Curriculum Integration Assignment
Curriculum Integration Assignment
Curriculum Integration Assignment
Fill in the Tools and rationale for each sample student based on what AT, you believe, would fit for the student. (A.B,&C)
Student A Environments
4th Grader Inclusive 4th grade classroom with in-class support teacher
Avid reader: No learning Disabilities Laptops Available
Has Cerebral Palsy with fine motor iPads Available
problems. Cannot hold a pencil or turn An iPad mounting system is installed on the student’s wheelchair.
pages of a book but can type with one
Book Report on personal choice book 1. Pencil grip 1. Because Student A has issues with
2. Word prediction fine motor skills, I believe that a
pencil grip would be a valuable
tool for he/she to use. This would
not only help Student A hold a
pencil correctly, but it would also
further develop the muscles in
his/her dominant hand/fingers.
2. Since Student A can type with only
one finger, I think that it would be
beneficial to use word prediction
on his laptop through Word. This
would increase his typing rate. I
think that a laptop is the best
device for Student A to use
because he/she can sit it on a
surface. Student A would not have
to worry about holding another
device, such as an iPad, in one
hand while typing with the other.
Curriculum Integration Activity
Student B Environments
6th Grader
Has Learning Disabilities: Inclusive middle school classroom. Departmentalized
Reads on a 2nd grade level Laptops/iPads available
Handwriting is illegible Bluetooth keyboards available
Difficulty editing & spelling
Gets frustrated when not successful
Student C Environment
10th Grader with Autism Laptops & iPads Available
Easily frustrated Bluetooth Keyboard and various cases available
Has attention issues
Reading is below grade level
Likes to be organized
Handwriting is very sloppy