Eyewear Frame and Storage Mechanism
Eyewear Frame and Storage Mechanism
Eyewear Frame and Storage Mechanism
(54) EYEWEAR FRAME AND STORAGE 4,826,309 A * 5/1989 VanNeste .................. .. 351/114
U.S. Patent 0a. 30, 2007 Sheet 1 0f 14 US 7,287,851 B2
U.S. Patent 0a. 30, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 14 US 7,287,851 B2
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FIG. 2
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FIG. 3
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FIG. 7
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FIG. 8
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FIG. 9
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FIG. 10A
FIG. 10B
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FIG. 11
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FIG. 12
FIG. 13
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FIG. 14
FIG. 15
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FIG. 16
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EYEWEAR FRAME AND STORAGE herself. The memo pad may be made of paper, of Washable
MECHANISM plastic, or of any other suitable Writing surface material.
This application is a continuation in part from application BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Ser. No. 10/908,505, ?led May 15, 2005. The present
invention provides for a storage mechanism for eyeglasses FIG. 1 shoWs the eyeglass frames With lenses attached, in
based upon the construction of the eyeWear frame. the form of a band, armband or anklet.
FIG. 2 shoWs the band form of the eyeglass frames
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION opening out to form traditional eyeglasses.
FIG. 3 shoWs the fully expanded eyeglasses.
1. Field of the Invention FIG. 4 shoWs the eyeglasses in band form With a lens
The ?eld of the invention is eyeWear, speci?cally frames extended for reading or other vieWing With the eyeglasses in
for eyeWear.
band form.
FIG. 5 shoWs the earpieces to the eyeglasses comprising
2. Description of Related Art
a stiffer material and hinged to alloW the earpieces to be
Frames for eyeWear are Well knoWn in the art. Existing locked into place in either the band or the eyeglasses
frames generally comprise a rigid or semirigid frame that ?ts con?guration.
over the eyes for holding a lens or a pair of lenses upon the FIG. 6 shoWs the eyeglasses in band form, clipped
face in front of the eyes, held in place upon the face by rigid together at the nosepiece.
or semi-rigid earpieces that ?t behind the ears to hold the FIG. 7 shoWs the eyeglasses in expanded form With
eyeWear on the face. Alternatively, the eyeWear may have a blocks to prevent the earpieces from moving too far inWard.
band that encircles the head and attaches to the eyeWear to FIG. 8 shoWs the eyeglasses in band form, clipped
hold the eyeWear in place. The eyeWear also generally has a together at the end of each earpiece.
rigid piece that crosses the nose betWeen the means for FIG. 9 shoWs the eyeglasses in expanded form.
holding the lenses. If the eyeWear has rigid earpieces, the 25 FIG. 10A shoWs the eyeglasses in band form With a
earpieces generally fold across the lenses for storage. sliding mechanism.
Another alternative embodiment of knoWn eyeWear FIG. 10B shoWs a detail vieW of the sliding mechanism.
frames is the so-called “pince-neZ” frames, Which do not FIG. 11 shoWs the eyeglasses in expanded form, held
have earpieces, but the nosepiece is ?exible and When Worn, together With a clip on the nosepiece.
the pince-neZ is held in place by friction and compression as 30 FIG. 12 shoWs a protective shell for the lenses to the
the nosepiece causes the eyeWear to pinch the bridge of the eyeWear for use When the eyeWear is Worn in band form on
Wearer’s nose to hold the attached lenses before the Wearer’s the arm, leg, Wrist, or ankle. When the eyeWear is Worn in
eyes. eyeglasses form, the protective shell can remain on the
Also knoWn in the art is the so-called “monocle,” a single Wearer’s extremity. The protective shell can be manufac
lens that is held In place before the eye by compressing the 35 tured in any color to meet the Wearer’s fashion sense.
edges of the lens betWeen the top and bottom of the human FIG. 13 shoWs the lenses as they Would appear in the
eye socket. eyeWear in a rimless design.
