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Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Comparative Design and Analysis of Post-Tension Concrete and Steel

Bridges at Dhahran-Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to Old Abqaiq

Course Title: Learning Outcome Assessment III

(Senior Design Project)

Course Number: ASSE 4311

Fall 2018/2019

Students & ID’s : 1. Hamad Al Kaltham - 201400009

2. Azzam Alharthi - 201201648

3. Ziad Alharthi - 201301153

4. Hisham Almousa - 201400827


Eng. Mohammad Nayeemuddin

Dr. Tahar Ayadat


Dr. Andi Asiz


Most importantly, we are very much thankful to the Almighty ALLAH for his constant
blessings and the bravery put in us throughout our academic path.

The happiness and delight that accompanied us in successfully completing of any

task would be almost impossible without the people who made it worth the struggle and
their support had been a constant source of motivation which increased our efforts with

It is an honor to be a part of the Department of Civil Engineering family, the

institution that stood by our side throughout our long academic journey.

We would like to show our sincere thanks to our Dr. Andi Asiz, Professor and
Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, for giving us the chance to do the capstone
project and for also giving us the necessary tools and equipment during the senior project.

Our special thanks to Dr. Tahar Ayadat, Full Professor of Department of Civil
Engineering for his continuous motivation and helpful support in doing this senior

We gratefully would like to show thanks to the endless help of our guide Eng.
Mohd Nayeemuddin, Lab Instructor, Department of Civil Engineering for his continuous
guidance and constant motivation during the time of the capstone project.

We convey our sincere thanks to our beloved parents, siblings the most precious
in our life for their love, support and understanding that they have provided to us
throughout our life.

Our sincere thanks to the faculty and staff of the Civil Engineering Department
for their cooperation towards us.

Last but not least, we would like to show thanks to our classmates and friends in
the civil engineering department for their help in support and motivation.

To pursue with the civil rebirth that happened in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and as a
part of the vision of 2030 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia needs some focus to differentiate
themselves from other countries worldwide. In our project, we selected the Eastern
Province to create our comparative study which is (Comparative Design and Analysis of
Post-Tensioned Concrete and Steel Bridge) in the Dammam to Abqaiq Highway
(Dhahran-Oqair-Salwa Road). Moreover, this road is on the highway and it will help
reduce the traffic from the Gulf Cooperative Council Road. Furthermore, there is cross
section with Saudi Aramco pipelines. Most of the people utilize this road to reach Khobar

The design will be divided into parts depending on our coverage. In the structural design
and analysis, we will use SAP2000 and CSI Bridge computer software's. Meanwhile, for
our geotechnical part, we will design and analyse the foundation and piles using
appropriate calculations. As a reference to our comparative study, we used the local
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) and the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards. Finally, our design
and analysis are comprehended into different design constraints, and our process involves
a raw material cost estimation.
Table of Content
Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................... 2
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Notations ....................................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 1: CATEGORIES .................................................................................................... 14
1. General: ............................................................................................................................. 14
2. Project Objectives:............................................................................................................. 14
3. Scope of The Report: ......................................................................................................... 15
4. Description of The Project: ............................................................................................... 15
5. Design Constraints............................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER 2: BRIDGES IN BRIEF .......................................................................................... 23
1. Introduction: ...................................................................................................................... 23
2. Bridge: ............................................................................................................................... 23
3. Types of Bridges: .............................................................................................................. 23
4. Categorization Based On Construction Material: .............................................................. 24
I. Concrete Bridges: .......................................................................................................... 24
II. Steel Bridges: ................................................................................................................ 24
III. Timber Bridges: ......................................................................................................... 25
5. Composite Bridges: ........................................................................................................... 25
6. Classification by Span Length: .......................................................................................... 25
I. Short Span Bridges: ....................................................................................................... 25
II. Medium Span Bridges: .................................................................................................. 25
III. Long Span Bridges: ................................................................................................... 26
7. Classification By Structural Form: .................................................................................... 26
I. Slab Stringer Bridge: ..................................................................................................... 26
II. Truss Bridges:................................................................................................................ 26
III. Rigid Frame Bridges: ................................................................................................ 27
IV. Arch Bridge: .............................................................................................................. 27
V. Cable Stayed Bridge: ..................................................................................................... 27
VI. Suspension Bridges: .................................................................................................. 28
8. Classification By The Span Type ...................................................................................... 28
I. Simple Span Bridge ....................................................................................................... 28
II. Continuous Span Bridge ................................................................................................ 29
9. Classification of the Bridges According to their Utility .................................................... 29
10. Classification According to the Deck Type of the Bridge ............................................. 29
11. Bridge Structure............................................................................................................. 29
I. Superstructure ................................................................................................................ 29
II. Bearings: ........................................................................................................................ 29
III. Substructure: .............................................................................................................. 29
12. Girder Bridge:................................................................................................................ 30
13. Bracing: ......................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 3: INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 32
1. Introduction: ...................................................................................................................... 32
2. Adopted Strategy For Analysis: ........................................................................................ 32
I. Selection of Cross Section: ............................................................................................ 32
II. Defining Loads: ............................................................................................................. 32
III. Analysis and Design: ................................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER 4: DESIGN CALCULATION FOR THE STEEL BRIDGE ................................. 34
1. Limitations......................................................................................................................... 34
2. Loads Calculation .............................................................................................................. 35
3. Slab Design for Steel Bridge ............................................................................................. 39
4. Steel Girder Design for Steel Bridge ................................................................................. 41
5. Bracing Design for steel Bridge ........................................................................................ 48
6. Elastomeric Bearing Design for steel Bridge .................................................................... 50
7. Pier Cap Design for steel bridge ........................................................................................ 57
8. Pier Design for steel bridge ............................................................................................... 64
9. Losses in Pre-Stress ........................................................................................................... 66
1. Limitations......................................................................................................................... 67
2. Load alculation .................................................................................................................. 68
3. Slab Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge ................................................................. 72
4. Girder Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge ............................................................. 74
5. Stress Calculation: from (Paint program) .......................................................................... 80
6. Elastomeric Bearing Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge ....................................... 88
7. Pier Cap Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge .......................................................... 91
8. Pier Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge ................................................................. 96
9. Losses in Pre-Stress for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge .................................................... 99
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 110
2. Soil Investigation ............................................................................................................. 110
3. Design of piers foundation for (Steel Bridge) ................................................................. 111
4. Design of piers foundation for (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge) ................................. 113
CHAPTER 7: Introduction To Modeling ................................................................................ 117
1. Introduction to CSiBridge ............................................................................................... 117
2. Initializing a Model ......................................................................................................... 117
I. Units ................................................................................................................................ 118
II. Templates ........................................................................................................................ 118
III. Objectives and Elements ............................................................................................. 118
IV. Grid Systems ............................................................................................................... 119
V. Properties ......................................................................................................................... 119
VI. Loading........................................................................................................................ 119
VII. Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 120
VIII. Loads Combination ..................................................................................................... 120
IX. Design .......................................................................................................................... 121
X. Output and Display .......................................................................................................... 121
3. Result for (Steel Bridge) .................................................................................................. 122
I. Steel 3D Model:............................................................................................................... 122
II. Deflection ........................................................................................................................ 123
III. Moment ....................................................................................................................... 124
IV. Shear ............................................................................................................................ 125
4. Result for (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge) ................................................................. 126
I. Post-Tensioned 3D Model ............................................................................................... 126
II. Deflection ........................................................................................................................ 127
III. Moment ....................................................................................................................... 128
IV. Shear ............................................................................................................................ 129
CHAPTER 8: COST ESTIMATION ........................................................................................ 131
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 131
2. Resources (4Ms) .............................................................................................................. 131
3. The Factors ...................................................................................................................... 132
4. The Techniques ............................................................................................................... 132
I. Expert Judgment: ......................................................................................................... 133
II. Analogous Estimating: ................................................................................................ 133
III. Parametric Estimating: ............................................................................................ 133
IV. Bottom-up Estimating: ............................................................................................ 133
5. Process (Analogous Technique) ...................................................................................... 134
I. (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge) .............................................................................. 134
II. Final Cost .................................................................................................................... 136
III. (Steel Bridge)........................................................................................................... 137
IV. Final Cost................................................................................................................. 139
CHAPTER 9: CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 141
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 142

APPENDIX A: Sections Extracted from Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs
APPENDIX B: Project Management
APPENDIX C: Project Analysis
APPENDIX D: Soil Report
APPENDIX E: CSiBridge Report For Steel
APPENDIX F: CSiBridge Report For Post-Tensioned Concrete
FIGURE 1 BRIDGE LOCATION ..................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 2 TOP AND SIDE VIEW OF THE BRIDGE .................................................... 16
FIGURE 3 TOP VIEW OF THE BRIDGE ........................................................................ 16
FIGURE 4 TOP VIEW OF THE BRIDGE ........................................................................ 17
FIGURE 5 SIDE VIEW OF THE BRIDGE....................................................................... 18
FIGURE 6 ABUTMENT SIDE VIEW .............................................................................. 19
FIGURE 7 CROSS SECTION OF STEEL BRIDGE ......................................................... 20
FIGURE 9 TRUCK LOAD ................................................................................................ 35
FIGURE 10 REINFORCED SLAB DIMENSIONS ........................................................... 39
FIGURE 11 STEEL GIRDER DIMENSIONS ................................................................... 42
FIGURE 12 BEARING DIMENSIONS ............................................................................. 55
FIGURE 13 CAP CROSS SECTION ................................................................................ 62
FIGURE 14 PIER CROSS SECTION ............................................................................... 65
FIGURE 15 TRUCK LOAD .............................................................................................. 68
FIGURE 16 REINFORCED SLAB DIMENSIONS ........................................................... 72
FIGURE 17 CONCRETE GIRDER DIMENSIONS .......................................................... 74
FIGURE 19 PIER CROSS SECTION ............................................................................... 96
FIGURE 20 POINTS OF MOMENT IN THE CABLE.................................................... 106
FIGURE 21 BRIDGE LAYOUT AND BOREHOLES LOCATIONS ............................... 110
FIGURE 22 SIDE VIEW OF PILE FOUNDATION ....................................................... 115
FIGURE 23 FOOTING CROSS SECTION..................................................................... 115
FIGURE 24 3D MODEL ................................................................................................ 122
FIGURE 25 DEFORMATION SHAPE ........................................................................... 123
FIGURE 26 MOMENT RESULT .................................................................................... 124
FIGURE 27 SHEAR RESULT......................................................................................... 125
FIGURE 28 3D MODEL ................................................................................................ 126
FIGURE 29 DEFORMATION SHAPE ........................................................................... 127
FIGURE 30 MOMENT RESULT .................................................................................... 128
FIGURE 31 SHEAR RESULT......................................................................................... 129

Symbol Definition

Top Cover

Bottom Cover

Concrete Compression Strength

Final Stress

Initial Stress

Yielding Strength of Concrete

Initial Limit Compression Force

Initial Limit Tension Force

Final Limit Compression Force

Final Limit Tension Force

Bottom Section Modulus

Top Section Modulus

r Slenderness

e Eccentricity

Top Force on Girder

Bottom Force on Girder

Post-Tensioning Strength

DL Dead Load

LL Live Load

F’ Asphalt + Concrete Slab + Girder Self-

Weight + Bridge Railing Load on Pier Cap

F” Truck Load on Pier Cap

F”’ Lane Load on Pier Cap

Factored Force on Pier Cap

Design Wind Pressure

Basic Wind Pressure

Design Wind Speed

Design Wind Speed at Hight 0

Design Wind Speed at Hight 30

Regional Basic Wind Speed

Z Hight Above Average Ground Level

Normal Weight of Concrete

PGA Peak Ground Acceleration

Unit Weight
Allowable Bearing Capacity

R.Q.D Rock Quality Designation

Ultimate Bearing Capacity

C Cohesion

Fcs, Fqs, Fs Shape Factors

Fcd, Fqd, Fd Depth Factors

Fci, Fqi, Fi Inclination Factors

Bearing Capacity Factors

Friction Angle

L’ Effective Length

B’ Effective width

Polar Moment of Inertia

Modulus of Soil
Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


1. General
2. Project Objectives
3. Scope of The Report
4. Description of The Project
5. Design Constraints

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

1. General:
Eastern province is one of the richest area with minerals. Also, it has a port. Which led to
have growing industries. This made the Eastern province a major administrative center
for the Saudi oil industry. Specifically, Dammam, Dhahran and Al Khobar form the heart
of the eastern province. These three cities are known as the Greater Dammam. The
population of these areas is 4,140,000 as of 2012. The oil Industry of eastern province
will help the vision of 2030 to be a reality.

