohrist Jesus, executes his commandments. Since
the prophecy of Ezekiel here considered has to do
with the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, which
foreshadowed the destruction of Satan's organization,




particularly Christendom, it is certain that the Lord

Jesus Christ is in command acting under the direction of Jehovah God. This conclusion is abundantly
supported by the 110th Psalm and other scriptures.
Jehovah gave promise to the Lord Jesus that he would
put the enemy under foot and that Christ Jesus must
wait until the due time thus to do.
The period of wailing ended, and God sent forth
out of his organization Christ Jesus and commanded
him to rule amidst all his enemies. Necessarily that
means that Christ must destroy the enemy, Satan's
organization. This is further supported by the words
of the prophet: "The Lord [Jehovah] at thy [Christ
Jesus'] right hand shall strike through kings in the
day of his wrath. He shall judge among the [nations],
he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall
wound the heads [of Satan's organization] over many
countries." (Ps. 110: 5, 6) According to another translator, "He will judge among the nations; there shall
be a fulness of corpses, he crusheth heads on a widespread land." (Leeser) Another renders the text: "He
judgeth among the nations, full of dead bodies, rand]
hath crushed the head over a wide land." (Roth.)
Whether the word "head" means the Devil alone or
includes other heads, either construction is in harmony
with the Scriptures. The Devil's organization is made
up of divisions, each division of which has a head;
and this applies both to the invisible and to the visible.
Since tho destruction of the city refers to Christendom in particular, then the application to the leaders
or "heads" thereof is proper and in harmony with
other scriptures.



EzEX. 9

Christ Jesus comes forth to this work of judgment

and is attended by a host of angels. "When the Son
of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels
with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his
glory." (Matt. 25: 31) "The Lord cometh with ten
thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon
all." (Jude 14,15) The inspection completed, as described in the eighth chapter of the prophecy of Ezekiel, then Ezekiel heard a loud voice that cried out:
"He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying,
Cause them that have charge over the city to draw
near, even every man with his destroying weapon in
his hand." (D: 1) The language used shows that the
cry was a loud and threatening command, and that
it was sharp and powerful, and that it had a striking
effect upon Ezekiel's ears. That thunderous command
was not to Ezekiel, but was given to "them that have
charge over the city [Christendom] ", to destroy it,
"those that have charge to punish the city." (Leeser)
This work of destruction will not be done by the "servant" class on earth, whom Ezekiel foreshadowed, but,
as the Scriptures show, it will be done by the Lord
Jesus Christ and his holy angels acting under his
command. It was this angelic army of the Lord that
fought against Satan and ousted him from heaven.
(Rev. 9: 16; 12: 7) Undoubtedly in this army are also
included those faithful overcomers whom the Lord
has raised to life upon coming to his temple. (See
Light, Book Two, page 168.)
The commandment or cry which Ezekiel heard,
therefore, was from Christ Jesus the executive officer
of Jehovah. The cry or command directs the organization of the Lord to prepare for the final assault upon 9



the enemy organization. They are told to draw near,

not with their weapons sheathed, but with their
weapons of destruction drawn and ready for offensive action. Those weapons that will be used for
destruction by violence are held by the Lord J esus Christ and the invisible members of the organization under him. The visible part of his organization
on earth will do no part of the destroying. The work
assigned to the earthly division, to wit, God's" faithful servant" class, is to sing forth the praises of Jehovah's name before and while the fight is in progress,
and which was foreshadowed on another occasion
when the Israelites went forth to war.-2 Chron.
20: 22.
Those to whom the commandment was given responded, and Ezekiel beheld them approaching. " And,
behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate,
which lieth toward the north, and every man a
slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among
them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn
by his side; and they went in, and stood beside the
brazen altar."-9 : 2.
These six men that approached were fully equipped
for the slaughter that must follow. Six is a symbolic
number denoting incompleteness, while the number
seven symbolizes or denotes completeness. Jehovah's
organization is one, and is therefore complete, and
is pictured by the number seven. There were six men
armed and one clothed with linen. The entire number of seven men manifestly represented Jehovah's
complete organization, both that which is invisible to
man and that which is visible and on the earth. The
six men represent all of the invisible organization,



EZBlt. 9

with Christ Jesus, and including the risen members

of his body, cherubim, seraphim, and angels. The
"one man" represents the anointed "servant" elass
on the earth, and which is the only part of the organization that is visible to human eyes. The fact
that the division shows six to one would further mean
that the greater and more important part of the work
assigned to the organization must be done by the invisible division, while the lesser work thereof is assigned to and must be done by the earthly division,
represented by the one.
The six men had tslaughter weapons in their hands'
(R. V.) ; "every man with his weapon of destruction. "
(Roth.) The marginal rendering of this authority is:
"Dashing weapon [that dashes to pieces] ; shattering
The Prophet Nahum, prophesying concerning the
preparation of God's organization to make assault
upon the enemy, says: t, He that dasheth in pieces is
come up before thy face." (Nah. 2: 1) This further
and definitely identifies Christ Jesus as in command
and as the one who cried with a loud voice and who
was heard by Ezekiel. Six men approached from the
way of the north, which is the appropriate direction
from which judgment should and does come. Without doubt the six men in the vision represent t the
armies which are in heaven', under the command of
the Lord J esus Christ, and therefore that part of God's
organization which is invisible to man. This is supported conclusively by the fact that they proceed from
the north, the seat of authority and judgment, and
that they have charge over Christendom to destroy it,
and that they are armed with weapons of destruction




and are under the command of Christ Jesus, who is

commissioned to dash to pieces Satan's organization.
-Ps. 110: 5; Nah. 2: 1; Rev. 19: 14-16.

The one man clothed with linen and with a writer's inkhorn by his side, who is he1 Whom does he
represent in God's organization 1 Manifestly he could
not picture anyone individual in the flesh. Aside from
the Lord Jesus Christ, God has never since committed
to anyone individual on earth an exclusive work to be
done by that individual. From the very beginning of
his ministry Christ Jesus had a visible organization,
and his apostles, acting collectively under his direction, formed the visible part thereof. There was unity
of action by the faithful apostles; but with the passing
away of these the unity did not again exist in the
church until the coming of the Lord to the temple of
Jehovah, as indeed it could not be complete until that
time. Upon the coming of the Lord to the temple he
found a faithful class, and these faithful ones are
made the keepers or custodians of his goods, to wit,
the kingdom interests. (Matt. 24: 47) Those faithful
ones, brought into the temple, are incorporated into
God's organization and made a part of the' elect servant', because such are in Christ and form a part of
The Christ. Such the Lord designates as "the feet of
him", The Christ. (Isa. 52: 7) Throughout the prophecy the Lord addresses Ezekiel as "son of man", manifestly because Ezekiel pictures that class which is
counted in and made a part of The Christ, who is
"the Son of the man". 'The man with the writer's inkhorn by his side,' therefore, clearly represented the




anointed "servant" class of the Lord on earth, which

class is a part of God's organization.
The prophecy uttered by Ezekiel, therefore, pictures
the greater part of God's organization, in heaven,
and which is invisible to men and to which the major
part of the work is committed; and the lesser part,
on the earth; the greater part being indicated by the
number six, and the smaller part of the organization
being indicated by the number one, and together the
two parts, making seven men, represent God's entire
organization under Christ Jesus the Head. Individuals do not appear at all in the picture, because God
deals with the members of his organization on earth
collectively. There is not one scripture to support the
conclusion that the man with the writer's inkhorn
by his side and clothed with linen pictures an individual. There are numerous scriptures proving that this
one man pictures all the anointed ones on earth, and
which constitute the "servant" class, the remnant of
the Lord.
This one man is further described as "clothed with
linen". Concerning the faithful approved ones, counted as members of the' 'bride" of Christ, it is written:
"And it was given unto her that she should array
herself in fine linen, bright and pure: for the fine
linen is the righteous acts of the saints." (Rev. 19: 8,
R.V.) Such represents the approval received by the
remnant, or "servant" class, from Jehovah, because
they are in Christ and there is committed to them
"the testimony of Jesus Christ", and they keep the
commandments of God and faithfully deliver this
testimony. This fine apparel is the approval of the
"servant" and his faithful service. (See Light, Book





Two, pages 155,156.) This further identifies the man

with the writer's inkhorn as the "faithful servant"
It would be utterly inconsistent, and therefore impossible, for the six men described in the vision to
picture any part of the world organization. The world
organization is the Devil's organization. The Devil's
organization is not under the command of the Lord.
Satan will not destroy his own organization. Every
one of the seven must of necessity be in the Lord's
organization and wholly devoted to Jehovah God.
When the command was given, every member of the
organization responded and registered before the Lord
for service; and this is pictured by the statement that
"they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar".
Not one of these sat down and meditated and consoled the others; but every one stood at attention,
ready to hear and to obey further commands. Each
one of the earthly division of the organization 'presents his body a living sacrifice, wholly devoted to
and acceptable to God, which is his reasonable service',
and which he must gladly perform. (Rom. 12: 1)
Anyone who is not willingly and joyfully ready for
service could surely not be of that organization, and
hence could not be represented among those who registered at the altar for service.
The fact that the earthly division is described as
'the man with the writing material by his side'
(Leeser) shows that the work assigned to this servant
is to write down the Lord's will, as revealed, and to
publish and to distribute the truth to the people who
would hear. This means that the "servant" class do
not sit down or stay at home or confine themselves to



EZlCB:. 9

one place of worship and talk among themselves, but

that those composing the "servant", or earthly division, go out among the people as representatives of
God's organization to perform the duty assigned to
them. Their work is to be a witness work, as shown
by the order given, as set forth in verse four of the
prophecy. This conclusion is likewise supported by the
commission given to the anointed of the Lord.-Isa.
The entire organization is under orders from Jehovah God, who is present, directing the movement thereof. The glory of his presence was at the threshhold
of the house (the point of beginning); showing
the entire organization of the Lord alert and ready to
begin action upon command's being given. Then the
one in command gives direction to the man with the
writing material and who is clothed with linen. He
is called and given orders as to what shall be done:
"And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up
from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold
of the house. And he called to the man clothed with
linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side; and
the Lord said unto him, Go through . . . the midst of
Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the
men that sigh, and that cry, for all the abominations
that be done in the midst thereof." (9: 3, 4) The vision
discloses God's expressed purpose to destroy "Christendom" with his army of destruction, which is in
readiness; but before the assault is begun, he would
have notice served upon the rulers and upon the peoples of Christendom. Also, while this is being done an
opportunity is afforded for those people of good will




and proper condition of heart to escape from or be

hid from what is about to fall upon Christendom.
The "servant" class, pictured by the man with the
writing material and clothed in linen, must go through
the midst of Christendom, symbolized by the city, and
mark in the head (or seat of intelligence) a certain
class, that these might be spared from the slaughter
weapons of those that follow. This marking would
indicate that the ones thus marked must by some
public confession or action take their stand on the
side of the Lord before the destruction begins. This
work must be done by the "servant" class of God's
organization on earth; and when it is done, then the
slaughtering work must begin by the ones represented
by the six men with the slaughter weapons. This is
in exact accord with the words uttered on another
occasion to the "servant" class, to wit: "And this
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall
the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) Jesus also said that,
at the conclusion of that witness work, "then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matt. 24: 21.
These words of Jesus serve to further identify the
man clothed in linen with the writer's inkhorn by his
side, and definitely show that he represented the
"servant" class, and that those who do the slaughtering work are the invisible ones of the army of the
Lord. This shows the entire organization of the Lord
in action against the enemy in declaring and in enforcing the judgments of Jehovah that are previously
written. In harmony with this the psalmist says: "Let




the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud upon

their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their
mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance upon the [nations], and punishments
upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and
their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them
the judgment written; this honour have all his saints.
Praise ye the Lord. "-Ps. 149: 5-9.
This shows the entire organization working in exact
harmony, as indeed God's organization must and does
act. No one who is today in present truth could have
the slightest doubt concerning the work that the
anointed must now do in obedience to God's commandments. For anyone to say that the active service in
the field is improper is to demonstrate clearly that
such one is not in the truth and no part of God's
The commandment is given to put a II mark upon
the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for
all the abominations that be done in the midst" of
Christendom. Who are the ones that receive the mark
in their foreheads Y Whoever they are, they cry for
the abominations that are done in Christendom. It
could not have reference to those who come to a
knowledge of the truth and who are anointed of the
Lord, because such are in lithe joy of the Lord",
rejoicing in the faet that the time has come to clear
out those that cause abominations and to destroy Satan's organization and to completely vindicate the
name of Jehovah. These are described as singing the
praises of Jehovah and declaring his wondrous works.
-Isa. 12: 4-6.
The ones marked could not refer to the "great mul-




titude", or "tribulation" class, because, while it is

true that these do mourn and 'sigh as prisoners', yet
they will not be spared in the great time of trouble,
but, on the contrary, they arc appointed to die;
and when the great assault is made upon the city,
they will fall. (Zech. 14: 2) They will not be carried
through the time of trouble. They will be forced into
the time of trouble to take their stand on the side of
the Lord, but must die in order to live as spirit creatures.
There is but one other class of people on the earth
to whom the prophecy could apply. Within the land
of Christendom there is a class of people who are
under the Devil's organization but who are no part
of it and do not sympathize with it. They are people
of good will who have a desire for righteousness but
who have not had an opportunity to learn the truth,
this being due to the unfaithfulness of the clergymen
in Christendom. These people of good will observe
the great degeneracy in Christendom, and they see the
hypocrisy practiced by the leaders thereof, but they
are powerless to bring about any better condition.
They sigh and cry because of the abominable deeds
committed by the ruling factors who wrongfully call
themselves by the name of the Lord God but who
reproach his holy name. These people of good will,
seeing that the leaders in Christendom are hypocrites
and practice hypocrisy, while claiming to represent
God, refuse to join any of the church organizations,
because they wish not to serve a god such as the clergy
represent that they serve. These people of good will
are ignorant of God's Word and his purposes of redemption and deliverance of the human race by and




through the ministration of the kingdom. They have

much consideration for the poor and oppressed, and
a great desire to see them relieved.
The Lord tells of a class of persons whom he will
'deliver in a time of trouble and keep alive and bless
upon the earth'. (Ps, 41: 1, 2) This must be the class
of persons that are often described as 'the millions
now living that will never die'. This is the class of
men and women that receive the mark in their foreheads, that is to say, are given some knowledge of
God's purposes to destroy the wicked organization and
to establish his own government of righteousness under Christ and according to his promise to bless all
the families of the earth. The persons in this class
have tried to do right in proportion to the knowledge
they had, but now, just preceding the great day of the
wrath of God upon Christendom, they must be given
an opportunity to gain more knowledge, that they may
profit thereby. They are not a people that are desired
by the rulers and chief ones in Christendom, because
they will not willingly lend their support to Christendom. Therefore the Lord says to such: "Gather
yourselves together, yea, gather together, 0 nation not
desired; before the decree bring forth, before the day
pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord
comeupon you, before the day of the Lord's anger come
upon you. Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth,
which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness,
seek meekness; it may be ye shall be hid in the day
of the Lord's anger." (Zeph. 2: 1-3) This they could
not do without some knowledge; and it is the "servant" class that must bear to them the precious truths
of the kingdom, that they may see the way to go and




what to do. The work of the "servant" class, pictured by the man in linen and with the writer's inkhorn, is therefore clearly and definitely marked out.

The facts that are well known, when applied to the

prophecy, enable us to determine whether or not we
have the correct understanding of the prophecy. The
physical facts which are well known support the foregoing conclusion concerning the prophecy. In the year
1918 the Lord Jesus Christ suddenly came to the
temple of Jehovah. He came for judgment and as
Jehovah's great executive officer and to execute judgment. As such officer he gives commandment saying:
" Jehovah is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep
silence before him."-Hab. 2:20, A.R.V.
Jehovah, as represented by Christ Jesus, is in his
temple. This means that the people must be told of
God's purposes to judge Christendom and to destroy
it. Otherwise there would be no occasion to command
that all the peoples of earth give ear. It means that
there must be a world-wide public witness work done
by the 'faithful servants' of the Lord. The Lord's
standard for the people must be lifted up. This gospel
of the kingdom must be preached as a witness, to the
end that those who would hear may hear and take
their stand on the side of the Lord and his kingdom
of righteousness. Such is not a "harvest" work, but
it is a work of the Lord of 'separating the sheep from
the goats'; and his "servant" class is permitted to
give the testimony which causes the people to take
sides for or against the Lord and his kingdom.-Matt.
25: 31-46.




It was early in the year 1918 that, for the first

time, the slogan was sounded: ,. Millions now living
will never die." Within a very short time after a
public lecture on this subject was delivered, "the
goats" got busy and shut up many of the Lord's
"servant" class in prison and for a time effectually
stopped the work. Then in the year 1919 the Lord
again revived his work and brought forth those devoted to him to engage in it. Shortly thereafter, to
wit, in the year 1920, the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society published a book under the title "Millions Now Living Will Never Die". This book was
printed in a number of languages, and millions of
copies were distributed throughout Christendom and
put in the hands of order-loving people. With the
coming of the year 1922 the witness work of the Lord
was getting well under way, and within a short time
there was a world-wide witness given by publie lectures on the subject "Millions Now Living Will Never
Die"; and this was done in many countries of Christendom.
Furthermore the Lord provided the radio to broadcast the truth, and today, in spite of much opposition,
the message of the kingdom is being more widely
broadcast than any other information given by radio.
Within ten years the message of the kingdom of God,
put in book form, has had a wider circulation and
publication than any message ever issued by any other
organization on earth. Many persons of good will who
are under the power of Satan's organization have received the truth and accepted it as true, and are thus
marked in their foreheads, that is to say, have been
given an intelligent understanding of and concerning

EZEK. 9'



God's purpose to establish his kingdom for the vindication of his name and for the blessing of the people.
How many of such will give heed to the message and
take their stand on the Lord's side, no man can tell.
That is not a matter with which the "servant" class
is chiefly concerned. The duty of the "servant" is to
obey the commandment and go throughout Christendom and do the 'marking'. It must be remembered
that this work of giving the testimony is not for the
purpose of converting the people of the world and
bringing them into some organization, but it is to
make known the fact that those who desire to flee from
the wicked organization of Christendom may do so
and declare themselves on the Lord's side, and thus
be in line to be brought through the time of trouble,
when the slaughtering begins.
The work of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is not spoken of in a boasting manner from the
standpoint of men, but those who are privileged to
have a part in it do 'boast in the Lord' and give honor
and glory to his name. They rejoice in the fact that
the time has come for the establishment of God's kingdom; and therefore faithful men and women are given
some part in telling others of this good news.
The fact that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society is bitterly opposed by the "man of sin" and
by the clergymen and the principal of their flock, who
are members of the Devil's organization, is further
proof that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soeiety is
doing the work which the Lord commanded should he
done and which was foreshadowed in the vision given
to Ezekiel. Individuals who have part in that work
are greatly blessed, but no individual is singled out




and made more prominent than another. The "servant" of the Lord is one. The "servant", therefore,
sees God's purposes, and each one of the "servant"
class sees eye to eye with the others, and they are
going on performing this witness work according to
the Lord's commandment. When it is recognized that
this witness work or marking is the work of the Lord,
and being done under his commandment, then those
who thus recognize it will know that no power or
opposition can stop it. The marking work must be continued until it is completed; and when it is completed,
the other order given by the Chief Commander, as
heard by Ezekiel, will be performed.

Ezekiel heard the Lord give order to the "six men",

which six men represent the organization of the Lord
(aside from the small number on earth) and are invisible to man. As soon as the witness work is completed, then the following order is due to be carried
out, to wit: "And to the [six] others he said in mine
hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite;
let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity; slay
utterly old and young, both maids, and little children,
and women; but come not near any man upon whom
is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they
began at the ancient men which were before the house.
And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the
courts with the slain; go ye forth. And they went
forth, and slew in the city."-9: 5-7.
Please take note that the order from the Lord is
to slay and to spare none, "but come not near any
man upon whom is the mark," that is to say, those




who are on the Lord's side are marked and are not
to be slain. The slaughter begins" at the ancient men",
that is, with the elders and leaders, the clergy and
the principal of their flocks. This slaughter is without
regard to age or sex. "Organized religion" and the
entire organization of Satan must be destroyed. Seeing that the slaying by the six begins with the clergymen, and none are spared, then surely the man with
the writer's inkhorn, that is, the "faithful servant"
class, must not for pity or policy spare the clergy,
when declaring the day of the vengeance of our God.
It must mean that it is the duty and obligation laid
upon the "servant" class to boldly declare the truth
of God's judgment against the hypocritical organization called "organized Christianity". The "servant"
class cannot be faithful in the performance of duty
unless the truth is plainly and boldly told. Those who
would oppose the bold proclamation of the truth,
therefore, give positive evidence that they are not of
the Lord's organization.
The eighth verse of this ninth chapter of Ezekiel
strongly indicates that the remnant will stand by after
the witness work is completed and watch the Lord
finish the wicked organization. Ezekiel prostrated himself before the Lord and propounded a question. The
attitude of falling down or prostrating oneself before
the Lord is the proper one for the creature to take
before the Almighty Creator. The question propounded by Ezekiel while in that prostrate condition does
not at all indicate that the "servant" class cries out
in horror at the slaughter and begs for mercy, but
rather that the "servant" speaks to the Lord, as the
prophecies show, to call forth a statement of Jehovah




showing that the slaughter is entirely justified. Hence

it is written: And it came to pass, while they were
slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face,
and cried, and said, Ah, Lord God l wilt thou destroy
all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy
fury upon Jerusalem?" (9: 8) The battle of Armageddon will witness the complete downfall of Christendom, and that without any quarter or pity from the
Lord. The reply given to Ezekiel from the Lord proves
this fact: ,. Then said he unto me, The iniquity of
the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and
the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness; for they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth,
and the Lord seeth not. And as for me also, mine eye
shall not spare, neither will I have pity; but I will
recompense their way upon their head."-9: 9, 10.
The order-loving people of today plainly see and
well know that the nations called" Christendom" are
full of injustice and wickedness. Many of the clergy
tell the people that God has forsaken them because
of their indifference toward the church organizations
and their neglect to support the same, while other
clergymen tell the people that there is no Almighty
God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and that the Bible is unworthy of belief. God will not spare them, but
will fully recompense them for their wickedness. He
will make a clean-up of the whole outfit, in order that
all who survive may know that Jehovah is the only
true God.
In support of the conclusion that the slaughter will
be widespread the Prophet Jeremiah adds this testimony: "And the slain of the Lord shall be at that
day from one end of the earth even unto the other




end of the earth; they shall not be lamented, neither

gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the
ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow
yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock; for
the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions
are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant
vessel. And the shepherds shall have no way to flee,
nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the
cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal
of the flock, shall be heard; for the Lord hath spoiled
their pasture. And the peaceable habitations are cut
down, because of the fierce anger of the Lord. "--Jer.
25: 33-37.
To each division of God's organization a certain
part of the work of ridding the earth of Satan's organization is assigned, and it will be required that
each division be faithful in the performance thereof.
In Ezekiel 9: 11 it is written: "And, behold, the man
clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his
side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou
hast commanded me." Manifestly the matter is so
stated in this text of the prophecy to show that the
"servant" class faithfully perform the work assigned
to them and, when it is done, in some way make report thereof. That means that the witness work must
be done and will be done, and every one who hopes
to have the final approval of the Lord as one of his
remnant will joyfully participate in the witness or
'marking' work. The faithful remnant will fully obey
the commandments of the Lord and will receive his
This scripture further indicates that some of the
remnant will be on earth when the work is done, and





will witness Armageddon from their vantage point

under the Lord's protection. These will maintain
their integrity toward Jehovah, and by their faithful.
ness will be a testimony to the supremacy of the Most
High and to the honor of his name.

The tenth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy is further

proof that the "faithful servant" class on the earth
is a part of God's organization and in close touch with
the commanding Officer thereof. While being used to
mark those who will be taken through that nery
trouble of Armageddon, the remnant is also used by
the Lord to announce the destructive part of God's
program. The prophecy is not to be understood as
teaching that the remnant complete the work of mark.
ing unto salvation or life before performing their part
relative to the destructive work. The various tableaux
of Revelation do not follow one another in the order
in which they are depicted, and the same is true of
the prophecy of EzekieL
"Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that
was above the head of the cherubims there appeared
over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne." (10: 1) The sapphire stone is mentioned as one of the foundation
stones of the wall of the holy city (Rev. 21: 19), and
which stones are descriptive of the glory of Jehovah
God. His glory is reflected upon his organization, and
reflected particularly by his beloved Son, and his organization shines by virtue of this glory. "Out of
Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined."

EZEIr. 10

nr s



(Ps. 50: 2) Jehovah's organization is present everywhere in the prophetic picture, and the throne of the
:Most High dominates the entire organization. He that
sat upon the throne, the mighty One in authority,
directs the operations of his great organization. "And
he [the Commander] spake unto the man clothed with
linen, and said, Go in between the wheels, even under
the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from
between the eherubims, and scatter them over the
city. And he went in in my sight. "-10: 2.
This second verse of the tenth chapter of the prophecy is further proof that those who are covered with
the robe of righteousness, and therefore approved and
made a part of God's organization, are" subject unto
the higher powers", meaning the powers that control
and direct Jehovah's organization. (Rom. 13: 1) "The
man clothed with linen" is commanded to go in between the wheels and fill his hand with coals of fire,
and he obeys the commandment. In the vision as recorded it would appear that the man went to fetch
the burning coals after he had finished the marking
work, but it does not follow that, in the fulfilment,
the marking work is completed before the coals of
fire are taken and scattered over the city.
Elisha was anointed or commanded to do a constructive work of restoration and also to do a slaying work.
The "faithful and wise servant" class is doing the
antitypical Elisha work, and therefore a part of that
work has to do with the destruction of the city; but
the constructive work takes precedence over the destructive work. It is the major portion of the work
performed by the"servant", which work is performed



EZEK. 10

by proclaiming God's name and declaring his pur.

poses to the peoples of the earth.
The tenth chapter of Ezekiel indicates also the time
when this work is to be done. The prophecy says that
'when the man went in between the wheels, the cherubim stood on the right side of the house'. Cherubim
are officers of God's organization, to whom is eommitted the work of executing his judgments. In proof
thereof note that the cherubim were placed at the east
of Eden to execute, and there did execute, the decree
of judgment of Jehovah God concerning Adam. (Gen.
3: 24) Lucifer, when he was a part of God's organization, was a "covering cherub", meaning one with
authority over others, with power to execute the judgment of death. (Ezek. 28: 14; Heb. 2: 14) The wheels
appearing in the tableau represent parts of God's organization used for his purposes. Fire is a symbol of
God's destructive judgments being executed. The fire
was in the custody of the cherubim and between the
The entire picture shows that what is there described is fulfilled when the Lord Jesus is at the tempIe of Jehovah for judgment, and this fixes the time
when the work of scattering the fire by the man in
linen must be done. "The Lord is in his holy temple,
the Lord's throne is in heaven; his eyes behold, his
eyelids try, the children of men. The Lord trieth the
righteous; but the wicked, and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall rain
snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest;
this shall be the portion of their cup." (Ps. 11: 4-6 ;
Jude 14,15; Mal. 3: 1-3) When the Lord is at the
temple for judgment, the glory of Jehovah is over

EZEK. 10



the house. "When the Lord shall build up Zion, he

shall appear in his glory." (Ps, 102: 16) The vision
of Ezekiel discloses the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple for judgment, accompanied by his corps of officers
made up of cherubim, seraphim and angels, and employing both animate and inanimate parts of the great
organization to carry forward God's purposes; and
these are symbolized by wheels and the cherubim and
other living creatures.
The foregoing scriptures lay the foundation for the
conclusion that, following the year 1918, which marks
the coming of the Lord to his temple, the prophetic
vision of Ezekiel here described began to be fulfilled,
and until that time the prophecy could not be understood.
The commandment to the man clothed in linen was
to go in between the wheels, under the cherubim, thus
showing that the "servant" class on earth is under
the direction of the higher officers of God's organization and are to work with both animate and inanimate
parts of the organization in obedience to the commandments. "And it came to pass, that when he had commanded the man clothed with linen, saying, Take fire
from between the wheels, from between the cherubims ;
then he went in, and stood beside the wheels. And
one cherub stretched forth his hand from between the
eherubims unto the fire that was between the eherubims, and took thereof, and put it into the hands of
him that was clothed with linen; who took it, and
went out." (10: 6, 7) This shows that God makes all
provision necessary to carry out all his judgments
of fiery indignation upon Satan's organization. It is
thrilling and awesome for the" servant" class of the





Lord to realize that they are permitted to work under

the guiding hand of God's great officers that are invisible to their eyes. This helps them to appreciate
the fact that, the <t servant" trusting implicitly in the
Lord and not following his own selfish course, but
being always joyfully obedient to the Lord, his ways
are directed of the Lord and therefore cannot fail.
(Prov. 3: 5, 6) "The steps of a good man [God's ideal
man, the' faithful servant'] are ordered by the Lord;
and he delighteth in his way. "-Ps. 37: 23.
The actual burning or destruction by fire is done by
the officers of the Lord that are invisible to human
eyes, that is, the cherubim, seraphim and angels; but
it seems clear that the cherubim have charge over
fire or that which destroys. These invisible ones the
Lord uses to put in the hands of his "faithful servant" class, that is, the man clothed with linen, the
fiery message from his Word, or judgments written,
and which is to be used as directed. The resolutions
adopted by conventions of God's anointed people,
booklets, magazines, and books published by them, contain the message of God's truth and are from the
Lord Jehovah and provided by him through Christ
Jesus and his under-officers. This shows the grand and
glorious organization working in exact harmony, as
indeed it must work. These instruments being provided by the Lord, and placed in the hand of the
remnant, the remnant or "servant" class is commanded to use the same.
The interpretation of prophecy, therefore, is not
from man, but is from the Lord; and the Lord causes
events to come to pass in fulfilment of the prophecy
in due time. It is his truth, and not man's; and when

EZEll:. 10



men attempt to give the honor and glory for the message of truth to a man or men, such make fools of
themselves. The Lord provides the machinery, the
printing presses, and all material for the purpose of
preparing his fiery message that must be poured out
or scattered upon Christendom, and this is done by
his "faithful servant" class. The Devil tries to
induce men to believe that the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society is engaging in a bookselling scheme.
Only the Devil is capable of manufacturing such lies.
God's "servant" class, pictured by the man in linen,
is commanded to do the work of declaring the vengeance of Jehovah, and only those who obey this commandment can and will maintain their integrity towarn God. The "servant", or remnant class, will not
be deceived or discouraged by the slanderous statements of enemies that they are engaged in a bookselling scheme. They carry the message of truth to
the people in printed form; and this is done under
the commandment of the Lord, and is the greatest
privilege that has ever been granted the followers of
Christ on earth. The remnant delights to do this work
and continually sings the praises of Jehovah while
doing it.
lt is easy to be seen that the remnant must do a
twofold work, as pictured by the work of Ezekiel, in
this: They go from house to house, carrying the message of truth in printed form of books and magazines;
they first deliver an oral message to the one whom
they address; they do not open their canvass with a
denunciation of the wicked, but first speak of the
message of the goodness of God that gives hope to
those who will hear, and comfort those that mourn.



EZElL 10

This is the commission of the remnant. At the same

time the remnant must declare or tell the people of
God's judgment of fiery indignation which shall shortly be visited upon Christendom, resulting in its complete destruction. This is a part of the commission of
the remnant, also, which work must be done and is now
being done. The" servant" is not proclaiming his own
vengeance, but telling of God's vengeance; and this he
must do.-Isa. 61: 1, 2.
Jehovah having given command to the remnant to
do this work, he provides the ways and means to carry
out his commandments. Therefore, as shown by the
picture in the prophecy, the remnant (the man clothed
in linen) goes in between the wheels, that is to say,
into a part of God's organization which is likened unto
wheels within wheels, and there receives the message
of fiery truth served to him by the Lord's officer, and
then goes out and uses it. This "fire" is not provided
by men. The Lord's executive officer provides such
and puts it into the hands of God's people on earth;
and this Ezekiel saw and thus describes: 'The cherub
took fire and put it into the hands of him that was
clothed with linen.' Be it noted that the man clothed
with linen took it, and did not refuse or neglect to take
and use it. He went out and used it. That shows that
all of the" servant" class must actively engage in doing
the work of the Lord in obedience to his commandments. The "servant" or remnant has been doing this
very work, particularly since 1922, by going from
house to house with the message of truth. Part of the
remnant is employed in manufacturing and publishing
the books and other publications containing the fiery
message; and thus they all work as one. To those who





have been faithful in so doing, the Lord now shows

the meaning of the prophetic vision; and this he does
for their encouragement and comfort, that they may
be strong in hope, knowing that they are going the
right way. Manifestly that is the very purpose of Jehovah in now opening up the prophecies to the understanding of his people. (Rom. 15: 4) The "servant" class, being thus made strong in hope, give glory
to God, and not to man, and they march confidently
on to victory.-Rom. 4: 20, 21.
It was written that, after the terrible destruction
of life in the ancient city of Jerusalem, fire was set
to the city, and it was completely destroyed. (2 Ki,
25 : 9) Ezekiel had a vision of a man taking the coals
of fire and scattering them over the city, which actually was fulfilled in the destruction of the city in the
year 606 B.C. The larger fulfilment of the prophecy
will be a complete destruction of the city, to wit,
Christendom, foreshadowed by Jerusalem. The remnant now has part in that destruction, in this, that
the fiery message of God's righteous indignation is
heralded by them to the rulers and to the people,
announcing that the Lord will surely bring Christendom completely down in a heap of ashes. As these
faithful witnesses go out and do the work they are
commanded to do, they sing the praises of Jehovah,
'proclaiming his doings among the people,' and at
the same time, in harmony with God's Word, utter a
prayer which God caused his prophet David to write
for them long ago, to wit: "Grant not, 0 Lord, the
desires of the wicked i further not his wicked device,
lest they exalt themselves. Let burning coals fall upon
them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits,



EZEK. 10

that they rise not up again. Let not an evil speaker be

established in the earth. "-Ps. 140: 8, 10, 11.
In harmony with this the words of the chief musician of God's covenant people are written: "In my
distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my
God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my
cry came before him, even into his ears. Then the
earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the
hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth,
There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire
out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and dark.
ness was under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub,
and did fly; yea, he did fly upon the wings of the
wind. He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion
round about him were dark waters and thick clouds
of the skies, At the brightness that was before him
his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.
The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the
Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire."
-Ps. 18: 6-13.
God permits his anointed people to now see the
beautiful harmony between the prophecies and the
prayer of his anointed, and he does this for their encouragement while they tramp from door to door
bearing his message to those who have the hearing ear.
They go with sore feet and tired bodies, yet with joyful hearts, because they know they are right in doing
that which Jehovah has commanded; and they are
absolutely certain as to what the result is going to be,
because the Lord has declared it.
Ezekiel's vision of the man in linen doing his work
foreshadows that Satan's organization will be de-





stroyed at Armageddon, not by outraged labor, socialists, or anarchists, but by the righteous organization
of Jehovah God. It is the righteous judgment of God
executed by his duly commissioned officers, and he
gives the remnant the part of announcing this judgment before it falls. The man in linen, appearing to
Ezekiel in the vision, did not destroy Jerusalem, but
the Lord employed other forces to destroy it. Neither
docs the remnant, whom the vision foretells, destroy
Christendom; but the activities of the remnant, bearing to the people the message of God's vengeance, are
a sure and certain advance sign of the coming destruction of Satan's organization by the executive
officers of Jehovah God. Such will be a vindication
of the name of the Most High.
In preparing for the battle of the great day of God
Almighty, Jehovah is using the hand or power of
human creatures constituting his" servant" on earth.
Not that he needs such j but God will prove thereby,
as well as in other ways, that he can put men on earth
who by his grace will withstand the enticements and
assaults of the Devil, and who will remain true and
steadfast unto God and maintain their integrity toward God. 'I'his is indicated by the appearance, under
the wings of the cherubim, of the form of a man's
hand: "And there appeared in the eherubims the
form of a man's hand under their wings." (10: 8)
The vision then declares that all the cherubim were
alike. "And the likeness of their faces was the same
faces whieh I saw by the river of Chebar, their appearances and themselves; they went everyone
straight forward." (10: 9-22) The vision shows every
part of God's organization as working smoothly and




in exact harmony. The form of a man's hand under

the wings of the cherubim seems to say that God has
used the hand of human creatures to bear the coals
of God's fiery indignation which the Lord will use.
Wherever his "servant" class is engaged in his
work, regardless of place or condition Jehovah provides the work to be done. This means that every one
who loves Jehovah will be in full and complete harmony and unity, and always magnifying the name
of Jehovah God and working together to his glory.
This part of the prophecy is a strong rebuke to any
company of Christians who claim to be followers of
Christ Jesus, and in line for the kingdom, who
indulge in bickering and quarreling. The Lord advises those who are really his as to what they must
do when there are others amongst them who oppose.
They are not to retaliate. They are to let them alone,
and go on with the work that the Lord has assigned
to them. (Rom. 16: 17, 18) Harmonious action in carrying out God's purposes through his organization is
one of the strong evidences that those engaged in it
are God's anointed people. These delight to proclaim
his praises and the greatness of his name.

