Rethinking Assessment 2021
Rethinking Assessment 2021
Rethinking Assessment 2021
APRIL 2021
Rethinking assessment
in education: The case
for change
Acknowledgements Contents
All my colleagues at Rethinking Assessment, especially Rosie 2 Introduction
Clayton, Peter Hyman, Rachel Macfarlane and Al McConville;
to the Edge Foundation for its support; and to the team at UCL 3 The wrong kind of nets for catching
School of Management for their research. young people’s strengths
Many along the way whose work has influenced my thinking
about assessment, including: Michelle Anderson, Ken Baker,
5 An education system fit for purpose?
Geoff Barton, Ron Berger, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Roy 12 The problem with educational
Blatchford, Esther Care, Christine Cawsey, Guy Claxton,
Paul Collard, Art Costa, Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck,
assessment today
Charles Fadel, Sharon Foster, Michael Fullan, Valerie Hannon, 19 Revisiting the purposes of assessment
John Hattie, Lois Hetland, Rosemary Hipkins, David Howes,
Tony Mackay, Geoff Masters, Jonnie Noakes, James Pellegrino, 23 Promising practices from across
David Perkins, Mario Piacentini, Sandra Milligan, Andreas the world
Schleicher, Ellen Spencer, Michael Stevenson, Louise Stoll,
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Dylan Wiliam. 33 Visible progress
38 References
This paper is the second in the CSE evidence-based in teaching and learning, we
Leading Education Series and a are failing to keep up with the science of
collaboration between CSE in Australia assessment, preferring to rely on outdated,
and Rethinking Assessment in England. outmoded and unsubtle methods.
Across the world assessment is not Our young people require all of us working
working. We are not evidencing the kinds in education to establish greater clarity
of dispositions and capabilities that about the uses of assessment in education,
society increasingly wants. Educational linked to a greater understanding of the
jurisdictions are placing too much reliance science of assessment.
on high-stakes, standardised testing. They
We need nothing less than a paradigm shift
are testing the wrong things in the wrong
in our understanding about how best to
ways. High-stakes assessment is having
create assessment systems that use more
a damaging impact on the health and
effective ways of evidencing the full range
wellbeing of students and it is not giving
of student progress.
universities, colleges or employers the kind
of information they want. Assessment is In addition, we want to move rapidly from
out of sync with curriculum and pedagogy. theoretical debate to practical prototyping
Where we have become increasingly and implementation.
Metaphors abound in education. From In the UK, for example, GCSE exams
the Greeks via the Romans we took the routinely fail 33 per cent of all sixteen
idea that a child’s mind was a tabula rasa year olds. The students who do not make
or blank slate. Children, the comparison the grade have become known as the
suggests, know nothing and bring nothing; ‘forgotten third’ (Association of School
all is dependent on the experiences that and College Leaders, 2019). The system
adults offer them. They are empty vessels has sifted ‘sheep’ from ‘goats’, but the
waiting for those more knowledgeable than public, the shepherd in this analogy, has
them to fill up their minds. little understanding of what it all means
and the goats, the third who ‘fail’, are
There are many other
left with nothing much to show for their
metaphors we might draw
ATAR is a ladder in an on that are more cheerfully
compulsory schooling.
educational game of expansive: a search for hidden In Australia, the Australian Tertiary
snakes and ladders, treasure; an odyssey; discovery; Admission Rank (ATAR) is a kind of
whose higher rungs challenge. Randolph net, too. The score out of 100
hold out a promise of When it comes to assessment,
gives Australian youth a certain kind of
success, which turns out weight and length and then produces
William Randolph’s
a rank order. ATAR is a ladder in an
to equate to abstract thoughtlessly designed net
educational game of snakes and ladders,
rather than to real- seems an apt image for our
whose higher rungs hold out a promise
world intelligence. times. For, in different ways,
of success, which turns out to equate
educational assessment
to abstract rather than to real-world
systems across the world
have become very good at weighing and
measuring students, without reflecting on The Randolph net metaphor originated
whether the assessments they are making in the USA, where, notwithstanding
are relevant, meaningful or useful, and considerable varieties in provision between
without considering the consequences of states, it is reasonable to assume that it
the assessment process. has currency as a provocation beyond
The pervasive obsession with academic grades and degrees, and corresponding elite
rewards at the expense of other people … results in narrow learning that severely
distorts what people learn and need in the 21st century.
