Cemplast-Super 125: Ce Ycrete

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Cemplast-Super 125 CE yCRETE

High range water reducing and strength accelerated admixture

I n n o v a t i v e p r o d u c t s for y o u r s u c c e s s

Technical support
Description Cemkrete provides a technical advisory service for on-site
assistance and advice on admixture selection, evaluation
Cemplast-Super 125 is a chloride free high performance water trials and dispensing equipment. Technical data and
reducing admixture based on specially selected and tilended guidance can be provided for admixtures and other products
organic polymers, it is supplied as a brown solution which for use with fresh and hardened concrete.
instantly disperses in water. Cemplast-Super 125 disperses
the fine particles in the concrete mix, enabling the water content Typical dosage
of the concrete to perform more effectively. The improved
dispersion of cement particles enhances the efficiency of Cemplast-Super 125 the optimum dosage to meet specific
hydration. Normally a slight retardation of set of between one requirements should always be determined by trials using the
and two hours will be obtained. materials and conditions which will be experienced in use.
This allows the optimization of admixture dosage and mix
Use design and provides a complete assessment of the concrete
mix. Starting points for such trials, based on the primary use
To significantly reduce the water demand of a concrete of the product, are to use a dosage within the normal typical
mix without reducing workability, allowing greatly ranges. For high strength, water reduced concrete the normal
increased eariy and ultimate strengths without dosage range is from 0.50 to 1.50 liters/100 kg of
additional cement. cementitious material, including P F A , G G B F S and micro-
silica. For high wor1<ability concrete the normal dosage range
To significantly improve the workability of concrete is from 0.50 to 1.00 liter/100 kg of cementitious material.
without increasing water demand. Where a combination of performance is required, such as
some increase in workability combined with reduced water
Particulariy suitable for increasing workability of ready- content, then the whole range of dosages from 0.50 to 1.50
mixed concrete at elevated temperatures. liters/100 kg of cementitious material can be considered.

To reduce concrete permeability and thereby reduce Use at other dosages

water penetration and enhance durability.
Dosages outside the typical ranges quoted above may be
Advantages used if necessary and suitable to meet particular mix
requirements, provided that adequate supervision is
• Use in production of flowing concrete pennnits easier available. Compliance with requirements must be assessed
construction with quicker placing and compaction and through trial mixes. Contact Cemkrete office for advice on
reduced labour costs. these cases.

• Workatiility loss in high workatiillty concrete is slower Properties

than normally found with superplasticisers.
Appearance: Brown liquid
• Major increases in strength at all ages without
increased cement contents are of particular benefit in Specific gravity: Typically 1.23 ±0.01 at20°C
precast construction.
Chloride content: Nil to B S 5075
• Reduction in water: cement ratio enhances durability,
producing low permeability concrete with reduced Air entralnment: Typically less than 2% additional
shrinkage cracking potential. air is entrained at normal dosages.

• Chloride free, safe for use in prestressed and reinforced Alkali content: Typically less than 72.0 g. N a 2 0
concrete. equivalent/liter of admixture. A fact
sheet on this subject is available.
Standards compliance
Cemplast-Super 125 complies with B S 5075 Part 3 and with
A S T M C494 as Type A , Type F and Type G .
Cemplast-Super 125 is suitable for use in contact with
potable water.

Telephone: Office Fax: Office Email:

vvww.cemkrete.coin + 66 2 578 4101-5 + 66 2 578 4100 [email protected]
Page 2

Cemplast-Super 125 CE P&ETE

High range water reducing a n d strength accelerated admixture

I n n o v a t i v e p r o d u c t s for y o u r s u c c e s s

instructions for use Effects of overdosing

IVlix design An overdose of double the intended amount of Cemplast-

Super 125 will result in an increase in retardation as
Where the primary intention is to improve strengths, initial compared to that normally obtained at the intended dosage.
trials should l>e made with normal concrete mix designs. The This effect is found with most water reducing admixtures,
addition of the admixture will allow the removal of water from although the degree may vary. Retardation is affected by
the mix whilst maintaining the workability at the levels factors other than the admixture, depending on the mix
obtained before the use of the admixture. After initial trials, details and conditions involved. Trials to assess the effects in
minor modifications to the overall mix design may be made to a particular mix are strongly recommended if this aspect is of
optimize performance. Where the primary intention is to particular importance. Provided that adequate curing is
provide high workability concrete, the starting mix design maintained, the ultimate strength of the concrete will not be
should be suitable for a pump mix. Advice on mix design for impaired by increased retardation and will generally be
flowing concrete is available from Cemkrete on request. increased. The effects of overdosing will be further increased
In correctly designed flowing concrete, the improved if sulphate resisting cement or cement replacement materials
dispersion of cement particles and more efficient use of are used. Over dosage may also cause increased air
mixing water will improve mix cohesion. The slight air entralnment, which will tend to reduce strength. The degree
entralnment otAained with Cemplast-Super 125 will also help of this effect will depend on the particular mix design and
to minimize bleed and segregation. After initial trials, minor overdose level. An overdose will greatly increase the
modifications to the mix design may be made to optimize plasticizing effect of the admixture. A s concrete is normally
performance. batched to target workability, increased plasticizing will allow
an increased water reduction. This will have the effect of
increasing ultimate strength and partially or fully offsetting the
Compatibility effect of any increased air entralnment. If no increase in water
reduction is taken and a significant rise in workability is
Cemplast-Super 125 is compatible with other Cemkrete allowed, there is a strong possibility of mix segregation.
admixtures in the same concrete mix. All admixtures should Increased initial workability will tend to extend the working life
be added to the concrete separately and must not be mixaj of the concrete, which will delay finishing and stiffening times
together prior to addition. The resultant properties of concrete to some extent.
containing more than one admixture should be assessed by
the trial mix procedure recommended on this data sheet to
ensure that effects such as unwanted retardation do not Typical performance examples
occur. Cemplast-Super 125 is suitat^e foi use with ail types
of ordinary Portland cements and cement replacement Many variables in concreting materials and conditions can
materials such as PFA, G G B F S and silica fume- affect the selection and use of an admixture. Trials should tie
Dispensing made using relevant materials and conditions in order to
determine the optimum mix design and admixture dosage to
meet specific requirements. Tyi^cal perfomnance examples
The correct quantity of Cemplast-Super 125 should be
from evaluation studies of Cemplast-Super 125 are included
measured by means of a recommended dispenser. Normally,
on this data sheet. The examples quoted are representative
the admixture should then be added to the concrete with the
of results obtained and are provided as illustrations of
mixing water to obtain the best results. Contact Cemkrete
performance in different situations. Because of the variatMlity
office for advice regarding suitable equipment and its
of concreting materials, the results should only be taken as
typical of the performance to tse expected. Results quoted in
individual examples should not be taken as necessarily
Curing directly comparable with other examples given here or results
obtained elsewhere for Cemplast-Super 125 or other
As with all stmctural concrete, good curing practice should be products. Unless otherwise specified, all testing was carried
maintained, particulariy in situations where an overdose has out to the relevant parts of applicat)le British Standards.
occurred. Water spray, wet Hessian or a Cemform* spray
applied curing memtvane should be used.

Telephone: Office Fax: Office Email:

www.cenikrete.com + 66 2 578 4101-5 + 66 2 578 4100 [email protected]. com
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Cemplast-Super 125 CE ^ R E T E
High range water reducing and strength accelerated admixture

Innovative products for y o u r success

Estimating and pacltaging Additional Information

Cemplast-Super 125 is available in 200 liter drum or bulk
Cemkrete manufactures and supplies a wide range of those
supply. For larger users, storage tanks can be supplied.
complementary products which includes:
Details of specific packaging volumes are available on
• Waterproofing membranes & waterstops

Storage • Joint sealants & filler boards

Cemplast-Super 125 tias a minimum shelf life of 12 months • Cementitious & epoxy grouts
provided the temperature is kept within the range of 2°C to
50°C. Should the temperature of the product storage falls • Specialized flooring materials
outside this range then please consult with Cemkrete office
for advice. • Fireproof coating and systems

Freezing point: Approximately -3°C • Concrete admixture

Precautions • Repairing material

Health and safety For further information on any of the above, please consult
your local Cemkrete office - as below.
Cemplast-Super 125 does not fall into the hazardous
classifications of current regulations (see notes 1 and 2
below). However, it should not be swallowed or allowed to
come into contact with skin and eyes. Suitable protective
gloves and goggles should be worn. Splashes on the skin
should be removed with water. In case of contact with eyes
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical
advice. If swallowed seek medical attention immediately - do
not induce vomiting.

Cemplast-Super 125 is water based and non-flammable.

Cleaning and disposal

Spillages of Cemplast-Super 125 should be absorbed onto
sand, earth or vermiculite and transferred to suitable
containers. Remnants should be hosed down with large
quantities of water. The disposal of excess or waste material
should be carried out in accordance with local legislation
under the guidelines of the local waste regulatory authority.

Important Note: Cemkrete warrants its materials free of manufacturing

defects and produced as per standard specifications and sold under the
terms and conditions of usages, whUst Cemkrete endeavors to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, or informatron, given through its products
literatures are reflects of the R&D In-house lab test and practical sites
experience and knowledge based feed backs, however, the products are
being used under various conditions and applied beyond its control where or
how either directly or indirectly at various locations and places at a different
stages that of an intended purposes and uses. Therefore, Cemkrete cannot
hokj warranty or responsible for resultant consequences, such as damages
to the property or assets but the product itself.

Telephone: Office Fax: Office Email :

www.cemkrete.com + 66 2 578 4101-5 + 66 2 578 4100 I rrfotaicemkrete. com

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