The hypocritical clergymen and the chief rulers of

the people, and the principal of the religious flock of
Christendom, who are wise in their own conceits, and
who employ religion as the shield or blind behind
which to operate, are shown in the eleventh chapter
of Ezekiel's vision. Their fate is also foretold. This
being true, then the message of God's indignation

EZEK. 11



must also be told to them. This message of truth must

be delivered by some part of God's organization, and
particularly by that part which Ezekiel foreshadowed.
The spirit or power of the Lord lifted up Ezekiel and
brought him to the east gate of the temple and gave
him a vision:
"Moreover, the spirit lifted me up, and brought
me unto the east gate of the Lord's house, which
looketh eastward: and, behold, at the door of the gate
five and twenty men; among whom I saw Jaazaniah
the son of Azur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah,
princes of the people." (11: 1) The men there observed seem to be the same self-conceited crowd de~
scribed in Ezekiel 8: 16. They are the princes of the
people, showing that they are the one who have control
and exercise it over the people. This same crowd was
seen, in the preceding chapter (eight), standing with
their backs to' the temple, worshiping the sun. Some of
these men, doubtless, at one time assumed to be priests
or clergymen, but quit it and went to work at a political job of ruling the people. They and their wicked
allies got into the temple together, as shown by this
picture. In other words, they assumed to be God's favorites and in the house of the Lord to run his business.
In the city of New York there is now a so-called
H Christian" church building, which was erected by a
few ultrarich men, and the congregation in which is
presided over by a modern preacher of the highercritic type, and at which place philosophers, scientists,
women, and other creatures are honored and the Word
of the Lord God and his name are ignored. These men
scoff at the kingdom of God and the impending battle
of Armageddon, even as the t t wiseacres" scoffed at




Jeremiah '9 prediction of the impending catastrophe

at Jerusalem. (Jer. 23; 16, 17) The church organization above described is a sample of many like ones
in other parts of Christendom. These exalt themselves
and assume that they have the power and ability to
direct men and lift them up and to run the earth to
suit their own notions. Such pose before the people
as doing a work in the name of the Lord, but, in
fact, they are "workers of iniquity" and instruments
of reproach to the name of Jehovah God.
The Lord, through his messenger, pointed out to
Ezekiel these workers of iniquity and he describes
them thus; "Then said he unto me, Son of man, these
are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked
counsel in this city; which say, It is not near; let us
build houses; this city is the caldron, and we be the
flesh." (11; 2, 3) The men Ezekiel saw there spurned
the Word of God, and they patted each other on the
back and said; 'Weare the whole thing; there is no
trouble coming that can do us any harm; we have
everything our own way, and what these prophets
[Ezekiel] are saying shows they are crazy.' They
thought that they were secure, and have looked upon
themselves as being the choicest portion of the pot,
and that they would always have a warm and easy
place. The priests had picked them and brought them
into the temple, because they were all of one mind,
and therefore all of them thought they were secure,
and apparently feared nothing.
The facts show that this prophecy is fulfilled in the
present time. There are those today, holding political
jobs in Christendom, who, together with the clergy,
constitute the chief ones in the churches, and all of





them think they are secure. The clergy and the chief
ones of their flock pat each other all the back and
say: 'Weare the whole cheese. Everything will be all
right. Let us build more houses and get all the money
we can for them from the suckers, and take a mortgage for the balance at a high rate of usury, and soon
we will have it all our own way.' Exactly this policy
has been carried out, particularly since tho World
War. There has been a studied and designed action
on the part 01 the controllers of Big Business, aided
and supported by shrewd and conscienceless politicians and the clergy, to get everything into the hands
of the few; and these live wantonly and think that
they are absolutely secure. It is as it was in tho days
of Noah. Jesus said it would be thus at the end 01
the world.-Matt. 24: 37-39.
The spirit of the Lord came upon Ezekiel, and he
had a vision of these workers of iniquity that control
and oppress the people at the end of the world, where
we now are. Then Ezekiel prophesied against these
princes, or favored ones, first telling them of their own
wickedness and that now the Lord would turn
the tables on them. Harsh, cruel and oppressive rulers
of Christendom have done and continue to do far
worse than like men did in Israel. Those of Christendom are more reprehensible, because, in addition to
the words of the prophets which the men of Israel had,
they have had Jesus and the apostles and have lived
in a time of enlightenment. The "princes" of Christendom have caused untold suffering and countless
deaths of men in order that their selfish purposes
might be accomplished. The Lord God, therefore, directed Ezekiel to prophesy against them in these words:





"Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ?c

have filled the streets thereof with the slain. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Your slain whom ye
have laid in the midst of it, they are the flesh, and
this city is the caldron; but I will bring you forth out
of the midst of it. Ye have feared the sword , and I
will bring a sword upon yon, saith the Lord God. And
I will bring you out of the midst thereof. and deliver
you into the hands of strangers, and will execute
judgments among you. Ye shall fall by the sword; I
will judge you in the border of Israel; and ye shall
know that I am the Lord. This city shall not be your
caldron, neither shall ye be the flesh in the midst thereof; but I will judge you in the border of Israel."11: (j-11.

The chief ones, the princes and the rulers of the

people in "Christianity", have feared the sword themselves, and when trouble came on them they put themselves in a place of safety and shoved "the common
herd" into front lines to be slain. But now the Lord
declares that he will reverse the order and that the
princes and rulers and chid ones shall fall by the
sword which he the Lord will wield. In corroboration
of this he caused Jeremiah the prophet to say: "Howl,
ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the
ashes, ye principal of the flock; for the days of your
slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished j
and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. And the Sh2Pherds ShD.!1 have no way to flee, nor the principal of
the flock to escape."-Jer. 25: 34, 35.
The leaders and principal ones of Christendom are
without excuse for their course of action. The Israelites were God's chosen people and should have walked





in his statutes, but they did like as the heathen nations. The nations that make no pretense of "Christianity" practice the Devil religion. The leaders and
principal ones in Christendom claim to be the children
of God and his covenant people, but they ignore his
statutes and do after the manner of heathen nations,
to wit, practice Devil religion. They exalt creatures,
exalt themselves, and use their power to oppress the
poor; and God declares he will visit his righteous indignation upon them, and that he will do so that all
may know that .Tf'llOVah is God, that his name may be
vindicatcd.-11: 11, 12.
As recorded in the thirteenth verse, as one of these
principal ones died, Ezekiel fell down upon his face
and cried out and said: "Ah, Lord God! wilt thou
make a full end of the remnant of Israel ~" This WRS
not a cry for pity, but rather to call forth an expression of God's righteous indignation, showing that the
judgment falling upon them is just and right. The
Lord then calls attention to the greed and arrogance
practiced by the principal ones, and the oppression
that they bring upon the poor. "Son of man, thy
brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred,
and all the house of Israel wholly, are they unto whom
the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far
from the Lord; unto us is this land given in possessian."-11: 15.
It is even so in this day, when the principal ones
of Christendom say by their words and by their acts:
'The earth belongs to us, and we will do with it as
we please. We will crowd the common herd into the
tenement houses and make the tillers of the soil serfs,
and we will live in ease.' The Lord, therefore, says



EZEK. 11

concerning them: 'The men of thy kindred [those in

the churches who are meek and fearful, and who are
held as prisoners, and upon whom the principal of
the flock look with contempt] are they unto whom the
[principal of the flock] have said [and say], Get you
far from the Lord [that is, you are not in his favor;
we are his favorites] ; unto us is this land given in
possession [we are the ones that have the whole
thing].' The Lord brings upon these wicked oppressors destruction, even as the Prophet Ezekiel saw in
vision and prophesied.

Then the Lord speaks words of consolation to the

common people, which strongly supports the conclusion that among those who have been pushed aside
and oppressed by the princes and rulers of Christendom there will be and are millions who will be favored
by the Lord, and who will hear the truth, turn to the
Lord and receive his favor, and never die. Under the
Messianic kingdom they shall be made clean of heart
and mind and shall dwell safely in the land. (See
Ezekiel 11: 16-21.) God will spare those who turn
their hearts to him and seck righteousness, and will
bring them through the time of trouble. Such arc the
meek and teachable ones, and these shall have his
blessing. "But the meek shall inherit the earth, and
shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."
-Ps. 37: 11.
The Mount of Olives lies just east of the city of
Jerusalem, and it fitly symbolizes God's kingdom of
peace and blessings. With the destruction of Satan's
organization, then Jehovah's kingdom shall bring


Pago 130






peace and blessings to the peoples of the earth, even

as the Lord has promised. Ezekiel had a vision of this,
and wrote: "And the glory of the Lord went up from
the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain
which is on the east side of the city. " (11 : 23) S upporting this, another prophet wrote describing the battle of
Armageddon, and then adds: "And his feet shall
stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which
is before Jerusalem on the east." (Zech. 14: 4) Then
there shall be established on earth peace and good will
toward men; and this will be done by and through
the authority of God's kingdom.
In verses twenty-four and twenty-five of the
eleventh chapter of Ezekiel the prophet tells of being
taken back by the spirit to the locality of the captives
and of speaking to them that were captives, telling
them of the things which the Lord had shown him.
'I'his clearly means that the" prisoners" in Christendom, and therefore those in "captivity" to Christendom, must now be told the truth of and concerning
Satan's organization, and particularly that Christendom is a part of that wicked organization. The faithful remnant must bear this testimony to the name of
Jehovah God and inform the" prisoners" concerning
Jehovah and his great organization, and that it will
destroy Satan's organization. This very work the remnant has been doing for the past few years, and is
now doing, and must continue to do until the witnessing to the truth is completed and Christendom
falls. The "prisoners" must and will have an opportunity to know that the chief doctrine taught by the
Bible is that of God's kingdom, because that kingdom
will vindicate the name of Jehovah.




EHOVAH gives expression to his righteous indignation against the enemy only after due notice
is given of his purpose so to do. Long before the
great deluge swept away "the world that then was",
God sent Noah to serve notice upon the rulers and
upon the people of the impending disaster. Before he brought the great calamity upon Bgypt he
sent Moses and Aaron to give notice thereof. Before
Jerusalem fell, the Most High sent his duly commissioned prophets to give notice of his purpose to express
his righteous indignation against those who had violated their covenant with him. These things Jehovah
did for his name's sake, that the people might know
that Jehovah is the true and Almighty God. All that
he then did, on the occasions above mentioned. foreshadowed what shall come upon Christendom, that
is to say, upon all the nations that claim to be the
people of God, and the followers of Christ, and the
practicers of the "Christian religion". It should
therefore be expected that Jehovah would cause notice to be duly served upon the rulers and the supporters of Christendom, and that this notice would
be served after the coming of Christ to the temple
of God.
Concerning the great day of God Almighty, when
his righteous indignation shall be expressed, JC:::llS
said to his followers: "And take heed to yourselves,


EZEK. 12



lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and
so that day come upon you unawares." (Luke 21: 34)
These words serve a twofold purpose: (1) as a warning to all those who are in the covenant for the kingdom to be always on the alert to obey the commandments of the Lord; and (2) as conclusive proof that
the great day of God Almighty shall witness the expression of his indignation upon Christendom and
which will completely destroy Christendom and all
parts of Satan's organization. This scripture is notice
to the followers of Christ of that coming day of
righteous indignation of Jehovah, and lays upon such
the obligation of serving notice upon the world.
While it is true that the great day of God Almighty
comes upon many who have not gained a knowledge,
that lack of information will be no fault of Jehovah
God. When .Jesns appeared at the temple of .Tchovilh
he announced: "The Lord is in his holy temple; let
all the earth keep silence before him." (Hab. 2: 20)
This proves that the people must be told that the day
of judgment is at hand, and that all must be given an
opportunity to hear what the Word of God has to
say concerning that day of judgment. There is no
excuse for the covenant people of God to be in darkness concerning the day of the great battle of God
Almighty. All who have agreed to do his will are told
to search the Scriptures, wherein the expression of
his will is found, and to study that they might have
the approval of God. (2 Tim. 2: 15) The followers of
Christ are commanded thus to do, not for their own
personal gain, but that they might be witnesses to
others. These witnesses must inform others concern-





ing the will of God and serve notice upon them that
Jehovah is the only God. (Isa. 43: 9-12) Concerning
the end of the world, the setting up of the kingdom,
and the battle of Armageddon, the commandment is
given that the faithful covenant people of God must
bear testimony thereof to the people. It is plainly
stated that the purpose is not to con vert the world,
but to give notice to the nations. (Matt. 24: 14) The
giving of this testimony must continue "until the
cities {every part of Satan's organization] be wasted
without inhabitant". (Isa. 6: 11) Nor is there any
doubt about who shall deliver this testimony, or serve
this notice, in the name of the I .. ord Jehovah. It is
his "remnant" people who are faithful and true to
their covenant and therefore called" the faithful and
true witness". and who prove by their obedience to his
commandments that they are his. These are the ones
that give the witness.-Rev. 12: 17.
Jehovah sent his prophet Ezekiel to Israel to serve
notice upon that people of his purpose to destroy their
city. Likewise God sends his witnesses forth today
to serve notice upon Christendom of his purpose to
destroy that wicked organization that his name might
be known in all the earth. Ezekiel served notice both
by word of mouth and by his action. Likewise God's
witnesses serve notice by their words and their course
of action. The words of the speaker often fall upon
deaf ears, while his actions speak with greater force
and effect.
"The word of the Lord also came unto me, saying,
Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious
house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have
ears to hear, and hear not; for they are a rebellious





house." (12: 1, 2) Ezekieldwelt amongst a rebellious

people. They might have heard, but they did not; and
this foreshadows that God '8 faithful witnesses on
earth dwell amongst a rebellious people to whom the
message has been spoken, and the clergy and the
principal of their flock have not heard and heeded.
In 1914 and thereabout God's faithful people in the
land of Christendom had spoken many words of the
truth, but the same had little or no effect upon Christendom.

As the Israelites had not given heed to the words

of the Prophet Ezekiel, the Lord God directed him
to make a sign, or go through certain movements making a sign-picture, to call attention further to the
purposes of Jehovah: "Therefore, thou son of man
[foreshadowing the 'faithful servant' class], prepare
thee stuff lor removing [for exile, R.V., margin], and
remove by day in their sight; and thou shalt remove
from thy place to another place in their sight; it may
be they will consider, though they be a rebellious
house. Then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day
in their sight, as stuff for removing: and thou shalt
go forth at even in their sight, as they that go forth
into captivity. Dig thou through the wall in their
sight, and carry out thereby. In their sight shalt thou
bear it upon thy shoulders, and carry it forth in the
twilight; thou shalt cover thy face, that thou sec not
the ground; for I have set thee for a sign unto the
house of Israel. And I did so as I was commanded; I
brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity,
and in the even I Jigged through the wall with mine




hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bare

it upon my shoulder in their sight. "-12: 3-7.
This scripture shows that Ezekiel was commanded
to act and did art out a silent moving picture to convey a message. Moving pictures are thought to be a
modern thing j but the Lord made them centuries ago,
and they now convey a far greater meaning to his
anointed than any pictures made by men. The facts,
now well known at this day, and which clearly appear
to fit the prophetic picture made by Ezekiel, are
these: With the coming of the World War there was
much activity in preaching the gospel, but which went
unheeded by Christendom; and restraint began to be
put upon those who preached the gospel. This restraint
increased, until in 1918 the church as a whole was
led away into exile, and the witness work in which the
people of God was engaged was practically stopped.
Many of the Lord's witnesses were confined behind
prison walls. The Society's headquarters at Brooklyn
were dismantled, the property was sold, and what
little was left was removed to another place; and this
was done in the sight of all the people. Many of the
publications concerning the truth were seized by
Christcndcm's officials and, together with the original
plates for making the same, were destroyed. All this
was done at the instance of Satan's organization.
These facts help to emphasize the rule of the Lord,
which reads: "He that leadeth into captivity shall
go into captivity; he that killeth with the sword must
be killed with the sword." (Rev. 13: 10) The moving
picture made by Ezekiel was directed by Jehovah;
and the carrying away of God's covenant people into
exile, and the stopping of the work in 1918, was by

EZEK. 12


the permission of Jehovah to serve his own good purposes, even though it was done by the wicked ones of
Christendom. Such was a moving picture and was
made by Jehovah to serve notice.
Ezekiel did as he was commanded, and the rebellious
ones said to him: "What docst thou?" They were
giving heed to his actions to know what they meant.
The Lord instructed Ezekiel what to say in response
to their questions: It And in the morning came the
word of the Lord unto me, saying, Son of man, hath
not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said unto
thee, What doest thou? Say thou unto them, Thus
saith the Lord God, This burden concerneth the prince
in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel that are
among them. Say, I am your sign: like as I have done,
so sha11 it be done unto them: they shall remove, and
go into captivity."-12: 8-11.
Jehovah directed Ezekiel to perform certain acts
making the moving picture and then, in response to
the question of those who saw, to explain its meaning.
He told them that he was a sign unto them and that
what he did foreshadowed what would come to them
and which did come upon Jerusalem thereafter. That
which is related in verses twelve to fourteen was fulfilled literally in Jerusalem, when the "prince", or
ruler or king, escaped through the wall and was taken
prisoner on the outside, and his eyes were put out.
-2 Ki. 25: 1-7; 2 Chron. 36: 11-21; Jer. 39: 1-7.

God permitted the Devil's crowd to make a picture

with his people during the war, which prophetically speaks to them as a witness against them. The




experiences of God's "servant" class in 1918 were

a sign as to what shall befall Christendom at the hands
of Jehovah in his due time. They had not received
notice at the time as to its meaning, but they began
to receive notice shortly thereafter, to wit, in 1!H9
and 1920. About that time full-page advertisements
were inserted in the large daily papers, announcing a
public lecture and stating furthermore: "Come and
hear why the Bible Students were sentenced to eighty
years' imprisonment, and what the preachers had to
do with it." The audiences responding to such invitation, and attending the public lectures, were told
that the leaders in Christendom had caused the imprisonment of the Bible Students and the stopping
of their work, and that this was done at the instance
particularly of the preachers who represented and
did then represent the Devil. Furthermore they were
told, by word of mouth and by wide circulation of
the printed message, that a great calamity shall befall
Christendom, and particularly the clergy and the
principal of their flock who arc ruling the earth.
God's" servant" class were restrained of their liberty and their work was stopped in 1918 and 1!J19,
because of their faithfulness to the Lord and to his
cause. The leaders in Christendom were responsible
therefor; and such were rebellious acts against Jehovah, because the only "offense" that his servants had
committed was that of preaching the gospel of his
kingdom, and of declaring that the World War was
evidence that the kingdom was at hand and that his
kingdom is the only means whereby peace could be
established. The clergy and other leaders in Christendom thus added insult to Jehovah by maltreating




his witnesses without a cause; and God has announced

his TIlle to be: "Reward her even as she rewarded
you, and double unto her double accordinz to her
works; in the cup which she hath filled, fiJi to her
double. "-Rev. 18: 6.
As Jehovah served notice upon the rebellious house
of Israel by causing Ezekiel to make a moving picture
and then to declare its meaning, even so he is serving
notice upon Ohristendom, first, by permitting the imprisonment of the witnesses and the stopping of all
their work, and then by sending them with his message
to the peoples of Christendom, informing them that
Christendom shall be recompensed for all her iniquities
and shall fall. This he docs that the people may know
that he is the great God and that they cannot forever
follow the Devil with impunity. " And they shall know
that I am the Lord, when I shall scatter them among
the nations, and disperse them in the countries."12: 15.
The destruction that shall come upon Christendom
at Armageddon will be the greatest that has ever
affected the world. The Lord is also now causing notice
to be served, that in that trouble there shall be a class
of people spared and brought through and made the
recipients of his favor; and this he caused Ezekiel to
foreshadow in these words: "But I will leave a few
men of them from the sword, from the famine, and
from the pestilence, that they may declare all their
abominations among the [nations] whither they come;
and they shall know that I am the Lord." (12: 16)
Thus God declares that he will do this in order that
'some flesh may be saved'. This is further proof that
"millions now living will never die". Such now re-





ceive some knowledge of the truth by and through the

message of the Lord that is brought to them by the
"servant" class in going from house to house with
books, and by other means. Those who hear shall declare the message to others outside of Christendom,
'and they shall know that Jehovah is God.' The destruction of Christendom, and the bringing through
the trouble of those millions who thereafter live,
will be a vindication of God's great name. Satan, by
and through his organization, has for centuries
brought reproach upon the name of God; and the
vindication of his holy name must now be had, that
all may know that life and blessing's proceed from
Jehovah, and that he gives life to those who delight
themselves in his righteous laws.

Jehovah caused Ezekiel to further serve notice

upon the Israelites of what was coming to them, and
this Ezekiel did by the manner of taking his nourishment. He performed the act of eating his bread and
drinking his water with fear and trembling and care"
fulness. This was a part of the moving picture foretelling that Jerusalem should come to a like condition:
"Son of man, eat thy bread with quaking, and drink
thy water with trembling and with carefulness; and
say unto the people of the land, Thus saith the Lord
God of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of the land
of Israel, They shall eat their bread with carefulness,
and drink their water with astonishment, that her
land may be desolate from all that is therein, because
of the violence of all them that dwell therein. And
the cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste, and

EZEK. 12



the land shall be desolate, and ye shall know that I

am the Lord." (12: 18-20) This part of the prophecy
was also literally fulfilled by the Israelites, and foreshadows what shall come upon Christendom.
In 1918 and 1919 the Lord's devoted people on
earth did the very thing here; to wit, they partook
of their food and drink with trembling and with much
care. There was a great restriction of food upon all
people, but in addition to that there was great restraint placed upon the people of the Lord; aIHI now,
in 1931, this prophecy is beginning to have its fulfilment in Christendom. The people are beginning to
know what a shortage of food really means and, seeing other threatening things coming upon the world,
they cat their food with fear and trembling and are
in great distress. This distress will continue to grow
It cannot be truthfully said that ,Jehovah God is
sending these distresses upon the people as a general
punishment; but God is permitting it, in this, that he
docs not hinder it. Satan is the one responsible for
the sufferings and calamities that befall the people;
and he causes his clergymen to tell the people that
these calamities come upon them from God, because
of their unfaithfulness to Christendom's church organizations. Such is Satan's scheme to turn the people away from the true God, to the end that Satan
may have them all on his side at Armageddon. It must
be remembered that God gives his promise to preserve
and protect those who love him and who seek meekness and righteousness. (Ps. 41: 1, 2; Zeph. 2: 1-3;
Ps. 145: 20) There are many who refuse to be led
by Satan and his agents, but who, on the contrary,



EZEK. 12

turn to the Lord; and these are the ones who arc to
be taken through the time of trouble.

God's faithful people on the earth emphasized the

importance of the dates 1!)14 and 1918 and 1925. They
had much to say about these dates and what would
come to pass, but all they predicted did not come to
pass. The predictions as to the dates were correct,
but what came to pass could not be fully seen in
advance. The failure to come to pass of some of the
things predicted has afforded Satan's agents in Christendom, particularly the clergy and the "man of
sin", an opportunity to ridicule and reproach the
faithful servants of the Lord and to say of and concerning them and their predictions: 'All their visions
and predictions have failed; and such proves that
they are all wrong, and that all their predictions for
the future must fail.' This the clergy use to turn the
people away from God and his truth. Such was foreshadowed by what God said to Ezekiel: "Son of man,
what is that proverb that yc have in the land of Israel,
saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision
faileth ~ "-12 : 22.
To be sure, no man can say exactly what day or
year Armageddon will be fought, but it is easy to be
seen that the conditions amongst the people arc such
now that a great crisis is ncar. The clergy and the
politicians have predicted and continue to predict
great success and prosperity for their man-made
schemes. They speak against the 'witnesses of God and
say in substance that all the Lord's servants arc
"weak in the head.", and that it will be many days





before any great calamities befall Christendom, which

is now at peace. They tell the people that what is
written in the Bible about calamities applies altogether in the past and has no reference to the future.
They go even further in blaspheming God's name by
saying that 'Christendom must robe the earth in the
moral achievements of man and make it a fit place
for Christ Jesus to come and reside'. They speak with
contempt concerning the prophecies quoted from the
Bible by the servants of the Lord ; and the clergy and
their allies have made this proverb: 'All predictions
of the servants of Jehovah have failed and will cantinue to fail.'
A similar proverb had been promulgated by the
clergy and their allies in the days of Ezekiel. Of course
the Lord knew what the proverb was, but he caused
his officer to propound the question to Ezekiel, and
then said: "Tpll them therefore, Thus saith the Lord
God, I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall
no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto
them, The days arc at hand, and the effect of every
vision. For there shall be no more any vain vision
nor flattering divination within the house of Israel.
For I am the Lord : I will speak, and the word that
I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no marc
prolonged; for in your days, 0 rebellious house, will
I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord
God." (12: 23-25) God's kingdom has begun to
operate. His day of vengeance is here, and Armageddon is at hand and certain to fall upon Christendom,
and that within an early date. God's judgment is upon
Christendom and must shortly be executed. That God
will not longer delay this he says: "Therefore say




unto them, Thus saith the Lord God, There shall none
of my words be prolonged any more, but the word
which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord
God. "-12: 28.
The time is here when God's people must make it
plain to all that the nations are marching to Armageddon and that the only hope of the people is the
kingdom of God. It is a great privilege to be permitted to make this announcement. It is the truth;
and the truth will bring hope and courage to the


Ezekiel was commanded by the Lord to serve notice

upon those who were prophesying falsely. He had,
in effect, told the people that the false prophets should
no more be able to falsely promise peace, but that the
Lord would speedily bring to pass the fulfilment of
his prophecies, which are true. Now, in the thirteenth
chapter, notice is specifically served upon those who
prophesy falsely: "And the word of the Lord came
unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the
prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto
them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye
the word of the Lord." -13 : 1, 2.
Jesus gave answer to the question as to what should
come to pass at the end of the world, and he said that,
following the World War, which began in 1914, false
prophets and false Christs would arise. False prophets
and false Christs' being thus mentioned together shows
that there would be cooperation between the false
prophets and the false Christa in their opposition to





the truth of God's kingdom message. The "evil servant" class claim to be the anointed of God and, these
being false, they are therefore false Christs. The
"evil servant" class, as Jesus foretold, 'say in their
hearts, The Lord delays his coming; and they begin
to smite their brethren.' This prophecy of Jesus has
been in course of fulfilment sines ]917, and is still
being fulfilled. Those once enlightened by the truth
and taken into the covenant, and who are in line for
the kingdom, and who now refuse to testify to the
Lord's kingdom, and oppose those who are so doing,
by their actions declare that' the Lord has delayed his
ccrning '. Their conduct shows the motive in the heart;
and when Jesus declared, "I'hey shall say in their
heart,' clearly it means that by their course of action
they declare what they think. If they believed that
the Lord Jesus is at his temple and the kingdom has
begun to function, then surely by their actions they
would cease opposing the proclamation of the trnth
concerning the kingdom, and would take their stand
on the side of the Lord and joyfully join in the service of the Lord by also declaring the truth. Such arc
false Christs, because they claim to be God's anointed
ones and to 'sit in his heavenly place'; and they are
false prophets in this, that they say in their hearts,
that is, by their actions, 'The kingdom is not come,
but is yet future.'
Jehovah directed Ezekiel to serve notice on all such
foolish or perverse ones and upon all of Christendom
who profess falsely the name 01 the Lord God. "Thus
saith the Lord God, Woe unto the foolish prophets,
that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!"
(13: 3) Another trunslutor renders the text: "Thus



EZEK. 13

hath said the Lord Eternal, Wo unto the scandalous

prophets, that follow their own spirit, without having
seen any thing!" (Leeser) These are perverse and
scandalous in this, that they indulge in scandalizing
the name of God and his Ohrist and his servants in
the earth. They have become blind to the truth concerning the kingdom, and 'see nothing'.
'I'hese false or scandalous prophets include all who
claim to be God's representatives and who are in fact
anti-kingdom, either in word or in action. Some of
them say they arc not anti-kingdom, yet at the same
time oppose the work that is being done to advertise the King and the kingdom. Their very attitude
of opposition to "present truth" and to the work of
the kingdom shows what is in their hearts, and marks
such as foolish and perverse and scandalous. They
follow their own spirit and have seen nothing. "A
brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this." (Ps, 92: 6) A brutish man is one that
is selfish, and carnally minded, and such as they that
follow their own spirit and that have no vision of
present truth. (Ps. 94:8) Of them Ezekiel suys : "0
Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts."
(13: 4) They are cunning, sly, predatory and destructive animals, and attempt to destroy the vines and
hinder the delivery of 'the fruits of the kingdom'.
(Cant. 2: 15) Such is the way of the" wan of sin,
.. the son of perdition".-2 Thess. 2: 3-1l.
'I'he false prophets and prophetesses and false
Christa are all classed together, and include the clergy,
male and female, the political and financial predictors,
and those who have once received some truth and have
become unfaithful to their covenant. All such are





against the kingdom of God and therefore object to

anything' 's being said about the Devil's organization
that would tend to expose its wickedness. Not being
God's servants, they not only refuse to declare ., the
day of vengeance of our God", but vigorously object
to others' doing so who are God's anointed ones, They
assume to speak in the name of the Lord, however ;
but the Lord has not authorized them thus to speak.
"They have seen vanity and lying divination, that
say, The Lord saith : and the Lord hath not sent
them; and they have made men to hope that the word
should be confirmeu."-13:6. R.V.
These false prophets speak their own mind and conclusions, and claim the Lord for their authority, when
the Lord has not authorized them to speak. They have
accomplished no real good for the people, nor have
they honored the name of the Lord; as Ezekiel said
concerning them: "Ye have not gone up into the gaps,
neither made up the hedg-e for the house of Israel to
stand in the battle in the day of the Lord." (13: 5)
They have spoken their own wisdom, and not the
Word of God, and are therefore the most reprehensible before God and tho greatest reason for the
trouble that is coming upon Christendom. They have
taken their stand against the Lord and against his
anointed, and for this reason God will not permit
them to stand in the day of Armageddon.-Rev.
12 : 17; 17: 14.
Because these false prophets and false Christs are
anti-kingdom, God declares he is against them and
that they shall not be in any part of his organization
now or hereafter. "Have ye not seen a vain vision,
and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas



EZEK. 13

ye say, The Lord saith it; albeit I have not spoken?

Therefore thus saith the fjord God, Because ye have
spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore, behold, I am
against you, saith the Lord God." (13: 7, 8) They
shall not be counted as God's people, but are counted
as enemies, which they are; and they shall die in the
enemy's country as exiles from God: "And mine hand
shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that
divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of my
people, neither shall they be written in the writing
of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into
the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the
Lord God. "-13: 9.

The clergy of Christendom and the principal ones

of their flocks have been foolish; and the "evil servant' " "the man of sin," is in the same class. Their
efforts have been to lull the people to sleep and quietness, and they have failed to warn them of the impending disaster. The nations of Christendom have
built up the League of Nations, which is the makeshift of the Devil, and falsely claim to represent God's
kingdom. They expect this League of Nations to protect them against the day of God's wrath. It may not
be said that the "evil servant" class supports the
League of Nations; but they do oppose the witnessing
of the truth which exposes the League of Nations and
all other parts of the Devil's organization, and thereby the "evil servant" becomes the ally of those who
have brought forth the makeshift for the kingdom of
Ood, and the Lord classes them all together. All these
would lull the people to sleep, and therefore the Lord





speaks to them emphatically through Ezekiel: "Because, even because they have seduced my people,
saying, Peace, and there was no peace; and one built
up a wall, and, 10, others daubed it with untempered
morter, "-13: 10.
In the days of Ezekiel "the wall", mentioned by
the prophet, was evidently Zedekiah's league with
E~ypt against Babylon, made at the expense of breaking his oath with Nebuchadnezzar, (2 Chron. 36: 11-14;
Ezek. 17: 15-20) But that league did not serve to
maintain peace nor to protect Israel against God's
wrath. (Jer. 36: 31; 37: 5-11) The League of Nations
in this day is builded up by Christendom as a wall
to protect against war and to establish peace; but
that League of Nations, the Devils makeshift, will
not serve as a means of peace for the world as against
God's wrath.-Lam. 2; 14.
Ezekiel tells of an untempered mortar used to
plaster or cement the walls together. Any mortar or
cement used to bind the league between Israel and
Egypt necessarily would be "untempered", because
the Jews had nothing in common with the Egyptians,
and there was no love between them. Selfish interests
are never a true and enduring binder between peoples.
Likewise cement or mortar employed to bind together
the nations in the League of Nations because of the
selfishness existing in all of them, ean never be an
enduring binder. Therefore says the Prophet Ezekiel :
"Say unto them which daub it with untemperc d
morter, that it shall fall; there shall be an overflowing
shower; and ye, 0 great hailstones, shall fall; and a
stormy wind shall rend it." (13: 11) Such is exactly
the message which God's messengers are now com-



EZEK. 13

manded to declare and announce, and which has been

and is now being announced concerning the League
of Nations. (Isa. 8: 9-12) The commercial and political
elements of Christendom have builded up the League
of Nations as a wall for their protection, and the
clergy endorsed the same and plastered it over with
their palaver, claiming that it represents God's arrangement. The clergy declare peace and safety for
the people, contrary to the Word of God, as though
they were covering the wall with an additional plaster
of protection, but which shall fall off shortly.
Jehovah God, through his executive OfIieer leading
his great army, will destroy their wall and all parts
of their organization, pictured by the city. A shower
of prophetic truth is now dashing against the untempered mortar and washing it away. That shower
will then develop into a hailstorm and, as elsewhere
prophesied, "every [hail] stone about the weight of
a talent," which will fully expose hypocritical Christendom. (Rev. 16: 21) Added to the rain and hailstorm comes the wind, the great trouble, and causes
the wall of Christendom to completely collapse and
fall. "So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed
with untempered rnorter [cemented together with
selfishness], and bring it down to the ground [foundation] , so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered [laid open, disclosing Satan, revealed as
the author of it], and it shall fall, and ye
shall be consumed in the midst thereof; and yo
shall know that I am the Lord." (13: 14) This is
conclusive proof that the fall of Christendom will be
the result of God's righteous indignation expressed
against it. It is his battle, and he will fight it to com-





plete victory, and his name shall be vindicated: "Thus

will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon
them that have daubed it with untempered morter;
and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither
they that daubed it. "-13: 15.
The clergy of Christendom insisted on injecting
themselves into the League of Nations and making
known to the world that they had visions of peace.
Therefore says the Lord's prophet: "To wit, the
prophets of Israel, which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there
is no peace, saith the Lord God." (13: 16) The Federation of Ohurches of Christendom at the time issued
a statement containing these words: "The church can
give a spirit of good will, without which no League
of Nations can endure." This is tantamount to saying
that with the church the League of Nations will endure. Neither the League of Nations nor "organized
Christianity" shall endure. Both, being of Satan's
organization, shall completely perish.

