Spectacle Verification

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This article provides an overview of the most important aspects of spectacle

verification to make sure the supply of high quality products are of a consistent
standard for our patients.

Spectacle verification
Rían Love BSc (Hons), FBDO, SMC (Tech)

ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION of mounted spectacle lenses, as February 1 2010, it has superseded
AUTHOR As optical professionals, we are these are the most commonly BS 2738-1:1998,3 and is derived
Rían Love acutely aware of standards in all encountered appliances in from 11 other optical standards.
has worked in the aspects of our work. Standards routine practice. The aim of the This, in itself, can lead the end-
optics industry oversee prescription writing, article is to demystify the written user to be overwhelmed with the
in a variety of
spectacle verification, sunglasses standard, to provide the reader references to and movement
roles for nearly
a decade. He and safety spectacles. These with a good comprehension of the between the various standards.
is a qualified standards are needed to safeguard various clauses and to increase On page one of the standard,
46 ophthalmic the consumer; they provide confidence in the standard of the reader is greeted with a list of
laboratory consistency and assurance, optical appliances. In addition to standards from which BS EN ISO
technician and and offer protection to both the the standard, the article will provide 21987:2009 is developed. The
user and the business. Without additional tips and commentary following page refers to several
optician. He has
managed glazing standards, there would be on its application in everyday other standards, including Optics
laboratories and variation in the acceptable limits verification. and optical instruments–focimeters
retail stores, and and application of items we use (BS EN ISO 8598-1: 2014),4 and
is the director every day, resulting in a reduction IMPORTANCE OF Ophthalmic optics–spectacle
of the Optical in the quality of products as well VERIFICATION lenses. Fundamental requirements
Appliances as undermining safety. Consider, Implementing a stringent for uncut finished lenses (ISO
Testing Service
BS EN ISO 8624:2011,1 - if there verification of spectacles reduces 14889:2013).5 Therefore, within
(OATS) who
specialise in was not a standard in place for the number of patient returns. In two pages, there are 19 references
the testing of the measurement of spectacle addition, it instils a sense of pride to other standards, which is
sunglasses, ready frames, when a 54mm eye size is in output at all levels in the practice understandably daunting.
readers and required, for example, there could by clearly setting out the expected So how do we apply these
spectacle frames. be considerable variation in the standards to be met for all staff standards every day in practice
approaches (and results) as to how and trainees. without it feeling like an exam?
this dimension is determined. BS EN ISO 21987:2009 is the BS EN ISO 21987:2009 covers
This article will focus mainly current standard used for mounted various aspects of spectacle
on the checking and verification spectacle lenses.2 Introduced on verification and alludes to others,

Course code: C-41301 Deadline: July 25, 2015

To be able to verify spectacle appliances to appropriate
standards (Group 4.1.2)

To be able to verify spectacle appliances to appropriate
standards (Group 4.1.3)

June 27, 2015 For the latest CET visit www.optometry.co.uk/cet


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so this article will walk through

each in turn.

Checking an optical appliance
should start with a visual
inspection, which is not explicitly
included in the standard, but
should be completed first.
When a job is received by the
practice, either from an internal
or external lab, a visual inspection
should be performed including
confirmation that the frame
details, size, colour match the
original order, any coatings or
tints are present and correct and,
where applicable, the engravings
are relevant to the ordered lens.
This visual inspection will quickly

identify whether an incorrect 47
coating, segment diameter or in particular with progressive Figure 1
lens has been glazed, and avoid powered lens design, there are Set up of a
undertaking a full assessment some further considerations inspection
of a job, which needs to be Checking an optical to be made. As we are aware, zone
reordered anyway. appliance should compensated powers allow for the
start with a visual lens manufacturers to increases/
POWERS inspection decrease powers and amend the
Earlier versions of the standards axis marginally in order to fine
gave the tolerances in sphere/ tune a lens for that particular
cylinder form, however this is no patient, frame and fit. However
longer the case. After 'zeroing' of considering both principal an adjustment of ±2˚ on a 2.50D
the focimeter, the first step is meridian powers. cylinder would mean a technician
to establish the power of the There are differing views as to has absolutely no margin for
principal meridian with the higher whether a return to the sphere- error on glazing and this could
absolute back vertex power (BVP). cylinder form is preferable. The result in remakes. Similarly, a
Let us consider a single vision reasoning for using the two compensation of over ±0.12D on
prescription +2.00DS/-1.25DC principal powers method and not a BVP would result in a rejection.
x 120. Our principal powers will sphere/cylinder form is two-fold. Therefore, when applying BS EN
be +2.00D (sphere component) Firstly there is no requirement to ISO 21987:2009 to compensated
and +0.75D (sphere component + work in a specified transposition, powered lenses, the practitioner
cylinder component). +2.00D will so a table listing sphere/cylinders must use the compensated power
be the principal meridian with the tolerances would need to be in both as the reference, if they ordered
higher absolute BVP, so as that is plus and minus, or be transposed 20˚ and the compensated axis
less than 3.00D, the tolerance is each time depending on the is 22˚, they must check the axis
±0.12D in each principal meridian user. Secondly, the fact that the against 22˚ not the original order.
(see Table 1). The cylinder power tolerances for sphere and cylinder For this reason it is imperative
is between ≥0.75D and ≤4.00D can be additive, that is to say if that lens packets from the
so the tolerance on that is also there were a ±0.12D tolerance on manufacturer are kept with the
±0.12D. the spherical component and the patient file.
Problems can arise when same on the cylinder component,
using automatic focimeters as an error of 0.24D could then still be AXIS
these are typically set to read in within tolerance. This is an area of particular
sphero-cylindrical form. Therefore, It should also be noted that change in comparison to the
the user must be aware of the with the wide availability of former standard, BS 2738-
importance compensated powered lenses, 1:1998. In BS EN ISO 21987:2009,