Michael Fullan, 2021, p 8
Across the world there has been growing The beginnings of a global
discontent with the content of school
curricula, ever since the arrival of the curriculum
twenty-first century with its attendant Today there are a dozen or so well regarded
millennial symbolism. In addition to models of what contemporary curricula
traditional subjects such as literacy, maths should look like. The World Economic
and science, it is widely argued that Forum (2015) is widely cited (see Figure 1).
schools need to focus on what students can
Whether framed as foundational literacies,
do and who they are becoming.
competencies or character qualities, it is
increasingly recognised that, in our digital
age, there are more core literacies than
Figure 1. 16 skills for the twenty-first century (World Economic Forum, 2015)
5. Financial
literacy 15. Leadership
6. Cultural and
civic literacy 16. Social and cultural
European Key Pellegrino and Gutman and Heckman and Lamb et al, 2017
Competences for Hilton, 2012 Schoon, 2013 Kautz, 2013
Lifelong Learning,
• Communication • Critical thinking • Motivation • Perseverance • Critical thinking
in mother tongue • Information literacy • Perseverance • Self-control • Creativity
• Communication in • Reasoning • Self-control • Trust • Metacognition
foreign languages
• Innovation • Metacognitive • Attentiveness • Problem-solving
• Digital strategies
competence • Intellectual • Self-esteem and • Collaboration
openness • Social self-efficacy • Motivation
• Learning to learn competencies
• Work ethic • Resilience • Self-efficacy
• Social and civic • Resilience to adversity
competences • Conscientiousness • Conscientiousness
and coping • Openness
• Sense of • Positivity • Perseverance
• Creativity to experience
initiative and • Communication
entrepreneurship • Empathy
• Collaboration
• Cultural • Humility
• Responsibility
awareness and • Tolerance of
expression • Conflict resolution diverse opinions
• Engaging
in society
Critical thinking 21 11 6 0 0
Communication 22 11 5 0 0
Collaboration 21 10 6 0 0
Mindfulness 17 10 5 0 0
Curiosity 17 7 3 0 0
Courage 9 5 5 0 0
Resilience 15 8 6 0 0
Ethics 18 10 4 0 0
Leadership 10 7 4 0 0
Metacognition 14 7 5 0 0
Growth mindset 14 6 5 0 0
Australia (Federal) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
British Columbia (Canada) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Singapore 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 33
Finland 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 32
Hong Kong (China SAR) 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 31
Victoria (Australia) 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 26
New Zealand 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22
Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16
Chinese Taipei (aka Taiwan) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14
Denmark 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
England (UK) 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 11
Scotland (UK) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
South Korea 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 11
Alberta (Canada) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
New Brunswick (Canada) 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 10
New South Wales (Australia) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Massachusetts (USA) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Ontario (Canada) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
China 1 2 2 1 2 1 9
USA (Federal) 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Japan 1 1 1 1 1 5
Russia 1 1 1 1 4
Total 38 38 38 37 32 27 19 29 32 21 26 25
Researchers looked at the frequency of mentions in curriculum documents across 5 categories - Competency inclusion, Competency
identification, Competency progressions, Competency pedagogies and Competency assessments. A “3” (blue) indicates that the jurisdiction
has identified that competency in 3 categories, a “2” (orange) indicates that the competency was identified in two categories and so on.
reading the mood of those with whom Schooling is one of many environments in
you are working; which humans develop the capability to
exercise judgement and control over what
facilitating a workshop where you are a
they learn, how they learn, and what they
content expert; or
intend to do with what they have learned.
facilitating a workshop when you have
Assessment is the means by which
only a basic knowledge of the context
individuals receive useful information
but can transfer facilitation skills learned
about the development of their capabilities
in other contexts to the task at hand.
as learners over time.