It was in 191!) that the Federation of Ohurches of

the United States issued a paper endorsing the League
of Nations as the political expression of God's kingdom on earth. In that same year the Congress of the
United States enfranchised women, and this act was
ratified by such legislators in 1919 and early in 1920.
Note that this was after the World War had ended
and Satan had been cast out of heaven and had begun
to prepare his forces for Armageddon. (Rev. 12: 12;
16: 13-16) The women of America in particular began
to compete with the men as prophets of peace and to




have a part in guiding and dictating the policies and

political operations of Christendom. Since then they
have wielded a great influence in the church organizations and in the councils of state. God foreknew
this, to be sure, and caused his prophet Ezekiel to
write concerning them: "Likewise, thou son of man,
set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which
prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou
against them."-13 : 17.
The church congregations of Christendom are attended chiefly by women, and women have much to
do with the policy thereof. In many of the church organizations women occupy the pulpit and preach and
prophesy. The numerous women's clubs have become
a part of the political and religious organizations of
Christendom. These female prophets rnnke a display
of human foresight and prudence. They wield a
powerful influence over the men. Politicians and
political clergymen among men no longer dare to
speak in plain terms of women's proper place in the
church or in the home, for fear of losing political influence and support.
The women make monkeys or dupes of men. The
men have become effeminate, soft and easily influenced,
and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in
the affairs of state and home. For instance, when
men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches,
all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby
elevate her to a place above men. The men remove
their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is
present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that a man is a gentleman. But it
is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from





that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from

God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that
no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. (1 Cor. 6: 9) This proves that the scheme or habit
of paying homage to women is not of God, but from
the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a
proper thing, and therefore it is more subtle than
Every good man loves his wife, his mother and his
sisters, and is kind and considerate to all women; but
that does not mean that he should put women in a
place contrary to the expressed will of God. In the
church of God the man represents Christ the Head,
while the woman pictures the bride of Christ, that is
submissive to the Head, The divine rule is this: "But
I would have you know, that the head of every man
is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and
the head of Christ is God." "Par the husband is the
head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the
church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore
as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives
be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands,
love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church,
and gave himself for it." (1 Cor. 11: 3; Eph. 5: 23-25)
Satan would reverse this rule and put the women to
the front. He begins his reform work by first deceiving and misleading the women, and then appeals to
the so-called "gentlemanly" qualities of man to submit to his subtle scheme. The modern practice of putting women to the fore in the affairs of religion and
in the councils of state has much to do with destroying
the sacredness of the home and with turning men away





from God. Thus Satan has deceived and led the men
and women in the wrong way, in order to turn them
away from Jehovah God.
Let it always be kept in mind that the policy of
Satan is to turn the people away from the Creal or,
and to accomplish his purposes he uses divers and
numerous schemes, many of which on the face of them
seem to be entirely right and proper. God commands:
"Honour thy father and thy mother." (Ex. 20: 12)
He did not command, however, that the father should
be excluded. The father represents Jehovah, from
whom comes every good thing, while the mother represents God's organization, used for his good purposes
and to his glory. (Isa. 54: 5; 66: 8; Ps. 50: 20) Satan
would turn the people away from this beautiful symbol, and therefore from God, and cause them to disregard the Word of the Lord. This he does in a very
subtle way by organizing what in England and in
America, the chief countries of Christendom, is called
"Mother's Day". This day began to be observed in
England, in 1913. That same year the United States
Congress, by resolution, made the second Sunday in
May of each year a national holiday, "dedicated to the
memory of the best mother in the world, your
mother. " That sounds nice, and on the face of it looks
nice; but is it sincere? and what is the real purpose
thereof 1 Do the men of England and America love
their mothers better since 1914 than they did before 1
Certainly not. Is it true that every man '8 mother is
the" best mother in the world"? Everyone knows that
is not true.
The so-called "Mother's Day" was observed in
America first in 1914, the very year that Satan's

Ezl':JC. 13



world ended and when he knew his time was short

to get ready for the great battle of Armageddon. To
induce the people to bestow special honor and worship
upon mothers would be one step towards turning the
people away from the worship of God; and this is
one of his means of preparing for Armageddon, In
all the churches today much is made over "Mother's
Day", but in not a single one of them are the people
ever told that God is the Father, and that the
"mother" is his organization, and that all honor and
worship is due to Jehovah God. On the contrary, the
men of Christendom are taught to pay their honor to
creatures, and not to the Creator; and this by the
clergymen, whose duty and obligation is to teach the
people the truth of God 's Word.
On the face of it the arrangement of "Mother's
Day" seems harmless and calculated to do good. But
the people are in ignorance of Satan's subtle hand in
the matter, and that he is back of the movement, to
tnrn the people away from God. The slogan is: "The
best mother who ever lived"; the purpose being to
establish creature worship, or at least to divert the
attention of man from the proper worship of God.
'I'here have been many good mothers of men, and many
bad ones. Not every man has the best mother that ever
lived; and therefore the slogan is false. The woman
that dishonors .Iehovah God and blasphemes his name
is not a good woman, regardless of how many children
she may bear; whereas some of her children may be
faithful servants of God. The good mother is the one
who serves and honors Jehovah and teaches her children to do likewise, and who renders her proper
motherly duties in the home. Real men have great




respect and great love for such mothers, but their

worship is given to Jehovah God.
Neither the man nor the woman should be worshiped
for doing right, because such doing of right is thcir
duty. Creature worship of any kind is wrong and an
abomination in the sight of Cod.-Luke 16: 15.
In Christendom men have formed the habit of quoting their mothers as authority for their course of
action and of utterly ignoring God 's Word. In Christendom the women teach and preach and prophesy in
the churches, and predict and prophesy in the affairs
of state concerning peace and war. The women are
seducing and misleading men, cause them to mix
politics and religion, and often compromise their
duty toward God in order to comply with the rules
of this unrighteous world. Such is "fornication" in
the Scriptural meaning of that term. "Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee, because thou
sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself
a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to
commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto
idols." (Rev. 2: 20) Such is contrary to God's rule.
"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp
authority over the man, but to be in silence."1 Tim. 2: 12.
The purpose of here mentioning women is not to
ridicule or to speak unkindly of them, There are good
women wholly devoted to God and who are rendering
good and faithful service unto him. Likewise there
are men wholly devoted to God and serving him. But
neither the man nor the woman is to be honored and
worshiped for such. The husband should love and treat
kindly his wife and mother, and the woman should





love and respect her husband, and the mother her

children. But if all are devoted to the Lord and follow
the Lord's advice, they will dwell together in peace
and do good and honor God. When men and women
follow the Devil's subtle scheme, they turn away from
God; and the farther they go, the more trouble they
get into. The purpose of calling attention to these
matters here, and to the practices in Christendom, is
to show that such is a fulfilment of God's prophecy,
and that the people might understand why Christendom is blaspheming Jehovah God and why she has
turned wholly to Satan.
Foreknowing these conditions would exist at the
end of the world in particular, God directed Ezekiel
to prophesy: "And say, Thus saith the Lord God,
Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes,
and make kerr-hiefs upon the head of every stature,
to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people,
and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?"
(] 3 : 18) The "pillows" (oracle cases, according to
Rotherkam) were cases made of skin in which to keep
oracular images or sayings. These were doubtless worn
for the purpose of openly showing them off or designating the women as prophetesses, and thus they
made a profession of prophecy out of the pretenses
of prophesying. "Will ye ... save souls alive for
yourselves?" (R.V.) "Will ye hunt the souls of my
people, that ye may keep your own soul alive f '
(Leeser) By their prophesying they hunt simpletons
or "suckers" who are not guided by the Word of God
but by the wiles of the prophetesses. These seek not
the welfare of the people, but their own selfish ends.
They make prophecy a selfish, paying business, and



EZEK. 13

do not render their service to God. They have no interest in God's kingdom, and know nothing about it;
their interest is in self and a self-organization. It is
well known that such are the conditions that exist today in Christendom, particularly in the religious organizations.
These prophetesses teach not the Word of God, but
mislead the people and induce them to trust in the
wisdom and the political and religious predictions of
the preachers, male and female, thereby pointing them
to the way of death; and this they do for hire. Concerning such the prophet says: "And will ye pollute
me among my people for handfuls of barley, and for
pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die,
and to save the souls alive that should not live, by
your lying to my people that hear your lies"13: 19.
These prophetesses, because they profess the Word
and name of God and tell lies to the people, deserve
not to live; yet they keep themselves alive by their
wrongful practice and by the blaspheming of God's
name. For this reason the prophetess is no better
than the male member of the profession who prophesies falsely and concerning whom it is written: "For
from the least of them even unto the greatest of them
everyone is given to covetousness; and from the
prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of the daughter
of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there
is no peace."-Jer. 6: 13, 14.
Jehovah then directs Ezekiel to pronounce his judgment against these false teachers and to say to them
that God is against them and their false prophecies.





He declares that he will destroy their outward pretenses of their professions and will expose their hypocrisy and deliver the people from their influence.
(13: 20, 21) The lies told to the people by these false
prophets and prophetesses have made sad those who
love righteousness: "Because with lies ye have made
the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made
sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that
he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life." (13: 22) The clergymen have turned
to wickedness, and the principal ones of their flocks
and the leaders of Big Business and big politics have
followed them in the same wrongful course; and the
prophetesses condone the wicked deeds of these men
by holding them up before the people as favorites of
God, and thus falsely promise life to such wrongdoers.
Because they have claimed to represent the Lord God
and have not declared his judgments and the day of
his vengeance, their blood is required at their hands,
and all of them shall go down together, and their
wicked practices shall for ever disappear.
The battle of Armageddon is approaching, and it
will ruin the business of the false prophets and prophetesses: "Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor
divine divinations; for I will deliver my people out
of your hand; and ye shall know that I am the Lord."
(13 : 23) When their business is gone they will know
then that they have been liars and have not represented God or served him. "Thus saith [Jehovah],
thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the
womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that
streteheth forth the heavens alone; that sproadcsh
abroad the earth by myself; that frustrateth the




tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that

turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish; that confirmeth the word of his servant,
and performeth the counsel of his messengers." (Isa,
44: 24-26) The class whom Ezekiel represents, to wit,
the "faithful servant" class of the Lord, must now
speedily proceed to give testimony to the prophets or
predictors, both male and female, of and concerning
God's written judgments and the expression of his
vengeance upon such.


Attention is here called to the fact that in serving

notice upon the elders Ezekiel did not go to them,
but that the elders came to him and sat before him,
ostensibly for the purpose of being taught, but were,
in fact, insincere. Ezekiel, representing the "faith.
ful and wise servant" class, must tell the truth; and
hence Jehovah's witnesses must now tell the truth to
such inquirers, because, says Ezekiel: "The word of
the Lord came unto me." (14: 1, 2) "Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat before me.
And the word of the Lord came unto me." The elders
pictured those who assume to be leaders or advanced
ones amongst God's people and to have the oversight
of their welfare. There are many who have served as
elders in the ecclesias or classes of God's people, and
probably some who are still serving, that are not
wholly devoted to God. TIlls prophecy of Ezekiel is
doubtless here set forth in this fourteenth chapter to
disclose that class of men amongst God's people who
are not wholly devoted to him.





"Elders," as the word is here used, means "aged

ones", not necessarily those who are very old in years,
but those who have thought themselves long in the
truth of God and who have been teachers or leaders in
the ecclesias and have attempted to teach God's Word.
There was a crop of these from 1914 on, and they have
been made known or have made themselves known to
God's people since that time. These elders are shown
as coming to Ezekiel, ostensibly to ascertain the will
of God, but, in fact, to bring pressure upon Ezekiel
and to induce him to confirm their own selfish views,
to compromise his course of action, and to speak compromisingly and to tickle their itching ears. Since
1916 it has been easy to identify this selfish class of
elders amongst the people of God.
Ezekiel was advised by the Lord of the selfishness
of these men and was told that their hearts were impure. "Son of man, these men have set up their idols
in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their
iniquity before their face; should I be inquired of
at all by them?" (14: 3) They have not' set the Lord
always before their face', but have set their own heart
on some selfish objective. (Ps. 16: 8; Acts 2: 25) Their
outward actions before men have been pious and apparently honest; but God knew they were not unselfishly and honestly devoted to him, because 'the
Lord looketh upon the heart, and not on the outward
appearance'. (1 Sam. 16: 7) When such men approach
God's "faithful servant" class, pictured by Ezekiel,
the Lord God says: ., Should I be inquired of at all
by them}" Knowing their dishonest purpose, God is
not pleased with their course of action in inquiring
of those who are serving him. The Lord is pleased



with those who honestly seek to know his will and his
way, but he finds no pleasure in a mere outward form
of worship. Jehovah shows his strength in behalf of
and his favor toward those who are acting according
to a pure and honest motive. (2 Chron. 16: 9) Dishonest inquirers who willingly compromise with a
part of Satan's organization could receive no real
comfort from God's Word nor from those who are
faithfully devoted to God.
In 1917 some of the elders, then in the organization of the Lord and among God's people, wanted to
commercialize the truth, and to do this they claimed
that six men of their organization (who had formed
a company to use the truth for commercial purposes)
were the six men described in the ninth chapter of
Ezekiel's prophecy. They came to the Society, which
is a part of God's organization, ostensibly to ascertain
the better way of serving God by and through his
organization,' but in truth and in fact they wert serving themselves. They received little or no consolation.
(Watch Tower, 1917, page 45) Each and every one
of them then became the opponents of God's work in
the earth. Since then other elders have come forward
with the ostensible purpose of seeking counsel but, in
fact, to compromise the work of the Lord for their
own good. The course of action, taken by these men
claiming to be the six pictured in Ezekiel chapter
nine, put a stumblingblock before the face of many
and caused many to stumble.
Jehovah has but one way of carrying on his work,
and that way is honest and right. To the inquirer who
would have a different way from that which Jehovah
has provided, Ezekiel (representing God's "faithful




servant" class) was instructed to say: "Therefore

speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the
Lord God, Every man of the house of Israel that set.
teth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh
to the prophet, I the Lord will answer him that cometh
according to the multitude of his idols." (14: 4)
Those who become offended and turn to their own
way, find themselves separated from the Lord by his
angels and placed in the "evil servant" class. He permits the selfish ones to have their own way or course
of action, according to their own follies or idols. "That
r may take the house of Israel in their own heart,
because they are all estranged from me through their
idols." (14: 5) Those who desire to work unlawfully
have their desire fulfilled, and they find themselves
in opposition to God.--l\Iatt. 13: 41; 2 Thess. 2: 12.
Fulfilment of this prophecy began approximately
in 1917. God instructed Ezekiel to warn the selfish
ones to turn away from their selfish course of action
and to change their course of action. "Therefore say
unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God,
Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and
turn away your faces from all your abominations."
(14: 6) It was tho duty of the "faithful servant"
class to give such warning. The rebellious and opposing elders, who had separated themselves from the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1917, and
had caused trouble in the Society, were officially
warned and requested at the annual meeting of the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1917 to
repent, change their course of action, and return to
the positions they had formerly occupied, and to



EZEK. 14

harmoniously participate in the service of the Lord;

but they refused to heed such warning or admonition.
(See Watch Tower, 1918, page 24.)
By separating themselves from God's earthly organization those rebellious elders separated themselves
from the Lord. God has not asked any man to organize something for him. He does his work in his own
way. The opposers set up their own method of service
which exalted themselves and other men and honored the creature more than the Creator, and they
put a stumblingbloek in the way of others. "For every
one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me,
and setteth up his idols in his heart, and puttcth the
stumhlingblock of his iniquity before his face, and
cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me ;
I the Lord will answer him by myself. "-14: 7.
Jehovah is no respccter of men, but he does act
through his organization; and when his organization
speaks or acts in harmony with the Word of God,
then it acts or speaks in harmony with Jehovah's will,
and those who oppose are opposing God. In 1919 Jehovah's visible organization on earth took action and
warned the rebellious elders. They refused to hear
God's organization, but on the contrary 'set up their
own idols in their heart' and pursued a course contrary to God's organization; and concerning all such
Jesus, speaking with authority, says, "If he neglect
to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen
man and a publican." (Matt. 18: 17) Those who were
once in the organization of the Lord and who put
themselves in opposition thereto put themselves outside of his organization and are classed with and are





such as the opposing clergy. "A.nd I will set my face

against that man, and will make him a sign and a
proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of my
people; and ye shall know that I am the Lord."
(14: 8) As a warning to his people the Lord says:
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fiee from idolatry."
(1 Cor. 10:14) And again: "Little children, keep
yourselves from idols." (1 John 5: 21) "Only with
thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of
the wicked."-Ps. 91: 8.
Jehovah caused Ezekiel to write: "And if the
prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I
the Lord have deceived that prophet; and I will
stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him
from the midst of my people Israel." (14: 9) This
does not mean that Jehovah inspired the prophet to
make a deceptive statement to his own deceiving, but
it means that Jehovah frustrates the vision and prediction of the dishonest prophet and withholds from
such the true understanding of God's inspired Word.
God does not permit him to have a true vision, because of his bad condition of heart. Such lose
the vision of what they have once had. "And they
shall bear the punishment of their iniquity; the
punishment of the prophet shall be even as the
punishment of him that seeketh unto him." (14: 10)
God's judgment therefore precludes all such from
being in his organization. (13: 9) Jehovah takes such
drastic action against false prophets, whether clergymen, elders or other teachers who mislead the people,
for the purpose of demonstrating that he will brook
no lies on the part of such, and that he will approve
only that which is absolutely true. To establish the



EZEK. 14

confidence of the people God says: "That the house

of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be
polluted any more with all their transgressions; but
that they may be my people, and I may be their God,
saith the Lord God."-14: 11.

The prophecy then shows that Jehovah first states

a hypothetical case to Ezekiel, the purpose being to
show what his judgment would be if the facts existed
as stated. (14: 13-20) In the thirteenth verse the
statement is made that grievous trespassing is punished by a shortage of food. With Christendom this
means the spiritual food or the understanding of the
truth. The Lord withholds the supply of truth from
those who have undertaken to feed Christendom spiritually. Such prophecy is in this very day in course
of fulfilment. God's true witnesses are flooding Christendom with a message of truth in printed form, and
the hearts of the leaders and elders in Christendom
are hardened, because to accept the simple truth is
too great a burden for them to bear. They do not receive the truth concerning the kingdom, and they
put forth their strongest efforts to prevent others
from receiving it. For this reason there is 'a famine
in the land of hearing the Word of Jehovah'. (Amos
8: 11) These false elders and teachers have ears to
hear, but they hear not.-Isa. 6: 9.
Then says the Lord; "If I cause noisome beasts
to pass through the land, and they [the beasts] spoil
it [the land], so that it be desolate, that no man may
pass through because of the beasts," none but the
righteous would be delivered. (14: 15) Jehovah had




Satan cast out of heaven in the battle that began between Satan and Christ in 1914, and since then Satan
has been roaring as a lion in the land and marching
his beastly organization or armies through the land,
and these are spoiling the land. (Rev. 12: 7-12) Jehovah did not create the beastly creatures or systems;
but when these have begun their depredations, God
does nut protect Christendom therefrom i and such is
the meaning of the hypothetical case.
Therefore says the Lord: 'If I bring a sword upon
the land, none of the wicked shall be delivered. ' When
the battle of Armageddon is due to begin, then Jehovah will send Christ Jesus and his mighty army
and will give command for the sword to go through
the land. "He will give them that are wicked to the
sword. " (Jer, 25 : 31) "If I whet my glittering
sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment, I will
render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward
them that hate me." (Dcut, 32: 41) "Gird thy sword
upon thy thigh, 0 most Mighty, with thy glory and
thy majesty." (Ps, 45: 3) Such sword is not "the
sword of the spirit, which is the word of God", but
it is a means of violent punishment.
Continuing the statement of the hypothetical case
the Lord caused Ezekiel to write: "Or if I send a
pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon
it in blood, to cut off from it man lind beast," none of
the wicked shall escape. (14: 19) Such pestilence
as is here mentioned cannot be cured by physicians.
It reaches all classes and operates quietly and with
deadly effect. When God starts to clean out the wicked
ones he will complete the work.




Concerning who might escape he says: "Though

Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the
Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter j
they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness." (14 : 20) To the same effect are verses
fourteen and eighteen. The Lord there mentions three
faithful prophets, Noah, Daniel and Job. Those three
men, by their righteous devotion to Jehovah, maintained their integrity toward God; therefore they
pictured the faithful remnant or "servant" class now,
who are in the world but not a part of it. This "faithful servant" class is located especially in Christendom. Noah survived the deluge that swept away the
first world; Daniel survived the destruction of Jerusalem and lived beyond the seventy years of desolation; and Job survived the Devil's vicious assault
upon him, and the Lord fully blessed him.-Job
42: 10.
Those three men, therefore, pictured that class of
men and women now on the earth at the end of the
world and when Christendom will be destroyed, and
which faithful ones will maintain their integrity toward God by their uncompromising and unswerving
devotion to him, and who are counted righteous because
they are in Christ and faithfully following in his
footsteps. This is further proof that the faithful class
will not be hurt by the great trouble or battle of
This does not mean that only God's anointed ones
may be carried through the trouble of Armageddon,
because other scriptures show that there will be some
flesh spared. It docs mean, however, that the anointed
and faithful remnant, by proclaiming the truth and





declaring the vengeance of Jehovah God and by singing his praises, will not convert Christendom and save
any from destruction, nor can they convert and save
their own sons and daughters. Family relationship will
of itself be no protection in the time of trouble. Only
those who are actually devoted to the Lord, and who
prove faithful, are promised certain and complete
preservation. The Lord will not be partial in his judgment. It will be only those who seek meckness and
seek righteousness that may be hid or spared in the
day of God's anger, not because they are children or
followers of some of the anointed, but because of obeying this admonition of the Lord. (Zeph. 2: 1-3) It is
not self-righteousness that will save anyone; but it is
the righteousness that takes its stand on the side of
Jehovah that will lead to deliverance. Nothing, therefore, that God's righteous witnesses, the anointed remnant, can do will cause God to spare Christendom, her
leaders, the unfaithful elders, or the principal of the
flock; and this is the conclusion of the hypothetical
case stated by the Lord.
Referring again to the hypothetical case stated
above in relationship to the pestilence, it is worth
while here to consider some facts 'that are now coming
to pass. The message of God's Word of truth, poured
out upon the disobedient and rebellious Christendom,
and which constitutes the serving of notice upon
Christendom, was and is a "pestilence" upon her:
"And the first went, and poured out his vial upon
the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore
upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and
upon them which worshipped his image." (Rev. 16: 2)
(See Light, Book Two, page 19.) (Rev. 6: 8) There




can be no doubt about the fact that the Lord has

smitten the clergy and their allies, and the principal
of their flocks, with the pestilence of fear, and this
fear is leading to self-destructive measures.
The hypothetical case stated proves that if God
would not spare those of Israel who were unrighteous,
with stronger reasoning he will not spare the hypoeritieal "organized Christianity", which is the most potent instrument of hypocrisy Satan has ever used.
,For thus saith the Lord God, How much more when
I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the
sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and
the pestilence, to eut off from it man and beastf"
(14: 21) Jehovah executed drastic punishment upon
ancient Jerusalem, and now he says "how much more"
will he 80 do to Christendom, whieh Jerusalem foreshadowed. The Lord would have it definitely understood that at Armageddon he will spare no part of
Satan's organization.
The words of the Lord spoken to Ezekiel, however,
show that there will be some taken through the time
of trouble at Armageddon aside from his anointed
('servant" class. The class thus taken through the
trouble or spared will be the remnant of what is known
now as 'the nations of Christendom'. "Yet, behold,
therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought
forth, both sons and daughters; behold, they shall
come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and
their doings; and ye shall be comforted concerning the
evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it. And they
shall comfort you, when ye see their ways and their
doings: and ye shall know that I have not done with-





out cause all that I have done ill it, saith the Lord
God. " (14: 22, 23) This has no reference to the remnant of those who are in line for the kingdom.
There are those now in Christendom who hear the
message of truth and give heed to it by turning themselves to the Lord and seeking righteousness. The
commandment of Revelation 22: 17 is now being
obeyed by some. The Spirit and the bride say,
" Come," and those who hear come, and take their
stand on the side of the Lord. Those who thus seek
meekness and righteousness will be the ones that may
be spared and, being brought through and surviving
the trouble, will constitute the remnant of the people
who are in the world but not a part of Satan's organization. By preserving such righteous nucl-eus of earth
God shows his hatred of wickedness and his love of
righteousness, and proves that he can put men on the
earth who will maintain their integrity toward him.
"For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his
countenance doth behold the upright." (Ps, 11: 7)
Jehovah destroys only in a justifiable cause. These
truths are, also, a comfort to the "servant" class, because these will see that the Lord has used them to
have some part in the vindication of his great name.

The fifteenth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy shows

that Christendom has committed a great trespass
against God, in this, that she has been unfruitful or
has brought forth a poisonous fruit. "And the word
of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, What
is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch





which is among the trees of the forest? Shall wood be

taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin
of it to hang any vessel thereon?" (15: 1-3) Jehovah
chose Jerusalem for himself, and he has taken out of
the world a people for himself. True Christianity was
planted by Jehovah, with Christ Jesus as the true
vine. "Organized Christianity" took the name of
Christ but wholly failed to bring forth the fruit of
the kingdom. Referring to the "vine" of Christendom
Jehovah says: "Yet I had planted thee a noble vine,
wholly a right seed; how then art thou turned into
the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me l' ' Jer. 2: 21.
The Lord then propounds some questions concerning the vine tree, among which is this: Can it be put
to more earthly use than other trees, or does God
expect more of it than of ordinary trees 1 Correspondingly it is asked, Does God require those who profess
to be his people, and who make a covenant to do his
will, to try to do the same kind of work as the unconsecrated heathen do or to do something better Y
The unconsecrated heathen build hospitals and schools,
and do special reform work, and carry on works of
financial and political reforms, and form various kinds
of leagues to accomplish their purposes. Shall not
God's covenant people do something more than that,
and something different 1 Can a people claim to be
God's people and pursue a course similar to that of
the heathen 1
Jehovah has separated his people for a different
purpose. He planted the vine and brought forth the
branches thereof for the very purpose of bearing testimony to the truth of his Word and to the

EZEK. 15



honor of his name. Christ Jesus is the true vine, and

those in Christ are the branches. The office of the
branch is to bear fruit, and by its so doing Jehovah
is honored and glorified. "Every branch in me that
beareth not fruit he taketh away. . . . If a man abide
not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and . . .
burned." (John 15: 1-8) This statement of Jesus is
in exact harmony with Ezekiel 's prophecy. "Behold,
it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both
the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it
meet for any work?" -15 : 4.
The Israelites had the opportunity of bringing forth
the fruit of the kingdom to the glory of God, but because of their selfishness and unfaithfulness, particularly on the part of the clergy and leaders, they
brought forth fruit to themselves. "Israel is an empty
vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself." (Hos:
10 : 1) Those of Christendom who made a covenant
to do God's will, particularly the clergy and the
elders, were given the privilege of bringing forth the
fruits of the kingdom, and because of their unfaithfulness and stubbornness they have brought forth
their own kind of fruit, or 'fruit unto themselves'.
Therefore the words of Jesus apply to all such: "The
kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given
to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."Matt. 21: 43.
The purpose of the "vine tree" is therefore definitely fixed. The fruits of the kingdom are God's lifegiving and life-sustaining truths of and concerning his
kingdom, and such shall vindicate his word and his
name. Looking to the fulfilment of the prophecy at
the coming of the Lord to the temple of God, what is





found there' Christendom has wholly failed to bear

the fruits of the kingdom, but, on the contrary, has
become a "strange vine" that bears fruit of Satan's
organization. "Behold, when it was whole, it was meet
for no work; bow much less shall it be meet yet for
any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is
burned?" (15: 5) When the end of the world came
and Jesus Christ appeared, Christendom, instead of
receiving him and bowing to his authority and rule,
went into the World War and got burned at both
ends. 'I'hat vine of Christendom was fit for no good
work to God's glory before the war, and after the
war it is wholly unprofitable.
Jehovah declares his purpose now to destroy Christendom, and directs tho "faithful servant" class, foreshadowed by Ezekiel, to announce that fact. "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, As the vine tree among
-the trees of the forest, which I have given to the
fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And I will set my face against them;
they shall go out from one fire, and another fire
shall devour them; and ye shall know that I am
the Lord, when I set my face against them!' (15: 6, 7)
The '''vine tree", Christendom,by readily joining with
Satan's organization in the World War, thereby became
scorched, or burned, and it is withered, and the fire
of Armageddon will completely annihilate it. "And
I will make the land desolate, because they have committed a trespass, saith the Lord God." (15: 8) "For
the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel,
and the men of Judah his pleasant plant; and he
looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for
righteousness, but behold a cry. Woe unto them that





join house to house, that lay field to field, till there

be no place, that they may be placed alone in the
midst of the earth! In mine ears said the Lord of hosts,
Of a truth, many houses shall be desolate, even great
and fair, without inhabitant. And the mean man shall
be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled. But
the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and
God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness."
(IsR. 5:7-9,15,16) This shall be a vindication ()f
God's name.


Jehovah directed his prophet Ezekiel to cause notice

to be served upon Jerusalem concerning her abominations. This foreshadowed the "faithful servant" class
causing Christendom to know her abominations. In
the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy are shown
the gross sins of self-righteousness. The self-righteous
are shown as falling away from the Lord and despising others as sinners and heathen, beyond the
mercy of God; and God's announced purpose of restoring such despised ones to his favor is shown. Jehovah commands Ezekiel to trace the history of. J erusalem from the beginning, manifestly in order that
"sin by the commandment might become exceeding
sinful". (Rom. 7: 13) The sins of Jerusalem are
spread out before her: "Son of man, cause Jerusalem
to know her abominations, and say, Thus saith the
Lord God unto Jerusalem, Thy birth and thy nativity
is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite,
and thy mother an Hittite." (16: 2, 3) The prophecy
applies with stronger force to Christendom.



EZEK. 16

Canaan was the cursed one of Noah's grandsons.

(Gen. 9: 25) The name of the land of Canaan means
"humiliated" and represents the condition of the
accursed, humiliated race from which the Lord selects
his people. That condition shows his people as being
"by nature the children of wrath, even as others".
(Eph. 2: 3) Jerusalem was originally a Canaanite
city called "Jebusi, which is Jerusalem". (Josh.
18: 28) "As for the J ebusites, the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive
them out; but the Jebusites dwell with the children
of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day." (Josh. 15: 63)
This scripture had application until David later took
the city. (2 Sam. 5: 6-9) Both the Amorites and the
Hittites were descendants of Canaan, and therefore
were Canaanites. "And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite,
p.nd the Girgasite." (Gen. 10: 15, 16) The Hittites
were descendants of Heth, who was a Canaanite. It
was a Hittite from whom Abraham bought the cave
of Machpelah, which is at Hebron, thus showing that
the Hittites were in possession. (Gen. 23: 3-20) Amorite means "mountaineer, dweller in the heights".
" Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose
height was like the height of the cedars, and he was
strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from
above, and his roots from beneath." (Amos 2: 9)
Hittite means "terrible, dread".
Therefore says Ezekiel to Jerusalem: "Thy father
was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite," both
from Canaan, and all heathenish; and for this reason
the people and their dwelling place was under the
curse upon Canaan, polluted and filthy in the sight





of Jehovah. Such was the condition of the city when

Jehovah chose the site of Jerusalem as the location of
his typical organization. Therefore Ezekiel describes
the place as a newly born and abandoned baby girl,
in these words: "And as for thy nativity, in the day
thou wast born, thy navel was not cut, neither wast
thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not
salted at all, nor swaddled at all. None eye pitied
thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion
upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field,
to the loathing of thy person, in the day that thou
wast born. "-16: 4, 5.
The prophet then, in substance, says that Jehovah
passed by and beheld this place as a newly born baby
girl, polluted and unwashed, and he chose it and
cleaned it up. "And when I passed by thee, and saw
thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee
when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto
thee, when thou wast in thy blood, Live. I have caused
thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast
increased and waxen great, and thou art come to
excellent ornaments; thy breasts are fashioned, and
thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and
bare."-16: 6, 7.
Jehovah had his eye on the site (the place for his
typical organization) where he would place his name.
"But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land
of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain
of heaven; a land which the Lord thy God careth for;
the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it,
from the beginning of the year even unto the end
of the year." (Deut. 11: 11, 12) As God's eyes ran
to and fro through Canaan, searching it out, he saw





the J ebusites occupying the place where he would

establish Jerusalem, which land the Jebusites had defiled and filled with corrupt doings. (Lev. 18: 3, 25)
Joshua burned Ai and made it a heap of ashes, even
a desolation, and he did the same thing to Jericho.
(Josh. 6: 24, 26) Jehovah, however, did not command
David, when he took the city, to raze the walls and
buildings of Jebusi or Jerusalem and make it a desolate heap. He allowed it to stand, only having the
occupancy or controllership of the city changed. Out
of his gracious goodness the original heathen city was
permitted to grow up from babyhood to maturity and
become the holy city, "whereas thou wast naked and
bare. " God put his name there and laid the obligation
upon the peoples of Israel to keep his name unsullied.

Strict justice could only consign the place to destruction, but the mercy and loving-kindness of God
exercised for and in her behalf permitted the city
to stand. "Now when I passed by thee, and looked
upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love;
and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy
nakedness; yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into
a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou
becamest mine." (16: 8) It was a time to exercise
love and mercy over it, and the Lord did so, and it
became the Lord's. He covered its unsightliness by
taking it from beneath the control of the first" covering cherub", now the Devil, and placing it under the
rulership of David his beloved King, that his own
name might be there. "But I have chosen Jerusalem,
that my name might be there; and have chosen David





to be over my people Israel." (2 Chron. 6: 6) "I

have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn
unto David my servant. My mercy will I keep for
him for. evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast
with him. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the
thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn
by my holiness that I will not lie unto David." (Ps,
89 : 3, 28, 34, 35) This place was translated from the
polluted Canaanites and delivered from the power
of darkness into the kingdom of one with whom the
everlaRting covenant was made: "But chose the tribe
of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved." (Ps,
78 : 68) "For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath
desired it for his habitation."-Ps. 132: 13.
When Jehovah put David his king at Jerusalem
he cleansed the city of its pollutions by the washing
of the water of his Word, and by his kingly administration. "Then washed I thee with water; yea, I
throughly washed away thy blood from thee, and I
anointed thee with oiL" (16: 9) The anointing here
mentioned is not the word denoting official designation, but rather the anointing of the girl baby,
cleansed and refreshed and made sweet. It symbolizes
that God planted the city and put his name there, and
that the royal city of his anointed was there. It was
made "the city of the great King".-Ps. 48: 2; Matt.
5: 35.
Jehovah made Jerusalem to be "beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth". (Ps, 48: 2) This is
figuratively described by Ezekiel in these words: "I
clothed thee, . . . and shod thee, . . . and I girded
thee, . . . and I covered thee. . . . I decked thee . . _
and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on



EZEK. 16

thy neck. And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and

earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon
thine head. Thus wast thou decked with gold and
silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen: ... thou
didst cat, . . . and thou wast exceeding beautiful,
and thou didst prosper into a kingdom." (16: 10-13)
The psalmist says of Jerusalem that it was "the perfection of beauty". (Ps, 50: 2) Jehovah God blessed
and enriched the city by his kings, David and Solomon; he made it to prosper into the grandest kingdom
the world has thus far ever had. What contributed
chiefly to its beauty was that it had the ark of God's
testament placed there on Mount Zion, and that later
God caused Solomon to build the glorious temple within the city and on Mount Moriah.
The fame of Jerusalem spread throughout the
earth. Even the queen of Sheba, hearing of the fame
of Jerusalem and its king, came from the uttermost
parts of the earth, and, beholding its glory, exclaimed:
"The half was not told me." In harmony with this
Ezekiel prophesied: "And thy renown went forth
among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect
through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee,
saith the Lord God." (16: 14) God made the city
famous: "And all the earth sought to Solomon, to
hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.' J
(1 Ki. 10: 24) "And the Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon
him such royal majesty as had not been on any king
before him in Israel." (1 Chron. 29: 25) The great
name of Jehovah made it famous. At the dedication
of the temple Solomon's prayer was in fact a prophecy when he said: "Moreover, concerning a stranger





that is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a

far country for thy name's sake: (for they shall hear
of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy
stretched out arm r) when he shall come and pray
toward this house." (1 Ki. 8: 41, 42) It was God's
city, symbolical of his organization on earth. Out of
this glorious city and its people, the Israelites, so
wonderfully favored of the Lord, only a small remnant
remained true and faithful unto God.-Isa. 1: 9.
Let it now be noted how God has duplicated all of
this in the spiritual manner towards true Christianity.
He sent his beloved Son, whom David foreshadowed
and who with his own blood purchased the right of
men to live. It was Christ Jesus, God's anointed King,
that brought life to light. With Christ Jesus and his
faithful apostles God laid the foundation of the glorious new organization, and at Pentecost the way was
opened for others to enter and the selection of the
members of the kingdom began.
All these were originally "dead in trespasses and
sins", all "children of wrath [and polluted], even
as others", a people "which had not obtained mercy",
symbolized by the accursed Canaanites. Upon the in.
torcession and mediation of Christ Jesus those who
came seeking the way to life God justified, and brought
them into the covenant by sacrifice, and made them
his children by begetting and adoption; and he cleaned
them up 'by the washing of the water of his Word'.
(Eph. 5: 26; Titus 3: 5) Then he called such into his
kingdom and clothed them with the insignia of service
in his organization. He fed them upon "food convenient" for them, beautified their hands and feet,
and made them II stewards of the mysteries of God"



EZEK. 16

and "ambassadors for Christ" ; and he anointed them

and brought them into the covenant for the kingdom.
Thus Jehovah did for those who were faithfully devoted to him; and thus he shows forth the rule that
must govern all who start to follow in the footsteps
of Christ, and who shall thereafter be approved by
True Christianity is the only pure and true faith
that ever existed, In the early years of its existence
amongst men the apostle wrote to the faithful: "For
from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only
III Macedonia and Aehaia, but also in every place your
faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need.
not to speak any thing." (1 Thess. 1: 8) The fame of
the little band of faithful Christians was spread
throughout the land: "Your faith is spoken of
throughout the whole world." (Rom. 1: 8) God's pur.
pose is that his chosen people shall be witnesses to all
creation: "The gospel which ye heard, which was
preached in all creation under heaven." (Col. 1: 23,
fl. V.) "For we are made a spectacle unto the world,
and to angels, and to men." (1 Cor. 4:9) Heathen
religions were and are of the Devil, and an abomination in the sight of God, but the true and faithful
followers of Christ Jesus are a sweet savor unto him:
"For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in
them that are saved, and in them that perish; to the
one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the
other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufflcient for these things 1"-2 Cor. 2: 15, 16.
Jesus instructed his apostles to let their light shine,
and says to his faithful followers: "That ye may be
blameless and aarmless, the sons of God, without re-



buke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,

among whom ye shine as lights in the world; holding
forth the word of life." (Phil. 2: 15, 16) "Having
your conversation honest among the Gentiles; that,
whereas they speak against yDU as evil doers, they
may by your good works, which they shall behold,
glorify God in the day of visitation." (1 Pet. 2: 12)
Such are" a peculiar people", chosen for Jehovah's
name's sake. (1 Pet. 2: 9; Acts 15: 14) That which
makes the earthly members of God's organization
beautiful and a spectacle for men and angels is tho
'Word of life and truth held forth' by them. The laying of the foundation of true Christianity marks the
beginning of the greatest favor that ever came to

But what is the net result at the end of the Christian era? Out of the millions who have been favored
with some knowledge of God's truth, and who have.
been brought into the covenant by sacrifice, there today remains but a small remnant that is true and
faithful to Jehovah God and to his Christ. All that
came to pass upon the Israelites foreshadowed what
has come to pass and is to come to pass upon Christendom. One is a parallel of the other. The reason
for the falling away of the Israelites, and the. reason
that there has been a great falling away of "organized Christianity", and the reason for the destructive calamity that is about to come upon her, God
caused Ezekiel to foretell and state in these words:
"But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and
playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and





pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed

by; his it was."-16: 15.
The physical facts completely prove the fulfilment
of this prophecy. The clergy and the elders and the
principal of the flock, because of pride, have exalted
themselves and boasted of their own glory, and have
neglected to look to and honor God from whom all
things good proceed. When mention is made of the
clergy, no individual is singled out, but reference is
made to those who assume to be preachers in the
church and who glorify themselves and not the Lord.
As to those who seek the favor of men, and who give
honor and glory to men, such are mentioned as a
class. Pride and extreme ingratitude mark all such,
All of God's favors bestowed upon Christendom arc
ignored and forgotten. ((And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered
the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and
bare, and wast polluted in thy blood." (16: 22) Thus
it was with natural Israel, and so it is and has been
with "organized Christianity".
Paul, addressing the boasters and comparing them
with the faithful, wrote: "For who maketh thee to
differ from another? and what hast thou that thou
didst not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why
dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it 7 We
are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ;
we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable,
but we are despised." (1 Cor. 4: 7, 10) What is said
about the clergy applies to all men in the church,
whether elders or not, who take a similar or liko
course, who cause strife and division, and who prostitute the truth and gain popularity with the worId.





