Archaeobotany in Turkey A Review of Current Research

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Archaeobotany in Turkey: a review of current research

Article · January 1996


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2 authors, including:

Mark Nesbitt
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


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O.W. !vluscarella. Anarolian Iron Ages 3 ( A . Cilinglroglu 0.25 or 0.3 mm mesh), and lithics. bones and small
et D. Frenched.) 1994: 142. pl. 12.1.2. artefacts such as coins and seals in the heavy fraction
Cf. P.E. Pecorella. M. Salvini. Persica X. 1982 : 24. (Imm mesh). A typical flotation machine is described
h Bihlioiheca Orientalis XLIVII-2. 1987 : 255. by M . Nesbitt (1995). pp. 115-130 in Essays on
ancient Anatolia (T. Mikasa. ed.).
Archaeobotany i n T u r k e y : a review of current The result of all this work is that regional and
chronological patterns of agricultural change in
The inspiration for this review came as we tried to
Turkey are becoming increasingly clear: useful
calculate how many archaeobotanists were working in
reviews of current ideas (and earlier work not covered
Turkey. Our guess suggested it was probably thc most
by this guide) are given by N. Miller (199 1). pp. 133-
active country for the study of plant remains from
160 in Progress in old world palaeoethnobotanv
~~rchaeologic;~lsites in the Near East. We then decided
(W. van Zeist et al, eds.) and M. Nesbitt, Biblical
to ask our colleagues working in Turkey to write a
Archaeologist (1995)' 5 8 ( 2 ) : 68-81. General
short paragraph about their work. We hope this will
archaeological work in Turkey is described each year
be a valuable aid to help archaeobotanists and
excavators to keep in contact, and will also give an by M.-H. Gates in the April issue of AJA.
interest~ng"snapshot" of current work. The scope of this review covers plant remains -
In total. we found about 30 archaeobotanists studying charred seeds. tubers and wood, phytoliths or residues
botanical rcmains from 39 excavations. Of these, 20 - actually recovered from excavations. Sites are
are currently in progress, while the rest ended in the arranged in rough chronological order within each
1980s or earlier. The chronological and geographical region. The account for each site was written by its
spread o l the projects is impressive. While archaeobotanist, though we have had to shorten all for
archaeobotany has long been an integral part of reasons of space. Some abbreviations have been used.
prehistoric excavations in central and southeast including : U. : University ; Neo. : Neolithic ;
Turkey, little work has been done at later sites. Chalco. : Chalcolithic ; UM/L.BA : Early/Middle/Late
pnrticularly in western Turkey. This is changing Bronze Age ; IA : Iron Age ; Helln. : Hellenistic ;
rapidly. as the potential of bioarchaeology at classical Byz. : Byzantine ; Med. : Medieval ; AJA : American
or Medieval sites is recognised. The sampling Journal of Archaeology ; A S : Anatolian Studies.
techniques used by nrchaeobotanists also deserve Publications are cited briefly ; in Turkey the library of
comment. Of the 20 current excavations, a flotation the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara has the
machine is in use at 15 (75 %), with typical soil most comprehensive holdings in this field. We thank
sample sizes ranging from 40-100 litres. This is all the archaeobotanists who responded so quickly to
hecausc o f widespread recognition that pump-driven our call for information.
flotation machines are a highly effective tool for
recovering both charred plant remains (typically on a Mark Nesbitt & Delwen Samuel

.W ."W

.-awnBOB )Rnrb.C
K m ~ . ~ e v u k .'C."-

Fig. 1 :'Carte des sites anatoliens cites dans le texte.

(average 35 l). Archaeobotany has concentrated on BA
Denrlrocltronulo,ev : contexts, but more is planned on Roman deposits. Besides
Aegean Dendrochronology Project (Cornell U.) : 23 years the economic information, a broad spectrum of water and
oi' contmuous dendrochronolopical investigations in the wetland plants mirror the palaeoecological environment.
Aegean .lnJ nr~ghbour~ng lands have resulted in tree-ring Dissertation currently in progress. Pilblicarion: Jablonka et
chronologes covering h 5 0 of the last 9200 years in an area al. Studia Troica ( 1994) 4: 5 1-73. Sitnone Ridtl. Insrindrfiir
1400 k m E-\+'by 1100 km N-S.There are significant Cr- icnd Friih~eschich~e.