And, yes, recalling (Elmore, 2019, p 333)
decontextualised information
Assessment influences In this paper it is the second of these two
in a pencil and paper
not just what gets taught examination is a skill, but not conceptions that we shall be exploring.
but how it gets taught one that adults need to use
much in a digital age.
The tail that wags the dog
The deeper your knowledge and the more
you practise your skills in a variety of So, to assessment. Almost anyone who has
contexts, the more capable you become. worked in education knows that what gets
Dispositions are clusters of skills which assessed by and large gets taught. You can
have been practised so well that they have a bold and expansive curriculum, but
have become habitual; you are routinely as the time of examinations draws close,
disposed to deploy them; and skills are the the focus shifts to those aspects of the
mechanism by which knowledge is applied curriculum which will be assessed. This is
and dispositions are lived out. especially true in upper secondary schools
as students reach the age when they move
on to university, vocational training or
Learning 2.0 employment. The decisions are complex
for young people as they navigate their
Richard Elmore (2019) helpfully next steps, and the means by which such
summarises the consequences for school of decisions are made are often by ‘high-
two very different conceptions of learning, stakes assessment’.
as follows.
Assessment influences not just what gets
Learning 1: taught but how it gets taught. If Teacher
Learning is the ability to recall and deploy X uses a particular teaching method for
information and algorithms accurately and science with her class and students do
appropriately. well in their assessments, while Teacher Y
uses a different method and her class does
Schooling is the mechanism by which we
less well, then, assuming the classes share
organise social and status consistent with
similar enough characteristics, schools and
this definition of learning.
school systems will begin to draw lessons
Assessment is the means by which we from this. Reasonably enough they will
define, measure, evaluate, and confer ‘merit’, suggest that when teaching science the
consistent with this definition of learning. methods chosen by Teacher X are the ones
to use.
At first sight this is an intelligent system’s Most education systems are seriously in
response, but what if assessments in need of attention if they are to be fit for
science privilege decontextualised purpose. Curricula are changing, debates
recall of scientific theory and simplistic are at least being had about pedagogy
memorisation of scientific facts, which (Griffin, McGaw and Care, 2012; Vincent-
neither encourage students to think and Lancrin, et al, 2019) but, despite some
work like scientists nor equip them to promising initiatives, assessment needs
go on to deeper study of science and some serious rethinking.
its uses in society? What if thinking
Eight years ago Geoff Masters suggested
about assessment is not keeping up with
that the ‘field of educational assessment
advances in the learning sciences? In these
is currently divided and in disarray’ in
cases such a response would be dumb.
Australia (Masters, 2013, p 1). I suspect
The dog in the sub-heading of this section that this is still the case in Australia and
is the school system and the tail that wags still the case for the majority of educational
it is, of course, assessment. Also, mixing jurisdictions across the world today.
my metaphors, the tails which seem to wag
Let us turn now to what is wrong with
so many school systems across the world
educational assessment in more detail.
are the fishing nets with which this section
There are many aspects of educational The risk is that schools create students
assessment today which are failing. These dependent on direct instruction,
fall into the four broad areas of cramming, drilling and coaching,
reliant on expert instruction by teachers
what is assessed (focus);
who are expected to guide learners
how it is assessed (methods); through a carefully prescribed body of
the impact of the assessment process knowledge, assessed in predictable ways.
(consequences); and (p 14)
Shallow/Narrow Deeper/Wider
Traditional tests Tests with Performance tasks Extended tasks Longer, deeper
pencil and paper open-ended (1 day–1 week) (1–4 weeks) investigations
often multiple- items and short requiring extended involving exhibitions
choice for routine performance problem solving formulation/ (2–3 months)
skills tasks carrying out of in multiple
inquiries and modalities
presentation of
(Pellegrino, Chudowsky and Glaser, 2001, distracting from the huge importance of
p 27–28). assessment for learning and assessment
as learning (Birenbaum et al, 2015);
Assessments must fully represent the competencies that the increasingly complex
and changing world demands. The best assessments can accelerate the acquisition of
these competencies if they guide the actions of teachers and enable students to gauge
their progress.