Of and concerning such it is written: "From whence

come wars and fightings among you 7 come they not
hence, even of your lusts that war in your members'
Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and
cannot obtain; ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because
ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the
friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the
enemy of God. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw
nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and
purify your hearts, ye double minded." (Jas.
4: 1-4, 8) The clergy of Christendom have prostituted
and commercialized the Word of God in order that
they might satisfy their own selfish desires. They have
prostituted "Christianity" with the political powers
in order to gain popularity and favor amongst men.
That which marks true Christians as the people of
God is symbolized by their" garments' ', Claiming to
be the followers of Christ, "organized Christianity"
have used their garments, or means of identification,
to adorn the polluted plaees of Satan's organization,
and this they have done in order to draw to them the
support of worldly organizations. "And of thy garments thou didst take, and deekedst thy high places
with divers colours, and playedst the harlot thereupon; the like things shall not come, neither shall it
be so." (16: 16) The 'fair jewels of gold and silver',
picturing the truth which God gave to the followers
of Christ, have been polluted and employed in the
worship of images of men, and used as a means to
commit spiritual fornication with Satan's organiza-



EZE:K. 16

tion, "Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my

gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and
madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit
whoredom with them." (16: 17) The clergy and the
unfaithful elders have perverted the service of the
Lord by substituting their own ceremonies, or ostentation of "character development", or the worship of
men as leaders in the church by setting up church
images to be worshiped, thereby intending to draw
others after them j and thus they have committed
whoredom, in the language of the scripture. The food
which the Lord has graciously provided for spiritual
Israel, to wit, his Word, and the refreshing" oil" and
c, incense", symbolizing their refreshment and sweet
savor that comes from the proper use thereof, have
been. polluted by being mixed with devilish doctrines
and satanie worship.-16: 18, 19.
Jehovah is the husband man, and Jerusalem stands
for his woman. She was "married" to Jehovah and
brought forth offspring unto him. "Moreover, thou
hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou
hast born unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto
them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small
matter?" (16: 20, 21) The unfaithful ones in "organized Christianity" have formed a perverted organization and used it to turn members of the true
church away from the Lord God, and to sacrifice them
to the destructive influence of an organized system
mislabeled "Christian" and to Satan the god of this
world. All the clergy, the leaders or elders who turn
men away from God's organization, come within the
class here denounced by Jehovah. Pride, selfishness
and ingratitude to God are the inducing cause of their




falling. "And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth,
when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted
in thy blood. "-16; 22.
The pollutions of "organized Christianity", or
Christendom, and the reproach that is brought upon
God's name, are too terrible to find adequate description in human phrase, hence the prophet says of her:
., And it came to pass, after all thy wickedness, (woe,
woe unto thee! saith the Lord God)." (16; 23) The
clergy, leaders, elders and principal ones of the floek
in Christendom have taken in every worldly movement, political and otherwise,and then labeled such
with the name of Christ and God. These chief ones
in "organized Christianity" have opened their arms
to all manner of heathen religions and customs and
practices in their buildings called "churches", in
order to satisfy their selfish desires to have popularity, power and influence. "Organized Christianity"
has erected her places of worship at the most prominent points in the roadway, hung out her sign, and
sat in the doorway to induce passers-by to enter, and
thus has made her original body to be abhorred by
honest people of good will and made herself an abomination in the sight of God. "That thou hast also built
unto thee an eminent place [margin, brothel house],
and hast made thee an high place in every street.
Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the
way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and
hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and
multiplied thy whoredoms. ' (16: 24, 25) The leaders
in "organized Christianity" have denounced immoral
practices amongst men of the world, from the stand-



EZEK. 16

point of the flesh, because such is an abhorrent thing

before decent people, and the Lord chooses this abhorrent thing to illustrate the wicked course that "or.
ganized Christianity" has taken. It is bad enough for
fallen men and women to indulge in immoral practices, but the Lord denounces it as far worse for professed Christian people to indulge in illicit practices
with the Devil's organization.
Egypt is a symbol of the world, and pictures the
commercial and military part of Satan's organization; while Assyria pictures particularly the political
elements of Satan's organization, and Chaldea stands
for the Devil's religion in all of his organization.
(See Prophecy, Chapter VI.) Verses twenty-six to
twenty-nine of this sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel's
prophecy say to the Jews, and with stronger force
to "organized Christianity": "Thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours.
. . . Thou hast played the [harlot] also with the
Assyrians, . . . Thou hast, moreover, multiplied thy
fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea
[Babylon], and yet thou wast not satisfied." The
clergy and leaders and elders representatively stand
for all of "organized Christianity", and have made
friendship, entered into relationship, with the commercial powers and with the politicians of the world
that they might gain popularity and influence; and
"organized Christianity" has thus opened her arms
and received into illicit friendship and agreement all
men of the heathen or Devil religions. Today "organized Christianity" or Christendom boasts that all
religions are walking together hand in hand and with.
out controversy. This is done under the pretense and





false claim that it is establishing peace amongst men,

but, in truth and in fact, it is prostituting the Word
of Ood and the true worship of the Most High.
"As a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh
strangers instead of her husband!" (16: 32) "Organized religion," mislabeled "Christianity", in the
land called" Christendom", gives rewards and prizes
to entice and induce others of the world to come and
join her organization and commune with her, she at
the same time receiving no spiritual gain whatsoever
therefrom. Heathen forms are adopted and practiced
in the buildings called" Christian churches", in order
to gain popularity and to satisfy the selfish desires of
the leaders thereof. This detestable practice in the
church organizations called" Christian" the Lord describes in this language: "They give gifts to all
whores; but thou givcst thy gifts to all thy lovers, and
hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every
side for thy whoredom. And the contrary is in thee
from other women in thy whoredoms, whereas none
followeth thee to commit whoredoms , and in that thou
givest a. reward, and no reward is given unto thee;
therefore thou art contrary." (16: 33, 34) Instead of
letting God do the calling, and instead of telling the
people God's truth in order that they might with intelligence respond to his call, the unfaithful religious
leaders have chased after the class of people that they
wanted, with all manner of enticements to make of
them proselytes. Thus not only have they compromised
themselves thereby, but they have paid for the opportunity to do it. Thus the Lord compares "organized
Christianity" with a harlot that pays all manner of




men to satisfy her beastly desires. Surely a worse description could not be imagined.
Jehovah commanded Ezekiel to call to the attention
of Jerusalem her abominable deeds and then to tell
her of God's judgment. The H faithful servant" class
must perform this same work toward Christendom.
"Wherefore, 0 harlot, hear the word of the Lord."
(16: 35) Jehovah then directs his prophet to say that
because of her filthiness and whoredoms he would
gather all those with whom she had taken pleasure,
and the ones that she has hated, and he would expose
her wickedness before all such. "Behold, therefore, I
will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken
pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all
them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them
round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness.
And I will also give thee into their hand, and they
shall throw down thine eminent place, and shall break
down thy high places; they shall strip thee also of
thy clothes, and shall take thy fair jewels, and leave
thee naked and bare.. I also will recompense thy
way upon thine head, saith the Lord God."16: 37, 39, 43.
It seems clearly therefore to be the will of God that
Christendom must be informed of her wickedness and
reminded of God's judgment written against her; and
who shall do that work of serving notice except those
whom God has called his witnesses in his name 7 It is
the "faithful servant" class that is commissioned to
declare the day of the vengeance of our God. As Egypt
and Assyria and other nations round about turned
against Jerusalem, even so in modern times the other





ruling powers will destroy the hypocritical religionists. "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the
beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her
desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and bum
her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to
fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." (Rev. 17: 16, 17) (Sec Light, Book Two, page
108.)-:B.Jzek. 23: 22-26.
The infidel, the agnostic, the atheist and the sarcastic put "Christianity" and all heathen religions
in the same class, and therefore use the proverb: "As
is the mother, so is her daughter." In other words,
'the mother was a harlot and the daughter is likewise.
They are all bad, and all from the Devil.' These do
not discern the difference between "organized Christianity", with its devilish practices, and the true
teachings of Christ Jesus and his apostles. The infidel
and the atheist and those in that class observe that
"organized Christianity" is even worse than the
acknowledged heathen religions, because in Christendom there is a greater degree of intelligence. Therefore they put true Christianity in a class with heathenism and "organized Christianity" so called, and
make war against the true as well as against the false.
"Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this
proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is
her daughter." (16: 43, 44) This is again a challenge
to God and a claim that he cannot bring out from
fallen human creatures any that will remain faithful
and steadfast to God and to Christ; and this is proof
that the challenge is from the Devil.
Jehovah's prophet Ezekiel then compares the



EZlI:Jt. 16

abominations of Samaria and Sodom to those of Jerusalem. "And thine elder sister is Samaria, she and
her daughters that dwell at thy left hand; and thy
younger sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is
Sodom and her daughters." (16: 4.6) Judah was the
fourth son, and Benjamin the twelfth son, of Jacob;
hence the tribes of both Judah and Benjamin had
elder brothers. Jerusalem, which was partly in Judah
and partly in Benjamin, had an "elder sister" in
Samaria, the capital city of the ten tribes of Israel.
Samaria means "watch". Looking east from Jerusalem, on the left hand thereof was the site of Samaria;
while Sodom is on the right hand of Jerusalem, when
facing to the east. Sodom was the "younger sister"
city in that it was less than Jerusalem; the name
Sodom is understood to mean a" place of lime, or
burning, or arable field' ',
Samaria and Sodom were bad, but Jerusalem is declared as being much worse. Likewise, heathen religions are devilish and exceedingly bad and reproach
God, but "organized Christianity", under the influence and control of the Devil, is far worse and brings
greater reproach upon the name of God; therefore
the comparison. "Yet hast thou not walked after their
ways, nor done after their abominations; but, as if
that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted
more than they in all thy ways." (16: 47) The wickedness of Samaria had been committed in the presence
of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem, claiming to be more
righteous than others, was more abominable in the
sight of God. This shows that observation of wickedness and of the outcome thereof is no sure deterrent
against indulging in wrongdoing.

EZEIt. 16




It must have been a shock and jolt to self-righteous

Jerusalem, and particularly her pious-faced clergy
elders and leaders, to have the notorious Sodom called
her sister, and then to be told that she, Jerusalem,
was worse than Sodom. God had put his name in
Jerusalem and provided its people with his law defining sin; and by comparison he shows that 'by reason of the law sin became exceedingly sinful'. As it
is written: "I had not known sin, but by the law:
for I had not known lust except the law had said,
Thou shalt not covet." By giving the law to Jerusalem God made known the exceeding sinfulness of sin,
but Jerusalem went ahead in its wickedness nevertheless. (Rom. 7: 7-14) Not by observation of sin, but
by knowing the law of God and doing it, the creature learns the necessary lessons. Jerusalem and
Christendom have failed to learn, and concerning
them Jehovah said: "A.s I live, saith the Lord God,
Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters,
as thou hast done, thou and tky daughters. Behold,
this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her
and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the
hand of the poor and needy." (16: 48, ~9; J er,
3: 6, 8, 10, 14) Sodom represented the nations of the
earth which are called "heathen", while Jerusalem
represented what is called "Christendom". Immorality, debauchery, pride and idleness that prevailed in
Sodom well apply to all the heathen nations. Sodom
was a part of Satan's organization, entirely under his
control, and knew not Jehovah God.



EZEK. 16

The same is true of all heathen nations of today.

The peoples of Sodom were exceedingly bad; but they
did not know better, because they had not been instructed. The Jews, being God's covenant people to whom
were given the Jaw and the prophets, knew better, and
therefore their abominations were far worse than those
of the Sodomites. This is made clear by the words of
Jesus: "And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted
unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell; for if the
mighty works which have been done in thee had been
done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.
But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable
for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than
for thee." (Matt. 11: 23, 24) Jehovah was justified in
destroying the Sodomites because of their devilish
practices. The rulers in Sodom were proud, well fed,
idle, and made no proper provision for the poor. "And
they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."
-16: 50.
By the same rule of comparison Christendom today
is far worse and more reprehensible than the Jews,
the Sodomites or the heathen. The rulers in Christendom are proud, haughty, austere and harsh.
Among those who rule are the idle rich, who live
riotously. The food which they use, and the things
that are employed for their pleasure, they have
never bestowed upon such one ounce of their labor.
They live upon the fruits of the labor of others.
The ultrarich own and control the nations of Christendom. They support the clergy of the church organizations, who in turn attempt to absolve the rulers
or ruling rich from all future responsibility. They pay





well for it, of course, but get nothing, in fact. The

United States is a striking example. It is the leading
and most powerful and richest nation in all Christendom. Its natural resources are fabulous, and the riches
possessed by the few men who control it far exC'eed
the riches of Solomon in the heyday of his glory.
Those who possess the riches of the nation made it not
by honest laborious efforts on their part, but they
have acquired it by smart and cunning manipulation
and by defrauding the people. The eommon people
have bestowed their labor upon the materials which
God provided for man, in order that wealth might be
produeed, and the few selfish ones now possess the
results of their labor.
At the present time there is great distress in the
land. There are millions of idle people, not seeking
charity, but crying for an opportunity to work that
they might' eat their own bread in the sweat of their
face'. The ultrarich and selfish control the publie press
and the ruling powers of the land. In answer to the
cries of the poor these say: 'There is now an overproduction; there is too much foodstuff and too much
material for clothing, and you must not work until
the present supply is used up.' The rich live in case
and with fullness of bread and in abundance of idleness, while the idle poor sicken and die for want of
food. When some in the councils of the nation, feeling
duty-bound to aid the suffering, attempted to appropriate funds to feed the starving poor, Big Business
said, "No." The commercial power, in fact, dominates
and controls the political rulers, and the latter bow
assent to the order from Big Business, and the clergy
say, 'This is a Christian nation; and what it decides



EZEK. 16

the people must agree to, because such is correct, for

the reason that it is a government by divine right.'
There are some men in political offices that are of
tender heart and have compassion upon the poor and
an honest desire to help them. When millions of people
in the United States were actually starving, an attempt was made by such men in the Congress of the
United States to appropriate money to feed the poor
and starving; but the whip from the executive was
brought to bear upon the political pullers of the
chariot, and the measure Was voted down. Then a
makeshift was brought forth and enacted into a law
which really adds insult to injury. A large appropriation of money was voted and made available as a loan
to feed the poor and starving PROVIDED the poor and
starving furnish the required security for the loan.
If men are so poor that they and their children are
actually starving, then manifestly they are too poor
to furnish security for the loan of money with which
to buy food. Briefly, the law means that, if those in
need can furnish security for a loan of money, they
may eat and live; but if not, then they must starve
and die.
A United States senator, in giving his reason for
refusing to support the above-mentioned measure,
said: "I cannot vote for a proposition which embodies, as a matter of policy, the theory that only those
who have security are entitled to live. The Congress
of the United States on March 4 purports to turn its
back on the sick and the dying without giving them
any relief whatever." Another senator denounced as
infamous the policy of the United States to furnish
aid only to those who can give security. A loan, as





a rule, implies that interest must be paid. The United

States, by claiming that it is a Christian nation, makes
all of its citizens brothers, and the preachers
boldly claim such brotherhood. By its own claim the
law of God is binding upon the United States, to wit:
IIThou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother."
(Deut. 23: 19) The farmers and laborers of the land
produced the wealth, and Big Business acquired it by
manipulation, and also controls the political policy i
and by what law or reason or justice should the starving men who produced the wealth be required to give
security for a loan to get something to eat Y
It is the laborers in the fields that are today crying
in vain for bread. Big Business and big politicians
turn a deaf ear to the cries of distress, but the Lord
hears the cries of the oppressed. He now serves notice
upon the oppressors in these words: "Behold, the hire
of the labourers who have reaped down your fields,
which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth; and the
cries of them which have reaped are entered into the
ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure
on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished
your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist
you." (Jas. 5: 4-6) The poor is pushed aside, and
resists not because he cannot; but the God of justice
will fight his battle for him. The prophecy of Ezekiel,
supported by other scriptures of the Bible, shows that
the punishment that God will inflict upon Christendom, and particularly upon such nations as the United
States, will be far greater than that which befell
Sodom and which later came upon Jerusalem. Notice
of these truths set forth in God's Word must now be



EZER:. 16

served upon the rulers and the people of the United

States by those whom God has anointed to do this

The wicked king Omri purchased the site and built

Samaria, and that city was the capital of the ten
tribes of Israel. The Devil religion was established
there, and Samaria became notorious for its idolatry.
(1 Ki. 16: 32, 33; Has. 7: 1-8) But the sins of Jerusalem were far worse than those of Samaria, as the Lord
declared. "Neither hath Samaria committed half of
thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine ahominations
more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all
thine abominations which thou hast done." (16: fi1)
Because of the greater enormity of Jerusalem's sins,
greater was her punishment; and thus the Lord
establishes his fixed rule which applies to all.
As there were two general divisions of the Israelites,
even so there are two general divisions of Christendom, to wit, Catholic and Protestant. Samaria
representatively pictured Catholicism, while Jerusalem more specifically applies to Protestantism, or the
Protestant part of Christendom. Today 'the twohorned beast', the British-American imperial world
power (Rev. 13: 11-14), is the great bulwark of
Protestantism. It is also the seventh world power,
pictured by the seventh head of the beast that came
up out of the sea. (Rev. 13: 1-3) The preceding world
powers, except Rome, were heathen, like Sodom.
Rome in its later days embraced the Catholic faith.
Rome is now a part of Christendom, and the major
portion of the people in the confines of Christendom
are Catholic. England and America, being the strong-

EZEK. 16



hold of Protestantism, or the Protestant branch of

Christendom, are therefore more reprehensible before
God, and subject to greater punishment, because uf
the greater opportunity to know God and learn of his
kingdom. The modernist clergymen thereof have
turned to idol worship; they deny that God created
man perfect, that he fell by reason of sin, and that
redemption is provided by the blood of Jesus Christ;
and deny the kingdom of God as the means provided
for the uplift and blessing of the people and for the
vindication of Jehovah's name. Like the powers of
Samaria, Catholicism is an abomination in the sight
of God. Even the Protestant wing of Christendom has
harshly judged the Catholic wing, and yet the Protestants are even more abominable in the sight of the
Lord than the Catholics; and this is proven by the
words of the Lord which he caused to be written by
Ezekiel: "Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters,
bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they: they are more
righteous than thou; yea, be thou confounded also,
and bear thy shame, in that thou hast justified thy
sisters. "-16: 52.
The deeper lesson here shown is this: that in proportion to light, or opportunity of gaining light, so
great is the responsibility; and that those who live
under more favorable conditions and are favored with
more light upon God's Word, and who then become
lawless, are more reprehensible before God and subject to the greater punishment. According to this rule,
therefore, the Catholic branch of Christendom is an
abomination in the sight of God, and the Protestant
branch of Christendom is more abominable because of



EZElL 16

its greater light and opportunity. According to the

same rule, those in these latter days, whether Catholic
or Protestant, who have received a knowledge of the
truth and embraced it and learned of God's kingdom,
and who have then become lawless, are even more

Samaria, Sodom and Jerusalem were the captives

of the Devil's organization, and all went down into
death as such captives. God will destroy Satan's organization and will bring the people of those nations,
with a few exceptions, back from that captivity.
"When I shall bring again their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity
of Samaria and her daughters, then will I bring again
the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them. I t
(16: 53) Death is the penalty inflicted for the violation of God's law; and therefore death cannot be said
to hold anyone in captivity. (Rom. 6: 23) Neither
Jews nor any others are God's captives by reason of
death. "The whole world in the wicked one [Satan]
is lying." (1 John 5: 19, Roth.) .All the human race,
therefore, has fallen captive to Satan and his organization; and only those who have devoted themselves
wholly to the Lord Jehovah have escaped, and in order
to receive Jehovah's continued favor they must ever
afterwards maintain their integrity toward Jehovah.
"The Lord turned the captivity of Job," whom Satan
had specifically affiicted. (Job 42: 10) These scriptures
show that the captivity means, not death, but captivity
to Satan and his organization. Through his prophet
the Lord says: "But it shall come to pass in the latter





days, that I will bring again the captivity of Elam."

(Jer. 49: 39) The religious systems falsely called
,, Christian" are like "silly women laden with sins,
led away with divers lusts" into captivity to Satan
and his organization. (2 Tim. 3: 6) Such are "taken
captive by [Satan the Devil] at his will".-2 Tim.
2: 26.
The ten tribes at Samaria went into captivity to
Assyria, but this was merely the visible evidence that,
having forsaken the Lord's typical organization, they
had gone into captivity to Satan's organization
morally and religiously, and then actually became the
captives of Assyria. Nor do the words of the Lord
by the Prophet Ezekiel, which say, "I shall bring
again their captivity," have reference to the return
of the Israelites from Babylon by the order of Cyrus,
because Sodom was not returned at that time. The
return of all must take place at the same time, according to the Scriptures. Today all the Sodomites are the
dead captives of Satan. Likewise the unfaithful Israelites are the dead captives of Satan. All these captives
must be brought back or returned "in the latter
days". (Jer. 49: 39) This can take place after Satan's organization is destroyed and Satan is dead.
(See further explanation in Light, Book Two, page
The bringing of the captives back will open their
minds to the truth: "That thou mayest bear thine
own shame, and mayest be confounded in all that thou
hast done, in that thou art a comfort unto them."
(16: 54) Israel will then bear her shame, not shame
before Sodom by measuring and comparing themselves with themselves, because such is not right, and



EZEK. 16

God will not permit it. (2 Cor. 10: 12) They bear
their shame before the Lord, the great Judge, due to
the light which exposes and correctly measures the
depths of all sin and wickedness and reproves it.
"But all things that are reproved are made manifest
by the light; for whatsoever doth make manifest is
light." (Eph. 5: 13) "In the day [of light] when
God shall judge the secrets of men by J csus Christ."
(Rom. 2:16) "[He] will bring to light the hidden
things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts." (1 Cor. 4: 5) The Israelites will
be ashamed of their wickedness before the Lord, and
those of Christendom will also bear their shame. The
shame of both Israel and Christendom will be greater
than that of Sodom and Samaria.
Nor does God's Word necessarily mean that the
Jews will be brought back to the land of Palestine.
The prophet says: "When thy sisters, Sodom and her
daughters, shall return to their former estate, and
Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return
to your former estate." (16: 55) The word "estate"
does not appear in the Hebrew. Leeser renders the
text: "Shall return to their former state [condition J" Satan dragged them down in to destruction
and brought them into captivity, and the returning
of them from captivity will mean their return unto
a condition of conscious existence, freed from Satan's
organization, which will then have been destroyed.
It would matter not whether they were brought back
to Palestine or the United States. The Jews did much
worse than the people of Sodom, and Christendom
has done much worse than the Jews; and yet the peo-




ple of Catholic and Protestant faiths will be brought

out of the graves, together with those of all other
faiths, and all will be given a knowledge of the truth
for the purpose of judgment. This is all due to the
fact that Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted
death for every man and that it is the will of God
that all shall be brought to a knowledge of the truth.
-Heb. 2: 9; 1 Tim. 2: 3-6.
The Scriptural testimony abundantly supports the
conclusion that the purpose of returning them from
captivity is for judgment. (John 5: 29; 2 Tim 4: 1)
In that judgment the Jews will have a harder
time than the people of Solom and the people
of Christendom will have a harder time than
either the Jews or the Solomites. This is proven
by the words of Jesus: "But I say unto you,
It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon
at the day of judgment, than for you. And thou,
Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be
brought down to hell; for if the mighty works which
have been done in thee had been done in Sodom, it
would have remained until this day. But I say unto
you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of
Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee." (Matt.
11: 22-24) In the resurrection those of Christendom
who have died as captives to Satan's organization will
find, when awakened from death, that Satan's organization is gone, and there will be no more opportunity
for spiritual fornication therewith. (16: 58, 59) In the
full light of the truth they will be ashamed, except
those who have been wilfully wicked and who will not
live again until the end of the thousand-year reign
of Christ. (See Light, Book Two, page 205.)




The heathen, such as Sodom, must return in order

to learn that the name of God has been vindicated.
All then must have and will have an opportunity to
know and obey God's law. Then all must see that they
are not deserving of everlasting life, but that what
God has done for them in providing the means of
everlasting life is because of his great love and for
his own name's sake. "Therefore say unto the house
of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for
your sakes, 0 house of Israel, but for mine holy name's
sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen,
whither ye went. "-Ezek. 36: 22; John 3: 16.
Christendom is the most hypocritical of all organizations. "For thus saith the Lord God, I will even
deal with thee as thou hast done, which hast despised
the oath in breaking the covenant." (16: 59) She has
called herself by the name of God, claiming to be in
a covenant relationship with him and claiming to be
the followers of Christ Jesus. She has had the clergy
officiate at the crowning of all of the kings; had her
rulers sworn into public office by an oath with uplifted
hand, on the Bible; and has designated her clergy as
'God's ministers'; and declares that the "higher
powers . . . ordained of God" are the rulers that
have controlled and rule the nations of Christendom;
and her clergy and the principal of the flock emphasize the "fact" that these rulers of Christendom
are ruling by divine right. In the face of all this
outward show Christendom has despised her oath,
denied God and his Word, and denied the blood of
Christ that purchased the life of humankind, and has
taken a course under the Devil's leadership that has
brought the greatest reproach upon the name of J e-


CHRISTENDOM (See Matt. 11: 24) Page 206






hovah God that any peoples could possibly bring upon

his name. For this reason Christendom is hypocrisy
gone to seed, and is the most reprehensible of all peoples that have ever lived under the sun, and hence,
according to God '8 announced judgment, will be subjected to the most severe punishment of all nations
or peoples.

Jehovah is always faithful to his covenant, regard.

less of what those in the other side of the covenant
do or may not do. For his own word and his own name's
sake he will carry out his covenant. "Nevertheless, I
will remember my covenant with thee in the days of
thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant." (16: 60) Jehovah remembers his covenant made with the organization of his chosen ones in
the day of the youth of that organization and before
members thereof produced what is called "Christendom" or "organized Christianity". It is Christendom
that claims the sole interest in that covenant for the
crown and for the kingdom, and yet Christendom has
been entirely unfaithful thereto. Jehovah has been
long-suffering with Christendom, and he has not forgotten his Word. In 1914, agreeable to his promise,
he placed his King, Christ Jesus upon his throne and
he fully established his covenant and kingdom. It is
through this covenant-kingdom that the people of
Christendom will have an opportunity for the blessings of life. "Israel hath not obtained that which he
seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the
rest were blinded." (Rom 11: 7) The " election"
means the kingdom class, Christ Jesus and the mem-



EZEll:. 16

bers of his body, that will administer the affairs of

the kingdom for the blessing of the people.
The new covenant has already been made with
Christ Jesus as Mediator, the Elect of God and Head
of his anointed ones, It is through Christ that the
Jews and heathen can get life, and in no other way:
"Then thou shalt remember thy ways and be ashamed,
when thou shalt receive thy sisters, thine elder and
thy younger; and I will give them unto thee for
daughters, but not by thy covenant." (16: 61) Christendom has made vows or covenants unto God and
has broken them all, and therefore God, by reason of
Christendom's part of the covenant or vows, is under
no obligation to Christendom. Jehovah makes the new
covenant with Christ Jesus as the representative of
those who shall receive the blessings under the covenant. Jehovah will confirm or inaugurate the new
covenant with the nation of Israel; but evidently before that something else must be done. God's ancient
prophets and witnesses will stand as earthly sponsors
for the Jews and will confess the past misdeeds of
the people whom they represent, making confession
with shame, and such conditions must precede the
forgiveness of the Jews through Christ Jesus and the
inauguration of the new covenant toward them.
Then the heathen Samaritans and the people of
Sodom and all others of the earth may have the benefit of the covenant. Thereby these will become the
daughters or children of the covenant and, as such,
God will bring them forth as his earthly covenant
people, that is to say, those with whom the new covenant is confirmed: "And I will establish my covenant
with thee; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord."

EzElt. 16



(16: 62) By the words of this text the establishment

of the covenant is limited to Jerusalem, and this is
probably due to the fact that the covenant is made
directly with Jesus Christ the son of JUdah, the Heir
to the throne, and the One with whom the everlasting
covenant of the "sure mercies of David" is made.
Otherwise stated, the new covenant is made with Jehovah on one side and Christ Jesus as Mediator on
the other side, for the benefit of all the human race
that will come under the terms of the covenant, the
limitation being to Jerusalem for the reason above
The Jcws have been boastful and arrogant. They
must get rid of that. During the reign of Christ the
natural Jews will not boast or grow self-righteous because the new covenant is inaugurated for their benefit. Looking back over their record they will be
silenced, and their mouth closed to all boasting. "That
thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never
open thy mouth any more because of thy shame, when
I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done,
saith the Lord God." (16: 63) God's favor will come
to the Jews merely because of their being "beloved
for the fathers' sakes"; and the Jews will realize that
fact. (Rom. 11: 28) Neither will those people of Christendom who are favored with the blessings of the
covenant open their mouths in boasting. This goodness bestowed upon them will not be by any covenant
that Christendom has ever made or claimed to have
made with God. All who ever receive life everlasting
will come to know that the new covenant was made by
Jehovah with Christ Jesus, and inaugurated for the
benefit of those who will obediently comply with the




terms of the covenant; and then all will come to know

that God approves only those who love righteousness
and walk humbly before him.
After the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple of
Jehovah those who had responded to the call for the
kingdom were tested and approved, and were set in
a company to themselves, that they might "offer unto
the Lord an offering in righteousness". (Mal. 3: 3)
It was then that the prophecies began to be unfolded
to these approved ones, and then they must, by Christ
Jesus the Head of the temple, offer a righteous sacrifice of praise unto God continually. (Heb. 13: 15) In
doing such the temple class must, as God's chosen witnesses, serve notice upon Christendom of her abominations and of the thing that is coming to pass by
reason thereof. The facts must be put before Christendom in order that she might justify her extravagant
claims, or else admit the truth and be condemned; and
God's witnesses must serve the notice.-Isa. 43: 10-12.
Now God reveals to his people an understanding of
the prophecies long ago written, that they may be encouraged and know that they are in the right way,
and that their hope may be strengthened. These faithful ones, seeing that they may have a part in the
vindication of Jehovah's name, enter into the joy of
the Lord and delight to proclaim Jehovah's doings to
the people. The witnesses of Jehovah are not slacking
their hand in the work and calculating whether the
days will be few or many. They are busy in declaring
the truth and serving notice, and God will take care
of the result in his own due time. The "servant" class
thus has a part in the work of vindicating Jehovah's



E H OVAH 'S kingdom is made prominent throughout the Scriptures. Following the rebellion in
Eden God's first promise was that he would provide a King and a kingdom. It is the kingdom that
will vindicate the word and name of Jehovah before
all creation. When God dethroned Zedekiah his typical
king, because of Zedekiah's wickedness, he declared
that no one would again rule in his name "until he
come whose right it is". After the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Jehovah made a covenant with
him that he should be the King of the world and the
one " whose right it is" to rule.
During the ministry of Jesus Christ he spoke more
thoroughly of the kingdom and emphasized it more
than anything else, and most of his speech concerning
it was in parables or dark sayings. Jehovah had likewise spoken by his prophets who preceded the ministry
of Jesus on earth. To Ezekiel Jehovah said: "Son of
man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the
house of Israel. " (17: 2) A riddle is a cryptic saying
or speech. The fact that God directed a prophet to
speak a riddle or parable unto the house of Israel is
at least a suggestion that these things were written
for the admonition of the last members of the body
of Christ on earth, "the servant" class, because these
are at the end of the world and earth's rightful King
is here.




EZEK. 17

Mount Lebanon is the site of the famous cedar trees.

It was at one time a part of the domains of the kings,
David and Solomon. The house of Solomon he built
of the forests of Lebanon. "Lebanon" means "White",
and here pictures the self-righteous kingdom of Judah
and Jerusalem, to whom Ezekiel was directed to speak
the parable. The riddle or parable begins thus: "Thus
saith the Lord God, A great eagle with great wings,
long-winged, full of feathers, which had divers colours,
came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of
the cedar; he cropped off the top of his young twigs,
and carried it into a land of traffic j he set it in a city
of merchants. "-17: 3, 4.
The eagle is a bird of far sight and is also a bird
of prey, and here pictures the king of Babylon. In
the year 617 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Baby.
lon, who is the "great eagle" mentioned above, came
to Jerusalem and seized upon the royal family of
David and Solomon and took the topmost branch of
the "cedar" at that time, King Jehoiachin. This was
eleven years before the destruction of Jerusalem, and
was the time that Ezekiel was taken away captive to
Babylon. This was the first fulfilment of the prophecy,
and is explained in the twelfth verse of this chapter,
to wit: "Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not
what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of
Babylon [the great eagle] is come to Jerusalem, and
hath taken the king [the topmost branch of the cedar,
the royal family] thereof, and the princes thereof
[including Daniel and Ezekiel], and led them with
him to Babylon." The city of Babylon was a place of
traffic, or a place of merchants, and is further thus
identified by the words of verse four: "He cropped




off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a

land of traffic; he set it in a city of merchants."
J ehoiaehin and the princes fell a prey to the" great
eagle", and were carried away into this merchants'
city as captives: "Jehoiachin was eighteen years old
when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem
three months. . .. And he did that which was evil
in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his
father had done. At that time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against J erusalcm, and the city was besieged. And Jehoiachin the
king of Judah went out to the king of Babylon, he,
and his mother, and his servants, and his princes, and
his officers; and the king of Babylon took him in the
eighth year of his [Nebuchadnezzar's] reign. And he
carried away Jehoiachin to Babylon, and the king's
mother, and the king's wives, and his officers, and the
mighty of the land: those carried he into captivity
from Jerusalem to Babylon. And all the men of might,
even seven thousand, and craftsmen and smiths a
thousand; all that were strong and apt for war, even
them the king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon. "-2 Ki. 24: 8-10, 12, 15, 16.
The original name of Zedekiah was Mattaniah. His
name was changed, and be became the king of J erusalem, in fulfilment of the prophecy uttered by Ezekiel in 17:5: "He [the king of Babylon] took also
of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful
field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a
willow tree." In harmony with this it is written:
"And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah his [Jehoiachin's] father's [Jehoiakim's] brother king in his
[Jehoiachin's] stead, and changed his name to Zcde-




kiah. Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he

began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in J erusalem. . . . And he did that which was evil in the
sight of the Lord, according to all that Jehoiakim had
done."-2 Ki. 24: 17-19.
When the king of Babylon made Zedekiah the ruler
over Jerusalem, the two entered into a covenant whereby Zedekiah agreed to render allegiance to the king of
Babylon. This is stated in the riddle in these words:
"And hath taken of the king's seed, and made a
covenant with him; and hath taken an oath of him;
he hath also taken the mighty of the land." (17: 13)
Manifestly this was done that the king of Babylon
would really be in control of Jerusalem but Jerusalem
would nominally have her own king. Nebuehadnezzars
purpose was to prevent the city of Jerusalem under
.Zedekiah from rising against him in rebellion. Therefore this covenant was made: "That the kingdom
might be base [low, margin], that it might not lift
itself up, but that by keeping of his covenant it might
stand."-17: 14.
Zedekiah was not rooted and grounded in the Lord.
He was exceedingly selfish and did not rise above the
sins of the previous kings, but became profane and
wicked and an abomination in the sight of God. Describing Zedekiah and his reign, in the parable the
Lord said to the prophet: "And it grew, and became
a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned
toward him, and the roots thereof were under him;
so it became a vine, and brought forth branches, and
shot forth sprigs." (17: 6) He was a "vine" of selfishness and brought forth sprigs or suckers that were
of no good; "and he [Zedekiah] did that which

EZEll:. 17



was evil in the sight of the Lord his God, and humbled
not himself before Jeremiah the prophet speaking
from the mouth of the Lord. And he also rebelled
against king Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him
swear by God; but he stiffened his neck, and hardened his heart from turning unto the Lord God of
Israel." (2 Chron, 36: 12, 13) God sent his prophet
Jeremiah to warn Zedekiah, and this the prophet did
repeatedly; but Zedekiah refused to humble himself
before God '8 prophet.
Another bird of prey appeared on the scene, to
wit, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt; and in the parable
Zedekiah is likened to a low vine that bent his roots
and shot forth his branches toward Pharaoh. His purpose was to get sustenance and aid and comfort and
strength from the ruler of Egypt, that he might stand
against the king of Babylon. "There was also another
great eagle with great wings and many feathers; and,
behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and
shot forth her branches toward him, that he might
water it by the furrows of her plantation." (17: 7)
Zedekiah was looking for help from Egypt, and therefore he sent his "runners" or "branches", or ambassadors, down that way. Zedekiah concluded that
he could get on better by breaking his covenant with
the king of Babylon and making an alliance with
Egypt, and so he rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar
the king of Babylon.
Zedekiah was planted in Jerusalem, which was
ltgood soil", and by doing right he might have brought
forth good fruit. But he did not. In the parable the
prophet says of him: "It was planted in a good soil
by great waters, that it might bring forth branches,




and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly

vine." (17: 8) Being profane and wicked and unfaith.
ful to his word he broke his covenant with Nebuehadnezzar the king of Babylon. He sent his ambassadors
to Pharaoh in an attempt to get horses and much people to engage in war; but the Lord declared he should
not prosper, and therefore caused his prophet to write
concerning him: "But he [Zedekiah] rebelled against
him [Nebuchadnezzar], in sending his ambassadors
into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much
people. Shall he prosper 1 shall he escape that doeth
such things 1 or shall he break the covenant, and be
delivered 1"-17: 15.
In response to Zedekiah's rebellion the Babylonians
[Chaldeans] besieged Jerusalem. Zedekiah accepted
help from Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. "'fhen Pharaoh's army was COme forth out of Egypt; and when
the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem heard tidings
of them, they departed from Jerusalem." (Jer. 37: 5)
The Babylonians withdrew from Jerusalem, and Zedekiah was congratulating himself that his alliance with
Egypt was successful and that the Babylonians would
not again return to the siege. Then God sent his prophet Jeremiah to tell to Zedekiah this message: "Thus
saith the Lord, the God of Israel, Thus shall ye say
to the king of Judah, that sent you unto me to inquire
of me; Behold, Pharaoh's army, which is come forth
to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land.
And the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against
this city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Thus saith
the Lord, Deceive not yourselves, saying, The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us; for they shall not
depart. For though ye had smitten the whole army





of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they
rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with
fire."-Jer. 37: 6-10.
This parable was spoken by Ezekiel long before the
fall of Jerusalem, but Zedekiah and his counselors
gave no heed to it. Although the prophecy foretold
that he would not prosper in his effort to obtain help
from Egypt, Zedekiah pursued his own selfish course.
God directed Ezekiel to prophesy that this effort on
the part of Zedekiah would not prosper, and it did
not. "Say thou, Thus saith the Lord God, Shall it
prosper? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and
cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? it shall wither
in all the leaves of her spring, even without great
power, or many people to pluck it up by the roots
thereof. Yea, behold, being planted, shall it prosper?
shall it not utterly wither, when the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither in the furrows where it grew."
-17: 9, 10.
Covenant-breakers in the sight of Jehovah God are
worthy of death. (Rom 1: 31,32) Those who have
made a covenant with God and who then deliberately
break that covenant are despicable in his sight and
worthy of death; and such is shown by the prophecy
eoncerning Zedekiah. This profane and wicked ruler
refused to keep his word with man or with God, and
concerning him Jehovah caused Ezekiel to write: "As
I live, saith the Lord God, surely in the place where
the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he
despised, and whose covenant he brake, even with him,
in the midst of Babylon, he shall die. Neither shall
Pharaoh, with his mighty army and great company,




make for him [success] in the war, by casting up

mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:
seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant,
when, 10, he had given his hand, and hath done all
thesc things, he shall not escape. "-17: ] 6-2l.
Jehovah by his prophet said: "Yea, behold, being
planted, shall it prosper?" The fuet that there was
a miniature fulfilment of this riddle prophecy on
Jerusalem, plus the fact that whatsoever was written
aforetime in the prophecies was written for the benefit of the faithful people of God at the end of the
world, is proof that there must be another fulfilment
and that such larger fulfilment would be made known
to God's people at the end of the world.