&rere Abreilunp. Arc.h~iohornnik,
chronologies for oak. junlper. pine. and cedar, and shorter Cniversirar Tiibin~en,SchloJ. 72070 Tiibinqen. German!:
ones tor fir. spruce, boxwood. and yew. Our goal is a email: Simone.Riehl-0001
continuous clrndrochronologicai time-line from the piesent Kumtepe (Canakkale): Neo./Chalco. to EBA. Excavated
ro ;\I I s ~ s t7500 bc and possibly earlier. Thanks to from 1993 by M. Korfmann. Lying in the same
t'oundarion support we are able to perform our dating palaeoecological environment as Troy (c. 5 km apart).
servlczs free of charge. For comment on collection Kumtepe was a small coastal settlement (less than 1.4 ha)
procedures see AJA ( 1995) 99: 99- 102. Publications: ( 1996) during its whole sequence. reflected by large amounts of
pp. 40 1 -409 in Arcliaeomern 1994: Tlte Proceedings of rhe water and wetland plant remains. Archaeobotany started
29rlr lttrc~rt~ariwrul S\.nymsiiun on A rchueometfy (S. Demirci 1993 with the same sampling methods as in Troy. Simone
et al. eds.): Narurc (27 June 1996) 381: 780-783. Peter /an Riehl (see Troy).
Kttnilroltti, Dt,porrtnetlr of the History of Art and Shipwrecks (Milas): Serqe Liman~.Med. glass-laden wreck
A r c h c ~ c ~ o l o pC-3.5
~. G o l d w i n Smith H a l l . Cornell (C. 102516 AD) excavated 1972-78 by G.F. Bass (Institute
Irhnccc. NY 148.53-3201. USA: Tel +l-607-255- Tor Nautical Archaeology). Identifiable seeds were hand-
MS0 ltrh.: 255-9 7-72 office: 257-7845 home: Fax: 255- picked, including peach. apricot. almond. grape. olive and
1454: Gitcul: pc~rrr@' sumac. Combination of Islamic and Chrisuan elements
points to co-operative trade along a route from the Black
The wsr Sea to Caeserea in Israel. Uluburwt, LBA wreck excavated
Illplnar (Bursa): Pottery Neo. to early Byz. Excavated since by G.F. Bass and C. Pulak 1984-1994. All contexts
1987 by Dr Jacob Roodenberg (Netherlands Arch. Inst., systematically sampled by bucket flotation and hand-
Istanbul~.Plant remans recovered by manual flotation from picking. Kilos of terebinth resin, IOOOs of pomegranate,
Pottery Yeo, levels (5250-4750 uncal bc) include einkom. olive, fig, coriander, almond, grape and weed seeds; also
emmer and I'rce-threshing wheat. naked and hulled 6-row leaves and twigs used as packing. and wood shavings and
barley. lentd. bitter verch and flax. A major fruit - probably charcoal. At least 7 cultures represented on this wreck that
wild - was fig. Prhlicartott: (1995) pp. 159-66 in The carried luxury materials of the time. Publicarion: World
Ilipitrcir o.tccwciriottsI (J. Roodenberg. ed.). Wiiiem van Zeist Archaeology ( 1 9 9 3 ) 24: 348-60. Clteryl Haldane. INA-
mid c.ollnhorcrrors. Depctrrmenr of Archaeology. University Egypt, P . O . Box 432. El Ibrahimia. Alexandria. Egypt.
qf Grotlrrt een. Posrrnar 6 . 9712 ER Groningen. The F d e l : +203-546-6872; Email: [email protected]
JVerl~er/anc/s. Resin from Uluburun was identitied as from Pisracia by J.S.
Kuruqav I Burdur): Late Chalco. (4th mill. bc) settlement Mills and R. White of the National Gallery, London.
excavated 1978- l988 by Prof Refik Duru (Istanbul U.). 25 Publicarion: Archaeometry ( 1989) 3 1 : 37-44.
>ample3 trom burnt houses. mainly pots of emmer wheat Sardis (Manisa): major city occupied from the late IA to
sp~keletsor barley grain. Other crops include einkom, lentil, Byz. periods: excavations since 1958, now directed by C.H.
pea. ch~ckpeaand large quantities of grass pea. Of especial Greenewalt, Jr (U. California, Berkelev). Since 1983 large
interest I S the admixture with tlax of classic tlax weeds such quantities of charred plant remains have been recovered in
as Cntnelitiu sariva. Loliutn remotum and Silene. pots and heaps within Lydian rooms. probably burnt in the
Publicc~rion:(in press) in K u r q a y I1 (R. Duru, ed.). Mark Persian conquest of 546 bc. Mainly 6-row hulled barley and
Ncsbirr. lnsrirute of A r c h a a o l o ~ y ,University College chickpeas. Other crops include bread wheat. lentil, grape.