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Figure 2 inaccuracy of less than 1mm

Inspection of between ordered lens positions
the frame from
above reveals or in distance between the two
deformation to focimeter dots or that does not
the rims not visible exceed 0.50Δ will pass.
by viewing from
front on
Progressive and degressive
powered lenses
For progressive (PPL) or
degressive (DPL) powered
lenses, the standard requests
that prismatic effect is,
understandably, measured at
the prism reference point and
checked according to BS EN
ISO 8980-2:2004,6 the standard
which deals with uncut finished
spectacles lenses. As these lens
types contain certain prismatic
effects by design, this is covered
within the above standard.

48 This is largely irrelevant to
everyday verification and only
applicable if lenses are ordered
with a specified thickness, as
agreed with the supplier. It is
quite a tight tolerance with a
there is a tolerance of up to ±16° support, neutralise or allow for deviation of only ±0.3mm from
on a ≥0.125D to ≤0.25D which any prescribed prism and then the specification of the order.
is substantially more than the dot the reference point. Without With such a tight tolerance, using
preceding version. This arises from moving the focimeter rail, verify digital callipers is the only reliable
the standard for uncut spectacle the other lens, horizontally centre method for accurate verification.
lenses, which was published before the image and dot the lens
ISO 21987:2009 was written. Due At this point if a vertical POSITIONING TOLERANCES
to the fact that mounted lenses displacement can be seen, Multifocals
cannot have tighter axis tolerances record the value. If this exceeds The heights for multifocal lenses
by comparison to uncut lenses, the 0.50Δ, realign the second lens must be within ±1mm of the
acceptable variances in instances until no vertical prism is apparent order with no more than ±1mm
like this appear quite broad. and then dot the lens once again in difference between the right
For horizontal imbalance, any and left lenses, relative to any
PRISM IMBALANCE inaccuracy less than 2mm or difference ordered.
Single vision and multifocal that does not exceed 0.67Δ will The horizontal positioning shall
There are several methods given pass. To measure this, mark be the geometrical inset ±1mm
for determining this, but the least the second lens at the ordered from the ordered monocular
cumbersome approach is detailed centration distance, place them centration. For straight and curved
in Annex C (C2) of the standard: back onto the focimeter with this top segments, there should not
Set the lens with the higher mark centred and read the power be a tilt in excess of 2° from the
absolute power on the focimeter For vertical imbalance, any horizontal centre line.
Table 1
Adapted from:
BS EN ISO Power of Tolerance on BVP Tolerances on cylindrical power (D)
21987:2009 principal of each principal
Ophthalmic meridian with meridian (D)
optics. Mounted higher absolute ≥0.00 and ≤0.75 >0.75 and ≤4.00 >4.00 and ≤6.00 >6.00
spectacle lenses. BVP (D)
Reproduced with
permission from
British Standards 0.00 and ≤3.00 ±0.12 ±0.09 ±0.12 ±0.18 -

June 27, 2015 For the latest CET visit www.optometry.co.uk/cet


Progressives and GEOMETRICAL competitive prices, before opting

degressive powered lenses CONSIDERATIONS to change it is good practice to
For progressive lenses, as with Both lenses should be similar in compare the new stock to current
multifocals, heights must be within form, weight and not be excessive stock anti-reflection coated
±1mm of the order with a ±1mm in in thickness for the given lenses. Furthermore, if tinting in-
difference between right and left prescription. The exception to house, the technician should take
lenses, relative to any difference this is, of course, where a thicker two identical powered lenses, one
ordered. lens for a lower power is used for current stock and one new stock,
The horizontal fitting point cosmetics and load balancing. and tint both to ensure that they
should be within ±1mm of ordered tint at the same rate and also the
monocular centration. As with COLOUR MATCHING same shade. These suggestions
multifocals, on considering the Any tints, polarised lens, mirrors can easily prevent negating
permanent engraving on the lens, or bloom from anti-reflection potential savings on lens cost if
there should not be a tilt in excess coatings should be as closely the new stock is not compatible
of 2° from the horizontal centre matched as possible. With anti- with current stock.
line. reflection coatings in particular, The transmittance values
this is something that can be and categories of tints are
MATERIAL AND easily missed. not covered by BS EN ISO
SURFACE QUALITY In a time where there are many 21987:2009 and are covered
While referenced as ‘informative’ lens companies vying for business separately by BS EN ISO 12312-
in the standard, maintaining high and offering stock at more 1:2013.
quality in all aspects of spectacle
supply is imperative. The standard
suggests an inspection zone to 49
be determined contingent on the
type of lens:
Single vision: 30mm around
reference point
Multifocal: 30mm around
distance reference point and
whole area of segment if it
does not exceed 30mm. If it
does exceed 30mm, then the
inspection zone should be 30mm
around segment reference point
PPLs: 30mm around prism
reference point.
Inside this inspection zone, the
lens should not show any internal
defect that may affect vision.
Beyond this zone, minor inclusions
are largely acceptable. It can be
difficult to pick up on imperfections
within a lens that are not obvious
scratches or gouges. To assist, the
standard suggests the following
set up: a light/dark boundary
in front of inspection source of
roughly 400lux and ambient
lighting of about 200lux. This can
be a very simple set up, (see Figure
1) and scaled back to save space
if necessary. Annex B within the Figure 3
Top – closing
standard provides the reader with block joint
recommendations on mounting. acceptable;
While not a definitive check list, Bottom – lens
it is an invaluable resource to preventing
use as a training and verification closure of the
tool. joint

