Leadership Agility in A VUCA World: Update - 2015: Nick Horney, Ph.D. Principal, Agility Consulting
Leadership Agility in A VUCA World: Update - 2015: Nick Horney, Ph.D. Principal, Agility Consulting
Leadership Agility in A VUCA World: Update - 2015: Nick Horney, Ph.D. Principal, Agility Consulting
L e a d e r s h i p A g i l i t y i n a V U C A W o r l d :
In 2010, the first article on Leadership Agility in a VUCA World was co-authored by
Nick Horney, Bill Passmore and Tom O’Shea in the People &
leaders that demonstrate leadership agility. Since 2010, Agility Consulting has led the
way in researching and developing products and services for organizations to identify,
The dynamic and fast-changing nature of our world today is best described by VUCA
(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), a term coined by the US Army War
College. Today, there are almost as many mobile phones in the world as there are
people. More than one-third of the world is online – a fivefold increase over the last
decade. Facebook now has more than 1 billion active users; YouTube gets more than 100
hours of video content added every minute; and over 175 million tweets are added to
Twitter timelines every single day. Interestingly enough, Facebook, YouTube and
L e a d e r s h i p A g i l i t y i n a V U C A W o r l d :
researching and working with clients in North America and globally to provide relevant
products and services that enable organizations to identify, develop and deploy leaders
leadership agility that has a working title of Leadership Agility: How to Thrive with
Much has been learned globally over the past ten years about
L e a d e r s h i p A g i l i t y i n a V U C A W o r l d :
L e a d e r s h i p A g i l i t y i n a V U C A W o r l d :
L e a d e r s h i p A g i l i t y i n a V U C A W o r l d :
• The Agility Advantage Seminar™ -- Leadership success in the 21st Century depends on an
ability to be future-oriented, anticipate and act on external
opportunities and recover from unforeseen changes. This highly
interactive experience will help participants lead business units
and organizations with greater
foresight and expose them to the
behaviors and processes associated
with agile leadership and agile
organizations. In addition to the
experience shared by the facilitator
and participants, a particularly
unique aspect of this experience is
the presentation by a Navy SEAL
leader who will share vivid examples of his
application of agility in leading teams during highly volatile environments.
• Leadership Agility Workshop -- Building Leadership Capability to Sense and Respond during
Times of Uncertainty and Turbulence – Learn how to apply The Agile
Model® to enhance the critical 21 century core competency of leadership
agility. Participants will discover their leadership agility strengths and
development needs by completing the LAP 360.
and given the task of completing an orienteering course in the shortest period of time. Group dynamics are
observed by the participants and facilitators and summarized and discussed in the debriefing session.
Typical orienteering equipment is used (e.g., map, compasses, flags, etc.) and help bring to life some of the
dynamics leadership agility in team settings.
As the world continues to be characterized by VUCA, we will share our research and
best practices regarding Leadership Agility throughout 2015. Included in this research
will be a summary of Leadership Agility Profile data collected globally over a period of
about ten years across numerous industry sectors and organizational levels. We will
share best practices that we have learned from the data and will integrate the results
We will continue our research into additional leadership agility topics (e.g., Emotional
Agility -- EA) as we apply the appropriate psychometric rigor to ensure reliablity and