London. 31-34 Cordon Square, London W C I H OPY. UK. broomcorn millet and garlic. Analysis is complete;
Tel: +J4-171-387-7050 ex. 4763; F a : 383-2572; Email: interpretation is being integrated with studies of cooking
rcfa270@ 1rc1.a~.
uk and grinding installations in the same area by N. Cahill (U.
Troy (Canakkale): at least EBA (Troy 1/11) to Roman (Troy Wisconsin). Mark Nesbitt (see Kunqay).
[X). Excavations from 1988 by M. Korfmann (U..T,bingen) Miletus (Aydln): the Greek city before the Persian sack of
and C.B. Rose (U. Cincinnati). Archaeobotany since 1991. 494 bc. A long-tern project of different German Institutes.
Machine flotation since 1993, up to 100-litre samples In 1993. Prof Dr Volkrnar von Graeve (Bochum) directed
excavations In which 50 Archaic samples were taken trom q.hillmun@
an area of uorkshops near the ancient city wall at the P ~ n a r h a f t(Karaman): Early Neolithtc rockshelters at the
Kalabaktepe and from a nearbv temple of Aphrodite. Nearly foot of Karadag : excavated since 1994 by Or T. Watklns
one ton ol' soil was lloated. Plant remains were mostly ( U . Edinburgh). Machine tlotation has recovered large
ih:~rrcdwith 3 iew drs~ccaredremains. Fig, olive and grape quantities of charcoal. but few seeds so far. Potent~ally
were most abundant: cereals (barley. loxtail millet. einkorn. important results for early Holocene environmental history
spelt whe:~t. t'ree-threshing wheat) and other crops of central Anatolia. Mark Nesbirr (sec Kurrrqay).
cpomegran;ltt. dmond. beet) were scarce. In autumn 1996 Catal Hiiyuk (Konya): pr~marllyPottery Neo. Current
:m excavation of the ancient harbour area was directed by excavations began 1995. directed by Dr lan Hodder ( U .
Prol W.-D. N~eme~er ~Heidelberg).Minoan and Mycenean Cambridge). In 1995 Ann Butler (University College
plant remalns ;ire expected: machine tlotation planned. London) bu~lta pump-driven flotation system for about 2 0 0
Hnns-Pcicr Slika. I~tsritrrr,ftir Boranik 210. U~liversitur samples of sixty litres. collected from every excavation unlt.
D-7059.1.Strirrgarr, Germanv; Far: +J9-711-
Holtc~nltci~n, In 1996, archaeobotanists were C. Hastori. J. Near and M.
4.59-.z3.5. Mangafa. Blanket sampling was continued. usually with 40
Sagalassos I Burdur): large Helln./Roman city. excavated litre samples. A second pump-driven flotation machine was
since 1900 by Prof Mark Waelkens (Catholic U. Leuven). built to process over 500 samples. Finds included an acorn
Pollen analyses ot travenlnes and other sediments near the cache on a floor and a storage bin dating to about 6.000 bc
site has hem completed as a thesis; it is hoped work on filled with lentils. Chrisrine Hastorfond Jtrlie Near, Dept. of
mncroremalns from the site will begin soon. iMarleen Anthropology, Universir?, of California-Berkelev, Berkelev.
Vorrnnero. Ltrhorator,v o/' Plrrnt Sysremarics. Botanical California 94720. USA. Email: llasrorf;
Irts~rrclrcK. L:. Lcav~w.K~rclinnalMercierlaan 92, 8-3001 [email protected],edu: .Maria .Mangala. Dept.
Ht,~.c.rlrc*. B I . Email: Marleen. Vermoere Archaeolo~yand Hisrov of Arr. Universip of Thessaloniki, S4006. Thessuloniki. Greece. Email:
mangafa@olvmp. cc&
Ccrlrrcrl Artrrroliu C a n Hasan I (Karaman): Pottery Neo.-Early Chalco..
A f ~ k l lHiiviik (Nigde): Aceramic Neo. (6900-6500 uncal excavated 1961-67 by David French (BIAA). Numerous
hc). Excavated since I989 by Prof Ufuk Esin (Istanbul U,). small samples collected mainly by dry sieving: dominated
Plant remalns recovered by manual flotation. Cereal crops by hulled barley, emmer wheat and free-threshing wheat.
include einkorn. emmer and free-threshing wheat. hulled 2- Some samples rich in wild fruits including acorns.
row harley and nakcd barley. Bitter vetch. lentil and hawthorn, wild pistachio and tubers. 2 Neo. samples
probably pea were grown. Wild pistachio and almond were published by J.M. Renfrew AS (1968) 18: 55-56. Final
collected. and hackberry was gathered intensively. report being prepared by Mark Nesbirr (see Kuncpy).