These cities growth is extraordinary, compared to other cites in the Kingdom, where it
reached to 13% a year. the fastest in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the
Arab world. In 2016 it was declared that the Greater Dammam is 4th largest area in size
and population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The Dammam metropolitan area
and the Eastern Province as a whole are served by the King Fahd International Airport
(KFIA), the largest airport in the world in terms of land area (roughly 780 km2), about 20
km to the northwest of the city. Dammam's King Abdul Aziz Sea Port is the largest on
the Persian Gulf. Its import-export traffic in is second only to Jeddah Seaport in the
Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

2. Project Objectives:
The objective of this project is to compare the cost of two bridges with the same design.
However, one is made of Steel and the other is made of Superstructure Post-Tension I-
Girder of Concrete. Also, bridges will be Doubling of Dhahran-Oqair-Salwa Road
Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway. Furthermore, the design of those two bridge must link
between Old Abqaiq Road with half-moon road (Road #5). In this project will meet
several objectives:

 Design the project by using AASHTO and MOMRA standards, using SAP2000
software, and CSiBridge software, which contains the superstructure, substructure
and foundation system.
 Avoiding Aramco’s oil piping system
 Geotechnical design for abutment piers, retaining walls, and foundation system.
 Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges regarding their
Structural design and Material costs.
 To significantly improve traffic efficiency.
 To connect between Old Abqaiq Rd and half-moon road (Road #5)

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3. Scope of The Report:

This report consists of eight chapters. This report will present a detailed description of the
design of the two bridges. Also, a brief description of the common types of bridges which
will be mentioned in chapter two. In chapter three, the procedures which were used to
complete the development of the two bridges design. In chapter four, the calculation of
the two bridges design. In the fifth chapter, detailed soil profile is provided and
geotechnical and foundation system. In the sixth chapter, the software that were used to
insure calculation were correct for both design which were CSIBridge and SAP2000.
Comparative Cost Estimation of the two bridges will be provided in the seventh chapter.
In chapter eight the team will be providing a recommendation and conclusion of this

4. Description of The Project:

These two designs are using simply supported I-Girder Beam. This project is designing
two Bridges one is made of I-Beam Girders and the other is made is concrete which is
also I-Beam Girders. It consists of two spans only, three piers, two abutments, and MCM
walls. The bridge consists of 11 girders carrying thee traffic lanes each intersect with
Abqaiq Highway over Three of Aramco oil pipe lines, It has a total length of 60 m
between abutments with equal 30 m spans, a minimum vertical clearance of 9.5 m, and a
width of 16.5 m.

Figure 1 Bridge Location

(Google.Retrieved February 04, 2018, from https://www.google.com/maps)

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 2 Top and Side View of the Bridge

Figure 3 Top View of the Bridge

(Taken From Al-Shalawi International Holding Co. Trading & Contracting)

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 4 Top View of the Bridge

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 5 Side View of the Bridge

(Taken From Al-Shalawi International Holding Co. Trading & Contracting)

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 6 Abutment Side View

(Taken From Al-Shalawi International Holding Co. Trading & Contracting)

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 7 Cross Section of Steel Bridge

Figure 8 Cross Section of Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

5. Design Constraints

This project has several constraints just like any other project. The first the
two bridges must have the same design with respect to their material. This is
due to the cost com that will take place at the end of this project. Second, the
oil pipes of Aramco must not be moved. Third, Due to the ground soil
profile pile foundation must be used.

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Bridges In Brief:
1. Introduction
2. Bridge
3. Types of Bridges
4. Categorization Based On Construction Material
I. Concrete Bridges
II. Steel Bridges
III. Timber Bridge
5. Composite Bridges
6. Classification by Span Length
I. Short Span Bridges
II. Medium Span Bridges
III. Long Span Bridges
7. Classification By Structural Form
I. Slab Stringer Bridge
II. Truss Bridges
III. Rigid Frame Bridges
IV. Arch Bridge
V. Cable Stayed Bridge
VI. Suspension Bridges
2.8. Classification By The Span Type
I. Simple Span Bridge
II. Continuous Span Bridge
2.9. Classification of the Bridges According to their Utility
2.10. Classification According to the Deck Type of the Bridge
2.11. Bridge Structure
I. Superstructure
II. Bearings
III. Substructure
2.12. Girder Bridge
2.13. Bracing

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


1. Introduction:
This chapter discusses various types of bridges design depending on the known bridges
classifications. This chapter is also concerned with the cataories of the bridges and how
they are classified into short, miduim, and long span bridges.

2. Bridge:
Bridges are that type of important structure. When a road needs to extend across a river,
valley, passing on top of obstacles or solve traffic a bridge is built to connect the two land
masses. Since the average car cannot swim or fly, the bridge makes it possible for
automobiles to continue driving from one land mass to another.

3. Types of Bridges:
The core structure of the bridge determines how it distributes the internal forces of
tension, compression, torsion, bending, and sheer. While all bridges need to handle all
those forces at all times, various types of bridges will dedicate more of their capacity to
better handle specific types of forces. The handling of those forces can be centralized in
only a few notable structure members (such as with cable or cable-stayed bridge where
forces are distributed in a distinct shape or placement) or be distributed via truss across
the almost entire structure of the bridge. Depending on the purpose of the bridge design
and its construction all types of bridges can be categorized in different ways. Through the
years and technology advancements types of bridges has risen to serve the need. Overall,
bridges are usually categorized on the following details:
 Types of the material used in the construction.
 Span length.
 Construction shape.
 Span types.
 Load path Characteristics.
 Purpose and usage.
 Position.
 Deck type.

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4. Categorization Based On Construction Material:

Generally, bridges can be categorized based on the type of the materials which are used
in their superstructure which are built from:
 Concrete.
 Steel.
 Timber.
Therefore, bridges are named based on the material they are built from. Such as Steel
Bridge, Concrete Bridge or Timber Bridge. Usually, the materials are combined to create
the bridge. For example, the deck slab gets made by concrete and so does the foundation.
However, the beams are usually made from steal or reinforced concrete despite the

I. Concrete Bridges:
More bridges are built using concrete than any other material worldwide, demonstrating
continued confidence in the material’s performance and durability. Concrete bridges have
a clear track record of flexibility and versatility in terms both of final forms and methods
of construction that is hard to match. Concrete bridges are, mainly, composed of two
types which are Pre-Stressed and Reinforced Concrete RCC. The Pre-Stressed concrete
bridges contain reinforced concrete deck supported by pre-stressed concrete beams.
However, concrete bridges, components of bridges including: deck, stringer and parapets
are made of reinforced concrete.

II. Steel Bridges:

Steel is widely used around the world for the construction of bridges from the very large
to the very small. It is a versatile and effective material that provides efficient and
sustainable solutions. It dominates the markets for long span bridges, railway bridges,
footbridges, and medium span highway bridges. Which are usually require superstructure
that is based on steel to meet the requirements and the purpose of that building.

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. Timber Bridges:

A timber bridge or wooden bridge is a bridge that uses timber or wood as its main
structural material. One of the first forms of bridge, those of timber have been used since
ancient times. They are not used in big constructions.

5. Composite Bridges:
'Composite' means that the steel structure of a bridge is fixed to the concrete structure of
the deck so that the steel and concrete act together, so reducing deflections and increasing
strength. This is done using 'shear connectors' fixed to the steel beams and then
embedded in the concrete. Shear connectors can be welded on, perhaps using a 'stud
welder', or better still on export work, by fixing nuts and bolts. Most important, these
composite materials don’t show their full potential till they are mixed properly with steel
and concrete. This type of bridges can handle high strength.

6. Classification by Span Length:

One of the most important factors that Civil Engineers consider is the span length of the
bridge. Therefore, these bridges are classified upon: long, medium and short span length.
There are no standards for the span lengths of bridge. Classification of span length varies
upon several organizations practices and standards.

I. Short Span Bridges:

The kind of bridges what the engineers would believe to be the highest load that the
bridge should handle is a medium sized car is known as a short span bridge. In case of
lack of information regarding the details of the bridge, the following can be useful:
Short span bridges = ranging from 6 – 38 meters.

II. Medium Span Bridges:

For various kinds of bridges in which the capacity of the bridge is described by a train the
sort of bridge is known as a medium span bridge. In case of lack of information regarding
the details of the bridge, the following can be useful:
Medium span bridges= ranging from 38 – 122 meters.

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. Long Span Bridges:

For these various types of bridges that are planned to lift a high load, these bridges can
take up a train and 2 direction roads. It is also needed to have a larger, more sophisticated
kind of structure to receive a high load. Truss structured bridges are those used in such
events like constructing sports complex, highways, etc.

7. Classification By Structural Form:

Based on engineering perspective, the design of the bridges based on its purpose
classifies the type of bridges. All of which plays an important role at the end on the
analysis and work design has to be done in order to make difference in final outcomes. In
most cases, structural form of a bridge refers to the mechanism of resistance a bridge can
I. Slab Stringer Bridge:
In a slab stringer bridge, the deck is backed up by stringers in which themselves backed
up by abutments or on piers span or multiple span bridges. These kinds of bridges are
often constructed from reinforced concretes. Stringers would be created from steel,
reinforced concrete or Pre-Stressed concrete. The slab stringer system is often beneficial
for short span bridges.

II. Truss Bridges:

Truss bridge is one of the various types of bridges, whom are allocated by the
architecture of the researcher’s estimation of organizing the components in the style of
triangles, any pile group of similar components are merged of steel or wood. These
bridges are constructed out of collections of metal structures and metal rods, which are
composed of the most frequent kinds of straight chains of steel bars. Praises bridges
journey softly along the limited roads such as mountain valleys, rivers and other major
bridge features as continued greater than 300 m.

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. Rigid Frame Bridges:

The Rigid Frame Bridge is one of the bridges in which the superstructure and
substructure are rigidly similar to operate as a non-stop unit. Frequently, the form is
forged monolithically, creating the form non-stop from deck to foundation. The relations
between people are rigid relations which mix bending moment, axial forces, and shear
forces. A bridge blueprint is comprehensive of a rigid frame that can add extensive
structural benefits, however this bridge may also be hard to blueprint and/or build.

IV. Arch Bridge:

The Arched Bridge which is one of the oldest kinds of bridges composed of components
assembled at the end of the curved arch. These kinds of bridges start out with the
movement of the weightage of the bridge moderately in parallel direction by the
components on both directions. Bridges may be long arcs, composed of a sequence of
arches. These bridges are conducted by the Central Powers because of the arcs ability to
exercise pressure on the central axis powers. This type of bridges has many structures
that differ by geographic region, revolving around the style of the engineering designer
who selects the structure of the bridge.

