Pizza Nada
Pizza Nada
Pizza Nada
This pandemic caused us stress, anxiety, loneliness or isolation despite
these issues and the obstacles confronted during the pandemic we still manage to find
the positive side to our stressful experiences during this pandemic and as the
pandemic rages we wanted to produce a product that can satisfy at the same bring
excitement to the Liceo de Cagayan University faculty, staff and students, which is
ingredients, then fried until hot and golden. Pizzanada comes with two flavor of pizza
filling the first one is Hawaiian style pizza filling and the other one is new york style
pizza filling.
Its important in the market because our product offers its customers good
quality pizzanada. The quality and taste of the food product are improved by using
ingredients from local farmer markets. The business is different from all its
addition, our business offers many different toppings including protein such
Also the price of our product is based on the ingredients used to produce
it. Determining the price of the food based on the ingredients used, it makes the
with nutritious ingredients such as 12-15% for vitamin A, 30-45% for thiamin, 25-
30% for riboflavin, 20-30% for niacin, 40-50% for calcium, and 18-25% for iron. By
this product it can make our customers protected they can get like Iron. (PINHO;
MACHADO; FURLONG, 2001). Its appearance, texture, and taste are important
ingredients, then fried until hot and golden. Pizzanada comes with two flavor of pizza
filling the first one is Hawaiian style pizza filling and the other one is new york style
pizza filling.
Its important in the market because Our products offers its customers
good quality pizzanada. The quality of the food products are improved by using
ingredients from local farmer markets. The business is different from all its
addition, our business offers many different toppings including protein such
Also the prices of our food product is based on the ingredients used to
make it. Determining the price of the food based on the ingredients used helps make
with nutritious ingredients such as 12-15% for vitamin A, 30-45% for thiamin, 25-
30% for riboflavin, 20-30% for niacin, 40-50% for calcium, and 18-25% for iron. By
this product it can make our customers protected they can get like Iron.
The study will provide the consumer a product that is not too much
expensive and by that it will provide a high quality which is affordable to the
customers such as students, faculty, school administrator and the school staff of Liceo
de Cagayan University.
To the customers - Customers are the reason why this study is conducted and was
made for them. Researcher care the customer that is why they cope up the price that is
To the researcher - in doing the study, the researcher can benefit because this is
conducted with skills and knowledge when they want to have a further information.
This paper can enlighten their minds of how business run along the way towards the
To the students - The study was proposed is to meet the satisfaction and cravings of
elderly people, by this product it can make our customers protected by the minerals
This study focuses the researchers' product named 'Pizzanada'. The target
market of this product are the students, the staff and the teachers' of the Liceo de
People nowadays like to eat pizza and empanada, with that the researcher
decided to make a product which is Pizzanada that is combined with pizza flavoring
and dough of empanada. The researchers came up to this idea as their chosen product
since the students, teachers and staff love to eat pizza and empanada. The group
members also agreed and strongly approved to this product. In continuation the
researchers made an idea of how things gonna work after conducting the research
from the name of the product, logo and even description. Structural component and an
essential ingredient for obtaining the dough is the Wheat Flour because it can form
the product will achieve success. Pizzanada is a unique food product that's why we
choose to study this product. By conducting this study we can be able to know what
are the things we need to improve and where are we good at, this study could also
help us to learn and to expand our knowledge in making a new product that is unique
and innovative.
We did not focus to our product only, instead we do research about it's
profit if the business gonna run smoothly with it. In the business one of the important
thing is to determine the flows, if you're gonna build your own business.
Definition of Terms
APPETITE- this terms refers to the desire of eating food and sometimes due to
NAICIN- this terms refers to a nutrient in the vitamin B complex that the body needs