Pcthlic~rrlor~: Vqetariun Hisrop and Archaeoboran,v ( 1995) Ikiztepe (Samsun): Chalco.-MB A mound on Black Sea
1: 179- 1 X i . IVillc,~tr urn Zeisr (see ilrprnar). Phytolith coast. excavation began 1974 under the late Prof U.B.
umples uontaln remains of wheat and barley. Abundant Alklm (Istanbul). Plant remains from these periods include
rcmains or wtld grass seeds may be evidence of gathering. einkorn, emrner and free-threshing wheat, hulled 6-row
Reed phytoliths were common. probably derived from barley, lentil. bitter vetch, grass pea and flax. Fruirs include
huilding or matting materials. Arlene M i l l e r Rosen. grape, fig, blackberry and elder. Examination of samples
.Jrchaeologg Division. Ben Guriun University, P.O.B. 653. collected by manual flotation by H. Woldring in 1980 and
Beer Sheva 84/05. Israel. Email: 1981 is not yet complete. Publicarion: (1989) pp. 257-60 in
trrnrosen8 hgwnail.bgu, U.B. Alkm et al. Ikizrepe I. (Willem van Zeist, see Ilrptnar).
Can Hasan 111 (Karaman~:Aceramic Neo. village (6500 Aligar Hoyiik: Chalco. through Turkish.: renewed
uncal bc). excavated 1969-70 by David French (BIAA). excavations begun 1993 by Dr Ronald L. Gomy (Chicago).
Large-scale machine tlotation recovered good evidence for A major Hittite city (MBA-LBA). Machine tlotation w~llbe
crops including einkorn, emmer, free-threshing wheat, rye. applied with 40 litre samples. Miriwn Chemofi 3 7 Harland
lentil and bitter vetch. Preliminary repons: (1972) pp. 182- Rd.. Waltham. MA 02154, USA. Fax + l - 6 1 7 - 6 4 2 - 0 9 0 0 ;
88 in Papers in economic prehistory (E.S.Higgs, ed.); on Email: chernoff@sdac. harvard. edu
the rye: AS (1978) 28: 157-74. Final repon in preparation. Cadir Hiiyiik: Chalco. to Rornan/Byz. Excavations since
C o r d o n H i l l m a n , l n s t i t u ~ eof Archae&/ogy, University 1994 by Dr Ronald Gorny (Chicago). Forty two soil
College London, 3 1 - 3 1 Cordon Square. London W C l H samples ranging in volume from 4-50 litres were floated
OPY, UK. Tel: +M-171-380-7484; Far: 383-2572; Email: during the 1994 season from late IA, early Helln. or Persian
f i l l layers and Chalco. deposits. Flotation with bucket or L'K. Fox: +44 10) 1 7 1 - 4 1 0 - 2 2 0 1 ; Emuil:
machine. Helln. crops include hulled barley. emmer and [email protected]
f r e e - t h r e s h ~ n gwheat, lentil. bitter vetch and pea. Kaman-Kalehoyiik (Kirqehir Province): E B A to [A
Ethnoarchxology wrth local F.lrmcrs is a key pan of the ~Phrygian).and Ottoman. Excavations since 1986 directed
project. T h ~ s;mJ neighbouring Al~garoffer opportunity to hy Dr S. Omura (Middle Eastern Culture Centre in Japan).
qtudy environmental md agricultural change over time in Minimum sample of 50 litres of soil from areas of in-situ
central Al~atoliu.Prrhlicalion: Atrntolica ( 1996) 22: 159- burning such as hearths and ovens. burned soil levels,
179. ;Mirintn Chc,rttoiFjt.we A l i p r l . middens and pits. Over 600 flotation samples processed by
Kugakl~tSivas,: Hittite town and IA houses. Excavations machine since 1993. 200 of these from Med. deposits.
since 9 9 hy Prof Dr M i i l l e r - ~ a r ~ e Preservation excellent with rich diversity of plant material.
tRegensbur~/M~rburg). Bucket flotation of 10-40 litre Construction of an on-site archaeobotany laboratory will
umples. Archaeohotanical analysis will be done in three begin in early 1997. Publications: M. Nesbitt (1993). pp. 75-
steps: tirst. ;I big temple: second. big buildings on top of the 97 in Essay on Anatolian archaeology. (T. Mikasa. d.). A.