V. Cable Stayed Bridge:

The Cable stayed bridge is a bridge composed of a tower or column of one or more
surfaces through metal cables. There are two important kinds of cable stayed bridges: The
first is the design of the harp, secondly is the design of the fan. The taut cables of the
bridge are the most civilized bridges, containing endless girders towards the bridge and
towers, metal cables moves at an angle to connect between the bridge and the body of the
Balata camp. Usually the mean length of these kinds of bridges range from 500 to 2800

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

VI. Suspension Bridges:

The suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck (the load-bearing portion) is
hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders. The first modern examples of this
type of bridge were built in the early 1800s.[3][4] Simple suspension bridges, which lack
vertical suspenders, have a long history in many mountainous parts of the world. This
type of bridge has cables suspended between towers, plus vertical suspender cables that
carry the weight of the deck below, upon which traffic crosses. This arrangement allows
the deck to be level or to arc upward for additional clearance. Like other suspension
bridge types, this type often is constructed without false work. The suspension cables
must be anchored at each end of the bridge, since any load applied to the bridge is
transformed into a tension in these main cables. The main cables continue beyond the
pillars to deck-level supports, and further continue to connections with anchors in the
ground. The roadway is supported by vertical suspender cables or rods, called hangers. In
some circumstances, the towers may sit on a bluff or canyon edge where the road may
proceed directly to the main span, otherwise the bridge will usually have two smaller
spans, running between either pair of pillars and the highway, which may be supported by
suspender cables or may use a truss bridge to make this connection. In the latter case
there will be very little arc in the outboard main cables (Wikipedia, 2018).

8. Classification By The Span Type

Bridges are often classified similarly in accordance with their span in respect with the
load this bridge will handle.

I. Simple Span Bridge

Simple span bridges cross from one support to another and can be joined together to
create a longer span. Continuous span bridges cross from one side to the other with one
structural beam truss, or arch. Cantilevered bridges are supported at one end or in the
middle and are often held up by tensile suspension (next, 2018).

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

II. Continuous Span Bridge

The continuous span provides beam bridges the capability to cover various distances. A
single beam bridge barely covers greater than 250 feet. In the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-
Tunnel, various beam bridges may be connected together, constructing what is called a
continuous span.

9. Classification of the Bridges According to their Utility

Besides the bridges that are created for highways and railways uses. There are bridges
designed for non- vehicular uses like:
Pedestrians bridges.
Pipeline bridges.
Conveyor bridges.

10. Classification According to the Deck Type of the Bridge

Solid slab, steel girder, grid, simple beam and slab, multicellular, and Spaced beam and

11. Bridge Structure

All bridges can be divided into 3 main criteria which are superstructure, bearings, and

I. Superstructure
This part of the bridge moves the capacity received from the carriageway into the floor.

II. Bearings:
Bearings used in bridge structure could be categorized into 2 groups which are metal and
elastomeric. Both types are usable for different purposes and requirements.

III. Substructure:
It consists of piers and abutment shafts or walls, hammerhead, bed block, pedestals and
bearings and various other components.

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

12. Girder Bridge:

A steel girder bridge is a bridge in which the main beams comprise girders in the shape of
a I shape. A girder may be made of concrete or steel. Many shorter bridges, especially in
rural areas where they may be exposed to water overtopping and corrosion, utilize
concrete box beams. The term "girder" is typically used to refer to a steel girder. In a
girder or beam bridge, the girders themselves are the primary support for the deck, and
are responsible for transferring the load down to the foundation. Material type, shape, and
weight all affect how much weight a beam can hold. Due to the properties of inertia, the
height of a girder is the most significant factor to affect its load capacity (Wikipedia,

13. Bracing:
The structural members that are positioned transversely between the adjacent girders at
suitable intervals are the bracing. The bracing used to provide the lateral distribution of
live load at various adjacent girders.

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


Investigative Procedure:
1. Introduction
2. Adopted Strategy For Analysis
I. Selection of Cross Section
II. Defining Loads
III. Analysis and Design

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


1. Introduction:
The below dialogue chapter outlines the mathematical and geometric simplifications
required for calculating critical failure stresses due to the extreme situations that could
increase in a bridge.

2. Adopted Strategy For Analysis:

The adopted strategy for the fulfillment of the bridge project was the following strategy.

I. Selection of Cross Section:

The empirical formulas established in engineering codes used in assuming the depth of
the girder.

II. Defining Loads:

The factors of the dead loads and live loads have taken from AASHTO. Moving load has
taken from Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) code.

III. Analysis and Design:

The design and analysis of the bridge components is performed by using specific formula
after the loads are assigned, SAP2000 and CSI Bridge civil engineering software are used
for complex analysis finite element then the analysis results are used to design the
element manually.

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


Design Calculation for the Steel Bridge:

1. Limitations
2. Loads Calculation
3. Slab Design
4. Steel Girder Design
5. Bracing Design
6. Elastomeric Bearing Design
7. Pier Cap Design
8. Pier Design

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018



1. Limitations

 Depth of I-Beam Steel Girder (MOMRA, table 2.1, page 22)

 Assuming distance between girders (center to center) =

 Total number of girders = = 11 girders

 Minimum concrete slab thickness (MOMRA , page 760)

 Minimum
(MOMRA Table 5.14 , page 356)
 Assuming Asphalt thickness = (AASHTO)

 Traffic Parapet, Height = 810 mm, Width = 430 mm (MOMRA ,page 1171)

 Concrete not less than ( ACI 318 , page 227)

 Safety factors for dead and moving load are 1.3, 1.6

 Densities (MOMRA Table 3.4)

o Density of Concrete = 2392 kg/m3 = 23.92 kN/m3
o Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3 =78.50 kN/m3
o Bituminous wearing surface = 2250 kg/m3 = 22.50 kN/m3

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

2. Loads Calculation *note: Load is calculated for one typical girder*

1- Dead Load:
 Asphalt = ( ) ( ) ( )
 Concrete slap = ( ) ( ) ( )

 Girder self-weight = ( ) ( )

 Bridge Railing = ( ) ( ) ( )
Total Dead Load = 29.58 kN/m

2- Moving Load:
 Truck Load (MOMRA / figure 3.1 , page 54)
 Design lane load
o uniformly distributed in the longitude direction
o Transversely, the design lane load shall be assumed to be uniformly
over widt.

Figure 9 Truck load

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3- Earthquake Load (AASHTO, ch3 , page 3.34)


Assume seismic zone = 1

Acceleration coefficient, as, ≤ 0.05

Horizontal design ≥0.15×vertical reaction due to permanent load.

Reaction 5969 kN “From CSi-Bridge”

Horizontal force = 0.15× 5969 = 895.35 kN

Moment on pier due to earthquake load is:

M = 895.35 kN × 3.5 m = 3133.725 kN-m

 Seismic zones – (AASHTO, Table

Assume acceleration coefficient, SD1 = 0.1

 Seismic zone 1

 Site class – (AASHTO, Table

A: Hard rock with shear wave velocity, ̅> 5000 ft/s

 Site Factor, Fpga at zero period on acceleration spectrum

PGA = 0.2 →Fpga = 1 →(AASHTO, Table , Page 3-91)
SS = 0.5 →Fa = 1.0 →(AASHTO, Table , page 3-91)
S1 = 0.5 →Fv = 1.0 →(AASHTO, Table , page 3-91)

Assume period is greater than or equal to

Cms = SDS

SDS = Fa Ss = (1.0)(0.5) = 0.5

 Cms = 0.5

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4- Wind Load (AASHTO , page 3-96)

Assume wind velocity = 100 mph

Table →The base Pressure, PB = 0.05 (AASHTO, Table, page 53)

Minimum wind load = 0.3 kips/ft

Table →skew angle = 0

 Normal component “Transvers” = 0.1 kips/ft

 Parallel component “Long” = 0

The design wind pressure: (AASHTO, page 3.38)


VDZ = 2.5 Vo( ) ( )

For structure in open country →Vo = 8.2

Zo = 0.23

Assume V30 = VB = 100 mph

VDZ = 2.5 (8.2) ( ) = 101 mph

( )
PD = PB = 1.02 PB

Long Area = ( )( ) = 484 ft2

Transverse Area = ( )( ) = 191.72 ft2

Zero degree skew Angle

VLong = (484)(0)(1.02) = 0

VTransvers = (191.72)(0.04)(1.02) = 7.822176 kips => 34.7948kN

The moment due to wind on the pier is

M = 7.8 kips × 8 ft = 85.8 kips-ft = 116.33 k N-m

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Slab Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3. Slab Design for Steel Bridge

(From CSI-Bridge)

( )( )

( √ )

( ) ( )
( √ ( )
) = 0.007441

( )( )

( )

Take 5 bars for each 1 m

Spacing between the bars ≈ 170 mm c/c

Figure 10 Reinforced slab dimensions

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Girder Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4. Steel Girder Design for Steel Bridge

Finding allowable deflection:

Modulus of Elasticity E = 200 GPa

⁄ ⁄ ⁄
( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( √ )( ) ( √ )( ) ( √ )( )

= 37.5 mm = 0.0375 m
Determining moment of inertia:

( )( ) ⁄ ⁄
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( √ )( )( )( ) ( √ )( )( )( )

( ) ( )( )
( )
( √ )( )( )( ) ( )( )

I = 0.0015 m4 = 3603.76 in4

Largest W shape in Steel Construction Manual is:

W36×652:- I = 50,600 in4

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 11 Steel girder dimensions

After Two Trials W36X848 section will work

Check for Moment of Inertia:

Modulus of Elasticity E = 200 GPa

Ix = 67400 in4> I = 3603.7 in4 OK √

Check for Deflection:-

Acceptable. √

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Finding Shear and Moment (DEAD LOAD):

Wearing surface (Asphalt + Concrete slab + Bridge Railing):

w = 2.64 + 6.2 + 8.2 = 16.973 kN/m

V= = = 254.59 kN

( )
M= = = 1909.42 kN-m

Girder self-weight:-

Area Total = 249 in2

ATotal = 0.16064484 m2

w = (0.1606 m2 )( 78.5 kn/m3) = 12.611 kN/m

( )( )
Vmax = = 5674.78 kN

( )( )
Mmax = = 1418.69 kN-m

Concrete slab and girder self-weight:-

Mtotal = (1418.69) + (1909.42) = 3328.11 kN-m

Vtotal = (5674.78) + (254.59) = 5929.37 kN

Ultimate (Dead Load):

Mu = 1.3 × (3328.11) = 4326.55 kN-m

Vu = 1.3 × (5929.37) = 7708.19 kN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Finding Shear and Moment (MOVING LOAD):

*Note: to find the critical shear and moment due to movable load, influence line method
has to be used.

1. Truck load
o Case-1 => Vmax = 130×1 = 130 kN

130 kN
40 kN 130 kN

o Case-2 => Vmax = (130×1) + (130× ) = 222.73 kN

130 kN
40 kN 130 kN

o Case-3 => Vmax = (40×1) + (130× ) + (130× ) = 244.1 kN

130 kN
130 kN
40 kN

o Case-4 => Vmax = 130 + (130× ) + (130× )= 334.1 kN

40 kN
130 kN
130 kN

Vmax = 334.1 kN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

130 kN
40 kN 130 kN

(15-4.3)( ) = 5.35 m

Mmax = (40×5.35) + (130×7.5) + (130×5.35) = 1884.5 kN-m

2. Lane Load

1m 20/3=6.7 kN/ m

25 m

7.5 m

10 KN/ m

Vmax = × 30 × 1 × 6.7 = 100.5 kN

Mmax = × 30 × 7.5× 6.7 = 753.75 kN-m

Ultimate (Moving load)

Mu = 1.6 × (753.75 + 1884.5) = 4221.2 kN-m

Vu = 1.6 × (334.1 + 100.5) = 695.36 kN

Total Moment and Shear:-

Mu total = 3802.929 + 3252.707 = 8547.75 kN-m

Vu total = 603.265 + 556.208 = 8403.55 kN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Check for Moment:

Fy = 450 Mpa

Mplastic = Fy× Z

Z = 2 (0.0.11506) (0.45974) (0.42469+0.05753) +2(0.06401×0.42469) ( )

Z = 0.06276246m3

Mplastic = (450×103) (0.06276246) = 28243.107 kN-m

M = (0.9) (9414.369) = 25418.7963 kN-m

Mu total = 25418.7963 kN-m < M = 79951.072 kN-m acceptable √

Check for Shear:

Fy = 450 Mpa

Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cr

Vn = 0.6 × (450×103)( 0.085×0.9)(1) = 20639.84 kN

Vu total = 8403.545919512 kN < Vn = 20639.84 kN acceptable √

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Bracing Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

5. Bracing Design for steel Bridge

ry = √

From Section Data sheet

Iy = 0.0018928 m4

A = 0.160645 m2

( )
ry = √ = 0.108547233 m → 4.27351311 in
( )

E = 29,000 ksi , Fy = 50 ksi

Lp = (1.76)(ry)(√ )

Lp = (1.76)( 4.27351311)(√ ) = 181.14 in →15.10 ft

Lp = 4.600927839 m, use =>Lp = 5 m

V = 1029.46 kN

Pn = 70 kN → Pn = 15.74 kips

Choose section L3×L3×1/2

Ag = 2.76 in2,

Pn = 39.7 kips,

ry = 0.895 in

( )( )
λ= = 6.7 → 7

Fcr = 32.3 ksi

Pcr = (32.3) (2.76) = 89.148 kips > 15.7366 kips √ ok!