(Gordon Commission, 2013, p 7)
Over the last few decades we have Twenty years ago the Committee on
progressively lost our way with the Foundations of Assessment in the
educational assessment. What we assess USA (National Research Council, 2001)
grows ever further away from what we considered the degree to which advances
want young people to be able to know, do, in the cognitive sciences were impacting
be and become in the complex world in on educational assessment. The central
which they live today. The focus of most problem it identified is that ‘most widely
systems is on summarising used assessments of academic achievement
rather than understanding, are based on highly restrictive beliefs
We seem happier using recalling rather than applying, about learning and competence not fully
noticing deficiencies rather in keeping with current knowledge about
numbers rather than
than celebrating strengths. human cognition and learning’ (p 1). The
narratives, keener on We seem happier using report explores many of the then-current
judging rather than numbers rather than narratives, kinds of assessment and exposes these
prompting improvement. keener on judging rather than to rigorous scrutiny. It concludes with a
prompting improvement. vision of assessment that has still not been
realised in education:
best represent the kind of learning New Metrics for Success18 at Melbourne
students will need to thrive in the world University in Australia, the Brookings
that awaits them beyond graduation Institution in the USA19 and Rethinking
(p 8) … Assessments must advance Assessment20 in England are three
competencies that are matched to the examples of organisations trying to find
era in which we live. Contemporary saner solutions to many of the issues noted
students must be able to evaluate the in these earlier attempts to reimagine
validity and relevance of disparate assessment. Also we are starting to move
pieces of information and draw with an urgency and a focus on practical
conclusions from them. solutions.
(p 9)
There are many examples from which An overarching question here concerns just
we can learn as we rethink the purposes how much knowledge we think students
and practices of assessment. As the need to acquire at school and what kind
Education Council (2020) reminded us in of knowledge that is. Across the world,
its review of senior secondary pathways and reinforced by PISA’s focus, literacy,
into work in Australia, we need to learn numeracy and science are generally
from those who are actually trying things considered to be foundational.
out, ‘Demonstration projects need to have If the answer to this question is ‘less than
greater influence on the traditional core of we do now’, as many of us believe to be the
how we measure educational success’. case, then we will need to understand any
possible consequences for the curriculum
in schools of reducing the core focus of
Interrogating practices assessment.
At Rethinking Assessment (RA) in At a more nuanced level we might want
England, we have been exploring a number to look at the science curriculum to see
of questions to better understand the which concepts are more relevant than
nature of the problems with others given the size of the field; with
which we are grappling, as we maths we might wish to re-emphasise
An overarching question explore promising international content, prioritising, for example, statistics
here concerns just how demonstrations of what might over some aspects of trigonometry.
much knowledge we be adopted in England. We We might want to weigh the benefits
think students need to have developed two sets of of interdisciplinary knowledge, either
questions, one to do with expressed as, for example, STEM (Science,
acquire at school and
knowledge and skills (see Technology, Engineering and Maths) or
what kind of knowledge Table 5), and another relating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
that is. to dispositions and skills (see Arts and Maths), or through an
Table 6). organisation of the curriculum into projects
Skills, as I have argued earlier, are the requiring more than one discipline. Both
connective tissue between knowledge and of these approaches are increasingly part
dispositions. of university life21 but surprisingly absent
from schools.
Knowledge 1. What is the core knowledge and skills that students should learn?
and skills 2. How much of a student’s knowledge and skills needs to be evidenced?
3. What consequences will continue to follow from not assessing some aspects of
knowledge and skills?