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‘‘’’ The key areas to look for when viewing a glazed

pair of spectacles through a strain tester are at
the closing block joint, or mounting points

GLAZING heated in excess to accommodate MOUNTING

In general, the lab should follow an oversized lens. Permissible When fitted to the frame, the
a robust checkout procedure tolerances of these changes are set lenses should not move or rotate
for prescription and quality by in-house preference – the author when subjected to intended and
checks. There are several other typically regards 1mm to 1.5mm as typical use. The closing block
considerations that are sometimes being acceptable. joints on the frame rim should
overlooked such as deformation and When considering a metal frame, close without using excessive
lens sizing. it is important to inspect the rim pressure and should not exhibit a
Deformation can occur when to ensure that the protective clear gap between halves (see Figure
glazing both metal and acetate coating on the metal has not chipped 3). The finished spectacles should
frames but both are inherently off which can result in discolouration not show disproportionate strain
different. In metal frames, while rare, and spot rust. patterns if viewed in a strain
handling and closing of the screw tester/polariscope which would
can lead to a bow or a twist in the RIMLESS/SEMI-RIMLESS indicate over glazing. The term
eyewire. For acetate, excessive or Lenses that have been flat edged over glazing conjures up an image
uneven heating of the frame can should have a smooth all around of a lens bulging from a frame,
result in distortion, shrinkage or finish with a neat safety chamfer however, in reality that is not
disproportionate enlargement of the on the front and back, which is always the case.
eye size. continuous with no facets. Any A strain tester can make
A good inspection method for holes, slots and grooves should be this process a lot easier and
deformation is to have an aerial look drilled accordingly in the correct save the potential returns by
50 at the brow bar of the frame; from orientation. Tips of the screws, if patients due to the lens chipping
this angle, it is possible to detect if present, should be trimmed and or popping out.
it has been over heated, misaligned finished neatly, preferably with the The key areas to look for when
or twisted on glazing (see Figure 2). use of rubber or steel caps. viewing a glazed pair of spectacles
From front on, the frame in Figure 2 In addition to this standard, for through a strain tester are at the
looks acceptable, however the aerial rimless glazing, it is advisable closing block joint, or mounting
view allows us to see distortion of to request the dummy lenses back points. These will give a good
the rim. for two reasons. Firstly, if the patient indication of the likelihood of
A lens, which is cut marginally requires a replacement lens, the chipping or starring on mounts.
too big in shape and size, causes practioner has a shape to send to It should be noted that no strain
deformation and stress on the frame the lab. Secondly, it allows checking under a strain tester is an equally
front, and can shorten the life span that the drill mounts have been concerning sign as it means that
of the appliance. placed accurately. These holes, the lens may be insecure.
While metal frames will generally slots and grooves are set for
not close or display a semi open mechanical stability as well as CONCLUSION
closing block joint if glazed too distributing weight and stress evenly While there are areas that
big, acetate frames can hide some Deviation from these can result in could be made less complex and
oversized lenses. Generally a undue strain and consequential others that could be expanded
technician can tell by feel and look if fractures. upon or may even be a little
something is over glazed, however, For semi-rimless glazing, the brow outdated, BS EN ISO 21987:2009
a double check is always good bar of the frame should be bowed to serves its purpose sufficiently. All
practice. By noting the vertical and be uniform with the lens curvature. in all, the standard provides
horizontal measurements before This mitigates for any negative an excellent resource and
glazing, a quick check of these with pressure on the lens groove from framework for technical and
the finished lens in situ can give an the brow bar pulling forward to professional staff to work within
indication of a frame that has been maintain its manufactured shape. and adhere to.

Exam questions References

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at www.optometry.co.uk/cet/exams. Please complete online by midnight on click on the article title and then on
July 25, 2015. You will be unable to submit exams after this date. Answers will ‘references’ to download
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be uploaded to the GOC every two weeks. You will then need to log into your
CET portfolio by clicking on ‘MyGOC’ on the GOC website
(www.optical.org) to confirm your points.

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