slte; then prohable domest~careas. The temple samples Kennedy (1996) M.Sc. dissertation. University College
contamed 70.000 grams of very well cleaned bread wheat, London. John Letts. Dept. of Agriculrural Botany. School of
with einkorn and emmer in small numbers. Barley was Plant Sciences, Whiteknights. Reading Universie, P.O. Box
obviously [he second most important cereal. Lentil and l Reading, RG6 ?AS, UK. Email:
common vctch were the only pulses in the temple. [email protected]
P1rh1icariur1.s: ,Mitterlrin,qcn dcr Deutsclten O r i e n t -
Gcsellschr~fiX Bcrlirt ( 1995) 127: 27-30. Ruiner Pasternak. The south
Htrnsasrrasse 48. D-24118 Krcl. Germany. Far: +4Y-431- Yumuktepe (Mersin): early Neo. to Byz., excavated since
J77-233 1994 by Dr I. Caneva (Rome U.). Manual flotation of 10-20
Gordian {Ankara,: EBA to Zled. U. Pennsylvania Museum litre samples has focused on Neo. and Chalco. deposits. A
project s ~ n c cthe 1050s. current excavations by Dr Mary wide range of crops and wild plants has been recovered.
Voigt (College of William and blary. Williamsburg) since including grape pips from Chalco. pits. Hula N. Barukur,
1988. About 1400 samples tloated by machine. mainly from Cairo University Herbarium, Department of Botany,
LBA to Helln. Jumper. oak. and pine constitute over 80% of Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12013 Giza, Egypt.
the ch;ircoal. A htexiy increase in secondary forest woods Tel: +202-572 7022; Email: Halanb@/
suggests a gradual loss of primary forest between the LBA Kinet Hoyiik (Iskendenrn): at least late Neo. to Med..
. ~ n d the Med. period. Total loss of trees from the excavated since 1991 by Dr M.-H. Gates (Bilkent U.). A
surrounding slopes i s relatively recent. The seed samples pump-operated flotation machine began operation in 1995.
complement the charcoal. suggesting an episodic increase in 40-litre samples were taken from most excavated contexts,
plants unpalatable to anlmals. Publication: AJA (1995) 99: which in 1995 dated to MBA, IA and Helln. periods. An
9 1 - Y ? . ;Vtroml F . ,Ltillcr. Utliversity of Pennsylvania MBA burnt store and kitchen area contained one large
,Wrrseun~..Ilr\SCi\. .l3rd & Spruce Streets. Philadelphia. storage jar full of very clean emmer grains. The site lies at a
19 1114, USA. Far:
Penns\~lr.clrlic~ + 1-215-898-0657; Email: cross road of ancient trade and offers an excellent
t ~ r t ~ i l l c ~ r O ~ ' s t r s . r r p ~ ~ n nSeed
. e d r c samples
from burnt opportunity to look at the inlluence of coastal, Anatolian
destruction levels (mainly Phryglan) from the 1950-1973 and Syrio-lMesopotamian cultures on plant resources.
excavations by Rodney Young are under study by Mark Delwen Samuel, M c D o n a l d Institute, Universitv of
Nesbitt (see Kurupv). Cambridge. Downing Street. Cambridge CB2 3ER. UK. Tel:
Amoriurn tAfyon): Roman. Byz.. Seljuk and Ottoman. +44-1223-339338; Fax: 339285; Email:
Excavation slnce 1987, now directed by Dr C. Lightfoot. Kilise Tepe (Icel): at least EBA to Byz. Excavations began
Sampling began 1992. Charred remains first recovered by in 1994, directed by, Prof N. Postgate (U. Cambridge). Over
bucket tlotation: in 1996 a tlotation tank was built and used 100 samples of 60 litres from all phases were processed by
to process 50 10-30 litre samples. All datable deposits from machine tlotation in 2 seasons. A primary aim is to establish
a range of feature types were collected. Samples include qualitative and quantitative descriptions of all constituents
mixed assemblages of free-threshing wheat, barley, chaff. (plants. bone, pottery, flint. ground stone. molluscs, etc.).
weed seeds and occasional charred grape seeds. Important finds include 100s of emmer grains in a Byz. pit:
Ptcblicnriuns: AS t 19931 43: 151-53; AS (1995) 45: 124-27. whole. pierced figs in a LBA destruction layer; and lentils
John Giorgi. Environmental Section, Museum of London. and einkom under a sandstone slab, associated with burnt
Walker House. X7 Queen Victoria St.. London EC4V 4AB. snake vertebrae, in IA-LBA occupation. Sue Coiledge.