The existing art provides means for storing eyeWear When FIG. 14 shoWs the protective shell as it Would appear
it is not being Worn on the face comprising a case or designed as a clamshell that surrounds the lenses When the
container for the eyeWear. The eyeglasses case or container 40 eyeWear is in the bracelet or anklet formation.
is cumbersome to carry, requiring a pocket or a satchel or FIG. 15 shoWs the rimless or semi-rimless design feature
purse if the Wearer chooses not to carry the case in his or her of ?ipping or pivoting a lens up for vieWing; the earpiece of
hand. This can be inconvenient at times When the Wearer that lens travels With the moving lens.
either does not have a pocket or chooses not to carry a purse FIG. 16 shoWs lenses housed Within the eyeWear in a
or satchel. Some eyeglasses Wearers address this inconve 45 semi-rimless design.
nience by placing their eyeglasses on top of their heads,
from Whence the eyeglasses can easily fall and become lost DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
or broken. Others Wear a necklace or pin that they hook one INVENTION
earpiece through or around, Where the eyeglasses can get in
the Way of various activities such as sWimming, skiing, or 50 Referring noW to FIG. 1, eyeWear 100 is shoWn folded in
other active sports or activities. Monocle Wearers may have a band con?guration. The earpieces 105 are next to each
a strap or necklace attached to the lens Which they Wear other, and the earpieces 105 are hingedly attached 107 to a
around the neck or attached to a jacket, shirt or blouse pair of lenses 110. The eyeWear lenses 110 are attached at a
button. pivot 115 Which also serves as the nosepiece 122. Earpieces
Lenses on pivot joints are also knoWn. The inventor has 55 105 made of bendable material capable of being recon?g
seen a timekeeping Watch in the marketplace Which has one ured betWeen earpieces and a band many times Without
or more lenses pivotally attached to the Watch’s rim. The fatigue or breaking are attached to each lens 110 on the side
lens or lenses pivot up to form a binocular or telescope. opposite the pivot 115.
In the band con?guration, the lenses 110 are closely
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 60 adjacent to each other, and the earpieces 105 are curled to
Wrap around the Wearer’s Wrist, arm, or ankle, With the
The present invention provides a lens that may pivot out lenses 110 forming a jeWel on the band. The band is
to alloW the individual to use the lens to vieW something comprised of materials ?exible enough to accommodate
Without removing the eyeglasses and converting them from different siZed Wrists, arms, legs, and ankles. To open the
the band form to the traditional eyeglasses form. A small 65 band to form eyeglasses, the earpieces 105 are pulled to
optional memo pad may be attached to the frame for the separate them from each other. The lenses 110, Which are
person using the frame to Write short reminders to him- or attached With hinges 117 to the earpieces 105, are simulta
US 7,287,851 B2
3 4
neously pulled apart by the pulling action on the earpieces Referring noW to FIG. 10B, a detailed vieW of the clasp
105 until the lenses 110 are adjacent to each other across a 405 is shoWn With the eyeWear positioned halfWay betWeen
nosepiece 122 in the form of eyeglasses 130. The ?exible the band con?guration and the fully extended eyeglasses
earpieces 105 can then be Wrapped around the Wearer’ s ears. con?guration. The nosepiece 122 halves are detached and
The lenses 110 used in the eyeWear 100 may be of any the lenses 110 move laterally across one another to attach to
type, including but not limited to prescription lenses, sun the opposite lens’s 110 earpiece 105 With a clasp 405.
glasses, reading glasses, protective lenses, or lenses such as Referring noW to FIG. 11, the eyeglasses 130 are shoWn
night vision lenses. fully expanded. The clasp 405 is used to hold the nosepiece
There is an optional small lamp 145 attached to the 122 together as a nosepiece for eyeWear.
eyeWear 100 on the earpiece 105. Referring noW to FIG. 12, an optional cover 505 is shoWn.
Referring noW to FIG. 2, eyeWear 100 is shoWn expanded The cover 505 can be used to protect the lenses 110 (not
into eyeglasses 130, With tWo earpieces 105, tWo lenses 110 shoWn) from damage When the eyeWear 100 (not shoWn) is
con?gured to rest before a pair of human eyes, and a being Worn in the band con?guration. The cover 505 is
nosepiece 122. The nosepiece 122, Which is comprised of formed from a durable material that can be formed to cover
either a ?exible material or of an in?exible material With a the lenses 110 (not shoWn). The cover 505 has a cover band
joint 115 in the center of the nosepiece 122, also serves as 510 formed of a ?exible material that can be used to hold the
a pivot 115 When the eyeWear 100 is in the band con?gu cover 505 on the arm When the cover 505 is not being used
ration. A small optional light 145 is attached to an earpiece to protect the lenses 110 (not shoWn).
