2theoneeducator Iste Standards-2 3

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ISTE Educator Standards

ISTE Educator Standards: ISTE Student Standards:

2.1 Learners: Educators continuously improve 1.1 Empowered Learner: Students use
their practice by learning to include technology technology to maximize their ability to choose,
in learning. achieve, and demonstrate learning goals
informed by learning sciences.

2.2 Leader: Educators seek opportunities for

leadership that can support student 1.2 Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights,
empowerment. responsibilities and opportunities of living,
learning and working in a digital world. Being
sure to act and model in ways that are safe,
2.3 Citizen: Educators inspire students to ethical and legal.
participate in the digital world.

1.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students use a

2.4 Collaborator: Educators collaborate with variety of digital tools to and resources to
both students and colleagues to come up with construct knowledge and make meaningful
ideas to make students successful. learning experiences for them and others.

2.5 Designer: Designing lessons that has 1.4 Innovative Designer: Students use specific
activities created around the learner variability. technologies within a design process to solve
and identify problems with new, imaginative
2.6 Facilitator: Facilitate learning with
technology to support student’s achievement of
the ISTE. 1.5 Computational Thinker: Students develop
strategies to help them understand and solve
2.7 Analyst: Understand and uses data to
support their instruction and the student’s in
reaching learning goals.

1.6 Creative Communicator: Students

communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively using tools and digital media that’s
appropriate for the goals.

1.7 Global Collaborator: Students use digital

tools to broaden their thoughts and enhance
their learning by collaborating with others and
working in teams globally.
Noted similarities: Both are continuously learning to use technology to achieve goals. Educators collaborate just
like student groups.

Noted differences: Educators collab with other colleagues while the students can collaborate globally.

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