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Elastomeric Bearing Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

6. Elastomeric Bearing Design for steel Bridge

Dead Load:-

887.497 kN

30 m
Va Vb

Live Load:-

1- Truck Load:
F’’= 334.1 KN “From movable load and influence line‘’
2- Lane Load:
F’’’= 100.5 KN “From influence line shown previously”

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

50 | P a g e
Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

The thermal coefficient ( ) for normal density of concrete

(for Abutment)

( )

( )

Max ( )

M ( )( )( )

( )

51 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


( )( )

( )( )
( ) ( )( )

( )( )( )

( )( )

( )( )( )

( )( )

( )

-Dead Load:
W = 29.58 N/mm


( )

( )( )
( )

( )( )
( )

( ) ( )

( )

( )( )

52 | P a g e
Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

- Moving Load:
40kN 130kN 130kN

4300 mm 4300 mm 25700 mm

( )( )( )
( ) ( ( ))
( )( )
( )( )( )
( ( ))
( )( )

( )( )
( )
( ) ( )( )

( )( )( )( )

( )( )( )( )( )

( )( )( )( ( )( )

( )( )( )( ( )( )

53 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Stability of Elastomeric Bearings:


√ √ ( )

( )( ) ( )( )
( )

( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


At service limit state

( )( )

At fatigue limit state

( )( )

- Summary:
The total thickness of the bearing pad is:

Figure 12 Bearing dimensions

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Pier Cap Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

7. Pier Cap Design for Steel Bridge

16.5 m

0.75 m 5.7 m 5.7 m 0.75 m

1.2 m 1.2 m 1.2 m

- Dead load:

( )( )

- Truck load:

( )( )

- Land load:

( )( )
( )

1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN

0.75m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 0.75m

0.75m 7.5 m 7.5 m 0.75m


57 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Design the cap:

16.5 m

1.5 m
1.2 m

- Self-weight:

( )( )( ) /m
( )( ) /m
Wu=51.6672 kN/m

1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN 1127.63 kN

0.75 m 7.5 m 7.5 m 0.75 m

- From CSi-Bridge:

R = 5969 kN

- Design The cap:

58 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Design the top reinforcement base on the negative moment:

( )

( )( )
( )
( )( ) ( )( )( )

( )( )( )( )

( )( )

59 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Design the bottom reinforcement based on the positive moment:

( )( )( )( )

( )( )

60 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Design for shear force “cap”:

- Concrete shear capacity:

( )( )(√ )( )( )

( )

( )( )(√ )( )( )

( )( )

So, stirrups are needed here.

( )( )
( )

61 | P a g e
Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Design he spacing between two adjacent stirrups:

( )( )( )

( )( )( )

Figure 13 Cap cross section

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Steel Bridge
(Pier Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

8. Pier Design for steel bridge

Axial Compression → P = 5969 kN (From CSi-Bridge)

Wind and Earthquake moment → M = 3133.725 + 116.33 = 3250.057 KN-m

5969 KN

3250.057 KN-m

Design the pier as a column subjected to axial compression and bending.

→ Use circular cross section

→ fc’ = 28 MPa

→ Fy = 420 MPa

Ag = (1.2)2 = 1.131 m2

ɣh = 1.2 – 0.04 – 0.01 – 0.01 = 1.14 mm

ɣ= = = 0.95

Kn = = = 0.188486801
( )( )

Rn = = =0.161754
( )( )( )

64 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Use chart:

fc’ = 28 MPa
Fy = 420 MPa → Percentage of Steel = 2 %

As = × Ag = 0.02 × 1.2×106 = 24000 mm2

# of bars = = = 76.394 77 bars
( )

 Use 77 ϕ 20 mm bar

Figure 14 Pier cross section

65 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


Design Calculation for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge:

1. Limitations
2. Loads Calculation
3. Slab Design
4. Girder Design
5. Stress Design
6. Elastomeric Bearing Design
7. Pier Cap Design
8. Pier Design
9. Losses in Pre-Stress

66 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018



1. Limitations

 Depth of I-Beam Girder (MOMRA, table 2.1, page 22)

 Assuming distance between girders (center to center) =

 Total number of girders = = 11 girders

 Minimum concrete slab thickness (MOMRA , page 760)

 Minimum
(MOMRA Table 5.14 , page 356)
 Assuming Asphalt thickness = 75 (AASHTO)
 Traffic Parapet, Height = 810 mm, Width = 430 mm (MOMRA ,page 1171)
 Concrete not less than ( ACI 318 , page 227)
 Safety factors for dead and moving load are 1.3, 1.6
 Loss in Pre-stress = 17% (MoMRA, Table 5.12 , page 350)
 Final Pre-stress = 83% (Pe = 0.83 Pi)
 Reinforcement Strength (Fy= 420). (ACI 318-14 , Page 509)
 Pre-stress “Post-tension” Concrete stress limits (MOMRA , page 346)
o Initial limits: Compression ( )
o Initial Limits: Tension √ √
o Finial Limits: Compression ( )

o Finial Limits: Tension √ √

 Densities (MOMRA Table 3.4)
o Density of Concrete = 2392 kg/m3 = 23.92 kN/m3
o Bituminous wearing surface = 2250 kg/m3 = 22.50 kN/m3

67 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

2. Load alculation *note: Load is calculated for one typical girder*

1- Dead Load:

 Asphalt = ( ) ( ) ( )
 Concrete slab = ( ) ( ) ( )
 Girder self-weight = ( ) ( )
 Bridge Railing = ( ) ( ) ( )

2- Moving Load:

 Truck Load (MOMRA / figure 3.1 , page 54)

 Design lane load
o uniformly distributed in the longitude direction
o Transversely, the design lane load shall be assumed to be uniformly
over width.

Figure 15 Truck load

68 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3- Earthquake Load (AASHTO, ch3 , page 3.34)


Assume seismic zone = 1

Acceleration coefficient, as, ≤ 0.05

Horizontal design ≥ 0.15 × vertical reaction due to permanent load.

Reaction = 6791.669 kN “From CSi-Bridge”

Horizontal force = 0.15×6791.669 = 1018.75 kN

Moment on pier due to earthquake load is:

M = 1018.75 kN × 3.5 m = 3565.625 kN-m

 Seismic zones – (AASHTO, Table

Assume acceleration coefficient, SD1 = 0.1

 Seismic zone 1

 Site class – (AASHTO, Table

A: Hard rock with shear wave velocity, ̅ > 5000 ft/s

 Site Factor, Fpga at zero period on acceleration spectrum

PGA = 0.2 => Fpga = 1 => (AASHTO, Table , Page 3-91)
SS = 0.5 => Fa = 1.0 => (AASHTO, Table , page 3-91)
S1 = 0.5 => Fv = 1.0 => (AASHTO, Table , page 3-91)

Assume period is greater than or equal to

Cms = SDS

SDS = Fa Ss = (1.0)(0.5) = 0.5

 Cms = 0.5

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4- Wind Load (AASHTO , page 3-96)

Assume wind velocity = 100 mph

Table => the base Pressure, PB = 0.05 (AASHTO, Table, page 53)

Minimum wind load = 0.3 kips/ft

AASHTO, Table, page 56 => skew angle = 0

 Normal component “Transvers” = 0.1 kips/ft

 Parallel component “Long” = 0

The design wind pressure: (AASHTO, page 3.38)


VDZ = 2.5 Vo( ) ( )

For structure in open country => Vo = 8.20

Zo = 0.23

Assume V30 = VB = 100 mph

VDZ = 2.5 (8.2) ( ) = 101 mph

( )
PD = PB = 1.02 PB

Long Area = ( )( ) = 484 ft2

Transverse Area = ( )( ) = 266 ft2

Zero degree skews Angle

VLong = (484)(0)(1.02) = 0

VTransvers = (266)(0.04)(1.02) = 11 kips

The moment due to wind on the pier is

M = 11k × 8ft = 88 kips-ft = 119 kN-m

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Slab Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3. Slab Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(From CSI-Bridge)

( )( )

( √ )

( ) ( )
( √ ( )
)= 0.00578

( )( )

( )

Take 5 bars for 1 m

Figure 16 Reinforced slab dimensions

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Girder Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4. Girder Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge (AASHTO, page 96 , PCI

standard products, Appendix B -7)

Figure 17 Concrete girder dimensions

 Gross Area = (0.080) (1.450) + (0.5) (0.475) (0.100) + (0.5) (0.475) (0.100) + (0.5)
(0.100) + (0.5) (0.100) (0.100) +(0.5) (0.100) (0.100) +(0.300) (0.100) +(0.300) (0.745)
+(0.5) (0.225) (0.200) + (0.5) (0.225) (0.200) + (0.225) (0.3) + (0.700) (0.250)
= 0.765 m2
 Centroid ( Datum is at the top )
 ( )( )( ) ( ( )( )( )) ( )( )(

) (( ) ( )( )( )( )) ( )( )( )
( )
(( )( )( )( ) ( )( )(
) ( )( )( )

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

 Distance from the neutral axis to extreme fibers

o C bottom = 1.5 – 0.6989 = 0.8011 m
o C top = Y = 0.6989 m
 Moment of inertia about neutral axis:
 Ix = [ (1.450)(0.080)3 +(1.450×0.08)(0.6989 –( )2] + 2[ (0.475)(0.1)3+

(0.475)(0.1) (0.6989 –
0.1133)2]+[ ( )( ) ( )( )( ) +2[ ( )( )

( )( )( ) +[ ( )( ) ( )( )( )

+[ ( )( ) ( )( )( ) ]+

2[ ( )( ) ( )( )( ) +[

( )( ) ( )( )( ) +

[ ( )( ) ( )( )( ) = 0.231 m

Ix = 0.231 m4

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Secton Properties – Gross composite section:

Figure 18 Concrete girder dimensions with concrte slab

 Gross Area = (1.450)(0.200)+(0.745)(0.300)+( )(0.2)(0.225)+( ) (0.200)(0.225)

+(0.300)(0.225)+(0.700)(0.250) = 0.786 m2

 Centroid ( Datum is at the bottom )

 (0.700)(0.250)( )+(0.300)(0.225)( +0.250)+(2)( )(0.225)(0.200)(

+0.250)+(0.745)(0.300)( )+0.225+0.250)+(2)( )(0.1)(0.1)( +0.745+0.2

25+0.250)+(0.300)(0.100)( +0.745+0.225+0.250)+(1.450)(0.28)( +0.1+

0.1+0.745+0.225+0.250)+(2)( )(0.1)(0.475)( +0.1+0.745+0.225+0.250)+(

0.5)(0.100)( +0.1+0.745+0.225+0.250) = 1.037 m

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Distance from the neutral axis to extreme fibers

o C top = 1.7 - 1.037 = 0.663 m

o C bottom = 1.037 m
 Moment of inertia about neutral axis:
 Ix = [ (1.450)(0.28)3 + (1.450)(0.28)(1.037– 0.14)2] +

2[ (0.475)(0.100)3 + (0.475)(0.100) (1.037–0.3467)2]+

[ (0.5)(0.100)3+(0.5)(0.100)(1.037-0.33)2]+

2[ (0.100)(0.100)3+(0.100)(0.100)(1.037-0.413)2]+

[ ( )( ) ( )( )( ) +

[ (0.300)(0.745)3 +(0.300)(0.745)(1.037-0.8525)2] +

2[ (0.200)(0.225)3+ (0.200)(0.225)(0.663-0.325)2]+

[ (0.300)(0.225)3 +(0.300)(0.225)(0.663-0.3625)2] +

[ (0.700)(0.250)3+(0.700)(0.250)(0.663-0.125)2] = 0.507 m4

Ix = 0.507 m4

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

 I-Section

√ √

 Composite section

√ √

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Finding Shear and Moment (DEAD LOAD)

 Girder self-weight = ( ) ( )

 Concrete slap = ( ) ( ) ( )

Loads on the non-composite girder:

( )
Vmax = = = 274.47 kN

( )
Mmax = = = 2058.5 kN.m

Loads on the composite girder:

( )( )
Vmax = = 382.05 kN

( )( )
Mmax = = 2865.37 kN.m

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

5. Stress Calculation: from (Paint program)

 Maximum eccentricity is: = Y – Bottom cover

= 0.8011 – 0.05 = 0.7511 m
 Maximum eccentricity to minimize the required Pre-stressed steel


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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Initial Stage (Non-composite Girder):

( )

( )

Final Stage (Non-composite Girder):

( )

( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Finding Shear and Moment (MOVING LOAD)

*Note: to find the critical shear and moment due to movable load, influence line method
has to be used.