Referring noW to FIG. 13, the lenses 110 may be housed
Referring noW to FIG. 3, the eyeWear 100 is shoWn fully 20
Within the eyeWear in a rimless design. In such a con?gu
extended into the con?guration of eyeglasses 130. A small ration, the nosepiece 122 is attached directly onto the nose
optional light 145 is attached to an earpiece 105. end 1311 of each lens 110 using an attachment mechanism
Referring noW to FIG. 4, the eyeWear 100, shoWn in the
1312 that may be bolts, rivets, screWs, glue, or another,
band con?guration, may optionally have a joint 115 that similar, mechanism. The earpieces 105 are hingedly attached
alloWs one lens 110 to rotate or pivot such that the one lens 25
directly to the ear end 1313 of each lens 110 using an
110 can be positioned, While the eyeWear 100 is in the band
attachment mechanism 1314 that may be bolts, rivets,
con?guration, in a Way that the Wearer can use the one lens
screWs, glue, or another, similar, mechanism.
110 to look through for functions such as reading small print,
magni?cation or other functions. The eyeWear 100 may also Referring noW to FIG. 14, the optional cover 505 may be
optionally have a set of clips 125 for holding a small 30
formed using a clamshell 1415 design, Wherein the cover
optional memo pad 135. The memo pad 135 may be made 505 surrounds the lenses 110 (not shoWn). The cover 505 has
a hinge 1420 on one side that alloWs the cover to open and
of Whiteboard material, paper, blackboard material, or any
other suitable Writing surface. The memo pad 135 may be close. The hinge 1420 may be mounted With a spring 1425
Washable. to keep it open or shut, or the hinge may be held closed by
Referring noW to FIG. 5, the eyeWear 100 is shoWn in the 35
a clasp 1430 on the opposite side of the cover 505. A bottom
eyeglasses con?guration 130. The earpieces 105 in this side 1435 of the clamshell 1415 Is substantially ?attened,
alloWing the clamshell 1415 to be comfortable to Wear on an
embodiment are made of a stiff plastic or metal material, and
arm or a leg. Whether the lenses 110 are rimmed or rimless
comprise one or a plurality of links 140 to enable the
earpieces to be recon?gured betWeen the eyeglasses con is immaterial to the design of the optional cover 505.
?guration and the band con?guration With a reliable return 40 Referring noW to FIG. 15, a rimless or semi-rimless frame
to the other con?guration each time the eyeWear is converted 1505 is shoWn in the band con?guration With a lens 110
betWeen eyeglasses and a band. pivoted into a vieWing position (see FIG. 4). Note that the
Referring noW to FIG. 6, eyeWear 100 is shoWn in a band earpiece 105 that is attached to the lens 110 being pivoted
con?guration, With earpieces 105 next to each other, lenses travels With the rimless or semi-rimless lens 110.