A parallel of the first fulfilment is found in modern

times. As the cedars of Lebanon pictured the royal
line of Jerusalem, represented particularly in Solomon, the cedars of Lebanon also pictured the royal
line that has ruled Christendom from its inception
until 1914. In that period of time church-and-state
systems were in vogue, and the clergy plainly taught
that the rule was by divine right and authority. The
nations of the earth gradually became nations of
merchandise, that is to say, trafficking and merchandising, but the commercial element of the rulers became most powerful. Like the city of Babylon, it was
a place of traffic. But had the clergymen of Christendom remained true to the Word and counsel of God,
and informed the people concerning his Word and his
kingdom; and, when the King came, had they embraced the kingdom and urged the rulers and the pea-




ple to do. so, they might have had God's favor. Thl.'Y
took exactly a contrary course. Instead of standing
firm for the Lord and his kingdom the clergy openly
united themselves with the commercial and the military powers of the world.
All true Christians are in a covenant with God to
be obedient to his will. "Christianity" was founded
upon God's covenant for a kingdom, which covenant
was made with those who are in the covenant to do
his will even unto death. Doubtless many, if not all,
of the clergymen of Christendom agreed to do the will
of God when they entered the ministry. By taking the
name of the Christ of God, and by claiming to be
God's representatives on the earth and ministers of
his Word, all such have thereby assumed to be in the
covenant with God. In the course of time that which
is called "organized Christianity" or "Christendom"
fell away captive to the traffickers of the world. The
religious leaders or clergymen agreed with one another and with Big Business and the rulers of the
world that they would reform the nations of Christendom and bring them into the church and make the world
Christian. They therefore were taken captive by a
part of Satan's organization, represented by Babylon.
Whether their agreement to accomplish this purpose
was actually or tacitly made is not of great importance; but their course of action determines that the
agreement was made. There at least was an implied
covenant. Following it out the clergy brought into
the churches men of financial renown and political
influence, and made them the chief ones of their flocks.
The traffickers and the politicians and the clergymen
then went hand in hand in the organization which is



EZEK. 17

called "the Christian church", with the clergymen

claiming that they would convert the world to Christ.
Both Catholics and Protestants then engaged in a
like work, and a tacit arrangement was made among
all the branches of the "church", so called, to work
to one end. Such was the condition in 1914, at the end
of the world and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
as earth's rightful King.
God sent forth his beloved Son, his 'priest after the
order of Melchisedec', to rule the world. This meant
that he must begin to rule amidst his enemies, which
are Satan and his organization. Immediately there
followed a war in heaven, and Satan was ousted from
heaven and cast down to the earth. (Rev. 12: 7-12)
Egypt represents Satan's organization, particularly
from the viewpoint of militarism. The World War
started in Christendom in 1914, and all Christendom
turned to militarism (or to war), represented by Egypt.
Instead of the clergy and the principal of their flocks'
giving their allegiance to Christ, the Prince of peace,
and directing the nations to do likewise, and instead
of doing their all to turn the people to God and to
his kingdom, they immediately turned all branches of
Christendom, commercial, religious and political, and
particularly the religious, toward war. They bent their
energies in the direction of "Egypt".
The most vehement advocates of the war were the
clergymen. They urged the people into war, and used
their buildings as recruiting stations for soldiers, and
joined in the slogan: 'The war will make the world
safe for democracy.' In other words, they said war
will be the salvation of the people, instead of the conversion of the world to Christ, which they had claimed





and agreed they would accomplish. Even as Zedekin h

turned to Egypt for horses and men to engage in war,
now the leaders in Christendom turned all their
energies to war. In doing this, Christendom, and particularly the so-called" Christian church ", broke its
covenant with God and broke its word, or covenant,
to reform the world and bring it to Christ, and adopted the World War instead.
In the World War the royal families of Christendom
lost their crowns, and a new order came into vogue
thereafter. One of the rulers of the world, who claimed
to be a Christian, said in substance: " We arc in the
beginning of a new world. " Christendom was not then
destroyed, but there was merely a change of surface
appearance. A superficial effort was put forth to make
good the principle of self-determination of races or
peoples, such as the Poles, Letts, Czechs, and others.
The clergy went up and down the land preaching to
the people this doctrine or self-determination, as
though it were a great religious revival campaign.
They were urging the nations of Christendom to join
in a league which would establish peace on earth. At
the same time the true witnesses of God continued
faithfully to preach to the people that the war and
attending conditions furnish the proof of the second
presence of Christ, and of the end of the world, and
therefore the people should give allegiance to Christ
and not to war; and for this reason they were perscouted and imprisoned, and the persecution was led
by the clergy of Christendom.
When the League of Nations compact was brought
forth out of "Egypt" (the military wing of the
world), the clergy with great fervency and pride




pointed to the League of Nations as the arrangement

by which the Lord would uplift the people. Again
they 'went down to Egypt for help' and completely
forsook the Lord God and their covenant to bring
the world into the church. While it was claimed that
a new world had begun, awl the kings had lost their
crowns, "the same old gang" continued to hold control of the affairs of the world. The result is that professed "Christianity", while claiming to stand for
God and for Christ, failed and refused to rely upon
the Word of God, failed and refused to carry out
their implied covenant to reform and to convert the
world, and instead forsook the Lord and turned for
help to the military powers of the world; and concerning such the Lord propounds the question: 'Shall
they prosper l' Through his prophet he gives the answer: "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help;
and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they
are many; and in horsemen, because they are very
strong: but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel,
neither seek the Lord! Yet he also is wise, and will
bring evil, and will not call back his words; but will
arise against the house of the evil doers, and against
the help of them that work iniquity. Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh,
and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out his
hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is
holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together. "-Isa. 31: 1-3.
In 1926, beginning at London, England, God's true
witnesses sent forth "A Testimony to the Rulers of
the World", which, amongst other things, said:





"FIRST: That it is of paramount importance that

all recognize that Jehovah, the Creator of heaven and
earth, is the true and Almighty God besides whom
there is none other; that his purpose for man is set
forth in the Bible, which is his Word of truth, and
that Christ Jesus is the Executor of Jehovah's purpose; that it is now apparent to all that the nations
of the world are in dire distress and perplexity, and
great trouble more terrible than any heretofore experienced is now threatened; that the efforts of the
rulers to establish a desirable government or world
power have failed; and, now be it known unto you,
that the outworking of God's purpose concerning man,
and that alone, can and will stabilize the world, and
bring lasting peace, prosperity and happiness to the
peoples, and that the time has come for those who
are exercising governing power over the peoples to
recognize these great truths.
"SECOND: That the reason for the prevailing eondition of perplexity and distress is because man disobeyed
the true God and yielded to the wicked influence of
Satan, the false god..
.. ..


"FOURTH: That divine prophecy now fulfilled, and

in the course of fulfilment, bears testimony to the fact
that Satan's lease of power is done, and that the old
world has ended, and that the time is at hand when
Christ Jesus, the executive officer of Jehovah and the
rightful King of earth, will oust Satan the evil one
and begin his righteous government, which shall
establish God's will on earth.



EZEK. 17

Contrary to the Word of God the
commercial, political and ecclesiastical rulers attempted to stabilize the world and keep the peoples under
control by adopting that makeshift which is called the
League of Nations and which was wrongfully and
blasphemously hailed as the political expression of
God's kingdom on earth j that the real author and
father of the League of Nations compact is Satan the
Devil, the god of this world, which was put forward
by him as his last desperate effort to deceive the peoples, turn them away from the true God, and hold
them under his own wicked control. . . .
"SIXTH: That by reason oi the blinding influence
of Satan the minds of the rulers and the ruled are
turned away from the true God, and the evil forces
are gathering the whole world unto the great battle
of the Lord God Almighty; that there is now imp Olding a time of trouble such as the world has never
known, during which conflict Satan's powerful 01'guni:r.ation shall fall never to rise again, and there
shall be such a demonstration of divine power that
all the nations will learn that Jehovah is God and
that Christ J csus IS King of kings and Lord of

"Therefore we earnestly bear before you this testimany: That Jehovah is The God, and that he has installed Christ his Son as The King of the earth, and
bids you to give full obedience to earth's rightful
King. Do so and use your influence to turn the minds
of the people to THE TRUE GOD, that disaster may
not befall you.-Ps. 2: 2-12."





This testimony was declared first at the very seat

of the seventh world power and of the controlling
power of Christendom, and was a warning to all
Christendom. Millions of copies thereof were printed
and distributed throughout Christendom, and the
rulers in Christendom not only refused to hear, but
despised the message. (See Light, Book One, pages
137-142.) Instead of heeding the Word of God Christendom today appeals to militarism and commercialism to save the world from disaster. Particularly the
great commercial power of the United States, and
which is the" left wing" of the seventh world power, is
relied upon to stabilize suffering and bankrupt Christendom. But militarism and commercial rivalry between the nations vigorously continue, and the military and naval and air forces of the various nations
continue to be strengthened, while conferences and
parleys go on and while oppression and starvation of
the people continue.
Jerusalem by her royal authority, King Zedekiah,
broke her covenant with God and her covenant with
Babylon, and turned to the military power of Egypt
for help. She seemed to have succeeded for a time, when
the king of Babylon withdrew his armies; but God
warned her through Jeremiah his prophet that the
Babylonians would return and destroy the city, because she was a covenant-breaker.
By comparison: Christendom, which is the counterpart of Jerusalem, acting through her royal authority
or rulers, broke her implied covenant with God to be
obedient to his will, and broke her covenant or agreement to convert the world and bring it into the church,
and instead turned to militarism for help and security,



EZEK. 17

represented by the world power of Egypt. The result

of the World War encouraged her to think she had
succeeded, and she proceeded to set up a League of
Nations to insure her future security. She said: 'The
blood of these men has been shed in vain unless we
set up a League of Nations that will maintain world
peace among the military powers.' By his prophets
the Lord warned that the League of Nations shall not
stand.- Isa, 8: 9, 10.
The warning which God gave to Jerusalem by the
Prophet Jeremiah applies on a larger scale to Christendom now. "Thus saith the Lord [God], the God
of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the king of Judah, that
sent you unto me to inquire of me; Behold, Pharaob 's
army, which is come forth to help you, shall return to
Egypt into their own land. And the Chaldcans [the
Babylonians] shall come again, and fIght against this
city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Thus saith the
Lord, Deceive not yourselves saying, The Chaldeans
shall surely depart from us: for they shall not depart.
For though ye had smitten the whole army of the
Chaldoans that fight against you, and there remained
but wounded men among them, yet should they rise
up every man in his tent, and burn this city with
fire." (Jcr. 37: 7-10) As King Ahasuerus (Esther
1: 1-5) pictured royal authority and power in the
abstract, and therefore sometimes represented God's
power, even so it may be well said that the ruler of
Babylon (or Chaldea) , who was used as an instrument
to destroy Jerusalem, was, when thus acting, used to
represent royal authority and power from God's viewpoint.





The judgment of Jehovah is written against Christendom, and his anointed King and chief executive
ofllcer will execute that judgment.
Christendom has despised the Word of the Lord
God, even as the wicked princes of Jerusalem despised
his Word. The prophecy of Ezekiel applies to both, to
wit: "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, As I live,
surely mille oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompense
upon his own head." (17: 19) Had Zedekiah given
heed to the counsel of the Lord, sent to him by the
true prophet Jeremiah, Jerusalem would have been
spared: "But if they had stood in my counsel, and
had caused my people to hear my words, then they
should have turned them from their evil way, and
from the evil of their doings. " (J er. 23: 22; 38: 17-23)
Jehovah stopped the World War in order that the
testimony of Christ might be given to the nations.
Had the nations of Christendom given heed to that
testimony, and had the clergy caused the people to
hear the words of the Lord, instead of opposing it as
they have done, Christendom might have been spared
the great time of trouble of Armageddon. But now the
die is cast, and Christendom must by order of Jehovah be destroyed, and the forces are marching on to
Christendom has walked into the snare, after having been duly warned, even as the people of Jerusalem were warned. "And I will spread my net upon
him, and he shall be taken in my snare; and I will
bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there
for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.
And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by




the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered

toward all winds; and yo shall know that I the Lord
have spoken it." (17: 20, 21) The battle of Armageddon will come as a snare upon all the world, even as
Jesus foretold: "For as a snare shall it come on all
them that dwell on the face of the whole earth."
(Luke 21: 35) The hypocritical organizations of
Christendom, refusing to hear the message of truth,
make themselves blind thereto, and will be destroyed;
and their temple, which is the nominal church, will
be pillaged and burned to the ground, because the
Lord God has decreed that it shall be done. Those
guilty before God cannot now escape, no matter what
they do: "And the shepherds shall have no way to
flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape." (Jcr,
25: 35) Jehovah will thus fulfill his Word and vindicate his name.

.T chovah then caused his prophet to foretell earth's

rightful King. He is of the Davidie line, but does not
descend through the lineage of the faithless Solomon.
God enthrones the highest one of the royal line, pictured by the highest cedar of Lebanon, and he plants
it in another mountain; and thus the parable states:
"Thus saith the Lord God, I will also take of the
highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I
will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender
one, and will plant it upon a high mountain and
eminent." (17: 22) Jesus, fresh, new and green, and
therefore full of life, is the one mentioned in this
prophecy as the highest branch of the highest cedar.
"For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,





and as a root out of a dry ground." (Isa. 53: 2) "And

there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,
and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. " (Isa, 11: 1)
Mount Zion symbolically pictures the peak of God's
organization, and it is there, on Mount Zion, that he
"planted" Jesus "upon a high mountain and eminent". Christ Jesus is given the pre-eminence over all
things. (Col. 1: 18) The new cedar is the true and
royal family of Jehovah, the kingdom of heaven; and
Christ Jesus is earth's rightful King and is the head
of the kingdom.
All of the 144,000 members of the Christ are taken
from the antitypieal twelve tribes of Israel, and constitute "the Israel of God". (Gal. 6: 15, 16; Rev.
7: 4-8 ; 14; 1) "In the mountain of the height of Israel
will I plant it; and it shall bring forth boughs, and
bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar; and under it shall
dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the
branches thereof shall they dwell." (17: 23) The kingdom of heaven shall rule the world in righteousness.
From its beginning the haughty and proud have despised it, but all who will ever live must come under
its control. "Another parable put he forth unto them,
saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of
mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his
field; which indeed is the least of all seeds; but when
it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and
lodge in the branches thereof.' '-Matt. 13: 31, 32.
Lucifer was once the chief over all creation of earth;
but he was rebellious and a traitor to God, and from
him shall all be taken away. Jesus Christ the beloved
Son of God is the righteous ruler of the world, and




all who live must come under his domination and under
his righteous rule. "And all the trees of the field
shall know that I the Lord have brought down the
high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the
green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish;
I the Lord have spoken, and have done it." (17: 24)
God's remnant, the faithful witness class on earth,
now go forth to proclaim to the people that Christ is
King, that the kingdom will fill the earth and rule
in rirrhteousnese, and that this will be for ever a vindication of the name of Jehovah God.


The prophecy of the eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel

has its larger fulfilment from and after the coming
of the Lord Jesus to the temple of God for judgment.
It had its primary application to natural Israel, but
the prophecy is written more particularly for those
on earth at the end of the world. There was a saying
or proverb in the land of Israel, the purpose of
which was to shift the responsibility from one generation to the former generation. The word of the Lord
addressed to Ezekiel is: "What mean ye, that ye use
this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying,
The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's
teeth are set on edge [" (18: 1,2) Be it noted that
the prophecy says that this was "a proverb concerning the land of Israel". It was understood that the
law of God was in operation in Israel, because to that
people he had given his law. The fact that the Lord
rebuked them for using this proverb shows that the
saying or proverb did not refer to "father Adam"





who had sinned and whose sins were visited upon his
children by inheritance. The proverb was used by and
applied to Israel, and those using it were doing so
with reference to their recent ancestors who had preceded them in the land.
In Ezekiel's day the Israelites were blaming their
fathers for the miseries which they as their children
had to bear. It was an attempt to justify self and put
the load or burden on their dead fathers. The clergy
class of Israel were doing that very thing when Jesus
was on the earth. (Matt. 23: 29, 30) Such an attitude
prevails in this day in Christendom, to which the
prophetic proverb has a wider application. Since the
World War conditions grow worse, and Christendom
attempts to put the blame now on those who brought
011 the World War, particularly on one specific ruler
of Christendom and his immediate official family. One
administration of a government lays the blame for
bad economic conditions on the previous administration. It is a claim of self-exoneration, and an attempt
to escape responsibility. Instead of looking to themselves to see whether or not they are the same as their
fathers, and what they need to do to reform, they
want to be freed from all responsibility whatsoever.
This God will not permit.
God is in his holy temple, and all the nations are
commanded to be silent before him and to give heed.
He is representatively in the temple by Christ Jesus,
to whom all judgment is committed. The judgments of
Jehovah are written, and the time has come for a
positive and unequivocal statement thereof; and what
he states will come to pass is just as certain as that
God himself lives. Therefore it is written: "As I


EZEK. 18

live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion

any more to use this proverb in Israel." (18: 3) Attention is called by the Lord to the personal responsibility of each one beIore the King who is upon his
throne, especially since the symbolical sheep and g'oats
(Matt. 25: 32) are before him. A new 1'111<:> now oporates, and the shifting of responsibility will not be
permitted. The day of judgment has begun, and the
responsihle ones in Christendom must give account
for what they have done and are doing. "Behold, all
souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the
soul of the son is mine; the soul that sinneth, it shall
die." (18: 4) Each individual soul is responsible to
This, of course, does not have reference to the bodily infirmities that result to one by reason of inheritance, but to the great issue of life everlasting that
God has provided through Christ Jesus. Every soul
belongs to the Lord, because the blood of Christ Jesus is the purchase price for all. The soul of the son
does not belong to his earthly father; so what that
father has done or is doing could not determine the
right of the son to life; and what the son has done
could not affect the right of the father to life. Manifestly the sin here mentioned is that committed by
one who, after having entered into a covenant with
God, then fails to keep that covenant. It is unfaithfulness to God that brings responsibility. The law, or
rule of action, must be the same from the time of
beginning of judgment at the temple until the end
thereof, because God changes not. Judgment begins
at the house of God, and must necessarily include the
professed house of God, many of whom have made a





covenant with God and have then broken that covenant. Therefore each one who has entered into a covenant with the Lord is personally responsible.
The statements contained in verses five to nine, inclusive, of the chapter are in substance this: That if a
man be just and does that which is lawful, and has
not been guilty of any of the wrongful things mentioned therein, and has walked in the statutes of the
Lord and kept his judgments, and has dealt truly,
he is just, and "he shall surely live, saith the Lord
God". This has an application after Armageddon and
after the inauguration of the new covenant. Before
the inauguration of the new covenant, however, the
same rule would apply to all who have made a covenant to do God's will; and, also, the Lord might be
pleased to let the good deeds and endeavors of any
one ascend as a memorial to him and be a basis for
bringing him through the time of trouble and preserving his life to the time of the inauguration of the new
covenant. This conclusion is borne out by the statements in Psalm 41: 1,2 and Zephaniah 2: 1-3.
The statement of the rule of action, set forth in
Ezekiel 18: 10-13, is to the effect that the father shall
not be responsible for the bad deeds of his son. The
father's good deeds and good record will not win
favor for the son who is a breaker of the law of God.
If one, having once been brought to a knowledge of
the truth, then eommits the abominations mentioned
herein, he shall die and shall not live. This does not
mean that one would have to be begotten and anointed
of the holy spirit, in order to be liable to destruction.
It is the wilful wrong-doing of the individual, or the
right-doing of the individual, that fixes the responsi-





bility, This rule shows that since the coming of the

Lord to his temple for judgment those who have wilfully committed sin against the light are subject to the
judgments of death written. Within that period of
time there have been in Christendom a number of
those who profess to be Christians and who have wilfn]]y and deliberately persecuted and done injury to
others because these latter were faithfully representing the Lord and giving testimony to his King. These
are described in the parable of the sheep and the
goats.-c-Matt. 25: 31-46.
The statement of Ezekiel eighteen, verses fourteen
to seventeen inclusive, in substance is this: That if
the father beget a son and the son sees all the sinful
things the father has done and does not follow a like
course, he shall not be responsible for what his father
has done; and if the son does right he shall live. The
sum total of this is that family relationship shall have
nothing to do with the results. One will not be favored
because some member of his family was faithful and
true to the Lord, and one will not be punished because some member of his family was unfaithful to
the Lord. Each one must bear his own responsibility.
"The soul that sinncth, it shall die. The son shall not
bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father
bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the
righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the
wicked shall be upon him."-IS: 20.
God has provided for the reformation of the world
during the reign of his "King of righteousness". The
King began his reign in 1914, and came to the temple
for judgment in 1918. Judgment there began at the
house of God, and is now upon the nations of Chris-





tcndom, and will proceed until the judgment work

is completed. The Lord gives an opportunity for those
in Christendom who have been doing wrong to be
warned, and, if heeding the warning, they shall live;
but if after having been warned they deliberately and
wilfully sin against light, the judgment will be adverse.
"But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that
he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do
that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he
shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him; in his
righteousness that he hath done he shall live."
(18: 21,22) The righteous deeds and conduct alone
of themselves could not earn everlasting life for any
man, because no man of himself can counterbalance
man's previous sinfulness. There must be a sin atonement, therefore, to cover the past sinful deeds. This
sin atonement God has provided through the blood of
Christ Jesus, which is presented in Jehovah's court
as an atonement for the sins of the world. Therefore
the rule of action here announced must have application after the inauguration of the new covenant. But
regarding those who arc willing to be taught and who
seek righteousness even before the, new covenant is
inaugurated, such good deeds and acts of righteousness will be taken into consideration for the benefit of
the doers during the time of "great tribulation" and
before the new covenant is inaugurated.
Manifestly the purpose of setting out these truths
that Christendom might understand them now is that
men might see the advantage of seeking meekness and
seeking righteousness before the battle of Armaged-


EZEK. 18

don, and that this will be to their benefit in passing through the time of trouble and at the inauguration of the new covenant. This is further supported
by the following: "R.ichcs profit not in the day of
wrath; but righteousness delivereth from death. The
righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but
transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness. "
-Provo 11: 4, 6.
If the wicked would turn away from their wickedness and serve God they would be blessed. He has no
pleasure that the wicked should die. "Have I any
pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the
Lord God; and not that he should return from his
ways, and live?" (18: 23) J ehovah 's name must be
vindicated, and for that to he done the wicked must
perish. Therefore when one knows of the Lord and his
provision and then deliberately joins in with the
wicked one Satan, refusing to heed the warning of the
Lord, he shall be destroyed. "But when the righteous
turneth away from his righteousness, and eornmitteth
iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations
that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his
righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned; in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and
in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die."
The fact that one has been made righteous through
the blood of Christ Jesus and the washing of the
Word, and has received God's approval, would count
for nothing to offset his subsequent unfaithfulness to
God. "The righteous" mentioned in this verse must
refer to those who have once been in the covenant with
God and received God's approval, or justification,





which condition existed with some at the time of the

coming of the Lord to his temple. Therefore the statement: "He that is righteous, let him be righteous still ;
and he that is holy, let him be holy still." (Rev.
22: 11) "For if we sin wilfully after that we have
received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth
no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking
for of judgment, and fiery indignation, which shall
devour the adversaries." (Heb. 10: 26, 27) The condition upon which everlasting life is granted is that
one must first agree to do God's will and then be
faithful in doing so, first, last, and all the time.

The Jews complained against God, even as those of

Christendom do at the present time. The complaint is
that the manner of God's dealings are not consistent,
impartial and just. The self-righteous Jews, particularly the Pharisees, complained against God and
vented their feelings against him and charged him
with being unequal in his ways. They objected that
the mercy and long-suffering of God should be shown
to those whom the self-righteous called "publicans"
and "sinners". They concluded that their own selfrighteousness was not receiving the proper recognition, hence that they were being unjustly dealt with
by the Lord. (Luke 18: 11-14) They were charging
God with folly and thereby sinning with their lips,
and were not maintaining their integrity towards
God. Thereby they were proving that their own ways
were unequal. "Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is
not equal. Hear now, 0 house of Israel; Is not my
way equal? are not your ways uncqual?"-18: 25.





"Organized Christianity " is doing the same thing

today. The clergy in particular complain against God
for the permission of evil, and charge God with all the
pests and calamities that come upon the peoples of
Christendom, at the same time claiming that their
own ways are equal, that their course of action is
just and right. It is Christendom that is unequal, unjust and unrighteous. Therefore God says to such:
" Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby
ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and
a new spirit; for why will ye die, 0 house of Israel?"
(J R: 31) This shows the forbearance, long-suffering,
mercy and love on the part of the Lord, and is counsel for the good of all those who will heed that counsel.
Christendom is warned of her sins, even as the Jews
were, and, like the Jews, has failed to give heed to
such warning.
As Jehovah made Ezekiel a watchman in Jerusalem
to give warning, so now God's remnant on the earth,
the "servant" class, is commanded to give warning
from the Lord to those who are in the way of wickedness. (3: 17-21) If those warned would remove their
affections from self and from wrongdoing, and would
get the spirit or love for the praise and service of
God, they would be pleasing to the Lord and would
live. Jehovah 'srnessage to them is: "E'or I have no
pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the
Lord God; wherefore turn yourselves, and Eve ye."
(18: 32) This message from the Lord he sends out
dnring the interval of peace between the close of the
W orld War and the destruction of Christendom at
the battle of Armageddon.





If the wicked do not turn, seck meekness and righteousncss, and escape the great tribulation now about
to fall upon and smite Christendom and all the host
of Satan's organization they will bring upon themselves death. If the "servant" class, or watchmen of
the Lord, fail to give warning, God will require the
blood of those dying without warning at the hands
of those who have been negligent. Thus it was in the
days of Jerusalem's downfall, and so it is now: ,. And
unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith the Lord;
Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way
of death. He that abideth in this city shall die by the
sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence; but
he that goeth out, and f'alleth to the Chaldeans that
besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be unto
him for a prey. For I have set my face against this
city for evil, and not for good, saith the Lord: it
sh[111 be given into the hand of the king of Babylon,
and he shall burn it with fire." (Jer. 21: 8-10) Manifestly this applies to the leaders in Christendom who
profess the name of God and Christ and then take a
course exactly contrary thereto.
The judgment of the King will be executed impartially and fully. Position or honor amongst men
will bring no aid or protection. Those who comply
with the rules of judgment written will escape and be
saved; otherwise, "Behold, the day of the Lord
cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to
lay the land desolate; and he shall destroy the sinners
thereof out of it. And I will punish the world for their
evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will
cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will
lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." (Isa.



EZEK. 18

13: 9, 11) The righteous judgments of the Lord will

be made manifest; and all who love righteousness shall
see that God has not restrained evil in days past, but
has waited his own good time for the vindication of
his name. He has kept his hand off until wickedness
has come to the full; and now he will destroy the
wicked and the defamers of his name, and will preserve the righteous ones in the great battle of Armageddon, and this will be a vindication of his word and
of his great name.



EIIOVAII has permitted men to pursue their own

way 'with a free hand. The stronger minds have
been leaders in the world, and particularly is this
so in Christendom. These have claimed that they would
make the world a fit place in which to live, and would
establish everlasting peace and prosperity among men;
but they have all failed. Their failure has been chiefly
due to the fact that they have disregarded the counsel
of the Lord and have fallen away to the enemy Satan.
Had the rulers in Christendom stood by the counsel
of the Lord and faithfully obeyed him, the result
would have been different. They have claimed to be
the people of God, ruling by divine right. They could
not of themselves establish a government of righteousness, to be sure; and had they followed the counsel
of the Lord, they would have gotten in line with
Ged's way and been fully submissive to his King at
his coming in 19]4. They were warned then, and have
more specifically been warned since 1922, but they
have wholly turned away from the Lord God and his
King, who is earth's rightful Ruler.
This was foreshadowed in the experiences of Jcrusalem, and particularly by her rulers and principal
men. The profane, wicked prince Zedekiah was lifted
up within himself and followed his own selfish imaginations, and was destroyed. The rulers in Christendom, and particularly the clergy, have been lifted up






with self, and have continued on in their way of

wickedness regardless of all warning, and have refused
to hear and to obey God 's Word of truth. "They
know not, neither will they understand; they walk on
in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are out
of course. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one
of the princes. "-Ps. 82: 5,7.
This God caused to be foretold, in the nineteenth
chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy: "Moreover, take thou
up a lamentation for the princes of Israel." (19: 1)
'1'111s is a wail or lament over the leaders or chief ones
in Christendom, who have ruled and do now rule.
What was then and there said to Jerusalem, or the
Jews, has a modern application to Christendom; and
for this reason it is important to here consider it.
Jehovah made a covenant with the Israelites; and
that covenant, and that covenant city Jerusalem, was
God's typical organization, and was the "mother"
that bore the Israelitish nation. The words of lament
are addressed to the leaders in Jerusalem, and to the
leaders of Christendom: "And say, What is [what
was, R.V.] thy mother? A lioness; she lay down among
lions, she nourished her whelps among young lions."
(19: 2) The covenant God made was symbolized by a
lioness. As stated in Genesis 49: 10, the ruling offspring of that covenant (the lioness) was J uda h:
" Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise.
. . Judah is a lion's whelp; from the prey, my son,
thou art gone up ; he stooped down, he couched as a
lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?"
(Gen. 49: 8, 9) This particular lioness did not produce "the Lion of the tribe of Juda". (Rev. 5: 5)
All the whelps of the lioness mentioned in Ezekiel





were failures; and hence this lioness must represent

God's covenant for the kingdom as applied to the
royal line of Solomon. God promised or covenanted to
establish the throne of Solomon for ever, provided
Solomon and his house were faithful to God: "But
if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your
children, and will not keep my commandments and
my statutes which I have set before you, but go and
serve other gods, and worship them; then will I cut
off Israel out of the land which I have given them;
and this house, which I have hallowed for my name,
will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a
proverb and a byword among all people. "-1 Ki.
9: 2-7.
This particular lioness mentioned by the prophecy
"lay down among lions", meaning, among the political rulers of Judah and Jerusalem; and she brought
forth and reared a succession of kings of the line of
Solomon: "And she brought up one of her whelps;
it became a young lion, and it learned to catch the
prey; it devoured men." (19: 3) At the death of
Josiah the king, the people took his son J ehoahaz
(whose name means "whom Jehovah upholds or sustains") and made him king. He became the "lion"
and learned to catch the prey. "Jehoahaz was twenty
and three years old when he began to reign; and he
reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's
name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of
Libnah, And he did that which was evil in the sight
of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had
done." (2 Ki. 23: 31, 32) Because of the wickedness
of the king, Jehovah did not uphold him.





The Devil's visible organization then included all

the nations of the earth except the Israelites, and he
was now scheming to get complete control of that nation. Through the Gentile powers Satan sought to
capture Jehoahaz; therefore it is written: "The nations also heard of him; he was taken in their pit,
and they brought him with chains unto the land of
Egypt." (19: 4) As Ezekiel prophesied here, the
Gentile nation, as Satan's instrument, captured the
king Jehoahaz "and Pharaoh-nechoh put him [Jehoaliaz] in bands at Riblah, in the land of Hamath,
that he might not reign in Jerusalem; . . . And
Pharaoh-neehoh . . . took -Iehoahaz away; and he
came to Egypt, and died there." (2 Ki. 23: 33, 34)
None of these" whelps" of the "lioness" of the line
of Solomon could succeed then, because the forty
years of "iniquity of the house of Judah" had begun
in the thirteenth year of Josiah, at which time Jeremiah became God's prophet.-Jer. 1: 1-3; Ezek. 4: 6, 7.
Other "whelps " were then provided to be rulers:
"Now, when she saw that she had waited, and her
hope was lost, then she took another of her whelps,
and made him a young lion." (19: 5) There were
three more princes that ruled Jerusalem, all of whom
embarked upon a course of wickedness. The "whelp",
or young lion, here mentioned represents those three,
to wit: Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah, all of
whom met disaster. (2 Ki. 23: 35; 24: 6-20) The name
of each one belied the real state of affairs. "Jehoiakim" means' ,Jehovah sets up"; "Jehoiachin, " "Jehovah establishes" or "whom Jehovah will establish";
" Zedekiah" means "justice of Jehovah". They were
all workers of iniquity and did exactly contrary to


Page 248






what their names implied. "And he went up and

down among the lions, he became a young lion, and
learned to catch the prey, and devoured men. And
he knew their desolate palaces, and he laid waste their
cities; and the land was desolate, and the fulness thereof, by the noise of his roaring." (19: 6, 7) All three
of these rulers in Jerusalem followed the course that
led to the desolation of the land.
The nations round about Jerusalem were against
J crusalcm. "Then the nations set against him on every
side from the provinces, and spread their net over
him; he was taken in their pit. " (19: 8) "In his days
Nebuehadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant three years ; then he
turned and rebelled against him. And the Lord sent
against him bands of the Chaldees, and bands of the
Syrians, and bawls of the Moabites, and bands of the
children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to
destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, which
he spake by his servants the prophets." (2 Ki,
24: 1, 2) At the death of Jehoiakim his son Jehoiachin succeeded him to the throne and reigned in Jerusalem three months. The city was again besieged by
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and Jehoiachin
went out to him. He was taken captive to Babylon,
"that his voice should no more be heard upon the
mountains of Israel": "And they put him in ward
in chains, and brought him to the king of Babylon;
they brought him into holds, that his voice should
no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel."19: 9.
"And he carried away J ehoiaehin to Babylon, and
the kings mother, and the king's wives, and his




officers, and tho mighty of the land; those carried he

into captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon." (2 Ki,
21: 15) Zedekiah became the ruler of Jerusalem, and
he was taken prisoner and carried away to Babylon.
(2 Ki. 25: 6,7) Thus God's typical kingdom was taken
from these "whelps", the rulers of the line of
Solomon. The house of Solomon had proven unfaithful, and failed. They did not bring forth 'the fruits
of the kingdom', and they came to their bitter end.