4. How best can we evidence understanding?
5. How best can we evidence the application of knowledge and skills in familiar situations?
6. How best can we evidence the application of knowledge and skills to new situations?
7. How best can we evidence interdisciplinary knowledge?
8. How best can we evidence practical knowledge and skills?
9. How best can we capture progress in the acquisition and application of knowledge?
10. Who can we learn from to help better evidence the development and application
of the knowledge students need today?
Table 6. Some guiding questions for RA when evidencing dispositions and skills
In terms of potential assessment methods, With dispositions and skills the questions
Howard Gardner’s words are still powerful. necessarily have a different focus (see
Table 6).
Why talk about performances of
understanding? So long as we examine In terms of potential candidates for
individuals only on problems to which assessment, PISA offers us collaborative
they have already been exposed, we problem solving and creative thinking
simply cannot ascertain whether they as two concepts that it has determined
have truly understood. They might to be sufficiently robust and capable
have understood, but it is just as of being assessed reliably and validly,
likely that they are simply relying on albeit on a relatively short computer test
a good memory. The only reliable way complemented by self-reported data.
to determine whether understanding Collaborative problem solving is only
has truly been achieved is to pose one aspect of collaboration. We do not
a new question or puzzle – one on just learn together to solve problems; we
which individuals could not have been collaborate to generate new ideas, to make
coached – and to see how they fare. art, or to improve the contributions of
(Gardner, 2006, p 34) others through well-chosen feedback and
so forth.
How best might we curate this array of and cons. Table 7 takes Creativity as an
approaches? Thus far I have loosely clustered example of this process.
them according to the type of test.
Table 7 includes just two examples, as
In Figure 3 we used the continuum of being illustrative of the approach; there are
shallow to deep learning to map how more many others.
complex tests are needed to test deeper
In its recent project exploring the
learning (Darling-Hammond, 2017).
assessment of Australia’s general
Lorna Earl and Steven Katz (2006, p 17) capabilities, the Australian Council
suggest that we can view assessment for Educational Research (ACER) has
processes according to their purposes, of developed a well-evidenced approach to
their assessment using authentic, problem-
1. gathering information, eg, observations, based tasks. ACER’s assessment template
tests, computer-based assessments,
measures multiple skills;
projects, rich tasks;
is problem-based and authentic;
2. interpreting information, eg, is domain-orientated;
developmental continua, rubrics, maps to skill development levels.
learning progressions, self-assessment,
peer-assessment; (Scoular et al, 2020).
The most important assessments that take place in a school building are seen by no-one.
They take place inside the heads of students, all day long. Students assess what they do,
say and produce, and decide what is good enough. These internal assessments govern how
much they care, how hard they work, and how much they learn.
(Berger, Rugen and Woodfin, 2014, p 6)
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and the future of assessment’, ECNU Assessment: White Paper 2, High
Review of Education, 2, 3, p 328–341. Resolves, Sydney.
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the Future of Assessment, Educational Systems, Sydney.
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21st Century Skills, Springer, New York. Education, 29, 4, p 278–290.
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Review, Institute of Education, April, Centre for Strategic Education,
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Education, 20, 3, p 245–270.
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Students’ Motivation, Evidence for Melbourne.
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Hattie, J (2008) Visible Learning: A and Challenges. Australian Council
Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses for Educational Research, Melbourne.
Relating to Achievement, Routledge, Also presentation for Open University,
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that Improve Character and Cognition, Pedagogies for Deeper Learning, Ontario.
NBER Working Paper No 19656,
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Additional reading
Although not cited explicitly in the text,
the following were used in preparing this
paper and may be of interest to the reader.
Lucas, B and Smith, C (2018) The Capable
Country: Cultivating Capabilities
in Australian Education, Mitchell
Institute policy report No 03/2018,
Mitchell Institute, Melbourne.
OECD (2017) ‘PISA 2015 collaborative
problem-solving framework’, in PISA
2015 Assessment and Analytical
Framework: Science, Reading,
Mathematic, Financial Literacy and
Collaborative Problem Solving, OECD
Publishing, Paris.