3. Truck load
o Case-1 => Vmax = 130×1 = 130 kn

130 KN
40 KN 130 KN

o Case-2 => Vmax = (130×1) + (130× ) = 216.67 KN

130 KN
40 KN 130 KN

o Case-3 => Vmax = (40×1) + (130× ) + (130× ) = 234.13kN

130 KN
130 KN
40 KN

o Case-4 => Vmax = 130 + (130× ) + (130× ) = 324.13 kN

40 KN
130 KN
130 KN

Vmax = 324.13 KN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

130 KN
40 KN 130 KN

(15-5.2)( ) = 4.9 m

Mmax = (40×4.9) + (130×7.5) + (130×4.9) = 1808 kN-m

4. Lane Load

1m 20/3=6.7 KN/ m

30 m

7.5 m

10 KN/ m

Vmax = × 30 × 1 × 6.7 = 100.5 kN

Mmax = ×30 × 7.5 × 6.7 = 753.75 kN-m

Ultimate (Moving load)

Mu = 1.6 × (1808 + 753.75) = 4098.8 kN-m

Vu = 1.6 × (324.13 + 100.5) = 679.408 kN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Inital Stage (composite Girder):

M = Girder self-wight + Slab deck = 2865.37 kN.m

( )

( )

Final Stage (Non-composite Girder):

M = 2538.3 + Asphalt + Truck load + Lane load = 4966.58 kN.m

( )

( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

The appropriate range of to satisfy both initial and final stresses of both composite and
non-composite girder are:


MOMRA, Table 5.3, Use strand 1860 MPa (Grade 270)

( )

Number of Wires = 7 wires.

Yield Strength, fpy (MPa) is 85% of fpu, except 90% of fpu for low-relaxation strand.

Area of strands = 140 mm2

Required area of steel = = 6 strands

( )

Width of girder = 700 mm

Thickness of deck slab = 200 mm

dc = 50 mm

Fc = 28 Mpa

Mc = 6×108 (From CSI Bridge)

Fy= 420 Mpa

K = 0.159 (From CSI Bridge)

J = 1-(1/3) (0.159) = 0.947

Area of steel = 618 mm2 (From CSI Bridge)

Provide 4 bars 20 mm (From CSI Bridge)

Area of steel required = 1256.64 mm2 (From CSI Bridge)

The spacing S of reinforcing bars in the layer closest to the tension face shall satisfy the
following: (MOMRA,, Page 308)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

( )

γe = Exposure factor

= 1.00 for Class 1 exposure condition

= 0.75 for Class 2 exposure condition

dc = Thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to center of the
flexural reinforcement located closest thereto (mm)

fss = Tensile stress in steel reinforcement at the service limit state (MPa)

h = overall thickness or depth of the component (mm)

K = Assuming steel does not yielding

( )

= = 707.04 Mpa

( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Elastomeric Bearing Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

6. Elastomeric Bearing Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

 From superstructure Analysis: (AASHTO LRFD, Cl:

DL= 382.05 kN

LL= 100.5 + 324.13 = 424.63 kN

θ = 0.0121 rad (rotation about transverse axis)

 Steel reinforced elastomeric bearing is selected:

ΔT = α L (TMaxDesign -TMinDesign) (MOMRA LRFD, Table 3.28, page 135)
Where: L = expansion length (in.)
α = coefficient of thermal expansion (in./in./ºF)

Temperature Movement = α L(TMaxDesign -TMinDesign) = (1.1*10-5)(6000)(45-0) =


Concrete Shrinkage = β×µ×L = (0.0002)×(0.50)×(60000)= 6 mm

Minimum Thickness of Pad= 2 × horizontal movement

= 2 × (29.7 + 6)

= 71.4mm

Try T= 71.4mm (elastomer only)

Maximum Pressure =

( ) ( )
W×L= = 115240 ≈ 340×340 mm

Trial Pad: 71.4mm × 340 mm × 340 mm

Maximum Thickness of Pad of length or width = 113 mm

T = 71.4 mm < max = 113 mm (Its ok)

( ) ( )
Compressive Stress = = = 6.9 < 7 MPa (It’s ok)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Compressive Stress (Dead Load Only) = = 3.31 MPa > 1.4 MPa
(It’s ok)

Shape Factor = = = 170

Maximum Shear force at Slippage:

Fs(Max) = = = 76.41 kN

Actual Design Shear force =

= 60.73 kN < 76.41 kN (It’s ok)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Pier Cap Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

7. Pier Cap Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

- Dead load:

( )( )

- Truck load:

( )( )

- Lane load:

( )( )
( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

- Self-weight:

( )( )( ) /m
( ) /m

- From CSi-Bridge:

R = 6791.669 kN

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

 Design the top reinforcement base on the negative moment:

( )

( )( )
( )
( )( ) ( )( )( )

( )( )( )( )

( )( )

 Design the bottom reinforcement based on the positive moment:

( )( )( )( )

( )( )

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Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

 Design for shear force “cap” (ACI 318-5, section )

- Concrete shear capacity:

( )( )(√ )( )( )

( )

( )( )(√ )( )( )

( )( )

So, stirrups are needed here. (AASHTO LRFD, Cl:

( )( )
( )

- Design the spacing between two adjacent stirrups (ACI 318-05 Section)

( )( )( )

( )( )( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Pier Design)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

8. Pier Design for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

Axial Compression → P = 6791.669 KN (From CSi-Bridge)
Wind and Earthquake moment → M = 3565.625 + 119 = 3684.625 KN-m

Design the pier as a column subjected to axial compression and bending.

→ Use circular cross section
→ fc’ = 28 MPa, Fy = 420 MPa

Figure 19 Pier cross section

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Ag = (1.2)2 = 1.13 m2

ɣh = 1.2 – (2) 0.05 – (2)0.01 – 0.025 = 1.055 mm

ɣ= = 0.88

Kn = =( = 0.215
)( )

Rn = =( = 0.040
)( )( )

Use chart:
fc’ = 28 MPa
Fy = 420 MPa → Percentage of Steel = 2 %
As = × Ag = 0.02 × 1.13×106 = 22,600 mm2

# of bars = = = 46.1 bars

( )

 Use 46 ϕ 25 mm bars

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

(Losses in Pre-Stress)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

9. Losses in Pre-Stress for Post-Tension Concrete Bridge

1. Loss due to Elastic Shortening (Ref: AASHTO LRFD, Cl: page 131
The loss due to elastic shortening may be calculated using Eq. C5.

e 54.5 = average eccentricity of pre-stressing steel at mid-span(in).

pbt = stress
in pre-stressing steel immediately prior to transfer as specified in
table S5.9.3-1; 0.75fpu .

Mg = mid-span moment due to member self-weight.

( )[ ( )[ ( )] ( )( )
∆fPes = ( )( )
( )[ ( )

∆fPes = 13.7 ksi

- Calculate the pre-stressing stress at transfer:

Fpt = stress immediately prior to transfer - ∆fpES

= 202.5-13.7

= 188.8 ksi

- Calculate the pre-stressing force at transfer:

Pt = Nstrands (Aps) (fpt)

= 44(0.153) (188.8)

= 1271 kips (initial loss = 6.77 %)

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

2. Loss due to Shrinkage of Concrete (Ref: AASHTO LRFD, Cl: page 132

pSR bid P id


= concrete shrinkage strain of girder between the time of transfer and deck
placement per Eq.

transformed section coefficient that accounts for time-dependent interaction

between concrete and bonded steel in the section being considered for time period
between transfer and deck placement.

To determine the value of the shrinkage strain of the girder must be determined at
the time of deck placement. The basic equation for shrinkage is:

– ( ) – ( )

A humidity of 40 percent is used for this design.

– – ( )


The time of deck placement, assumed at 60 days:

td = = 0.587
( )( )

bid = -(0.944)(1.440)(0.877)(0.587)(0.48×10-3) = -0.336×10-3


Loss due to Shrinkage of Concrete is 2.1%

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

3. Loss due to Creep of Concrete (Ref: AASHTO LRFD, Cl: page 133

pCR cgp (td , tt ) id

To determine the value of Kid the girder creep must be determined at final age as

( ) = girder creep coefficient at final time due to loading introduced at transfer per

tf = final age = (50 years)(365 days / year) = 18,250 days

i= age at transfer = 1 day.

- 0.118
b (tf , ti ) vs he f td i

he = ( )( )

td = ( )( )
1.0 for design.

b (tf , ti ) ( )( )( )( )( )( ) -0.118 = 1.951

Use gross section properties to determine id

= ( )( )
( )[ ( )( )

id = 0.00762

The pre-stress loss due to shrinkage between the time of transfer and the time of deck
placement can be determined as follows:

pSR = ( )( )( )

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

The pre-stress loss due to creep of girder concrete between time of transfer and deck
placement is determined as follow:

pCR cgp (td , tt ) id

cgp = concrete stress at center of gravity of pre-stressing tendons.

( )= girder creep coefficient at time of deck placement due to loading introduced

at transfer per Eq

( )= vs he f td i
- 0.118

( )= (1.9) (0.944) (1.240) (0.877) (0.587) (1)-0.118 = 1.145

The effective pre-stress force is the jacking stress minus the relaxation loss from time of
stressing till time of transfer.

t = [( )( ) ( ) si

The concrete stress at the centroid of the pre-stress steel is calculated as follows using the
transformed section properties at transfer.
( ) ( )( )( )
cgp = ( )[ ]

All the remaining variables have already been determined. The Pre-Stress loss due to
creep is calculated as follows:

pCR ( ) ( ) ( )

Loss due to Creep of Concrete is 2.9%

102 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

4. Loss due to Creep in steel (Relaxation of steel) (Ref: AASHTO LRFD, Cl:
page 135

PRl = stress in pre-stressing strands immediately after transfer but shall not be less than 0.55fpy =
0.55(243) = 133.65 ksi. The stress after transfer includes the relaxation loss prior to transfer and
the elastic shortening loss.

pt ( )( )

PR1 ( )

. Loss due to Creep in steel (Relaxation of steel) is 2.30%

5. The losses due to friction ∆Pµ(x) (Ref: AASHTO LRFD, Cl:

-µ (Ɵ+Kx)
µ(x) = max ( )
: is the sum of the angular displacements over a distance x (irrespective of direction or sign)

: is the coefficient of friction between the tendon and its duct

: is an unintentional angular displacement for internal tendons (per unit length)

: is the distance along the tendon from the point where the pre-stressing force is equal to
Pmax (the force at the active end during tensioning)


ηx = µα + kx

For cable ym = 0.1 m.