The fact that Jehovah caused an accurate record

of these deeds to be kept is proof that there must be
a modern fulfilment or application thereof to the
people or nation foreshadowed by Jerusalem. (1 Cor.
10: 11) The rulers of Christendom, called "princes",
claim and have long claimed to be ruling by divine
right or authority as the representatives of "the Lion
of the tribe of Juda", and that Christendom is therefore fulfilling God's covenant as mentioned in Genesis
49: 10, or more particularly the covenant made with
David. (2 Sam. 7: 12-16; 23: 5) The "whelp" (prince
or ruler) produced by Christendom in these latter
times, and which is the chief ruler of the world, is
the "British lion" and her colonies, including the
United States, which together constitute the seventh
world power; concerning which world power it is
written in Revelation 17: 10 that "when he cometh,
he must continue a short space". During that time
the seventh world power has certainly been a "lion"
in its rapacity and in its roaring. The British Empire is the greatest and the chief ruling power of
Christendom. It has been considered the stabilizer of





the world. The World War made manifest its bondage

to commercialism and militarism, symbolized by
Now the larger supposed stabilizer has been formed
in the League of Nations; and this, together with its
auxiliaries, the World Court and similar treaties and
peace pacts, is expected to stabilize the world commercially and bring lasting peace. Christendom
has put forward this League of Nations as her last
hope. It "is the eighth [world power], and is of the
seven, and [must go] into perdition". (Rev. 17: 11)
Not one of the so-called "heathen" nations had to do
with the original formation of the League of Nations.
It was brought forth by the British, that is to say,
the Anglo-American imperialism; and Christendom is
its chief strength. The King, Christ Jesus, is J ehovah 's instrument for the destruction of Satan's organization, and will capture and destroy this "whelp"
(representing all the rulers of Christendom), 'that
his voice shall be heard no more'; and Christendom
will meet its death in captivity, as did the last ruler
of Jerusalem.
The offspring of the "lioness", which is God's covenant as applied to Solomon's royal line, was never
reinstated. The kingdom was taken from him and
was given to "the Lion of the tribe of Juda". So shall
it be with the princes or rulers of Christendom. In
1919, when Christendom made this "whelp" (the
League of Nations) its hope, and refused to recognize
earth's rightful King, the great Prince, Christ J esus, Christendom lost every hope of reinstatement and
must go down for ever. Christendom was afterwards
warned by the witnesses whom the Lord sent to them,



EZEK. 19

but refused to heed God's message, even as Zedekiah

refused to hear the testimony of Jeremiah the prophet.
(Jer. 38: 20-23) The doom of Christendom is therefore sealed, and God's judgment will be executed
upon her; and she shall never rise again.
Continuing the lament the prophet was instructed
to say: "Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood,
planted by the waters; she was fruitful, and full of
branches hy reason of many waters." (19:] 0) 'I'his
also is addressed to the princes of Israel, and its later
application is to the princes, or rulers or heads, of
Christendom. Althoug-h claiming to rule by divine
right, these princes or rulers of Christendom are not
of the royal lineage for which the covenant for the
kingdom is sure. They have gone in the way of those
who were unfaithful to God. Christianity was started
by the arrangement of Jehovah, but within a short
time the leaders thereof went contrary to the Word
of God and contrary to his counsel, and formed themselves into "organized Christianity" or what is now
known as "Christendom".
Dy reason of the many peoples of different languages and nationalities in Christendom, she has had
many "branches" and has spread out over a greater
portion of the earth. 'When the prophet says, "Thy
mother is like a vine," he does not mean that this
represents, or is any part of, the true vine which is
Christ. Although Christianity was planted in the
right way, "organized Christianity" or Christendom soon became a "degenerate plant of a strange
vine". (Jer. 2: 21) "Organized religion," falsely
called "Christianity", is a part of "the vine of the
earth" which is to be cast into the "winepress" at




the battle of Armageddon, and there its lifeblood

will be crushed out.-Rev. 14: 18-20.
By the term" Christendom" are meant the nations
that call themselves "Christian", and these nations
have had large opportunities. Christendom was planted among many peoples. She had many strong rulers
wielding the scepter and calling themselves "Christian monarchs". And this is repl'Psented in the prophecy of Ezekiel: "And she had strong rods for the
sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was
exulted among the thick branches, and she appeared
in her height with the multitude of her branches."
(19: 11) Christendom became the loftiest and most
powerful combination of nations holding or claiming
to hold one common faith upon the earth. She has
produced the greatest world empire, to wit, the
seventh world power.
The wrath of God upon Christendom dates from
1918 forward; and shortly after that date Christendom was wholly rejected, and this was foreshadowed
by the leprosy of which Uzziah died. (Isa. 6: 1)
Christendom had become great amongst the nations.
"But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down
to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit;
her strong rods were broken and withered, the fire
consumed them." (19: 12) She brought forth wild
grapes, and no fruit of the kingdom of God, and
therefore she must be abased. She has turned the people away from Jehovah and his kingdom under Christ.
The" east wind" dried up her fruit, and she is ready
to be burned. (Isa. 46: 11; 41: 2; Rev. 16: 12) Her
rulers ("her strong rods") have proven themselves
to be weaklings and incompetent guides of the affairs





of state. The fiery tests of the day are too much for
them. All hope of Christendom's recovery is gene.
"And now she is planted in the wilderness, in a dry
and thirsty ground. "-19: 13.
The "rods", or princes or rulers, of Christendom
have been debauched by the devilish religious practices that have also brought great reproach upon Jehovah's name. "And fire is gone out of a rod of her
branches, which hath devoured her fruit, so that she
hath no strong rod to be a sceptre to rule. This is a
lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation."
(19: 14) The Devil has come down to earth, and with
Christendom it is a time of "woe, woe!" (Rev. 12: 12)
The earth, or nations of the earth, is not receiving
God's blessing. The unrighteous course of the rulers
("rods" of control) has led them entirely into Satan's camp, and the fire of destruction is about to
devour them completely. Like the rulers or princes
amongst the Jews, they have not heeded the warning from the Lord. As a vine Christendom has prodnced no kingdom fruit, and now must go because of
being of no use for anything that is good. No ruler
of Christendom will be permitted on the earth nor in
any part of God's kingdom of heaven. Jehovah will
give none of these an opportunity to further reproach
his name after Armageddon.


In the organization of the church the elders were

given a place of responsibility to feed the flock of
God and to rule. This does not mean that they were
to be harsh, austere and severe; but they were to





have charge over the organization. (Heb, 13: 7) "Let

the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double
honour, especially they who labour in the word and
doctrine." (1 Tim. 5: 17) It is not the will of God
that any man should lord it over his heritage. (1 Pet.
5: 3) Likewise there were elders in the organization
of the -Iews. Both in the organization of the Jews and
in Christendom the elders became proud and selfcentered and hypocritical.
The twentieth chapter of Ezekiel shows the elders
coming to Ezekiel, ostensibly for advice. Ezekiel was
then a young man of thirty-two years of age. It was
just four years from the time of the coming of elders
to Ezekiel until the city of Jerusalem and its temple
were destroyed by fire. (2 Ki, 25: 8-10) "And it came
to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the
tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of
Israel came to inquire of the Lord, and sat before me."
(20: 1) Those ancient "gentlemen of the cloth",
manifestly insincere and hypocritical, came to Ezekiel in the hope of catching him in his words. It was
somewhat of a recognition by them that Ezekiel was
a prophet, the representative of the Lord God; and
that being true, their hypocrisy is magnified and they
were more reprehensible.
Those elders more particularly foreshadowed the
elders who have been in the ecclcsias of God's consecrated people but who were not in heart sympathy
with the work of proclaiming the message of God's
kingdom. They are represented in another prophecy
as 'old men who dream dreams'. (Joel 2: 28, 29) They
have made a specialty of "character development"
and have become 'marc holy than thou'. The words





of Jehovah clearly indicate that these elders are

hypocrites and that he has no use for them. Therefore the Lord said to Ezekiel (picturing the "faithful servant" class): "Son of man, speak unto the
elders of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the
Lord God, Are ye come to inquire of me? As I live,
saith the Lord God, I will not be inquired of by you."
The subject matter of their inquiry is not disclosed
by the text, but it was no doubt about the live issues
of the day of Ezekiel's prophecy, to wit, the then
strained relationship between Babylon and Jerusalem, and what would be the outcome. The live issue
of the present day is the strained relationship between
the Lord's kingdom and the world powers, and what
will be the outcome thereof. The elders of the present
time inquire with sarcasm, and with criticism leveled
at those who are delegated to tell the truth to the
people, concerning God and his kingdom. Such elders
have no heart inclination to come into line with the
light of present trnth that Jehovah causes to flash
forth from his temple. They want to do things their
own selfish way, and not in God's appointed way.
They pretend to be hearers of the Word of the Lord
God, but they continue to follow their own selfish
course. "With their mouth they shew [forth] much
love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness."
(Ezek. 33: 31) God is not deceived and mocked, therefore he says: "As I live, saith the Lord God, I will
not be inquired of by [them]. " Jehovah refuses to
give them information only to have it treated lightly
and ignored. Their course is like that of Saul, who
was unfaithful to his anointing; and "when Saul in-





quired of the Lord [God], the Lord answered him

not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets". (1 Sam. 28: 6, 15; 15: 35) "The secret of the
Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew
them his covenant. "-Ps. 25: 14.
The Lord God would now use Ezekiel, and in
modern times his" servant" class, to show some things
to them: "Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt
thou judge them ~ cause them to know the abominations of their fathers." (20: 4) The modern fulfilment
of this prophecy dates from the time of the coming
of Christ Jesus to the temple of God for judgment.
"For the time is come that judgment must begin at
the house of God; and if it first begin at us, what
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of
God1" (1 Pet. 4: 17) The judgment includes not
only the faithful and wise servant" class, but also
those who do not obey the Lord and who become the
"evil servant" class, chief amongst which are the
rebellious elders.
The commandment of the Lord to Ezekiel is further proof that the witnesses of Jehovah, that is, his
"faithful servant" class, must pronounce the judgment of the Lord against the lukewarm and the unfaithful and against the mere hearers of the Word
of God who refuse to do his will. "Judge nothing
before the time, until the Lord come." (1 Cor. 4: 5)
Now the Lord is come to his temple, and it is God's
time of judgment; and the "servant" class must declare the judgments of the Lord God against those who
are disobedient to his Word. This is done that the
derelicts may be able to see that their own course
reflects that which was taken by their fathers, and



EZEK. 20

that they are true children of their fathers and are

naturally filling up the measure of their fathers'
The rule of the Lord announced in the eighteenth
chapter of Ezekiel shows that the Lord will not hold
them accountable for the wrongful deeds of their
fathers nor will he give them credit for the good done
by their fathers. Each one must now be judged according to the course he takes in the light of God 's Word.
But these elders are taking the same course that their
fathers took; and that is the lesson. They are doing
similarly to what their fathers did in the denominational churches. They are guilty of the same sins that
the Israelitish elders committed, which sins may be
summed up in the words 'rebellion' and 'unfaithfulness'. "Now all these things happened unto them for
ensamples; and they arc written for our admonition,
upon whom the ends of the world are come." (1 Cor.
10: 11) Jehovah therefore authorizes his "faithful
servant" class to compare the abominations of modern
elders with those of ancient Israel. Such is not the
pronouncing of judgment by men, but is the declaration of God's judgment, already written, and
which his witnesses merely make known.
Jehovah directed Ezekiel to tell the elders of their
abominations; and this he did, as the text in chapter
twenty, verses five to twenty-nine, shows. Jehovah
declares that because of their unfaithfulness he
would have destroyed them except for his own name's
sake: "But I wrought for my name's sake, that it
should not be polluted before the heathen, among
whom they were, in whose sight I made myself known
unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land





of Egypt." (20: 9) Three times the Lord makes a

like declaration in this chapter. Thus three times J ehovah emphasizes the fact that the vindication of his
name was the issue of real importance then, and for
that reason he refrained from destroying the rebellious, unfaithful, covenant-breaking nation of Israel,
upon whom he had bestowed such great favor, mercy
and love. He had put his name there, and his name
must be vindicated. The Jews had entered into a covenant to worship and serve Jehovah, and the elders
were appointed as leaders and helpers of the people;
and they rebelled against God and were unfaithful to
their covenant and turned to idolatrous practices.
These were the things that provoked God to anger.
(See verses 8,13,21.) In modern times elders have
entered into the covenant to serve and to honor God
and to do his will; but, being unfaithful to their
covenant, they have followed their own selfish way in
giving honor and credit to one of God's creatures
instead of giving all honor and credit to the great
Creator for the truth revealed concerning his purposes and his kingdom.
"Whel'fore I gave them also statutes that were
not good, and judgments whereby they should not
li ve : and I polluted them in their own gifts, in that
they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth
the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the
end that they might know that I am the Lord."
(20: 25, 26) Briefly, this means that God permits such
to take their own wrongful course until his own good
time to call them to account. The word" gave" in the
text means "to give up to" or 'to suffer', as in Judges
15: 1 and 1 Samuel 24: 7. Hence 011e of the trans-



EZEll:. 20

lators renders the text: "I myself indeed suffered

them [to walk in] statutes which were not good, and
regulations in which they could not live." (Roth.)
This means that God suffered or permitted the Israelites, without hindrance, to walk in the statutes of
the heathen nations. The statutes or rules of the
heathen nations were not good and could not bring
them life, but, on the contrary, brought death, exactly the contrary to what God had given them.
(20: 11) They disregarded God's statutes and followed their own evil course.
This is an explanation of the permission of evil on
a small scale. God's purpose in not restraining evil
is to demonstrate that he is the Life-giver, and that
life can be gained only by walking in the way of his
rules. Those who are set in their own ways he gives
up to their own selfishness and wilfulness. In effect
the Lord says to such: 'If you want to go in the way
of wickedness, go the limit and take the consequences';
and thus he Raid to the Jews: "As for you, 0 house
of Israel, thus saith the Lord God, Go ye, serve ye
everyone his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not
hearken unto me; but pollute ye my holy name no
more with your gifts, and with your idols." (20: 39)
Jehovah absolved himself from all connection with or
responsibility for wickedness. It is men who have made
it to appear that Jehovah is responsible for the practice of evil. Men have called themselves by the name
of the Lord, and have thus associated their own evil
ways with the name of Jehovah and thereby cast reproach upon him. Jehovah never permits evil for the
purpose of teaching men 'the exceeding sinfulness
of sin'; but when men insist on taking their own





selfish course, he lets them do it. By his Word of

truth he teaches that which is right.
Those who attempt to come to the Lord with impure and unrepentant hearts cannot receive his counsel. In harmony with this statement he directed Ezekiel to say unto the house of Israel: "Thus saith the
Lord God, Are ye polluted after the manner of your
fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations? for when ye offer your gifts, when ye make
your sons to pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even unto this day; and
shall I be inquired of by you, 0 house of Israel? As
I live, saith the Lord God, I will not be inquired of
by you." (20: 30, 31) Such have no right to inquire
of the Lord and to receive his counsel. To permit them
to do so would belittle the dignity of Jehovah, and
he would have them know that he will not hear them.
The heady, self-centered and self-important ones who
follow their own selfish course and compromise with
the enemy God will not hear, but those who come to
him in humility and with contrite hearts he will not
cast away. (Ps. 51: 17; 34: 18; Isa. 57: 15) The
famine of the hearing of the Word of God in the
land of Christendom is due to the sin of rebellion and
unfaithfulness. This applies to the elders or rulers in
nominal churches, the clergy and the chief ones of
the flock, and also to the elders in any and all other
professed Christian organizations that follow a like
The elders and leaders of Christendom insist on
following after the ways of satanic religion by eompromising with the Devil. In this they are following
in the way of their fathers. "And that whieh cometh



EZEK. 20

into your mind shall not be at all, that ye say, We

will be as the heathen, as the families of the countries, to serve wood and stone. As I live, saith the
Lord God, surely with a mighty hand, and with a
stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will
I rule over you." (20; 32, 33) This docs not mean that
God would force them to serve him, but he tells them
that they cannot decide to ape idolatry and practice
satanic religion and at the same time continue to call
themselves God's people. Jehovah intervenes for his
name's sake. He must either clear out the hypocritical and unfaithful or else cast the whole company
away. There can be no partnership or compromise
between Jehovah and the house of the Devil. (2 Cor.
6: 15) Jehovah is not a tyrannical ruler, but the
terms of the covenant provide for punishment upon
the other party to the covenant when such party becomes delinquent in the performance of that covenant.
This is God's fixed rule. After the punishment of
the Jews failed to bring them into subjection to their
covenant, "seven times" of punishment came upon
the unfaithful nation. "Then I will walk contrary
unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise
you seven times for your sins."-Lev. 26: 28.

In the prophecy, chapter twenty (34-36), the Lord

declares his purpose to gather out his covenant people
from others and to bring them into the wilderness.
This part of the prophecy manifestly applies to the
latter days, and is again mentioned in Ezekiel
34: 12, 13. During the period of time of 'preparing
the way before the Lord', as stated by another proph-




et (Mal. 3: 1), Jehovah was accomplishing this particular work of gathering out from the peoples of the
earth "a people for his name". This was the work
done just before the appearing of Christ Jesus at
the temple. This work took on a greater momentum
about 1914, when there was a wide proclamation of
the truth by means of the "Photo-drama" and other
means; and it was about that time that God's indignation against Satan and his organization began to
be expressed.
In the years 1917 and 1918 the Lord brought his
gathered-out class into "a wilderness" or "desert"
amidst the worst throes of the World War. It was then
that The Finished Mystery was published; and God's
purpose in permitting it to be published surely was
for it to serve as an instrument to do a separating
work that manifested the real heart condition of those
who had professed to be in the covenant with him.
"And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I
will bring you into the bond of the covenant."
(20: 37) In harmony with these words of the prophet,
and in those darkest days of the World War, God's
people did pass under the rod of correction and aflliction and felt the harsh "rod of the wicked" upon
them. They were chastised with "the rod of men".
(2 Sam. 7: 14; Ps. 89: 32; 125: 3) The wicked rulers
of Christendom (including a number of elders in the
ecclcsias of God's covenant people and who had served
present truth) "smote" the humble followers 01
Christ Jesus, and in so doing they "[smote] the
judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek". (Mic.
5: 1) 'Inasmuch as ye did it unto my brethren, ye
did it also unto me.' (Matt, 25: 45) The words "the





bond of the covenant" (vs, 37) mean the obligation

of the covenant. God's law covenant with Israel provided that if they forsook their covenant, they were
under bond to receive punishment with a view of
their correction. In 1918 "the Messenger of the covenant" came to the temple, and under the bond of the
covenant he subjected "the sons of Levi" to a great
fiery test.-Mal. 3: 2, 3.
There was a separating or cleansing work done by
the Lord at the time of his coming to the temple, in
harmony with the statement of Ezekiel 20: 38: "And
I will purge out from among you the rebels, and
them that transgress against me; I will bring them
forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they
shall not enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall
know that I am the Lord." This coincides with the
prophecy of Malachi: "And he shall sit as a refiner
and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons
of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they
may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. "
(Mal. 3: 3) Also the words of Christ Jesus: "So
shall it be at the end of the world; the angels shall
come forth, and sever the wicked from among the
just; and shall cast them into the furnace of fire;
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." (Matt.
13: 49, 50) (, The wicked" specifically refers to the
elders or leaders who rebelled against God and followed their own selfish course; and such he declares
are not permitted to "enter into the land", that is
to say, into the spiritual blessings that God has provided for his remnant. (1 Cor. 2: 9, 10) According to
the whole argument of chapter twenty of Ezekiel it





is evident that the rebellious elders do not return to

the Lord and become a part of his servant class.
During the World War some of the elders in the
eeelesias of God's people consorted with others of
Christendom and caused the imprisonment of certain
members of God's organization. Following the release
of these imprisoned ones God's covenant people on
earth were in a "wilderness" condition for three and
one-half "times", or 1260 days. (Rev. 12: 6-14) (See
Light, Book One, page 246.) In that time Cod faithfully pleaded with his people while in the wilderness
condition, that they might discern and prepare for
the kingdom service which followed shortly thereafter
and which is still in progress. This drew the remnant
into a class to itself with the Lord, but at the same
time hardened the hearts of "the rebels" and resulted in their being separated from amongst the
faithful people of God. Thus it is seen that Ezekiel
20: 39 corresponds with Revelation 22: 11.
Zion is God's kingdom organization, wherein his
temple is located. (Isa. 27: 1, 13; 66: 20-22; Joel 3 : 17)
Concerning this, through his prophet Ezekiel, the
Lord says: "For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God. there
shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land,
serve me; there will I accept them, and there will I
require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your
oblations, with all your holy things." (20: 40) This
statement, and also that of verses forty-one and
forty-two, would indicate that after the Lord returned unto Zion in 1918 and brought about the restoration of his remnant, and made such the custodian
of his kingdom interests, then Jehovah, his purposes,



EZEK. 20

and his name would be revealed to his people more

clearly than ever before. (Ps. 102: 16) Such is in exact harmony with the facts that have come to pass.
The "land" which Jehovah swore with uplifted hand
to give unto his anointed was the kingdom and the
kingdom privileges and places in his organization as
his witnesses to do the work he has commissioned
them to do.-Luke 22: 29, 30.
After the coming of the Lord to the temple God's
faithful children began to grow in wisdom and to
sec many of their mistakes and shortcomings, and
this is indicated by the words of the prophet: "And
there shall ye remember your ways, and all your do.
ings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall loathe
yourselves in your own sight, for all your evils that
ye have committed;" (20: 43) This began with the
fulfilment of the remorseful words uttered by Isaiah :
"Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because
I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst
of a people of unclean lips, for mine eyes have scm
the King: the Lord of hosts. "-Isa. 6: 5.
As God's children progressed in the understandingand wisdom they saw things by which they had polluted themselves, such as so-called" character devolopment" to fit them to 'help God run the universe';
and such Babylonish formalities in the congregation
as long-tailed black coats worn upon the platform, and
a solemn and prayerful attitude assumed in the presence of the public; and sanctimonious speech; and the
setting up upon a pedestal of the leaders in the
church, and insisting that one man is God's "faithful and wise servant" to whom God has committed
all his work concerning the kingdom of hcaven; and

EZEK. 20



further, the observance of such things as "Christmas" and other heathen idolatrous customs. God's
people thereafter came to see that they are commissioned to do his work and to represent him, and
not to follow the hypocritical practices of Christendom. In the past his covenant people have not resorted to such practices with a wrongful intent; but
their course was not right, and God could not pass
it by unnoticed, and in due time he made it known to
them; and this brought remorse and reformation, and
this to their good.
Jehovah has worked or "wrought" with his professed people, even as the prophecy says, and that
for his name's sake: "And ye shall know that I am
the Lord, when I have wrought with you for my
name's sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor
according to your corrupt doings, 0 ye house of Israel,
saith the Lord God." (20: 44) He has been long-suffering and forbearing with them, in order that he
might bring forth" a people for his name", and that
his name might be vindicated and honored. Before
1918 the church was not without fault, but the Lord
'withdrew his hand', as stated in verse twenty-two,
until the time for judgment should begin, in 1918.
Jehovah then directed Ezekiel to prophesy against
the people of the south: "Son of man, set thy face
toward the south, and drop thy word toward the
south, and prophesy against the forest of the south
field." (20: 46) At that time Ezekiel was in captivity
in the north; hence to set his face toward the south
meant to look toward Jerusalem. The destruction



EZEK. 20

which was to come upon Jerusalem was said to come

from the north. (Jer. 1: 14) Relatively, Judah and
Jerusalem were to the south. When the -captivity was
returned to Jerusalem it was said to he turned southward. (Ps, 126: 4) liThe forest of the south field"
would therefore have reference to the inhabitants of
Judah and Jerusalem, both to the rulers and to the
ruled. In its larger fulfilment it would represent
Christendom and would pertain to the rulers and to
the ruled that support the rulers. These are made up
of the haughty and godless men, amongst whom there
are very few "trees of righteousness ", and these
"trees" who are in the world arc not of it. The prophecy, therefore, was directed against the peoples of
Jehovah then directed Ezekiel, who represents the
faithful servant" class, to speak to the people thus:
"And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word
of the Lord, Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will
kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green
tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame
shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south
to the north shall be burned therein." (20: 47) The
people of Christendom, that is, the rulers as well as
the ruled, must feel the wrath of God, because they
have all turned to folly: j' For wickedness burneth
as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and
shall kindle in the thickets of the forest; and they
shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke. Through
the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened,
and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no
man shall spare his brother. "-Isa. 9: 18, 19.
Christendom: is boastful and heedless of God '8
j j

Ezl.!:K. 20



Word. The clergy and the leaders are boastful and

arrogant, and many of the people "love to have it
so"; and concerning this the Lord says: "Behold, I
am against thee, 0 inhabitant of the valley, and rock
of the plain, saith the Lord; which say, Who shall
come down against us Y or who shall enter into our
habitations 1 But I will punish you according to the
fruit of your doings, saith the Lord; and I will kindle
a fire in the forest thereof, and it shall devour all
things round about it." (Jer. 21: 13, 14) Out from
this burning destruction Jehovah plucks his remnant,
and such arc as "a brand plucked out of the fire".
-Zech. 3: 2; Amos 4: 11.
When Jehovah God gives expression to his righteous indignation against Christendom at Armageddon no one will be able to check that conflagration.
I t will sweep Christendom like a forest fire. "And all
flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it; it
shall not be quenched." (20: 48) The people will see
that it is no ordinary trouble between men and nations, but that it is the expression of God's wrath.
It is his decree that calls for the destruction of Christendom, and it will be enforced.
At this very day there are a number of elders, who
have been elders amongst the people of God, but who
have little or no interest in God's kingdom. They are
more interested in getting themselves into a soft place
and in opposing and doing evil to God's true witnesses, against whom they speak sneeringly. God will
not hear them nor advise them. He caused Ezekiel to
say, and likewise his "faithful servant" now says:
"Then said I, Ah Lord God! they say of me, Doth
he not speak parables 1" (20: 4D) The hearts of such





rebellious leaders are hard, and they do not understand or heed the warning of the Lord. Their Sl"!Pporters and followers they lead into Satan '8 trap.2 Thess. 2: 11, 12.


The outstanding thought of the twenty-first chapter of Ezekiel '8 prophecy is "the sword", used to
symbolize war or destruction at the hand of Jehovah's
executive officer. Jehovah directed Ezekiel then to
prophesy against Jerusalem, which foreshadowed
Christendom. "Son of man, set thy face toward J erusalcm, and drop thy word toward the holy places,
and prophesy against the land of Israel. And say to
the land of ISl'Uc'I, Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I am
against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of
his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous
and the wicked." -21: 2, 3.
This applies against those who claim to have special favors from God and that they are ruling by
divine right; and hence its application is against the
clergy and the principal of their flock in the land,
or nations, called "Christendom". Since 1!.J22 God's
anointed" servant" class has been delivering this ha I'd
saying against the controlling powers of Satan's visible organization, to wit: 'Jehovah is against you, because you have rejected THE STONE, Christ Jesus,
who is God's King and earth's rightful Ruler.'
Against these rulers in Christendom God will now
draw out his sword, which means that he will destroy
the organization called" Christendom". His faithful
servant class must give testimony concerning it.




During the time that Jesus was required to sit at

the right hand of Jehovah and wait, God's sword was
in its sheath. It is his chief instrument for the execution of his judgment against the wicked organization,
and the sword therefore represents Jesus Christ, God's
chief executive ofIlcer: "For I lift up my hand to
heaven, and say, I live for ever. If I whet my glitterin~ sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment, I
will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward t.horn Olat liute trw. "-Dput. 32: 40, 41.
Among the rulers of Christendom there are two
classes, to wit, those who arc self-righteous and who
claim and assume to be pious and to serve God, and
another class made up of those who deny God and
his Word and who oppose openly everything pertaining to his kingdom or that names the name of the
Lord, Both of these classes shall be cut off, as the
prophecy declares. This is shown by the statement
of verses four and five. God unsheaths his sword, and
it will not return to its sheath until his judgments arc
executed upon Christendom, which has taken his name
in vain.
In 1928 God directed his people, then assembled in
convention at Detroit, to throw down the gauntlet,
declaring his purpose to destroy Satan's organization
and directing attention particularly to Christendom.
There will be no withdrawal therefrom. The remnant
iJ now telling" the testimony of Jesus Christ" in obedience to God's commandment, and telling it against
Chrlstl'll<lom; and when God's sword smites Christendom she will know that it is from the hand of the





The" faithful and wise servant" class, pictured by

Ezekiel, is then directed by Jehovah to sigh with bitterness before the eyes of Christendom. When asked
the reason for such bitter sighing, the servant is to
say: "For the tidings, because it cometh." (21: 6,7)
God's faithful witnesses are now certain that they
have the correct understanding of what is coming
upon Christendom and upon- all of Satan's organization. God has revealed to his faithful people that the
battle of Armageddon will be truly terrible ani! be
the greatest of all tribulations, because God through
Christ Jesus. and not by man, will execute his righteous judgment against Christendom. Seeing the terrible disaster that shall befall the peoples and the nations, necessarily those of the remnant sigh with bit.
terness, because of what they see coming.
The remnant must tell this message to Christendom
by giving plain notice 01 the approaching great tribulation; and by their so doing, the "heart [of Christendom's rulers] shall melt, and [their] hands shall
be feeble, and [their] spirit shall faint, and all knees
shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall
be brought to pass, saith the Lord God". (Vs. 7)
The remnant is now delivering this message, but
little heed is being given thereto. The remnant must
continually tell the message; and when the rulers of
Christendom actually face the crisis her rulers, lords
and defenders will grow weak and will realize their
utter inability to hold out against God's power. They
will be brought face to face with the situation that
will destroy all their boastfulness and courage and
take away their impudence before God. The remnant
must continue to press the battle to the gate. Jehovah





will provide his remnant with all needed strength to

do the work he has commissioned them to do.-Isa.
6: 11, 12; 28: 5, 6.
Jehovah's witness, the faithful remnant, must pall
attention to the threatening "sword of Jehovah".
Only by so doing can the remnant be the faithful
watchmen. Therefore the remnant is eommanded .
"Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the Lora;
Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished. " (21: 9) The responsibility is upon the" scrvant" class to deliver the message, and the responsibility is upon those who hear and who have failed to
heed it. (Bzek 33: 2-4) It is the time to perform this
solemn duty, because the Lord has drawn his sword
for the vindication of his name. The time has come for
God to act; "It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter;
it is furbished that it may glitter; should we then
make mirth 1 it eontemneth the rod of my son, as
every tree." (21: 10) Christendom's rulers claim to
be the sons of God and God's favorites. (Ps. 82: 6)
They claim that they have a strong rod or scepter,
and that they rule the earth as God's special favorites
and by right from him. But even if their rod were
as large as a tree, God 's Word would contemn or despise it, because Christendom will not be permitted
to escape. With boastful arrogance Satan now assembles his forces for Armageddon, and by various treaties and compacts his rulers on earth bind themselves
as rods together until they have the appearance of a
tree for thickness; yet God's great sword despises
them and they are contemptible in his sight. The remnant must do their duty in declaring the truth.





Christ Jesus is the mighty warrior who will wield

the sword of Jehovah and slay his adversaries. The
Lord God has prepared it that it. may be handled.
II And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may
be handled; this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer." (21: 11)
Christ Jesus is the great slayer, and now he girds
his sword upon him awl rides victoriously to the war.
(Ps, 45: 3, 4) As this sword glitters in the divine light,
the remnant class on earth catch the flashes of its
lightning and see the way to go and how to use "the
sword of the spirit, which is the word of God", in
harmony with his will. Christ,' with his mighty invisible armies, is marching to the war, and the small
division, the remnant on earth, is announcing the approaching battle and singing the praises of Jehovah.
Those in the covenant who do not joyfully obey the
Lord do not see the flashes of light and cannot appreciate what is about to come to pass. Without doubt
Jehovah sends to his faithful people these flashes of
light in "the day of his preparation" that they may
be able to use the Word of God with effect and to be
encouraged and to press the battle to the end. It is
God's truth, and he gives it to his people according
to their needs. He feeds them upon food which is convenient.
In the light of God's commandment to Ezekiel, as
set forth in verses twelve and thirteen, no faithful
member of the remnant could now remain idle or indifferent. It is the judgment time upon all professed
people of God, which includes all in Christendom.
Sentimental religionists think it strange that God
would despise "organized Christianity" and destroy

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Page 280






it, but they do not understand. Concerning this the

Lord says: "Because it is a trial, and what if the
sword contemn even the rod? it shall be no more,
saith the Lord God." (21: 13) Ezekiel was commanded to smite upon his thigh, directing attention to the
fact thai God's wartime was at hand. It is a "trial ",
or test time, upon those who bear the rod or scepter
to rule, and these shall fall. Christendom's power
shall be no more, because it is an abomination in God's
sight. The kingdom-sword will not return to its sheath
until all the adversaries of Jehovah are silenced.
The proclamation of this message is of such tremendous importance that God commands that an
extra effort be made to attract the attention of the
people thereto. Hence to Ezekiel he said: Thou,
therefore, son of. man, prophesy, and smite thine hands
together, and let the sword be doubled the third time,
the sword of. the slain; it is the sword of the great
men that are slain, which entereth into their privy
ehambers. ' (21: 14) It is manifest that the words here
used, "let the sword be doubled the third time," are
used to emphasize the importance of the message and
the complete effectiveness of. God's war against Satan's organization. And let The sword' be repeated
the third time." (Leeser) That means, Let the proclamation of the message of the day of the vengeance
of our God continue with emphasis until it is complete. Repeatedly call the attention of the people
Let the battle cry of God's anointed people be:



EZEK. 21

The remnant has continued to use this battle cry

since 1928. It is a message of Jehovah through Christ
Jesus concerning his vengeance upon Christendom.
It is the sword that slays the great and mighty rulers
in Satan's earthly organization. "It is upon all the
princes of Israel," that is to say, upon the rulers of
Christendom. "Cry and howl, son of man; for it is
upon my people, it is upon all the princes of Israel;
they are delivered over to the sword with my people;
smite therefore upon thy thigh. "-21: 12, R.V.
The Lord in this present day makes the truth clear
and bright, that it might cut deep into the ranks of
the adversaries. "I have set the point of the sword
against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and
their ruins be multiplied. Ah! it is made bright, it
is wrapped up for the slaughter;" (21: 15) The word
"point" is rendered "consternation" in the Revised
Version, margin. Other translators render the text:
"Ah, it is made bright [made as lightning, to flash
like lightnings]. It is wrapped up [pointed, keen,
thin-edged, sharp; it is well prepared] for the
slaughter," and is put in the hands of the slayer,
Christ Jesus.
"The point," as used above, is from the root word
which seems to mean "to turn", and hence to brandish. Jehovah has ordered his sword to be turned or
brandished against the gates of the traitors of "organized Christianity", and that causes consternation
to the enemy. The Lord makes everything ready for
the execution of his judgments of vengeance against
Christendom, and it will be done in grand style.
Christendom has not a "ghost of a chance" to withstand the assault of the Lord and to survive. The





remnant is now exhibiting the Word of God before

Cliristendom, and is brandishing it by declaring his
message of vindication. It is not a rusty or dull-edged
sword either, but is keen, thin-edged, pointed and
polished, and an effective weapon. The remnant are
confidently and boldly going forward proclaiming the
message of the Lord's judgments, until he shortly
executes his judgment against the adversaries,
Verse sixteen of the twenty-first chapter of this
prophecy is addressed to the sword, and this is in.
dieated by the gender of the verb. According to another translator it reads: "One firm stroke to the
right, turn to the left, whithersoever thine edge is
directed." (Roth.) It is therefore certain that this
is the command of Jehovah to Christ Jesus, his
polished" Sword", and to his army that faithfully
follow after him, including the remnant, to proceed
to the battle, and for each member to do his duty and
to smite in three different directions, to wit, to the
right, to the left, and in front of them, which means,
against the three divisions of Satan's organization.
God's remnant is commanded to do a smiting work;
as it is written: "I have . . . raised up thy sons, 0
Zion, . . . as a sword of a mighty man." (Zech,
9: 13, 14) 'I'he remnant, however, does the smiting
work by declaring the message of truth, and the Lord
Jesus does the great actual smiting against Christendom.
It is a time of war, and therefore the time for
vigorous action. "I will also smite mine hands together, and I will causa my fury to rest; I the Lord
have said it." (21: 17) The Lord brings forcibly together his strength and power for his work, causing




all divisions of his mighty army to work with cornplete unity. There will be no peaceful time until Jehovah's fury has been satisfied upon the enemy at
Armageddon. All the adversaries of Jehovah must
go down, that his name and word may be vindicated.