.McDonchl Insrirure. University of Cumbrrdqe. Downinq Domuztepe iMaraq): A major Halatian and post-Halafian
Srrcer. Ctrmbrid,qe CB2 3ER. U K . Email: [email protected]~ settlement. Excavations since 1996 by Dr S. Campbell (U.
Manchester) and Prof E. Carter (U. California. LA). A
Tlrc . S O U ~ / I C ~ S I notation machine processes 50-60 litre "whole-earth" soil
Hallan Cemi (Batman): Epipalaeolithic (9000-8000 uncal samples from most excavated contexts. Seed density is low
hc) v~ll;~ge. excavated since I991 by M. Rosenberg ( L . this first season. dominated by einkorn and emmer wheats.
Delaware). Larpscale machine flotation or' samples up to A deep sounding was more productive and bodes well for
400 litres. abundant plant remains. The site is of particular future seasons. Seonn Anderson. "Aslwale ". Kirkjiellhank.
Interest ;IS an apparently sedentary village based entirely on Lanark I M L I I 9JS, UK.
hunting md gathering. Preliminary analysis shows the plant Arslantepe tMalatya): Chalco to Neo-Hittite: fragmentary
remiuns include wild almond and pistachio, wild pulses. and Roman. Excavations since 1961, currently by M.
fruits ot' 3 range of other wild plants including Frangipane t Universith "La Sapienza". Roma). Hundreds of
Bolhosc~l~oc~nrrs and Gutrtlrlicr. Charcoal (studied by Rowena kg of material have been processed by dry-sieving irom
Gnle) is clomlnated by river valley taxa. but also includes burnt levels. The recovery of grape pips in storerooms of a
oak. Puhlicntions: Atra~olica( 1995) 2 1 : 1 - 1 2; Diversify wide area of the important public monumental buildings
( 1995) 1 l : 1 42-3, rMork N~shirr(see Kuncpy). dated to the end of fourth mill. (Late Umk) is noteworthy.
Cnyiinii t D i y ~ h u k ~ rmainly
): PPN (7200-6700 uncal bc). Publicarions: (1994) pp. 77-90 in Drinking in uncienr
Excavations began 1063 directed by Profs. H. Cambel socieries (L. Milano. ed.); Origini ( 1983) 12: 599-617.
(Istanbul L!.) and R.J. Braidwood (U. Chicago). Manual M a r i a Follieri & Laura Sadori. Dip. Biologia Ve'e~erale.
w;lter t1ot;ltion. Crop plants include einkorn and emmer Universir# " L a Sapienzu" di Roma. P. le A . M o r o . 5 -
wheat, pea. lentil and bitter vetch. but no barley. In the 0 0 1 8 5 R O M A . I r a l v . Fax: + 3 9 - 6 - 4 9 9 1 2 2 7 9 ; E m n i l :
lower levels wrld-tvpe emmer grains may point to [email protected]~:SndoriBarrma.uniromal.i~
cultivmon of wild emmer. Grass pea and chickpea may Kazane Hoyuk (Urfa): Pottery Neo. to early MBA.
have been cultivated; the large numbers of wild vetch seeds Excavated since 1993 by Dr P. Wattenmaker (U. Virginia,
m a y have been gathered. Publications: Palaeohisroria Charlouesville). 12 late Chalco. and EBA phytolith samples
( 199 111997) 33/34: 65-96. Willem van Zeisr (see Ikizrepel. analysed with R.M. Alben. Results show intensive use of
Phytoliths under study by Parricia Anderson. lnsrirure de cereals (mainly wheat), and marsh rushes and reeds support
Prdrisroire O r i e n ~ a l e ,CNRS. Jules. Berrias. F-27460. Sr. geoarchaeological evidence for moister environments near
Pd-le-.lclurc. Frtrncc; Tel: +33-7539 3161; Fur: 3796 und the site at the time. Further phytolith analysis will
Jorcli Jrctrrr- Trc,ssc,rrcr.v. Uttirar d'Arqcreobofanica. investigate change in agriculture through time. in the light
SER P / D c p f . P r c h i s ~ o r i a .H . Anriga l A rqrceolopia. of geomorphological'evidence(or a drying environment in
Utiic~crsirclrclc Bnrcelotm. Buldiri I Reixac. s/n Torre B pis the later phases. Arlene Rosen (see Apklr).