For the cables, L = 15 m

Substituting the values of ym and L

x = 0.0029

ηL e = 0.971

Percentage loss due to friction = (1 – e–ηL ) × 100% = 3%

103 | P a g e
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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Area of cable = 1820 mm2

Number of cable = 3

Total area of three cables = 5460 mm2

Diameter for wire = 15.24 mm2

Area of pre-stressing wire (AP) = ( ) ( )2 = 547.244 mm2

Pe = Nstrands(Aps)(fpe) (Ref:AASHTO LRFD, Cl:

Type of

Nstrands= 13

Aps = 5320 mm2

fpe = 0.75fpu - ΔfpT = 336 N/mm

Pe = 1699.006 kips

Total percentage for losses of pre-stresses is 17%

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Figure 20 Points of moment in the cable

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018


Soil Report and Foundation System Design:

1. Introduction
2. Soil Investigation
3. Design of piers foundation for (Steel Bridge)
4. Design of piers foundation for (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)

109 | P a g e
Comparative Design and Analysis of Concrete and Steel Bridges at Dhahran-
Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018



1. Introduction
This chapter is stated to explain the investigation of the site and the labarotory, ground
profile and soil report of the field of the bridge. All information are combined in
sequence to design and analyze the system of foundation for various types of the bridge.
Furthermore, the system of foundation design and analysis will be explained in this
2. Soil Investigation
According to the laboratory report, it was found that there are two different soil profiles
in our site. After digging few boreholes in the site, it was found that the right side of the
railway (section A in figure 21) has the rock on 3 m below ground. On the other hand, it
was found that the left side of the railway (section B in figure 21) has the rock on 4.5 m
below ground. The best way to fix this problem is to excavate the 4.5 m from section B
and compact it with granular soil of 1.5 m I order to have similar soil profile throughout
the whole site.

Figure 21 Bridge layout and boreholes locations

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3. Design of piers foundation for (Steel Bridge)

S-Section (A):-
For Rock, the following was used method to find allowable bearing
( )( )

From soil profile we have these data:

R.Q.D = 50 % (by average)
Rc = 30.00 MPa = 3000 kN/m2
( )( )
( )

qall = 120 kN/m2

p= π × (0.15)2 × 120 = 8.478 KN
s = ( ) {Length of pile L=11.5 m}
L1 = 1.5 m, L2 = 5.5 m, L3 = 4.5 m (DAS, 1997)
The unit frictions for the difficult soil layers are taken as follow:

R = 15 cm = 0.15 m
s = ( )

pile = = ( )
= 1230 KN/m2

Group = Ɛ pile n
( )
(DAS, 1997)

n1 = 2 (number of piles horizontal), n2 = 2 (Number of piles vertical), d =Diameter for

D = Spacing between piles, P = π D
( )( ) ( )
( )
( )( )( )

Group = (1) (1359.36) (4) = 5437.45 KN/m2

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Section (B):-
For compacted layer we have to use Terzaghi formula to find the ultimate bearing
u= 1.3C Nc +q Nq + 0.4 ɣ B Nɣ (Square Footing)
From soil profile we have these data:
c=0 D = 4 m. B = 1.5

u= 1.3C Nc +q Nq + 0.4 ɣ B Nɣ (Square Footing)

( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )( ) 2


Load and moment acting on the piers: (Superstrucure)

Q = 5969.10 kN, M = 2×3250.057 kN-m =6500.114 KN-m

( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Group + qall = 6724.16 > qmax = (verified)
Verified so:
B= 1.5 m (footing)
N= 4 piles
d = 30 cm, L=11.5 m

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4. Design of piers foundation for (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)

S-Section (A):-
For Rock, the following was used method to find allowable bearing
( )( )

From soil profile we have these data:

R.Q.D = 50 % (by average)
Rc = 30.00 MPa = 3000 kN/m2
( )( )
( )

qall = 120 kN/m2

p= π × (0.15)2 × 120 = 8.478 KN
s = ( ) {Length of the pile L=11.5 m}
L1 = 1.5 m, L2 = 5.5 m, L3 = 4.5 m {DAS, 1997}
The unit frictions for the difficult soil layer are taken as follow:

R = 15 cm = 0.15 m
s = ( )

pile = = ( )
= 1230 KN/m2

Group = Ɛ pile n
( )
{DAS, 1997}

n1 = 2 (number of piles horizontal), n2 = 2 (Number of piles vertical), d =Diameter for

D = Spacing between piles, P = π D
( )( ) ( )
( )
( )( )( )

Group = (1) (1359.36) (4) = 5437.45 KN/m2

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Section (B):-
For compacted layer we have to use Terzaghi formula to find the ultimate bearing
u= 1.3C Nc +q Nq + 0.4 ɣ B Nɣ (Square Footing)
From soil profile we have these data:
c=0 D = 4 m. B= 2.10 m

u= 1.3C Nc +q Nq + 0.4 ɣ B Nɣ (Square Footing)

( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )( )

Load and moment acting on the piers: (Superstructure)

Q = 6791.669 kN, M = 2×3684.625 kN-m =7369.25 KN-m

( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Group + qall = 5437.45+1359.36 = 6796.81 > qmax = 6314.437 (verified)
Verified so:
B= 2.10 m (footing)
N= 4 piles
D= 30 cm, L = 11.5 m

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Pile foundation dimensions

Figure 22 Side view of pile foundation

Footing dimensions

Figure 23 Footing Cross section

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Introduction To Modeling:
1. Introduction to CSiBridge
2. Initializing a Model
I Units
II Templates
III Objectives and Elements
IV Grid Systems
V Properties
VI Loading
VII Analysis
VIII Loads Combination
IX Design
X Output and Display
3. Result for (Steel Bridge)
I Steel 3D Model:
II Deflection
III Moment
IV Shear
4. Result for Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge
I Post-Tensioned 3D Model:
II Deflection
III Moment
IV Shear

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

CHAPTER 7: Introduction To Modeling

1. Introduction to CSiBridge
In order to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools, the modeling, analysis
and design of bridge structures have been combined into CSiBridge. The ease of carrying
out all these tasks makes CSiBridge the most adaptable and functional software in the
market today.
Engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load
cases using CSiBridge. The bridge models are parametrically defined using terms
familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents and
hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates models for spine, shell or solid objects
that automatically refresh the bridge definition parameters..
The CSiBridge design enables fast and easy design and retrofitting of bridges in steel and
concrete. The parametric model allows the user to create simple or complex bridge
models and make efficient changes while maintaining complete control over the design
process. Runways and vehicles can be quickly defined and have wide effects. Simple and
practical Gantt charts are available for simulating the modeling and scheduling of
construction sequences. Furthermore, AASHTO LRFD design comprises automated load
combinations, superstructure design and the latest seismic design.
2. Initializing a Model
CSiBridge is unified with a large user interface with a wide range of design and analysis
options. This interface enables structural models to be generated with immediate
apprehension and eliminates fast process curve delays. CSiBridge provides step - by -
step procedures with advanced analytical strategy. The user interface factors include:
 Units
 Templates
 Objects and elements
 Grid systems
 Properties
 Loading
 Analysis
 Load combinations
 Design
 Output and display

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In a structural analysis, several classics can take time and it is difficult to explore the
influence of a particular structural parameter without the effective method of modernized
programs such as CSiBridge. The CSiBridge user interface has such features to initialize
a model. The user can improve the model by using the steps and factors to create stronger
structures for every model. The procedures and the factors are explained below step by

I. Units
CSiBridge handles various units. The units that are used to begin a new model becomes
the basic units for that model. Every material dimension and constant is defined as
similar with basic units. Newton and Kip are used to define Force, millimeter and inches
are used for length. Time is measured in seconds and Mass is used only to compute
accelerating objects for loads. Like others force loads weight also can be applied to the
load. For angular measurements like geometry, Degree is used for measurement. Hertz
(Hz) is used for frequency measurement or in cycles/second.

II. Templates
CSiBridge has different templates for a quick start of a new model. Parametric templates
are used for 3D frames, 3D trusses, storage vessels, simple beams, staircases, pipes and
dam structures. A beneficial decision of templates can boost up the overall modeling
process in many cases. There are also various options available regarding the structure

III. Objectives and Elements

There are four types of objects and some are subdivided into various types. To define a
model of the physical structural members and loads to the objects any geometrical figure
can be drawn by assigning properties.

There are four kinds of objects, some of which are divided into different types. To define
a model of the physical structural components and loads to the objects, any geometric
figure can be drawn using assigned properties.The main objects are:

 Point objects: Subdivided into two grounded linked objects and Joint objects.
Joint objects are automatically created and can be added in a definite manner.
Objects based on the link accelerate support behavious such as gaps, insulators,
multi-linear springs, dampers and others.

 Line objects: Subdivided into two as Frame objects and the Connecting link
objects. Frame cable objects are used to model columns, trusses, braces and
beams. The Connecting Objects are used to model gaps, insulators,
multi-linear springs, dampers and others with zero length.

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 Solid objects: Used to model 3D solids.

 Area objects: Used to model 2D solids and thin-walled members.

IV. Grid Systems

There are no limits of grid systems in a model and the grids can be rotated or placed
inside the model in any direction. The CSiBridge is complemented by the 3D, right and
Cartesian system of coordinates. Each grid could be a basic rectangular and cylindrical
type. A 3D grid system with construction lines can locate objects in the model . The right
- hand rule are three axes identified by X, Y, and Z. The direction of + Z is perpendicular
to each other and the gravity implied by –Z direction globally.

V. Properties
A model may have CONCRETE, RECT, CIRC and SLAB properties. CONCRETE is a
material property and can be enforced to the object automatically. RECT is the property
of a rectangular frame section, a circular section is called CIRC and an area section is
called SLAB.

These properties are assigned to determine the structural behaviour of objects in the

VI. Loading
The wave loading feature of CSiBridge generates the loading on the structures that
result from current flow, waves, wind, and buoyancy. Static linear loading can be
generated with multiple steps to stimulate the wave moving through the structure.
Moreover, the dynamic loading is to include inertial effects as the wave moves
through the structure.

CSIBridge generates and applies wind loads spontaneously on the basis of different
national and international codes. It has a moving load generator which enables users
to move loads on shell and frame elements to lanes.

The CSiBridge wave loading feature generates loading on structures resulting from
current flow, waves, wind and boom. Static linear loading can be achieved by
several steps to stimulate the movement of the wave through the structure. In
addition, the dynamic loading must include inertial effects as the wave crosses the

User loads are defined to model a wide range of loading conditions using the
integrated user loading options of CSiBridge.

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VII. Analysis
The analysis is the method for applying structural loads and calculating structural
reactions. Several types of analysis are available such as Static, Dynamic, Buckling, P-
Delta and Pushover.
CSiBridge is able to perform both static and linear multi-step analysis. Dynamic
analysis capabilities include the vibration calculation with Ritz or Eigen. Linear modes
of buckling of a structure remain under loads
P-Delta analysis captures the soft effect of the compression and the harshening effect
of the tension. The Pushover analysis performs the performance of the FEMA-356 and
also includes the hinge option based on stress.

VIII. Loads Combination

There are several combinations of loads. Linear addictive, envelope, absolute add, SRSS
and range combinations are included.

 Linear addictive: linear additves generate combos and cases and then it adds them
 Envelope: it is the responsibility of adding the results to find the maximum and
minimum values envelope combination.
 SRSS: This type calculates the square root sum of the analytical case and combo

The model design is not based directly on analysis, but instead on combinations.
Additional combinations can be created for design and other purposes.