Having determined that Jerusalem should fall,

Jehovah used the king of Babylon to accomplish his
purpose. To Ezekiel, therefore, Jehovah said: "Also,
thou son of man, appoint thee two ways, that the
sword of the king of Babylon may come; both twain
shall come forth ant of one land; and choose thou a
place, choose it at the head of the way to the city."
(21: 19) What follows seems clearly to show that
God will first destroy Christendom and will then destroy the entire organization of Satan. Jerusalem was
first destroyed, and then, later, Babylon was destroyed.
Did Nebnchadnezzar, in destroying Jerusalem, typify Jesus Christ ~ The answer is No. To be a type of
Christ one must be wholly devoted to God, like Moses.
Nebuchadnezzar was not devoted to Jehovah, but was
the instrument of Satan, and therefore could not be
a type of Christ Jesus.
Prior to his rebellion Lucifer was a servant of Jehovah, clothed with power and authority to inflict the
death penalty for the violation of God's law. (Ezek.
28: 14; Heb. 2: 14) When Jehovah withdrew his favor
from Israel and determined upon its destruction, that
nation passed under the control of Satan by sufferance, and Satan, by the sufferance of Jehovah, became
the god of the entire world. Nebuehadnezzar, being
the visible head of the universal world power, there





sat in the position similar to that occupied by Lucifer prior to his rebellion. God used Nebuchadnezzar,
the king of Babylon, to punish Israel; and for that
purpose Ncbuchadnezzar was the servant of Jehovah,
and Jehovah spoke of Nebuchadnezzar as his servant.
(Jcr. 25: 9; 27: 6; Rzrk, 2D: 19, 20) Ncbuchadnezzar
was not a type of Jesus Christ merely because Cod
used him for his purpose to foreshadow the destruction of Christendom. As long as Israel was a covenant
people of God, Nebuchadnezzar could not be the universal ruler of the world; and when God cast Israel
off, Nebuchadnezzar, being the representative of Satall on earth, became the universal ruler of the world
by reason of what Gud did to the Israelites; and
hence it is properly said that Jehovah gave Nebuehadnczzar the kingdom, that is to say, he suffered him
to take it. Daniel, addressing Nebuchadnezzar, said:
"Thou . . . art a king of kings, for the God of heaven hath given thee [the] kingdom." (Dan. 2: 37)
That docs not mean that God had made Nebuchadnczzar his representative in the earth; but by reason
of what God did to Israel he made Nebuchadnezzar
king of the Israelites,
There is no reason to believe that Nebuehadnezzar
knew he was serving God's purposes; but that did not
preclude him from being so used. Any creature whom
the Lord uses in his service, even if that creature be
an ass, is his servant. (Num. 22: 28-30) God could
have caused even the very stones to do his service and
therefore to be his servant. (Luke 19: 40) Nebuehadnezzar the king of Babylon stood, as it were, at the
forks of the road, considering whether he should take
the road that led him to Ammon, and smite first the



EZEK. 21

Ammonites, or should take the other road and smite

first Judah and Jerusalem. God intervened and so
controlled the affairs of Nebuchadnezzar that Nebuchadnezzar chose to go to Jerusalem and did go and
smite it first. In thus controlling the action of Nebuchadnezzar Jehovah said to Ezekiel: "Choose thou a
place . . . at the head of the way to the city [Jerusalem]." "And a hand engrave thou, at the head of
the way to the city engrave it." (Roth.) (21: 19)
Just as though one would place a signboard with an
index finger there at the fork of the road, the finger
pointing a certain way, in like manner the Lord directed that Nebuchadnezzar go to Jerusalem. Jerusalem was more reprehensible before God, and he directed the assault with the sword to be made there
Then the prophecy discloses a picture of Nebuehadnezzar appealing to an unseen power, which meant,
of course, to the Devil and his angels. "For the king
of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the
head of the two ways [at the fork of the road] to use
divination [to appeal to his deity, Satan] : he made
his arrows bright, he consulted with images [teraphim, or idols], he looked in the liver." As Nebuehadnezzar stood there facing the south, "at his right
hand was the divination for Jerusalem." (21: 22)
While he consulted his various signs, Jehovah overruled the omens or signs so that God's will would be
accomplished upon Jerusalem. Without doubt Jehovah had his angel on the spot to see that Nebuchadnezzar did as he wanted him to do. Jehovah called to
remembrance the iniquity of Jerusalem, and so con-





trolled the affairs of NeLuchadnezzar that the assault

was made upon it first.-21: 23.
Bven so today: those of the Devil's organization
call upon their deity, "the god of this [wicked]
world," and consult mediums and idols to know what
they shall do; but regardless thereof the will of Jehovah shall be done against hypocritical I I organized
Christianity". It was Jehovah who brought punishment upon Jerusalem, and it is Jehovah that will
bring a like punishment upon Christendom. In both
instances the instrument used is Jehovah's servant,
but it does not at all follow that the first servant was
a "type" of the last.
Jerusalem had come to the full in wickedness, and
God caused Ezekiel to announce his decree against
her. Likewise, Christendom has come to the full in
wickedness, and God causes his anointed people, whom
Ezekiel foreshadowed, to announce his decree against
her: "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Because ye
have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that
your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your
doings your sins do appear; because, I say, that ye
are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the
hand." (21:24) Thus Jehovah sets forth that it is
the measure of sinfulness and wickedness, in proportion to light, that brings responsibility and that therefore brings down upon the wicked his sword. In this
verse (24) Jehovah laid the charge against the Jews
at the beginning of the Gentile times; and with
stronger reasoning the charge applies to Christendom
since the close of the Gentile times and before bringing upon Christendom the sword at Armageddon.
Zedekiah was then the ruler in Jerusalem, and





Zedekiah foreshadowed the exalted rulers in Chris.

tendom. To such Jehovah says: "And thou, profane
wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when
iniquity shall have an end." (21: 25) This applied,
of course, to Zedekiah; and its wider application is to
the exalted ones of Christendom who are lifted up,
haughty, austere, and who are "profane" [meaning
"death-deserving" (Leeser)], lawless ones who assume to be worthy to rule in God's name and who
hypocritically claim to be God's representatives on
the earth. Other renderings of the text arc illuminating: "'Whose day hath come in a time of final iniquity" (Roth.); "And thou, death-deserving wicked
one, prince of Israel, whose day is come, at the time
of the iniquity of the end." (Leeser) This means that
the time has come when God will restrain evil, and
that time is marked by extreme wickedness in Christendom; and now it must come to an end.
Jehovah then addresses his chief officer, saying:
"Thus saith the Lord God, Remove the diadem, and
take off the crown; this shall not be the same; exalt
him that is low, and abase him that is high." (21: 26)
Christ Jesus is the one who knocks the crowns off the
heads of the rulers of the world, and who takes away
all kingdom privileges from the unfaithful, and who
exalts the obedient ones who are faithful to their
covenant. This work began with the coming of the
Lord to his temple for judgment, in 1918. The fall
of Zedekiah marked the end of the Jewish nation. The
fall of Christendom will mark the end of hypocritical
"orgtlnized religion ".
Then with decided emphasis Jehovah announces:
"I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall

EZEK. 21



be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I

will give it him." (21: 27) The it means the crown,
or authority to rule. The rulers of Christendom assume to wear it, the crown, and God will take it away
completely from Christendom and all other earthly
rulers. Christ is earth's rightful King, and God has
placed him upon his holy hill in Zion. (Ps. 2: 6) The
kingdom of God is taken from Christendom and given
to the "nation bringing forth the fruits thereof", to
wit, Christ Jesus and his faithful body members, the
faithful servant of Jehovah. (Matt. 21: 43) "The
Lord lifteth up the meek; he casteth the wicked down
to the ground. "-Ps. 147: 6.
Other renderings of verse twenty-seven disclose a
flexibility of phraseology of the text, making it apply
both in 1914 and at Armageddon. "Also this shall not
belong (to anyone) until he come whose right it is,
and I will give it him." (Leeser) "Even this hath not
befallen until the coming of One to whom belongeth
the right, then will I bestow it." (Roth.) This shows
that the prophecy applied at 1914, when the Lord
Jesus was then placed upon the throne, but applies
more particularly at the coming of the Lord Jesus to
the battle of Armageddon. Then the crowns of Satan's
organization will be thrown down, and the heads
broken. (Ps, 110: 6) There will then be no rival contender for the crown, but it belongs to and will be
used exclusively by Christ Jesus.
Now earth's rightful King has come, and three and
one-half years after his coming, to wit, in 1918, he
was presented as King and was rejected by Christendam; and the next great act is the complete overthrow and destruction of Christendom. Three times





the word "overthrown" or "overturn" is used, and

manifestly for the purpose of emphasis, as the words
"sword be doubled the third time" are used. Such
means the certain and complete destruction of Christendom that it may rise no more.

Jehovah so directed the lots cast by Nebuchadnezzar

that Nebuchadnezzar first went to Jerusalem and destroyed it, although he had considered to first effect
the destruction of Ammon. Rabbah was the capital
city of the Ammonites. That people was descended
from Lot, the nephew of Abraham. They were
unfriendly to the Israelites; and they hated both the
faithful and the unfaithful Jews, just because they
were called by the name of Jehovnh, or Jehovah's
covenant people. When Nebuehadnczzar was actually
reducing Jerusalem, the Ammonites indulged in reproaching Jehovah's name. The sword of Uod must
smite the Ammonites. (Ps. 83: 7, 12; Ezek. 25: 1-7)
The decree of Jehovah marks their fall and Was announced by the Prophet Ezekiel: "And thou, son of
man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God
concerning the Ammonites, and concerning their reproach; even say thou, The sword, the sword is drawn;
for the slaughter it is furbished, to consume because
of the glittering; whiles they see vanity unto thee,
whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon
the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose
day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end."
-21: 28, 29.
The Ammonites represent those in the land who do
not profess to be God's people but who have a spite





and contempt for any and all who do claim to represent God, whether they be faithful or unfaithful.
They reproach the name of God and do evil to his
people. Such are the atheists, many of whom are today in Russia, and who have come to the fore since the
World War. They are anti-religionists, and are prognosticators who oppose whatsoever is called by the
name of Jehovah God. They despise his Word and
the people who use it. They make false pretexts, to
publish lies for the purpose of provoking anti-religionists to tear down professed Christianity and also
true Christianity. They carry en a campaign to propagate their anti-God and anti-kingdom doctrines.
They put up the bars and hinder God's witnesses
from entering their land to deliver the message of
After the sword of the Lord has smitten Christendom it will not be put back in its sheath until it has
smitten others, such as the Ammonites or those whom
the Ammonites represented, and who have reproached
and do reproach God's name. Concerning such the
Lord says: "Shall I cause it to return into his sheath?
I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created,
in the land of thy nativity." (21: 30) God's judgment
will come home to the defamers of his name. Jeremiah
prophesied concerning the execution of God's wrath
at Armageddon upon such as the Ammonites. (Jer.
25: 21) "For, 10, I begin to bring evil on the city
which is called by my name [Christendom], and
should ye [Ammonites and other heathen] be utterly
unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished; for I will
call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth,
saith the Lord of hosts. "-Jer. 25: 29.



EZElC. 21

The prophecy of Ezekiel 21: 31, 32 briefly sums up

the matter of the punishment God will bring upon all
nations aside from Christendom. These shall be for
ever forgotten. Jehovah has spoken the decree, and
Jehovah's word and name shall be vindicated.



E H OVAH has committed all judgment to his beloved Son Christ Jesus, with full power and
authority to execute his decrees. (John G: 22, 27)
In connection with the judgment of Christendom the
Lord assigns to his faithful body members of earth
certain duties to be performed. Ezekiel foreshadowed
this faithful class, and to Ezekiel Jehovah said: "Now,
thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the
bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations." (22:2) To God's remnant now on earth is
therefore assigned the duty or task of pointing out
why the judgments of the Lord must come upon
Christendom, and particularly upon the clergy and
their allies who rule. If not hindered, Satan would
prevent the people from knowing the reason for such
judgments' being inflicted. God will not permit Christendom to have any excuse to say that she had no
chance to know.
Since the World War there has been a studied and
organized effort on the part of Satan's representatives to prevent the public proclamation of anything
that might produce a 'religious controversy'. There
has been and is an attempt in all Christendom to
harmonize Catholics and Protestants, Jews and others,
but the real effort is directed at God's faithful witnesses. The agents of Satan prevailed upon owners of
public halls to refuse the use of their halls for public


EZEK. 22

proclamation of the truth npon the Bible. Owners

and controllers of radio stations are warned by the
clergy and are threatened, and every possible influence
is brought to bear by them to prevent the broadcasting of the message of God's kingdom and of the reason
for the expression of God's vengeance against the
wickedness of Christendom.
As an excuse and attempted justification of their
course of action these agents of Satan say that all
controversial matters should be avoided. They are
afraid to come out in the open and so they attempt
to prevent the proclamation of the message of truth.
Those who once made a covenant to do the will of
God, who were favored with the truth and many of
whom were put in positions as elders, and who still
claim to be the favorites of the Lord God but who are
unfaithful to him, insist that nothing should be said
that would provoke the clergy to controversy. The
real reason behind all this is an effort on Satan's part
to keep the people in ignorance of the truth. The message of Jehovah God's Word is not controversial, and
it is not proclaimed for the purpose of provoking controversy. Being the truth, it could not be eontroversial. That message of truth is, of course, important to
all who have a desire to live. None shall ever live everlastingly without first having an opportunity to accept the truth, and then accepting and obeying it. It
is God's message, and not man's, and no man can
afford, for his own good, to push it aside.
Satan is therefore using his agents greatly to the
disadvantage of the people. That message of truth is
a warning to the rulers and to the ruled, that they
might know what is coming to pass, in order that




those who desire to heed and who do heed and obey

God may be carried through the great tribulation that
is about to break upon the world. The responsibility
to tell the message is laid upon God's anointed people,
and this responsibility they cannot escape. When the
message is faithfully delivered by God's anointed ones,
then their responsibility in connection therewith ends.
Jehovah briefly states the reason for judging and
condemning Ohristendom, in the words of his prophet Isaiah (24: 5). Then he states what is the result to
those who are wrongdoers and who thus continue:
"Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and
they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the
inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men
left. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly
spoiled; for the Lord hath spoken this word." (Isa.
24: 6, 3') God's everlasting covenant, stated to Noah,
defines the sanctity of human life. This covenant
Ohristendom, and every part thereof, has repeatedly
broken by unrighteously shedding human blood. The
divine ordinances for the church, respecting the worship and service of Jehovah, are set forth in the Scriptures by Jesus and his faithful apostles. Ohristendom
has changed these ordinances and instead has substituted a form of idolatrous worship. The laws
of God concerning honesty and righteousness and fair
dealing are set forth in the Bible. Ohristendom has
broken every one of these laws and has committed
every crime known to the criminal calendar.
The bloody and unrighteous deeds of Ohristendom
are set forth by Ezekiel in chapter 22, particularly
verses 3, 4, 6 and 13. The chief ones in crime are those
whom the Devil has exalted in his organization and




has made the ruling factors in Christendom. These

have attempted to hide behind religious formalism
carried on in the name of God and of Christ; and
Jehovah is indignant at the hypocrisy and other
crimes committed by them and at the reproach brought
upon his n-ame by Christendom, and therefore he says
to such: "Behold, therefore, I have smitten mine hand
at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made, and at
thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee. Can
thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in
the days that I shall deal with thee YI the Lord have
spoken it, and will do it. "-22: 13, 14.
The truth must now be made known that Jehovah
is God and that his time has come to put an end to
lawlessness. "But the Lord is the true God, he is the
living God, and an everlasting King; at his wrath
the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be
able to abide his indignation. Thus shall ye say unto
them, The gods that have not made the heavens and
the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and
from under these heavens. "-Jer. 10: 10, 11.
Christendom, and particularly her clergy and the
principal of her flocks, has fraudulently acquired
that which belongs to the common people, and has
oppressed and continues to oppress them; and has
beaten, persecuted and maltreated the people of God,
and has brought great reproach upon Jehovah's
name. "The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth
to judge the people. What mean ye that ye beat my
people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poorY saith
the Lord God of hosts." (Isa. 3: 13, 15) Christendom
has sowed degradation and profanity amongst the
heathen, even as God caused Ezekiel to write: "And

EZEIt. 22



thou shalt be profaned in thyself, in the sight of the

nations; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord."
(Ezek. 22: 16, R.V.) God's purpose is now to make
himself known and to expose wickedness. If he did
not do so, those who flout him and his laws would
not be brought to a recognition of who Jehovah is,
and would not know that he does not approve wickedness. For his name's sake he will judge and fully recompense the wicked. His name shall be vindicated.
Jehovah sends his beloved Son to his temple for
judgment and to perform the work of a refiner and
purifier. 4< Son of man, the house of Israel is to me
become dross; all they are brass, and tin, and iron,
and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even
the dross of silver." (22: 18) The house of Israel here
mentioned corresponds to "both the houses of Israel"
to whom God's anointed King has become "a stone of
stumbling" and "a rock of offence". (Isa. 8: 14, 15)
When the refining work is done, Christendom is found
to be nothing but dross. The refining work gathers
out and makes known the remnant class; the "great
multitude" in due time also takes its stand on the
side of the Lord; the people of good will and honest
heart will take their stand on the side of the Lord
and draw as near as they may to him, seeking meekness and righteousness, and the "sheep" will be fully
separated from the "goats"; and that which Christendom once held, and which is likened unto silver,
all comes to dross or nothing.-Isa. 1: 21, 25.
God will pour out his fury upon Christendom, and
she shall come to naught. "Therefore thus saith the
Lord God, Because ye are all become dross, behold,
therefore, I will gather you into the midst of Jeru





salem, AB they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and

lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow
the Ilre upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in
mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there,
and melt you." (22: 19-22) When Nebuchadnezzar
assaulted Jerusalem, doubtless many of the people of
surrounding territory, towns and suburbs, rushed into
the city to find refuge there, and they were thus
cooped up or gathered together like metallic ore in a
crucible, to be melted. In the present time the Lord,
by casting Satan out of heaven and smiting the nations with fear, has caused "organized religion" to
seek refuge in the strongholds of Satan's organization,
which is headed for complete destruction. They become as tares gathered together in .bundles for burning. Thus they are put in a convenient position to
be devoured by the fire of Jehovah's jealousy, and
like dross they shall all be consumed. ., Thou puttest
away all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore
I love thy testimonies." (Ps, 119: 119) "Take away
the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth
a vessel for the finer. "-Prov. 25: 4, 5.
The prophecy had a miniature fulfilment in 606
B.C., when Jerusalem was destroyed; and its final
fulfilment will be after the fire of God's jealousy blows
upon Christendom. (Zeph. 3: 8; 2 Pet. 3: 7-10) The
prophecy thus contrasts the hypocritical wicked with
the way of the faithful. The gathering of the professed Christians into "organized Christianity" takes
place at the same time that God gathers together his
remnant unto Christ and brings them into Zion his
organization. The false are gathered together for destruction, and the faithful remnant are gathered to-

EZlIiK. 23



gether unto the Lord in safety and for preservation

and fOt' Jehovah's use and service.
It is the duty and privilege laid upon the faithful
thus gathered together for service to make known
God's righteous judgment and to make known
his reason for executing the same. Jehovah will afford
ample opportunity for his name to be known, and his
remnant is given the privilege of declaring his judgments and of telling the testimony, that his name may
be known. It may appear to some that such is an unpleasant duty, but to those who love the Lord nothing
can be an unpleasant duty when performed at the
commandment of Jehovah. It is an unpleasant message
to the ears of those who do not love the Lord God,
but it is a joy to those who delight to have some part
in the vindication of Jehovah's great name.
Jehovah then speaks against polluted Jerusalem and
Judah, and directs his prophet to say: "Son of man,
say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed,
nor rained upon in the day of indignation." (22: 24)
This is directed also against Christendom. The day
of God's indignation follows 1918, which year marked
the end of the Elijah work of the church. Christendom is not cleansed; and its so-called "spiritual revival" following the World War, and which brought
forth the League of Nations and peace pacts and
crime commissions with the announced purpose of
cleansing Christendom, did not succeed and has not
succeeded in cleansing it. Christendom is dried up,
and has the appearance of parched ground that is
cracking open. The heavens of Jehovah have become
unto Christendom as brass, and the curse that Jehovah pronounced against Jerusalem applies now to



EZEK. 22

Christendom. "And thy heaven that is over thy head

shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall
be iron. The Lord shall make the rain of thy land
powder and dust; from heaven shall it come down
upon thee, until thou be destroyed. "-Deut. 28: 23,24.

The clergy of Christendom are in a conspiracy

against the truth of God and against the kingdom interests, as evidenced by the federated churches and
the course of action thereof. These consort with bootleggers and political "crooks ", and attempt to prevent the radio from being used to proclaim the kingdom message, and use every other means within their
power to prevent the message of God's kingdom from
going to the people. Being Satan's instruments they
know that the truth will expose their own wickedness,
and they work against the peoples' interest to shield
themselves. By taxing their congregations to keep
them going, and by sanctifying war, "they have devoured souls," and "taken the treasure and precious
things" to build imposing cathedrals, by which they
hope to impress the gullible people; and they have
"made . . . many widows" by preaching war, by
conspiring to poison manufactured alcohol, and
by approving the shotgun method of enforcing
the Prohibition law. Therefore says the Lord to them:
"There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst
thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they
have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure
and precious things; they have made her many widows
in the midst thereof. "-22: 25.




Jehovah then describes the "wicked servant" class,

called "priests", because such were once in line for
the priestly office by reason of being called to the
kingdom. (Rev. 1: 6) Those who were disapproved
when the Lord came to his temple, and out of whom
is formed the" evil servant" class, are thus addressed
by the prophet: "Her priests have violated my law,
and have profaned mine holy things; they have put
no difference between the holy and profane, neither
have they shewed difference between the unclean and
the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths,
and I am profaned among them." (22: 26) These
lawless ones have broken God's law governing those
in line for the priesthood, by refusing to give public
witness against Satan's organization and in favor of
God's organization, and by declaring themselves subservient to Satan's organization, claiming his representatives on earth to be "the higher powers". They
have profaned the holy things by refusing to stand
by God's organization, and, in fact, they refuse to
believe that God has an organization and that Satan
has an organization. Instead of resting in the faith
of the great ransom sacrifice, they have taught and
teach so-called "character development" as a means
of getting them into heaven, and have refused to proclaim that the kingdom is here, which is the great
sabbath day and the only means by which the people
can obtain rest and relief.
This "evil servant" class now attempts to keep the
people in darkness, by opposing the work of God's
witnesses who go from house to house to deliver the
message of his kingdom. Through his prophet -Ieremiah the Lord speaks concerning the prophets



E2:EK., 22

(preachers) and the priests (those once in line for

the priesthood), and says: "For both prophet and
priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found
their wickedness, saith the Lord. Wherefore their
way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness; they shall be driven on, and fall therein j for I
will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the Lord." (Jer. 23: 11, 12) Both preachers and priests have brought the name of Jehovah
into disrepute.
The Lord then speaks by Ezekiel with reference to
the political engineers, or directors, of the governments of Christendom, who manipulate the affairs of
government and get "dishonest gain" by fomenting
war, by resorting to bribery and fraud, by betraying
the peoples' interest, and by operating the public affairs for private gain. These he speaks of as "princes",
saying: "Her priness in the midst thereof are like
wolves ravening the prey to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain." (22: 27) The
preachers put forth their best efforts to make these
unrighteous rulers and engineers and directors of
political affairs to appear good in the eyes of the people. In this they are aided by the "priests", that is
to say, the class once in line for the priesthood but
which has becomethe "evilservant". "Andherprophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing
vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus
saith the Lord God, when the Lord hath not spoken."
(22: 28) On the pretext of being patriotic these
preachers attempt to uphold the politicians who practice wicked schemes upon the people j and thus the
"princes" destroy souls and get dishonest gain, and

EZEK. 22



the people suffer. These same political prognosticators

predict better times just ahead and the success of their
worldly schemes for cleaning up the land, and the
preachers follow in their lead and try to lend a.
sanctimonious and holy air thereto; such, for instance,
as the clergymen's offering to follow the lead of the
president of the United States with his" Crime Commission", and declaring such to be God's way, when,
in fact, "the Lord hath not spoken" by them.
Following the World War the number of "newly
rich" amongst the people greatly increased and have
been particularly engaged in oppressing the poor.
They have robbed and vexed the people by various
unholy schemes. For instance, on the pretext of improving the country, they put forth all manner of
schemes that have made the burdens of the people
grievous to be borne. Among these are the real estate
promotion schemes, taxing the owners of property
by a bonding system, which is a great oppressive
scheme of "taxation without representation". The
consent of the property owner is neither sought nor
asked, but schemers get laws enacted and proceed to
carry out their schemes through which the people
suffer. Therefore says the prophet of God: "The people of the land [that is, the prosperous ones in commercial affairs, aside from the officials who become
oppressors] are guilty of extortion, and practice robbery, and the poor [the small property owner] and
the needy [those who really need consideration] they
defraud: and they extort from the stranger with injustice. "-22: 29, Leeser.
Such schemeshave they practiced throughout America, particularly since the World War, and the small



EZEK. 22

property owner has grown poorer each year, and

these, together with the laborers that produce the
wealth, are greatly oppressed. They oppress the poor
and draw them before the courts, where unjust judges
assist in robbing them. One of America's able and
fearless lawyers publicly said: "Nowhere in our social fabric is the discrimination between the rich and
the poor so emphasized to the average citizen as at
the bar of justice. . .. Money secures the ablest and
most adroit counsel. . . . The poor must be content to
forego all these [things]." This is in line with what
the apostle wrote: "But ye have despised the poor.
Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before
the judgment seats?"-Jas. 2:6; 5:1-6.
God's faithful people are "strangers and pilgrims"
in the land of Christendom. (1 Pet. 2: 11) Dig Business, politicians, and the clergy, acting together with
the cruel and newly rich, have oppressed and do oppress these "strangers". Also the people of heathen
lands, such as China, and who are therefore "strangers" to Christendom, have been and are victims of
oppression by Big Business and their allies. Christendom has afflicted the people more than any world
power that ever existed.
The Lord's prophet then shows that Jehovah has
looked in vain in Christendom for any of her leaders
to take a stand for righteousness. He says: "And I
sought for a man among them, that should make up
the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the
land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none."
(22: 30) In the early history of America there were
bold and fearless men who would stand for the peopIe; but not so in modern times, and particularly dur-





ing the past half-century. For many years God has

sent his message of truth to the land of Christendom,
and this work was foreshadowed by what Elijah the
prophet did. (Mal. 4: 5, 6) But this work of proclaiming the truth to the leaders of "Christendom"
did not cleanse them nor turn them away from unrighteousness. Instead of the clergy's standing for
God's kingdom, they openly joined hands with the
others of Satan's organization and declared against
God's kingdom under Christ, and have persecuted
those who dared tell the truth.
No one can ever be heard to say that Jehovah God
did not show mercy and long-suffering toward Christendom. The mouths of her leaders, and particularly
of the clergy, are for ever stopped from making any
such claim. Having spurned the message of the
Lord and refused to be cleansed, Jehovah now pronounces :tinal judgment against Christendom, declaring what shall be her end. "Therefore have I poured
out mine indignation upon them: I have consumed
them with the fire of my wrath; their own way have
I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God."


The twenty-third chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy

finds its complete fulfilment in the two branches of
"organized Christianity", that is to say, Catholicism
and Protestantism. Jehovah continues to state through
his prophet the reason why his judgment shall be
executed against Christendom, and particularly upon
these two branches. These two are daughters of one



EZEK. 23

woman". They are the two great religio-political

world powers. The first one was, and is called, "The
Holy Roman Empire," which was entirely Roman
Catholic until 1521; and the second is called the
British-American Empire system. The name applied
to the first, in the Scriptures, is "Aholah ", and
that applied to the latter is "Aholibah her sister". With this prelude let us now proceed to the
examination of the twenty-third chapter of Ezekiel's
In the Scriptures a woman is symbolic of an organization. Jehovah gave his word of promise to
Abraham that Sarah, who had long been barren, should
bear him a son, and that with that offspring he would
establish his covenant for ever. (Gen. 17: 15-21) In
this symbolic picture Abraham represented Jehovah
the "husband", Sarah represented God's organization called Zion, while Isaac the son represented the
King that shall rule the world in righteousness. (Isa,
54: 1-7) Then God set up a typical organization called
Jerusalem or Zion. Out of this typical organization
came two daughter-organizations, to wit, the two,
tribes of Judah and Benjamin, which had their capital
city at Jerusalem, and the ten tribes of Israel, which
had their capital city at Samaria. The two were
sister organizations, and were two political divisions
or establishments, both claiming to be God's kingdom and God's representatives on the earth. (1 Ki,
11: 35-38; 14: 7, 8; Gen. 22: 18; 28: 14) These two
governments or political organizations, symbolized by
women, had their birth from the womb of one mother,
to wit, God's organization, and are therefore sisters.
They both fell away to Satan and became the daugh-


EZEK. 23



tel'S of his wicked organization by adoption. Thus says

the Lord by his prophet: "Son of man, there were
two women, the daughters of one mother; and they
committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed
whoredoms in their youth; there were their breasts
pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their
virginity. And the names of them were Aholah the
elder, and Aholibah her sister; and they were mine,
and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their
names, Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah."
-23: 2-4.
The fulfilment of the prophecy on a larger scale,
and which relates to Christendom, is this: God planted
true" Ohristianity" as a pure and noble vine, Christ
Jesus being the vine, and the apostles the branches
thereof; then there came forward an organization
which in fact was and is a political organization
called "Christian" and which has been known by the
name and title of "The Holy Roman Empire". The
sixth world power had adopted a religion and named
it "Christianity", and then it was called "The Holy
Roman Empire". Later there came forward another
organization, in opposition to "The Holy Roman Empire", called "Protestant Christianity". The Protestant reformers had among their active men some,
without a doubt, who were honest and sincere; but
Satan got control of the organization. It soon revealed itself as a political organization, separate and
distinct from the other part of the so-called "Christian world".
I The Roman Empire,"
the sixth head of the beast,
converted itself into "The Holy Roman Empire"
(so called) and continued to dominate the so-called





"Christian world" and was entirely Catholic until

1521. Her younger "sister", the Anglo-American
Empire, and particularly Britain, is the seventh head
of the "beast", or the seventh world power. Both of
these world powers, that is to say, Romanism and
Protestantism, have laid claim to being the kingdom
of God and the heir of the promise through which
the blessing to all the nations should come; and hence
both of these organizations set out to convert the
world to their respective religious views. Both claimed
and still claim to rule by divine right. They both lay
claim to being offspring of the same mother, to wit,
God's organization, and both call themselves "organized Christianity" or "Christendom", but, in
truth and in fact, their common mother is "Babylon
the Great", which is Satan's "woman", symbolic of
Satan's organization. These are both therefore the
daughters of one mother, or the offspring of Satan's
organization. (See Revelation 17 : 5; Light, Book Two,
page 89.)
The prophecy above quoted and other supporting
prophecies show that Samaria and Jerusalem were
typical of the organizations of Catholicism and Protestantism. As both Samaria and Jerusalem "committed whoredoms in their youth", likewise Catholicism and Protestantism committed whoredom from
their youth on. Neither the Catholic nor the Protestant organization, as such, was ever in fact God's organization; but they took the name of God and of
Christ and thereby assumed to be God's organization,
and professed to be children of the Lord and his representatives on the earth. They openly committed
"whoredom" by allying themselves with the politics

EZEIt. 23



of the world, and, in fact, by making their organization political but with a religious name, to wit, the
name "the Christian world", or "organized Christianity".
The name Aholah means "tent woman; her tent".
The name Aholibah means practically the same thing.
According to the Leeser and Rotherham translations
the prophet of the Lord says: "And they became
mine." Both "The Holy Roman Empire" and the
Anglo-American Empire claim to be God's by adoption, and hence both take the name "Christian" and
together form what is generally called "Christendom". Jehovah applied the name Aholah to Samaria,
and Aholibah to Jerusalem. Samaria therefore foreshadowed the Roman Empire. Samaria means" watch.
station", and the Roman Empire claims to be
the "watch" nation for the whole world. J erusalem means "foundation of lJeaee, or inheritance of
peace". The British Empire, together with America,
has expanded its domains by what they call peaceable means; and is the author of modern peace movements, and lays claims to being the bulwark of the
peace of the world and the stabilizer of civilization.
Thus the meaning of the names well fits the two world
powers, the Roman and the Anglo-American,
Samaria sought political connection and strength
from the heathen nations round about. (Has.
7: 10, 11; 2 Ki. 15: 19, 20; 17: 1-3) Instead of relying upon the Lord and his promises Samaria looke-d
elsewhere: "And Aholah played the harlot, when she
was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours." (23: 5) Likewise the so-called
"Holy Roman Empire" sought political connection,





aid and support, not from God, but from Satan's organization, which is pictured by Assyria. Rome centered her strength in political rulers and military
powers, symbolized by "desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses ", "which were clothed with
blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young
men, horsemen riding upon horses." (23: 6) The
same relationships, or "whoredoms", which Rome had
practiced with Egypt (the Devil's organization) she
continued to practice after she became the so-called
"Holy Roman Empire" or "Christian" world power.
"Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with
all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and
with all on whom she doted; with all their idols she
defiled herself. Neither left she her whoredoms
brought from Egypt; for in her youth they lay with
her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity,
and poured their whoredom upon her. "-23: 7, 8.
Jehovah then names these things as a reason for
the execution of his final judgment upon Aholah, the
Roman wing of so-called "organized Christianity " :
"Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her
lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom
she doted. These discovered her nakedness; they took
her sons and her daughters, and slew her with the
sword; and she became famous among women; for
they had executed judgment upon her." (23: 9, 10)
This could not have reference to what the arrogant
Napoleon did in 1799 to Papacy. Napoleon was only
one part of Satan's organization, whereas "the Assyrians" symbolically stands for all of Satan's organization to which the Romans looked for aid; and she
(" Aholah") has had to take whatever the political





factors, including Napoleon and others, provided.

"Organized Christianity" was handled in the World
War in the worst manner she was ever handled up
to the present time. She was exposed, and all the
world saw that she was unfaithful to God; and millions of her sons and daughters were slain. Doubtless
more Catholics than Protestants were slain in that
war, because more were engaged in it. But the worst
trouble for all "organized Christianity" is still future, and that at a very early date.
Protestant "organized religion" saw how Roman
Catholicism had defiled herself with the commercial
and political powers of the world, and said much
against the Catholics for that reason; but then Protestantism went and straightway did likewise, and
even worse: "And when her sister Aholibah saw this,
she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she,
and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her
whoredoms. She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously,
horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable
young men. Then I saw that she was defiled, that
they took both one way." (23: 11-13) Both have taken the same course; but Protestantism had had more
enlightenment than Romanism, and therefore is the
more reprehensible.
The clergy of organized Protestantism in the AngloAmerican Empire have shown more lust for political
power since the World War than her elder sister,
Romanism, has shown. The two have taken the same
way, as the prophet says, but "organized religion" in
the seventh world power has been and is by far the
worse. Both have appealed to Satan's officers and



recognized representatives for aid, and both have

joined hands in their political and financial schemes.
About the close of the World War a new government came into power in Russia, which new government has continued to heap many indignities upon
so-called "organized Christianity". Since then the
pope of Rome, the archbishop of Canterbury, the
archbishop of York, the archbishop of New York city,
and other clergymen of the Protestant systems, have
protested against the action of Russia and have appealed to the commercial and political rulers for aid
and relief. The American Committee on Religious
Rights and Minorities appealed to the president of the
United States against Russia and her persecutions of
so-called "organized Christiani ty ", and advised that
the American government refuse to recognize Russia
unless the 'religious persecutions are stopped ', The
United States has not recognized Russia.
Jerusalem increased her whoredom with the Chaldeans by giving herself over to the Babylonish religion. (Sec Ezekiel, chapter eight.) When she saw
the images of the Chaldeans portrayed in gaudy and
beautiful colors, she yielded to the temptation and
she immediately opened negotiations with the Babylonians to come and make common cause with her. (Ezek,
23: 14-16) Both Samaria and Jerusalem fell away
to the heathen. "And the Babylonians came to her
into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their
whoredom; and she was polluted with them, and her
mind was alienated from them. Then said I unto her
that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit
whoredoms with her, and she with them 1 Yet they
went in unto her, as they go in unto a woman that





playeth the harlot; so went they in unto Aholah and

unto Aholibah the lewd women." (23: 17, 43, 44) For
this reason God inflicted punishment upon both of

The modern fulfilment of the prophecy is this:

"Organized religion" of the seventh world powcr, to wit, the British-American Imperialism, saw the
beautifully painted pictures drawn by the president
of the United States, and by a general of the British
army, of and concerning a world power, made up of
a League of Nations, and which is the eighth world
power; and it pleased their vanity. To have to do with
bringing such a thing into existence would cover them
with everlasting fame; so they thought. Immediately
"organized religion" began to flirt with the commercial and political powers and to open negotiations
with them, and without hesitation united with the
devilish scheme manifested in the League of Nations.
As an open and flagrant act of hypocrisy they even
named this makeshift of the Devil (the League of
Nations) "the political expression of the kingdom of
God on earth' ', Since then the Protestant clergy in
particular have preached in favor of the propositions
brought forward by modern Babylon, to wit, by the
political powers of the world. They have advocated
and supported the World Court, the peace pacts, the
military disarmament movements, naval parleys,
crime commissions, and all of such movements; and
have fully endorsed and allied themselves therewith.
Organized Christianity" has sent messengers, in
the form of delegations of clergymen, to the political



EDx. 23

world powers. They have passed resolutions and

memorialized the political powers, including them in
all such matters. During all that period of time from
and after 1919 to the present hour God's witnesses
on the earth have continued to call attention of "organized Christianity", or Christendom, to the fact
that such are Satan '8 schemes; and have warned
the nations and the people that the League of Nations.
peace pacts, and like worldly arrangements. are the
offspring of Satan. To all of such warning and testimony "organized religion" has turned a deaf ear, just
as the message of Jeremiah was rejected by the Jews.
God had sent Jeremiah to warn Jerusalem, and Jeremiah did this faithfully and repeatedly, and his message was despised and rejected. God has sent his witnesses to warn Christendom and to testify to her of
the truth; and Christendom. particularly Protestantism. has opposed and persecuted these witnesses of
the Lord.
The political and commercial elements believe that
they can use the clergy of organized religion for their
purposes; therefore they make an illicit alliance with
them and. for a time at least, 'come into her bed of
love.' The overt acts committed by the religious leaders of Christendom show a complete alliance made by
them with other parts of the Devil's organization.
Religionists have opened their arms and received into
illicit relationship the political and commercial rulers.
They completely separate themselves from God and
from his kingdom, and acknowledge their strength
comes instead from the schemes of the Devil. "Therefore, 0 Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God. Behold.
I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom thy

Eux. 23



mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee

on every side; the Babylonians .and all the Chaldeans,
Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with
them; all of them desirable young men, captains and
rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding
upon horses." -23 : 22, 23.
This prophecy, like others, has a twofold fulfilment.
The first was in the siege of Jerusalem and the fall
of that city to the Babylonians in 606 B.C. The latter
or modern fulfilment is upon Christendom, particularly in relation to the seventh world power, or AngloAmerican Empire, the Protestant wing thereof. It betokens a rift between t t organized religion" and the
other worldlings with which she has had an illicit
alliance. To be sure, "organized Christianity" will
never reform, because she has passed completely beyond that stage. Organized Protestantism has gone
into complete infidelity, and the majority of her leaders are against God and against the Bible. Even now
the political and commercial rulers are getting their
eyes open to the fact of the hypocrisy practiced by
those who stand for and represent the modern church
organizations; and the Lord will put it in the mind
of such to "burn her with fire". (See Revelation
17: 16; Light, Book Two, page 108.)
God's judgment is pronounced against modern
It Christianity", beeause she has forsaken the Lord
and played the harlot and the hypocrite: I t I will do
these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and because thou art polluted
with their idols. Thou hast walked in the way of thy
sister; therefore will I give her cup into thine hand.
Thus saith the Lord God, Thou shalt drink of thy




sister's cup, deep and large; thou shalt be laughed

to scorn and had in derision; it containeth much. 'I'hou
shalt be filled with drunkenness and sorrow, with the
cup of astonishment and desolation, with the cup of
thy sister Samaria. Thou shalt even drink it, and suck
it out, and thou shalt break the sherds thereof, and
pluck off thine own breasts; for I have spoken it, saith
the Lord God. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy
back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy
whoredoms." (23: 30-35) The cup here mentioned is
not one of doctrine, but it is the" cup of astonishment
and desolation", the manifestation of God's wrath
against the great hypocritical crowd that has defamed
his holy name. God's judgment is written against both
wings of Christendom, or "organized Christianity" f
so called. The judgment is final and will now be enforced and fully executed.
Jehovah called upon Ezekiel to pronounce judg.
ment against Samaria and Jerusalem. Jehovah likewise directs the Ezekiel class, his faithful witnesses
on the earth, to proclaim his judgment against Christendom, particularly the hypocritical religion thereof
as represented and practiced both by Catholicism and
Protestantism. "The Lord said moreover unto me, Son
of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah i yea,
declare unto them their abominations." (23: 36) The
responsibility is upon the faithful witnesses of JE:ho.
vah to declare his judgments. Such is not the judg.
ment of men or the message of men. It is God's judgment and God's testimony delivered to Christ, and the
giving of which testimony has been committed to the
faithful members of the body of Christ, the witnesses




of Jehovah now on the earth. Such judgment he has

caused to be written in his Word. The reason for the
enforcement of his judgment is stated by Ezekiel in
23: 37-44.
Christ Jesus the great Judge executes these judgments, and his true followers on the earth must make
announcement thereof, as commanded, and this work
is now in progress.
Neither the clergymen, that is, the preachers of
"organized Christianity", nor the "priests", who
were once in line for the kingdom, have told the people about God's organization as distinguished from
Satan's organization. They have not attempted to
cause the people to take their stand on the side of
Jehovah in his organization. They have caused the
people to pretend to call upon the name of the Lord
God, and at the same time have induced them to feed
upon the Devil's food. They have not told the people
the difference between the clean and the unclean. They
have claimed to stand in the house of the Lord God
and to be his representatives; and at the same time
they have profaned God's sabbath, that is to say,
his rest, and the rest of his people in Christ, and have
turned the people to idolatrous worship and to trust
in worldly powers. Instead of telling the "children"
of the church organizations that their hope of blessing rests wholly in the kingdom of God under Christ,
they have turned to the Devil's makeshift for aid,
and have received no aid, but have received discomfort.
Jesus Christ is the righteous Judge to whom is committed all judgment and the execution thereof. He has
brought his faithful remnant under the robe of right-



EZElt. 23

eousness which Jehovah provided. (Isa, sr. 10) The

obligation is therefore laid upon those who are God's
witnesses-and members of the II servant" class to pronounce the judgment that will be executed by the
great and righteous Judge. I I And the righteous men,
they shall judge them after the manner of adulteresses, and after the manner of women that shed blood;
because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their
hands." (23:45) This does not mean that the faithful witnesses of Jehovah render any judicial de:'
cisions; but it does mean that the judicial decision
which God has rendered, and which he will execute
by and through Christ Jesus, must now be announced
or declared by those who are faithful witnesses of
Jehovah and hence "righteous men" in the sight of
Jehovah. These witnesses are directed to announce the
judgment that is written against those, after his manner of judging and punishing the Israelites that committed adultery. (Lev. 20: 10) That judgment against
such offenders was death. Therefore the witnesses of
Jehovah must proclaim that God will destroy Christendom by the hand of Christ Jesus, his chief executive officer. The II servant" class, or remnant, has nothing to do with the execution of the judgment. The
work of such is limited to bearing before the people
the testimony of God's purposes; and this they must
Jehovah's II right eous " ones, to wit, his witnesses
on earth, are now sent forth to pelt the guilty with
hailstones of truth and to 'dash their little ones
against the Stone', that is, against God's kingdom.
(Ps, 137: 9) But concerning the execution of the
judgment the Lord says: IIFor thus saith the Lord


Page 314


EZEX. 23



God: I will bring up an assembly against them, and

will give them to be tossed to and fro and spoiled.
And the assembly shall stone them with stones, and
dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their
sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses
with fire."-23; 46, 47, R. V.
"The assembly" above mentioned is the Lord Jesus
Christ and his army that is with him. (Rev. 19: 14-16)
The result of this judgment enforced will be to completely cleanse the land. "Thus will I cause lewdness
to cease out of the land, that all women may be taught
not to do after your lewdness." (2.3: 48) This could
not refer to punishment inflicted by the worldly
forces, because nothing that they could do would
cleanse the world of filthiness. What Jehovah, by his
Son Christ Jesus, does will completely clean up the
world. Thus will be fully demonstrated to all that
Jehovah is God. "And they shall recompense your
lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your
idols; and ye shall know that I am the Lord God."
(23; 49) Everything of Satan's organization must
cease, that righteousness may be established in the
world to the vindication of Jehovah's name and that
all may know that Jehovah is the Lord Almighty God.