11. E-(MO28 Barcelona. Spain; TeVFar: +34-3 424 8035: Southeastern TurkeylEuphrates (Urfa): Several sites in
Etncril: jrrcrrr C? ~ric~iron.,q/r.ub.
es the rainfall agriculture zone have been sampled: Kurban
Nevali c o r i IUrf'a): aceramic Neo. to EBA. Well preserved Hoviik (dir. Lee Marfoe. 1981-84) Halaf - EBIMB
PPNB Iwuse and temple. Excavation from 1983 to 1991 by transition. over 800 samples. Grirille (dir. Richard S. Ellis.
Prof Dr H. Hauptmann (now Istanbul). Bucket flotation of Bryn Mawr College, 1981-84) Pre Pottery Neo. B: 146
10-20 litre samples. Probable domesticated einkorn and samples; EBA: 39; Helln.: 3 samples: Med. 137. Hacinebi
emmer. Pulses: lentil. pea. grass pea, common vetch. Tepe (dir. Gil Stein, Northwestern U.. 1992-ongo~ng)Late
chickpea. P u b l i c a r i o n s : (1995). pp. 247-8 in R P S Chalco.lUruk and Helln.) about 275 samples. Tell-es
Arc.heoboranicae (H. Kroll & R. Pasternak, eds.). Rainer Swevhot. Syria (dir. Richard Zettler. U. Pennsylvania, 1992-
Pcrslsremak (see Krc,mklc). ongoing) WMBA. Manual flotation at Kurban and Sweyhat,
Cnfer Hiiyiik (Malatya): Pre Pottery Neo. B (c. 7000 uncal and machine flotation at Gritille and Hactnebi. Samples
bc), excavated 1979-1986 by J. Cauvin and 0 . Aurenche. generally 8-,l0 litres. One goal is to recognise patterns
Manual tlohtion recovered crops including einkom. emmer. retlecting the north-south precipitation cline and cultural
free-threshing wheat and lentils. Publicarion: Cnhiers de factors which might vary independently. Results suggest
I'Errphrcrrc ( 1993) 7 : 191-234. Further publication in that in the north heavier reliance was placed on crop
English forthcoming. Dominique d e Moulins. Ancient production and wheat. In the drier south pastoral production
~MonumenrsLaborarorv. English Heritage, 23 Savile Row. and barley were more important. PPNB levels from Gritille
London W I X IAB. UK. Tel: +44-171-97+3303; Far: 973- yielded a very high proportion of legumes relative to
3330: Emrril: [email protected] cereals. Publicarions: Kurban: Anarolica ( 1986) 13: 85-89;
1 19- 120. Gritille I >led.): ..\norolica ( 1992) 18: 87-99: (in !1988) 38: 85-97. Mark Nesbitt (see K ~ r u q a ~ ) .
press, In ,AIA Monograph by Scott Redford. Hacmebi Dilkava (Van): EBA settlement and IA cemetery excavated
IChalco. and Uruk~:r\narolica ( 1994) 20: 168- 172; AJA 1980s by Altan Cilingiroglu (Ege U., Izmtr). 80 EBA
( 19%) 100: 318-257. Nmmr F. ,Miller (see Gordion). samples recovered by machine flotation in 1987; detalled
imarnoglu cllolatya): EBA I l l . excavated in 1980s by E. cmalysis of 9 samples found only cereals (bread wheat and
Uzuno$lu. Scrd samples trom milling and storage areas 2-row hulled barley) and wild plants. Numerous fragments
under study. Work I:, ;ilso heplnn~ngon plant remalns from of dung and the composition of the samples strongly
hman Tcpe c C'rl.~J. h k l a Tepe ( Menderes) and Panaztepe suggests the charred seeds derive from dung fuel. Analysis
{ Menemcn 1 . Dr Err~c,/Ovhtrk. De,prrment of Biolo,qy. complete: interim report submitted for publication in final
Ftrcitlrv c!t' Scicr~c~o. Hocwcppe U~tiversin,06532 Bey~epe. excavation repon. Mark Nesbirr (see Kuncpy).
T i t r i ~Hiiyiik (C'rfa): m~d-lateEBA to Med. Large Recherches s u r I'occupation d u debut d u
exposures of EBA Jomcstlc bullclings possible in 50 hectare Bronze ancien I sur l e djebel Mutawwaq
citv state on an important EW overland route. Excavation (Jordanie).
i n c e I003 by G. Algaze (C'. California. San Diego). All Le projet de recherche a ete elabore en 1989 par une
reliable prlmarv ;~ndsisnit'icant secondary contexts, from mission e s p a g n o l e s o u s la d i r e c t i o n d e Juan
1009 to a minimum ol' 100 litres. are processed by machine Fernandez-Tresguerres de I'Universite d'Oviedo (sous
tloration. The a m I S to look at spatial variation across the les auspices de I'IEBAJ et du Ministere de la Culture
site between different budding rypes and phases. EBA crops espagnol) avec une collaboration d e I'IFAPO depuis
so far include: hulled barley. iree-threshing wheat, lentils. 1995.