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IX. Design
Some settings affect the design of a particular model. In areas where the properties are
based on steel, concrete or aluminum materials, design features can be applied to frame
objects. Two frames are briefly explained:

 Steel frame: Steel frame can be used for member size optimization and
implementation of design codes. The program allows users to view the results of
the design via any frame.
 Concrete frame: The concrete frame design includes member sizing auto-select
lists, steel calculation area, overwriting capacity and interactive design.

X. Output and Display

This feature offers many options for displaying sets, views, formats and model function
plots. Users can easily display deformed geometry based on load and mode animation

The force diagrams show the inner shear moments, forces and dislocations at each frame
element location. The CSI bridge provides the option to scroll along the way to display
values at the maximum and minimum value location.

Virtual Work diagrams are the other type. It can be used to determine the elements to be
hardened in order to control the structure most efficiently.

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3. Result for (Steel Bridge)

In CSiBridge software, we have defined the bridge components and their dimensions.
After the loads were assigned, we carried out the analysis and obtained the following

I. Steel 3D Model:

Figure 24 3D Model

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II. Deflection
The Allowable Deflection : 31.3 mm (MOMRA)

The Software Result = 28.56 mm

Figure 25 Deformation shape

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. Moment
Maximum Moment = 25418.7963 kN-m (AISC)
Software Result = 32991.34 kN-m

Figure 26 Moment Result

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

IV. Shear
Maximum Shear = 20639.84 KN (AISC)
Software Result = 11,277.495 kN

Figure 27 Shear Result

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4. Result for (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)

I. Post-Tensioned 3D Model

Figure 28 3D Model

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II. Deflection

The Allowable Deflection : 31.3 mm (MOMRA)

The Software Result = 25.96 mm

Figure 29 Deformation shape

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. Moment

Maximum Moment = 27915.61 kN-m (AISC)

Software Result = 19,915.602 kN-m

Figure 30 Moment Result

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IV. Shear

Maximum Shear = 16951 kN (AISC)

Software Result = 5853.26 kN

Figure 31 Shear Result

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Cost Estimation:
1. Introduction
2. Resources (4Ms)
3. The Factors
4. The Techniques
I Expert Judgment
II Analogous Estimating
III Parametric Estimating
IV Bottom-up Estimating
5. Process (Analogous Technique)
I (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)
II Final Cost
III (Steel Bridge)
IV Final Cost

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1. Introduction
The cost estimate is the practice of forecasting the cost of a defined scope project. It is the
main element of project cost management, an area of knowledge involving the planning,
monitoring and control of the monetary costs of a project. An accurate cost estimate is
essential to decide whether to undertake a project, to determine the possible scope of a
project and to ensure that projects remain financially feasible and avoid overhead costs.
Moreover, an estimate of costs is more than just a list of costs: it also describes the
assumptions underlying each cost. These assumptions (in addition to cost accuracy
estimates) are compiled into a report called the estimate basis, which also details the
exclusion and inclusion of costs. The estimate report allows project stakeholders to
interpret project costs and how and where actual costs could differ from approximate

2. Resources (4Ms)
In addition to the broad cost classification, project expenditure falls into more specific
categories. Common expenditure types include:

a) Manpower: The cost of human effort was spent on project goals.

b) Materials: The cost of resources for producing products.
c) Machine(Equipment): The cost of purchasing and maintaining project equipment.
d) Money(Contingency costs): Costs added to the project budget to deal with particular

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3. The Factors
Factors should be considered by the estimator:

1. Quantity of work
2. Productivity, weather and strikes, marking and profit, market conditions and contingency,
3. Quality of data, which results in estimation accuracy.
4. R.S., selling good quality data to owners, contractors, designers and consultants.

4. The Techniques
There are four commonly used techniques for cost estimation that most of professional
estimators use:

Four commonly used cost estimation techniques are used by most professional

1- Expert judgment
2- Analogous estimating
3- Parametric estimating
4- Bottom-up estimating

These four estimation techniques represent a hierarchical structure where analogous

estimating represents the least accurate technique, and bottom-up estimating represents
the most accurate technique.

These four estimation techniques represent a hierarchical structure in which analogous

estimation is the least accurate and bottom-up estimation is the most accurate technique.

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I. Expert Judgment:
Is widely used in the production of cost estimates. Cost estimators must make many
expectations and intuition about the cost of a new product. However, the use of expert
judgment in a concurrent engineering environment is often ignored, not well accepted or
understood by non-cost estimators.

II. Analogous Estimating:

Uses a comparable previous project to estimate the time or expenditure of the current
project and thus the word root: analogy. Used when your current project has limited
information, an analog estimate is considered " top down " and is generally not as
accurate as other estimation techniques. In addition, because the project manager and
possibly the teams, experience and judgements are applied to the estimation process,
historical information and expert judgment are considered to be a combination.

III. Parametric Estimating:

A more precise cost and duration estimation technique uses the relationship between
variables to calculate the costs or duration. However, a parametric estimate is essentially
determined by identifying the cost or duration of the unit and the number of units
required for the project or business. The measurement must be scalable to be precise. In
addition, parametric estimates are more similar to analog estimates, and parametric
estimates use historical data to estimate costs.

IV. Bottom-up Estimating:

Is a technique also referred to as the “definitive technique ". This estimation technique is
the most accurate, time-consuming and expensive method to estimate the project cost. In
this technique, the cost of each individual activity is determined at the bottom level with
the highest level of detail and then rolls up to calculate the total project cost.

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5. Process (Analogous Technique)

Step 1: Comparing the projects

Step 2: Find the size factor (S.F)

Step 3: Find the area factor (A.F)

Step 4: Find the location factor (L.F)

Step 5: Find the Interest rate (T.F)

Step 6: Find the Quality factor (Q.F)

Step7: Find the overhead risk factor

Step 8: Determining the final estimation

I. (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)

Step 1: Comparing the projects (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge)

We will compare our concrete bridge project with Prince Naif concrete bridge
intersection with King Fahad Road. The bridge is consisting of two traffic lanes for each
direction. The bridge is located in Dammam City.

Factors/data Original project Our project

Cost (SAR) 34,472,000 SAR Unknown

Area (m²) 12490 1980

Start of construction Finished In 2008 In 2020

Interest Rate (i) 3.72% 3.72%

Location Dammam Khobar

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Step 2: Determine the size factor (S.F)

In size factor, we will compare the size factor by using number of lane in the bridge.

( )

Step 3: Determine the area factor (A.F)

In area factor, we will compare the area factor by using area of bridge.

( )

Step 4: Determine the location factor (L.F)

In location factor, we need to get the cost live in the bridge region, so we need to use
Numbeo” Web-site to find the cost of living between these two regions.

Step 5: Determine the Interest rate (T.F)

To do that, we need to find the market interest rate to determine the future interest rate
that will be used in year 2020.

Where we can determine the marked interest rate using:

i= iʾ + f +(iʾ) (f)


i: market interest rate

iʾ: real interest rate = 3.72% from (1992-2018)

f: inflation rate = 3.51% from (2012-2016)

Therefore, i = 0.0372+0.0351+(0.0372) (0.0351) = 7.36%

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Now, we use the market interest rate to determine the future factor. Which we will use
F/P formula to find it:

F = P(1 + i)^n

Where n= 2020-2008 = 12

F = 1(1 + 0.0736)12 = 2.3448

Step 6: Determine the Quality factor (Q.F)

Simple, the quality of our project is 150%

Step7: Determine the overhead risk factor

We assumed that the overhead risk factor will equal 2.5 Million.

Step 8: Finding the final estimation

Using this formula given below, we can find the cost of the new project

Cost of new project= (Cost of the old project x S.F x A.F x L.F x T.F x Q.F) + overhead

Factor Result

Size (S.F) 1.5

Area (A.F) 0.1585
Location (L.F) 1.0831
Interest Rate (T.F) 2.3448
Quality (Q.F) 150%
Overhead Risk 2.5 Million

II. Final Cost

Cost = (34,472,000x1.5x0.1585x1.0831x 2.3448x1.5) + 2,500,000

The New Cost = 33,721,418.23 SAR

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

III. (Steel Bridge)

Step 1: Comparing the projects (Steel Bridge)
We will compare our steel bridge project with king Salman steel bridge intersection with
King Fahad Road. The bridge is combined of two bridges oppose to each other connected
by an intersection in the mid distance of those two bridges where both bridges have equal
Factors/data Original project Our project

Cost (SAR) 78,000,000 SAR Unknown

Area (m²) 22800 1980

Start of construction Finished In 2010 In 2020

Interest Rate (i) 3.72% 3.72%

Location Khobar Khobar

Step 2: Determine the size factor (S.F)

In size factor, we will compare the size factor by using number of lane in the bridge.

( )

Step 3: Determine the area factor (A.F)

In area factor, we will compare the area factor by using area of bridge.

( )

Step 4: Determine the location factor (L.F)

In location factor, we need to get the cost live in the bridge region, so we need to use
Numbeo” Web-site to find the cost of living between these two regions.

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Step 5: Determine the Interest rate (T.F)

To do that, we need to find the market interest rate to determine the future interest rate
that will be used in year 2020.

Where we can determine the marked interest rate using:

i= iʾ + f +(iʾ ) (f)


i: market interest rate

iʾ: real interest rate = 3.72% from (1992-2018)

f: inflation rate = 3.51% from (2012-2016)

Therefore, i = 0.0372+0.0351+(0.0372) (0.0351) = 7.36%

Now, we use the market interest rate to determine the future factor. Which we will use
F/P formula to find it:

F = P(1 + i)^n

Where n= 2020-2010 = 10

F = 1(1 + 0.0736)10 = 2.0343

Step 6: Determine the Quality factor (Q.F)

Simple, the quality of our project is 150%

Step7: Determine the overhead risk factor

We assumed that the overhead risk factor will equal 2.5 Million.

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Step 8: Finding the final estimation

Using this formula given below, we can find the cost of the new project

Cost of new project= (Cost of the old project x S.F x A.F x L.F x T.F x Q.F) + overhead

Factor Result

Size (S.F) 1.25

Area (A.F) 0.0868

Location (L.F) 1

Interest Rate (T.F) 2.0343

Quality (Q.F) 150%

Overhead Risk 2.5 Million

IV. Final Cost

Cost = (78,000,000x1.25x0.0868x1x 2.0343x1.5) + 2,500,000

The New Cost = 28,324,421.35 SAR

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To conclude, this project's main objective was to design a steel bridge and post tension

concrete bridge then the two bridge will be compared with regard to their materials

prices. The bridge was initially designed manually by hand calculations for the reinforced

concrete slab, steel girders, bracing, bearing, pier cap, piers, foundation, and finally with

the ASHTO LRFD design specifications and MOMRA design manual. The CSIBridge

software was then used to complete the design for the both bridges.

The foundation system was developed in accordance with the obtained geotechnical

report. In addition, the cost estimation process was calculated and done to get an idea of

the project cost comparison between steel and concrete post-tensioned bridge. It was

obtained that, the Steel bridge is cheaper compare to post-tensioned bridge, Particulary

with respect to material cost.

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Civil Engineering. (2015, January 21). What Is a Girder Bridge? Retrieved February 2,
2018, from https://goo.gl/FYYK

Hewson, N. R. (2012). Prestressed concrete bridges: Design and construction. London:


State-of-the-art report on high-strength concrete. (1994). Farmington Hills, MI:

American Concrete Institute.

AASHTO: Catalyst for transportation excellence. (2001). Washington, D.C: AASHTO.

MOMRA: Ministry of municipal & Rural Affairs Deputy Ministry for Technical Affairs.
(2013). Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: MOMRA.

Mahmoud, K. M. (2003). Recent Developments in Bridge Engineering. Tokyo: A.A.


Amlan, K.S.& Devdas,M.(2000). Prestressed Concrete Structures. Indian: from


Nilson, A.H.(1978). DESIGN OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE.United States: Hoboken.


FUNDAMENTALS.University of Michigan: Ann Arbor.