110 next to each other, and a pivot 115 that converts into a 45 Referring noW to FIG. 16, the lenses 110 may be housed
nosepiece 122. An optional block 210 prevents the earpieces Within the eyeWear in a semi-rimless design. In such a
105 from moving too far inWard. con?guration, the nosepiece 122 is attached directly onto the
Referring noW to FIG. 7, eyeglasses 130 are shoWn With nose end 1311 of each lens 110 using an attachment mecha
the optional block 210 preventing the earpieces 105 from nism 1312 that may be bolts, rivets, screWs, glue, or another,
moving too far inWard. 50 similar, mechanism. Alternatively, in the rimmed or semi
Referring noW to FIG. 8, the eyeWear 100 is shoWn in a rimless design, the nosepiece 122 may be attached to the
band con?guration Wherein the earpieces 105 are separated frame 100 using an attachment mechanism 1312 that may be
and surround the Wearer’s arm, Wrist, ankle or leg. The bolts, rivets, screWs, glue, a one-piece design, or another,
earpieces 105 are joined at the ear end by a clasp 305, such similar, mechanism. The earpieces 105 are hingedly attached
as a jeWelry clasp. 55 directly to the ear end 1313 of each lens 110 using an
Referring noW to FIG. 9, eyeglasses 130 are shoWn fully attachment mechanism 1314 that may be bolts, rivets,
expanded. The lenses 110 are in the con?guration that is screWs, glue, or another, similar, mechanism. Alternatively,
normal for eyeglasses in general, the pivot 115 forms the in the rimmed or semi-rimless design, the earpieces may be
nosepiece 122, and the earpieces 105 are extended to ?t the attached to the frame 100 using an attachment mechanism
Wearer’s head. The clasp 305 is disengaged at the end of 60 that may be bolts, rivets, screWs, glue, or another, similar,
each earpiece 105. mechanism. The lenses 110 in the rimless or semi-rimless
Referring noW to FIG. 10A, the eyeWear 100 is shoWn design may be held in place using any of the standard
halfWay betWeen the band con?guration and the fully methods of holding such lenses in place, including but not
extended eyeglasses con?guration. The nosepiece 122 limited to glue, bolts, rivets, screWs, and nylon string 1605
halves are detached and the lenses 110 move laterally across 65 surrounding the bottom part 1610 of the lens 110 and
one another to attach to the opposite lens’s 110 earpiece 105 attaching to the eyeWear at the nose end 1311 and ear end
With a clasp 405. 1311 of each lens 110.
US 7,287,851 B2
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For any embodiment of the invention, nosepads 1615 may tWo earpieces, namely a right earpiece and a left earpiece,
attach directly to the nose end 1311 of each lens 110 or to the said earpieces each comprising a lens end, a midsec
frame 100 or nosepiece 122. tion, and an ear end, and each of said earpieces being
For any embodiment of this invention, the lenses 110 may ?exible, said ?exibility being achieved by use of a
be of any type that can be used in standard eyeWear, ?exible material, such that said earpieces can be recon
including but not limited to reading lenses, darkened lenses ?gured multiple times, Without breaking or becoming
for sunglasses, prescription lenses, plate glass or optically fatigued, as either earpieces or a band, such that said
inert plastic lenses, protective lenses, and night vision eyeWear may be Worn as either eyeglasses or as a band
lenses, or any combination of lens types (for example, surrounding an arm, Wrist, leg, or ankle, said earpieces
prescription sunglasses). being hingedly a?ixed to a member of the group
While a preferred embodiment is shoWn and described
consisting of said frame and said one of said lenses by
herein, it should be understood that the present disclosure is
made by Way of example only and that variations in the an element selected from the group consisting of glue,
described device and its uses are possible Within the scope rivets, bolts, and screWs; and
of this disclosure Without departing from the subject matter 15 a nosepiece, said nosepiece being ?exible and comprising
coming Within the scope of claims to be examined, and a tWo lens ends, and a midsection, each lens end of said
reasonable equivalency thereof, Which I regard as my inven nosepiece being pivotally a?ixed to one of said lenses,
tion. said ?exibility being achieved by use of a member
I claim: selected from the group consisting of ?exible material,
1. EyeWear comprising: 20 such that said nosepiece can be recon?gured multiple
a frame selected from the group consisting of rimless and times Without breaking or becoming fatigued, a hinged
semi-rimless; joint located substantially in the center of said nose
tWo lenses, namely a right lens and a left lens, one or both piece, and a detachable joint located substantially in the
of said lenses being pivotally a?ixed to said frame center of said nosepiece.
using an element selected from the group consisting of 25
2. The eyeWear of claim 1 further comprising a member
glue, rivets, bolts, and screWs, said lenses being
selected from the group consisting of prescription of the group consisting of said left lens and said right lens
lenses, sunglasses, reading glasses, protective lenses, being pivoted into a vieWing position When said eyeWear is
and night-vision lenses, and each lens having an inside in said band con?guration such that a user can look through
Which, When Worn as eyeglasses, is situated adjacent to 30 said lens While said eyeWear is in said band con?guration for
a user’s eye, an outside Which is situated opposite said a purpose selected from the group consisting of reading and
inside, a nose end Which is situated next to said user’s magni?cation.
nose, and an ear end Which is situated opposite said
nose end;