grass pea. grapes. plstachlo. Primits spp. Notable finds Le djebel est h 10 k m a u s u d - e s t d e Jerash.
include acorns. powble tigs. bark. a mineralised thistle in a
surplombant le wadi Zarqa h une altitude de 650 m.
tomb vase. Plthlictrrions: ,411c1rolicn( 1995) 2 1 : 13-64: Le secteur etudie actuellement est la panie superieure
Drtr~cirr~ E. Sclrlcc I26a Giiherr Road. Cambrid~qe.CB4 du djebel. Cette occupation se compose d'un champ
3PD. LIK. Tel: +-IJ-IZ13-.il280, Residues on plaster d e dolmens, d e structures d'habitat, d'enclos, de
features and whole vessels collected by V.R. Badler: tumuli (une douzaine), de tours, de grottes (plusieurs
sont fouillees), de terrasses agricoles et d'un mur de
chemical malysis hv P.E. McGovern. D.L. Glusker. and L.J.
Exner. The calcium salt oi tartaric acid was chemically clbture.
identified from a Ixpe plaster basin. suggesting that it may Les premieres campagnes ont ete consacrees h I'Ctude
have heen used for grape pressmp. Virginia R. Bader 123 des structures funeraires rnegalithiques que I'on
Bitck L m c , Htnc,~fhrd.Pc~lnsyivania1904l USA. Tel: +I - trouve sur le site et qui avaient ete dejh decrites
610-642-5134: Fox: + /-?l5-898-OS87; Entail: brievement par Hanbury-Tenison. I1 s'agit d'une vaste
s . r t p c ~E.
~ ~ h a c l l c ~ r @ ~ c ~ c ~ ~ ~ r r t r l . c ~ t .Parrick ~ ~McGovern.
necropole composee de dolmens. Hanbury-Tenison en
,I.IASC.\. Ut~ivcrsrrv01' Ponrls\ir.crnia Museum. Philadelphia. e n u m e r a i t une c e n t a i n e . M a l g r e d ' i m p o r t a n t e s
P.4 19/04 USA. Tcl: cl-215-898-1164; Fax: 898-0657: destructions du site intervenues entre-temps, une
E~ncril:r~rcqo~+r*,r~@..~ctr.rtpcnn. ~drr i t u d e typologique (entreprise dans le cadre d'une
Asvan \ E l m $ ) : ! bites (~ayboyu.Late Chalco.; Ta~kun these par Fernando Junceda de 1'Universite d'oviedo)
5levk11.EBA: Ayvan Kale. EBA-bled.)excavated by David a permis de cataloguer 650 dolmens. 11s sont localises
s u r une carte e t dessines a u 1:25 p o u r les plus
French (BIAA), 1968-1973. Large-scale machine ilotation
of numerous samples. currently under study. Classical and representatifs. La fouilles de certains de ces dolmens
Med. millets published in AS (1988) 38: 85-97. Mark n'a pu fournir, comme c'est generalement le cas pour
des structures d e c e type, q u e quelques elements
Nesbirr lsce Kitrup,v).
lithiques, quelques tessons de ciramique, un poignard
Tille Hiiyiik (Adiyaman):a small mound on the Euphrates,
excavated by David French (BIAA), 197%1990. 16 samples et deux epingles ep bronze. Les deux grnndes periodes
from m 1A (Neo-Assyrian)burnt level (7th-8th C. bc), also d ' u t i l i s a t i o n d e c e s d o l m e n s s o n t la transition
some Helln. and LBA material. The [A samples are
Chalcolithique/Bronze.ancicnI A et le Bronze moyen I
avec parfois des reutiiisations tardives a I'gge du Fer.
dominated by free-threshing wheat. 2-row hulled barley,
En 1995, la mission a commence I'ttude de I'habitat
chickpea. bitter vetch. pea and flax. Of particular interest are
charred unshrunken grapes. suggesting the settlement was localise sur le djebel. I1 s'agit d'un grand village de la
burnt in September. Report submitted in 1993: $ublication periode du Bronze ancien IA entoure par un mur qui
enserre un espace de 800 m du nord-ouest au sud-est
expected in IA final report. Foxtail millet published in A S
sur 200 m du nord au sud. Cette aire est plus ou moins

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