1st Assigment - Tessa Edrian - 2011311055 - 1A

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Name : Tessa Edrian

Class : 1A

Student Number : 2011311055

Translate this into communicative English!

1. V: Suster, saya sedang mencari ruang perawatan Amaryllis. Dimana?

N: Ibu jalan lurus melewati lorong ini, setelah ketemu tangga naik lantai 2.
Ruang Amaryllis ada di sebelah kanan anda. Berada setelah ruang perawatan
pasien lansia.
V : Nurse, I am looking for Amaryllis ward. how can I get there?
N : Ms. Go along this corridor, after meeting the stairs going up the 2nd
floor. Amaryllis ward on the right side of you. Just after patient care

2. V: Suster, saya harus ke unit radiology, bisakah anda tunjukkan dimana unit

N: Itu ada di gedung sebelah. Anda harus keluar dulu lewat pintu itu lalu belok
kanan. Persis di sebelah kanan gedung ini anda akan melihat unit radiology.

V : Nurse, I must go to radiology unit, could you tell me how to get to

radiology unit?

N : It is build next door. You must first exit through the door then turn
right. Just to the right of this build you will see the radiology unit.

3. V: Maaf, dimanakah ruang perawatan anak?

M: Silahkan jalan lurus sampai ketemu ICU, lalu anda belok kiri. Ruang
perawatan anak ada di sebelah kiri anda. Berada di sebelah ruangan perawatan
ibu dan anak pasca melahirkan.

V : Excuse me, where is nursery room?

1st Assignment, Nursing English, 2nd Semester

M : Please walk down till you see intensive care unit, then turn left. The
nursery room on your left. The located next to the postpartum care room
for mothers and children.

4. V: Saya perlu membayar tagihan rawat inap. Bisa menunjukkan dimana


M: Baik. Jalan lurus saja lewat sini. Kasir persis ada di samping farmasi.

V : I need to pay inpatient bill. Can you show me where the cashier is?

M : well. Walk down in this way. The cashier is right next to the

5. V: Maaf, Saya perlu ke poliklinik. Bisakah anda menunjukkan jalannya?

N: Baik, Anda harus jalan terus melewati koridor ini. Lalu, belok kiri sampai
anda melihat ada bagian laboratorium. Poliklinik berada di depan

V : Sorry, I need to go to the polyclinic. Can you tell me where the

polyclinic is?

N : Oke. You must go along this corridor. Then, turn left until you see a
laboratory section. The polyclinic is in front of the laboratory.

1st Assignment, Nursing English, 2nd Semester

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