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Submitted by misbah Iqbal

1 . Which one has more penetration power

A x Ray

B. Infrared

C visible light

Ans A

2. Wavelength of x Ray is:

A 10^10

B. 10^_10

C 10^ 11

Ans b

3. Which one have high energy

A x Ray

B infrared

C visible. Light

Ans a

4.Energy range of x Ray photon is:

A.10 -15 keV

B.10-150 keV

C.10-50 ke

Ans c

5. Which is advantage of x Ray:


B.easily detected

C. Not absob by air

D . All

And d

6.Energy of electrons in electrons differaction is:

A150 ev
B. 200ev

C 300 ev

Ans a

7. How many types of differaction technics




Ans b

8.In loue transmission size of crystal must not:

A greater 1mm

B lesser 1mm

C equal 1mm

Ans a

9.Powder method is for

A poly crystal

B mono crystal

C di atomic crystal


10) The name of the point at the center of the Brillouin zone

for a diamond lattice is called

a) X

b) L

c K

d). T

Ans d

11 same shape of weigner seitz cell of bcc lattice is equal to

A first of fcc

B first of bcc

C first of SC
Ans a

12 Same shape of weignee seotz cell of a fcc lattice is equal to:

A first of fcc

B first of bcc

C first of Sc

Ans b

13 using symetry we can fold planes of band structure into a …..graph

A 2d

B 3d

C 1 plane

And a

14 Analogous to 1d case is any ……..l of reciprocal lattic


B bcc

C permittive unit cell

And c


Which bond is form by transfer of electrons

A ionic

B covelnt

C mettalic

Ans a

Which bond is form by sharing of electrons

A ionic

B covalent

C mettalic

Ans b

17 which bond is form because of free electrons

A ionic
B covalent

C mettalic

Ans c

18 for ewald sphere we take:

A wavelength

B reciprocal of wavelength

D direct lattice

Ans b

19 ewald sphere is use in construction of geometry of:

A x Ray

B electrons

c nuetrons

D all

Ans d

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