Ghali, R. Favre, M. Elbadry.(2002). Stresses and Deformations: Analysis and Design for
Serviceability. London.

AlDubaikel.F, AlAzeb.M & Ratrout.F.(2018). Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete

Bridge At Prince Metib Service Road Intersection with Railway in Dammam.Saudi
Arabia: Khobar.

Al-Hajri.S , Al-Hajri.A & Al-Sharif.A.(2018). Design a Steel Bridge at Prince

Metib Service Roads Intersection with Railway In Dammam. Saudi Arabia: Khobar.

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Appendix A:
Sections Extracted from
Ministry of Municipal and
Rural Affairs

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

Dead Loads:

Dead load shall include the weight of all structural components, appliances and utilities,
earth cover, wearing surface, future overlays and planned expansion. The densities
specified in Table 3.4 may be used for dead loads in the absence of more accurate

The traditional densities shown in Table 3.4. The density of granular materials depends
on the compactness and water content of the material. The concrete density is primarily
affected by the aggregate density, which varies according to geological location and
increases with the compressive strength of the concrete. The reinforced concrete density
is generally assumed to be 72 kg / m3 higher than the plain concrete density. The wood
values include the mass of mandatory preservatives. The weight of transit rails, etc.
should only be used for preliminary design. The densities shown with the kg / m3 and kg
/ mm units are in the units of mass, not force. To convert the units of N / m3 to force by
constant gravitation g = 9.8066 m/sec.2 and collect the units kgm/sec2 as a Newton.

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Design Vehicular Live Load

1. General

The MOMRA designated live vehicle loading on the roads of bridges or incidental
structures shall consist of a combination of:

 Design truck or design tandem, and

 Design lane load.

Except as modified in Article, each design lane under consideration shall be
occupied by either the design truck or tandem, coincident with the lane load, where
applicable. The loads shall be assumed to occupy 3 m transversely within a design lane.

Except as corrected in Article, each design lane under consideration shall, where
applicable, be occupied by the design truck or tandem, in line with the lane load. The
loads are assumed to be 3 m across a design lane.

2. Design Truck

The weights and distances of the axles and wheels for the design truck shall be as
specified in Figure 3.1 and the dynamic load allowance as specified in Article 3.6.2 shall
be considered. The spacing between the two 260 kN axles, except as specified in Articles and, shall vary between 4.3 and 9 m to produce extreme force effects.

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Design Tandem:

The design tandem shall be a pair of axles of 250 kN with a distance of 1.2 m. The
transverse wheel spacing shall be taken as 1.8 m. The dynamic load allowance laid down
in Article 3.6.2 shall be considered.

Design Lane Load:

The design load of the lane shall consist of a load of 20 kN /m in the uniformly
distributed in the longitudinal direction. The design load of the lane is assumed to be
distributed uniformly over a width of 3 meters. The force effects of the lane load of the
design are not subject to a dynamic load allowance.



The pressure specified herein is assumed to be caused by a wind speed of 160 km / h in

the base design, VB. The wind load is assumed to be distributed uniformly in the area
exposed to the wind. The exposed area comprises the sum of all components

including floor system and railing, as seen in elevation taken perpendicular to the
assumed wind direction. This direction shall be varied to determine the extreme force
effect in the structure or in its components. Areas that do not contribute to the extreme
force effect under consideration may be neglected in the analysis. For bridges or parts of
bridges more than 10 m above low ground or water level, the design wind velocity, VDZ,
should be adjusted according to:

( ) ( )

V10 may be established from:

Basic wind speed charts available in ASCE 7-88 for different recurrence intervals, site-
specific wind surveys and the assumption that V10= VB= 160 km / h in the absence of a
better criterion.

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Earthquake loads are given by the product of the elastic seismic response coefficient Csm
and the equivalent weight of the superstructure. The equivalent weight is a function of the
actual weight and bridge configuration and is automatically included in both the single-
mode and multimode methods of analysis specified in Article 4.7.4. Design and detailing
provisions for bridges to minimize their susceptibility to damage from earthquakes are
contained in Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 8, and Section 9. Bridges
shall be designed to have a low probability of collapse but may suffer significant damage
and disruption to service when subject to earthquake ground motions that have a 2%
probability of exceedance in 50 years. Partial or complete replacement may be required.
Higher levels of performance may be used with the authorization of the bridge owner.

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Earthquake loads shall be taken to be horizontal force effects determined in accordance

with the provisions of Article 4.7.4 on the basis of the elastic response coefficient, Csm,
specified in Article 3.9.4, and the equivalent weight of the superstructure, and adjusted by
the response modification factor, R, specified in Article The provisions herein
shall apply to bridges of conventional slab, beam girder, box girder, and truss
superstructure construction with spans not exceeding 150 m. For other types of
construction and bridges with spans exceeding 150 m, the Owner shall specify and/or
approve appropriate provisions. Unless otherwise specified by the Owner, these
provisions need not be applied to completely buried structures. Seismic effects for box
culverts and buried structures need not be considered, except where they cross active
faults. The potential for soil liquefaction and slope movements shall be considered. C
These Specifications establish design and detailing provisions for bridges to minimize
their susceptibility to damage from earthquakes. C The design earthquake motions and
forces specified in these provisions are based on a low probability of their being exceeded
during the normal life expectancy of a bridge. Bridges that are designed and detailed in
accordance with the provisions may suffer damage, but should have low probability of
collapse due to seismically induced ground shaking. The principles used for the
development of these Specifications are:

 Small to moderate earthquakes should be resisted within the elastic range of the
structural components without significant damage.
 Realistic seismic ground motion intensities and forces should be used in the
design procedures; and
 Exposure to shaking from large earthquakes should not cause collapse of all or
part of the bridge. Where possible, damage that does occur should be readily
detectable and accessible for inspection and repair.

These Specifications are considered to be "force-based" wherein a bridge is designed

to have adequate strength (capacity) to resist earthquake forces (demands).

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Seismic Hazard:

The seismic hazard at a bridge site shall be characterized by the acceleration response
spectrum for the site and the site factors for the relevant site class. The acceleration
spectrum shall be determined using either the General Procedure specified in Article or the Site Specific Procedure specified in Article

A Site-Specific Procedure shall be used if any one of the following conditions exists:

 The site is located within 10 kilometers of an active fault,

 The site is classified as Site Class F (Article,
 Long-duration earthquakes are expected in the region,
 The importance of the bridge is such that a lower probability of exceedance
(and therefore a longer return period) should be considered. If time histories
of ground acceleration are used to characterize the seismic hazard for the site,
they shall be determined in accordance with Article

General Procedure

The General Procedure shall use the short and long period spectral acceleration
coefficients (SS and S1 respectively) to calculate the spectrum as specified in Article
3.9.4. Values of SS, S1 shall be determined from either Figure 3.5 to Figure 3.21 as
appropriate, or from region ground motion maps approved by the owner. Linear
interpolation shall be used for sites located between contour lines or between a
contour line and a local maximum or minimum. The effect of site class on the seismic
hazard shall be as specified in Article 3.9.3.

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Criteria for Deflection:

In the absence of other criteria, the following deflection limits may be considered for
steel or concrete construction:

 Vehicular load, general Span/800

 Vehicular and/or pedestrian loads Span/1000
 Vehicular load on cantilever arms Span/300
 Vehicular and/or pedestrian loads on cantilever arms Span/375

For steel I-shaped beams and girders, and for steel box and tub girders, the provisions of
Articles and 6.11.4, respectively, regarding the control of permanent deflections
through flange stress controls, shall apply. The following provisions shall apply to
orthotropic plate decks:

 Vehicular load on deck plate Span/300

 Vehicular load on ribs of orthotropic metal decks Span/1000
 Vehicular load on ribs of orthotropic metal decks (extreme relative deflection
between adjacent ribs) 2.5 mm.

Optional Criteria for Span-to-Depth Ratios:

Unless otherwise specified herein, if an Owner chooses to invoke controls on spanto-

depth ratios, the limits in Table 2.1, in which S is the slab span length and L is the bridge
span length, both in mm, may be considered in the absence of other criteria. Where used,
the limits in Table 2.1 shall be taken to apply to overall depth unless noted. For curved
steel girder systems, the span-to-depth ratio, Las/D, of each steel girder should not exceed
25 when the specified minimum yield strength of the girder in regions of positive flexure
is 345 MPa or less, and:

 When the specified minimum yield strength of the girder is 485 MPa or less in
regions of negative flexure, or
 When hybrid sections satisfying the provisions of Article are used in
regions of negative flexure.

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Project Management

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

B.1 Project Plan

Table B.1 Project Plan

Task Assigned Team Members Duration (Weeks)

Data Collection All 3

Proposal All 3

Structural design All 8

Software Modeling and All 4
Geotechnical Design All 4

Mid Term All 3

Cost Estimation All 3

Final Report All 8

Final Report Correction All 2

Final Presentation All 3

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B.2 Contribution of Team Members

 Hamed Al Kaltham

 Setting Objectives
 Collecting Data
 Literature review
 Feasibility study
 Selecting Structural system
 Preliminary design
 CSIBridge modeling
 Checking for Adjustments if any
 Check soil capacity
 Selecting foundation system
 Design Foundation
 Preparing Technical Report

 Azzam Al Harthi

 Setting Objectives
 Collecting Data
 Literature review
 Feasibility study
 Selecting Structural system
 Preliminary design
 ETABS modeling
 Checking for Adjustments if any
 Check soil capacity
 Selecting foundation system
 Design Foundation
 Preparing Technical Report

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 Ziad Al Harthi

 Setting Objectives
 Collecting Data
 Literature review
 Feasibility study
 Selecting Structural system
 Preliminary design
 CSIBridge modeling
 Checking for Adjustments if any
 Check soil capacity
 Selecting foundation system
 Design Foundation
 Preparing Technical Report

 Hisham Al Mousa

 Setting Objectives
 Collecting Data
 Literature review
 Feasibility study
 Selecting Structural system
 Preliminary design
 CSIBridge modeling
 Checking for Adjustments if any
 Check soil capacity
 Selecting foundation system
 Design Foundation
 Preparing Technical Report

B.3 Project Execution and Monitoring

 Meeting daily, to speak and continue the assignment that we have to do together
 1 meeting a week with the advisors to evaluate our work and performance.

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B.4 Challenges and Decision Making

• Choosing an adequate structural system that meets all architectural and security
requirements, as well as keeping feasibility and costs within a reasonable range. To
overcome this challenge, we have carried out several investigations concerning various
structural members.
• One of the challenges facing us is also the selection of the foundation system. Due to
the geotechnical constraints of the project we decided to use the pile foundation. Even
though it is expensive.

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Project Analysis

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

C.1 Life-long Learning

• Time management is a key to our project. We have learned how to divide our project
into smaller activities and how to allocate time for each activity.
• Literature review plays an important role in these projects because you can learn about
past mistakes and how to avoid making the same mistakes. Literature reviews can also
introduce you to a wide range of resources and links.
• Important decisions are taken on a daily basis on such large - scale projects. We learned
that we should take into account everything, because these sequences of decisions will
build the whole project.
• The work organized flows smoothly. However, if you do not follow a well-organized
plan, sooner or later you are going to mess up.
• We were able to work on computer - aided software such as CSIBridge, SAP2000 and
• The completion of any interdisciplinary project depends on multiple knowledge sources
' cooperation, coordination and combined efforts.

C.2 Impact of Engineering Solutions

There are various methods to dertermine the structural and Foundation systems in
construction. However, any other approach, if not well analyzed, will be problem-
oriented, and a lot of money will be spent to maintain the problem-centered structure. To
overcome such complications, the engineers came up with solutions. With some
construction problems, we had to double reinforce the pier cap due to the high load that
the pier cap design entailed.

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Soil Report

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

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CSiBridge Report For

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Oqair-Salwa Road Dammam to old Abqaiq Highway 2018

CSiBridge Report For
Post-Tensioned Concrete

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