In the twenty-fourth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy

Jehovah continues to set forth the reasons for his judgment against Christendom and those who support her
and walk in her way. The setting and the language of
the prophecy show that it is Jehovah's prophecy, and
not that of man. In giving proclamation to the



EZEK. 24

prophecy it should be recognized by all that it

is the announcement of God's prophecy, and not
the opinion or expression of any man. Ezekiel was
merely an amanuensis or instrument used by Jehovah
to cause the record of the prophecy to be made, and
that for the particular benefit of those who should live
on earth at the present time. In like manner those who
make proclamation of the prophecy today are merely
the instruments in the hand of the Lord, whom he uses
to declare his purposes concerning the vindication of
his name. Primarily the announcement is for the encouragement of his witnesses, and secondarily that
notice may be served upon those against whom his
judgment shall be executed.
Jehovah is an accurate and exact timekeeper. He
causes his purposes to be executed at the time which
he has set, and there is no delay in his so doing. He
knows the end from the beginning, and everything
comes to pass at his appointed time. He has waited his
own good pleasure and time to vindicate his name and
his word, and we may be sure that when his due time
arrives his work will be accomplished exactly as he has
arranged and willed. His accuracy in marking time is
notable in this prophecy. "Again, in the ninth year,
in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the
word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man,
write thee the name of the day, even of this same day :
the king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem this
same day." (24: 1, 2) At the same time that Jehoiachin the king of Israel was carried away captive to
Babylon Ezekiel was also taken captive. (See chapter
1: 1, 2.) The king of Babylon began operations against
Jerusalem on a day certain. "And it came to pass,-in

EZEll:. 24



the ninth year of his [Zedekiah '8] reign, in the tenth

month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he, and all his host,
against Jerusalem, and pitched against it; and they
built forts against it round about. "-2 Ki. 25: 1; Jer.
52: 4.
At that specific time Ezekiel was hundreds of miles
east of Jerusalem and in captivity in the land of Babylon. Reference is here made to Ezekiel 21 : 21, 22, when
"the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way,
at the head of the two ways, to use divination". He
then called upon his deity, the Devil, to direct whether
he should assault Rabbath of the Ammonites or Jerusalem. It was then that Jehovah intervened and so
directed the affairs that Nebuchadnezzar moved against
Jerusalem. Jehovah directed Ezekiel to write the name
of the day, "even of this same day," and this may
have reference to that day when the king Nebuehadnezzar stood at the parting of the ways, as above mentioned, or it may have been on the day that the siege
actually began against Jerusalem. There is no way of
definitely determining whether it was one or the other.
It is certain that Ezekiel could have received the
information, to write it at that time, from Jehovah
alone. This proves that Ezekiel was inspired to write
what he did write. The radio was not then in use; nor
was there any other means of instant communication,
except by special communication from the Lord in his
own chosen way. To be sure, it was easy for Jehovah
to send one of his angels to direct Ezekiel what to
write, which he did write on that selfsame day. The two
important points here are, that Jehovah God directed
Ezekiel what to do, and that he fixed the exact date of



EZEK. 24

the event and caused an accurate record thereof to be

made. As Ood directed his work then, so he can direct
it now. This would show to the Ezekiel class, namely,
God's faithful witnesses, that Jehovah wants his people to note, mark and make a record of the time that
he begins to express his wrath against antitypieal Jerusalem, that is to say, against Christendom. This exact
date is fixed by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to
the temple of God for judgment, and which time the
Scriptures clearly fix as in the spring of 1918, or three
and one-half years after Jehovah installed his beloved
Son as King.
At the time of the coming of Christ Jesus to the
temple of God, and therefore at the beginning of the
expression of Jehovah's wrath, Christendom or "organized Christianity" was rebellious, and there was
rebellion on the part of others who had been calling
themselves members of the house of God. Jehovah direeted Ezekiel to speak a parable, which parable reo
lates to his rebellious house: "And utter a parable
unto the rebellious house, and say unto them, Thus
saith the Lord God, Set on a pot, set it on, and also
pour water into it." (24: 3-5) This parable was uttered as a further illustration of Jehovah's judgment
against the rebellious people and of his purpose
to execute it. It is a parable that possesses its own
peculiar features, and is profitable now for study, admonition and application.
The "pot", mentioned in verses three to five of the
prophecy, and by the Revised Version called a "caldron", is symbolic of the unfaithful organization, both
the typical and the antitypical. The sixth verse describes the organization as a "bloody city"; "Where

EZEll:. 24



fore thus saith the Lord God, Woe to the bloody city,
to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is
not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no
lot fall upon it." The organization is found and pronounced guilty by the great Judge, and guilty of exploiting and making prey of the poor and weak and
defenseless amongst the inhabitants.
As a pot is used to boil or roast flesh, so this fitly
describes the bloody organization which has 'boiled'
and 'roasted' the poor and defenseless. The rulers
mentioned are the chief ones in Israel, and they did
that very thing concerning the peoples of Israel. Concerning them the Lord said: "And I said, Ileal', I pray
you, 0 heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of
Israel: Is it not for you to know judgment YWho hate
the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin
from off them, and their flesh from off their bones: who
also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from
off them; and they break their bones, and chop them
in pieces as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron." (Mic, 3: 1-3) It appears to be a fixed habit of
the unfaithful clergy at all times to do this very thing.
Jesus said of them: "For they bind heavy burdens,
and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's
shoulders; but they themselves will not move them
with one of their fingers." (Matt. 23: 4) The cruel
operations practiced by the leaders in Israel had greatly befouled their "pot ", or organization, with scum
and blood which testified against them. Silent witnesses they were, but such as stood firm without contradiction. There was no answer to their testimony. The
scum and blood upon the sides of her "pot" Israel
could not remove; that is to say, the wicked rulers in




Jerusalem could not wipe out or remove the evidence

against them. God will remove it by his fiery judgments, however; therefore he said: "With fraud hath
she wearied (the poor) ; therefore shall not go forth
from her the greatness of her scum: through fire shall
her scum (be removed)."-24: 12, Leeser.
By following the direction which Jehovah gave, Ezekid performed the parable; and after making the pot
boil he removed everything from it, leaving the pot
entirely empty, except for its scum or rust remaining
on the sides thereof. The evidence abundantly proves
that the bloody city of Jerusalem was a type of the
bloody organization of Christendom; and the physical
facts that have pass stand boldly out as witnesses against Christendom at this time. A few of these
facts are here considered.

The nation that is the head of the seventh world

power, and therefore the head of so-called" Christendom", has at all times been a government of arrogance
and oppression. Its princes and rulers have been
haughty, austere, and holding themselves above the
common people, and acting as oppressors of the common people. Because of its cruel oppression of its
citizens, and because of the love of liberty by such
citizens, many of them fled from England and took
refuge in the wilds of the American continent. In the
course of years these American colonies grew in number and wealth and power, but in all that time the few
ruled and controlled. These princes or rulers reaped
the fruits of the poor man '6 labor. Although they had
fled from oppression, the rulers continued to practice





the same upon the subjects of the American colonies;

and the mother government of England likewise continued its unjust and oppressive measures, carried on
through its representatives in the American colonies.
Taxation without representation and other indignities
brought on the great revolution that resulted in the
independence of the American government.
For some time America was designated as "the land
of the free and the home of the brave". But not so
now. In the year 1823, at the adoption of the Monroe
doctrine, the United States became a part of the imperialistic seventh world power. Since then both of
these leading nations of Christendom, Britain and
America, have carried on wars of conquest. even
though they were called 'wars in the interest of humanity'. The British imperial government has extended its domains wherever the sun shines, and the poor
of all of its dominions are oppressed by the few who
rule. As the result of war and bloodshed the United
States has enlarged her territory both on the mainland and on islands of the sea; and both parts of the
Anglo-American Imperialistic arrangement have
moved forward together, especially during the past
hundred years.
Britain sent her so-called" Christian" missionaries
into China, upon the pretext of converting the Chinese
to the" Christian religion": but for the real purpose
of using the "Christian" missionaries, so called, as a
shield behind which the political powers and financial
powers operated to get the opium trade spread over
the great land of China. Such trade has resulted in
tremendous oppression and degradation of the eommon
people of that land.



EZEK. 24

The oppression of the peoples in India, the slaughter

of the Boers of South Africa, and like operations of
conquest and oppression, represent some of the scum
and blood upon the antitypical "pot". or great world
organization. Like acts of conquest and oppression,
carried on by the United States in support of the
British wing of the Anglo-American system, mark also
the scum and blood upon the "pot". All this was done
by governments that have called themselves the rep.
resentatives of God on earth.
Then came the World War of 1914, in which America, without just cause or excuse, engaged; and that
conflict caused the death of hundreds of thousands of
men, who left behind them a multitude of widows and
orphans to mourn their loss. In that war both Britain
and America pushed their poor to the front, there to
bleed and die. It is these two great nations, acting
really as one, that have sought to bring about a eombination of nations, that the whole world might be controlled and kept in subjection; and while apparently
the American government has kept out of the League
of Nations, by various hooks and crooks she is really in
it. Being a party to the World Court and to various
treaties that are subsidiary to the League of Nations,
she operates in connection with the head of the seventh
world power.
Following the World War there has been oppressive
rule in all the lands called" Christendom ". The war
produced a new crop of rich who have obtained their
gain by fraud and oppression and by means of dishonest dealing with public affairs. High government
officials openly indulged in bribery and fraud by which
the people are exploited and much of the common

EZEK. 24



property is taken for private use. It is true that there

were criminal prosecutions of some of these, but doubtless those guilty of the greater amount of fraud
escaped unscathed. The larger banks have absorbed the
smaller ones, the chain stores have driven out the individual merchant, and the mighty corporations have
made serfs of their employees and the common laborers. These great corporations are the most prolific
cause of corruption in the politics of the state, and
they are aided and abetted and plastered over by the.
palaver of the clergy. 'I'he poor labor to produce the
wealth of the nation; and the few who rule by fraud
and deception exploit them and take away the profits
of their honest labor. The few, who hold and wield the
power of rule, figuratively cast lots upon the poor and
they gamble with the fruits of the poor man's labor.
Throughout the land the burdens of taxation have
steadily increased since the World War, and this has
had much to do with depreciating the values of property. Corporations or companies arc formed with such
names or titles as "tax factors", or "appraisal companies", whose business it is to fix the values of property as a basis for taxation. The political rulers who
have control of the peoples employ these so-called "exJ
perts", who know little or nothing about the value of
the real estate where they go to operate, and care less
for the burdens they place upon others. These so-called
'expert valuation companies' have so greatly increased
the valuation placed upon property for taxation purposes that hundreds have lost their small savings. The
valuation of some property has been increased as much
as fifteen hundred percent.
As an illustration: A man of moderate mean'S owns



EZEK. 24

a home. It is mortgaged for less than half its value,

but the interest thereon must be paid, and the taxes
must also be paid. The assessed valuation is greatly
increased by the so-called 'expert valuers', and this
for the purpose of fixing general taxes; and added to
that is the special burden for local improvements
whieh are done under contract at exorbitant and
robbery terms. These burdens of taxation are put upon
the property owners and become so great that the
small owner cannot meet the obligation and pay his
interest on the mortgage. 'I'he result is that many have
lost their homes, and they and their families suffer.
Millions of such cases exist in the land today.
The burdens of oppression continue to increase upon
the people, and they see no way of relief. It would be
impossible to recount all the wicked operations and
crimes of which Christendom is guilty. By divers and
numerous means the ruling factors have defrauded, exploited, robbed and killed "the poor innocents ", and
the clergy, as one of the factors that rule, have held up
hypocritical hands and said: 'This is the kingdom of
God on earth.' When the wars have come the clergy
have endorsed these and urged the people into them,
only to die. Therefore upon all the skirts of this ruling
element is found the blood of the poor innocents. (Jer.
2 : 34) The "pot" has on the inside of it a thick scum
of unrighteousness and human blood wickedly shed.
The Lord, therefore, caused Ezekiel to utter the
parable concerning the pot, which pot now means
Christendom or "organized Christianity". Ezekiel is
directed to bring out each piece from the pot and leave
therein only the scum and rust and blood. Thus is in.
dicated God's purpose to completely deliver the peo-





ple, particularly the poor and the oppressed, from the

organization of Christendom, represented by the pot.
Jehovah will spoil the pastures of the workers of wickedness and oppression, and thus deliver the people
therefrom. (Jer. 25: 34-36) No longer will Jehovah
allow the ultraselfish to gamble with the property and
lives of the poor. Therefore Jehovah now commands
the Ezekiel class, that is to say, his witnesses, to tell
the people that their deliverance draws nigh and that
this will come by and through the operation of his
kingdom under Christ.
The wicked organization of Christendom, as represented by the pot, not only has exploited and robbed
the people, but has violated the everlasting covenant
in the most flagrant manner, and the blood and scum
thereof remain in her as silent and eloquent witnesses
against her. "For her blood is in the midst of her; she
set it upon the top of a rock; she poured it not upon
the ground, to cover it with dust; that it might cause
fury to come up to take vengeance; I have set her
blood upon the top of a rock, that it should not be
covered." (24: 7, 8) So wanton, bold, reckless and
cruel have been the actions of Christendom that she
has been like a senseless drunken man. With boldness
and arrogance she has held up her bloody record which
testifies now against her as though she had poured the
blood of her innocent victims upon the top of a rock
for exhibition. God will not now permit it to be covered, but it will stand until his due time to completely
destroy the system.
Christendom has cruelly persecuted to death many
of those who have loved and served Jehovah God. As
the blood of Abel cried out from the ground, the blood



of these ones faithful unto God cries out against them

that now dwell on the earth as Satan's representatives.
"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under
the altar the souls of them that were slain for the
word of God, and for the testimony which they held;
and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long,
o Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge
our blood on them that dwell on the earth Y" (Rev.
6: 9, 10) God will avenge their blood. Upon Jerusalem
came all the righteous blood shed from Abel to Zacharias; and upon her counterpart, Christendom, shall
come all the righteous blood shed from then till now.
-Matt. 23: 35-37.
The scum and blood in the pot, that is to say, in
Christendom's organization, can be removed only by
the scorching fiery indignation of the Lord God expressed against it. "Therefore thus saith the Lord
God, Woe to the bloody city! I will even make the pile
for fire great. Heap on wood, kindle the fire, consume
the flesh, and spice it well, and let the bones be burned.
Then set it empty upon the coals thereof, that the
brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and that the
filthiness of it may be molten [annihilated, Roth.]
in it, that the scum of it may be consumed." (24: 9-11)
"Organized religion," which mockingly and fraudulently has taken the name of Christ and called it.
self "organized Christianity", shall be annihilated by
the Lord.
There is no way for Christendom to be now cleansed
except by the fire of destruction from Jehovah. The
great God would have cleansed Christendom through
the antitypical Elijah-work, but she refused to be
cleansed, and the work has failed as did that of Jolm





the Baptist toward the Jews. (Mal. 4: 5, 6; Luke

1: 13-17) Therefore says the Lord concerning" Christendom " now: "In thy filthiness is lewdness; because
I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou
shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till
I have caused my fury to rest upon thee." (24: 13)
Christendom and all the workers of iniquity who work
in the name of God are condemned by him as filthy.
"He which is filthy, let him be filthy still." The Lord
will 'give to each one according as his works shall be'.
-Rev. 22: 11,12.
The officials of the Federal Council of Churches,
representing organized Protestant religion, confessed
to the scum and bloodstain of its pot (organization), and then with hypocritical and outward pious
methods attempted to cleanse their organization, but
cannot. In 1919 that organization issued officially a
document in which these words appear: "The League
of Nations is rooted in the gospel. . . . The heroic
dead will have died in vain unless out of victory shall
come' a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
righteousness '." By quoting these words from the
Scriptures that organization admits that its own record and course have been and are unrighteous. Then
that document adds: "The church [meaning, the Federal Council of Churches] can give a spirit of good
will without which no League of Nations can endure."
In other words, organized Protestant religion admits
its filthiness, and then has the temerity to say that
cleansing can come by its efforts. The end of that unrighteous system is at hand. Jehovah's decree is made
and sealed, and he will execute it: "I the Lord have
spoken it; it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I



EZEK. 24

will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I

repent; according to thy ways, and according to thy
doings, shall they judge thee, saith the Lord God."24: 14.

Marriage is a relationship by covenant. All in the

'covenant by sacrifice' are in such relationship and
therefore arc and should be dear to one another. God
took away Ezekiel's wife by sudden death. "Son of
man, behold, I take away from thee the desire of thine
eyes with a stroke; yet neither shalt thou mourn nor
weep, neither shall thy tears run down. Forbear to
cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of
thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy
feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of
men. So I spake unto the people in the morning; and
at even my wife died; and I did in the morning as I
was commanded." (24: 16-18) Ezekiel's wife may
have been unfaithful to him or unfaithful to God, and
is therefore used to picture those persons, once in the
covenant by sacrifice, that are unfaithful thereto and
unto God. These unfaithful ones blasphemed God's
name and defamed his temple and disobeyed his commandment.
Ezekiel's wife pictures the class found unfaithful
to the Lord when he came to the temple for judgment.
These unfaithful ones are like a wife, as "the weaker
vessel", not continuing "strong in the Lord, and in the
power of his might". (1 Pet. 3: 7; Eph. 6: 10, 12)
They refuse to obey God's commandments and to bear
the fruits of the kingdom. They were once dear to the
heart of the faithful, even as Ezekiel's wife was dear
to him, as 'the desire of his eyes' .As death dissolves



the relationship existing by marriage, so the sweet relationship and communion between the faithful and
unfaithful comes to a sudden end, as "with a stroke".
The Lord Jesus suddenly came to the temple and
purged" the sons of Levi", and removed the offending
ones and cut them asunder. (Mal. 3: 2, 3; Matt.
24: (1) As Ezekiel's wife died in the evening, so the
death of these unfaithful ones occurred" at even ", at
the dark period of 1918.
Clearly the lesson for the anointed here is, that those
who are faithful are not to weep or bemoan the fate
of the unfaithful. The judgment of the Lord is not to
be doubted, questioned, resented or bewailed. His
judgments are always right. It is no time for mourning, because 'the joy of the Lord is the strength of the
faithful '. Ezekiel obeyed God's commandment; and
the Ezekiel class, the "faithful servant", must obey
joyfully. Similar instructions were given to Samuel
the prophet concerning Saul. (1 Sam. 16: 1) These
scriptures prove the proper course for God's anointed
to take.
Then the people asked Ezekiel the meaning of this
sudden death. (Vs. 19) Antitypically the meaning is
that "judgment must begin at the house of God", and,
starting there, in due time it will certainly reach the
unfaithful nominal house of God, or "organized Christianity", and the unfaithful who make up the "evil
servant" class or the "man of sin". What happened
to Ezekiel was merely a small illustration of what will
befall "the man of sin" first, and also "organized
Christianity". If judgment begins at the house composed of those in the covenant, what shall be the end
of "organized religion" that has not obeyed the gospel





of God? "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where

shall the ungodly and the sinner appear i /I (1 Pet.
4: 17, 18) "Organized Christianity /I has not one
chance to survive. The" evil servant /I class is marked
"the son of perdition ", which means certain destruction. The death of Ezekiel's wife, therefore, pictures what awaits the "man of sin" and "organized
Christianity' '.
The relationship by blood is also close and dear
amongst those who are honest. The relationship by
affinity in Christ is much dearer, because such as are
therein have the spirit of the Lord. Those brought into
the covenant with God are more enlightened than those
whose relationship is merely by blood alone. When the
ties between the faithful and the unfaithful are broken, those who love God will not murmur or complain.
Jehovah is selecting the ones who shall be in his kingdam; and when, by the decree of his just Judge, he
determines that one is unfaithful and unfit for the
kingdom, all who have the spirit of the Lord should
gladly acquiesce in that judgment. It is therefore
wrong and contrary to God's commandment for the
faithful to weep or bemoan the fact that some who
have been in the truth have gone away.
Looking back over the experiences since 1918, those
who love God see that many have fallen away. Some of
these false ones have been very dear to others who
remain faithful. Let none, however, mourn for those
who have fallen away. The greatest privilege that any
creature could possibly have is to know and to faith.
fully serve Jehovah God. If this privilege is not appreciated, no one having the spirit of Christ could love the
ungrateful who withdraw from their covenant. Let the

EZEll:. 24



unfaithful pass out of mind and be forgotten for ever,

as though they never existed. Let all who truly love
God stand firmly together and serve him. It is love
like that of Christ that binds and holds together the
faithful. There is nothing else that can hold them together, and there can be no such love without complete
faithfulness to God.-2 Cor. 5: 14.

"Organized Christianity" claims to be the temple

of God, and that claim is false. Many regard it with
superstitious awe and reverence, but it is now marked
for destruction by Jehovah's judgment. That "organized Christianity" is prized by many is shown by the
fact that they resent any criticism of the organization.
Concerning this organization God said: "Speak unto
the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, Behold,
I will profane my sanctuary, the excellency of your
strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your
soul pitieth ; and your sons and your daughters whom
ye have left shall fall by the sword." (24: 21) Thc
zealous supporters of "organized Christianity" would
go the limit to protect and safeguard it. When God
says: "I will profane my sanctuary," clearly the
meaning is that such organization claims to be his
sanctuary because taking the name of Christ. The
temple of Jerusalem was the pride and "the desire"
and the 'pity' of the zealous Israelites; and yet they
defiled and polluted it by their idolatrous practice and
worship, and for this reason God destroyed it. Likewise "organized Christianity" claims to be the temple
of God, which "temple" is her desire, pride and pity,
and which she has polluted by the satanic ceremonies





and idolatrous practices introduced therein; and God

will destroy it in vindication of his name.
Out from "organized Christianity" have come
"sons" and "daughters", meaning, organizations such
as leagues, lodges, clubs and societies, which have
falsely taken the name of God and of Christ and which
with "organized Christianity" shall be destroyed.
This scripture may also mean that many will see their
own children slain in the great tribulation and will
for that reason be in great anguish. The expression of
God's indignation will bring upon the world such tribulation as has never before been known. The grief will
be too heavy for expression. So astonished will be the
peoples of Christendom that they will be stunned beyond expression in grief. The land will be strewn with
the dead, and "they shall not be lamented, neither
gathered, nor buried ".-Jer. 25: 33.
When Ezekiel '8 wife died he did not cry. From
this and from his words the surviving Israelites
learn that they must not lament: "And ye .shall do as
I have done; ye shall not cover your lips, nor eat the
bread of men. And your tires shall be upon your heads,
and your shoes upon your feet; ye shall not mourn
nor weep; but ye shall pine away for your iniquities,
and mourn one toward another. Thus Ezekiel is unto
you a sign; according to all that he hath done shall ye
do; and when this cometh, ye shall know that I am the
Lord God." (24: 22-24) Even a few million persons'
being slain within an hour would so stun the survivors
that they would find no words to express their
astonishment and grief. They would know that such is
the infliction of God's judgment upon "organized
Christianity" which for centuries has defamed his




name, and that now his word and his name shall take
their proper place in the mind of creation.
Jeremiah described the organization of Christendom
and those who practice therein as like unto" a pleasant
vessel ". A beautiful vase or other vessel appeals to
"the lust of the eyes"; and when it suddenly crashes
upon the pavement, its possessor is struck dumb with
astonishment. This description indicates that the shepherds or leaders will see their institutions, on which
they have looked with great pride, suddenly crumbling
into dust, and they will find no way to escape. "And
ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds
shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock
to escape." (Jer. 25: 34, 35) Their destruction will
quickly follow. The survivors will then shortly know
that such disaster is the expression of God's indignation against Christendom. Because they will know that
it is from Jehovah, the survivors are instructed 'not
to mourn or weep' for those who have fallen; "but
ye shall pine away in your iniquities, and groan, looking one at the other." (Vs. 23, Leeser) Jehovah will
have the people to know that he is the Almighty God.
In order to vindicate his name he will destroy that
wicked and hypocritical thing that Satan has erected
in the earth.

Ezekiel, because of his location, was safe from harm

at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Ezekiel class, the" faithful servant" or remnant, is now in
"the secret place of the Most High", abiding under
the shadow of his wing. God has put his protecting
hand over his "servant" while these deliver his mes-





sage. (Ps, 91: 1-9; Isa. 51: 16) The fact that Bzekiel
survived the destruction of Jerusalem indicates that
some of the remnant at least will be on the earth after
the destruction of Christendom.
"Also, thou son of man, shall it not be in the day
when I take from them their strength, the joy of their
glory, the desire of their eyes, and that whereupon
they set their minds, their sons and their daughters,
that he that eseapeth in that day shall come unto thee,
to cause thee to hear it with thine ears?"-(24: 25, 26;
33: 21) Ezekiel, by commandment, spoke the word of
prophecy, and Jehovah would have that word verified
by eye witnesses who survived the disaster upon Jerusalem and who would testify that Ezekiel had spoken
truthfully. Thus is indicated what shall come to pass
after the fall of Christendom, and thus God "confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the
counsel of his messengers". (Ian. 44: 26) In such manner God will prove to the survivors that there has
been a class of people in the land who have been and
are faithful to him and who have truthfully proclaimed his word.-Ezek. 33: 33.
These scriptures support the conclusion that the
"servant", that is, Jehovah's faithful witnesses, whom
Ezekiel foreshadowed, will be on earth for some time
after the destruction of Christendom, and that the survivors will be eye-witnesses of that destruction and
will seek out the remnant and will confess that God has
used the remnant to declare his truth.
There was a measure of disappointment on the part
of Jehovah '8 faithful 011es on earth concerning the
years 1914, 1918 and 1925, which disappointment
lasted for a time. Later the faithful learned that these

EZEK. 24



dates were definitely fixed in the Scriptures; and they

also learned to quit fixing dates for the future and
predicting what would come to pass on a certain
date, but to rely (and they do rely) upon the Word
of God as to the events that must come to pass. Jehovah has spoken his word and will perform it, and the
Scriptures seem clearly to iudicate that Jehovah will
grant to his faithful witnesses the privilege of seeing
his great "act", thereby proving that his witnesses
have spoken his word of truth according to his will;
and that this he will do before his witnesses are
"changed" into the glorious organism like unto Christ
.Jesus '. This is not predicting dates, but is merely calling attention to events that must come to pass 'b~cause
clearly set forth in God 's Word.
Now the witnesses of Jehovah are not in good repute
with men. There are many who believe the truth but
who shun the witnesses of Jehovah because of fear of
losing their reputation or their property. By so doing
they arc moved by selfishness, of course; but as surely
as the witnesses of Jehovah speak his truth, just so
surely God will make the people come to know that
such witnesses have spoken truthfully. This will not
be that the witnesses may have an exaltation amongst
men, but that the people may know that God has had
witnesses amongst them.
Great is the privilege to now be a witness for Jehovah. Only those who have full faith and confidence
in and love for God and his kingdom will now declare
the truth with boldness. This is the day of judgment,
and those who really love God will speak with boldness. (1 John 4: 17, 18) Others who have received the
truth but not the love of it will go to the rulers in



EZEK. 24

Christendom and declare their own allegiance to such

rulers, recognizing and acknowledging them as "the
higher powers", thereby hoping to save their own
hides and at the same time to cause greater persecution to come upon God's remnant. Such work after the
manner of Satan, and God's judgment concerning
them is already written. (2 Thess. 2: 9-12) And now
a great reproach is laid upon the witnesses of Jehovah
who love God and who tell the truth; but when Jehovah's name is vindicated, the surviving people will
lrnow that Jehovah had in the land men and women
who without fear and with joy declared his truth. The
survivors will turn to such for aid and comfort, when
the fiery judgment of God's righteous indignation is
Why has God put these things in the Bible, and
why, before they come to pass, docs he show them to
those who are devoted to him? To those who are his
witnesses, and therefore his "servant", Jehovah says:
(, Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new
things do I declare; before they spring forth I tell you
of them. " (Isa, 42 : 9) The reason Jehovah does this is
stated by the apostle to be "that we through patienee
and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. That
ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ".-Rom.
15: 4, 6.
The end of the world has come. The temple in heaven is open, and those who have been so marvelously
favored by being brought into the temple now receive
a vision of the prophecies that have come to pass. Jehovah graciously permits those in the temple to see
other things that shall shortly come to pass. For this

EZEll:. 24



reason he has now opened to his people the meaning

of Revelation and of the prophecy of Ezekiel. Only
those of the temple can have a keen appreciation of
these blessed things. Therefore Jehovah says to them:
"Sing unto Jehovah a new song, and his praise from
the end of the earth" j and they are doing it. (Isa,
42: 10, A.R.V.) In obedience to Jehovah's command,
his witnesses go up and down the land fearlessly and
joyfully proclaiming the truth and singing his praises
to the glory of his name.

From the time when Ezekiel was given the vision

and he began to prophesy against Jerusalem, to the
time of the fall of Jerusalem, was a period of approximately six years. During the time of the siege there
would be no reason why Ezekiel should prophesy
against Jerusalem. That was a time for the enforcement of the judgment of God which had been announced by the mouth of his prophet. The prophecy
discloses that for a period of time Ezekiel was dumb:
"In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which
is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more
dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they
shall know that I am the Lord." (24: 27) This scripture does not state that Ezekiel was utterly speechless
from the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem until the
arrival of the first survivor to inform him of the fall
of the city. What it really means is that Ezekiel was
dumb, that is to say, did not speak under inspiration,
against Jerusalem during that period of time. God had
previously caused Ezekiel to speak all that needed to
be said concerning Jerusalem before her siege. During



EZEK. 24

the assault it was his portion to wait in silence, so far

as prophesying against Jerusalem was concerned, and
until what he had said was verified by eye witnesses.
When the city fell' and the eye witnesses saw it and
escaped to tell it, such was a verification that Ezekiel's prophecy was from Jehovah and therefore true
and correct.
Furthermore, the facts show that chapters 2fi-31
of Ezekiel's prophecy against the heathen nations
were uttered during the siege, hence proving that Ezekiel was not actually speechless during that period of
time, but was without speech concerning Jerusalem.
During the period of preparing the way before J ehovah ', and until the coming of the Lord Jesus to the
temple of God, the faithful people of God were preaching or declaring against the false religious organizations of the world. Prior to 1918 God's people did not
have a vision of Satan 's organization. They did not
see that the visible ruling powers, to wit, commercial,
political and religious elements, jointly constituted
Satan's organization that opposes God and his kingdom. Since 1918 no one has seen and appreciated this
fact except those who are in the temple and who are
therefore of the "servant" class. For this reason many
who claim to be in the truth refuse to speak against
Satan's organization. When this great truth was discerned by the Lord's faithful witnesses, they began a
campaign of preaching against Satan '8 entire organization and continued to carry on such campaign. This
prophecy may also mean that after the testimony
against "organized Christianity" is given, then a more
thorough and complete testimony must be given
against the other nations of the world.




What Jehovah caused Ezekiel to do in the presence

of the Jews was a sign or testimony unto them of what
was coming to pass; "And thou shalt be a sign unto
them. " Whether they believed the testimony or not
at the time it was given, after such testimony was verified by the fulfilment of the prophecies upon the Jews
the survivors would know that the Lord God had accomplished it; "And they shall know that I am the
Lord. " Particularly from and after the coming of the
Lord Jesus to the temple of Jehovah the faithful ones,
foreshadowed by Ezekiel, have gone through varied
experiences. They have had to do with many things
which they did not understand at the time but which
afterwards the Lord revealed to them. What the faith.
ful witnesses of Jehovah have done in obedience to the
commandments of the Lord has been observed by many
of Christendom. Now the witness class understand
those events through which they have passed, and in
due time Jehovah will cause other events to come to
pass that will fully verify the truth of the testimony
as given by these faithful witnesses. Then the survivors of the" great tribulation" will call to mind these
things and will know that at no time has God left
himself without witnesses in the earth. "In that day,"
or period of time after the great trouble, the survivors
will call the witnesses of the Lord and make inquiry
of them and learn more of God's purposes concerning

Jehovah's name is beyond just reproach. All the reproaches that have been placed against his name were
and are without cause or excuse. Jehovah is the source
of life to all creation, and gives his gift of everlasting



EZEK. 24

life to those who do what is right. Life was granted to

Adam upon that condition. Jehovah's name stands for
his purposes concerning his creatures. His purposes
have ever been and ever will be right and just. His
announced purpose was to put men on earth who
would remain faithful to him and who would therefore
do right. Satan the rebel defied God and denied that
he could put men on earth who would under stress
maintain their integrity toward Jehovah. That defiance raised the vital issue which must be decided
right. It pleased Jehovah to pursue a course that in
time would vindicate his name, that is to say, that
would prove that Jehovah is true, just and righteous,
and which would exonerate and completely justify him
in the eyes of all creation.
Jehovah therefore gave his word that his "woman ", named Zion, meaning his organization, would
produce a seed that would exonerate his name and his
word and be used by him as the instrument to bring
blessings to all the obedient ones of creation. It pleased
Jehovah to have testimony given in support of his
word and name and to declare his purposes. To that
end he sent his beloved Son Jesus to earth to be his
witness and to bear testimony to the truth and to provide redemption for condemned man. Jesus fully performed the duty laid upon him.
Jehovah gave his word that he would take out from
amongst men "a people for his name", and that such
people would maintain their integrity toward him
under the test, be his faithful and true witnesses, and
proclaim his praises; and he has accomplished this and
has proven his word and name thereby. Jehovah gave
his word that he would produce and set up a kingdom

EZEll::. 24



or government that would rule the world in righteousness and afford men the opportunity for the blessings
of life. His kingdom is now here.
Satan, the rebel and defamer of God, built up his
own organization, symbolized by his" woman" Baby.
Ion. His woman, or wicked organization, brought forth
a seed which for centuries has ruled the world in unrighteousness and has oppressed mankind, and which
continues to reproach Jehovah's name. Satan brought
forth a people for his own name, amongst which are
the hypocritical religionists who practice the Devil rcligion in the name of God and of Christ and to the
reproach of the Most High. Christendom and her associates, the unfaithful "servant" or "man of sin",
stand in the lead of a long list of defamers of J ehovah's name and word.
The great crisis has now arrived, and the issue shall
be determined now, to wit, Shall the name and word of
Jehovah stand firm and for ever, and shall his kingdom of righteousness rule 1 If yes, then the wicked
organization and seed of Satan must be completely
cleared out, which can be accomplished only by the
destruction thereof. There is no alternative. Jehovah
has written his judgment against Satan and his wicked
organization and representatives, and that judgment
is annihilation.
It pleases Jehovah to now give testimony and warning to the people of his purpose to shortly destroy the
"man of sin ", and Christendom, and Satan's entire
organization. He is under no obligation to give such
notice, but in so doing he affords men the opportunity
to take their stand on the side of Jehovah and his kingdom, before the judgment of destruction is fully exe-




cuted. That testimony is now being given, at Jehovah's

commandment, by his witnesses. When the testimony
and warning are completed, then Christ Jesus, the
chief executive officer of Jehovah, will fully execute
his judgment and thus will prove, justify, exonerate
and completely vindicate the word and name of the
Most High.

(To be continued in Book Two)

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